a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I cannot make things simpler than this specific analogy
Dinosaurs : Birds :: Mammals : Bats
imagine if this mass extinction had only one surviving group of mammals, and that group was bats. they wouldn't stop being mammals, even if they were the only ones left.
that's the situation birds are in. except with one extra detail: birds are doing better, diversity wise, now, than all dinosaurs were doing at the end of the Mesozoic. turns out being small and flying around gives you access to more niches.
so yeah. birds are living dinosaurs, and the story of dinosaurs just gets better after the asteroid, not worse. if we're going with more diversity = better, which is the usual standard in evolutionary biology, at any rate.
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rukafais · 5 months
seeing ten million posts on my dash arguing about how Toshiro's Not That Bad And Um Actually Laios Is Not Only Bad But Worse is deeply fascinating because that bit in the manga was like, to me, "they clearly both miscommunicated because they have different styles of talking. the point is both of them shot past each other and neither of them are Completely Right or Completely Wrong, it's just an interaction that shows that you can piss someone off without meaning to/you can unfairly put your expectations for behaviour on someone without quite realizing it. they got in a dust-up and cleared up the misunderstandings and came to a greater understanding of each other as people after getting their feelings out."
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lilbreed1ngdoll · 14 days
everything i say when im getting fucked is true.
when i tell you to "mark me. im yours", you best believe im gonna be the loyalist bitch within the known universe
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cat-of-starlight · 10 months
Hey gang no meme with this one but hot question for the Limbus gang- Why am I still seeing people he/him-ing Dante
Where did you people come from? Has the plot not been clear enough for you?
no but like deadass
I've legit reached a point seeing some NEW posts (I won't name names) where I'm like "Oh ok cool theor- Ah- they used "He" for Dante- oh ok this person's opinions are now 100% invalid, moving on"
legit why are we still doing this- Even NPCs meeting them for the first time use they/them for them-
Also if you pull the "Oh, well they cant remember their gender but may have had one before their memory loss so I'm using he/him because of what they used to be" card?
1- You don't know that they started as a guy- they could have even been a woman- who knows- we only hear ticking- Also you know what, even Faust, WHO CLAIMS TO KNOW WHO THEY WERE BEFORE, at least to a degree, ALSO uses they/them for them, so checkmate
2- A character/person doesn't NEED to have a reason/memory loss to be nonbinary- They could very well have been NB even BEFORE the memory loss- Its not like its uncommon in canon- I could be remembering wrong but I think like. most of the Wonderlab gang was only referred to by they/them- most of them looked pretty fem- still they/them though. (At least the translation I read)
3- I'm beating you to death with hammers
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ssa-kitsune1310 · 4 months
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forcefemd · 2 years
its so frustrating how people will act like using TMA/TME language is just defining people by their assigned gender at birth. literally thats only true for TMA people, and we’re never the ones trying to fight this terminology. TME does not mean the same thing as afab, because theres a lot of amab people that are transmisogyny exempt! its literally just language used to help understand and explain trans women’s oppression. if you take issue with me talking about the unique bigotry i face as a transfeminine woman, i’m not interested in being in the same community as you.
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kotoal1011 · 1 year
Friendly reminder to ship whatever you want without giving a shit about what anyone else says.
"They're family!" yeah, I sure hope they are.
"They have a toxic relationship!" I make it even worse in my head.
"This ship doesn't make sense!" I'll gladly keep shipping them even if they have never met each other.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
Why did you feel the need to put a fucking WARNING for reader being “chubby”? Love your fics so this was disappointing.
i get where youre coming from but i use warning very very loosely. if you look on any of my fics, a lot of things dont need a "warning", its more of just telling people things that are in the fanfic. also, some people might not to read about a chubby reader that mentions insecurities bc it could be triggering for them. if it isnt for you thats great but the warnings are for everyone, if i make any specific description of readers body (or even personality!), it gets put in the warnings
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fallinginaforrest · 2 months
*blasts bootleggers with my mind beams*
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moonlit-minuet · 8 months
Lisa Frankenstein is THE movie of all time
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subbycnt · 2 months
hi guys. just a PSA that im still a human being. i'm on here having fun but that does not entitle you to my time.
i dont take kindly to being threatened with discipline or disappointment for not responding to your messages quickly enough for your taste. i get upwards of 15 messages at a time, and honestly, your piss poor directions to drool on my tits for you isnt taking priority.
