#Idk I just think it'd be cool to save them somehow and be able to work with them
toastysol · 6 months
I wish there was a way to save Aymeric and Aurore because they're such colorful characters. I wish we could've somehow befriended/made a deal with them and got them to help us somehow. I love both of them.... maybe I just have a weak spot for siblings, but they both have so many facets that never actually see the light of day. Plus I think they would both actually get along with V pretty well. I play male V so I don't know all of Aurore's details, but Aymeric is allergic to strawberries. This never actually becomes important for the story or gameplay, but it's a tiny detail and I love those. I just want more of the Cassel twins please
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brb-on-a-quest · 2 months
if u were in an alternate universe, where u are dream self, what would u be?
if u were in another alternate universe, where u are ur worst self, how would u react?
if u were in another au, where, ur counterpart simply doesn't exist but all the people u know do, how do u think u would fit there?
if u were, again, in another au, where ur counterpart exists and the people u know don't, what would u do? come back or stay there?
if u were, again, in another au, where ur and ur loved ones' counterparts exist, but they don't know each other, would you change it?
I would, as always, not know what the heck I am doing but doing the best I can anyway XD (Ideally I'd have like cool magical powers or fighting abilities or maybe even knowledge of how to play an instrument, but uhhh I Don't Hope for Much).
Oh, hot villain arc birb would be very interesting to meet. Probably would feel a lot of emotions, mostly guilt and regret and sadness and not being able to somehow fix my au self. I do think it'd be really funny if I started tripping my evil villain AU self up because, like, she's me so we have the same thinking patterns and I could just easily like go back and help as best as I can? idk. Maybe too idealistic... but also you give me plot ideas. hmmm saving that for later
This would also be really funny because I'd have all the information to ingratiate myself into the friend group but they'd know nothing about me and I could like speedrun friendship exp so fast. I'd be like "well, here's your favorite brand of chocolate that is basically the only one you can eat" and they'd be like *gasp* "however did you know" and i'd laugh manically and be like "a little birb told me *giggles manically*"....they'd probably think I was stalking them. if it were people that I currently don't get along with....well then that just got 1000 times more awkward but interesting to see where the "refresh" on that relationship goes.
This is kind feels like what going to college feels like, ngl. I mean I still had access to family and like a couple people back home, but overall, this is just what it feels like going back to school for a couple months. Or when I move between states which I have a lot of experience with. So the answer to this would be: which au did I come from, and is this one a better environment for me. Could I reach back and pull out the people I cared about into this au with me or am I the only one who has multiversal travel? As much as I would hate for the old me to randomly disappear for the people I care about, if the other environment is healthier for me and my personal growth... I'm not scared of it yk?
well, I'd try. Or maybe I'd just make friends with my loved counterparts and my counterpart (so we don't have hot villain arc birb again).
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my brain is particularly gripped by somsak IDK why but i love him so much and his keytar we need to bring those back. but if you have any brainthoughts about him i'd love to hear them!! also ik the relationship section on his toyhouse page is a wip and idk if that's for like any reason but if you have anything to say about that it'd be cool. smash mouth
SOMSIIIIII honestly he exists in such a weird state because i built him up to be a pretty important character really early on and then my brain got distracted by all the other guys i made up.... i need to think about him more and maybe actually working on his page would help LOL
right now he's kind of just sitting in the story as a weird 'absence' character which i do find fun but yknow it means he doesnt really do much. in my minds eye hes just like cool skater kid from a prog ska band who says swear words all the time. theres more to him but i havent been able to put it into words yet....
