#Ibba 2017
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glyhndzkr · 2 years ago
Balapan Gores Paha (1)
Halo marathon, Halo paha dan lateral armpit kiri kegores nyeri nyeri mboten sedap.
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Mandiri Jogja Marathon, kata pembawa acara, ini udah berlangsung sejak 2017. Tahun ke-6. Start finish prambanan, jalur no kota kota jogja club, tapi naik naik ke gunung yes, mantapbos. Kalo mau cerita, seperti biasa, kita mulai dari... Halo Marathon, Halo paha... wkwkwk canda, dari daftar.
Pendaftaran - Persiapan
Sebenere, aku ga kepikiran ikut krn agak meragukan dari persiapan acaranya yang kalo dibandingin sama bormar, keliatan banget lebih meriah dan well prepared bormar, jauh, konten ig nya, rangkaian acaranya, desainnya, dsb, plus kedua biar hemat, karena uangnya duluan mau buat daftar bormar.
Tapi saat itu, suhu Aiman al jogjawi, tbtb meng pc wa, dan mengajak. Tanpa panjang kalam, ya gas lah bro. Mendadak alasan di paragraf sebelum ini ditiadakan wkwkwk, tp yg kedua engga, poko e harus dapet early bird satu! biar lebih murmer. 400k, bajunya dua, anduk, jajanan poko e akeh, pijet, foto, banyak poko nya. Insyaa allah untuk standar race kelas internasional, murmer. Oke lanjut.
Oleh harganya yg murmer, pendaftaran early bird, tida semudah itu ferguso. Ya benar kawanku, selain karena habisnya cuepet, proses pembeliannya diiringi dengan erorr wkwkwk. Dan errornya ga dikasi tau sampe kapan. Sebagai masyarakat netizen yang cukup terkenal kurang terlalu bijak wkwkwk hal ini saaaangat cukup untuk memunculkan komen negatif netizen indonesia di insta wkwk. Namun, berkat hasil komen juga, ada satu akun yg mengabarkan bahwa kemungkinan buka lagi sekitar pukul 3 dan bener, alhamdulillah dapet secure 1 tiker FM EB 1. Cuma satu? Iya cuma satu, Mas Aiman karo masku belom. Padahal aku yang diajak. asem :)
Akhirnya cerita pendaftaran pun berlanjut. Akibat punya akun livin mandiri (baru bikin H-1 tet buka pendaftaran EB 1, karena khusus EB cuma bisa pake Livin') saya pun menjadi calo dadakan dua org tersebut. Alhamdulillah pertama beli, izi pizi. Baru yang kedua, atas nama Mas Aiman... asemm entekkkk! agak panik, mulai tremor, tp harap harap cemas, karena statusnya masi fully booked, bukan sold out. Refresh terossss, sambil doa tbtb ada yg batal daftar wkwk. Setelah 40 menit refresh, dor, dapet, asal pilih ukuran baju yang ada, langsung isi data pake tangan tangan bergetar, satset dasdes, 2 tiket HM EB 2 diamankan. Yak, sami sami mas mas, sami sami, tf aja ini rekening ku... wkwkwk ora ora canda, tp nek mas aiman emg ngasi duit terima kasih sih... yakkk... mari lanjut cerita ngehe wkwkwk
Singkat cerita sembari menunggu hari H, ya biasa lari lari, target 200km milleage smp Hari H. kayak e kecapaian, atau hampir yak wkwkwk lupa. Sampai di puncaknya, pun sekalian menunaikan target sejak 2020 lalu (cerita lari ke ibbas ada sendiri), mari coba lari ke Ibbas, buat cek son penderitaan lari 30++ kilometer wkwkwk. Alhamdulillah latian terakhir emang ada gunanya, terutama menyadarkan untuk melakukan strength training dan stretching, yg kemudian langsung praktik di rabu kamisnya, yang pula adalah pertama dan kedua kalinya latian strength yg dilakukan selama masa persiapan, awikwok. Eh ya selain dari munggah gunung slamet dan tektok lawu (ini masing2 juga ada ceritanya). Yang ternyata, gatau emg pengaruh apa ngga wkwk tp pas Hari H, larinya lebih nyaman, walau elevasinya wkwkwk nguengggg. Yak lanjut lagi!
Pre Race
Yak maafkan kami orang Solo yang emang otw jogja nya baru H-1 karena ada KRL dan ga perlu aklimatisasi, yo rak perlu lah wkwkwkwk. Ngentekke duit wae lunga tambah suwe awikwok.
Naik KRL dari Palur sekitar pukul 2.45 sampe Lempuyangan kurleb jam 4. Alhamdulillah setelah beberapa kali naik KRL, kali ini ful senyum karena ful duduk. Sampe sono, nunggu mas Aiman njemput. Mau solat gatau musholla dimana. Akhirnya, jemputan datang, langsung otw masjid solat ashar, lanjut maghrib, sama Isya. Baru habis itu ke Rumah e mas aiman.
Alhamdulillah, setelah perjalanan kita ful berpuasa, no fud, no dring. Tanpa fafifu, "nek kowe melu mangan keluargaku... sans tapi ngko mejane rodok pisah, pie?" wah, *sambilposememepakenanya, wkwkwk. Walau mungkin terkadang dalam pertanyaan macam ini, kami menjawab dengan so soan merasa ga enak atau beberapa mungkin sok menolak dan mempertanyakan keyakinan penawar "yakin?", sebenarnya kami nyaman alhamdulillah, dan tida menolak 😊 hatur nuhun nggih mas jamuannya.
Sebelum berangkat narok barang dulu, rapi rapi, dan tentu, melihat race pack kesayangan kami. Ebuset, ada baju, ebuset ada permen, ebuset ada anduk, ebuset permen lagi, ebuset ada rexona, ebuset permen lagi, ebusettt.. eh permen lagi? ya benar permennya 4 bungkus, trus yang lain, fitbar, isotonik drink, suplemen, salonpas, salonlonggar... lucuuu lucuuu, salongakpas? ngelucuuu meneh... brosur2, dan tentunya BIB A19463, iki pasti kerja sama karo UNS, angka BIB awalku 19 masku karo mas Aiman 17, fix pake NIM. aowkwokwk ya kali. Ga lama, ngobrol, langsung gas madyang.
