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lostinthewalls · 2 months ago
Sometimes my brain just needs that cliche g/t interaction, yknow?
Like YES give me that borrower desperately trying to drag a sugar cube away, only for the lights to flick on suddenly and them to be caught under the gaze of that MONSTER of a human who's probably just your average college kid trying to survive until next semester.
I NEED that stupid human thinking they can steal gold from the giants lair, only to get caught as the giant taunts and teases them, while the giant fully does NOT know what to do with them at ALL and is quite literally just stalling.
GIVE ME that excited young little kid who races out into the garden to check on the 'fairy house'they set up, only for the fairy to fly away in terror with a bit of chocolate tucked under their arm.
Sometimes familiarity tickles my brain yknow.
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tsumugismaster · 3 months ago
sigh lets try this again.. hi. my first response got deleted so.. im rewriting it. :(
i love the zoo so much. i might not be the best person to hide behind.. im not sure id be able to protect you very well in the case of an emergency. i would try though. and having you so incredibly close.. id be really nervous. the zoo where i live is free, and one of the best zoos in America.. i swear im not just saying that. we have seals.. I really think you’d enjoy the seal shows. i love them so much.. they’re so silly. it would be so nice to go shopping with you. i would love if we dressed each other up.. i am actually very interested in being a sort of doll.. i love the idea of being dressed up by someone, them styling me exactly how they want me.. being their perfect beautiful doll. id love that. i would buy you lunch.. you’re much too sweet to have to pay for yourself constantly. there are really so many fun things we could do. just run around, going to every store.. how fun. i think that i would probably buy the person im on a date with a couple of things, and i would buy anything that they think would look cute on me. and you’re right, park dates are very romantic. i hope i can go on one someday.
my dogs have kept me from committing suicide multiple times.. so i guess they have saved me from life threatening situations. they are my babies, truly.. and yes. i do love compliments. (now im all embarrassed.. huff..)
i also enjoy writing a lot. it’s really sweet that you have such a close connection to it. i just read a lot as a child. i would read at recess, at lunch, during class, anywhere i could when i was in elementary school. kids made fun of me sometimes.. but whatever. yes, writing is such an amazing way to convey a story. you can paint mosaics with just words.
any time i can cook, or i can help my mom with cooking, i do it.. i really enjoy cooking. im not too great.. but im ok. good, maybe. gosh, i can’t imagine being the main cook for my family.. that seems stressful. you’re so cool.. im sure your food is absolutely amazing. i honestly really like any meat usually, i like potatoes.. im a very simple person. i do really really like chicken tikka masala.. mmmm. so good. and pasta. pasta is also great. for desserts.. give me a warm chocolate chip cookie, and im set. baking date.. yes… yeeesss…
oh my gosh, we could just nap together! i actually have trouble going to bed at times because i hate being alone, so that sounds wonderful. i love roblox.. its so fun. ive been not playing much of anything recently though, just because ive been tired. i play a lot of different games, but i also watch a lot of playthroughs. i love fnaf playthroughs..
woah, you taught yourself how to do henna..? that’s so impressive. you definitely should be proud. i absolutely would love to see designs you’ve done. im so glad that you slept well, thats amazing.
thank you for being understanding. i deeply appreciate it. and don’t apologize, i really don’t mind. take as long as you need. i have a question; what do you think is the best trait that a person can have?
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helllooo dear ladybug!
aah though I doubt anything would really go wrong in a zoo (I mean it’s possible but unlikely) Hmm?? Even if I wasn’t scared, I’d still prefer being very close, I really enjoy other people’s warmth and touch.. don’t mind me if I randomly start snuggling into your shirt or neck <3 Mm interesting! Care to tell me the name of this zoo? I might be able to visit it if possible or maybe I already did. Mm I’d enjoy a seal show, I love little silly animals.
