cultofdixon · 2 years
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Terminus was a hell for everyone that experienced it. But you were the only one out of them all to have lived there and you saw EVERYTHING. Even lost a part of you to get you in line. That when the next community opened its doors, you were the last one adjusting • ANGST/SFW • TW: Canon Violence / Cannibals / Missing Appendage / Injuries / Scars / Anxiety Attacks / Claustrophobia / PTSD / Nightmares
Requested by: Anon
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The explosion took all of their attentions away from what was about to happen. The two butchers behind the four kneeling men looked at Gareth for answers while he left in search of them.
“Should we continue?”
“I’m not sure—-hey” One of them got distracted leaving Rick’s window to be open but when he heard what’s next— “You’re not allowed in here. Where did you—-“ the gun fired making them all flinch and turn around quickly to find Y/N. Y/N…
The gun in hand was Rick’s, and it was handed to him after said retired sheriff broke loose taking out the second butcher as she took care of releasing the three still tied. Daryl didn’t hesitate to bring her into his embrace holding onto her for a short while relaxing every negative thought from the time apart. Glenn noticed her hands on Daryl’s back and quickly made the two part so that he could get a better look at the missing pinky and ringer finger of her right hand.
“How long have you been here?”
“Who the fuck did this to you?!”
“Y/N. What are we dealing—-“
“Cannibals. Fucking human eating human beings!” Y/N snaps handing Rick back his gun as he took her hand to see the damage himself. “I’m not gonna like what you’re plotting am I?”
“You know where our stuff is being held if you had my gun. We can find a lighter”
Y/N helped her group get their weapons back, along with anything else they might have taken. Resulting in the next actions being Daryl holding Y/N’s body still as Glenn held her hand for Rick to heat up his knife and pressed the heated material against the stubs where her fingers were to stop the bleeding and start the healing process.
“You know I’m a doctor right?”
“Would you do this in the green zone?”
“As a last resort” Bob states grabbing a left over bandana and wrapping it around their wound securely and temporarily. Until they find actual medical supplies. “What…did they do to your…?”
“You don’t wanna know” Y/N frowns as her words made Daryl tighten around her for a second before the small group had to retrieve the others and leave this shithole.
The reunions made the pain hurt less. But there was still something lingering there…that got triggered by the downhill spiral they all endured.
The cannibals finding and eating part of Bob
Bob dying
Finding out Eugene was useless
Finding out Beth was alive…but dead when reunited
Tyreese dying
Starving themselves
Almost dying to a herd trapped in a barn
Then the stranger that promises a safe haven, and going to such with hesitation. Y/N kept to herself as the group followed the stranger named Aaron and his partner Eric. She found herself lingering to the back watching the place come to view with more guards, another fence, and most likely another set of rules with harsh consequences. At least that’s the state of mind she’s going in with.
“Hey…come on” Maggie pulls her out of her thoughts wrapping her arm around her and walking inside the place with Y/N. “We’ve got yea. I don’t think anything bad will happen here…”
“And if it does?”
“You’ve got us” Sasha reassures joining the two as they made their way into Alexandria.
Daryl kept his attention on Y/N the entire time since they first entered Alexandria. She has Sasha and Maggie currently but it’s always nice to have another set of eyes as long as he doesn’t stare for too long. He was making sure nothing overwhelmed her or triggered her because she hasn’t sit still since arriving.
“Y/N is staying in the first floor bedroom” Carol informs Daryl who didn’t want to be inside the homes for too long in case anything happened. But he also wanted to make sure Y/N stayed in one place to avoid the worrying of where she’s at. “The surgeon here patched up her hand, what Rick and you guys did was a bit much but he would’ve done the same if he were you”
“The son of a bitch doesn’t look like he’s stepped out of this place since the beginning”
“Regardless. Y/N hasn’t slept since the fall of the prison and if you’re not leaving the porch to yknow take a much needed shower or to scowl at one of the pretty boys…if anything happens, Y/N will need you.”
Daryl knew this already, but Carol knew a part of him was still hurting. Blaming himself for Beth’s death. Beating himself up for not finding Y/N and having her suffer the horrors of that place the longest. He wasn’t going to leave his spot unless something bad happened.
Y/N sat up in her bed to be met with a dark room, only light was on her. She felt her fingers seeing that they were there, until a hand came into view grabbing her wrist and yanking her forward.
The woman fell out of bed on her hands and knees as the light only followed her. She gasps to the sudden pain returning to her ribs as she fell through the floor landing straight on her side.
As the prison fills into the world surrounding Y/N, she looks at her person finding the damage from the fall of the prison littered on her body. Weakness from recovering from being sick…and the bruised ribs from an explosion knocking her off the second floor to the first in A block.
Need to get out
Need to get out
Need to get…
Y/N found herself sitting up in restraints in a cold building. Felt like a freezer of a warehouse. She scans around the once dark again room as footsteps echoed in the darkness. Revealing Gareth who held a nutcracker behind his back.
“You stumbled in our community, and killed one of our own”
She couldn’t speak.
“You’ll suffer the consequences…and then work for me. Unless you’d want to lose another finger” Gareth smirks as Y/N suddenly screams in pain to find one of her fingers missing. “Just. Cooperate…and you can live here.”
Suddenly Y/N was on her back gripping onto the set of hands gripping her throat staring up at one of the butchers who had enough of her attitude. Gareth appears beside him watching the light in her face but right before she passed out, he made the man let go.
The sudden screaming caught Daryl off guard as he stops talking to Glenn about the asshole sons of Deanna to rush into the home. Glenn of course followed in case something worse was happening but as he joined the scene watching Daryl get swatted away from Y/N’s fetal position in the corner of the room. He quickly grabbed the back of Daryl’s vest pulling him away causing a bit of a fight.
“The hell are you doing?!”
“She’s still having the nightmare” Glenn points out the fact that she’s never opened her eyes since he arrived and given when Daryl first entered she didn’t know instantly that it was him. “You need to be more careful”
“Right…Fuck” Daryl frowns taking it slow and approaching Y/N’s curled position grabbing the blanket off the bed.
“It’s okay. Y/N…you’re not where you’re at” Glenn whispers approaching along with the archer in case she retaliated. “You are in a house…that you share with Carol…and Daryl…in the new community. That is scary…and full of new people…”
“But we’re here…” Daryl states watching her body relax slowly. “You ain’t alone like back at Terminus……we reunited. We’re safe. You are safe”
The two stopped when her body relaxed enough for Daryl to bring the blanket around her without any freak out. When she woke she retracted a bit making Daryl back off and Glenn shoot out reassurance until she relaxed again but conscious.
“You had a nightmare”
“That triggered sleepwalking or I don’t know what you’d call being asleep but acting the nightmare.” Glenn sat on the bed as Y/N curled up with the blanket around her with Daryl keeping his hands on her knees. “Uhm. I know the timing is terrible but what happened in the nightmare?”
“Felt more like a night terror…but uh…I don’t really want to talk about it”
“That’s fine. Just know you’ve got us whenever you’re ready to talk about it” Glenn got up from the bed. “Do you want anything before Daryl can—-“
“I’m okay…thank you Glenn”
Once he left, Daryl got up from the floor to help Y/N off the ground. He directs her back to bed sitting on the edge once she got in entirely covering herself more in the blanket.
“Imma ask, if yea need anything before I grab assumptions”
“…my hand hurts”
“Pain meds it is” Daryl pats her knee getting up to grab what she’ll need leaving her alone for a moment.
Y/N brought her knees to her chest covering her entire person with the blanket Daryl wrapped around her shoulders earlier. She wanted to make herself small for just a second to find some sense of calm…even when her heart was still racing like it did when she was in Terminus.
The night of the party came and Daryl wasn’t going to go. Because he hates that shit and wants to be there for Y/N, who hasn’t left her room since receiving it. He kept to the porch as he smoked to clear his mind of the mental toll she could be experiencing when Aaron walked by.
“Not going to the party?”
“Nah, I’ve got shit to take care of”
Aaron nods thinking about his next response before just going for it. “Want some dinner? I wasn’t gonna go because of Eric so we’re staying in”
“I uh…” Daryl turned toward the house expecting Y/N’s bubbly self to come out but that was taken from everybody. “Y/N hasn’t left the house and—“
“You don’t wanna leave your partner. I get it” Aaron smiles. “But if you come by. For just. 15 minutes. You can eat…grab a plate for her” he offers and left on that note.
Fifteen minutes…
And he didn’t have to worry about it one bit. Daryl came back actually past fifteen minutes to find Y/N in the kitchen in fresh clothes and grabbing a glass of water. He joins her at the kitchen island setting down the bowl of spaghetti he brought for her from Aaron’s.
“The party?”
“Nah. Wouldn’t go to that shit without yea. Just went to Aaron’s for dinner” Daryl watches her inspect it. “I had two plates. It ain’t poisoned.”
“Thank you for bringing me dinner…” Her smile returns to her as it always brought a sense of warmth to Daryl.
