#If Phaedra was my OC to be completely original and present unique ideas
sketchyallstar · 2 years
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Haven’t even finalized my first League of Legends OC design and I’m making a second OC, this is just who I am on a fundamental level.
I haven’t posted my art in some time but I’ve recently fallen in love with a new character concept, and I just had to share it with someone. Still working out backstory and powers but essentially I started from the perspective that I love Star Guardians, and it would be really difficult to have my first League OC, Phaedra, get a Star Guardian skin and be part of the lore because that OC is a mutant Void construct skeletal butterfly creature that speaks in clicks and trills, so if that OC were to have any origin it would be that she’s from an alien planet. This doesn’t vibe well with the rest of the Star Guardian skin line, where everyone is pretty close to human and can attend high school in Valoran City. So to remedy my desire to interact with fictional characters in a certain fictional setting, I decided to design a more human-like character. The basic gist of Cora Baker is that she’s a detective who uses necromancy to talk to ghosts about the crimes she’s investigating. She’s a private eye, like Sherlock Holmes and Batman and Jessica Jones (my primary influences), and she lives in Zaun but she takes jobs in Piltover as well. Work is work, and in Zaun her job is particularly dangerous. Crime bosses and Chem Barons alike are not in the business of letting some little upstart dig into their enterprises, so she’s had to learn how to fight. As you can see she’s got her investigator mode with her tools all in her satchel, her bowler hat with goggles, and her long overcoat, but she’s picked up boxing and she drops the accessories when she needs to brawl. I also toyed with the idea of giving her a scooter for a mode of speedy travel in a match, since she’d need a speedy getaway if she had lots of enemies. To give her a more distinct visual identity and to tie into her necromancy powers, I made her a Corvid-Vastaya, half Vastayan and half human. She has feathers and an eye for shiny things but she doesn’t have any Vastayan powers, unless you’d count her ability to learn necromancy and summon ghosts as a power unique to Vastaya. Also I’m not 100% sold on the name I chose, even if I do like it. Cora sounds like Corvid a little bit, and Baker is meant to allude to Baker Street, the home of Sherlock Holmes. I also thought her necromancy powers and her Vastayan heritage could justify crows following her around, and there could be three that fly around her in-game. So yeah, this is what I have so far, not counting all my other little notes brainstorming her character into existence. With this OC, I’m just trying not to fall too far into any characters that already exist in League, like Quinn (human with bird) or Xayah (bird vastaya with dark and secretive design) or Caitlin (Piltover detective cop), because unless you’re set on making a void-corrupted butterfly heralding the end of days, you end up having to thread the needle so carefully, and it’s actually a bit exhausting how much research I’ve had to do to thread that needle.
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