#Idil Ahmed
aleesabella · 1 year
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Idil Ahmed
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imkeepinit · 4 months
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thequotefairy · 10 months
Being calm and emotionally intelligent is your superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace.
Idil Ahmed
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Make a declaration to yourself right now that you are ready to take back your power and use it to create the life you want.
Idil Ahmed
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You know know your potential. You know what you’re capable of. You’ve manifest many many times and have succeeded at things you put your mind and energy to. You already know it. You just have to remember. Deep down you get that inner glimpse of all that you can do. You can feel and sense your spirit guiding you. There will be times when things don’t even make sense because everything is shifting. Whether it is in relationships, the world, your business, personal development, or simply your life purpose. Now more than ever you’re feeling like there’s more to you. That there’s more to life. All that you’ve been through was to add up to this moment where you realize that it all starts within you. You declare the thoughts. You speak power over your life. You take responsibility and accountability for your life. No more blaming circumstances, people, situations, or the past. You are powerful right now. In this moment you have vast potential to decide that you will follow your heart’s calling. That you will allow yourself to trust the signs, the process, and the guidance of your spirit. Deep within you, you have all the answers. We go through many things just to come back to our clarity. We experience pain and hardship just to awaken from it and live fully. You are not the past. You can’t judge yourself. You can’t be hard on yourself. You are fully whole right now. It’s all about self-acceptance and self-realization of your maximum ability as a source of light. Your spirit knows this. There’s no limitations to you. The freedom of your mind and the liberation from the past comes from you knowing, accepting, and celebrating yourself now. When you start to believe in who you really are beyond any limitations you will realize how creative, intelligent, beautiful, special, and gifted you are. Paths will be cleared. All blocks will disintegrate. Opportunities will start to be a natural occurrence. Blessings will be daily. Celebrate yourself. All is possible!
- Idil Ahmed
Healing Energy Tools
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universetalkz · 1 year
If you are starting to feel like you deserve more or you want better for yourself, then you are awakening and realizing your true potential.
You can no longer just settle and avoid what is possible for you. You are upgrading on all levels. Welcome change and be patient with yourself.
~Idil Ahmed
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santoschristos · 5 months
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5-5 Portal (May 5, 2024) The Gateway Of Change Are you ready for radical change?! --Mahaboka Image
Stop replaying the past in your mind. It's gone. Use your mental energy to manifest something new. Don't waste your precious life force being stuck on what didn't work out or what you could've done.
+++ Do something new today. Each moment is another chance to recreate yourself. --Idil Ahmed
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ismail-imkurbanim · 1 year
Rûm Sûresi
Elif. Lâm. Mîm.
Rumlar mağlup edildiler.
Arabistan’a yakın bir yerde, yeryüzünün en aşağısında. Fakat onlar, mağlubiyetlerinden sonra yakın bir zamanda tekrar gâlip geleceklerdir.
Üç ile dokuz yıl içinde. Her işin öncesinde de sonrasında da mutlak hüküm ve o işleri karara bağlama yetkisi bütünüyle Allah’a aittir. Rumların gâlip geldiği o gün mü’minler de sevineceklerdir.
Allah’ın yardımı ve bahşedeceği zaferle. O, dilediğine yardım edip onu zafere eriştirir. Çünkü O, kudreti dâimâ üstün gelen, her hükmü ve işi hikmetli ve sağlam olandır.
Bu, Allah’ın verdiği sözdür. Allah sözünden asla dönmez ve onu yerine getirmede kusur etmez. Fakat insanların çoğu bunu bilmezler.