Daryl brought himself beside her while she ate her dinner in the comforts of his presence. Y/N finishes her dinner and put the bowl in the sink to wash later…feeling Daryl come up behind her wrapping his arms around her torso resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry you were stuck there…”
“You don’t have to apologize, Dar…we’re safe now” Y/N rubs his forearm gently. “Right?”
“M’not leavin’ anymore. You’re stuck with me now” Daryl smiles listening to her laugh that he missed so much.
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precedex-files · 9 months
Alright, "Theef" 7x14, we gotta talk about this episode. Honestly, it's one that I remembered nothing about except that the title was familiar and I know I watched it during the show's original run because I was obsessed and never missed an episode. Watching it about 24 years later, now as a physician myself, and boy is it woefully underrated. Take out the Appalachian voodoo, and the story is a timeless moral dilemma, one that physicians and other healthcare workers face on a daily basis. The Hippocratic oath is widely known for its phrase "First do no harm", but is allowing ongoing suffering exactly that - harm? Many of us in modern medicine have seen it first hand - the desire to prolong life in spite of suffering and without regard to quality of life. Scully affirms that she would make the same decisions as Dr. Wieder did, opting to alleviate the suffering of a patient at the end of their life. A death with dignity. But it doesn't mean one isn't left to feel the gravity of that decision, grappling with the thought that the very medications given to lessen pain and suffering might also hasten death, and that one would never really know the truth. These are never decisions made lightly, but they are made with the patient's best interests at heart. To be clear, any such decisions involving end of life care would be made either with the patient themselves, or their next of kin/healthcare proxies if they are unable, unless in emergency situations where there might not be time. The show takes some liberties with the physician decision making, although the context is in an emergency scenario. Nevertheless, some family members and loved ones of the deceased may not agree with the course of action. Although one would hope none would act as brazenly as Orell Peattie, conjuring up violent deaths as revenge via hexcraft and poppets, it certainly does not mean hospitals are violence-free zones. More and more we are seeing disgruntled patients and family members bringing weapons into halls meant for healing and threatening hospital staff. The show isn't one to necessarily offer up solutions to the real-life monsters and dilemmas it reveals through its stories, but rather sets out to cast a light on them and let the audience do some thinking about them. Almost a quarter of a century later this particular one is still relevant. Orell Peattie is obviously wrong for inciting various gruesome deaths, but is he also not a victim? Losing his daughter in an accident, who he was convinced he could save with his Appalachian voodoo. What about Dr. Wieder? He took care of Lynette Peattie on the day of her accident giving her increasing doses of pain medications because she was screaming and had vital signs indicating an extreme level of pain. He felt she was beyond the help of modern medicine and did not want her to suffer. But does that mean his family should suffer the vengeance of Orell Peattie? Both men victims, both men with lost loved ones, and both men perpetrators. Even medical doctor Special Agent Dana Scully was questioning herself by the end. And that's why this is truly a gem of an episode. Deeper than it appears and the real mystery lies firmly in the realm of reality than fantasy.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Dating Eleazar Denali Headcanons
Paring: Cullen!Reader X Eleazar Denali
Summary: just some dating headcanons for my favorite Spanish vampire from Alaska
Warrings: there's a few NSFW headcanons in here so be aware.
🩵Eleazar denali series 🩵twilight master list
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Your the newest addition to the family, you joined around the 90s (in the twilight timeline). With you being the newest member you and the Denalis didn't interact as much.
After Carmen cheated on Eleazar with Demetri, he moved to Forks with Tayna, Kate, and Irina in tow.
Then he saw you again for the first time in a while. I think the two of you always knew there was a connection or mate bond but never acted upon it due to obviously reasons.
He spent his entire first week at Forks talking to you and during that time he fell harder for you.
You couldn't help but fall for his charm, he just knew how to make you blush.
When Your 'brother' carlisle found out he was pissed, the family has never seen him that angry. He's very protective of you and when he heard the Eleazar was your mate he punched him.
“stay away from her”
Esme has to pull him away and talk some since into him. “they're mates... And they're happy”
Him and Eleazar made up and Carlisle spent over two weeks apologizing for his actions. It's all water under the bridge because Eleazar understood where he was coming from and carlisle knew Eleazar would treat you like a queen.
“I love her”
“I know you do”
Your engaged by the time Bella shows up. To put it delicately she the reason your wedding kept getting put off. James, birthday gone wrong, newborn army, ya know 'normal' stuff.
You got married after the newborn army problem ended. “yeah you think we could get married now? Just a thought”
Eleazar secretly gets really tired of the Bella and Edward drama, so he made sure you got your wedding first. You guys have been waiting too long.
He loves your eyes, especially when you were human. He loves how innocent and soft they looked, they're so gentle.
I wouldn't say Eleazar is a prude but he's definitely uptight and is the serious one out of his coven, but you bring out a softer and brighter side in him. He loves how you can make him laugh and being him out of his comfort zone.
You can always make him laugh, no matter what. He's the serious one in the relationship and your the bubbly one.
Tayna calls you the golden retriever of your relationship and Eleazar is the black cat.
Your the only one who can call him Eli... Maybe Tayna but other than that your the only one who gets the pleasure to do so. “she's the only one who can call me that that”
It's the small things that matter most. He loves dancing with you to your favorite songs. It brings a softer side to your guys chaoic lives.
He never was much of a dancer before meeting you though, but you changed that. It first it was just to mess around because you were bored, but then you both found out how much you loved it.
“I don't dance Love”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around him. “you do know”
He leaves love notes every where for you to find, sometimes it will be on your mirror, sometimes in the book your reading at the time, no matter what your always finding his sweet messages.
'If I were to kiss you and then go to hell I would, so then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without even entering it.'
You guys love watching old monster movies together.
You learned he paces when he's nervous or aggravated. He'll move back and forth in your room at lighting speed somethings, mumbling Spanish. If he gets real aggravated he'll rant in English and slowly bleed into Spanish.
With jobs its simple, when he moved to Forks he became the Spanish teacher at Forks High, your doctor like Carlisle.
He didn't relize how touch starved he was till he met you. At first touching and contact wasn't really on the top of his list of needs(him and Carmen didn't touch much) but when you started dating he couldn't keep his hands to himself, he always has to be holding your hand or if your sitting on the couch or something your head is on his shoulder or chest.
You guys are family people, you have this mother vibe to you(Emmett says your like the second mom to them) so when the whole new-born delema happened Eleazar convinced Felix to spare Bree Tanner. You two adopted her and became the parents she never had.
If you met and and married before your transformation you two would have twins, the birth wasn't dramatic like Bella's and you made it threw with smooth sailing after Eleazar terned you.
From the beginning Carlisle was gonna turn you. When you first joined the family you were human, but when you met Eleazar you decide it would be him that would turn you.
Anyway, your twins are a boy and a girl(hybrids of course). Your daughter is gifted, it kinda mirrors Eleazar's ability to see what gift a vampire has. Instead of reading them she copy's them. She found out one day when she was holding Kate's hand then shocked Emmett by accident.
“your daughter is a copy cat” Eleazar smiled proudly. “yeah no shit” Emmett said rubbing his arm.
Your son doesn't have any special powers expect being incredibly fast, faster than Edward even.
Your daughter is an exact copy of Eleazar and your son is a copy of you.
Your really close to Tayna and Kate. They are both like little sisters to you. You and Irina are not as close but you got each other's backs.
Of corse you'd never trust Irina again after she went to the vulturi about the Twins and Renesmee.
The girls were over the moon when Eleazar told them about you and in the beginning of your relationship he was always going to the girls for advice.
He's so afraid of losing you, your the best thing that's ever happened to him and he doesn't want to screw it up. Of course he doesn't have to worry about that.
Your always resuring him that your always gonna be by his side. With that I think he's secretary insecure, he's never really had anyone drool over him like girls do Carlisle or Garrett, so your always telling him how handsome he is.
“have I told you how handsome you are?”
He smiled softly. “Yes dear, like a million times”
He just the same, he makes sure your the only woman he sees. Your truly the most beautifulest woman he's ever layed eyes on. “your so beautiful”
He's very protective of you, he not a violent person in the slightest but if someone caused you harm he'll tear the world down.
He doesn't let anyone talk down towrds you or about you. He's the type to either put the fear of God in them or if it was a friend they won't be on speaking terms anymore.
He'd never admit it or talk about it to someone, but he's a cuddler. If your still human your curled up to his chest sleeping like a baby, he'll have his arms around you all night and intill your wake up.
If your in the living room watching a movie with the family your head is on his shoulder or in his lap.
He'll watch anything that interestes you at the time. He likes supernatural and he'll watch Greys Anatomy on an ocation, being friends with Carlisle for centuries you learn alot of medical stuff, so he knows when somethings wrong in the show.
He's definitely a 'yes dear' when it comes to things, not in a bad way or anything. It boils down to that he'll do anything for you.
He's a rough but passionate kisser. He pours all his love and emotions into it, he makes sure your the only one on this earth he wants to love.
