#Ian McKinley x oc
final-bae-stination · 4 months
It Made Me Think Of You (Ian McKinley)
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Prompt: Ian buying OC (Maddie) something unrequested because it made him think of her.
OC NAME: Madison "Maddie" Thomas. Fem OC.
The gift:
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Third Person POV In four days, it was Maddie's birthday, and he had not gotten her a damn thing. Now, normally he wouldn't feel so bad, but seeing as Maddie was too fucking good for him, he was panicking. He had no idea what she was into (well, he did, but where the fuck would he find a giant Pikachu?) So, when all things went wrong, he just went around town, figuring he'd find something (hopefully) eventually, and he was right.
He was in this weird shop that had all kinds of things, and he was, for some odd reason, drawn to all the stuffed things. He remembered that Maddie liked squishy things. He looked through them, bored, and then saw it: a mushroom. She liked fairy stuff, mushrooms mostly, and frogs. He picked it up. It was rather soft. He flipped the tag over. Hmm, seven bucks. He shrugged, going to the register.
The woman, about late 50s, eyed him weirdly as he checked out, but he was far too used to this to care. Outside, he flipped open his pack of smokes as he got in his van (yes, he still had what Maddie called the pedo van) and headed home. He heard Maddie singing in the kitchen and snuck upstairs, going right to his closet and hunting for a decent, big enough box. He also found a little bit of leftover Christmas paper, too. This was great!
Ian was sitting at the table, the box under his feet, when Maddie came in, yawning. "Hey, baby." She smiled, kissing his forehead. "Hey," He stretched, reaching down. "Hey, c'mere." He said as she passed. She turned, coming back, and he pushed the box at her. "I...found that, and it...kinda reminded me of you, so I got it," He said shyly, scratching his neck, his black nail polish peeling. She smiled, "Ian, you didn't have to--oh my god!" She gasped at the mushroom. "It's a mushroom!" She squealed, pressing it to her chest. "Oh my God, Ian, how the hell---it's so cute, oh my God, thank you!?" She hugged him, and he laughed, kissing her cheek as she ran her fingers over its face. "How did you know I like them?" She asked. "We've only been together four months." "I pay attention to shit like that." He shrugged. She grinned. "I'm naming him Red." She giggled. He chuckled. "You do that. Happy birthday, babe." Her eyes got misty. "Thank you." She kissed him. This, Ian thought. This is exactly where I want to be.
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final-bae-stination · 9 months
Bondi Rescue
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It's Okay To Cry
A Whole World Away
Incorrect Quotes: #1; #2; #3; #4; (more soon)
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Incorrect Quotes: #1; #2;
Jeremy Sumpter
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Don't Leave Me (TW: R*PE) ("Animal" 2014 one shot)
Touchy Feely (X Fem OC; Domestic Fluff)
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Seizure (Kane whump)
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This Is What Forever Looks Like (Lo'ak X Reader)
I Almost Lost You... (Rotxo X Reader)
Glasses (Neteyam X Fem OC)
Is That My Hoodie? (Human! Aonung X Fem reader)
Fight Me For His Health (Neteyam-Centric; TW: Torture; Blood; Gore; Throat-Tearing)
Injured (Kiri X Platonic (clearly) Neteyam) (TW: Drowning; Resus; Near Death/Neteyam Fix It)
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It Made Me Think Of You (Ian McKinley X Fem OC)
Thunder And The Rain (Ian McKinley X Fem Reader)
Let Me Help You (Kevin X Wendy kinda funny)
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Incorrect Quotes: One;
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Together, We’ll Survive Anything. (Part 2)
Request by Anon: “Could you do an Ian McKinley x Reader, where when Ian is confronting Wendy abt Erin's death, Reader quickly gets Ian out of the way of the cherry picker? Like maybe she had a bad feeling abt it, & before it could even fall she grabs him & gets him out of the way? if I didn't word it too good or if you have any questions you know who to dm lol”
Warnings: Threats and cussing
Tag List: @you-a-southpaw-doll @elskinner45​ @jayrart​ @ianmckinleywhore​
A/N: I do know who to message! haha I hope you’re okay with this being a part two! 