Ooo a pretty little doll in need of getting dressed up? If I did dress you up, every strand of hair placed just so, every outfit chosen with care, every tiny detail a reflection of my love for you. you. Every stitch of fabric, every button fastened, will be a reflection of my love, my obsession. Let me choose for you. Your colors, your style, your everything. I’ll lace up the ribbons, brush your hair, and watch as you become the masterpiece I’ve always envisioned. I’ll only ever have one doll and whoever that may be I’ll cherish and take care of them till life. Though I should probably shut up before I go on a whole rant about it.. you did give me an idea on what to write as a post, thank you dear!
Mmm? I wouldn’t mind paying for myself.. though of course I don’t want to go broke. Even just window shopping would be fun, I feel like we could bond really well together during shopping dates.. I like to think I have a good sense of style, I could choose cute clothes for you pretty easily.. though what do you think of the idea of matching clothes? Maybe even matching nails? I barely do my nails but I’ve always wanted to match nails with someone.
Your dogs really are lifesavers in the purest sense, aren’t they? it’s heartwarming to see how much you treasure them. I’m so glad they’ve been there to pull you through those dark times. You deserve that love, and I hope you feel how much they mean to you every single day.
ahaha! I love seeing people embarrassed from my flirting or compliments, it’s always so cute!! I just want to lovebomb them and trap them in a cute little cage, all mine.
Ironic that I’m a writer but I don’t read a lot, I guess not specifically books.. iykyk though it’s nice to have a connection with writing. You sound like the nerdy kid in elementary.. I’m sorry it’s just funny to me and now I’m laughing I could see us becoming friends in elementary though I would also slightly doubt it? I was that one foreign kid in elementary who only knew how to speak small amounts of English.. I made a good amount of friends throughout the years though. I think more nearing the end of elementary I became a popular kid and joined in with them more, but I wouldn’t say I was ever mean nor a bully.
That’s good you help your mom! of course everyone starts somewhere, honestly I’d still eat your food even if it was burnt. The food was made with love I really don’t care about how it is. Aha! Increasing my ego with these compliments aren’t we? I don’t know if my food really is that amazing but I hope it meets up to standards. Potatoes? Soo.. French fries or mashed potatoes? I could probably make that. Chicken Tikka Masla is such a popular one, I tried it when I first started cooking at like 8. I burnt the masla and it was just stuck to the pot.. took a hell while to clean but hey at least the chicken was good! I could remake it now, though I might not even have the time to.. takes a while to cook those types of things. Pasta is like my second favorite food, delicious and easy. My top favorite food is lasagna, so yummy and mmmm.. could eat it forever. Coming right up! One warm chocolate cookie with milk for my dear ladybug..
A baking date would be so funny when I imagine it.. another idea to write! Licking off frosting on each other’s nose and laughing from messed up cupcake designs.. aaah you’ve gave me quite the image to think of.
YES?? yes please I would love to nap with somebody, let me hold your body so close that I can hear your heartbeat and I’ll literally never let go!! Though I would accidentally drool on you, but just a sign of my love! ..aha? Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or pillow then since you’re scared of being alone? Playthroughs were fun when I had small amounts of time, easy for me to click back and rewatch where I left off. Please I tried so hard back when I was still early learning English to get into fnaf.. I swear none of the shit made sense to me. Might be a little too late to get into it now but I’ll definitely consider it.
Thank you for the compliments dear! As requested here are a few designs I’ve made all the ones I’m willing to share now.
Mhm! Of course! Thank you for being understanding yourself! It’s appreciated a lot. That’s a really difficult question though.. it depends on the person I’d see them as, like if I see them as a friend or a lover since I have different expectations for both. In general it would be adaptability. It reflects a person’s ability to embrace change and thrive in any situation. Life is unpredictable, and I admire those who can navigate its twists and turns, adaptable people have a certain openness about them, a willingness to learn, grow, and adjust.. it could be helpful for a friend but also for a lover.. Adaptable individuals often prioritize fitting into new situations, or meeting standards, others can steer their behavior or decisions. It makes them.. a little more easy to manipulate, a little more easier for me to make them completely mine, yknow? I won’t go in much detail but I trust you know what I’m trying to say. The question goes back to you, what do you think is the best trait a person could have?
You’re probably sleeping.. hope you have a restful sleep my dear, I will see you in the morning!