NSFW headcanons:
Eleazar has this mischievous kind of charm to him and he uses it to his advantage when it comes to getting your attention. He knows all your ticks and can easily get your riled up.
And it's definitely not one sided. Eleazar would consider himself calm and collected... Serious even, but you know how to get him riled up as well. Like I said before he became a touch person after meeting you. Sometimes all you have to do is Trail your hand down his chest or rub the inside of his thigh. When you push the right buttons he'll pull you towrds your room and you'll be in there for hours tangled in each other.
“darling... Don't start anything you can't finish”
He tries his hardest to be romantic all the time, during sex especially. He wants you to know just how much he loves and adores you.
He's a soft Dom and he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
Your pace all depends on your moods honestly. Usually it's slow and loving, everything moves so quickly in his life so it's nice to just savor moments like this. But if you get him riled up or push the right buttons that switch will be flipped in seconds.
Your small compared to him so he loves to have you in his lap, holding you when you make love.
Speaking of which, he refuses to refer sex as 'fucking', he thinks is degrading towrds you so it's 'making love' in his vocabulary.
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “please don't hold back Love, let me hear you”
He definitely has a Praise kink, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
He found out very quickly how much it makes you blush. He took it as more sweet and innocent than sexual.
Small choking kink when you get him in the right mood, he'd never do anything to hurt you so this is a very rare occasion during sex, especially if your still human.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Lots of broken furniture(Esme has about had it). Usually it's broken headbords on your beds. There's always gonna be a dent where his hand grabed in attempt not to hurt you.
He's not very vocal, unless he's praising you. maybe some groans here and there, he'd rather hear all the sweet noise coming from you.
Eleazar is a god when it comes to aftercare. He'll knows exactly what you need and gets it. He'll make sure your comfortable and cleaned up then hold you in his arms.
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pokelolmc · 9 months
Fixing TUE Part 4.5--Clockwork and the Observants Headcanons
Welcome back to my analysis of The Ultimate Enemy. Anyone who wants some juicy Clockwork lore, welcome! I've criticised his canon portrayal in Part 4, so here we are onto the changes!
(Part 4), Part 4.5, (Part 5)
I’m not entirely sure on how I'd change the events of The Ultimate Enemy itself—but I can spitball some ideas for background lore of what Clockwork is, what he's capable of and how he works. Establishing limits/profiles of Clockwork’s power, knowledge or moral compass to help guide how his character would act in a rewrite.
Idea one: Limit Clockwork's knowledge. He can only see time by viewing the time window, and has the ability to gain knowledge in real time. He's distinctly fallible.
Idea two: We could limits Clockwork’s power to act on his knowledge by saying that his existence happens outside of normal time—and mixes with it like oil and water. Perhaps his tower/lair is a rift in time, the temporal dimension bleeding into the Ghost Zone—so it’s sort of a “negative space” compared to normal time. Rather than his “Time Outs” being just a tool to manipulate time…it’s his only means of navigating the flow of normal time itself. He can interact with normal time only by existing in these moments “in between”.
The amulets allow him to bring other elements or people from regular time into this “gap in time” to talk to them, but he has limited power outside of communicating with them during these time-outs so they can act in his stead. Hence, why he relies on other ghosts to do his dirty work.
The only problem is, of course, that would still leave the question of “Why not inform the other characters of Dan’s origin story?”, “why not get other characters to interfere with the birth of Dan” and “why not just bring Dan outside of time to fight or contain him?”…but I don’t have answers for that just yet.
Idea Three: Alter Clockwork's intentions, morality or free will. For example, what if Clockwork wasn’t a ghost in control of time, or a master of time, but literal time itself? 
That is, he was less of a person and more of a force of nature. As if the rift in time, which created his tower, leaked energy in the Ghost Zone until it gathered enough ectoplasm to create an avatar for itself. Clockwork is time’s ghostly extension, or an extra limb…or if time itself had its hands up the back of an ectoplasmic sock puppet, making it talk.
Time itself could be a primeval or fundamental force. But just like in real life, it’s not a person. It doesn’t really have thoughts, or feelings, or free will/agency to act on its own behalf. Time…simply is. It just exists. It just…happens the way it does. If time is a program, Clockwork could be like the holographic interface or pop-up window telling the user what’s going on in the OS. An ectoplasmic AI which has learned how ghosts communicate, but isn't as self-aware.
So, we have an interesting twist on the age-old “wise master of time refuses to interfere because they want to be responsible” trope (like the Time Lords from Doctor Who). It's not that there's some "grand plan". Clockwork’s lack of proactivity to change things optimally is because he is the avatar of time. And time just is--it doesn’t try to change itself. Heavy attempts to alter time are a very human…or…ghost thing to do.
This could be why the Observants are the ones who prompt him into action. Perhaps the Observants were the ghosts to discover time travel, and to whatever extent that they have manipulation over time, they have control over Clockwork. They’ve given up on interfering and instead prompt Clockwork to do their bidding.
If we wanted him to have character development, we could have him gradually gaining more "humanity" as he interacts with Danny. Or maybe the Observants' control stunted the development of Clockwork's ghost as his own person, and Danny releases him.
Or perhaps he already has some level of personhood/his own mind as his own ghost, but since he’s still connected to time itself he has limited free will—he is still largely directed by the whims of fate. Though you would have to establish that some sort of fate exists.
Idea three: This is another limitation or weakness that revolves around Clockwork more as a thinking person than the face of an unthinking force. It’s inspired by the Bootstrap Paradox.
Clockwork, as someone who (in canon) can both affect the events of the timeline AND see future outcomes in the time window…should be theoretically able to see timelines/events that result from his own actions, before he gets the idea of what to do. Either he could see what he does, or the results of what he does and infer what he did in his own relative future.
But if Clockwork only knows what to do, because he saw it (or could only deduce what he’d done) in the results in the time window… He didn’t realise it by himself, but was affected by the information of how his future alterations would affect time—he watched what he would do, and knew what to do from there. And the only reason his future self would’ve done that would be because he saw it in the time window too. In that case, where would Clockwork’s ideas have come from? How much free will did Clockwork have?
Which is why I propose the idea that Clockwork can see the results of others’ decisions in the time window, but not his own. He can see what everyone else can do, but not what he can as a being outside of normal time. He has to predict the results of his actions the way a normal person has to rely on guesswork, but with more intelligence involved.
This wouldn’t excuse stupid actions like giving Danny the CAT answers, since he’d still be highly intelligent or wise, but he at least wouldn’t be already know the impacts of his own choices before he makes them. It gives him more wiggle room to potentially fail, or be surprised by Danny’s choices and humanity. Things could have a viable reason to take him off-guard.
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blairelythere · 1 year
Never seen ultraman
What should I watch first to see if I like it or not?
Ultraman is a tokusatsu series with a very large variety of tones and styles. Each season is distinctly different from the last, especially in the New Generation era. Some seasons are very serious and gritty, some are slice-of-life, and some are light plot/heavy action. It's up to you on what you'd prefer!
I want to preface with the three eras (and sub eras) of Ultraman, just so you're aware of these terms when they come up:
Showa (1966 - 1987)
Heisei (1996 - 2012)
-> Heisei Trilogy/Part 1 (1996-1999)
-> Heisei Part 2/Phase 2 (2000 - 2012)
New Generation (2013 - Present)
-> Reiwa (2019 - Present)
That being said, I give you 5 equally valid options to begin:
Option 1:
Ultraman (1966)
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Start with where it all began!*
Ultraman (1966) is Japan's take on the Twilight Zone but with a superhero-esqe twist. If you enjoy older sci-fi like the early seasons of Doctor Who or the first Star Trek, you'll greatly appreciate the practical effects, deep but episodic plots, and the unique kaiju/seijin.
From there, watch in order of release and enjoy just how much the show evolves. All the highs and lows.
*(Side note - technically Ultra Q (1966) is the first show but does not feature Ultraman whatsoever. This show serves as a prequel to the idea of kaiju and seijin in the modern world. If you're a completionist, you can start here and be amazed at how there are *still* monsters and plots making reappearances from this show)
Option 2:
Ultraman Tiga (1996)
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Ultraman Tiga is the beginning of the Heisei Era and is widely regarded as one of the best series in the entire franchise.
I have lots of love to give to Tiga specifically, and this post of mine explains why that is:
Option 3:
Ultraman Mebius (2006)
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Ultraman Mebius is the 40th anniversary of the Ultra series and is a beautiful continuation and love-letter of the Showa Era timeline. It features returning cast members, monsters, and plotlines from Ultraman, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace, Taro, Leo, and 80 (which all take place on the same Earth).
This show is a perfect introductory piece to the series because it exposes you to such a large amount of lore from the past while recontextualizing it with modern effects, richer storytelling, and a more serious tone. Mebius has so much heart, happiness, and hopefulness. It's a very positive and "heroic" type show.