Kita makan di Resto Sayaaa! ehm, maksudnya Resto Galih, pake i, bukan Y, aih kecewa dikit. dan singkat Cerita, Subhaanallah Maasyaa allah Tabaarakallahh, inilah yang namanya ni'mal hayaaah, ayam bakar, lalapan, nasi, jus melon lemon yang seghar, dan tentunya sambel, yang ga direkomendasikan untuk dimakan saat malam sebelum race *sedihtapitetepdipangansitik.
Lagi makan baru kelar, melayang ikan tepung dan biasa beserta saus dan lalapan kol setengah bunder nder, beuh, mantap boi, pesta ni, tinggal besok paginya aja, sampe ga pamit keluar, apalagi malah mengadakan apel dadakan saat race, beuh, maaf kawan, walau mungkin kalian hanyalah makan malam kami, jangan salahkan kami kalo ada satu dua dendam yang tersimpan dalam hati. Dan... ya benar, itulah yang sempet terjadi menjelang race dimulai, dan toilet? wahh, jangan kira saya sendiri kawann, ini adalah serangan. massal! serangan fajar! ini adalah apel serentak dadakan! dan kami pun sebagai manusia sampai harus memeriahkan apel baris rapi di tiap pos pos toilet terdekat. Luar biasa. Dan sayangnya saat itu, saya belum antri sehingga dihadapkan dalam sebuah dilemma, ngantri dan menuntaskan apel makan malam kemarin, tapi nyusul mulai racenya? apa sebaliknya? berbekal, motto, race hanya sekali, tapi bab bisa berkali kali, dengan penuh ketegaran jiwa dan raga, mengencangkan sfingter ani, kulangkahkan kaki, menjemput mimpi, sembari merapal doa untuk kelancaran race hari ini tanpa ke✨jatuh✨an yang berarti *emotmarahsambilmenahan
Oiya, jadi kelewatan kan karena keasikan cerita apel pagi wkwkwkwk, jadi habis makan, pulang, sebelum tidur, kita foto fomo gear dululah biar eksis, cekrak cekrek, edit dikit, sikatan, tidur sambil doa, semoga... besok... dapet... foto yang bagus 😘 dan finish strong wkwkwk
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Dan tibalah diri ini di start line, melakukan pemanasan kecil, sambil memandangi sepatu indah para pelari lain dengan tatapan, yang kali ini, ahahaa sans, punya gw jg udah upgrade bro, biar w kasi tau, (baca pelan tegas per katanya oke? biar lebih dapet feelnya) NewBalance... FuelCell... Rebel... V3... slebeu. Siap terabas nike vaporfly alphafly, yeah (Walau km 30+ kaki mulai teriak juga akhirnya). Lanjut, dibuka dengan Menyanyikan Indonesia Raya, 3, 2, 1. Dor!
Bendera dikibarkan, Balapan dimulai.
Lanjut part 2 : Race - Post Race
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anangcozz · 7 years ago
Yamaha Vixion Raih Best Brand Award 2017, Mantab!
Anangcozz.com – Masbro, di usianya yang ke 10 sang motor legendaris Yamaha Vixion di nobatkan sebagai Best Brand Award 2017 kategori motor sport. Hasil ini diraih berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan oleh Majalah SWA dan MARS Marketing Research. (more…)
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nakajimabone · 5 years ago
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J1横浜FCの背番号10イバ(Ibba)選手をNakajima整骨院ではサポートしてまいります。 皆様応援何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 Jリーグ月間MVP:1回(2017年4月) J2リーグ得点王:1回(2017年) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%96%E3%83%89%E3%82%A5%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%92%E3%83%A0%E3%83%BB%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A4%E3%83%96 (Nakajima整骨院) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCt4eqiB1T-/?igshid=1e3o02qe7bsad
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rockandblognet · 5 years ago
BROKEN LEVEE visita España en Octubre
El mejor blues & soul británico llega a la península de la mano de BROKEN LEVEE
BROKEN LEVEE es un trío de blues elegante y fresco que proviene del noreste de Inglaterra. Siguen conquistando las audiencias de toda Europa con actuaciones originales y de gran energía que revelan un impresionante tesoro con sus composiciones originales. Su sonido se hace eco de los grandes artistas del blues británico y estadounidense, pero también ofrece una nueva y rica versión del género. ¡La banda está constantemente adaptando influencias de una gama ecléctica de artistas de jazz, funk, soul, rock y por supuesto, del mejor blues!
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En 2017, Broken Levee añadieron un nuevo miembro a la ecuación, aportando tanto en la interpretación y como la escritura, la reconocida vocalista del jazz británico, Lindsay Hannon. Lindsay Hannon, originaria de Northumberland, tiene una voz de blues explosiva, que va desde estridente a fina, de vulnerable a tierna. Esta artista versátil siempre se convierte en uno de sus puntos fuertes del directo de la banda.
Ian Simpson es el guitarrista principal y cantante masculino de la banda. Su pasión por el blues se remonta a cuando tenía apenas 4 años. Solía ??ver a su padre tocar la guitarra con gran atención y curiosidad. Después de tomar sus primeras lecciones a la edad de 7 años, quedó claro que ese niño había nacido para tocar guitarra. A lo largo de los años, Simpson ha encontrado inspiración en una gran variedad de estilos diferentes, pero desde que escuchó el riff de apertura de Layla de Eric Clapton, el blues siempre ha sido su vida.
El estilo de Simpson deja al público ansioso de más. Los solos de guitarra emocionan y serpentean, mientras que los riffs sonoros se funden en frases bellamente sostenidas, reflejando los estilos de sus principales influencias, como Joe Bonamassa, Eric Clapton y Rory Gallagher.
