#ITS WHUMPTOBER BOYS(gender neutral)
Whumptober Day1
(“How many fingers am I holding up?”)
Fair warning: I do not have all of the prompts done. I did what I could (:
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“Yes, I can fly,” Wild put another spoon of food in his mouth.
Warriors saw Twilight’s hand frantically passing his neck. Don’t ask! “With like a giant bird? Or is it one of those “rune” things?” Warriors still asked.
Wild smirked and Twilight gave up on his warning, sighing in annoyance. “Well, if you must know, I don’t need anything but a shield and an arrow. I can show you during the next monster attack.” Twilight felt relief flush through him before Wild spoke again and after a long pause. “Or, I could show you now…”
“How about we not show them now. The first option is much safer than the later.” Twilight pleaded.
Time was away with Legend, probably washing themselves off in the river nearby instead of actually getting firewood. That being said, the next three oldest were the only lines of defense.
“Maybe you should just explain it and not do it?” Sky suggested, nervousness evident in his voice.
“Fuck that, I wanna see!” Wind cheered with Four at his side. They started chanting after that, “Do it, do it, do it, do it!”
“No!” Twilight protested.
“Alrighty! I’ll show you,” Wild set his bowl down and reached for the Sheikah Slate. Twilight got to it first and started waving it in the air. Being close to average height was an asset on Twilight’s part.
“You will not be blowing yourself up!” Twilight screeched. Wild ran after him. You could tell that it was a dead sprint. “Sky!” Twilight threw it as hard as he could in the Skyloftian’s direction. It landed on the ground ten feet away from Sky. Sky made a dash for it. Wild was chasing him now. Sky could see that Wild was starting to slow down, but he was still going far too fast for Sky’s liking.
“Sky! Pass it!” Hyrule shouted. Sky looked back, Wild was catching up to him and he was starting to get tired. But Sky knew better. Hyrule would promote Wild blowing himself up.
“Captain!” Warriors caught the Slate and made an effort to climb a tree. He made it to the top, but Wild was already there. Wild snatched the Slate back and kicked Warriors off the tree. It was a smaller tree. Only seven to ten feet high. He’d be fine.
“Champion, no!” Sky and Twilight shouted, making a dash for that tree. It didn’t help that they were across the entire camp.
“I have some nice elevation here! Who’s ready?” Wind, Four, and Hyrule cheered. The Captain was still laying on the ground, groaning and shaking. “Alright!”
“Champion, please!” Wild realized that they were too close. Wild smirked and jumped off the tree, taking his bow and a bomb out at the same time. He switched to his square bombs and dropped one. He waited for the two bombs to align and when they did, he detonated the sphere bomb. The cube bomb hit him and he flew.
“No!” Twilight watched as his protégé disappeared and wasted no time morphing into his wolf form to find him.
“Wait!” Sky called out. “I’m coming too!” Sky followed Wolfie through the surrounding woods until they found a laid out Champion. The two stood over his unconscious body and sighed.
Twilight morphed back into his Hylian form and shook Wild. He groaned and rolled over. He had a delirious smile on his face. “…Was fun.”
“Was stupid,” Twilight countered, putting Wild in a sitting position. “How are you feeling?”
“Big tree…” Sky looked up. Indeed, there was a big tree.
“You ran into it, didn’t you?” Wild giggled at Sky’s question. Sky looked at Twilight. “This must be a serious concussion…”
Twilight hummed, a frown on his face. Sky shifted slightly, getting his body in front of Wild’s. He held six fingers up. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Wild hummed and then giggled. “One hundred years.”
“He’s too far gone,” Sky sighed. “I’ll carry him back.”
Twilight chuckled for the first time in almost an hour. “No offense to you, Skyloftian, but your stamina is dwarfed in comparison to mine as a wolf.”
“As a wolf,” Sky repeated, a challenging smile on his face. “How about we race as Hylians when we get him settled?”
Twilight chuckled. “As you wish,” he turned back to the giggling Wild. “After we get him settled.”
Twilight turned back into a wolf. Sky helped put Wild on Wolfie’s back. After Wild was secured, Wolfie took off running.
“Wow!” Sky yelled. “This is what we’re doing?” Sky tried to catch up to them. “I see how it is!” He used the last of his energy to scream.
Too many people were laughing when the three came back. It was unsettling. Especially when Time decided to stare Twilight down from across the fire.
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