Option 4:
Ultraman Orb (2016)
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Ultraman Orb is, even while nestled in the near-middle of the New Gen Era, a fantastic starting piece and my typical recommendation for starters. It's quite fun and light-hearted but has an intense emotional core surrounding lost love and a broken friendship. The action and special effects are top-notch, and the main villain is an ICONIC character who pops up many times in later shows.
This show introduces fusions, which become a frequent New Gen trend (Orb does it the best of all). Great choice if you're looking to get dropped somewhere not too confusing or plot-intensive yet still action-y and engaging.
Option 5:
Ultraman Blazar (2023)
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Ultraman Blazar is the newest season of Ultraman and started airing back in July. As of writing this, we are currently at Episode 8.
Blazar is unique and inventive so far in both its plot and aesthetic. It has a semi-serious sci-fi/military feel mixed with amazing new kaiju and.... a really strange Ultra lol. Blazar is unlike most thus far. He's primitive and beastly, kinda like a caveman.
It may not be the most completely accurate representation of the series as a whole, but nothing beats the excitement of watching the newest season as it airs!! The Tsuburaya official YouTube channel simulcasts each new episode as it airs in Japan (with japanese or english audio and subs).
I wish you luck on your multiverse-spanning Ultraman adventures!
Feel free to ask more questions if you have any 💛💛💛
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carpenoctxrn · 2 years
Doctor. Doctor. (Spencer Reid x FemReader)
Chapter 6: The DIstraction
Chapter 5 is here
Join my taglist by clicking here so you dont miss my future works.
Warnings: Horny reader, manipulative reader like they actively try to seduce, mentions of fingering reader, mentions of voyeurism, creepy vibe reader like they are obsessed with Spencer Reid.
Walking to the group outside I didn’t understand how I should behave. These people are profiler’s. The abrupt actions of before could be justified as first time jitters but now, thirty minutes into the party I couldn’t walk away anymore. I had to face my fear, or rather face my crush.
“Here’s a cocktail made for you by a gentleman whose name I learned is Matt Simmons,” I said as I handed Lisa her drink by coming up in front of her on the couch. Across from me sat Phil and Penelope, the couch against the wall had Luke and Lisa, while Spencer sat on the couch opposite of Luke and Lisa.
“Ohh that's a nice sunset colour,” Lisa said excitedly at the orange and yellow hues of the drink.
“Reminds me of the sunsets I saw as a Lonely ranger,” Luke said with a dramatic seldom look on his face as he looked into the distance.
Penelope just stared at him with a Youre fucking crazy Newbie look, whilst Phil and Reid just laughed at his expression. Lisa however was genuinely interested in what more Luke had to say.
Slowly sipping my Cuba Libre I loved the cold drink against my warm flushed cheeks. I listened to the group chatters between the pairs but soon realised it was conversation amongst themselves. I had only the one human that makes me into a stuttering, blabbering, mess to talk to. Taking a bigger sip of my drink I stood up slowly and sat closer to Spencer. This got his attention and he just looked up at me with a smile.
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“I’m sorry about what I did before,” I apologised as I began seating.
“I have no idea why you’re apologising,” Spencer's words laced with confusion but his eyes held a warmth and concern that made me look deeper into them.
“You know, inside when I abruptly walked away saying I needed water and I most definitely zoned out, and I just didn’t want a rude behaviour like that to go by unapologetically.” I whispered out my words as my eyes left his and focused on my fingers that were playing with the rim of my half full glass.
“Hey I understand,” His comforting words whispered out his lips as his eyes raked my face, hoping to make eye contact. Giving him the opportunity to have my attention my face looked up with a smile.
“Meeting new people at times, especially friends, is a very anxious moment. You act different because you’re feeling different.” He concluded his words with a small smile on his lips.
Biting my lips a wider grin came on my face as I let a small chuckle pass my lips. Breaking eye contact for a moment I looked back at him.
“Thank you.” I simply said with my head sideways a bit and a genuine smile on my face.
I don't know how to explain it but his words had meaning to it that it's hard not to feel its effect on you. Our eyes still held each other's gaze as his face held a small comforting smile.
And now this is the part when he pulls you in for a kiss and says his stupid little girlfriend isn't his love but it's me and he was dating her to get over me.
I couldn’t help the stifled laughter that came out of my mouth. Covering my mouth with my hand I began to profusely apologise.
“I’m sorry I just remembered a memory from long ago,” I said, giggling at my thoughts and now at the memory.
“Is it a special one?” He asked a bit confused and a tad bit angry at me. Which I could understand. I began laughing like an idiot just at random.  
“You tell me,” I said, laughing a bit. Taking in a deep breathe I steadied my laughter and looked back at him.
“I was 14 years old, in 10th grade and my mom was pregnant. Because of her pregnancy she would get these cravings of certain indian food from specific stores. So this particular day she got a severe craving for Chicken Biryani from the Indian store not too far from us. My father, mother, and my cousin sister who was living with us that year, picked me up from school. Now because of homework, obligations in clubs and home made my sleep schedule become really messed up, so this day I remember being awake till 3am and waking up at 6am to catch the 7am bus. Anyways in my sleep deprived state at the restaurant I made the mistake of drinking soda and since I would skip lunch to talk with my friends I was starving. I became so deliriously giddy like I saw this fork with three spikes and I went crazy. I began - I- oh..” I stopped with the story as my stomach began hurting from remembering that fork and the familiar delirious laughing feeling came back.
“Oh my god I can't, I just can’t.” I said covering my mouth as I continued laughing with tears in my eyes.
“I'm sorry. It's just I remembered how much the fork looked like a trident and I was imagining someone replacing the trident with the fork and how ridiculous it would be,” I said sniffling and wiping tears as I felt myself calming down.
“You don’t have to apologise. By any chance were you diagnosed with iron deficiency?” He asked casually.
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“The very next day in fact.” I stated, looking at him with amazement but also just to admire him.
He was speaking about how he concluded that, and I smiled and nodded and added comments but none that I could remember. At this moment I was studying him. His eyebrows would furrow as she would make eye contact when he is stating facts from memory. When his eyes evaded mine his eyebrows would become less furrowed but his forehead would be a bit scrunched as he continued citing facts from memory.
His eyes would hold a glee to them as he shared his knowledge as he purposely tried to keep a normal tone to his voice but the pace he talks is giving away his excitement. And when I would say I read that work from that article or met the scientist behind that article his eyes would widen in surprise. His mouth would form a smile and he would ask me if I liked the scientist, the work, and any question he didn't have an answer to.
I truly couldn't look away from him. He was just so perfect in my eyes. My breath mimicked his as my face couldn’t stop the smile, the laughter, the giggle that would come out of it due to his comments, jab, or him apologising for possibly offending me due to his strong words against a person's theory.
“Hey guys, it’s dinner time.” Jennifer came to announce as she held a bottle of water in her hand. 
I still sat on the couch letting the two other couples pass us slowly. Then I stood up and so did Spencer Reid.
“After you,” He said politely with a small smile. 
I knew I should see him as a friend and I shouldn't do anything that would make things weird between us but the emptied glass of Cuba Libre gave me liquor and sugar courage. As I was walking in front of him I made sure to talk a bit fast for enough distance for me to pull my stunt. Fortunately for me he turned back to grab his phone that fell from his pocket so I quickly had the opportunity to “twist” my ankle. Letting out a small “Oh fuck” before I “limped” to a stool close to me. I placed my “right” leg a bit high on the stool making sure to cover it in order to keep the scene as innocent as possible before my whorish display.
“Y/N are you okay?” Spencer asked as he planted his tall body behind me. Both of his hands unconsciously ghosting my hips.
“Yea- I think I just twisted it a bit. Let me check.” My wavering and “oh so in pain” voice said.
He didn’t say anything but as I began slowly removing the slit of my dress I revealed my thighs and my bare legs to hom. I could hear Spencer take a deep breath in and as I grabbed my thighs in an effort to “massage” away the “pain” he let it out at a wavering pace. My body bent forward a bit more to reach my ankle and as I was reaching for my ankles my upper turned back a bit to look at the sunken eyes of Dr. Spencer Reid.
“Why don’t you go ahead and sit? I’ll be in shortly.” I said with a small smile on my face. I let my fingers knead at my flesh, to leave small marks of my hand behind. I was shamelessly displaying how easily I can be marked and I knew he was shamefully enjoying it. 
“It’s okay, if something goes wrong it’ll be handy to have a doctor near by.” His joking words left his mouth breathlessly. Clearing his throat he came beside me and squatted in a position to get a closer look of my ankles.
“From here I don’t see any visible bruising or anything serious,” I stated my observation as I allowed him to inspect my legs.
“I agree,” He said as his eyes trailed my legs before making contact with mine, “Why don’t you try walking just to make sure.” He said with a firm close lipped smile.
“Good Idea Doctor Reid.” I teased back with a smile that he so dashingly reciprocated.
As I removed my right leg from the stool I planted weight on it. Looking at him I nodded as if to say it doesn’t hurt. Then I took a step with my left leg and sighed. Looking back at the Spencer who now was standing up, his hands in his pocket his eyes focused on what I am assuming is my leg but it could’ve been my back, my ass, my figure to be honest. Knowing I had his attention made my mind spin with confidence that boosted my ego. I felt like I could control his thoughts, his behaviour towards me.
