#Ichiru as a kid looks sweet but he has this -I'm actually quite the menace- vibes
tetsunabouquet · 8 months
Ichiru Kiryu- How He Spent His Sick Days (Headcanon)
A/N: Considering I got a non-NSFW headcanon request for the Kiryu twins, I decided to write my headcanons about Ichiru first. Because he deserves to be the first for once.
-If the bonus pages during the Cross Academy arc says anything, then its that Ichiru is the mischievous twin. He has quite the bit of a prankster streak. -I think this possibly originates from being confined to his home because of his frailty. With his parents often being gone for hunting and Zero not always being there every moment of the day, Ichiru had to do something to cure him of his boredom. And so his prankster streak was born. -Was always the one prompting Zero to do stuff like switch places and see how long they could pretend to be the other. -April Fools was thus, always an event at the Kiryu household. -The fact his parents were away so often and for hours straight, gave him more then one opportunity to set up pranks in their bedroom. -Whenever Yagari was babysitting, he made sure to keep his eye out for any potential scheme Ichiru was coming up with all under the pretense he was just watching him because he was so concerned over his health. -With Zero and his parents feeling too guilty about Ichiru's situation, Yagari was the only one willing to cut out Ichiru's bullshit and evade his mischief. Teachers and people around him alike, treated him too nicely out of pity, and whilst Ichiru hated it; he would also make use of it from time to time to get himself out of trouble. -Has a way wider knowledge of pop culture then Zero. Whenever Zero was away at school and he was home sick with his parents, they would always let him sick out in front of the TV. Whilst he would often watch the movies and shows popular at school, he would also branch out and try a comedy aimed at adults or even a documentary or two if it managed to peak his curiosity. Whilst Zero would tell him the summaries of the lessons so Ichiru wouldn't fall behind, Ichiru in return would tell him all about that amazing episode he missed. -Ichiru used to own a small collection of comfortable onesies for this reason. -One of the pictures Kaien kept from the Kiryu household after the Shizuka incident, is a picture the Kiryus took that one time Ichiru could convince Zero to wear a matching onesie when school was cancelled due to disastrous weather back when they were about 9 years old. The two look gloriously adorable in their kitten themed onesies. -When they were 6, they got seperate bedrooms for the first time because they were big boys going to school now and one time when Ichiru was sick for days, the loneliness got him to act out completely and he set Zero's bed on fire when his brother was away at school to ensure Zero would sleep over at his bedroom once more. It was the only time their father had been absolutely livid with Ichiru. -Whilst his parents didn't really think of it, Zero prompted them to try and think of an activity Ichiru could learn to do even when sick, like perhaps learning to play the piano. Ichiru had looked at him like he had completely lost his mind. -Because of Ichiru's more friendly and mischievous nature, there were quite a few girls who thought of him as more approachable and one even went as far as walking home with Zero when Ichiru had gotten sick on St Xocolatls' day to give Ichiru some chocolate her mother had made for him as the girl was still too young to bake it herself.
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