#Ich liebe sie so sehr can I take her home please
lu-inlondon · 7 months
Gehe mit meiner Zimmernachbarin die Fragen im Tatort Adventskalender durch
Sie: “Oh, da gibt’s doch jetzt so einen, der ist immer so schick angezogen und geschminkt! Da hat mein Sohn aber den Kopf geschüttelt, weil so sieht kein Kommissar aus.”
Ich: “Ich find das aber eigentlich ganz cool.”
Sie: “Ja, ich doch auch! Vielleicht sollten die mal so aussehen!”
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quecksilvereyes · 9 months
looking for a new forever home for an old cat in vienna
my sibling is currently looking for a new forever home for their cat mira because they've realised they can't take care of her the way she deserves to be taken care of (they want to travel, she does really badly when she's alone, but they also don't have the funds for a second cat) and they've asked me to spread the word here as well. Please refrain from shaming comments about the cat's age or my sibling's decision, people on facebook have been fucking vile.
In my sibling's words: "Hallo ☀
meine Mira sucht ein schönes neues zu Hause.
Ich habe sie, seit ich 7 bin und habe sie beim Auszug mitgenommen, habe aber inzwischen realisiert, dass ich ihr nicht das Zuhause bieten kann, das sie braucht. Da es mir wichtig ist, dass sie glücklich und gut umsorgt ist, suche ich nun jemanden, der ihr das geben kann.
Kommentare wie "Warum gibt man so eine alte Katze weg?" tun nur weh ich habe lange genug mit der Entscheidung gekämpft.
Sie ist 16 Jahre jung, braucht keine Medikamente oder sonst etwas.
Sie ist flauschig kuschelig, reinlich und verspielt. Sie kann "Sitz" und von Sessel zu Sessel springen mit Leckerlimotivation.
Sie zeigt einem auch gerne jede Ecke und schaut ob man eh noch zuschaut. 😁 Sie ist im Moment Einzelkatze freut sich aber mit Eingewöhnungsphase über einen Kuschel- und Spielgefährten.
Sie ist eine Wohnungskatze liebt es aber auch sehr am Balkon die Sonne zu genießen. In einem Paralleluniversum ist sie eine Outdoorkatze. 🧚🏽‍♀ Sie gewöhnt sich sehr schnell an neue Wohnumgebungen. Bei Menschen kann es länger dauern aber wenn sie einen ins Herz geschlossen hat bleibt das auch so. 🥰
Schreibt mir bei Interesse gerne eine Privatnachricht und wir können ein Kennenlernen in Wien ausmachen.
Alles Liebe" English: "Hello ☀
my Mira is looking for a beautiful new home.
I've had her since I was 7 years old and took her with me when I moved out, but I have realised that I can't offer her the home she needs. Because it's important to me that she is happy and well taken care of, I'm now looking for someone who can give her that.
Comments such as "why would you give away a cat that old?" just hurt, I have fought with this decision for long enough.
She is 16 years young, and doesn't need meds or anything like that.
She is fluffy and cuddly, very clean and playful. She can do "sit" and jumping from chair to chair (motivated by treats).
She also loves showing people every corner of her home and checks if she's being paid attention to. 😁 She is an only cat at the moment, but after a period of getting to know one another she would love a companion to play and cuddle with.
She is an indoor cat, but she loves sitting on the balcony in the sun. In a parallel universe somewhere she is an outdoor cat. 🧚🏽‍♀ She gets used to new environments very quickly. When it comes to humans, it can take a bit longer, but if she has let you into her heart, you will stay there. 🥰
If you're interested in her, feel free to send me a dm and we can see about scheduling a meeting so everyone can get to know one another in Vienna.
All my love"
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ollies-studyblr · 5 years
German 3.7-3.12
Wo and Da Compounds:
Womit fährst du in the Stadt?
Ich fahre mit dem Bus.  Fährst du auch damit?
Worauf legst du dein Buch?
Ich lege es auf den Tisch. Legst du deins auch darauf?
Wofür interessiert du dich?
Ich interessiere mich für Biologie. Interessierst du dich auch dafür?
Woran arbeitet er?
Er arbeitet an seinem Auto.  Arbeitet sein Vater auch daran?
Worauf freut sie sich?
Sie freut sich auf die Reise nach Hawaii.  Ihr Bruder freut sich auch darauf.
Worüber schreibt dein Vater?
Er schreibt über seine Filme.  Das Publikum liest gern darüber.
Debate Vocab:
die Vorteile --> the advantages
die Nachteile --> the disadvantages
Klar! --> Clearly!  Of course!
Sicher! --> Sure!  Certainly!
Das stimmt! --> That is true!
Da stimm' ich dir zu. --> I agree with you.
Du hast Recht. --> You are correct. You're right. 
Ich auch! --> Me too!
Genau! --> Exactly!
Da stimm' ich dir nicht zu! --> I disagree with you
Das stimmt nicht! --> That is not true
Quatsch! --> Nonsense
Doch! --> On the contrary!
Ich nicht --> Not me
Ich finde --> I find...I think...
Ich finde den neuen Film langweilig.
Ich halte viel von... --> I think much / a lot of...
Ich halte viel von dem neuen Auto.
Ich halte nicht viel von... --> I think much / a lot of...
Ich halte nicht viel von der neuen Lehrerin.
Ich glaube, dass... --> I think that...
Ich glaube, dass der Mann nett ist.
Ich weiß, dass --> I know that...
Ich weiß, dass Grün die beste Farbe ist.
Ich meine, dass... --> I think that...
Ich meine, dass Deutsch die Allerbeste ist!
Ich bin der Meinung, dass... --> I am of the opinion that...
Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir nach Florida fahren sollen.
