#Ice Creamie Meanie (mentioned)
eelec-knife-fish-kwami · 11 months
My Phish Bombing game has been BLAHH! I haven’t done it in FOREVER! So, I’m asking the PUBLIC what to do!
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yumiyue07 · 3 months
Sweet Surprise
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Part 1
POV: You & Him (Y/N = Your name, H/N = His name)
On the way to a bench, H/N asked, "What did the employee say to you? You looked a bit... confused." What should you reply to that? "Oh, you know, he thought we were a couple." You couldn't very well say that. You hesitated for a moment, caught between honesty and the fear of revealing your true feelings. H/N's gaze held a quiet intensity, and you knew a flimsy lie wouldn't hold water.
"He said if I bought another scoop of ice cream, I'd get a third one for free. I was a bit confused because I didn't want another scoop, let alone two." You avoided looking at him, sensing he didn't really believe your answer.
"Ah, I see," he replied, his voice a low murmur. You could almost hear the skepticism in his tone. He wasn't letting it go that easily. "He also mentioned something else at the end, right?" His voice was gentle, yet persistent. "Because I had the feeling he was flirting with you."
Your heart hammered against your ribs. Was it your imagination, or did you detect a subtle edge of jealousy in his inquiry? No, your delusional brain must be imagining it. You couldn't possibly be interpreting his concern as anything more than friendliness.
"No way!" you blurted out a little too quickly, forcing a strained laugh. "Why would a random employee flirt with me?" You mentally kicked yourself for the unconvincing defense.
Desperate to steer the conversation away from your emotional turmoil, you pointed to the crescent moon reflecting on the water. "Oh, look, isn't that a beautiful crescent moon? It's almost a new moon again. Funny, the setting sun and the rising moon. Sometimes, they meet fleetingly, like now." You hoped the sudden change of subject wouldn't be too obvious.
"Shall we sit here?" you quickly asked, pointing to a nearby bench beside a beautiful magnolia tree. From there, you could see the entire lake, bathed in the soft glow of the almost-set sun. The secluded spot provided the perfect refuge, not just from potential recognition but also from the torrent of emotions threatening to spill out.
A sly smile played on H/N's lips as he glanced at your cup. "Ah, the classic vanilla. Can't go wrong with a timeless choice."
You chuckled, a familiar warmth spreading through you at his playful observation. "Exactly! Vanilla is my comfort zone, a guaranteed source of satisfaction."
His gaze flickered to his own, a decadent tower of colorful ice cream and toppings. "Funny," he mused, "vanilla's my go-to as well. But today, I felt like indulging in a bit of adventure. So many flavors to explore, you know?"
A playful glint lit up your eyes. "So, your favorite flavor is the basic vanilla? Ugh, thanks a lot, now I'm not in the mood for vanilla ice cream anymore." You made a mock show of tilting your cup towards him, a playful threat to drench him with the melting ice cream.
His laughter erupted, a rich, infectious sound that washed over you like a wave. "Waaee??? Meanie. Don't punish me for your lack of adventurous spirit!" he countered, dodging your playful swipe with a feigned yelp. Seeing him so carefree, so genuinely happy filled you with a bittersweet joy. Even if it meant he might end up finding that joy in someone else's arms, witnessing his smile brought warmth to your own heart.
You leaned back on the park bench, savoring a spoonful of your vanilla ice cream. As the creamy coolness filled your mouth, involuntary, a moan escaped your lips, morphing into a soft "Mmmhh" before you could stop it.
A moment of silence followed, then you peeked open one eye to see H/N staring at you with a curious expression. A blush crept up your cheeks as you realized you might have been a little too enthusiastic.
"Sorry," you mumbled sheepishly, "I haven't had vanilla ice cream in ages, and this is seriously good."
H/N chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent shivers down your spine. "Don't worry," he said, his voice teasing. "I understand the sentiment. Ice cream can be pretty life-changing."
He paused for a beat, his gaze lingering on you for a split second too long. "Though," he continued, a playful smirk tugging at his lips, "there are other things…that can make someone…react like that, wouldn't you agree? But with ice cream?"
You knew what he was getting at but decided not to go into it any further. "Oh, really?" you challenged, a playful fire igniting in your eyes. "Why don't you try it for yourself and see if it lives up to the hype?"
He raised an eyebrow, a playful acceptance in his expression. Reaching across with his spoon, he scooped a generous bite of your ice cream. As the creamy vanilla hit his tongue, his eyes widened in surprise.
"Whoa," he exclaimed, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "This is actually really good! You weren't kidding."
Relief washed over you mingled with a twinge of something more. "See?" you said triumphantly, taking another bite of your own ice cream. "I told you it wouldn't disappoint."
To be continued...
Author’s note:
Hello lovelies,
Part 2 of "Sweet Surprise" is out now. 🍦💕
How do you like it so far? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬❤️
Part 3 is coming soon. Stay tuned!
Thank you for your support!
Love, YumiYue 🌙💖
Follow me on: 📸 Instagram: @yumiyue07 🎵 TikTok: @yumiyue07
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events. All rights reserved. Please do not repost or reproduce this story without permission. © 2024 LunaVerse - YumiYue07. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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eelec-knife-fish-kwami · 11 months
I stole @icecreamandre’s cart and zapped him.
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