Rumlardan maksat, o zaman Doğu Roma’da yaşayan Bizanslılardır. Bizanslılar Ehl-i kitap, İranlılar ise Mecûsi idiler. Nübüvvetin beşinci senesinde vuku bulan bir savaşta İranlılar Bizanslıları müthiş bir şekilde mağlup etmiş, Ürdün, Filistin, Mısır, hatta Anadolu’yu onlardan alarak İstanbul boğazına, Kadıköy’e kadar dayanmışlardı. Bu durum Mekke müşriklerini sevindirmiş, fakat müslümanları üzmüştü. Çünkü müslümanlar Ehl-i kitap olanları kendilerine daha yakın görüyor, müşrikler ise kendilerini putperest olan Mecûsilerle aynı safta sayıyorlardı. Bunun üzerine Kur’ân-ı Kerîm, bir mûcize olarak yakın gelecekte vuku bulacak bir savaşın neticesini kesin ifadelerle haber verdi. بِضْعِ سِن۪ينَۜ (bid‘i sinîn) “3 ilâ 9 sene” içinde Bizanslıların İranlılara galip geleceğini ve o sırada mü’minlerin hem onların bu zaferine hem de bizzat kendilerine lütfedilecek zaferlere sevineceğini bildirdi. Halbuki mevcut şartlar içinde ne müslümanların, ne de Rumların üç-beş sene gibi kısa bir müddet içinde düşmanlarını yenebilecek güçleri vardı. Hatta bu, hiç kimsenin hayal edemeyeceği bir şeydi. Böyle iken Kur’an, hiç kimseden çekinmeden ve yalanlanmaktan korkmadan iki gaybî müjdeyi birlikte verdi. Gerçekten de Bizans kralı Herakliyus 624’de İranlıları mağlup edip Azerbaycan’a kadar ilerlediğinde, müslümanlar da aynı tarihlerde Bedir zaferini kazandılar. (Tirmizî, Kırâât 4; Tefsir 30/2) Nihâyet Herakliyus 627’de en büyük darbeyi vurup nihaî zaferi kazanırken, müslümanlar da apaçık fetih ve İslâm’ın tebliğ sürecinde çok mühim bir dönüm noktası olan Hudeybiye zaferini elde ettiler.
Nitekim bu âyetler nâzil olunca Allah Resûlü (s.a.s.): “İranlılar mutlaka mağlûb olacaklardır!” buyurdu. (Ahmed b. Hanbel, Müsned, I, 276) Bu haberi öğrenen Ebubekir (r.a.) müşriklerden Übey b. Halef ile Rumların İranlıları üç seneye kadar yeneceğine dâir on deve karşılığında bahse girdi. Hz. Ebubekir bu bahsi Allah Resûlü (s.a.s.)’e haber verince Efendimiz: “Âyetteki «bid’» kelimesi üç ile dokuz arasındaki sayıları ifade eder. Sen hemen git, develerin sayısını artır, müddeti de uzat!” buyurdu.
Ebubekir (r.a.) gitti ve müddeti dokuz seneye, develerin sayısını da yüze çıkardı. Rumlar birdenbire gelişerek İranlıları ağır bir hezîmete uğrattılar. Bunu haber alınca Hz. Ebubekir Übey’in veresesinden yüz deveyi alıp Peygamber Efendimiz’e getirdi. Allah Resûlü (s.a.s.):
“Bunları fakirlere dağıt!” buyurdu. O da fakirlere dağıttı. Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in bu mûcizesini gören Mekkeli müşriklerden bir kısmı müslüman oldu (Bk. Tirmizî, Tefsir 30/3194; Kurtubî, el-Câmi‘, XIV, 3)
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leahweberking · 1 year
State Of Trust
“Being calm about everything allows your mind to find solutions. Calmness is also a state of trust. Instead of overthinking and overreacting, you just surrender for that moment and allow yourself to receive guidance for what doesn’t make sense.”
Idil Ahmed
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Artwork by Jane Spakowsky
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
"Don't personalize or internalize other people's behavior. What they do is not a reflection of you. Their actions represent them and where they're at in their growth. Just observe instead of getting caught up and overreacting emotionally.” ~Idil Ahmed
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dalechevy32004 · 2 years
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You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You are not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back. 🤗🤗🤗 Idil Ahmed
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nsfwhiphop · 3 months
Incoming Text for @badgalriri : "You should know that without me, wealth creation in Somalia is impossible. I am the missing piece of your puzzle to achieve financial prosperity."
What does this mean? It means that you are now the guardian of Angelo. You have to work closely with my manager, @jameldebbouze, to ensure I have the best security system in place when I leave French territory. I will take a flight from France to Puntland, Somalia, and you will be funding that private jet flight.
I will leave my home in Elsau, Strasbourg, and board a flight at Strasbourg Airport. Here is the Wikipedia page: Strasbourg Airport. (click on the link)
My dear Rihanna, I want to remind you that you have one job and one job only: ensure my private jet has enough fuel for a direct flight from Strasbourg to the Puntland region in Somalia. No pit stops, no layovers, no nothing.
Once I land in Puntland, the President of Puntland will pick me up and take me to my palace. Here is the Wikipedia page for the president of Puntland: Said Abdullahi Deni. (click on the link)
Here is the Wikipedia page for Bosaso city: Bosaso. (click on the link)
You will call President Said Abdullahi Deni and explain to him that I am coming to settle in Puntland. I will settle in Bosaso city, and he must make preparations for my arrival. I will be under his protection.