Writing Letters:
Date - day/month/year
Greeting - informal use Lieber or Liebe, formal use Sehr geehrte
Closing - informal use Dein/Deine, formal use Ihr/Ihre
Address - name / street name and # / city and zip code
Alex and Max:
Lieber Max,
Hi! What's up? I'm sorry that I did not write earlier. There is so much to do when moving. I arrived in Wiesbaden only a month ago. My apartment is really great, but I'm still looking for a roommate. Last night I finally bought a bed. Sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor a month does not do the body so well! Well, that's how it is when you do not make much money.
Well, how is the army? Do you like it? I'm fine. I like the nursing home where I am. It is only ten minutes by bike from my apartment. My staff are really friendly and I learn something new every day. Sometimes the days are long and the work is a bit depressing, but I feel good at the end of the day that I took care of the old people. They sometimes remind me of my own grandparents. I mean, if I study medicine at university next year, my time here will definitely help. Also, this experience will help in the future when I am looking for a job.
By the way, in two weeks I'm going home for a few days. My sister Julia is doing her high school diploma and my mother has planned a surprise party for her. great, is not it? My grandma and grandpa from Berlin come to visit and other relatives will be there. That will be fun. And do not forget that I always bring my laundry home! I know that my mother is always happy!
Say, you know Julia, right? If you're home in two weeks, let me know and maybe you can come over to the party on Saturday. It would be good to see you and to hear about what you are doing with the covenant.
Now I have to go to bed. I have to get up again tomorrow at 6 o'clock. A new week begins! Back to work! I hope that you are alright! Please write back!
Tschüs. Dein Alex       
Lieber Alex,
Hi! Your letter really pleased me. Thanks! I always enjoy getting post. When I first came here, my brother wrote me a letter almost every week. But now he is back in school and only writes homework!
I am very glad that you are well. It sounds like you made the right decision. (Civil service and not federal) Me too! Although there is a lot of work here and I have to get up at 5 o'clock, the covenant is for me. Sometimes I wonder if I should do more with the Federation. I could start preparing for a job. Well, that decision still has time.
I also learn something new almost every day. Many believe that all you do at the army is gunning. That's not true! I already worked on tanks and repaired other machines. It helps that my father is a mechanic and that he taught me a lot as a kid. I am really interested in machines. Maybe I could even become a pilot!
I have also met many new friends. A soldier is even from a neighboring village of us. Funny, is not it? We also know some of the same people.
Unfortunately I will not be home in two weeks. We really do not get much free time. Pity! That would have been fun. The next time I go home, I'll write you a letter first and let you know. Maybe then you can come home at the same time. I could pick you up at the train station because I bought a cheap car. Please congratulate your sister on me. We hope to see each other soon!
Dein Max
PS: I'm still sleeping in the sleeping bag !!!
Rights and Duties:
When you turn 18 in Germany, you gain these rights and duties.
compulsory military service
can get a driver’s license
allowed to vote
choose advanced courses
choose the CDU
Fun Facts:
Just as in the U.S., young adults in German-speaking countries have not only more responsibilities, but also more opportunities. Many new legal rights—including the ability to vote—are opened to them as adult citizens.
Each country has its own version of compulsory service, but in Germany, young men between the ages of 18 and 23 must serve nine months in some type of national service. Women may volunteer and are allowed to do many of the same jobs as men. The term in Germany is called Wehrpflicht.
Zivildienst (Civilian Service)
Bundeswehr (German armed forces)
Other (There are specific situations in which other options are available.)
Zivildienst, which translates roughly into "Civilian Service," is the name for the civilian branch of the national service. It is an alternative for those who are conscientious objectors to serving in the armed forces. Young men, called Zivildienstleistender or Zivis for short, must petition for permission to do this. Zivildienst allows these young men to work in the field of social work in places such as hospitals, retirement homes, and emergency medical services and in some rare cases in environmental protection, agriculture, and public administration. The duration of service is currently nine months.
Compulsory military service with the Bundeswehr is a nine month commitment as well. This service can take place with any of the branches of the armed services. Young men who are engaged in educational or vocational training programs prior to their military assessment are allowed to delay service until they have completed those programs and can be called upon to perform their national duty at any time after that.
The Air Force in Germany is called the Luftwaffe.The Wehrpflicht is a highly debated topic in Germany today. Some feel it is an unnecessary waste of time that delays the ability to prepare for their futures. Others see the value in having young men ready for combat should the need arise.
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valkyrieofsmut · 5 years
Starting with an accidental encounter  part 14
Kurt Wagner x Non mutant! OC
Types: Smut. All smut. Romance, too. Maybe some angst?
Overall series warnings: Smut. Always smut. Anxiety, panic attacks, bit of violence, swearing, sexual harassment in one chap, German (translations provided, but I have bad grammar… Sorry native speakers…) (can’t remember any more at the moment)
A/n- I had intended for more to happen later with Lacy’s parents dying, but none of it came to pass, as the story line went in a different direction. Kurt gets a present, and questions Lacy’s loyalty. Some... bad decisions during sexy time from him.
Series masterlist     Masterlist
Kurt had been at Lacy’s for a little while, and as they finished dinner, and watched a movie, he looked over to her. “So, Lacy,” Kurt said, taking a breath to prepare for the speech he’d been practicing all weekend. “I don’t zhink you should go back to vork tomorrow…”
She looked up at him. “I have to, it’s not like I can just not show up…” She told him.
“I know… But… It vould be different if zhere vere ozher people in your office… Vhere are zhey, by zhe vay?”
“They work from home,” she told him.
“Couldn’t you do zhat?” Kurt asked.
“Well, I could, but not on such short notice; I would have to go talk to my boss about it, and get it set up, then I’d have to get the software we use at work installed on my computer, and it would have to go to upper management and be approved…”
Kurt sighed. “Maybe you should start zhat process,” he said, looking down.
“I- I don’t know… They’ll probably ask why, and… what will I say?”
