aresdifesa · 13 days
Rheinmetall ed ICEYE collaborano per la distribuzione di immagini satellitari SAR Rheinmetall e ICEYE hanno siglato un accordo di collaborazione per ampliare la loro partnership nel settore delle operazioni satellitari SAR per l'osservazione della Terra
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demiurgeua · 3 months
Фахівці ГУР МО України оприлюднили інформацію про використання космічного апарату ICEYE
Фахівці Головного управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України оприлюднили інформацію про використання космічного апарату ICEYE, що був придбаний за пожертви українців, для виявлення цілей і захисту держави впродовж майже двох років. _________ Specialists of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine have been using the ICEYE spacecraft, that was purchased due to Ukrainians’ donations, to detect…
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ourwitching · 5 months
Iceye operates a constellation of small synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites The post Satelli...
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
This ‘doomsday’ glacier is more vulnerable than scientists once thought. (Washington Post)
A massive Antarctic glacier, which could raise global sea levels by up to two feet if it melts, is far more exposed to warm ocean water than previously believed, according to a study published Monday.
Thwaites Glacier, the world’s widest, bobs up and down on daily tides. As it lifts up, warm seawater is shooting farther under the ice than scientists thought — up to 6 kilometers, or 3.7 miles, according to satellite data. This has the potential to substantially increase the area over which the glacier is melting, scientists found.
The degradation of Thwaites, popularlyknown as the “doomsday glacier,” means the warm ocean could eat further into the West Antarctic ice sheet and bring with it the potential for massive sea level rise.
“The water is able to penetrate beneath the ice over much longer distances than we thought,” said Eric Rignot, a scientist with the University of California at Irvine and NASA’s Joint Propulsion Laboratory, who led the research. “It’s kind of sending a shock wave down our spine to see that water moving kilometers.”
Rignot’s research team had previously documented this extensive tidal pulsing of seawater at Petermann Glacier, one of the largest outflows of ice in Greenland. But Thwaites makes Petermann look small. It is 80 miles wide where it touches the ocean, versus about 10 miles for Petermann.
The new study was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Authors work at the University of California at Irvine, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, Waterloo University in Canada, and the Finnish firm ICEYE, which provided the satellite observations.
Rignot said he believes the process he described in Monday’s paper will speed up the results of models that scientists use topredict future sea levels.
Thwaites is currentlyhooked to the ocean floor by two ocean ridges underneath the glacier. But when the tide lifts the glacier up, the new research found,seawater is getting over or around one of them. If Thwaites became untethered from those ridges, it would allow warm ocean water to enter an area where the seafloor dips downward into very deep regions toward the center of West Antarctica.
The new study “confirms that this process of pushing water up underneath the glacier is going on, which has been seen with a few other techniques, but never with this dynamic resolution,” said Britney Schmidt, a scientist at Cornell University who has studied a similarly deep undersea and under-ice region of Thwaites via a submersible robot, named Icefin.
Schmidt says that the ability of water to squeeze in this way, even running up a slope that the ice has been hooked onto, is a new factor increasing the glacier’s instability. In the past, scientists have mainly emphasized that glaciers retreat rapidly when perched on downhill slopes. Thwaites iscurrently doing so while moored up an uphill slope.
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spacenutspod · 1 month
Paris, France (SPX) Aug 22, 2024 Bayanat AI PLC (ADX: BAYANAT), a leader in AI-powered geospatial solutions, and Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (ADX: Yahsat), the UAE's premier satellite services provider, have successfully launched the nation's first Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite. The launch took place on August 16, 2024, in collaboration with ICEYE, a frontrunner in SAR satellite
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Lauren's POV
"Come on, Lauren! Where are your brain today? Are you really too dense to understand the basics?" Vivian demanded to know, as I was cantering around on Cou.
Something wasn't feeling quite right with him today, and I didn't know what was wrong. The thought that Cou could have a bad day kinda brushed my mind, but I threw that thought away quickly. If Cou wasn't doing well, that was in my court as always. Or at least according to Vivian. And today I just couldn't do anything right apparently.
"Let him do the work, just sit there!" Vivian schooled me with that sharp tone of voice.
"I'm trying! He is just... ugh, not working with me!" I replied tensely, and tried to relax my body, so Cou could relax under me.
"You are not trying! You are moping!" she told me seriously, and I just shook my head at that. Apparently she took offence to that, as she added, "You are! Pull yourself out of your own behind, slow down and try again!"
After working with Cou and Vivian for about 20 more minutes, Vivian waved me over. I slowed the stallion into walk, then stopped him in front of her.
"This is not working," I told her.
"You are not going to get everything served on a silver platter with this horse. You need to actually try, Lauren!" her face was hard as stone, and her tone iceyer than I have ever heard it be before.
"I am trying!" I protested, but she held her hand up, telling me clearly to shut up and listen, without a sound.
"Cool him down. We are done here," with that Vivian just left the arena. Left me to my own devices with Cou, who wasn't co-operating with me today for some reason. Which was strange, because yesterday he was fine.
I groaned in annoyance, when Vivian was out of hearing reach, and tried not to let my anger - created by feeling misunderstood - impact Cou, as it probably wasn't his fault. It was all on me that I couldn't please Vivian today.