“It’s not hurting,” I said with a sheepish smile to hide my own maleficent thoughts.
Stepping forward with my right leg with confidence, my eyes clouded with ego embarrassingly didn't see the elevated step in front of me. The front of my half of my feet were on the tile but the other half were in the air, in slow motion I felt myself beginning to fall back. My mouth took in a huge gasp of air to subdue the panic that fueled my widened eyes. My body felt cold in that second as I was falling backwards. But a familiar warmth surrounded me.
Spencer had planted half his body behind me. His left hand held on to my clothed left hip. Whilst, his right hands went around my waist and gripped my thighs. His hands held onto the flesh that was exposed. His hands were warm. They felt calloused but soft at the same time. His hands couldn't go around my thighs completely but they did cover half of it effortlessly making me conclude that this man behind me is feeding into my big hand kink. 
“Are you alright Doctor?” He whispered in my left ear, in a low and comforting voice. He placed his face right on my left shoulders as he crouched to come at level with my ears.
I knew I shouldn’t turn my face, I knew that if I did it could be awkward. But I couldn’t help myself. Slowly I turned myself a bit. My eyes lowered on purpose so I could study his face slowly to savour how handsome he is before I look into those deep coffee hued eyes. Those eyes that I stare into right now held so much care in them but their dilated pupil looked so feral. Like a pool of good sex that will make my hips bruised and my throat raspy from shouting out
“I- um- I think so.” I admitted as I let out a breathless giggle to show my surprise at this turnout and to the thought that was running in mind.
The very thoughts that made his hands on my naked thighs much more prominent. I could mentally picture where each one of his fingers are, how long they are, and how thick they are. 
Imagine his fingers, that are so damn close to my freshly shaven and now wet cunt, beginning to rub me through this dresses thin material. 
Imagine him rubbing my sweet swollen clit with his fingers, allowing the shivers of pleasure derived from that one spot travel up my spine. Making me whine, moan, and arch against his figure.
Imagine one of his long fingers sliding over a little bit more of fabric of the dress and a little bit of the fabric of my slutty panties before pushing in his long finger. Making me feel full.
Imagine, my back arched as his finger is curled and set in a pace to make me cum, the only mission they seem to know. 
Imagine staring into his eyes as his hands crept closer and closer to that one spot except….
I didn't have to imagine it was happening right now. And it wasn't creeping closer, it was slipping away. Clearing his throat Spencer removed his fingers from my thighs and hips.
“Excuse me, I have to go call my girlfriend, she said she will be joining us for dinner so I am just going to notify her.” He spoke without looking at me as he was facing down looking at his phone as he texted and walked away from me at the same time.
Damn. Did I take it too far?
Not knowing how to react to this I decided to just go to dinner. The commotion of utensils and people chatting were my guide to this villa of a house. At the table people sat down respective to the name cards that were placed on the huge oak table. A group of three waitering staff was apparently hired and would serve us our dinner. 
“Y/N over here,” Said the sweet voice of Penelope Garcia.
“Hi again,” I said as I took a sit between Penelope and Luke.
“Sorry I switched out our seats, you can have it back anytime you want though,” she said kindly.
“No it’s okay. It’ll give me a chance to judge this one.” I whispered to Penelope as I eyed Luke’s figure behind me.
“Wait so I’m being scrutinised?” Luke said in disbelief as he had heard what I was saying to Penelope.
“Clearly we need to work on respecting others' privacy.” I said with a fake tone of seriousness. 
“Agreed.” Penelope popped her head in and said.
“Second, that.” Added on Matt.
“Oh stay out of it.” Groaned poor Luke at everyone ganging up on him.
A small fit of laughter spread around the table. As everyone basked at the serenity and a sense of comfort in the air. A feeling that was perfect. A feeling that resembled a calm before the storm. Something deep in me clearly said that this sense of comfort is just a distraction from the true reality.
“Hey, where’s Spence?” Asked Jennifer who was seated next to her husband and Matt’s wife. She spoke as she gestured the two empty seats across from me directly.
“We’re right here,” He said as he walked in with a woman in his arms. 
“Hello Everyone.” A quiet but loud enough voice said.
“Maeve!” Exclaimed Emily, Jennifer, Penelope, and Krystall as they basically jumped out of their chairs to go greet the woman.
And there’s the storm.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR MY WHORES! I LOVE YOU ALL FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT AND FOR THE REBLOGGING! And yes in this Maeve doesn't die. We are pretending the bullet missed her because she like yanked her head back and was able to get away from the creepy killer. And to clarify this will not be, I repeat will not be a cheating trope, it's more complicated than that.
Next chapter is here
Taglist: @hopelessromantichopefulthinking @lovemesickly @liidiaaag @kodakmack @strangerintheblur @fairydresses @ohnojessica @ohnojessicaa @savi-0r because savi-02 doesnt exist
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basielaziz · 2 days
**Urgent Humanitarian Appeal: Protect Gaza from a Catastrophic Epidemic Outbreak**
The Gaza Strip, already devastated by war and conflict, is on the brink of a new disaster. Thousands of displaced families are living in overcrowded shelters and makeshift camps with limited access to clean water, sanitation, and medical care. In these dire conditions, diseases like hepatitis, polio, and skin infections are beginning to spread rapidly, threatening the lives of the most vulnerable—children, the elderly, and those already weakened by malnutrition and trauma.
This is not just a health crisis waiting to happen; it is already unfolding. Without immediate intervention, Gaza could face an epidemic that would claim countless lives and overwhelm what remains of its fragile healthcare system.
**A Critical Mission to Prevent an Epidemic**
Dr. Aziz Kamel, a renowned health researcher in the field of infectious disease control, is racing against time. He is conducting a pivotal research study on the alarming rise of infectious diseases among Gaza’s displaced populations. His work is vital. He is gathering crucial data that will be submitted to international health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Doctors Without Borders, Action Against Hunger, and the International Medical Association. This research will be the foundation for international intervention, providing the medical community with the necessary insights to combat and contain the spread of these deadly diseases.
Dr. Kamel's findings will serve as a wake-up call to the world, urging global health leaders to take swift and decisive action. But this research—and the lives it aims to save—cannot wait. Immediate funding is needed to complete this study and provide life-saving aid to the people of Gaza.
**The Human Toll of Inaction**
The people of Gaza are not just numbers; they are human beings—parents who have already lost their homes, children who face a future defined by suffering, elderly who have seen too much tragedy. These people are not just victims of war; they are now at the mercy of diseases that can be prevented. The spread of hepatitis, polio, and skin diseases is not just a health issue; it is a humanitarian catastrophe.
Imagine being a parent in a crowded camp, watching your child fall ill, knowing there is no medicine, no clean water, no escape. Imagine the fear of seeing entire families wiped out by preventable diseases, all because the world did not act in time.
This is the reality facing Gaza today. And we cannot afford to wait.
**The Science Speaks Clearly: Time is Running Out**
Scientific data has shown that in crisis zones like Gaza, the spread of infectious diseases is swift and deadly. Overcrowded conditions, poor hygiene, and lack of medical infrastructure create the perfect storm for epidemics. Diseases like polio, which can cause lifelong paralysis, and hepatitis, which leads to liver failure, are particularly dangerous in such environments. Skin infections, while often overlooked, can become life-threatening in these unsanitary conditions.
Dr. Kamel’s research will provide real-time analysis of these disease patterns, enabling global health organizations to intervene with targeted medical and preventive measures. But without your help, this research may never reach the hands of those who can stop this disaster.
**How You Can Make a Difference**
Your donation will directly support Dr. Kamel’s life-saving research and fund emergency medical supplies, hygiene kits, and vaccination efforts. This is not just about stopping an outbreak; it is about giving hope and health back to a population that has suffered too much already.
Every moment we delay is a moment that brings Gaza closer to a full-scale epidemic. Every donation, every act of generosity, is a step toward saving lives. The people of Gaza need more than words; they need action. They need you.
**Act Now. Donate Today. Save Lives.**
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reynanghugot · 1 year
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[July 18, 2023 6:26PM] disclaimer: long post ahead. This might be TMI for some; you can skip it.
To those who are new to my dash [yes, I followed some in the last few months because I wanted to see new people], Hi, I'm Jelli! It was nice to be your mutual here.
As usual, I just woke up again because I slept late last night due to one of my major subject submissions at 11:59 p.m. Anyway, good evening. Well, maybe good morning if you are living in a different Time Zone. Here's a life update that you didn't ask for:
Well, I have a few more days before my one-week diet and my therapy. I've been waiting for this time to share what's really happening to me alone. I've been receiving messages lately; some were asking how I was doing, some were already aware of my health condition, which I have shared here, and some were just skipping those posts because that's really what they were supposed to be.
