#Ichigo puts a stop to that bullshit real fast dw
acediaedeus · 4 months
I like it when ppl write Ichigo kissing/touching Grimmjow’s mask, bc that’s such an undeniably Hollow part of him, it’s sharp and dangerous, even scary to some, but Ichigo still loves and cherishes it, for him it’s comforting to touch the jawbone, trace the teeth, bc it means Grimmjow is there, right under his fingertips.
and it’d be comforting for Grimmjow too, bc if he ever doubts that Ichigo really wants this, if any thought of Ichigo closing his eyes and pretending that he’s just another shinigami/human and not a soul-devouring monster creeps into his mind, it is all destroyed with gentle hands, light fingertips and soft lips, bc Ichigo loves Grimmjow, all of him, for who he is, not despite.
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