“Zhat zhat perverted, crazy, asshole tried to rape you,” he said forcefully. “Lacy, it’s not normal for zhat to happen, you shouldn’t have to be vorried to go to vork…” He sighed again as he rested his hand on hers. “I’m vorried about you…”
Lacy looked to the side and poked at the last little bit of corn on her plate. She changed the subject, taking their plates, putting them in the sink for later and convinced him to play a computer game with her called ‘You don’t know Jack,’ and beat him with a score that would embarrass somebody, successfully putting their earlier conversation behind them. She then insisted that he’d do better with the other one and pulled out the movie version on the game, which she badly lost to him in. They laid on the bed after that, resting and enjoying each other’s company.
…    …    …    
It was about a week later that Lacy walked down the stairs, making her way to the laundry room to wash her clothes for work.
On the way back up, she checked her mail, surprised to get something that wasn’t a bill or junk mail. She walked back up to her room and sat in her chair, opening the envelope. Inside was an official looking letter addressed to her.
“Ms. Greenly, I regret to inform you that your birth parents have passed away in an accident. They have left you some inheritance to be discussed. Please reach me at…”
Lacy looked down at the letter, wondering if it was for real or not, putting it back into the envelope and sticking it on her dresser.
…    …    …    
Kurt knocked on Lacy’s window, smiling as she opened it and laid back down on the bed. “I was starting to wonder if you were coming,” she teased.
“Alvays,” he told her, joining her on the bed.
The show she had been watching ended and the next one began.
“Lacy,” Kurt started with a smile. He ran his hands down her side, kissing her and pulling her close. She hesitated, but cuddled against him, kissing him back. He stroked her hair and kissed down her neck, his hands wandering down to her waist to tease her, eventually making their way down to her thighs and squeezing, making her moan. “Mm, ja, das ist, was ich hoffte, dass du sagst…” Lacy looked up to him, but had a sudden flash of Peter over her and turned to the side. “Was is los?” he asked. {yes, that’s what I was hoping you would say. What’s wrong}
“N-nothing,” she answered, knowing that it had been a while and that Kurt had been waiting patiently for her, but that he was probably starting to feel unwanted. He gave her an uncertain look, but leaned back down to kiss her. Lacy kissed him back, but soon rolled them over so that she was on top, and his hands moved to her hips, holding her as he started grinding against her.
Lacy pulled back, gasping a breath as she looked down at him. She bit her lip and looked up to the headboard where the silk ribbon was still tied. She looked down at him and grabbed one of his hands, pulling it to the headboard and tying him, followed by the other hand.
Kurt looked up, watching what she was doing without interrupting her. “Also, ich bin gebunden sein, dieses Mal?” He asked. Lacy looked down at him, but he had a smile on his lips. {So, I am the one being tied up this time}
She bit her lip again. “Yes,” she told him.
“Nun, solange Sie mich gut behandeln, nehme ich.” {Well, as long as you treat me well, I suppose}
Lacy gave him a small smile and leaned down, kissing him and running her hands over his chest, pulling his shirt up until it was trapped over his head on the silk ribbon. She kissed down his chest until she got to his belly button, her fingers playing over his furred skin. She looked up to see him looking down at her with passion filled eyes, his mouth hitched up on one side. She looked back to his stomach, moving to his hip and nipping him.
“In der Tat sehr gute Behandlung,” he groaned as his eyes closed. {very good treatment indeed}
Lacy could feel him bulging, pressing against her, and she made her way back up to his lips. She leaned down to kiss him, and he kissed her back, his tongue finding hers and dancing with it.
He felt her hands tighten on him gently, clutching at him as though not sure what to do with them. His tail wrapped around her waist and he rolled them over so that she was on the bottom. His arms were still stretched over his head as his kisses moved down her neck and back to her lips, taking her mouth passionately, his hips unable to help themselves from grinding against her.
Lacy’s mouth fell away from his as shuddering gasps left her lips, the sound of which drove Kurt even more wild as her fingers trailed around and over his stretched out shoulder muscles. He smiled and gasped against her mouth, jaw, neck, where ever his lips were at the moment, “Mmm, warum fühle ich mich wie Sie in Kontrolle, auch wenn ich oben bin? Ich liebe es,” he told her, leaning back up to kiss her lips. {Mmm, why do I feel like you're in control, even though I'm the one on top? I love it}
Lacy’s eyes shot open, looking up at him. Had he just said he loved it? Loved, as in, love? The four letter word that made her breath quicken in a bad way? She pulled back, her head pushing into the pillow. Kurt looked down at her in confusion. His confusion only grew as she pushed him off of her and sat up on the edge of the bed.
Thoughts were swirling around in Lacy’s head. Did he mean he loved it, or was it just the saying, ‘I love that...’ She didn’t know, and it was making her dizzy.
Kurt’s tail slid up to untie him from the silk ribbon as he looked over to Lacy’s back.
“You love it,” she mumbled. “But- but what we’re doing… it doesn’t really have anything to do with love… does it? Isn’t it just sex?” She asked.
Kurt raised his eyebrow, his freed hands pulling her down and against him. “Lacy, don’t say zhat… Vhen zhere are all of zhese feelings between us,” he told her. She looked up at him uncertainly, but didn’t answer, biting her lip instead as he rested his forehead against hers. “Please don’t be upset, Lacy,” he said quietly.
“Uh, no, I’m not, just,” her mind rushed to find something to fill the reason. “I’m just, distracted… I got a letter today, saying that my birth parents died…”
“Oh, Lacy, how terrible,” Kurt said gently, pulling her closer to comfort her.
“Yeah…” she trailed off
…    …    …    
Kurt sat at the table in the kitchen at the mansion, looking up as Kitty sat across from him.
“Kurt, can I ask you something?” She asked.
“Vell, you just did, aber, I suppose you could ask me somezhing else,” he told her.
Kitty gave him a mock smile and looked to her coffee mug. “So… Lacy… Is something wrong between you two?”
“No, vhy do you ask?” He asked suspiciously.