rest got long so
honestly the relationships part is probably the most interesting. at least so far. the person he's technically closest to is ulises because she's the one who basically revived him and yknow. she feels this kind of responsibility for him and checks in with him to make sure he's ok. somsak thinks he's too cool to ever confront his emotions and likes to stay aloof but deep down he REALLY appreciates ulises' concern.... i think soms is kind of aware that nobody on the train really likes or respects him and though he knows he kind of does it to himself hes at least glad Someone cares about his existence at all. also thinking about it theyd both bond over music they like the same kind of tunes :+) ulises is like his cool prog rock uncle
he also has this with beatrix. having been the person to save him from falling into fornax. but its to a lesser extent just because beatrix is way sharper and untrusting themself so their relationship basically amounts to like. theyre both walking around the train and see one another. silently walk up to one another maintaining full eye contact. beatrix asks in a jovial yet stilted tone "have you fallen into any more dimensional holes as of late" as like the worlds funniest joke. somsak answers "at least 12" plays a haunting riff on his keytar and runs away. they dont talk for another month
uhhhh next thing doesnt really count as a 'relationship' i just think its an interesting character thing i wanna bring up real quick. demeter doesnt like him because he stirs up memories of míra most unpleasantly. obviously they dont say it aloud and its less of a "why do you get to live when she didnt" thing and more of a "wow every time i look at this guy i wonder how my whole life would've changed if míra had survived too" so its just like. wah. they're cold to him :+(
notably hes friends with freya kind of. they both like to cause mischief and will like. very quickly catch on and support one anothers jokes its like epitome of doing a bit with some stranger and just getting the yes/and in sync completely somehow. sometimes freya finds him very annoying and gets kind of rude but that shit flies over soms head completely and he doesnt care
i think his connection with dalisay also works in a similar manner but unlike freya dalisay speaks far more earnestly and its more of like. bouncing off of a straight man sort of improv between them. somsak just finds hir monotony brilliant honestly
somsak kind of admires olzhas and isel and like. has a weird respect for the both of them LOL he tones himself down around them which baffles olja especially. hes just like hey these guys came to the train and found a better life aboard just like i did!!!! fuck yes!!!!!!! theyre cool im also cool!!!!!! he also thinks theyre both just cool looking. transmasc swag forever
what else. have some quotes about him from like typed up relationship charts i made a few months back. theyre the funniest ones
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knowlessman · 1 year
bnha s3e14-16
new OP. …okay this is pretty good. -- huh. the end shot of it puts Hagukure front and center.
"the last sparks of One for All have gone out, and I can't really keep my muscle form any more. except for a couple frames now and then for a laugh"
"oh yeah, I'm not at home." you can tell your all might shrines apart?
what… why DOES iida do that arm thing now? what is it? did he use to do it before and I just didn't notice? is… is he stimming? is iida autistic rep
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two signature moves. wonder if bakugo will have an issue since his power does basically one - wait a minute, what constitutes a signature move for hagukure? just like with the physical exam, I have questions about how a static Quirk that doesn't enhance or grant any active abilities interacts with this and don't think I can expect them to be answered : / -- …if hagukure was secretly also able to throw her voice that would be amazing -- random thought: melissa's gauntlets are the #1 thing from the first movie that I wish would show up in the show but definitely (?) won't. #2 is hagukure's rock-paper-scissors signs
you already have ultimate moves, Deku. : / you just stole them from All Might. and in theory, you should eventually be able to do that stuff without breaking your arms? in theory?
"I thought about doing a lightning sword or something" …Kaminari, if you learn to do that without going saitama-face, and stop palling around with mineta, you just might go up a tier or two
("teaching for dummies") 'XD well at least he's making an honest effort?
"if there was some sort of brace that could support the movement of my arms…" IF ONLY, HUH. IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD INVENT SOME KIND OF PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR YOUR ARMS. IT'D BE AMAZING IF SOMEONE LIKE THAT EXISTED, HUH???
: | I was looking forward to seeing Mei again, but now it looks like she's here to enable uraraka's… whatever-this-is nonsense (I don't think it's tsundere? just regular pointless denial?). well, long as she's also here to do cool gadgeteer shit -- "I'm the guy you used as a billboard during the tournament!" hehe. good times, good times.
"midoriya, you fight with your fists and fingers, right?" …yeah, he does. kinda weird now that you say it out loud, but that's how he was doing things up to now, just cashing bits in one at a time.
…and hatsume moves down a tier (from wherevertf she was, idk I forgot about her tbh) with the groping : | dangit
mei: "if you want to cool off your legs, why don't you run with your arms?" deku (having an epiphany): "oh yeah… I have LEGS…" -- "it's like…" oh boy, how is he gonna tie microwaves into this one -- (aw we didn't get another wacky metaphor : [ )
"you should have changed your whole look" says the diaper pervert
tokoyami how are you this edgy and somehow not cringe
"Armor-Piercing Shot!" some uncharacteristic restraint from God Explosion Murder
we get it kaminari, you got a duel disc
(neutral) goddamn high school romance bullshit
is this other school actually just a police academy. why've they all got cop hats -- Ed! that's who he's reminding me of! Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy
VAMPIRE ALERT. I think. I think that's vampire girl, with Joker's school? she got pointy teef. …I forget whether knife girl has those
touchy guy alert. : / He's grabbing everyone's hands because of something to do with his quirk, I just know it.