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Al otro lado del escenario se encuentra la imponente destreza del bajista, James Robson. Como músico local, Robson se ha ganado una reputación por su capacidad para manejar cualquier estilo. Debido a sus influencias eclécticas y su educación y experiencia trabajando en la escena del Jazz local, Robson puede usar el espacio entre la guitarra y la batería para crear líneas de bajo que merodean con seguridad, proporcionando una base sólida para sus canciones. Manejar el ritmo del trío se consigue con la labor imparable y el vigor del batería, James Carmichael. Después de conocer la batería durante sus años de escuela secundaria, Carmichael inmediatamente se enamoró de la variedad y el contraste de estilos que había escuchado de Buddy Rich a John Bonham. Su sentido del ritmo y su rápida habilidad con las baquetas crean un pulso intrigante que absorbe y cautiva a las audiencias, sin embargo, siempre mantiene un ritmo sólido y refinado que garantiza que cada tema sea eficaz y seguro.
En 2019, Broken Levee completó una exitosa gira por Inglaterra, que incluyó una visita al club The Broadstairs Blues and Roots en The Wrotham Arms, además de presentaciones de su álbum debut en Blues At The Woodlands (Gillingham), Fine City Blues (Norwich) y Fleur De Lis (Sandwich). La banda lanzó su primer álbum en vivo, que alcanzó el puesto número 2 en las listas de la Independent Blues Broadcasters Association (IBBA) en abril y mayo de 2019.
La banda está trabajando actualmente en nuevo material, así como en los preparativos para las futuras giras en otoño, como su visita a España.
BROKEN LEVEE visita España en Octubre en el artículo original de Rock and Blog
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riniivanka-blog · 7 years ago
Yamaha V-ixion Raih Penghargaan IBBA 2017
Rini Ivanka Yamaha V-ixion Raih Penghargaan IBBA 2017 Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Yamaha V-ixion Raih Penghargaan IBBA 2017 Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Yamaha V-ixion Raih Penghargaan IBBA 2017 Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Yamaha V-ixion Raih Penghargaan IBBA 2017 Pada tahun ini, Yamaha meluncurkan All New V-ixion & ALL New V-ixion R dengan teknologi baru Variable Valve Actuation (VVA). http://www.unikbaca.com
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salmanania · 7 years ago
Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV
Salma Nania Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV
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Tidak heran, Avanza raih 2 penghargaan di kategori MPV. Avanza kembali menyandang predikat sebagai merek otomotif lokal terbaik di ajang Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2017. Penghargaan IBBA 2017 ini merupakan yang ke-4 kali secara berturut-turut sejak 2014. http://www.unikbaca.com
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spaceappsph · 6 years ago
First Pinoy app nominated as global finalist to the NASA Space Apps Challenge
MANILA, Philippines -- Among the 2,729 teams in 200 locations all over the world who participated in the NASA Space Apps Challenge, an app made by Filipino innovators was nominated first time by NASA scientists and experts to become a finalist at the global level. Altogether, they will join the top 25 in competing for the six winners of the biggest hackathon in the universe.
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The winning app seeking to communicate scientific data to fishermen even without Internet connection was made by IT professionals Revbrain G. Martin, Marie Jeddah Legaspi, and Julius Czar Torreda from team iNON, which stands for "It's now or never." Named ISDApp, from the Tagalog word "isda" meaning fish, it sends useful information to fishermen such as real-time weather, sunrise and sunset, wind speed, and cloud coverage to plan their fishing activities in catching more fish using the NASA GLOBE Observer app, a data collection from citizen scientists around the world used in concert with NASA satellite data to identify or communicate information, and educating the public about planet Earth. Fishermen will receive SMS notifications from the Amazon Web Services gateway while local government officials would manage their details using a smartphone app connected to the cloud. NASA scientists and experts consider this fisherfolk app made by Pinoys as one of the solutions "with the most potential to improve life on Earth or in the universe," therefore nominated as global finalist for Galactic Impact.
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The fishermen app won in the local level on Friday-Sunday, October 19-21, 2018 at De La Salle University, Malate, Manila, Philippines, in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States of America to the Philippines and PLDT. US Embassy deputy chief of mission John C. Law, PLDT Enterprise Core Business Research and Development head Leandro T. Santos, DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development deputy executive director Engr. Raul C. Sabularse, Department of Information and Communications Technology senior planning officer Yvette M. Cabrera, and Animo Labs executive director Federico C. Gonzalez served as jurors at the local level.
An emergency checklist kit app designed for disaster preparedness also won at the local level developed by students Jeorge Loui P. Delfin, Bluen Ginez, Samuel Jose, Rainier G. Narboneta, and Eugenio Emmanuel A. Araullo. Other projects and solutions developed during the hackathon are games using images from the Hubble Space Telescope, augmented reality mobile app to tell a story of the changes in the Arctic and Antarctic ice, artificial intelligence app helping scientists confirm the habitability of exoplanets, and story-based game using NASA Earth imagery. They joined together with teams of coders, scientists, developers, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, thinkers, entrepreneurs, and everyone around the globe working together in a 48-hour sprint to develop solutions to some of the most pressing challenges on Earth and in space, using NASA resources and data.
A day-long data bootcamp was held to learn new concepts, strategies and skills from keynote speakers, panelists, and mentors. Michael Carroll from Urban Engine in Huntsville, AL and NASA Earth Science Division senior advisor Dr. Patricia Jacobberger introduced Space Apps through a virtual talk while NASA astronaut Drew Feustel, orbiting aboard the International Space Station welcomed everyone to the event. US Embassy science fellow Dr. Anondo Mukherjee and US Fulbright fellow Sarah Marie Hartman gave an online lecture about the Earth's environment. DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute acting director Dr. Joel Joseph S. Marciano, Jr. and PHL-Microsat program leader Dr. Marc Caesar R. Talampas discussed microsatellite development and advanced technologies in the Philippines.