“Oh, no reason, no reason… just… well…” she cleared her throat uncomfortably. “It’s just that I was bringing some laundry up, and… some of your stuff was in it, so I was going to put it in your room… and…” Her cheeks heated up. “Well, you were in the shower…”
Kurt’s eyebrow lifted in confusion. “Ja, I like to stay clean,” he commented.
“Well, I mean… you were having some… “Alone time” in the shower…” Kurt immediately turned purple. “I’m not trying to pry, just… I mean, you go to see Lacy every night, but if you’re doing that… Are you having problems?” She asked.
Kurt cleared his throat and took a drink from his glass to compose himself. “Vell, Kitty, not zhat it is any of your business, but no, Lacy and I are not having problems… Zhere vas an incident at her vork vhere one of her covorkers… He-” Kurt cut himself off before he started growling and took a breath. “He vanted to- be vizh Lacy, aber, she said no, and… He tried to… force her…”
Kitty’s eyes widened. “He- did he- is she ok?”
“She got avay… and she vill be, but… not yet. She is still having memories flash back… So, you see, it is zhat, not zhat ve are having problems…”
Scott spoke from the door he’d just entered, “Are you sure about that, Kurt? Sure she’s just not in the mood because she’s got someone on the side?”
Kurt glared up at him as he reached for one of the muffins on the counter. “Ja, I’m sure; she isn’t like zhat,” he answered.
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Scott told him, looking up as Jean had made it into the kitchen as well. “We saw her at a restaurant, with a man. They were holding hands.”
Kurt’s glare turned up a notch, and Kitty looked on in shock. “Zhat is not true,” Kurt accused. “You are making zhat up.”
Scott shook his head. “No, I’m not. I’m sorry, Kurt, I’m only telling you what I saw.”
“No, you are just lying because you don’t like her,” he accused, standing up.
Jean looked to Kurt sadly and put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Kurt… He’s not… That’s what we saw…” Kurt glared around the room, storming out instead of teleporting.
Kitty stood and looked to Scott. “Why would you tell him that?” She demanded. “You were just trying to hurt him!”
“I wasn’t,” he answered. “I just thought he should know what’s going on, since his “girlfriend” is sitting around at nice restaurants with other men, holding their hands.”
Kitty looked to Jean. “Did you really see that?” Jean nodded. “But, it could have been something else,” she said, looking back to Scott. “I bet you didn’t even bother to say hi or check, you just jumped to conclusions, didn’t you?” She turned and followed Kurt’s path out of the kitchen.
Kurt had climbed to the ceiling, hanging upside down as he tried to contain his anger. He wasn’t sure which made him more angry; that Scott had just told him that, or that Jean had agreed that it had really happened. Had Scott convinced Jean to lie to him as well, or, even worse… had Lacy really been out to dinner with another man, holding his hand…
Which was more likely?
Jean wouldn’t just lie unless she had a good reason. And Lacy…
Well, as he’d just told Kitty, it had been a while since they’d had sex. He was sure that the answer was that she was still having trouble with the attack, though, not that she was sleeping with someone else…
But he didn’t know.
…    …    …    
Kurt knocked at Lacy’s window, wanting to check on her and make sure she was ok, since she was still forbidding him from coming to the hospital, saying that it was covered with cameras and that she feared for his safety.
Lacy opened the window and let him in, laying in the bed in her pajamas. “Lacy, how are you? Vere you still ok at vork?” He asked, closing the window and laying next to her.
“I'm fine, and it went good, I locked my door, and got a note for Luis, my boss, and, I guess we’ll find out in a few days if I can start working from home,” she told him.
“Good,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.
She wrapped her arms around him as well, cuddling against him. “It’s starting to get chilly,” she said. “It’s going to be fall soon.”
“True,” Kurt answered. He pulled her a little closer, looking down as suspicion entered his mind again.
Was she cheating on him with someone else?
He didn’t want to believe it could be true…
He decided to not jump to conclusions, and get more information first.
…    …    …    
Kurt walked to Professor Xavier’s office, wondering about why he’d called him there, and a little antsy because he could feel the time ticking away when he would leave to go to Lacy’s.
“Ah, Kurt, I’m glad that you could join me,” Xavier greeted, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of his desk, and Kurt sat.
“Of course, Professor,” he said.
“I know you have somewhere you would like to be soon, I just wanted to give this to you now, maybe you can use it tonight,” he said, reaching into his desk drawer. “It was just delivered to me earlier, and I had to run some final tests on it, but I believe that it is ready for use.” He held out what looked like a cell phone.
“Um, vhat is zhat, Professor, a new kind of phone?”
“Oh, no, Kurt. It is what we will call an image inducer. It will surround you in a hologram like field, hiding you from the eyes of the public. I know you were feeling a little trapped here, so a colleague and I worked together to create this for you.”
Kurt took the offered device as Xavier wheeled around the desk. “Now, this is the interface,” he said as the thing powered up. “Here is the power, and here are the controls. It has been set to show you as you would most likely have looked had you not been your charming blue self, but you can alter it using these.”
Kurt hesitantly pushed the button. “I don’t zhink it’s vorking-” Kurt cut off as he looked down at his hand. His normal, five fingered hand. He turned to find a mirror, and Xavier handed one to him. “Whoa… Zhat is me? It… It’s amazing, zhank you Professor!” Kurt exclaimed, running his hand over his face.
“It is no problem, Kurt, I’m glad I can help. Just remember to be careful, and to report any problems to me.”
“Yes, Professor,” Kurt answered, still checking himself out.
Xavier smiled a little. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, Kurt?”
“Vhat? Oh! Yes, zhank you Professor,” Kurt said again, hurrying out of the office. He ran down the hall, and Kitty stopped him.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked.
“Hallo, Kitty,” Kurt greeted with a huge smile.
“Kurt?” She asked, eyes wide.