Once I land in Puntland, I will agree to meet you there. We will buy our home in Puntland and settle in our home country.
You can settle in Bosaso, Puntland. We have airports that allow you to fly in and out of the country with ease.
We will never be bullied by white supremacists again. Their racist media companies are not allowed to operate in Bosaso; they know they will get killed. They have to stay in their white territory, and we will stay in our black territory.
The white supremacists will try to make me sound racist, but they know very well they are criminals, and we are refusing to obey them. We have firepower too, and we will defend our honor and our homes.
I also encourage you to make a Somali friend named Idil Ahmed. Here is her IG page: @idillionaire.
Idil Ahmed will help you navigate the Somali world. She speaks the language and knows the Somali culture. You can count on her support to help you speak to President Said Abdullahi Deni.
I also encourage you to verify with your friend Pharrell Williams, who knows Idil Ahmed (@idillionaire), as she has been a famous writer on Twitter since the early 2010s. Your friend Gabrielle Union knows her too. You can verify with them; they will confirm that they know this Somali author named Idil Ahmed (@idillionaire).
My dear Rihanna, now is the time to explain something important to you:
"I want to help you understand that I am a Somali leader, both military and political. I can't live anywhere else but in my home country.
I can't live in Brunei.
I can't live in India.
I can't live in France.
I can't live in Mexico.
I can't live in Morocco.
I can't live anywhere else but Somalia because that is the duty of a leader. He must stay in his home country to defend and protect the nation from foreign enemies.
That is why I am asking you to think carefully if you really want to be with me because I can never live anywhere else but my home country, Somalia.
You are a Bajan-American woman, and you have the right to fly in and out of Somalia, but I can't do the same. I must stay in my home country; that is the true role of a leader.
If you look at world leaders, you will see that in every country, they all have to respect the same rule: the leaders of the country must remain in their home country to defend and protect their nation.
That is why I encourage you to settle in Brunei for now, and you can take flights between Brunei and Bosaso, Puntland, to visit me every few months.
No one can prove your existence in Brunei (Forbidden land, no video proof).
No one can prove your existence in Bosaso, Puntland (Forbidden land, no video proof).
Do you understand now? We will have a love story between these two nations. You will raise the kids in Brunei, and I will take care of business in Bosaso, Puntland. We will meet every few months.
Brunei is a nation that blocks all white supremacist hate.
Somalia, Puntland, is a nation that blocks all white supremacist hate.
We will live happily ever after, and there will be no video proof of our love story.
You will have your private jet and fly between these two nations, Brunei and Somalia.
I hope this letter helps you see clearly the type of lifestyle we will have. We will protect our privacy and live free and happy, blocking all the noise from white supremacist nations.
We don't need to be on television to be happy. You know they will only hate on us anyway. They don't respect black people who fight for their freedom; they will only slander us. So we might as well turn off the television and avoid all media. Once they become blind, they can't hurt us anymore.
One last thing I wanted to tell you: read this below:
I want to remind you that you have to use stunt doubles from now on. What does it mean? It means that all your movements must be done by a trustworthy stunt double of your choice. This will help protect your privacy and save your life. These white supremacists will try to make your life difficult, harassing you at every corner of the globe. The only way you can protect yourself is to stop giving them your attention and let your stunt doubles do the work for you. This is how very wealthy people operate: they avoid all the hate from envious people in social gatherings by letting their stunt doubles do all the stunts for them.
I hope you understand that when you are a member of the Somali Royal family, you upgrade from being a billionaire to a trillionaire, and with this kind of upgrade comes a lot of hate. You can't give your attention to everyone, so it's time to let your lawyers do the work for you.
My dear Rihanna, do you see me on Google? The answer is NO. There is a reason for that: I am avoiding all the white supremacist hate.
I fucks with no one, I associate with no one, and when I say no one, I literally mean no one. This is how a black royal family stays away from slander in white supremacist media.
It's very lonely at the top; the only people you can trust are your family members. I encourage you to get closer to your mother and father; they will become your support system.
Here is a last fun fact for you:
I will give you a simple metaphor to help you understand how I measure success:
Angelo says: "Do you know why I'm always lonely? The answer is the 200th Floor of success."
Rihanna says: "What do you mean by the 200th Floor of success?"
Angelo says: "It means that you have lived your whole life on the 35th Floor of success and you think this is what success is. You are convinced that your current success on the 35th floor is the ultimate success, but I beg to differ. I am currently on the 200th Floor of success, and it is the highest level of success. After the 200th Floor, there is nothing; it is the last floor of success. Do you understand the metaphor?"