…laser tag? no, dodgeball. a combination of the two. weird
"The keys will be teamwork and cooperation, and information gathering" also aim. Aim seems kind of important.
"Shikkui Makabe! Quirk Name: I'm Putting a Rock in This One!" also you sir are a pokemon
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you sir are literally saitama in a wig
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aw, why did you have to save diaper pervert, I was looking forward to seeing less of him
…you madam are… not a vampire, I guess.
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another cowgirl? wonder what they've gone and named this one
…okay Ed is OP, I can't even pick a joke, that was some heckin stuff
(ninja girl's shown up) everybody wants to invade deku's personal space all the time, damn -- …whuh - oh. mimic -- ohhhh so ninja girl's a mimic. well dang, that's powerful -- : | great, we got two nudists in this show and only one of them has the "I'm invisible but we don't have invisible clothing technology" excuse
wait where are her target thingies? she's cheating! …are hagukure's targets on her gloves and shoes? why's this show got to have mineta and nudists in it
an entire school is just the ninja clan hidden in the… uh… it's a straight fucking line and I'm tired, I got nothing. they're all different primary colors, so it's the clan hidden in the teletubby house I guess
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-- you fight like a Kirby boss
it is… irresponsibly late, as usual, so I guess I'm cutting it here
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
Have you ever thought about Monty and Waluigi picking you up (literally if you want them to) and taking you out for a round of mini golf? Both of them trying to impress you and outdo the other every turn, but making a point not to let the competition get to them because all they want is to see you smile?
Chica and Roxanne crash the party to hype you up and be your personal cheer leaders!
Maybe even...mysteriously...when you hit your ball and fall just short of the hole...theres a little nudge from something unseen? Nobody can really tell what it is, but just for a second, the ball sparkles with green and purple glitchy light,,,,
Meanwhile back at the daycare, Peachy and Sunny are baking you the cutest little cake
Chatting about all the things they like about you and giggling over cute stories of your time together!
Peachy starts to hum a tune and Sunny jumps right in with made up lyrics that make Peach laugh so much that she almost messes up the frosting
And then there's Freddy and Weegee! They're making the best pillow fort- no, pillow CASTLE youve ever laid eyes on. All the while Freddy is asking Luigi questions to make sure he'll be treating his little sister right. Of course, mister lime green passes with FLYING colors. Freddy really likes him and even though Luigi is shy and a little bit scared at first, they both become really close and are the first to jump to your defense if anything bad happens. I bet they'd even work together with some cool team moves!
Everyone loves you dearly and is working together to give you the best cheer up day EVER.
(I hope this made you smile at least a little bit sweet jestie)
I was saving your ask for last because I knew it'd kill me and wowie look I was right I'm dead on the floor
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"oh I hope this makes you smile 3:]" I hear your evil giggling. Trying to murder me like this how dare you /j
(rambles ahead whoops)
SERIOUSLY THO like. Gonna think about this for the rest of the day. I'm imagining Waluigi and Monty getting into cartoon like shenanigans to mess with each other during the game while I'm not looking. Like Monty somehow moving the whole whenever Waluigi does a swing, or Monty going for a swing when the golf ball randomly shatters upon impact with the club because of Waluigi. Chica's trying to gently get them to stop and Roxanne keeps distracting me so they can continue their shenanigans because she thinks it's hilarious djfkwnwxo
And that little sparkle 👀 I have a good idea of what, or rather, who it is (I've actually been thinking about him quite a bit, and idk if it's a friend thing or more but shhhh we don't talk about it :3). I love the visual of me winning though thanks to them and my boy's "fighting" and then being ready surprised I won haha
ALSO PEACH AND SUNNY. Ough. My lovelies. My squishies. Baking together. Imagine him being able to make Peach snort with laughter is making me happy and a little flustered because like. One them getting along and two,,,Peach snorting while laughing,,,♡
BIG BROTHER FREDDY AND HUBSBAND. FROTHING AT THE MOUTH. I actually like to think Luigi would get used to Freddy pretty quickly, probably because he loves robotics and inventing and would be fascinated with how human he was and his sleek design. Freddy himself would be fascinated with Luigi's adventures, through the mention of ghosts would probably make him feel a little on edge. Oh! Maybe Freddy would open his chest and let Luigi look at his mechanics and look at how he works! I bet Luigi would love to see. (Since they'd team up a lot, I wonder if they'd give themselves a little name? 🤔 Super Glamrocks? The Glamrock Brothers? The possibilities are funny haha)
I'm genuinely going to think about this all day, all the fun possibilities with my f/os (of all types) from Mario and Security Breach just hanging out. I partially feel like Mario would go nuts in fazerblast and would rule the game. Helpy would love to hang out with the Toads, especially Toadette as they both enjoy working and exploring. The Blob would feel at peace around the boos, shy guys, and dry bones and they'd all just sit together and hang out by being near each other. My lovely children from both worlds, Olive, Olivia, Glamrock BB and JJ, would get along amazingly and would pull so many smalls pranks and eat so much candy (thanks to two of the kids being waiters and having easy access to food). So many amazing possibilities and I'm going to think about it for hours.