“Ja, it is me. Zhe professor made it for me,” he told her. “Do you like es?”
Kitty put her hand on his arm, surprised when her hand didn’t seem to disappear. “Wow,” she murmured.
“Ja, it’s amazing. Um, excuse me, Kitty, I have to go. I’m going to go show Lacy,” he told her, hurrying down the stairs and outside.
His thoughts drifted off as he made his way across town. He knew that he had decided to give Lacy the benefit of the doubt, but he still wondered. Was she with someone else? Was she feeling strange because she was starting to have feelings about him and he looked different than a normal human man? Was it because he couldn’t be with her in the day?
But now he could. Now he could be with her anytime they had time to spend together, even able to go out in public. He smiled at the thought. And, if she really was starting to worry about her feelings about him because of how he looked, he could change that now. He could make himself look however she wanted him to. His smile widened.
The Professor may have intended for him to use this gift for good, but he planned to use it for sexy, too.
Lacy tried to stay awake, she really did, but she felt so tired, having to go to the office all morning to talk to Luis about changing her schedule, he hadn’t asked her why, but she felt that that question was still going to be posed, and was a little worried about if anyone would believe her, after all, she had been talking pervertedly to Peter for nearly a year and they may say that she was inviting it, or asking for it, despite her never once even insinuating that she was interested in him, and refusing him multiple times.
Putting in all of that paperwork was, of course, followed by her regular schedule, so she had basically been at work for fifteen hours, and concentrating enough to keep herself from falling into giant potholes and being grabbed by somebody else on the way home had drained the rest of her energy.
She laid down just to rest, but fell asleep before Kurt arrived.
Kurt slid the window open, gently calling out, “Lacy.” He poked his head inside after there was no answer for a moment. He looked around, not seeing her immediately, and saw her on the bed. He climbed into the room and closed the window, smiling as he looked down at her.
She was so sweet. There was no way she was spending time with another man…
Was there?
Kurt brushed the thought aside and pulled the blankets from under her, climbing under them and tucking them around her, pulling her close as he sighed. He’d have to wait until the morning to show her his new toy, but- he’d get to stay with her all day! The thought went through his mind, and he couldn’t help his excitement.
He could take her to the movies, sit in a real seat, he could take her out to a fancy restaurant, buy her gifts that he’d picked out himself, in person, and walk around town, showing her off on his arm. His face broke into the biggest smile yet.
He was excited; this was going to be life changing.
…    …    …    
Lacy hummed as she tried to roll over, but was caught in someone’s arms. She woke up enough to realize that Kurt must have decided to stay when he’d gotten there and found her asleep. She smiled and cuddled closer to him. He was so wonderful. She nuzzled deeper into his chest, feeling his arms tighten around her. She pulled back, looking up to kiss him, but instead of his handsome, blue face, she saw a stranger. Her body went stiff as her mind spun, trying to make sense of this. Her body unfroze, catching up with her mind as she settled on that this person had broken into her apartment.
Lacy pushed back from him as hard as she could, screaming loudly as she fell unceremoniously on the ground, reaching under her bed for the bat she kept there. She jumped up, taking a batting stance and looking at the stranger in her bed. “Who are you?” She demanded.
Kurt was startled awake by the screech of a falling Lacy, and blinded by the morning light. “Vhat?” He asked sleepily.
“I said, who are you?”
“Lacy, it’s me,” he told her.  “Kurt.”
Lacy looked down at him uncertainly. “Who?”
“Kurt, your boyfriend?” He told her.
“B-but you don’t look like Kurt,” she told him.
“Vhat? Oh, ja,” he said, looking down to his hand. “I must have forgotten to turn it off last night. I came to show you zhis,” he said, digging in his pocket and holding out a phone.
Lacy wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, he sounded like Kurt, but on the other, he sure didn’t look like him. She looked at the phone, asking, “what’s that supposed to do?”
“It changes zhe vay I look, zhe Professor gave it to me last night,” he told her. “Here, look,” he said, pushing the power button. The image dropped, and so did Lacy’s bat.
She let out a sigh of relief and climbed onto the bed. “Oh, my God, Kurt, why do you have to scare me so badly, all the time.”
“I’m sorry, li- Lacy,” he told her. “I didn’t mean to, I just vanted to show you zhis, and you vere asleep vhen I got here, and I fell asleep before I turned it off, I guess,” he apologized.
Lacy laid down, looking up at him. “Oh, no, Kurt look,” she said, her attention now drawn to the window. “The sun is up!”
“Ja, but it vill be ok, I have zhis,” he told her, gesturing with the device and turning it back on. “I can finally spend zhe day vizh you,” he told her, laying alongside her. “Vhat vould you like to do?” He asked.
“Sleep,” she said. “I didn’t get any sleep yesterday.”
“Vell, ok, let’s sleep for anozher vile,” Kurt agreed.
“I can’t, all that adrenaline, I’m too awake, now,” she told him.
“Vell, zhen, let’s just lay here for a bit,” he told her.
“Ok,” she smiled to him. “Von’t anyvone com to check on you, you did scream very loud,” Kurt asked.
Lacy shook her head. “Nah, they’re all at work, or don’t care,” she said. “They’re nosey, but from behind their doors.” She cuddled against him, looking up and running her hand over his face. “It’s kinda strange,” she said.
“To hear you, but see someone else,” she told him.
“But, it is still me,” he told her. “It is vhat I vould most likely look like if I didn’t look like zhe vay I do.”
“Hmm,” she hummed, running her fingers over his jaw. “I have the day off today. What do you want to do?” She asked.
He smiled. “I vant to spend it vizh you.” She smiled and buried her nose in his chest.
It was later that Kurt crouched on the top of her chair as Lacy mopped the floor that he teased her, his tail sneaking down to tug at her shirt and pants.
She turned and finished mopping the spot in front of the chair, climbing onto it. “There, now we’re trapped,” she said.
