#Idgaf if you're endo or pro endo or whatever
typical-vindication · 3 months
I don't usually post syscourse shit here as I don't give a fuck about it. but if you interact, follow or even believe whatever bullshit sophieinwonderland spits fuck off my, or my host's blog.
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syscoarse · 4 days
Sysmed comes from... system, and medical.
"Oh but its inspired by-" sirs, look at me in the eyes, combining words to make 1 term that accurately describes a view isnt transphobic
Same with traumascum, it comes from trauma, and scum, yes, it IS inspired by truscum, BUT just because a term is inspired by another term, doesnt mean that people are saying "these 2 views are EXACTLY the same with no nuance"
Traumascum is saying that youre using your trauma (or someone elses) as an excuse to put down other people, spesifically that people who are against endos are using their trauma or someone elses trauma as a reason why endogenic systems should not exist
If someone calls you sysmed, its an accurate depiction, unless you are saying that you do not view systemhood as inherently medical.
If someone calls you a traumascum, maybe dont make posts along the lines of "oughh im so traumatized and endos dare exist" (even tho endos can also have a lot of trauma)
-Sincerely, a traumagenic system who doesn't force their own meaning into words they happen to not like.
coming out of hibernation to answer this dumbass ask. literally wtf are you even talking about.
the sysmed thing is whatever. sure you could argue that you're just putting words together but from the way the entire pro endo community acts like being a system is exactly like being trans it really comes off that way. dont even try to argue that pro endos arent like that i have been watching y'all do this for years. ohhhh not all endos not all pro endos shut the Fuck up you are all complicit, especially losers like you who get on anon and go into random dead blogs asks to say stupid shit like this.
also maybe dont try to tell someone who went through extensive bullying and doxxing and abuse at the hands of "transmeds" what to think about that term. LIKE Y'ALL ALSO CALL US TRAUMASCUM HOW AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE ITS BASED ON SYSMED. unbelievable.
and traumascum?? like.. how could you even begin to justify that one. i dont care how fucking awful someone is to you it is NOT fair to make that about their trauma. go ahead and call me scum i couldnt care less but dont make it about what ive been through.
does it not make you feel bad calling someone that? do you really feel like the good guy in that situation? not only are you calling someone scum you are saying theyre scum because of their trauma And saying that all they are is what they went through. imagine someone believing that all there was to you was your trauma. that you have no worth or meaning or life outside of it, and that the trauma you went through made you scum. oof buddy like doesnt that sound bad to you??
and yeah actually its ableist And transphobic. you're just too caught up in your own cute little savior complex to even think about what you're talking about.
just because someone is saying that you need trauma to have DID doesnt mean theyre weaponizing trauma against you jfc the drama of it all. hate to burst your bubble kiddo but thats just the facts.
not actually even going to touch that last part with a ten foot pole. traumatized people are allowed to post about their trauma. we deserve and need to have space to talk about it. you should know dumbass you apparently went through it too. and just because someone posts about their trauma And syscourse doesnt mean shit like?? sorry you cant handle other survivors processing their trauma :/ thats so sad :/// maybe stay off of that part of the internet if you dont want to see that.
idgaf if you're "traumagenic" or not dont act like im the stupid one for calling shit like it is
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syscourseofcourse · 3 years
unpopular opinion time but if you are anti endo and actively go into endo spaces to troll them or ask for ridiculous terms to be coined or anything like that. you're an asshole lmao. like.
i dont think origin labels should be a big thing. but take waresgenic for example. obviously looking at glassware isnt going to create a system. but introjecting smth like that is Absolutely possible. especially in nd systems bc we tend to personify a lot of things. no system can control what influences splits/introjects.
maybe it doesnt make sense to you, or it seems "stupid" or outlandish. but just because endos are making ridiculous claims and terms and whatever doesnt mean you get a free pass to mock what could very Easily be real things to influence alters who split.
and frankly, i feel like going into endo spaces to prove how stupid you think they are is a shitty move to start with. if we want endos out of our spaces so badly we should stop going in their spaces to mock them lmao.
and esp ppl who brag abt this kind of stuff just. you're bragging about how you've tricked endos into looking stupid and then want them to listen to you?
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