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It’s been a few days since my sister was killed and Ian has spent every day with me. My mom has let him sleep over so I’m not alone. Erin and I used to share a room so it hurts having to see all of her things. I don’t want to move them out though. They aren’t mine. 
Today is the 300th Anniversary McKinley Tri-Centennial Fair and Ian says he wants to go. I’m not sure why but I need to get out of the house so I said I’d go with him.
I get dressed in a pair of jeans, one of Ian’s McKinley shirts he hates and one of Erin’s hoodies. I hear Ian honk the horn outside so I run out to his car. I buckle up and he drives to the Fair.
“Why are we going?” I ask, looking over at him.
“Because I am going to go see Wendy.” He say, staring out the windshield. 
“Ian, I thought we decided it’s not her fault?” I sigh.
“I still believe it is her fault. She should have just killed herself and everything would be fine. Erin would still be here.” Ian says, angrily.
“I know Ian, but even if she would, we don’t know if it would all stop.” I say.
“It fucking better.” He says, reaching over and taking my hand. “When she is gone, you and I are going to move away. We’ll never have to worry about this again.”
“Promise?” I glance at him.
“I fucking promise, babe.” He says, smiling at me slightly.
We pull into the fair parking lot. We get out and walk through the gate. We start looking around for Wendy. Ian sees her and pulls me over. I guess Kevin just got her because Wendy and her sister are helping him across the field.
“Get the fuck outta here, McKinley!” Kevin yells toward us.
“Hey, we’re just celebrating our town's tricentennial.” Ian says, taking my hand as he stares ahead.
He hits some balloons in our way.
“You followed me!” Wendy snaps at us.
Fireworks start going off around us.
“Oh! You are paranoid. But, hey, I see Kevin’s hurt. You're next, right? You're the end of it, aren't you? Man, I would be paranoid, too.” Ian says, smartassly.
“You didn't even believe me!” Wendy yells at us.
“Yeah, well, seeing is believing.” I say to her. “I saw my sister die, of course we’re gonna believe you!”
He stops walking, which causes them to stop walking.
“Then you have to stay away from me!” Wendy yells.
“’Have to’? Wow, that's extreme. Oh, no way. Do I cause your death? Just like you caused Erin's?” He glares at her and pauses. “You have a vision? Was I in it? Was I in a picture?”
He smirks at them, walking away from me a little to block them. He lets go of my hand as he walks.
“Just tell me how to start it off! Let's get this over with!” He yells, throwing his hands out. 
“You'll save me if you just stay away! Then it'll all be over!” Wendy yells. 
“What do I care? It skipped me. It skipped Y/N! For us, it is over. we’re not dying. We’re not dying!” Ian yells.
Wendy looks over her shoulder, which causes me to follow her eyeline. I watch as the trailer falls causing firework holders to fall, facing Ian and I. Wendy, Kevin and her sister falls to the ground.
“Ian!” I scream as I fall forward causing the fire works to fly above me. 
The fireworks fly at him too and he turns his face. The fireworks around him, hitting the cherry picker behind him. He opens his eyes, glancing at me and smirks at the trio. 
“Ha ha ha! You see? We’re not gonna die! It's you, Wendy! You're dead!” Ian snaps, pointing at Wendy.
I hear a noise and I look toward the cherry picker. I notice a piece fall and I look up. Oh no! I stand, run fast toward Ian and tackle him out of the way. The cherry picker falls down into the place Ian was. Ian looks at me with wide eyes. 
“You just saved me again.” He whispers.
“I told you. Together, we will survive anything.” I whisper.
He wraps his arms around me, helping me up. He turns toward the trio who are staring at us.
“I told you Wendy! We’re not going to die!” Ian yells.
Wendy and her sister quickly pull Kevin toward the cherry picker that almost killed us. Ian steps forward toward them but I’m guessing the fireworks hit more than just the cherry picker. A van parked next to the cherry picker starts rolling down the little hill toward them. They glance up but it was too late. It picked up speed and rolled faster. The van hits all three of them causing them to fall back and run over by the vehicle. My eyes widen and I look at Ian. He walks over to them. He turns toward me after a second.