“Vell, I’m not,” Kurt told her, reaching out and putting his hand on the wall, followed by the rest of his limbs. He crawled along the wall and back, jumping lightly to the chair.
"Ok, I'm trapped and you're a show off," she teased him.
"Vell, I could save you, but not if you're going to be like zhat," he told her teasingly.
"Oh, I didn't know you'd take me, too. Are you even sure you can carry me?" She asked.
"Lacy, I could carry you vhereever you vanted to go," he flirted, taking her arms and wrapping them around his shoulders before going back to the wall. "You just have to hold on tight."
He started moving across the wall, and Lacy squealed, giggling as they went. She couldn't hold on for long, though, and fell the couple of feet to the floor. Kurt turned and went after her, landing over her and gently laying on her so he didn't squish her by falling on her full force.
"Mmm, I like being here," he said, running his hand down her cheek and leaning down to kiss her.
Lacy moaned and kissed him back, her hands sliding over him while his tail waved through the air above them.
Kurt could feel the need to be closer to her growing, making his blood run hotter and his hands pull at her more as he kissed down her neck, his body hardening as he pressed tighter against her. Lacy gasped as Kurt pressed against her, his hips grinding into hers and making her stomach quiver. She looked up at him, but seeing his image made her pause, not quite able to get over that it didn’t look like Kurt licking her collarbone.
“Um, uh, w-wait,” she said, gently pushing on his shoulders.
Kurt looked up to her, desire burning in his eyes. “Was ist los?” He asked. {what’s wrong}
“I just-” A loud bang from the hall interrupted her, and Kurt jumped, turning to the door. Lacy stood and looked out the peephole. “It’s ok,” she said, turning back to him. “Just the neighbors moving in a new couch.”
Kurt sighed and stood, pulling her back to him. “Vhat shall ve do now?”
Lacy put her head against his chest. “Let’s go out somewhere. What’s something you’ve wanted to do?” 
“I vant to take you out and valk around town,” he told her.
They wandered through the town, pausing at a few of the stores and vendors, looking at things and just generally wasting time.
They picked up some food on their way back to Lacy’s apartment, eating and watching a movie before Kurt pulled Lacy to the bed, insisting on giving her a massage.
She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting his hands run over her. He pushed her shirt up, letting his strong fingers dig the tension out of her muscles, and leaned down, kissing her neck. Kurt unhooked her bra, pushing her shirt up and over her head. He turned her over and kissed her, pulling her shirt off. “Zeit für das vordere,” he told her, kissing down her chin and around her lips as his hands started moving over her breasts. {time for the front}
His lips traveled down her neck and between her breasts, kissing over her ribs and nipping the tender spots. He was gasping, his breath rushing through him as his body pressed harder against her, wanting more, the need strong after so long without her.
Lacy’s hands caught his shirt, pulling it off as he moved down and pulled off her pants. He kissed her thighs, moving back up and licking a trail to her belly button. He pulled down his pants, his tail flicking them backwards as he kissed around her hips, making his way back up to her ribs. “Oh Gott, ich will dich so sehr,” he groaned against her. {oh god, I want you so bad}
Lacy felt her cheeks heat with want, looking down at him, but, again, his appearance gave her pause. “Kurt- could you, um…”
He looked up at her. “Ja?” He asked, his hot breath blowing across her skin.
She bit her lip, wanting him to continue, but wanting to see him. “Will you, take that thing off?” He looked down at her in confusion. “It just- looks-” she started.
“Ich kann es so aussehen, wie Sie wollen,” he told her. “Was denken Sie?” {I can make it look however you want. What are you thinking}
Lacy’s eyebrows met in confusion. “No, I- I would rather see-”
Kurt stood from the bed, getting the device from his pocket. “Anyzhing,” he told her. He brought up the settings screen and a bitter thought from the back of his mind snuck up on him. “Vhat about your boyfriend,” he asked stiffly. “Vhat does he look like?”
Lacy sat up and looked at him, a brow dipping in confusion. “Have you been avoiding mirrors lately?” She teased. “He’s tall, blue, fuzzy, sexy…”
“No,” he said, turning to her. “Your ozher boyfriend,” Kurt said.
“Wh- what are you talking about?”
“Lacy… Zhey saw you, at zhat restaurant, vizh zhat man… holding hands…”
Lacy looked at him in confusion for a moment before she remembered being at a restaurant with a man. “You mean Doug?”
“I zhought you said zhat Doug vas not your type,” he said.
“He’s not,” she answered.
“Just to sleep vizh?” He asked.
Lacy’s eyes widened in shock. “What?” She asked in disbelief. “What are you talking about?”
Kurt turned off the image inducer and stuck it back into his pants. “Vhy vere you at a nice restaurant vizh him?” He asked.
Lacy felt as though she’d been shot in the chest. He was seriously accusing her of cheating on him. “I was having trouble after we, when I visited you… We- Kurt, we were talking about you,” she told him.
“Zhen vhy vere you holding his hand?” He asked.
“He was trying to comfort me, I was having a panic attack on the table,” she told him, her voice full of incredulous anger, standing from the bed and going to the bathroom, trying to slam the door. Kurt caught it before it closed and followed her. “How could you think that?” She demanded. “How could you think that I could do that?”
“Lacy, zhey saw you,” he told her.
“They saw two friends eating and talking,” she snapped at him.
“Zhen vhy at zhe fancy restaurant?” He asked.
“His parents own it, he gets free food!” She told him. “I can’t believe you are accusing me of this, and I can’t believe that you’re standing here, still hard!”
Kurt did a quick assessment, but decided she wasn’t going to attack his manhood. “Lacy, you are standing in front of me, nude. Of course I am hard,” he told her.
“You’re disgusting,” she muttered.
“I am standing in front of a beautiful naked voman. I am a man,” he told her, pulling her against him and kissing her.