Thank you so much Jestie, this helped me feel so much better about everything. I hope the day treats you well, and if it doesn't, me, King, and Moon will team up to make it better and murder kill beat up anyone who contributed to making it not good. The Queen of ghosts deserves a fantastic day and nothing less!! And I mean that, as a friend. You're such a kind, sweet person who deserves a really good cupcake and a cup of tea. Why don't you join me in the pillow castle of Marionette? Bring a plushie and a smile, we'd all love to have you ^^
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siren-virus · 3 years
Luckyboy!AU thing. So I went looking some stuff up, and I can perfectly imagine that Ben would name himself Nekomata, the name for the lucky cats in japanese; you know, because he wants the victims he rescues to have luck in their lives and to bring some of that to himself. However this confuses the Plumbers a whole lot, after all, why would a vigilante want to bring to himself and the others luck in education and love? Green Nekomatas bring luck in education and pink ones (close enough to magenta) bring luck towards love. Spoiler: Ben didn't know what the colors mean, he just thought that the lucky cats bring luck in general to people. His stickers could be coins in order to keep up the theme, or it could be some kind of cats to keep the cat aesthetic.
I also need some fluff between the different "people" (still don't know which noun to use to represent both humans and aliens that isn't "beings" (kinda uncomfortable using that one, since it also encapsulates non inteligent creatures) ) that visit the coffee shop while Ben is working there, like some conversation that he would have with Rook or Gwen, or how he could give some ideas to Cooper over the next technological thing to create/modify, a chat with Kevin about what alien technology he could sell to the civilians that would make him money AND avoid the eye of the Plumbers (and his vigilante persona too if they aren't dangerous)
Would his parents and Max surprise visit him to the coffee shop? I'd imagine that they would, not only to see him but also to have an excuse to give him money in the form of tips without being returen the money XD "You guys just gave me a big ass tip" "Well we just happen to like the service" "I GAVE YOU A GLASS OF WATER" "We REALLY like your service *wink*", meanwhile, Max's watching everything from the table sipping his own extravagant coffee (don't tell me he wouldn't find a way to add some tentacles to his coffee one way or another, forcing Ben to make one that way XD)
Also, what would happen with the love interests that Ben had in the prime dimension? Would he have met any of them in this timeline? How would his relationship with them be? Would any of them come visit him to his job?
Also also, I imagine that Ben would ask grandpa Max any time some of his friends want a tour through the Plumbers HQ to give them all a pass of some kind and do the tour himself (sometimes with his grandpa by his side, sometimes it's Rook, sometimes he's alone, and the best of times he would be with the other Plumber kids going alongside doing lots of pranks at the same time)
I wonder how many charms does Ben have in his home, since some of them are really useful and would help in a lot of things, like I imagine he would use a light charm and reduce his living costs that way, or a heating charm for the same effect.
Finally, I have to say that I love that animation you did of Ben hating early mornings (and if he was out all night and went without sleep, then thank fuck he works at a coffee shop XD), and that tiny detail of him snapping his fingers with both hands, it's just, ugh, I LOVE IT, it reminds me of The Addams Family opening theme. Maybe whenever he does a spell he does that double hand finger snap as a way to focus himself? It'd be a funny easter egg for anyone who would be able to discern it (aka Jimmy, 'cause let's be honest, he would totally find a way to link the double snap with the show somehow, and he would be totally right XD)
Damn dude, I love that whole thing. He would totally choose that name without thinking about it. Nekomata... Rolls off the tongue nicely.