I've already mentioned this in my previous posts, [but let me repeat it again because who cares, right?] I was diagnosed in April 2023 with a non-toxic goiter and underwent surgery in May 2023. One week after I was discharged, my biopsy result came out, and I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma [this is curable, by the way; it's just that I'm really scared at its finest because we have a strong family history when it comes to this type of illness]. Yes, you can do your own research on what that is [if you would like], but that was really the term that I would like to go for. In other words, I'm not yet done with medications, laboratories, and hospital admissions. Frankly speaking, it's really hard to accept it at first, but I really need to, because for me, acceptance is really the best thing that I can do to go on with my day while I'm waiting for my next doctor's appointment. I am just hoping for the best with my radioactive iodine therapy on the 31st. It might be a little harder for me and for my loved ones because I need to be isolated for 3–5 days and another 15 days once discharged.
Due to my health condition, I've been on leave since April 10, 2023, and I'm still not sure if I will go back to work or not. We'll see after my therapy and recuperation period. Despite my current situation, I will still be able to retain my academic achievement as part of the president's list from last semester. For sure, you were able to see it if we are friends on Facebook.
I was able to see my longtime friends from 2013 on July 9, 2023. I've been missing in action for four years due to personal matters. I had a great night with them and with our partners, just like in the old days. It might be a short period of time that has been allotted for that dinner because we have our priorities the next day, but it's really memorable for me. I am truly grateful to have them in my life.
There's nothing new that happened in my life during the second quarter because of my current situation. Aside from me trying my luck in freelancing because I really want to change the industry in which I am working, I am also just going back and forth to the hospital, and prior to that, I was given a chance to go celebrate my Birthday with @/niiiikkotin and @/p0poynawalangbasha weekend after the holy week last April 2023, visit Nikko's family mid-April 2023, and take a long week vacation with my family last May 2–5, 2023.
I think is the best thing that I could share here. If you will ask me, How am I doing? I am currently okay while I'm typing this. But still, not every day is a good day. I still have days when I'm at my lowest physically, financially, emotionally, and mentally, but I know how strong I am and I can get through this. A little progress every day is still progress for me. I hope everything goes well in the next few days.
If you reach this point in your reading, thank you for taking the time. We might not be that close personally, but I still appreciate you listening to [or, initially, just reading] my chika. Have a great night, and take care always!
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mintmatcha · 2 years
omg so sorry ion follow you but som1 rbged ur hockey bkg post and i got to thinkin immediately
hockey play bakugo who hides his very obvious knee injury from you, its swelling under his gear and as he plays just gets blistered and bruised😭 he gets pulled out of the game by the coach and he gets home early after receiving doctors orders that he didnt like
you come with him ofc but hockey player bakugo gets a little sensitive, biting back angry and sad tears as he tells you all the doctor and coach told him while you press the cleaning alcohol against the bruises and ice his knee for the swelling before dressing the injury tight.
hockey player bakugo lets you craddle his head against your chest and play with his hair as he sulks, then lets you help him get showered, changed and around the house (which he shouldnt be doing). your arm on his shoulder throught as he limps around with you 😵‍💫🥺
I've tried to type this twice and have accidentally deleted it both times chdhdbdn
tw for injury:
Bakugo has felt it for weeks. It's the throb down the inside of his knee that radiates into the center, sharp and nagging, but bareable. It's the type of pain he can ignore, the type of pain he can work through. It wouldn't do him any good to address it, especially with Aizawa as his coach.
Aizawa had once been a pro before he suffered a career ending injury, which lead him to coaching in the first place. Unfortunately, it also made him a hypochondriac in Bakugo's eyes; any sign of an injury meant you were pulled off the ice for at least one game-- more if you were unlucky.
Bakugo couldn't let that happen. Not now. Not mid season, not in his senior year. He was going to get scouted to play professionally soon-- if he wasn't playing while they were here, his hockey career might be over before it even started.
He can forget the pain midgame.
He's in the zone when Deku passes the puck down the rink, right out of the other team's possession and into Sero. Bakugo knows this play by heart, so he has to do is swivel and press off of his back leg to catch up with-
There's a pop. It's not a sound, but a feeling. A simple, delicate pop.
Followed by searing pain.
The world goes quiet for a second, just like when he's been hit, but right now there's no one near him. Determination pushes him forward, but his leg just won't move the way he needs it to; it's unstable beneath him, barely able to hold as he brushes against the barrier.
The game isn't stopping. Hockey doesn't stop.
Bakugo's barely aware of how the action is coming toward him again, how Iida is shouting his name and how Deku is racing his way, looking for an opening.
Bakugo isn't aware of the opposing team's forward barrelling towards him until they collide.
Even with the helmet, Bakugo feels his head ring as it cracks against the glass and he crumples, falling first to his knees and then down ever further. The pain is worse somehow, stealing the air from his lungs and leaving him breathless for a long, long moment.
There's a commotion, both in the standa and on the ice.
The only sounds that return are the distant sound of a whistle and the increasing thrum of his heart beat, racing forward as he realizes he's hurt. He's hurt bad.
He just needs to keep going. He just needs to get up for a little bit-
Aizawa's on the ice, headed directly towards him, face devoid of it's usual annoyance. Instead, his eyes are wide with concern, arms thrown in the arm with shock.
"7! What the fuck happened?" Aizawa shouts, "You've taken worse hits that that-"
They meet eyes and Aizawa's understanding seems to change. He whips around, waving for someone. "Medic!"
"I'm fuckin' fine." Bakugo grits out as he tries to stand.
"Don't pull me, I'm fine-"
Aizawa's crouched at his side, hand on his shoulder to keep him down as the medic team finds their way to the ice. The whole stadium is watching him lay there like a moron-- like a weakling, with these shocked faces-
Including the scouts.
"Aizawa, please let me keep playing, don't make me sit out." Bakugo finds himself pleading. The pain has him emotional, almost delirious, "I can push through."
"Absolutely not," Aizawa says, "We're getting you sent to the hospital, kid. That leg's not right.'
Bakugo snarls through his mouth guard. "You're ruining my career!"
"Katsuki." Aizawa only uses real names when he's being serious, "If you skate on this thing you'll never have a career."
The ride to the hospital is a blur. He knows his team said goodbye, one even slipping him his phone as he got carted off. The medic team is nice; they ice his alarmingly swollen knee and try to ease his worry, but the atmosphere changes in the hospital.
Torn ACL and MCL, both needing surgery and physiotherapy before he should consider returning to the ice. It's serious; he can tell by the doctor's face. His knee might be fucked for months, if not forever.
His cell phone has been ringing nonstop-- mostly calls from you, trying to figure out which hospital he was sent to and what's going on, but he doesn't answer. He powers it off, unsure of when he'll have the heart to admit out loud that hockey might be over for him.
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marginal-notes · 7 months
And another thing, I love your worldbuilding so much. You only give a tiny glimpse of how things work. it gives me the sense that the rest of the world is that detailed(I know you are desperately holding yourself back from including more), and it makes it seem so vast. You include lots of things that just aren’t for Zuko. Like the kid that got so worked up because he didn’t know what an earth rumble was. It makes the world seem alive on its own. I love all the little side quests Zuko goes on to try and regain his name. Because oftentimes life is meandering and you stumble out of your own quest into other people’s story for a bit. Makes it feel realistic. I think it’s funny how you made the Gaang feel like a side quest. On that note I love all the ocs you include, no matter how small their role is. I am a firm believer part of the magic of life is interacting and getting to know strangers. I keep coming back to this fic it is so interesting and beautiful to me. I feel like a zoo crow with an intricate puzzle.
Huauauauaghghgh you’re too niiiceeeee
The first time I read Watchmen in high school, I didn’t fully get all the themes and nuance in the story, but one thing still stands out from that reading to this day years and years later. In one of the chapter commentaries from the artists, one of them mentions that towards the end of the comic series, they stopped being as interested in the main characters and started caring much more about the background characters inhabiting the world.
What were their lives like? What mundane dramas were they dealing with, divorced from all these superheroes messing things up? What were their hobbies, their dislikes, their family squabbles, their friend hangouts? How were they dealing with the rippling consequences inflicted on their worlds by the main characters’ actions?
It’s a sentiment I’ve carried with me since.
This is also something I appreciate ATLA for doing well. I love the charm of the Aang impersonators trying to get into Ba Sing Se. I love the kids of the Southern Water Tribe. I love Omashu’s deranged mail system. And the swamp waterbenders and the community suffering from the Fire Nation’s war factory dumping waste into the river and the uniqueness of each Air Temple and - this is a very good show and I love it a lot.
So yes, I love working on all the little side things that contribute to the world that Zuko and the Gaang live in but might not notice. I love contemplating where the hell Ba Sing Se gets its food from and how the war impacts the diets of the inhabitants in the different rings. I love musing about what a mess continental trade must be on the Earth Kingdom when the Fire Nation navy overwhelmingly dominate the sea routes and the safe zones for travel by land keep shifting. I love pulling on real world fun facts and finding ways to embed them into the story, like Doctor Mihuang sharpening her needles because she can’t afford to replace them and the dumb thing about a food’s nature being too hot.