Several mentors coming from different backgrounds such as YSEALI alumni Ryan Madrid and Malcolm Flores, De La Salle University professors Jordan Aiko P. Deja and Neil Patrick A. Del Gallego, PHL-Microsat engineers Ariston N. Gonzalez, Lorenzo Sabug, Jr., Benjamin Joseph D. Jiao, and Carlo D. Pastoral, Amazon Web Services developers John Luis Garcia, Dennis Magsajo, and Randy Bardaje, Animo Labs incubatee and MachiBox CEO Simon Gregory Mabanta, VR Philippines lead Cristopher David, Mobility IT 4 Youth lead Art Polo Gabriel III, nuclear physicist Dr. Jasmine Albelda, and entrepreneur Ibba Bernardo guided participants in creating their winning apps and solutions to solve problems on Earth and space. Department of Information and Communications Technology undersecretary Monchito B. Ibrahim gave an inspiring message to the participants. IdeaSpace and Animo Labs looked upon promising projects and solutions that might have a business potential.
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During the hackathon period, teams are expected to find solutions to themed challenges put forth by NASA. They work together with the rest of the world on hackathon weekend to devise creative and innovative solutions to these challenges. Projects do not have to be apps and anyone does not need to become a computer programmer to participate. Participants collaborate to build anything — from open-source software, hardware, data visualizations, and citizen science platforms, to videos, art, and other communications solutions — aimed at addressing global challenges. The overarching theme of the 2018 challenges is "Earth and Space," underscoring the connections between major challenges, and the potential solutions to them, both on Earth and in space. The 2018 mainstage Space Apps event was hosted by Urban Engine in the US Space and Rocket Center at Huntsville, AL, also known as "The Rocket City."
Since its inception in 2012, the International Space Apps Challenge has become the world’s largest global hackathon, engaging thousands of global citizens to collaborate in building innovative solutions to complex challenges using NASA’s open data. Hackathons are technology development marathons that draw on the talents and initiative of bright-minded people. Space Apps inspires local innovation communities to convene, cooperate, and create.
The 2018 hackathon was organized by Matt T. Keener, Jeanie M. Duwan, Randolf D. Mariano, and Xavier E. Lara from the American Spaces Philippines of the US Embassy and Kai Shan L. Fernandez, Christine M. Abrigo, Donna Lyn G. Labangon,  Kevin Anthony Y. Kaw, and Dr. Rafael A. Cabredo from De La Salle University. Another hackathon was organized at Makati-Bonifacio Global City by Womensphere. In the past years, Tzar C. Umang brought Space Apps in Dagupan, Pangasinan on 2016 while Art Polo Gabriel III, Wilson Censon, and Tito Mari Francis Escaño organized one in PLDT InnoLab in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde also hosted Space Apps on 2017 by Dr. Edward M. Moises, Norman Lee, and Catherine Valdellon-Mojado.
Lead organizer Michael Lance M. Domagas is very thankful that NASA scientists and experts recognized the skills and talents of Filipinos in building projects and open-source solutions that address real-world problems, on Earth and in space, and hoping that Filipinos would win the competition.
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majalahforbes-blog · 6 years ago
Melihat Pabrik Rinnai, Kompor yang Sudah 30 Tahun Ada di Dapur RI
Forbes - Masih ingat kompor gas apa yang pertama kali Anda beli? Bisa jadi kompor gas Rinnai yang menemani Anda di hari-hari pertama di dapur keluarga Anda. Ya, PT. Rinnai Indonesia tahun ini tepat berusia 30 tahun memproduksi peralatan dapur dan rumah tangga di Indonesia. Berawal di pabrik Cikupa, Tangerang dan kini diperluas di Balaraja, Tangerang. Kompor gas meja, kompor gas tanam, juga commercial cooker untuk keperluan hotel, restoran, dan katering, serta cooker hood diproduksi di dua pabrik tersebut. Sejak awal standar kualitas dan sistem teknologi Jepang diterapkan secara langsung. Ini karena PT. Rinnai Indonesia merupakan bagian dari Rinnai Corporation, Japan yang tahun ini berusia 98 tahun. Pada tahun 1920 di Nagoya, Jepang Hidejiro Naito dan Kenkichi Hayashi mendirikan Rinnai Corporation, Japan. Jaringan Rinnai tersebar di 15 negara di seluruh dunia. Mulai dari Korea, China, (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hongkong) Taiwan, Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Brazil, Italia, Selandia Baru hingga Australia. Di Indonesia, produk Rinnai telah hadir sejak tahun 1979, dengan pabrik pertama didirikan di Cikupa, Tangerang pada tahun 1988. Seiring dengan bertambahnya kebutuhan akan produk Rinnai, pabrik kedua diresmikan pada 3 September 2012 di Balaraja, Tangerang. Meskipun merupakan perusahaan joint venture, kegiatan operasional perusahaan nyaris seluruhnya melibatkan tenaga kerja Indonesia terutama masyarakat sekitar Tangerang. "Hanya 4 orang Jepang saja yang ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan operasional perusahaan di Indonesia, selebihnya orang Indonesia," jelas Yoshitsugu Hamano, President Director PT Rinnai Indonesia kepada Majalah Forbes di Balaraja, Jumat (10/8/2018) lalu. Pabrik PT. Rinnai Indonesia memproduksi kompor gas meja, kompor gas tanam, commercial cooker dan cooker hood. Semua produk dibuat mulai dari bahan mentah dan komponen hingga menjadi produk jadi. "Karena komitmen kami adalah 'Quality Is Our Destiny' maka mayoritas komponen dibuat sendiri. Kami bukan hanya merakit, tetapi membuat komponen dan menyatukannya dengan teknologi yang teruji dari Jepang," tambah Yoshitsugu Hamano. Seperti yang Majalah Forbes saksikan saat berada di dalam pabrik. Bahan baku berupa lempengan logam untuk bodi kompor hingga kuningan berbentuk silinder dicetak dan dibentuk dengan mesin khusus. Dari pemantik, kepala tungku hingga saluran untuk aliran gas juga diuji berkali-kali sebelum dirakit menjadi kompor. Karena itu tak heran jika ada juga beberapa mesin yang diciptakan oleh tim Rinnai khusus untuk produk Rinnai. Pembentukan kerangka bodi kompor hingga pengecatan dilakukan dengan cermat. Dari pencetakan hingga proses pengeringan cat. Sebelum dikemas, Kompor pun diuji dengan dinyalakan berulang-ulang hingga memenuhi standar keamanan. Katup gas kompor gas Rinnai tahan dinyalakan berulang hingga 110.000 kali putaran. Sistem manajemen peralatan juga dilakukan dengan standar Jepang. Demikian juga dengan para pekerja dilatih sebelum diterjunkan dalam unit produksi. Bukan hanya harga yang bersaing, kualitas produk kompor gas PT. Rinnai Indonesia juga berhasil terus dipertahankan. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui penghargaan kualitas dan brand ternama yang setiap tahun diperoleh PT. Rinnai Indonesia. Beberapa penghargaan yang diperolah antara lain, Indonesian Customer Satisfication Award (ICSA) 2007-2017, Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2007 - 2017 dengan predikat Indonesia Double Platinum Brands setelah memperoleh IBBA selama 10 tahun berturut - turut, dan beberapa penghargaan bergengsi lainnya. Read the full article