Fluff, eh? People is good enough.
With Gwen, like I said in another post (did I? maybe...) Their conversations would be brief, usually Ben just trying to get a rise out of his cousin to force her into a chat.
Rook is similar, their conversations are brief, but if Ben asks the right questions, serves him a particularly good drink, saves extra amber ogia tarts for him. Rook would be more than happy to indulge. They don't talk about plumbers business, Rook's smart enough to know not to exchange information with a civilian. (Even though Ben probably knows it already.) More, Rook discusses Earth culture with Ben, trying to play catch up with slang, sometimes he'll even indulge some info about his home planet, his friends, family, and girlfriend.
I don't believe Ben and Cooper would talk much, the only reason he's in the cafe is because Manny, Helen, and Alan (if he's not working) forcefully dragged him from the lab, kicking and screaming.
"i'll have an espresso shot. with some honey too... please." Is the only thing he'll before engrossing himself in what tech he managed to bring along.
The one with Kevin is interesting, I do like the idea of Ben tryna push Kevin in the right direction. But Kevins love of tadenite, and the fact he sells weaponry would propbably prevent that.
Instead Ben would try to get as much info from him as possible, subtly giving Kevin a little extra when it comes to info exchange. Kevins lips are sealed. Unless Ben decides to spill some info on Gwen. Kevin plays dumb, but it's easy to spot his interest.
Absolutely, Max, his parents, AND Patelliday all come for visits. At first his parents would be super cautious entering the cafe, they did their best to try to make Ben quit and find a "normal cafe" to work at. They also did their best to convince Ben to move back in. They would deffinitely use any excuse under the sun to tip Ben. They make regular visits on saturdays for morning tea. They don't stick around long though, aliens still spook them a little.
Max and Patellliday - are a unit- would always order a drink together. Max going with the basic Flat White, with some tentacles, of course. Patelliday going for the Boba Fish Tank... they have to restock their gold fish tank every week.
Ben has a good poker face, having to make such a... variety of drinks, and watch how his customer drink/eat. It leaves scars...
Love interests.
Well with Julie, Ben unfortunately never got the confidence to ask her out. But they're really good friends still. (Ben also learned as he got older that not every girl he's friends with wants to date.) Julie comes by the cafe every now and again, always checking if Bens there first before entering, she still managed to get Ship surprisingly, so Ship is always happy to get a pupacino, can't drink it or anything. Just happy to smoosh his face into it.
With Kai, they never had that meeting when they were 10. She comes to Bellwood every now and again, she and Gwen are surprisingly good friends. They clash alot though.
Kai comes by the cafe sometimes too, Ben think she looks nice, but they've had no interactions. (She's not a coffee person, just a water gal.)
Esther, there's no meeting between them, as Ben that is. However, Esther can't deny she feels something towards Nekomata. The guys charming.
I think there's another girl, but I can't remember ;;;
Tour guides? At plumbers HQ? Much as Ben would love to guide his friends around, the amount of jailbreaks that happen there is too many (the plumbers have shit security)... He's not even allowed there most times unless there is someone capable by his side.
More often than not Ben would be disappointed to see one of his regulars, Fist Rick out on the streets the day after he was arrested.
Yes yes yes!! Ben uses a lot of his mana on little things to make his life easier and more convenient. This also comes at the cost of using too much energy, so normally he makes sure to do this when he knows he doesn't have work.
Thank! I work best when I have a visual setting ;; Maybe I should switch careers to be a vis dev.
Also ngl, the whole finger snapping thing, Idk where that came from ;; Could be a cool easter egg thingy
Some days Ben has to be stopped from drinking the coffee. Mr Baumann (yes, he's the head honcho) threatens to send Ben home on those days.