“They’re dead. It’s over.” He laughs slightly and walks back to me. 
He wraps his arms around me, holding me close. I wrap my arms around him holding him close. 
“Lets..Let’s just go back home.” I whisper.
“Anything you say.” He whispers before kissing my head.
4 months later, Ian and I actually moved to the next town over. We got our own place! Tomorrow we’re going to get a dog. Ian, even though we think it’s over, wants to get a dog for protection. We don’t know against what but we need something here incase the other is at work. I can’t wait to tell him some special news right after we get the dog. I smile to myself and look down at my stomach. Yep, Ian will be so surprised.
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Together, We Can Survive Anything
Request by Anon- “Could you do an Ian McKinley x Reader? Maybe Reader is trying to convince him not to get revenge on Wendy for Erin's death? If that makes sense! Idk how to word it 😅 also w/ Ian and Reader dating:) ty❤ “
Warnings: Cussing, killing of best friend/sister, talk of revenge
Tag List: @you-a-southpaw-doll @elskinner45 @jayrart @ianmckinleywhore​
A/N: I love Ian! I am so glad you picked me to write this! I hope I do this justice for you!! I feel like I made Ian OOC so hopefully you still like it. The lines will probably be wrong or the wrong person said it. I’m so sorry!
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I walk through the gate of the school carnival with my sister Erin. She shakes her head.
“Why are we here again?” She asks, looking at me.
“Because its a carnival. Why not?” I giggle at her.
She smiles before shaking her head. We start looking around for someone very specific. My boyfriend, Ian McKinley. We’ve been dating since we were in middle school and everything has always been perfect. My fraternal twin, Erin, usually hangs out with us. We don’t care. We like it like this. We don’t want her to feel left out. Ian and I of course go on dates and hang out alone but most of the time it’s us three. Erin and Ian were best friends before Ian and I started dating and I never want to push them apart. 
I spot Ian near a food area and elbow Erin so we can start walking over. Ian spots us and smiles slightly. It looks more like a smirk to everyone else but I know it’s his actual smile. I walk over and he pulls me into his arms for a kiss. I kiss back happily. He pulls away and smiles before looking at Erin. They high five as usual before Erin looks at us.
“You guys wanna go play some games?” Erin asks pointing toward a shooting game.
“Oh hell yeah.” Ian says wrapping an arm around me.
We walk over to the shooting station. Ian pays the five dollars to get ten shots when Wendy walks over with her Yearbook camera. 
“Smile!” Wendy says, taking a photo. 
Erin brings her hand up to cover her face, flipping Wendy off. Ian holds the gun up toward Erin and wraps an arm around me while I use him to hide my face from the bright light. Wendy walks away and smiles looking at the photo. I roll my eyes and watches Ian play the game. 
About 20 minutes later, Ian wants to get on the rollercoaster. Erin and I agree so we get in line behind the Lewis the football star. I lean against Ian and just wait to get on the ride. After 5 minutes we’re finally on the ride. I get on first with Ian sitting next to me and Erin behind me. 
“You gonna be okay?” Ian whispers.
“I hope so.” I giggle slightly and lets the buckle come down and lock in place.
Suddenly there was screaming from the back seats. Wendy is screaming something about death and that everyone has to get off. Lewis gets pissed and the worker makes the buckles come up. Before I know what was happening Lewis’ hand flies back and smacks me. Ian stands up and pushes Lewis. This causes a fight to break out forcing the Ashley’s, Frankie, Lewis, Ian, Erin and I off the ride. Wendy and Kevin were also forced off because she was freaking out because of the ride, or so I thought.
A few days has passed and a lot of things happened. Both of the Ashley’s have passed away along with Lewis and Frankie. I shake my head as I think about it. I walk around the building shop, Build It, that Erin, Ian and I work at. I walk past the front door when someone bangs on the door. I jump and look.
“Y/N, it's Wendy and Kevin.” Kevin says loudly so I can hear through the door. 
“Shit! You scared the shit out of me!” I say walking over to the door.
“Yeah, wait till you hear what we have to tell you.” Wendy says. 