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bmimergers · 6 years ago
M&A Professionals Declare This One of the Best Times to Sell a Business
 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) September 8, 2018 – In a national survey of 277 M&A Advisors and Business Brokers, a majority declared this to be one of the best times to sell a business.  According to the quarterly Market Pulse Report published by the International Business Brokers Association(IBBA), M&A Source, and the Pepperdine Private Capital Market Project.  76% of respondents indicated now was one of the best times to sell in the past 5 – 10 or more years.  21% of advisors declared this to be the best time they have ever seen.  “The current environment means there  may never be a better time to sell your business” said Craig Everett,  PhD, Director of the Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Project.   “Capital is readily available from lenders, private equity firms, and family offices, and existing companies have record  cash sitting on the sidelines.  Interest rates are still relatively low, the economy is going strong with an estimated 4.3% GDP growth in Q2 2018, and business  confidence remains  high. Well-run companies are doing well in the M&A market right now.”  Another driver for strategic buyers is that the strong economy is creating labor shortages which impact companies ability to grow organically.  The result is more companies pursuing acquisitions to grow. Other highlights of the Report:
Strategic Buyers(Competitors, Industry Participants) account for a minority of buyers at all transaction value levels at 33% of all buyers.
Time to Close from LOI date to Close Date – Percent that took at least 4 months:
$1-$2 million transaction value – 25%
$2-$5 million transaction value – 40%
$5-$50 million – 57%
The median for all deals $1-$50 million was 3.5 months.
Time to Close from Engagement date to Close Date – Percent that took at least 12 months:
$1-$2 million transaction value – 39%
$2-$5 million transaction value – 50%
$5-$50 million – 49%
The median for all deals $1 - $50 million was 10 months.
Earnouts are not popular with only 2% of deals reported containing earnouts.
Median transaction value for deals between $1 and $5 million was 3.7x EBITDA. This is comparable to the results from one year ago in Q2 2017.  Larger deals showed an increase from 5.4 to 5.9x however the small sample size could be affecting this calculation.
No major change in deal values from Q2 2017 but the sentiment among advisors is there will be a marked increase in businesses coming onto the market. Last year only 21% of advisors projected an increase while now 52% now predict an increase in businesses coming onto the market.  For now they see steady valuations as the reasons noted above will support valuations even if the supply of businesses for sale increases over the next year.
Only 27% of sellers consulted with a business broker or M&A Advisor when planning for retirement. When an exit plan calls for selling the business these professionals may be in the best position to advise on market valuations, likely terms, employment or transition income, retained equity options and other deal options.  Dave Clark, Managing Director of BMI Mergers & Acquisitions commented, “Some of our most successful clients and transactions were the result of annual conversations owners had with BMI advisors 2, 3 and sometimes 5 years before finally going to market.”
Obtain The Full Report here: IBBA_Q2_2018 About the Market Pulse Report The quarterly IBBA and M&A Source Market Pulse Survey was created to gain an accurate understanding of the market conditions  for businesses being sold with deal values up to $50 million.  The national survey was conducted with the intent of providing a valuable resource to business owners and their advisors. About International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) and the M&A Source Founded in 1991, The M&A Source promotes professional development of merger and acquisition professionals so that they may better serve their clients’ needs, and maximize public awareness of professional intermediary services available for middle market merger and acquisition transactions. For more information about the M&A Source visit  www.masource.org.  Founded in 1983, IBBA is the largest non-profit association specifically formed to meet the needs of people and firms engaged in various aspects of business brokerage and mergers and acquisitions. The IBBA is a trade association of business brokers providing education, conferences, professional designations, and networking opportunities. For more information about IBBA, visit the website at  www.ibba.org  
Similar posts can be read at: Business Markets Inc.
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anangcozz · 7 years ago
Honda Beat Dan Supra X 125 Terpilih Sebagai Motor Terbaik Tahun 2017
Anangcozz.com – Masbro, dua motor Honda sabet penghargaan sebagai motor terbaik tahun 2017. Motor tersebut adalah skutik Honda BeAT dan motor bebek Honda Supra X 125 FI. Penghargaan ini dinobatkan pada ajang Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2017, keduanya menjadi yang terbaik di kelas masing masing. Penghargaan ini sekaligus mengukuhkan posisi kedua motor Honda ini sebagai motor pilihan…
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worldremark4 · 7 years ago
Top MBA Colleges In Canada
Top MBA Colleges In Canada There are many mba rankings universities in Canada such as Business School, University of Toronto, York University Rotman School of Management, McGill University Souder School of Business Deshtsals Faculty of Management, British Columbia University. There are many universities, such as Queen's School of Business, Queen's University, etc and many business colleges. know more Read Top MBA Colleges In Canada article.
 Top MBA Colleges In Canada.