Lacy tried to push away, but Kurt wouldn’t let her. He held her closer, his hands pulling at her and making shivers run down her. He put his leg on the edge of the tub and pulled hers over his knee. “Sie wollen immer noch darauf, nicht wahr?” He asked, kissing her hungrily. She shook her head slightly against him. “Aber Sie sind so nass,” he said, his tail sliding through the wetness on her folds. {You still want it, don't you? But you're still so wet}
She couldn’t help herself, she did want him, and the way he was touching her was making her forget about what he’d said.
Kurt’s hand trailed along her skin to her hip, pulling her closer so he could slide into her. She felt him, her inner walls stretching as he filled her awkwardly with the angle.
Kurt leaned back onto the sink so he had something to use as leverage as he thrust into Lacy, and she moved her knee up over his hip, making it easier for him to push into her.
Lacy’s other knee buckled and Kurt’s hand tightened on her hip, helping to hold her up. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and used him as leverage to pull herself onto him.
Kurt slid back onto the counter more as his tail wrapped around her waist to keep her from falling off of him. Lacy knelt with her knees on either side of Kurt’s hips on the counter and started moving, grinding against him, groaning and gasping as he moved in and out with her movements.
Kurt put his other foot on the edge of the tub and rocked his hips with her, gently thrusting into her as she moved up and down. His hand moved behind her shoulder, holding her as he leaned her back so he could get to her breasts, lavishing his tongue across one nipple as his fingers tweaked the other. Lacy cried out, panting and gasping as she neared orgasm.
He held her, feeling her body tighten as she moved, a little more each time, until she thrust downward, her breath catching in her throat as she rose back up, then, down, knees tightening against him, a shuddering cry leaving her as she clung to him, her body pulsing around him.
He pulled her up and kissed her, holding her against him as he stood and made his way to the bed. He laid her down and knelt over her, kissing down her body until he got to her knees, pulling them apart and running his tongue over her thigh. She moaned as his tongue found her tender spot, licking and gently sucking at it until she came again. Then his tongue moved lower, circling her opening and dipping in a fraction.
Kurt’s head was hazy with thoughts, half about making her scream his name, half revenge like. Wanting to make her feel so amazing that she could never think about anyone but him, then leave.
See how it made the other man, Doug, feel when she couldn’t get hot for him.
Lacy moaned loudly as he licked up and down, stimulating the area between her clit and opening until her knees fell further apart.
Kurt’s tongue stopped, flicking against the tip of her clit, making her arch against him until he suddenly took it into his mouth, licking and gently sucking as his finger found her and thrust in. His free hand moved up and squeezed her breast as his tail did the same to the other.
Lacy couldn’t handle it; the tension was too much in her stomach, it was amazing, she wanted him to continue forever, but as he angled his finger and made shallow thrusts to hit her g-spot, she screamed, her body violently being thrown over the edge into the rapids of orgasm, riding against his mouth until she felt herself getting close again.
Kurt pulled back, his hand staying with her as he spoke into her ear. “Vier ist kaum genug für eine Schönheit wie Sie.” Lacy’s eyebrows lifted slightly in confusion; she’d only come three times so far, but then, as he finished talking, she felt herself tighten around his finger again, her head falling back as she gasped for air. “Mal sehen, wie viele wir bekommen können, bevor die Sonne aufgeht,” he told her, pulling his finger from her and replacing it with his cock. {Four is hardly enough for a beauty like you. Let's see how many we can get before the sun comes up}
Lacy’s hands held him, her fingers digging in until he could feel the bite of her nails as she kept him close. Kurt thrust into her hard, pounding into her inner walls until she cried out into his shoulder in orgasm. “Fünf,” he whispered in her ear, taking her thighs and pushing them against her ribs. {five}
He thrust into her, his cock pressing against her g-spot every time it ran past it. Her hands fluttered for a moment before they fell to the sheets, twisting in them as she cried out, her mouth not quite able to form the intricacies of words while Kurt hit so many good places inside of her.
Kurt looked down at her, feeling even more turned on as she arched and cried out. He pulled almost all the way out, starting to give short, shallow strokes.
Lacy’s eyes cracked opened as she stared up, her head thrown back so far she was looking at the headboard between blinks. She was crying out, almost screaming in pleasure as Kurt teased and pushed against her g-spot, feeling like she was being pushed to heaven. She couldn’t help thinking how amazing it was as her hands tightened in the sheets, almost sobbing with how good it felt as she got closer.
Kurt stroked her thighs, squeezing as he felt her come around him. “Sechs,” he told her, pulling out for a moment until she calmed down. He thrust back into her, hitting her tender g-spot, and harder, against her inner wall. Lacy cried out again, tightening around him quickly. “Mmm, Sieben, so schnell,” he told her. “Mache ich etwas richtig, oder sind Sie nur daran zu gewöhnen?” He asked, looking down at her parted lips, heat filled cheeks, and hazed eyes. {Six. Mmm, Seven, so fast. Am I doing something right, or are you just getting used to it}
He could tell she was trying to speak, but the only thing leaving her lips was more moans as he quickened his pace.
Lacy’s fingers slipped from the sheets as they raised above her to hold onto the bottom of the headboard. Her eyes closed and her head fell to the side as her body arched, unable to do anything but lay back and accept everything he was giving her.
“Oh, acht,” he groaned, letting her legs fall to the sides as he held her hips. He looked down at her and the picture she made. He leaned down, one hand stroking the side of her cheek before he whispered, “Wer denkst du?” {Oh, eight. Who are you thinking of}
Lacy’s eyes opened and found his, shock being replaced by anger as she stared at him wordlessly. Kurt’s tail moved between them and flicked over the tender nub above where he was thrusting his cock. He stared down into her eyes, watching her fight the coming orgasm, but falling to it anyway, unable to resist for long. “Neun. Komm, Lacy. Sag mir, wer Sie denken,” he told her. {Nine. Come, Lacy. Tell me who you're thinking of.}
He paused long enough for her to get her voice back, his thumb moving over her bottom lip.