Rihanna says: "Yes, I understand that I am currently on the 35th Floor of success and you are on the 200th Floor of success. This is why you are always lonely because you don't want to let anyone from the lower levels into your life."
Angelo says: "You are from the entertainment world, and all these singers and actors are on the 35th Floor of success. They are at the bottom of success, and you are on that 35th floor at the moment."
Rihanna says: "I never thought of it this way, but you make a lot of sense. I understand now."
Angelo says: "At the moment, Bill Gates is on the 150th Floor, Elon Musk is also on the 150th Floor, Jeff Bezos is on the 150th Floor, and they all need my help to secure a spot on the 200th Floor. Do you see clearly what is going on now?"
Rihanna says: "This is your secret alien knowledge that you have refused to share on your blogs because it causes anxiety and panic attacks in your readers. This is astonishing news—the 200th Floor of success. I never heard of it before, but now I know what it means. Thanks for sharing your secret knowledge with me."
Angelo says: "You're welcome, my dear Rihanna. I'm fond of you because I know you have a good heart and you are a go-getter. That is why I decided to honor you and help you reach the 200th Floor with me."
Rihanna says: "I heard so many stories of your loneliness, and I never understood why you refuse to exist in this society. Now I know why. You are eliminating all criminals from your entourage and blocking their entry. They are not allowed to sit with you. It's the perfect clean-up situation."
Angelo says: "It's lonely, but it's important to protect my home from any intrusion. A lot of people have mediocre lives and are stuck on the third floor, and they want to come sit with me on the 200th Floor. I can't let that happen. I have to block all the hate."
The end of the conversation.
Your friend and future baby-daddy,
Synopsis of the letter:
The letter outlines Angelo's plans for ensuring his security and wealth while emphasizing the importance of cooperation from his friends and associates. Angelo requests Rihanna to coordinate with his manager, @jameldebbouze, to arrange for his secure travel from Strasbourg, France to Puntland, Somalia. He emphasizes the need for strict security measures and direct communication with Puntland's President Said Abdullahi Deni to prepare for his arrival and residence in Bosaso. Angelo stresses the importance of avoiding white supremacist influence and ensuring privacy and safety by using stunt doubles and maintaining a low profile. He also highlights his commitment to remaining in Somalia to fulfill his leadership duties and protect his nation, explaining the significance of economic and military independence for his Royal family. Angelo concludes by sharing a metaphor about different levels of success, illustrating his unique position and the isolation that comes with it, while encouraging Rihanna to understand and support his vision.
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saturated-sunrise · 4 months
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Idil Ahmed
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thequotefairy · 1 year
The beautiful thing about it all is that it eventually all works out. Be present enough to see how many things have already happened for you.
Idil Ahmed
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Manifesting now has to do with seeing yourself in the desired state NOW. If you think of it in the future, you won’t use the intense emotion of the now, which is the fire that fuels the vision to come to life... So... feel healthy now. Feel abundant now. Feel successful now. Feel beautiful and loved now. Don’t wait for it. Feel it into existence... Fully connect your emotion to the vision. Let the joy of it happening now fill your mind and body.
-Idil Ahmed
Your Dreams are Dreaming you Back𓂃⋆.˚☾.
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Believe that a miracle can happen for you. Trust that a sudden breakthrough will occur. Feel that high energy of change and accept it. You’re about to manifest in a major way. You've been patient long enough. You've remained strong through many trails and challenges. Nothing broke you. You still here standing strong. Now it's your turn to start receiving blessings and it is about to happen for you. Never worry, stress, or overthink how everything you're trying to manifest or waiting to receive will happen for you. Just believe that it will. Believe in it. There's great power in believing what you can envision in your mind, not really in what's happening in front of you. Everything that can happen for you, starts with a single thought. You have to believe in it till it shows up. The more you believe in that thought, the more you will feel it. The more you feel it, the quicker it will manifest it into your reality. You should trust in the greater power that's constantly aligning everything for you through your visions and inner state of being. Choose to connect with your higher power to guide you through this process of change and receiving. You will grow stronger everyday, because you trust the energy that sustains you. How can you not trust the source that powers all of life so precisely without a single error? Don't let fear, negativity, and lower vibrational energy steal your shine. Noticing blessings is just a matter of perspective. See the light in every situation. See what's moving everything and what's giving it so much life. Connect with it. Connect with your spirit. The answers you need are arriving. The universe is getting ready to make a delivery in your life. In the meantime, celebrate and smile like you've already received everything you have been asking for. Everything is about to make sense.
- Idil Ahmed
Healing Energy Tools
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