 1. Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto
Joseph L. Rotman School of Management is best business schools and commonly known as Rotman School of Management, Rotman School, this college is located in downtown Toronto, and is a university of all graduate business schools in Toronto. The University of Toronto has been teaching students for undergraduate courses in commerce and management since the year 1901, this school is only for students in the 1950s who wanted to do MBA, so it was established as Business Administration, after this school in 1972 The Faculty of Studies was transformed, and then the Faculty of Faculty was managed in 1986 Mant, Joseph L. In late 1997 Rotman became a professor of college and canadian universities.
Type of College       :  Public
Date of Established  : 1950
Parent institution     : University of Toronto
Academic staff        : 118 full-time teaching staff and lecturers
No.Undergraduates   : 2,300
No.Postgraduates     : 1,050
Doctoral Students    : 71
Location                 : 105 George Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dean                     : Tiff Macklem
Following programs offered 
• MBA • Skoll BASc/MBA
• Master of Global Affairs (MGA)/ MBA
• PhD
• Collaborative Program in Environmental Studies
  • Morning & evening part-time MBAs • OMNIUM GLOBAL EXECUTIVE MBA • Rotman Commerce (undergraduate degree) • Master of Financial Economics • Collaborative Program in Asia Pacific Studies • Dynamics of Global Change Program
2. Ivey Business School - University of Western Ontario
Ivey Business School is a famous Canadian MBA Business School, located in the University of Western Ontario, this university is working for research-intensive in London, Ontario, Canada. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Eweyani is the Best MBA Program School in all the United States's schools. Ivy offers full-time undergraduate, MBA, MSc and PhD studies in this university and works for the University's Executive Education Program in Toronto and Hong Kong. This school is one of the oldest schools in Canada, this school was the nation's first MBA and a PhD Program College in Business. Another business school was created in the year 1950. While this school was operating as a School of Business Administration in Western University. Richard M. In the year 1995 for more education in this school. Ewe family donated $ 11 million, since then this school was named Richard Aveyau School of Business and best schools in toronto.
Type of College         : Faculty (Business School)
Academic affiliation    : University of Western Ontario
Location                   : London, Ontario, Canada
Dean                        : Mark Vandenbosch
Academic staff           : 109
Undergraduates          : 1,200
Postgraduates            : 300
Website                    : www.ivey.uwo.ca
  3 Years Average Rank ‎: ‎293
Rank in the year 2017 ‎: ‎94
Rank in the year 2016‎ : ‎88
Rank in the year 2015 ‎: ‎97 
Year of Established    : 1922
Following programs offered 
• HBA 
• PhD MBA 
• Executive MBA • Accelerated MBA • MSc in Management • Executive Development
3. Schulich School of Business - York University 
Schulich School of Business  is located at the University of York, this school is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This school offers students education for all business, finance, accounting, business analytics, public administration for students. In 1995, Sumer Schulich played the role of the school's professor. He donated $ 15 million to build this school, this college is also one of Canada's famous business colleges. This school operates in Toronto's Financial District in Downtown Toronto by the Executive Education Center for Students and Hyderabad. This school is located in Mumbai, India; Seoul, South Korea; And Moscow, Russia Schulich runs business degree studies for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate. More than 29,000 students get education in about 90 countries in this school. The school also offers executive development programs for more than 16,000 overseas executives each year for business.
Names                     : Faculty of Administrative Studies
Year of Established    : 1966
Type of College         : Faculty (business school)
Academic affiliation    : York University
Location                  : Toronto, Ontario, Canada Dean                      : Dezso Horvath
Alumni                    : 29,000
Website                  : schulich.yorku.ca 
Following programs offered
• BBA, iBBA • MBA, iMBA • MPA • MF • PhD • MBA/JD • Financial Engineering • Post-MBA Diplomas • Executive Education Programs • Master of Accounting • MSc in Business Analysis • Executive MBA • MBA/MFA/MA
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metrobusinessadvisors · 7 years ago
What drove business buyers and sellers in 2017?
By Dave Driscoll
The Third Quarter 2017 Market Pulse report by the International Business Brokers Association and M&A Source reveals several factors that have been consistently driving the market for mergers and acquisitions across the United States.
The drivers for both buyers and sellers may offer useful insight for those of you hoping to acquire or sell a business in 2018.
Factors Driving Buyers:
High quality businesses. Buyers have anticipated that the wave of baby boomer retirements would create a health supply of businesses for sale, but the market is actually facing a shortage of high quality acquisitions. The buyers have capital to buy but are finding that there is not enough inventory of quality businesses. The relatively small number of quality acquisitions is limiting the comparable sales statistics used to determine valuations multiples. Businesses that are performing efficiently and profitably will garner well-deserved attention; those that are struggling will have more difficulty gaining attention from buyers.
Scarcity of talent. If you are in business, you understand how hard it is to find talented employees. Companies that are seeking to grow, or even just maintain, on-time delivery and quality may acquire a competitor in order to gain/grow an established workforce. An acquisition can add much-needed talent to the buyer’s workforce, while the additional gross profit gained also helps pay for the purchase.
Additional revenue. Let’s face it, in many industries you must lure clients/business away from a competitor to grow your own business. This battle royale leads to declining profit margins and strained workforces for everyone in that field. A logical way to increase revenue and market share is for a consolidator to strategically acquire one or more competitor, merge the acquired businesses together, and remove the weak employees and unnecessary/outdated equipment. The synergies created, combined with the savings from trimming the unneeded overhead, provide a significant boost to revenue.
Factors Driving Sellers:
Seller market sentiment is positive. Emotion drives the market and sellers are currently interested in discussing the sale of their businesses. This willingness to entertain the idea of selling their businesses reflects the possibility owners may have finally recovered from the damage inflicted by the 2008-2009 market correction. Furthermore, many owners have postponed retirement due to loss of business value caused by the recession. Eight to ten years is a long time to wait to begin enjoying retirement.
Multiples of cash flow. Although year-over-year multiples have declined from recent highs in most market segments, they still remain strong. Sellers are compelled to enter the market if they believe they will receive a fair value for their business. Therefore, strong multiples offer sellers an opportunity to cash out at a value to satisfy their future objectives.