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I get super offtrack and stuff but um here's me talking about myself and stuff
If you wanna listen to me rant ig:
So I learned about therianthropy from youtube (bc I don't have/want tiktok) and it was very different when I searched it on tumblr
I'm a lot more informed now I think and I've gotten more comfortable in my own fur (haha get it?[I'm so sorry]) and it was a huge thing for me for the first few months cause like WOAH new identity unlocked! And I wanted to tell my friends cuz... They are my friends ..... And I want them to know who I am ig
And holy roll of toilet paper that was so freaking awkward
I explained a little bit about what it was, and how it was different from tt and yt and they didn't say anything they just kinda say there and we're like okayyyy thennnnnn and I told them if they wanted to ask questions they could and i wouldn't bring it up again if it made them uncomfy
So I didn't bring it up again
One of the two friends has never said anything about it at all (it's fine, it is kinda weird even to me, so I understand) and the other is I think getting more less uncomfortable about it
Like friend #2 I was walking home from school with and they go 'haha you sound like a crow' and I just AAAAAAAA THAT MEANT SO MUCH TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE
but it is such an uncomfortable topic for people that I will never share that again unless they ask. I'm not gonna lie but I'm not gonna bring it up either 😭😭
I do occasionally hint at it? Like I won't say 'therian' or 'alterhuman/nonhuman' but I will say 'lok yeah I'm a crow/otter/cougar/etc' and I love doing that
It makes me so happy
Bc 'therian' makes people think of people that wear masks and run around on all fours (neither of these things are bad, but that isn't what therianthropy always is. The way I worded that sounds negative but I don't mean it that way I'm just bad with words)
And that makes ppl uncomfortable bc they don't understand it
Online? I've gotten so much more comfortable
I've occasionally mentioned my animalness on my main blog bc.... ITs whO I aM
I don't like sharing my user to ppl I know offline bc I don't want them to know
I think as I've grown more used to and comfortable with my identity, I care less
So the next time a friend asks for my user? I will say @im-too-emotionally-involved because if they care about me at all? They will respect me and who I am.
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vanderdyks · 6 months
I saw a post on twitter saying there would be a translation note here explaining that goku thought bread, and therefore, because of the absence of an explanation from the translators, goku really did forget pan. Someone correct me if im wrong, but i havent seen a translator note in awhile. I dont recall there being one during the whole "kiss debacle" either.
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But if thats not evidence enough, Goku's embarassment should be.
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Hes not embarassed that he "forgot" her. He didnt. Hes embarassed he didnt immediately think of her first. Its the "eh? AHH!" as in OH THAT PAN. Hes never struggled with his family's names, he wouldnt forget pans existence. His SONS ARE RIGHT THERE. To me, its clear he thought bread and thats why he's so confused. And then embarassed by that fact.
Goku doesnt ask "Who's that?" Or "Who's pan?" He just repeats the word. Because why would piccolo and gohan would be going to pick up bread. When I saw this panel first circling, I figured something was up. Because it didnt seem to match. Something was off. Translators make mistakes. It happens. But if you really look at this, Goku confusing pan and bread makes the MOST sense and matches his reaction as well.
Not to mention its set up as a joke. Not a joke that he FORGOT pan but that everyone else thinks he did. But he didnt. Thats the joke. Because while everyone else knew what piccolo meant, Goku didnt. Remember, he takes things literally. Its not an insult to pan either for him to think of the food first. Because of context. If piccolo stated they were picking pan up from school, then Goku would have been given the context HE NEEDED to come to the same conclusion as everyone else. And that is VERY Goku. He needs specifics. Goku not understanding things in the same way as everybody else around him is a common occurance in the series.
And maybe I am wrong. Maybe the intention is for goku to have forgotten pan, but fuck that because we all know he would never.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 2 years
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it’s sad how many FAKE FANS out there havent read the silmarillion 2 
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very-feral-lesbian · 5 months
buddie this, bucktommy that
eddie wouldn’t have christopher anymore if it wasn’t for buck
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queerpuppyboy · 3 months
Pretty girls can have me drooling, whining, and babbling just by messaging me online
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