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I was letting Cou just walk around the arena for loose reins, when I heard the sound of steps behind us. Not hooves though, feet. Then Lottie jogged up beside me, and looked at me while I was avoiding her gaze.
"What's up with Vivian?" she asked me, and I just shook my head, running a hand over my face. I felt something wet on my palm, and realized I was crying. Lottie said sympathetically, "That bad huh?"
"Yeah," I laughed watery and without joy, "She was just... I don't know what I did wrong, you know? Cou just wasn't working with me today, but Vivian made it out to be my fault again and again. I just... I mean I know she is kinda hard to work with sometimes, Vivian that is, but she hasn't been this bad in awhile." I sighed, angrily wiping away the tears.
"She is probably having a bad day too. Like Cou is," Lottie clearly tried to soothe my worries and fears, but today it wasn't really helping that much.
Still I answered, "Yeah, maybe." I starred thought fully into space for awhile, just letting Cou decide the direction, and Lottie seemed to follow beside me, not saying anything though.
"Honestly, I have known Vivian for a long time, but I never ever have gotten to know her like you have, Lauren. I mean, I think sometimes you are just pushing each others' buttons? I mean, I still never know what she is feeling, or what she wants, but you seem to know that. Mostentimes anyways," she shrugged and brushed her hand over Cou's coat.
"Yeah, I definitely wasn't able to do that today," I smiled with still slightly watery eyes.
"What do you need?" Lottie asked me, and I was about to just say 'nothing', and get on with it, but instead I said something else.
"Would you go for a ride with me and Toémme?"
"Sure, let's do it, when you have cooled down Cou. Whether you need to talk or just ride, I'm here," Lottie smiled at me, and patted me on the knee, before going to the bigger stable building to get Pinkie's halter.
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We rode on towards the fields around Echo's facilities in comfortable silence for awhile. Then Lottie began telling some story about Pinkie's last happenings and mischiefs. I even got to laugh a little, even if I was still very much in my own head, but Lottie was bringing me out little by little, and we actually had a pretty good hack.
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aresdifesa · 13 days
Immagini satellitari SAR di ICEYE per la NASA La NASA ha scelto ancora una volta ICEYE US per fornire immagini satellitari SAR per il suo programma Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA)
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demiurgeua · 2 years
Космічний апарат ICEYE допоміг виявити та знищити тисячі одиниць техніки рашистських окупантів
За 5 місяців використання космічного апарату ICEYE, що був придбаний за пожертви українців, співробітники Головного управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України провели космічну радіолокаційну розвідку майже 1000 районів розташування підрозділів рашистської терористичної недодержави на тимчасово окупованих та інших територіях, що становили інтерес д��я Збройних Сил України. Завдяки можливостям…
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ourwitching · 5 months
Iceye operates a constellation of small synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites The post Satelli...
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bernieshoot · 1 month
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worthatri-dodo · 1 month
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insurgentepress · 2 months
Las mareas socavan "vigorosamente" el enorme glaciar antártico Thwaites
Un equipo de investigadores del @UCIrvineNews revelaron que las mareas socavan "vigorosamente" el enorme glaciar antártico Thwaites.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- Datos de radar satelital de alta resolución han demostrado la intrusión de agua de mar cálida y a alta presión a “muchos kilómetros debajo del hielo” del glaciar gigante Thwaites de la Antártida. “Estos datos de ICEYE proporcionaron una serie de observaciones diarias de largo plazo que se ajustan estrechamente a los ciclos de mareas”, dijo el autor principal Eric…
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nawapon17 · 3 months
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aresdifesa · 7 months
Tre nuovi satelliti radar ad apertura sintetica di ICEYE in orbita ICEYE, azienda leader nel monitoraggio delle catastrofi naturali e della sorveglianza satellitare, ha immesso in orbita con successo lo scorso 4 marzo 2024 tre nuovi satelliti radar ad apertura sintetica (SAR), inclusa una nuova tecnologia che consente di ottenere immagini ad alta risoluzione fino a 25 cm. I satelliti sono stati lanciati con successo dalla base spaziale di Vandenberg in California tramite SpaceX. Due dei satelliti SAR sono prodotti da ICEYE US, mentre uno è un dimostratore tecnologico sviluppato e prodotto da ICEYE in Finlandia. Il dimostratore tecnologico presenta una nuova antenna che aumenta la larghezza di banda radar a
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wpristav · 3 months
Уничтожить разведывательные спутники «Сич-2-30» и ICEYE
Проведение российской специальной военной операции (СВО) на Украине дало толчок развитию новых вооружений и тактик их применения, равного которому не было со времён Второй мировой войны. Ведущие державы планеты внимательно изучают опыт ведения боевых действий между Россией и Украиной, адаптируют свои арсеналы к войнам ближайшего...... Читать дальше »
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uaincz · 3 months
ГУР працює з супутником ICEYE - за два роки зроблено понад 4 тисячі знімків ворожих цілей
Фахівці ГУР МО України використовують космічний апарат ICEYE для виявлення ворожих цілей і захисту держави уже майже два роки. За цей час розвідникам вдалось зробити понад 4 тисячі знімків ворожих об’єктів. По це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на пресслужбу ГУР в Telegram. Як зазначають ГУР працює з супутником ICEYE – за два роки зроблено понад 4 тисячі знімків ворожих цілей
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