I look confused and unlocks the door, letting them in. I stand there listening to their story and I chuckle slightly before grabbing the walkie talkie.
“Zip, Kip, it's Pip. Come over here. You are gonna trip when you hear this.” I say, chuckling.
“Well, paint me intrigued, Pip. I'm on my way.” Ian says into the walkie.
“Roger that Pip! Kip is coming!” Erin says.
They show up and while we finish our job, Wendy and Kevin are explaining it to them. They show us the photo of us.
“So let me get this straight. I'm gonna O.D. on nail polish... and lan is gonna be embarrassed to death? While Y/N is, I don’t know, suffocated by Ian’s jacket?” Erin asks while pushing a buggy.
“You saw what happened to Wendy, right? What's happened to the others? I mean, you just saw their pictures.” Kevin says, trying to get us to understand.
“We see pictures of our class mates that have died, Kevin.” I roll my eyes.
“We need to know who was sitting behind you on the roller coaster.” Wendy says, urgently. 
“OK, who was sitting behind us on the roller coaster? Oh! Oh, wait! Wasn't it that one guy who got voted... most likely to become manager at Red Lobster?” Erin says, turns pushing the buggy. 
“Oh, no. You know what? God, I remember. There was this guy, uh, black cloak... I didn't see his face, but, um... the ride attendant did take his sickle... before the ride started if that's helpful in any way.” Ian says, being a smart ass as he drives the forklift.
“Guys. It’s that guy that likes to take cats to school in his backpack.” I say, smirking.
Ian starts laughing while Erin hands me a box that I take to the other side of the store. Kevin follows me still trying to explain. 
“Y/N! You have to understand!” 
“Kevin! I don’t-” I start to say when a pile of fabrics to fall toward me. 
Kevin pushes me out of the way and we fall to the ground. My eyes widen and I look at Kevin. His eyes widen. 
“Ian’s next!” He whispers.
I hurry off the floor and run toward the wood pile area I know Ian would be at. I see him look up toward the wood as it begins to fall. I run as fast as I can and tackle him. Ian looks at me then at the wood as it hits the floor. Wood continues to hit the floor and us. He maneuvers himself on top of me, covering my body and then covers his head. I hear Wendy and Kevin squealing as they get covered in wood. I look up as I hear the scream of my sister to see her jump back as the last piece of wood flies near her. She slips on some saw dust on the floor landing back into the shelves. Her head hits the nail-gun that was left there, causing it to shoot some nails into her face and hand. I scream loudly as I watch my twin sister die. Ian stares at Erin with anger on his face. He covers mine to hide the death of my sister. I already saw her die. This won’t help anything as I start crying.
Kevin looks up after I scream, “Oh fuck.”
“Oh no!” Wendy says, with a few tears running down her cheeks.
The next day I’m laying with Ian in his room. He’s holding me tight. I’m still crying after watching my sister die. I never thought Wendy and Kevin would be right. What am I going to do without her?
“This is Wendy’s fault.” Ian mumbles in my hair.
“Ian...It’s not her fault.” I whisper, cuddling close.
“Yes it is. If she didn’t have that stupid ‘vision’ then Erin would still be alive.” He says glaring at the wall behind me.
“We don’t know that. Wendy was trying to save her. She technically saved us since she told us. Kevin saved me and I saved you.” I look up at him.
“They should have tried to save her.” He mumbles angry. “She should have just killed herself.”
“She said it would still happen. Like with the airplane. Death would have just found another way to kill us.” 
“So either way we are going to die?” He looks down at me.
“Not if we’re together. Death may be an asshole but as long as we are together, we can survive anything.” I whisper. “It’s not Wendy’s fault. There was nothing she could have done.”
He kisses my head and holds me close.
“If something happens to you, then I’m going to deal with her.”
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Final Destination Master List
All Gifs/Pictures used in this Master List and In the Imagine/Fics/One Shots Do Not belong to me unless stated other wise. Imagines/Fics/One Shots Do belong to me. 
Ian McKinley
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Together, We Can Survive Anything  Together, We Can Survive Anything-Part 2 Are We Friends? Nope...More
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