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true-to-the-rp · 1 year
RP Request (Open)
Hi, Im Satan, Im 23 years old. Im looking for an RP partner for Discord (but can be convinced to RP on Tumblr never done it before). This is also my side blog for RP search, and probably looks terrible dont mind it. I dont have a computer to fix it.
I have fandom RP Ideas right now, and only do Canon x Cannon. I like Original stuff, and have a few original ideas but I have been craving some Cannon/Cannon action. There are some AU ideas for some, and Headcannons for the characrers Im playing. I'm open to work on a different plot or ideas that you have in mind, Nothing I writen for the character section is Set and Stone! Dm me - lord_satan_ on discord or on tumblr messanger
If there is another pairing you wanna do instead of the ones listed just ask! Even if there from a different fandom! I might be willing to rp them.
Im 23
EST Time Zone.
I like making playlists for the rp, sending art of the pairings (not my own, I only draw clothing) and when Im really in the mood yammer about stuff.
I have moments where I go silent, sorry about that. I sometimes just not in the mood to chat.
I have Autism, and sometimes suck at spelling.
I RP mainly on Discord but I can be convinced to RP on Tumblr if you are comfortable with it.
I write in 3rd person
Canon/Canon Pairing Only (M/M)
Semi lit to Lit, depending on the partner.
Be patient, I sometimes forget or get busy with life. If its been more then 24 hours please ping me again.
Be honest, if you arent enjoying the rp, or getting tired tell me.
No 1st person
No one liner, Im looking for Semi Lit.
No Minors, 18 plus Partner (I want 21+, but Im not gonna be picky). If You lied to me about your age, and I find out. Ill ban you.
Nothing with Eyes, Im down to clown withgore (cause I have two killers in this list)
Dont jump to sex please. I want build up.
No R*pe in the rp, the person can be sexually herrassed and it can be a thing that happened to the character in the past. But no R*pe in the rp.
Fandoms, Bold and coloured are character I can play!
Akechi Goro × Kurusu Akira
Akechi and Akira are from the same school/collage, and both are rivals. Enemies to friends to Lovers.
CoD | Call of Duty
Horangi x Kongi
Horangi has been a big fan of a ex porn star, unknown to him that star works right next to him and Kongi is clueless that he is big fan of Horangi music when he was an idol. (Based of a Fanfic I read)
Price x Graves
Graves didnt want to betray the group but he had to, for his young daughter. Group unaware of this, even Price someone he was having a romantic relationship with. (Am Open to other stuff turn to page Soup x Ghost (x roach?) for AU ideas if you don't wanna do this plot)
Soap x Ghost (x Roach?)
Monster AU, Camboy Au, Streamer AU, Flower shop/Tattoo Shop Au, Mermaid Au, or anything
South Park
Butters x Kenny
Theres a rumor that Choas has crated a formula that could give people superpowers. Making heads turn. Enemy to lovers.
Tweek x Craig
Collage AU. I dint have a detail plot idea, but open to discuss stuff for these two!
Evil Within
Sebastian x Ruben "Ruvik"
AU: Ruvik is a doctor at a hospital, he cares for his younger brother. Sebastian as a daughter who lways in and out of hospitals cause of her health. (AUs and Other stuff Welcomed if plot doesnt interest you)
Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park
I dont really have a plot idea for this one, open to suggestion and AUs!
You made it to the end, perfect. Hit me up with headcannons for the character you wanna play, Im so down to discuss Plot and Themes, also send ne your Triggers and No Nos.
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ketchup-monthly · 2 years
Batfam members favorite sci-fi shows:
with the help of @space-specs
Bruce- Doctor Who (i vote he’s either a 12 fan or a 9 fan -ketchup)
Dick- Star Wars: The Clone Wars series (2D and 3D)
Babs- Firefly (just look at the cast.)
Jason- Babylon 5 (also probably a big Star Trek TNG fan)
Tim- Star Trek: Discovery (but grew up watching Voyager and is definitely a Harry Kim fan)
Cass- Star Trek: The Animated Series (has so many of the gifs and screencaps to use as reaction images)
Steph- Star Trek: Lower Decks (its so much goofier than live action star trek stuff and she really vibes with Beckett Mariner)
Duke- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (there’s so many complex interpersonal stories and also Commander Sisko is a badass and a fantastic dad that a kid who lost his dad would look up to so much)
Damian- Astroboy (just look at it. just look at it. like gently holds -specs)
Cullen- Star Trek: The Original Series (idk he just seems like he’d enjoy some really homoerotic-not-at-all-homoerotic space dramas)
Harper- The Mandalorian (just LOOK at the suit designs, omg -specs)
Kate- The X-Files (gay people. also badass hot redhead)
Alfred- The Twilight Zone (its a classic, and he’s a classy man. plus i imagine that when he has time off, he just wants to indulge in something wacky and lighthearted instead of all doom and gloom)
Terry McGinnis- Quantum Leap (i have no explanation except that i think he’d like it -ketchup)
Matt McGinnis- Cyberchase (”it’s so retro!~” -ketchup, as Matt)
Jarro- Futurama (it just is. look at him. then look at futurama. then look back at him. then look back at futurama. now look back at him. now it makes sense to you.)
Drake Winston- Westworld (he’s a batfam member in my heart and deserves to be here. also he just would be, and specs agrees with me -ketchup)
Carrie Kelley- Misfits (robert sheehan. -ketchup)(enough said -specs)
Jim Gordon- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (yes it was a show. he’d like the books as well (all 5 of them), and the movie)
Bette- Lost (she just seems like she’d enjoy it)
Luke Fox- Battlestar Galactica (i vibe-checked it and it checks out -specs)
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aanzhen · 1 year
If ur taking uncommon questions, 2 and 38 for AC, A and H for u
2.) How easy is it for your character to laugh? First, you really need to get past the big ol wall he puts between himself and the public to get him to make a noise louder then a soft chuckle. Typically, if you know AC's nickname ("Manny") or his full name you're more likely in the "comfortable enough around to laugh with" zone. Which is admittedly, not many people! 38.) What memory do they revisit the most often? Ashen Crow likes to think back a lot on the day his twin sister Westley gave him his prized pocket watch as a good luck present when he was first going to a boarding school. It means a lot to him and it made him feel less alone in that new and scary environment. He's kept it with him since and tries to keep it in good shape.
A) Why are you excited about this character? I guess one of the reasons why I'm excited about his character is just seeing the duality between the Ashen Crow Identity and then his civilian self. Which, admittedly, is a bit tricky to see when you don't really KNOW him outside of the crow mask. My fav part about using him in Splinter is everyone slowly seeing past the mask and the real him underneath seeping through.
H) What trait do you admire most? I think his capacity for kindness, maybe? Despite growing up in a very dysfunctional, upper crust household that did its darnedest to mold him into something he wasn't. They briefly took this twin sister away (who was his only support), other sisters constantly throwing scorn at him for being the only son and only heir to their family's business he still decided that the world needed kindness. Sure, it left him with a giant issues of his own but he wanted to help, one small action at a time. Wither it being a kind doctor or a maybe slightly unstable but good intentioned vigilante.
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ogradyfilm · 11 months
Recently Viewed: The Timekeepers of Eternity
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
With The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos accomplishes the impossible: he makes Tom Holland’s The Langoliers watchable.
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The experiment is far from perfect, of course; the raw footage is, after all, so fundamentally flawed that no amount of re-editing, remixing, and recontextualization can totally “fix” it (the dialogue, for example, remains infuriatingly nonsensical, plagued by constant inconsistencies, contradictions, and inorganic leaps in logic). Still, by condensing the multi-episode miniseries—a format that is, in my opinion, inherently ill-suited to sustaining a narrative that features only two locations populated by roughly a dozen people—into a comparatively lean hour-long film, Maragkos at the very least addresses the source material’s clunky pacing, trimming a lot of excess fat and bloat.
Don’t get me wrong: I like rich, well-developed characters as much as the next viewer. The meat of this particular conflict, however, lies not in complex interpersonal relationships, but in the novel premise: our protagonists (a ragtag group of airline passengers) find themselves inexplicably stranded in an empty “past” that is rapidly vanishing beneath their feet, and must escape before they are devoured by the metaphysical forces that govern the universe. Although this dilemma is more than substantial enough to keep the audience invested in the action, the ‘95 cut of The Langoliers includes an overabundance of extraneous melodrama that stretches the otherwise straightforward plot to its breaking point, resulting in a severe lack of urgency. The Timekeepers of Eternity, on the other hand, omits nearly every detail that isn’t immediately relevant to the central concept, thus crafting a more economical, suspenseful experience.