Lacy felt tears start to press at her ducts as her lip trembled against his thumb. She closed her eyes and turned away, not wanting to believe he was still accusing her. “You, Kurt. It’s only ever you,” she told him softly.
Kurt’s hand moved down around her cheek as he whispered to her, his voice a bit rough and jealous, “Ich wollte nur hören Sie es sagen.” {I just wanted to hear you say it}
He kissed down her jaw, starting to move again. He pushed into her, surprised to find that his own orgasm had been slipping up on him unnoticed.
He felt it growing, the need pushing at his balls, squeezing them until he lost control and grabbed the top of the headboard, thrusting harder into Lacy’s soft body until it overpowered him and he spilled everything into her.
He gasped for breath, looking down at her as she softly whimpered, coming with him.
“Lacy,” he said, stroking her face and laying over her. “Ve got to ten, I didn’t mean to come yet, but you feel so good.” He kissed her cheek. “I guess ve’ll just have to make it up on zhe next round,” he told her, kissing her collarbone.
Lacy glanced up at him, pushing him back. He looked down at her in confusion, moving off of her as she pushed him farther away. “Lacy-”
“Leave,” she said quietly as she rolled away from him onto her side.
“Vhat?” Kurt asked.
“Leave. Go away,” she told him.
“Lacy, I-”
“Just go,” she told him, and he could hear the catch in her breath.
“Lacy, I can’t leave you like zhis,” he told her.
“Get out, now, before I call the cops,” she told him, sounding angry.
Kurt’s eyebrows shot up. Never before had she ever said anything like that to him.
He stood from the bed, slowly pulling on his clothes. She was silent, seemingly content that he was going to leave, but Kurt still couldn’t leave like this. He paused next to the bed, his heart crying out for him to stay. “Lacy, are you sure-”
“Get out!” She yelled, startling him into going through the window.
When she was sure he was gone, Lacy finally let the floodgates loose, tears pouring down her face as she sobbed.
How could he accuse her of cheating on him? And right then? When he was making her forget her own name, not to mention that he’d said those ridiculous, hurtful things.
Kurt turned on his image inducer, making sure it was on before starting down the street towards the mansion. It took a long time to get there with the bitter, ashamed, regretful pace he had. He didn’t pay attention to anything around him, too absorbed with what had happened, he was lucky he wasn’t robbed with some  of the neighborhoods he went through.
He finally made it to the mansion, feeling that it should have at least had the decency to rain to match his mood, but the stars were out in the clear sky.
He walked in the door and across the entry, starting up the stairs.
Kitty looked into the hall as the door closed, seeing someone and pausing before she recognized Kurt’s image. “Hey, Kurt, you’ve been gone for a while,” she teased. “What have you been doing all day?”
He didn’t answer her, and her face turned serious, recognizing that something serious was up with her friend.
She silently followed him up the stairs and into his room, watching him flop onto the bed and bury his head in the pillows before sitting on the edge. “What happened?” She asked.
“I’ve done somezhing terrible,” he told her.
Kitty rolled her eyes, remembering the last time he’d done something “terrible.” “What did you do this time?” She asked.
“Remember vhat Scott and Jean said, about seeing Lacy at zhat restaurant vizh zhe ozher man,” he started.
Kitty’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, tell me you did not accuse her of cheating on you,” she told him.
“I vish I could,” he answered.
“You know she didn’t! She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who can even get that close to people most of the time!” Kitty exclaimed.
“I know,” he told her. “But, it vas- just…”
Kitty took a deep breath and looked at the back of his head. “It was what, tell me what happened. From the start.”
“Vell, I showed her my new,” he gestured over himself. “And she vas ok vizh it, but vhen I kissed her- all day, she made excuses to stop…”
“Did you stop to think that maybe she wasn’t really used to the new look yet?” She asked.
“Vell, but… She said zhat… Vhen ve vere… And-”
“Oh, Kurt…” Kitty shook her head. “You accused her of cheating on you because she didn’t want to have sex with you in your thing?”
“It vas- not zhe… Kitty, vhat zhey said has been eating at me, and, she hasn’t vanted to in so long… I vas… Confused,” he told her.
“I’ll say,” she agreed. “I guess, at least you didn’t accuse her during, or worse, at the end…” She shook her head again.
“Vell…” Kurt felt his face heat in embarrassment.
“Well… What do you mean ‘well...’? Tell me you didn’t…” Kitty demanded.
“I- I, um…” Kurt trailed off.
“She looked so- like she vas daydreaming- I just vanted to know…”
“Wanted to know what?” Kitty demanded.
“Who- who she vas zhinking of…” He mumbled shamefully.
Kitty smacked him as she stood. “And you just left her?” She demanded.
“No, nein, I didn’t vant to, I refused to leave her,” he told her.
“You seem to be in front of me right now,” she told him.
“She- she made me leave, she zhreatened to call zhe police, and vizh zhe situvation… I had to go,” he told her.
“Kurt, I can’t believe you.” She shook her head. She paced back and forth as she berated him. “The whole time you’re here, you act like you’re never going to meet anyone who can look past how you look, then you finally find a woman who, not only likes you, a lot, but doesn’t want you to look differently than you do, and is a good person, and you accuse her of cheating on you, just as you’re about to have sex! I don’t even know how you got her to look past that and keep going so that you could accuse her during sex. Oh my God. You’re such and idiot! I don’t know how she has put up with your bullshit for so long, and that's only the stuff I've heard about! Have you even thanked her for staying with you for, how long has it been?” She asked. “A few months at least. I- I don’t know. I- I have to leave,” she said, storming out and slamming his door after her.
Kurt stuffed his head under his pillow, unable to fight what she’d said, knowing it was true. "I told you it vas somezhing terrible," he murmured to himself.
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