Time to close a transaction. From initial interest to closing the deal, the average time to complete a transaction is getting shorter, increasing sellers’ willingness to list a business for sale. My best advice: sellers who are prepared and have an experienced team (including your broker/intermediary, accountant and attorney) to help move the deal through the process efficiently will reach the closing table fastest.
Finally, the top two motives for sellers to sell remain the same: retirement and burnout.
If you would like to learn more about the Third Quarter 2017 Market Pulse report from the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), M&A Source, and Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Project, visit our website www.MetroBusinessAdvisors.com/ to download the complete report.
 Dave Driscoll is president of Metro Business Advisors, a business brokerage, valuation and exit planning firm helping owners of companies with revenue up to $20 million sell their most valuable asset. Reach Dave at [email protected] or (314) 303-5600. www.MetroBusinessAdvisors.com
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infotoyotamagelang-blog · 7 years ago
Avanza Masih Menjadi Pilihan
Survei IBBA 2017 digelar pada sebagian kota besar di Tanah Air dengan kurun waktu selama tiga bulan. Survei yang berlangsung ke-16 kalinya tersebut menerapkan cara multistage random sampling, survei dikerjakan lebih dari 10 ribu responden untuk mengetahui merek terbaik dari pelbagai kelompok produk.
Walaupun sudah bermunuculan kompetitor, Toyota Avanza, low MPV/multipurpose Vehicle dari PT…
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procisionbb · 7 years ago
SEEKING AN EXCITING AND REWARDING CAREER RATHER THAN JUST A JOB? Interested in Investment Sales? Are you a self-starter and willing to learn? Do you have an outgoing and confident personality? Are you looking for an exciting opportunity for growth and development? Procision Business Brokers and Commercial Realty is seeking a new Associate Team Member to join our Advising Team. The ideal candidate will possess excellent character and the highest level of integrity in all that they do. They will be results oriented, exhibit a consistent sense of urgency and desire to reach new heights both personally and in their future career. If you are results driven, self-motivated and have a track record of success, this is an excellent opportunity. Work on listings from day one and expand your knowledge and capabilities in the process! REAL ESTATE LICENSE OR WILLINGNESS TO IMMEDIATELY OBTAIN SUCH LICENSE IS REQUIRED. Company Procision Business Brokers and Commercial Realty is a Business Advisory Group that provides Comprehensive Solutions for the needs of Business Owners, Investors, Landlords and Tenants in the Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Region. We are dedicated to the aggressive growth of our services and value collaboration, development and continuous improvement as a team. Procision's unwavering Mission is to function as a Trusted Business Advisor and create superior value for our Clients. This is an excellent opportunity for a candidate that is looking to gain valuable skills and exposure in the business world and do so in an exciting entrepreneurial environment! If you feel that you are a good match, please reply with your contact information and resume. Robert Beach, CCIM, IBBA President Procision Business Brokers Procision Commercial Realty [email protected] www.procisionbb.com/ 856-228-5151 (o) 856-228-5152 (f) http://procisionbb.com/investment-sales-entrepreneur-opportunity-seeking-entrepreneur-join-team/ from Blogger http://procisionbb.blogspot.com/2017/10/investment-sales-entrepreneur.html
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rachellec · 7 years ago
Ketika mobil Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) diperkenalkan 2-3 tahun yang Lalu para produsen mobil murah of ramai-ramai mengklaim Biaya perawatan tidak bikin Kantong Konsumen jebol, kini setelah 2-3 tahun kemunculannya, OB tertarik untuk membandingkan Biaya perawatannya. Hasil yang ada diartikel ini merupakan Murni dari hasil tanya bertanya OB kepada para pemilik mobile LCGC yang OB anggap Disiplin Dalam perawatan mobilnya, ada 4 mobil LCGC yang akan OB ulas Antara wool Honda Brio Satya, Toyota Agya, Suzuki Karimun Wagon R dan sung fenomenal Datsun Go Panca dan Go + Panca, eittsà ¢ â,¬ | tunggu dulu mengapa OB seut datsun mobil fenomenal, ya karena mobil ini merupakan mobil LCGC diawal kemunculannya sanggup menyaingi penjualan kompetitornya sampai saat ini. HONDA BRIO SATYAPada Honda Brio mobile Satya perawatan selepas masa garansi habis (diatas 40,000 km) tidak jauh Beda dengan Saat Masih garansi (dibawah 4000 km) perbedaannya hanya Pada Biaya jasanya Saja, Karena Saat garansi Biya jasa free. Pada mobil dengan pemakaian normal yang sudah mencapai jarak tempuh 60.000 km dilakukan perawatan berkala secara menyeluruh dengan biya sekitar 1.1 jutaan, meliputi ganti oli méssine, bersihkan rem, pengecekan kaki-kaki, geometri roda, pengecekan minyak rem more biaya jasa 600.000. Namun jika hanya perawatan ringan seperti ganti oli mesin, periksa filter udara dan filter bensin biaya jasanya hanya 300.000. TOYOTA AGYAPerawatan berkala pada mobil ini yabg sudah melebihi masa garansi akan dikenakan biya tambahan berawa biya jasa, jika perawatan ring berkala 10.000 km saat masih garansi konsumen akan mengeluarkan biaya 278.000 (oli mesin, ganti filter oli, paking) biaya jasanya free. Tapi jika sudah mencapai 80.000 km biya jasanya lebih mahal yaitu 519.000 karena jasa yang dilakukan adalah perawatan keseluruh bagian mobil. SUZUKI KARIMUN WAGON RUntuk mobil to