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But the movie’s remarkable metamorphosis is not merely structural; Maragkos remixes even the visual style. While The Langoliers’ cinematography was perfectly serviceable, it was also rather unambitious and uninspired, betraying its made-for-TV budget. The Timekeepers of Eternity’s shift to black-and-white adds depth and texture to the compositions, evoking the moody, haunting atmosphere of The Twilight Zone. The aesthetic alterations don’t stop with the color palette, either: Maragkos utilizes a variety of digital effects and filters in an effort to depict the story’s somewhat abstract, unconventional approach to “time travel” in literal, concrete terms. The image frequently warps and distorts, fragments and fractures, crumples and tears. Certain scenes are repeated in quick succession; others are truncated or overlap with concurrent events. Beyond contributing to the surreal tone, these expressionistic flourishes are also thematically appropriate, reinforcing the idea that the fragile fabric of reality itself is gradually unraveling around our hapless heroes.
Maragkos’ bold choices aren’t always beneficial; his revised ending is especially egregious, repurposing the original version’s final complication into a cruel, dark twist—an abruptly and arbitrarily nihilistic conclusion that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Nevertheless, the project is ultimately a resounding triumph, redefining the meaning of the term “transformative work.” The Timekeepers of Eternity is no shallow parody—a fan trailer that reimagines Ace Ventura as a tense thriller, or audio clips from Sonic the Hedgehog chopped up and reassembled to make Doctor Robotnik say dirty words; on the contrary, it’s a charmingly sincere reinterpretation (and rehabilitation) of an old, forgotten Stephen King adaptation that is, in retrospect, genuinely deserving of reevaluation. It is, in conclusion, innovative, audacious, and absolutely revolutionary.
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thelogbookproject · 1 year
The Unity of Skovlan, Entry 4: The Legacy of Stonetable
The Unity of Skovlan is an upcoming unofficial supplement to Blades In The Dark about the fall and rise of the Skovlander people. This series explores what it is all about in the leadup to its September release.
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The Legacy of Stonetable is a short story about one day in the life of Aia Astareth, a Charhollow Mend, in the time between the end of the Unity War and Fractured Unity’s beginning. Yes, it’s basically just Blades fanfic about my OC who is also one of my own playbook.
As I’ll discuss in a couple weeks, the Mend is a little complicated to understand. Originally, before the Unity War, they repaired objects and tools following a creed called The Mending Way. When the War broke out, all the doctors had been trained at fancy Akorosi medical schools, and almost without exception joined the Imperial side in the conflict. Without anyone to fix them up in a fight against a more technologically-advanced foe, the Skovlanders would have lost quickly just due to attrition, and so they called upon the Mends to apply the Mending Way to people. A lot of them took to it pretty well, but nearly every single Mend was drafted to fight, given a high rank so they couldn’t be ordered around against their medical judgment, and issued a rapier to use their elite perception skills in combat. They were still expected to fix things too. They became one of the most valuable assets in the War, as they couldn’t be easily replaced. As I’ll explore when I discuss the Mend playbook, the big themes I want to explore with Mends are burnout and overwork, the pros and cons of distancing oneself from a patient’s humanity as opposed to objectifying them and their injuries, and the nature of being a living symbol of cultural evolution. I wrote the Mend as a stretch goal for the original Fractured Unity Kickstarter, and when I launched the campaign I didn’t even know what the “third playbook” I would make would be, but the Mend has become one of my favorites.
I’ve experienced an awful lot of exhaustion and burnout over the past couple years while acting as an amateur nurse for my ill fiancee. I wonder if that played into why the Mend is what it is.
Anyway, the Mending Way is written on the Mend’s sheets, but I wanted to show it in action, and Aia’s story is everything I wanted to communicate about it. I initially wrote it before The Unity War, mostly just for myself, but realized what a good mid-point it would be for the combined book, adding a little transition. I’m not, in my heart, a prose writer. I’ve been including a lot more prose text in some recent games, as The Unity War’s Missions, the intense scenes of Magical/Girl, and the evocative landscapes of Under Forgotten Stars, but because I write with specific purpose and usually leading to prompting questions, I don’t think of myself as writing prose. That’s why I’m proud of The Legacy of Stonetable — it’s outside my comfort zone, and I think I did a good job.
I mentioned last time that I would write something about language today too. This was the best place in this post series to discuss Skov, Skovlan, Skovlander, and Skovic. Skov is exclusively used in reference to the Skov Kingdom of old. It officially ended almost 300 years ago when the lightning barriers went up around cities, marking the shift to modern Skovlan. Its ancient capitol of Stonetable remains the capitol of modern Skovlan, and the line of kings and queens remains unbroken from the old kingdom. Calls to resurrect the old Skov Kingdom, in name and culture, are not uncommon among the oppressed post-War Skovlander communities. Note: I also use “Old Skov” to refer to their Scotch-like spirit. This isn’t a prominent thing, just noting it. Skovlan is the rugged and frigid mountainous island itself, and the site of the Unity War to bring the island under Imperial control. The land is war-torn, and its cities are diminished by the diaspora of refugees fleeing the war. Skovlan as a national entity has been more vague since the end of the Skov Kingdom, which is where the initial heart of the Unity War came from — whether Skovlan was a separate political entity or a subject island of the Empire. In the present, it is now indisputably a subject, and Skovlan only refers to the island. Skovlander is the proper term for a person from Skovlan. Skov would only be used if the individual was somehow 300 years old, which could come up if the Ground contacts some excessively old spirits. Skovic is the language of the Skovlanders. Most Skovlanders speak both Skovic and Akorosian, the Imperial language. Skovic is the second-most common language in Doskvol, and many tasked with cracking down on revolutionary organizing will speak Skovic, while a lot of common folk or immigrants from other islands will not.
Next time, we’ll begin digging into the core systems of The Unity War with Periods and Missions!
The Unity War releases for PWYW on September 1, 2023. Check out https://tinyurl.com/tuos-details for the rest of this series! Sign up for my Patreon at https://patreon.com/thelogbookproject for a preview, and full early access to the game as of July 1st. See you Wednesday!
PS: The Legacy of Stonetable will be bundled with The Unity War's PWYW download upon release. It's really meant to be in-between, so the Patreon Backlog's compiled copy of The Unity of Skovlan is the ideal way to read the game.
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cosmictuesdays · 2 years
I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
Hawkins, Indiana! A gem of American small towns. A good place to live, raise a family, not get into too much trouble. The main employers are the local government and the public school system; its attractions include the well-zoned downtown area, the Fourth of July festival, and the nearby military base.
It's no secret. Everyone knows about it. The base is several miles out of town - a short drive, a decent bike ride, a long walk. It's one of the country's smaller army bases, as these things go: mostly, it's a regional basic training center, and only dates back to the mid-sixties. You've got recruits, you've got officers, you've got staff. You've got people who go there to train and people who go there for assignments and people who live there year-round. A sizable number of the people who live there year-round are married and raise children. Because it's as far out of town as it is, the kids who live on the base just go to school there. The class sizes are smaller, and the education is slightly varied from what the kids get in the town's public schools.
The man in charge of their education is one doctor Sam Owens.
It's not all the children he takes a particular interest in, only a few - and you'd have to look closely to put together the kids he takes a particular interest in are all in blended families, their parents all remarried after divorces or deaths - though if you ask, he'll happily go on about how he genuinely enjoys the work of educational administration. Seeing all these young people with such different personalities and abilities grow and develop.
Everyone knows there's kids who live on base. People come into town on evenings and weekends to see a movie, have a beer, get some air. Kids get taken into town with their parents to have a meal at the diner, go swimming at the pool. Kids from the base meet the kids from the town, and there's friendliness, but no real mixing. Not when it's such an effort to keep the friendships going when there's that much physical distance between them - and, to be honest, a bit of a culture shift. The base's brats are all friends with each other, with Dr. Owens having no tolerance for bullies.
The previous man in charge of the children's education lasted about six weeks before being transferred to a less people-oriented position, much higher in management and far removed from the day-to-day work of dealing with the practicalities. The arrangement gives Dr. Owens a little more freedom.
The arrangement gives the kids homes to live in and parents who love them.
The arrangement has the kids knowing exactly where and when certain actions are appropriate, and under what circumstances they're allowed conditional permission.
One of the base officers, James Hopper, is from Hawkins, and didn't request the transfer. He was told where to go, and he went. He was told about his duty to the country, and he fulfills it. He's a loving husband and a caring father. He'll sometimes take a weekend's leave to the house he keeps out in the woods, spend some time by himself, get some perspective.
Sometimes he brings his daughter Jane along. Not her mother - the two of them don't even sleep in the same bedroom, let alone the same bed. They're on good terms, happy in the arrangement, and there's some weekends it's nice to not pretend.
Jane doesn't think much of this - a bunch of her friends' parents don't sleep in the same room, either. She always likes those weekends, because her dad's always made sure she understands she doesn't need conditional permission when they're out there. It's okay. He knows she knows how to do things safely. He's seen her demonstrate why Dr. Owens takes an interest in her education over some of the other officer's kids.
The house is a little closer to town than the base, and those weekends usually begin with an afternoon getting groceries and, if they got an early start, hanging out with the local kids.
The base's brats are all friends to each other, and misfits when it comes to the town's social scene.
Which doesn't stop friendships between townies and base brats from forming.
It's just a little harder, is all.
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