#Ichii Sayaka
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#Idol#Idols#Hello! Project#H!P#ハロー!プロジェクト#hellopropicture#Morning Musume#モーニング娘。#モー娘。#Momusu#Ichii Sayaka#Sayaka Ichii#市井紗耶香
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I was really happy when Tsunku credited not only Maki but Aya and Sayaka for Love Machine being so successful. He said the latter two had the attitude necessary for the song. That being said I can see those two leaving and 4th gen leaving as the reason why the group become less attitude and more bright and "childish." No way songs like I WISH and The Peace! could have come out if they were still there.
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Harmonizing the rays of midsummer: Natsumi Abe, Mari Yaguchi, and Sayaka Ichii
1st gen and 2nd gen of MM vocal talent and versatility will never be topped.
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Tsubasa wo Kudasai - Ichii Sayaka, Nakazawa Yuko
FOLK DAYS ~Ichii Sayaka with Nakazawa Yuko~
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Sayaka Ichii - SELF (2002)
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Who is your birthday oshi? ~Week of July 16~

Birthdays & Anniversaries ~Week of July 16~

The following members, ex-members, and single releases have birthdays and anniversaries this week.
July 16
Maeda Yuki - Tokyo Kirigirisu (2003)
Kusumi Koharu - Papancake (2008)
℃-ute - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version) (2014)
July 17
Kimura Asami (ex-Country Musume; 39)
Inoue Rei (Kobushi Factory→Juice=Juice; 22)
Ichii Sayaka in CUBIC-CROSS - Shitsuren LOVE Song (2002)
Kobushi Factory & Tsubaki Factory - Hyokkori Hyoutanjima (2018)
July 18
Tsubaki Factory - Date no Hi wa Nido Kurai Shower Shite Dekaketai / Junjou cm / Kon'ya Dake Ukaretakatta (2018)
July 19
T&C Bomber - HEY! Mahiru no Shinkirou (2000)
July 20
Nakayama Natsume (OCHA NORMA; 18)
Buono! - Natsu Dakara! (2011)
July 21
Taguchi Natsumi (ex-Kobushi Factory; 23)
July 22
Kitagami Ami (ex-Sheki-Dol; 43)
Morning Musume - Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari (2004)
Melon Kinenbi & New Rote'ka - Pinchi wa Chance - Baka ni Narou ze! (2009)
ANGERME - Nana Korobi Ya Oki / Gashin Shoutan / Mahou Tsukai Sally (2015)
Happy birthday/anniversary week!
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#Jpop#Hello! Project#Kimura Asami#Inoue Rei#Nakayama Natsume#Taguchi Natsumi#Kitagami Ami#Country Musume#Kobushi Factory#Juice=Juice#OCHA NORMA#Sheki-Dol#Maeda Yuki#Kusumi Koharu#C-ute#Ichii Sayaka in CUBIC-CROSS#Tsubaki Factory#Taiyou to Ciscomoon#T&C Bomber#Buono!#Morning Musume#Melon Kinenbi#ANGERME#Birthday Oshi Poll
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COLOPENDRA[コロペンドラ] rather iconically got butchered in the english translation into COLOR PANDORA, but somehow it's kind of become part of the charm? Like the way it's two recognizable English words with no meaning together, let alone in relation to the monster design. Anyway it was supposed to be "Scolopendra" the scientific name for Centipedes. Despite the pretty simple, if unnerving and harrowing design, they get some pretty dramatic tweaks over the years...

I thought there were more of these originally. Kind of weird that there's only 2 real mix breeds, and just as many /??? types. Also these are all super straight forward.
PEACH TREE BUG[ピーチツリーバグ]
LIQUID CUBE[リキッドキューブ]
E-DEN[イーデン] from E-den[E電] the nickname for the East Japan Railway Company, with E for East and den, from densha[電車]: "(electric)train" Localization just called this Tram.
COLO-KNIT[コロニット] Colo from Scolopendra and Knit because they're little yarn balls, with knitting needle antenna.
FUKA-ZUKIN[フカズキン] from fuka[鱶]: "shark" and zukin[頭巾]: "hood/hat" or other type of headgear, so literally "shark hat"
COLO-DANGO[コロダンゴ] Colo from Scolopendra and dango-mushi[ダンゴ虫] the Japanese name for pillbugs, where dango[団子] is a kind of Japanese sweet traditionally prepared as 3 little rice dumplings on a skewer and drizzled in a sweet syrup.
MARIMBA[マリンバ] like the wooden percussion instrument. it's weird, I get the idea that the colopendra might make for obvious wooden bars, but then the actual design just makes them logs...
CAPU-COLO[カプッコロ] Capsule and scolopendra. They're little pills, or maybe like gaccha capsules.