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School Project | Janis & Jimmy
Asia: I literally can't find any songs from 1916 wtf 😟😞 what are we going to do??! Daniel: Did they even have radio then? Asia: idk let me google it 🤔 Daniel: pretty sure they didn't, some kind of teacher joke, like Asia: omg it's really old though look! Asia: [sends him a link about when radio was invented] Janis: yeah the songs don't have to be from the time Asia: ?? that sounds so fake are you sure? Janis: 'Create a soundtrack for a movie version of the 1916 Easter Rising. Use songs from any era and genre but they must describe the mood and/or details of the event. Explain why you feel that each song matches the event.' Jimmy: 👍 Asia: oh 👌 Janis: feel free to go 'round the pubs and ask if any of the old fellas remember decent rebel songs from the time Asia: OR there's literally been like TV about it we can just 👀 what they used Asia: like get Liam Neeson chatting away and put a 🎵 over it 🙄 Janis: I doubt RTE could afford decent royalties Janis: not at all offensive to put it to elevator music, like Daniel: yeah, me mam watched that, it was crap Jimmy: Let's face it, weren't gonna be a patch on Taken 3 Daniel: [sends the 'I will find you-' gif] Daniel: Classic Asia: [sends the Taken 3 soundtrack whatever that is] Jimmy: properly sets the scene that Janis: Wow, it's like they stole the plot verbatim Janis: Wonder if you're the first person to 👀 that, Asia Asia: I like haven't even seen the movie though Asia: I'll take your word for it, babes Asia: cos of course YOU have Janis: 🤯 your mind, babes Janis: ask Dan here, it's a classic Daniel: Truuuuu Asia: 💙 Liam but like I'm so adhd I can't even Jimmy: and here I thought we had something special, girl 💔 Asia: ??! Jimmy: don't trouble your beautiful 🧠 Daniel: 😏 we'll leave, yeah? Janis: Reckon they've got it covered Asia: OMG! 🤫🤫🤫 I've got a boyfriend, new boy, can you NOT Jimmy: 💔 obvs Jimmy: he is that you 👀 more of me than you do of him, but alright Janis: long as you channel that 💔 into your song choices, we'll all survive Janis: just Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 🥧 Asia: 🙄🙄 Asia: wall to wall Taylor 💔😢🎵 any era of hers tbh Janis: yeah, London Boy would be well fitting Janis: what Taylor song is your favourite, Dan? Daniel: errm, I dunno Daniel: don't really rate her Asia: 😱😱😱😱 Janis: 😱😱😱😱😱 Janis: this is the level of dramatic we're aspiring to, lads Jimmy: if any lass would marry someone right before they get 💀💀💀 Janis: new take on the break-up song Jimmy: bad blood was obvs written with all this bollocks firmly in mind Jimmy: Katy Perry who Janis: she has a boyfriend, mate Janis: you've been told Asia: !!! Janis: v you belong with me, am I right Asia: don't encourage him ugh Jimmy: 💧🎸 Janis: 😏 Janis: babes, he's incorrigible Asia: is that a 1916 word? wow Janis: I'm method Jimmy: 💔 for you we ain't gotta do a 🎭 Janis: my lack of exposure is a tragedy for another day Daniel: what do we actually have to do though? Daniel: still don't get it Jimmy: 'Create a soundtrack for a movie version of the 1916 Easter Rising. Use songs from any era and genre but they must describe the mood and/or details of the event. Explain why you feel that each song matches the event.' Daniel: yeah thanks mate Daniel: Janis, you seem to get it, you come explain it to me so I can catch up with these 2 Asia: she's NEVER had a boyfriend, Dan 😉 Daniel: What's that got to do with anything, like Asia: 🤭🤭 okay boy we all 👀 you Daniel: Shut up, Asia Asia: RUDE Daniel: I'm just trying to get this done, but you've just made me more confused Asia: aw babes Asia: just pick some songs from your gym playlist Janis: I'll do it, send you copies, don't worry Jimmy: you're alright, I need to pass this Janis: Yeah, so do I Janis: and I don't need this Jimmy: I'll do it Jimmy: the rest of you piss off Janis: What do you even know about it Jimmy: You're a expert, are you? Janis: I've been here longer than 5 minutes Jimmy: dumb and dumber have an' all, they don't have a clue Asia: UM excuse you! be more bitter that I won't go out with you, new boy! Janis: Christ Janis: we can't have multiple versions or we'll fail for not working together Asia: duh so let's work together Janis: OR let the one person who actually gets it do it and you get to crayon your name on at the end, alright Jimmy: Now that's agreed, I'll crack on Janis: Yeah, 64 is a LOT of colours to pick from Janis: have fun Jimmy: so funny, you Jimmy: get a smaller pack, rich girl Jimmy: not everything needs to be a flex Janis: 12? Janis: Gutted for you Asia: Size matters though, babes Jimmy: that's why your boyfriend keeps chatting about your bra size, I get it now Jimmy: Tah babes Asia: what? Jimmy: you heard Janis: as you're all busy here Janis: I'm off to do this project Daniel: I'm not Daniel: you going library, I'll help Jimmy: you heard 'an all, girl Jimmy: you ain't doing nowt Janis: Not to repeat Asia, but you what Janis: And why not, Dan Janis: majority rules Asia: this is SO not cool I have 🔥💡 Janis: And I'm sure Jimmy wants to hear 'em all Janis: see who's playlist ends up better Asia: UGH Janis: no doubt you wanna be on my team so bad Asia: you're being so anti-feminist rn Janis: I don't wanna be on that team either, you're alright Asia: !!! JANIS Asia: you like have to Janis: you can report me to Gloria and co Asia: I'll report you to sir Janis: 😱😱😱😱 Asia: mhmmm that'll be your face when you fail Janis: you've got the most experience there Janis: and I've got valid reason not to work with you Asia: no you don't Asia: pms isn't a valid reason Janis: don't let the feminists hear you Asia: 😑 Janis: yeah, that's what I thought Janis: never mind the lads don't wanna work with you either, you ain't said shit to them, have you Janis: 👌 fake solidarity Asia: I don't need to pass anything this badly EVER 👋 Janis: Toodles Jimmy: Can we focus now you've had your domestic or what? Janis: 💔 sorry I finished what you started, loverboy Jimmy: wrong 🌳 weren't it? Janis: Oh, you like the tall one? Janis: Cool, let's focus Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 🌁🦍 Jimmy: stop flirting with me, lad Jimmy: I get that I'm 💪 but we said we were gonna focus Daniel: Didn't know your taste in hench lasses went that far, but I'm good thanks 😬 Janis: this chat has been nothing but rejection, sad face Jimmy: I'm method an' all Jimmy: Getting the british to fuck off out of it was top, Dan if you need a hand with the whys and wherefores Janis: Imagine that Jimmy: Yeah, gutted you're just a rebel with no cause, sweetheart Janis: Truly, how much tragedy can I withstand Janis: tah for your concern Jimmy: don't keep us in suspense, Dan's got a proper head for figures Janis: so's Asia's lad, let's add him to the chat then Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: go on Janis: Dan, you keep up with what this one is called? Daniel: 🤷😂 Jimmy: throw a 📌 at the map Daniel: Dylann went out with her before but he dumped her 'cos she's psycho Daniel: pity the poor cunt Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: RIP our unknown and fallen brother Janis: we should do 16 songs, for the 16 executions Jimmy: And split it into days Jimmy: somehow Janis: That works Janis: Dan, you do the maths Jimmy: could be first two, middle two and last two, sir is obvs all about the vibe Janis: 👍 Janis: just avoid actual songs about it, 'cos all anyone is going to do is a google and throw them on, like Sir ain't heard the national anthem Jimmy: duh Janis: alright, Asia Janis: nice of you to join us, again Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 🤮 Jimmy: protesting a bit hard there, mate Jimmy: we get it, you're method Janis: you might but Dan asked for help Janis: just that nice Jimmy: 👌 Daniel: Now you've stopped talking about old popstars, I get it Janis: See? He gets it Janis: maybe throw in a couple Yankee rebel songs, some fucking Les Mis, yeah, show we do without being #basic Jimmy: A+ Janis: I told you Jimmy: I weren't listening Jimmy: soz Janis: saved yourself some 'work' if you had Janis: your loss, not mine Jimmy: I'll live Janis: 💔 it's not a play again Janis: it'd be great craic to kill you for extra credit Jimmy: have a word with sir, I reckon he'd be about it Janis: I will Janis: all teachers are sadists Jimmy: nowt I can't handle Janis: 🦍💘 Janis: we remember Jimmy: Dan ain't been able to stop thinking about it Janis: 🤤 or 🤮 Dan, what's the truth Daniel: Piss off, I've told new boy I don't fancy lads, or lasses that look like 'em Janis: He can't take a hint, babes Jimmy: I can barely read any of this, there's the truth for you Janis: Heard it does that Jimmy: you catholics Janis: You don't know we're Catholic Janis: RUDE! Jimmy: if it were me all along #plottwist Janis: save it for the play, kid Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: love that spotlight, me Janis: that's not a #plottwist Jimmy: if everything I said were, you wouldn't be shocked, girl Janis: know your audience, I guess Janis: know it's Sir, not