one kilometer of diatas 50.000 km akan dikenakan biaya perawatan berkala 344.000 jika masi masa garansi dikurangi biya jasa (biya jasa 112rb, oli seal, oli mesin dan pajak). (Ganti oli keseluruhan, minyak rem, ganti busi, coolant radiator, filter udara, filter oli). DATSUN GO PANCA  u0026 GO + PANCALCGC ini hampir memasuki usia ke 3 tahun, perawatannya Untuk 40,000 km biayanya sama Seperti Servis biasa, karena mesinnya sama dengan Nissan Mars yakni HR12DE (1200cc) jadi perawatannya sama dengan Nissan Mars, masuk 40,000 km, tune untuk up biasa, pengecekan rem, drive belt to tali kipas, sedangkan untuk oli transmisi bark of 80.000 km atau 120.000 km baru ada pergantian. Radiator of coolant of 80.000 km, nah disini bisa diartikan, jika perawatan mobil Datsun adalah perawatan bersifat Long term alias perawatan panjang, jadi kalo masuk of 40.000 km belum ganti oli transmisi, dan ini meerbihan dari ini m. Add new comment for 40.000 profile, biaya yang dibutuhkan 1,242,000 sudah termasuk spooring dan balancing. Nah pembaca, meski bukan data data given yang 100% akurat karena beda bengkel lita kota bisa jadi biayanya nggak sama paling tidak members and a parem pemilik mobile LCGC bagaimana biaya pengeluaran untuk kesehatan mobil anda. OB terima kasih kepada para pemilik mobile LCGC yang OB ulas s Antara couchà © bro Ian (Brio), Antok (Agya), Dian (Karimun) dan Irene (Datsun), artikel ini merupakan inisiative OB OB sendiri Karena tidak disuruh atau dibayar oleh pabrikan manapun biar gak dicap membela. Sebelum meninggalkan blog ini, silahkan masukkan email and jika berkenan mengikuti berita terupdate otomotif di blog, silahkan berkomentar jika and suka artikel ini, dan silakan juder berkomentar jika anda tidak suka artikel ini, komentar and a membuat OB lebih bersemangat dalam mereview. Painting tank: ModifikasiHonda Modif Malang Contest 2017, engine Kudu Tetap Layak DikendaraiJok Sambung GSX 150 Menjadi Viral, Bakalan Banyak Permittaan Cakà ¢ â,¬¬ | Modifikasi Verza: Monosok dengan Swingarm Bawaan (Part-1) Modifikasi Suzuki GSX-S150 Touring, Pakai USD 41mm Makin Kekar ​​â € \u003câ € \u003câ € \u003câ € \u003cDelta Sari Dealer 5 JutaHonda C70 berbasis mesin Honda Sonic 150R, kreatif bin sadis masbroBikin ganteng CBR 250RR dengan aksesoris winglet ala MotoGPPower Bank berkapasitas 22.400 mAh, and a tertarik? Modifikasi Honda C70 Banjarnegara, ciamik bang Honda Honda beat dan Supra 125 FI Mendapat Predikat Terbaik Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2017Promo Honda Vario Berhadiah Jaket Ekslusif KerenHonda Modif Malang Contest 2017, engine Kudu Tetap Layak DikendaraiAHM Satu Satunya Perusahaan Otomotive Roda Dua Dalam Indonà © IPA 2017Manfaat Narrow Plank Di Pelatih a Safety RidingHonda Melakukan Penyegaran Untuk Sonic 150 Lebih Agresif Dan KekinianConsulter and Komunitas Geber Honda CBR 250RR Ke Gunung BromoKomunitas Uji Kehandalan Supra GTR 150 Ke Hutan Bakau ProbolinggoMPM Pelopor Kompetisi ‰ security quote Blogger Nasional 2017AHM Beri Pelatihan Kepada Siswa SMK and Pondok Pesantren Di Bekasi, Sukabumi Dan Cikarang Saya akan mengikuti terus artikel anda karena masalah perawatan mobil blood penting bagi saya dan pemilik mobil2 yg lain ,. . . . terima kasih Terima kasih atas apresiasi pak Anang, terima kasih juga atas suport yang diberikan bisa tolong beritahu sy, mobil lcgc manakah yg pantas sy beli dengan budget 110jt? sy kebingungan sekali https://otobalancing.wordpress.com/2016/04/30/manakah-mobil-lcgc-terbaik-versi-otobalancing/ Send message Send message Send message Anda Di Bawah Ini dari varian 3 mobil itu Honda Brio Toyota Agya Suzuki Karimun is a member of the developer community. menurut saya ketiga 3 mobile itu memiliki run yang gak jauh lita sih nitip Omhttp: //www.sekilasrodadua.com/2017/04/dimas-dan-gilang-mengikuti-seri-pembuka.html Kalo buat dita dan keluarga passnya yang honda brio ,, desainnya elegan ,, joss Here is the detailed price comparison, based on price, specifications and other features, from Honda Brio and Suzuki Karimun Wagon R GS. Honda Brio has a price between Rp131,5 - Rp178 Million and Suzuki Karimun Wagon R GS between Rp127 - Rp135 Million. Speaking of technical specifications, Honda Brio Satya S MT hosts a 1198 cc engine while the engine capacity of the Suzuki Karimun Wagon R GS GL AGS is 998 cc. sip agya sdh tes Euro NCAP Crash Test Toyota Aygo 2014, yg lain mana .s banding kan tuh kerusakan nya dalam tes uji tabrak .ayo mana honda brio tes uji tabrak nya .yg merek lain sdh tuh utk LCGC. Ijin share Bu / Pak, Jika Butuh Asuransi Mobil bisa menghubungi saya di telfon / WA 08812340856 Marketing Asuransi Sinar Mas. Thanks Ijin share Bu / Pak, Jika
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merisaseana-blog · 7 years ago
Tiga Produk Sharp Tempati Posisi Sebagai Merek Terbaik di Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2017
Merisa Seana Tiga Produk Sharp Tempati Posisi Sebagai Merek Terbaik di Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2017 Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Tiga Produk Sharp Tempati Posisi Sebagai Merek Terbaik di Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2017 Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Tiga Produk Sharp Tempati Posisi Sebagai Merek Terbaik di Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2017 Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Tiga Produk Sharp Tempati Posisi Sebagai Merek Terbaik di Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2017 Sharp dengan bertengger di posisi jawara di penghargaan IBBA 2017 dalam tiga kategori berbeda, yakni lemari es, mesin cuci, dan LED TV. http://www.unikbaca.com
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