WANCOLOPE[ワンコロペ] a funky play on WANko[ワン子] being s childish word for a "dog"/"puppy", because WAN[ワン] is the sound a dog makes, and 子[ko] is a kind of diminutive suffix. But the KO in WANKO overlaps with the CO in COLOPE.
GAMBITS[ガンビッツ] I don't know if this is right... I don't get the meaning. The localization went with GUN BITS which is phonetically straight forward, but I don't know that that's right either.
PIRAN-COLO[ピラニコロ] from Piranha and Colopendra, although it's weird to break up the NIA[ニア] bit of piranha[ピラニア] when it's supposed to be approximating the Ñ sound and you can't have like half a Ñ.
TETRA[テトラ] weird name considering it means 4 when Colorpendra's whole shtick is threes. Henger
COLO-TAMA[コロッタマ] from Scolopendra and Tama[玉]: "ball." Lesione
KOONI-CO[コオニッコ] from Kooni[小鬼] literally "child+Oni" but sort of loosely transalted as "imp" or "gremlin" depending on context. But in this case it seems like it should be taken pretty literal since they've got the little forehead horns like regular oni, just itty bitty. Mogi
PETIT-OTOME[プチオトメ] French for "Little" and Otome[乙女] a word referring to a "maiden"/"young lady" with implicit wealth or status. So it reads like "Little RichGirls."
ARI-COLO[アリコロン] ARI[蟻]:"ant" and COLO from Scolopendra.
SHISHI-COLO[シシッコロ] from shishi[獅子]: "lion"and Scolopendra.
COLO-METS[コロメッツ] Colopendra and Helmets? Madillo
SIGNAL[シグナル] straight forward
DAISANGEN[ダイサンゲン] daisangen[大三元] colloquially called "Big 3 Dragons" that requires three triplets each of the three special tiles colloquially called "dragons" that come in three colors, Green, Red and White. Added to that is that the face are cliches of thuggish yakuza types you'd expect from a seedy mahjong parlor.

MANZAI-TRIO[マンザイトリオ] manzai[漫才] is a kind of Japanese standup comedy played out between two comedians in dialog, but they are occasionally done in trios as well
ICHI-COLO[イチッコロ] I don't actually know what this thing is. Oh wait I found it, it was a promo thing tied to the single for the game's theme song "4U (For You) ~Hitasura~" and the singer, Ichii Sayaka. In English it got fully replaced by the Playstation Magazine special
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64 unique idols are gathered here to see who among them, truly, is worthy of being the top idol. this is a friendly competition and there is no threat of the idoluminati anywhere at all.
Side A:
1: Lily Hoshikawa (Zombieland Saga) vs Pearl (Splatoon) -> Lily Hoshikawa (WINNER!)
2: Minori Hanasto (Project SEKAI) vs Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) -> Rise Kujikawa (WINNER!)
3: Rosie Mayfield (Style Boutique) vs Misa Amane (Death Note) -> Misa Amane (WINNER!)
4: Idol (Miitopia) vs Amari Katasumi (PriPara) -> Idol (WINNER!)
5: Mona Narumi (Confession Executive Committee) vs Mima Kirgoe (Perfect Blue) -> Mima Kiroge (WINNER!)
6: Rina Tennouji (Love Live!) vs Kanon Ichinose (Girls x Heroine) -> Rina Tennouji (WINNER!)
7: Ayu Yumesaki (Idol Royale) vs Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew) -> Zakuro Fujiwara (WINNER!)
8: Iris Sagan (AI: The Somnium Files) vs Sophy Houjou (PriPara) -> Iris Sagan (WINNER!)
9: Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear) vs Yumemi Yumemite (Kakeguri) -> Tsubasa Kazanari (WINNER!)
10: Minako Aino (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) vs Tae Yamada (Zombieland Saga) -> Tae Yamada (WINNER!)
11: Momo Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) vs Miruki Amauri (Waccha Prigami!) -> Momo Kisaragi (WINNER!)
12: Shion Kamiya (Aikatsu) vs Uta (One Piece) -> Uta (WINNER!)
13: Yoko Okino (Detective Conan) vs Marina Ida (Splatoon) -> Marina Ida (WINNER!)
14: Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) vs Rui Wakaouji (Tokyo 7th Sisters) -> Ai Hoshino (WINNER!)
15: Yukito (Yuki) Orikasa (Idolish7) vs Asahi Mogami (Phantom of the Idol) -> Yuki Orikasa (WINNER!)
16: Onpu Segawa (Ojamajo DoRe) vs Tsubasa Oribe (Fire Emblem) -> Onpu Segawa (WINNER!)
Side B:
1: Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) vs Yū Morisawa (Magical Angel Creamy Mami)
2: Airi Momoi (Project SEKAI) vs Barbara (Genshin Impact)
3: Yuni (Pretty Cure) vs Riamu Yumemi (THE iDOLM@STER)
4: Riku Nanase (Idolish7) vs Utau Hoshina (Shugo Chara!)