me, like Jimmy: nah, he's got the rotten 🍅 already out Jimmy: it's the accent Janis: he's method as well Jimmy: lot of that going about Janis: yeah, everyone is well 🤮 over your accent Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: everyone's well 🎭 is what I meant Jimmy: but tah for that head's up Janis: you're telling me Jimmy: I just did do, yeah Janis: 👏 Jimmy: save that for opening night Janis: Not that nice Janis: maybe if you were as helpful as Dan here Jimmy: I get it, you've got your hands full giving him one Janis: 💔 show must go on Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 'least we can get Asia to present to the class now Jimmy: 🥇 she'll do an' all Jimmy: *job Daniel: 😍😍 Jimmy: she's got a BOYFRIEND, Dan Jimmy: sort yourself out Daniel: 😒 Daniel: tell your face Jimmy: no need, you've done it for me Jimmy: Tah, my dear Daniel: you're so weird, new kid Jimmy: 💕 Daniel: I'll message you with any songs I find, okay Janis? Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [sends her some songs he's already thought of 'cause we know he's that bitch about music] Janis: [a long enough time to actually listen so you probably think she's not replying] Janis: Yeah, those are alright Janis: [sends own list of a few songs] Jimmy: [again actually listening to them] Jimmy: nowt wrong with them either Janis: so that's 7 down, 9 to go Janis: easy Jimmy: [sends one that he's not sure of so maybe she could find a cover version that sounds better or something cos teamwork baby] Jimmy: ? it's a bit Janis: know what you mean Janis: this [cover] is less ? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: That's alright Janis: we could do some kaiser chiefs or Franz Ferdinand for the WWI refs Jimmy: [songs by them that would work which I'm not googling] Jimmy: We need more lasses on here though Janis: 🥇 feminist, you Jimmy: piss off Janis: alright, I won't put in a good word for you with Asia, calm down Janis: [some punk ladies] Jimmy: she's got a tongue in her head and she never stops using it so you're alright Janis: So I hear Jimmy: and me Janis: Gutted, serious Jimmy: 💔🎻 Jimmy: [some different lady bops he likes better than whatever she suggested, bit rude] Janis: Those works too Jimmy: they work better Janis: How Janis: explain your whys and wherefores, tah Jimmy: lyrically Jimmy: in tone Jimmy: and with what else has made the list Janis: Way to be as vague as that prompt, boy Janis: you can have [this] and [that] but I want [this] from my list Jimmy: [a more specific rant about exactly why then because he's that bitch] Jimmy: you can have [song] and [song] from yours Jimmy: we should take out [song from earlier] Janis: Fine Janis: actually write some of that down though, you know Janis: not in this groupchat but where you can get your ⭐ Jimmy: ✔ Jimmy: [quick sketch he's done for like cover art number 1] or [2] ? Janis: I prefer the 2nd one Janis: looks more like an album cover to me Janis: though I like [an element of] in the first one so do that too Jimmy: [enough time to have passed that he can do a finished rough sketch of that] Jimmy: I'll chuck you the finished one to colour in, in a bit Jimmy: as you've got more crayons Janis: BCE Janis: don't reckon you'll want your masterpiece ruined Jimmy: if you don't wanna put the work in, I'll do it Janis: I'm just saying, I'm no artist Janis: I'll fake up an ad for a benefit concert, happy? Jimmy: Alright, calm down Janis: 🙄 Janis: whatever, take the compliment Jimmy: Why? Janis: 'cos why not? Jimmy: 1. you ain't my art teacher Jimmy: 2. who the fuck are you? Jimmy: 3. I don't want it Janis: 1. I didn't call you the next Lichtenstein, I just didn't say it was shit Janis: 2. literally irrelevant to working on this project and I'm not trying to tell you or ask who the fuck you are Janis: 3. Ignore it like a normal person then Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: Jesus, confirm stereotypes much Jimmy: Confirming or denying owt is irrelevant to this project an' all Janis: tell your face Jimmy: your boyfriend already tried that line Jimmy: didn't do nowt for him either Janis: That's it, that's the joke Jimmy: Nah, joke's that you paddys reckon you've got decent craic Janis: some of us prefer subverting stereotypes Jimmy: 👏🏆 Janis: [the poster ting and some more songs] Janis: that make 16 yet? Jimmy: [sends a few more himself] Jimmy: that does Janis: Hallelujah Janis: x4 that shit and give her a pronunciation guide Jimmy: 👍
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