5: Urara Kusanago (Pretty Cure) vs Shun Shimotsuki (Tsukiuta)
6: Lisia (Pokémon) vs Maina Ichii (Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu)
7: Mem-Cho (Oshi no Ko) vs Haruka Sawamura (Yakuza)
8: Eri Karan (Digimon) vs Cheri Sono (AKB0048)
9: Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars) vs Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
10: Jennifer Sumire Sol (Waccha Prigami!) vs Gold Ship (Uma Musume Pretty Derby)
11: Ayu Maruyama (BanG Dream!) vs Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
12: Rin Chan (Evillious Chronicles) vs Hiro Hayashi (King of Prism)
13: Ao Yodogawa (Selection Project) vs Akira Kogami (Lucky Star)
14: Ming-Ming (Beyblade) vs Mika Kagehira (Ensemble Stars)
15: Aira Harune (Pretty Rhythm) vs Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream!)
16: Kerori Crocell (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) vs Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa)
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#Idol#Idols#Hello! Project#H!P#ハロー!プロジェクト#hellopropicture#Morning Musume#モーニング娘。#モー娘。#Momusu#Ichii Sayaka#Sayaka Ichii#市井紗耶香
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First, Focaccia
Finally, I tried baking my own focaccia but,
By the way, My mom baked focaccia before 🥯
Uwa, so good......
I continued with, next time I'll make it myself--, I bought flour and yeast, and I left it in the kitchen for the time being, and then a month passed 🤪⚠️
Saying, I'll do it when I have time, is really unreliable!!! lol
So today,
I prepared the dough last night, and I let time pass for the gluten to ferment,
It was my first time baking bread properly by myself but,
Since the dough was growing wonderfully, I was thinking, uwa~ I'm a genius~ 😎❤️🔥
and I baked it properly this morning but,
The finished product was not that of a genius,
...... eh 😕 lolol
Nah! its not like it failed, I baked it but, Since I usually see my moms bread, I'm concerned about uneven baking or an irregular shape 😕
Its delicious but, well 😕
That's how it is when I bake it myself for the first time 😕
Since I used good flour, Its springy,
Since I used good salt, the salt flavor is really delicious! lol
I made focaccia for the first time by myself, recorded ✍️
Hello! Project 25th Anniversary" New Member Audition!
Deadline: August 14th (Mon) 10:00AM Girls who like singing and dancing, we're waiting for you to challenge it
please read...... VOCExHello Pro Interview
Morning Musume '23 Revealing Whats In My Pouch 4 "Fukmura Mizuki, Ikuta Erina, Ishida Ayumi"
Live 🎫
"Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century encore~"
7/15 Kitakyushuu afternoon 7/23 Osaka evening 7/29 Hokkaido evening 8/5 Miyagi afternoon 8/11 Hiroshima evening (8/13 is Rockin~~~) 8/20 Aichi evening 8/26 Tachikawa afternoon 9/5 Tachikawa evening
🎈 Lawson Tickets 🎈 TicketPia 🎈 e+
Each playguide has tickets on sale!
"ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2023" August 13th Morning Musume is performing
Hello! Project 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT"
September 9th, 10th, at Yoyogi National Stadium First Gymnasium
Its not just Hello! Project members, Yasuda Kei/Yaguchi Mari/Ichii Sayaka/Ishikawa Rika/Takahashi Ai/Konno Asami/Michishige Sayumi/Tanaka Reina/Miyoshi Erika Sudou Maasa/Natsuyaki Miyabi/Kumai Yurina/Yajima Maimi/Suzuki Airi/Sato Masaki/Takeuchi Akari/Katsuta Rina/Miyazaki Yuka/Miyamoto Karin/Inaba Manaka/Ozeki Mai/Ogata Risa/Asakura Kiki OG-san's are appearing~~~~~!
"Inazuma Rock Fest 2023" October 9th (Mon Holiday) Morning Musume '23 First Performance 🔥 Lets do our best~~ I'm looking forward~~
Updated Every Wednesday, Tokyo Sportes series
#115 Reading Tsunku-san's notes, Things I Thought Were Interesting
see you ayumin <3
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Every now and then I go watch the Love Machine video and it breaks my brain that all the members were so young but had such...spice? Attitude? Ishiguro was the same age as Kitagawa Rio in that video and Ichii was younger than everyone in the group except Ako. Wtf was in the water back in 1999 lol.
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This is my version of "Chokotto LOVE" by Petitmoni. プッチモニ 『ちょこっとLOVE』 This video has not any commercial purpose and it's only for entertainment. All rights are for UP-FRONT PROMOTION.
#petitmoni#プッチモニ#chokotto love#ちょこっとlove#tsunku#つんく#hello! project#ハロー!プロジェクト#yasuda kei#保田圭#goto maki#後藤真希#ichii sayaka#市井紗耶香
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