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your-dearest-sunshine · 3 years ago
Helllooo there!! I wanna rq a ingo & Emmett with a s/o who has a legendary? like any legendary (victini, dialga, palkia, articuno etc..) idrc what legendary I just want s/o to be very op :D
Ingo and Emmet x Champion!Reader w/ a Legendary
thank you for your patience mikki!! i love making the reader character OP so i’ll take every opportunity to do so…so in that case you now have a mega evolving legendary AND you’re the champion of a region :D (if anyone says that diancie is a mythical and not a legendary, i’ll go off istg) also, by writing this, i fell in love with diancie so tysm for making me appreciate a new pokemon!!
word count: ~1.3k for Ingo, ~1.6k for Emmet
Ingo ▲
Ingo wasn’t expecting an invitation to the Pokémon World Tournament. Usually only gym leaders were invited, but he received a notice with his name on it all the same.
Turns out, Roxie had an amazing opportunity to play a gig in Galar, so she had to pull out of her spot and they needed a replacement. While they couldn’t find another poison-type specialist, Ingo had a Garbodor. Apparently that was good enough for the tournament’s board.
Looking at the bracket, Ingo recognized many of the names: Marlon, Cheren, Lenora…but there was a name that stood out. It was the name of the trainer he’d be facing in the first round.
The name bounced around his head, never landing on a face or a title. He didn’t have the opportunity to search the internet to find out who it was because his team was prodding him, anxious to battle.
Before he knew it, Ingo was walking onto the stage, surrounded by screaming fans.
He was a Unovan native, and the proximity between Driftveil and Nimbasa meant he was very well known here. The crowd cheered him on during his entrance.
But the crowd deafened him for yours.
There you stood across from him, the lights shimmering around your form. A steely frown sat on your face, eyes unwavering from his. It was as if you were trying to intimidate him.
It was working.
Of course, how could he forget your name? You were the infamous Champion of Kalos, the one who breezed through the region in two weeks. You had flown through all eight gyms in twelve days, taking a day’s rest before fighting the Elite Four and Champion back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back.
Turns out, you trained for years before ascending to Champion’s status. You were an Ekans lying in the grass, waiting for the perfect time to snap.
And so, the second you pulled out Diancie, the famed bejeweled legendary, Ingo knew this would be difficult.
Fairy types weren’t common in Unova, but Ingo was smart enough to know that Poison was super effective against it. He summoned Garbodor from its capsule, thinking he could get the upper hand.
However, after seeing Diancie Mega Evolve, Ingo knew he was mistaken.
Diancie ended the battle in three turns—one attack for each of his Pokémon. He didn’t stand a chance.
When Ingo tried to approach you in the center of the field to congratulate you, you just gave a simple nod at him and walked away. He was so busy staring at your legendary that he didn’t notice that your expression hadn’t changed. You looked practically emotionless.
Ingo ended up staying the rest of the tournament despite his epic crash-and-burn in the first round. You won the tournament soundly.
Now that he thought of it, he doesn’t know if he saw you use a single Pokémon other than Diancie. She was just that strong.
He wanted to approach you and ask about your team and how you trained them to take Kalos by storm, but there was so much commotion afterwards around your presence that he didn't bother.
Was he disappointed he didn't get to speak to you? Yes, but you were a revered Champion. Trainers like you don’t bother with people like him.
He should consider himself lucky to even have battled you—especially since it was under such odd circumstances.
As Ingo walked across Driftveil Drawbridge back to Nimbasa, he heard the shuffling of footsteps behind him.
“Diancie, please wait—!”
Ingo turned around to see you and Diancie running at him. Well, in all honesty, Diancie levitated quickly in his direction and pulled you along.
From the looks of it, you seemed to have no say in this action.
Upon reaching him, Diancie released your sleeve and spun behind Ingo. Her small hands then shoved him forward with a surprising amount of strength.
He’s sent stumbling into you, hands gripping your shoulder while yours found the fabric of his coat in an attempt to stay upright.
“Ah, dear Champion! I give you my sincerest apologies. Are you alright?”
Ingo’s silver eyes landed on your flustered expression. Your mouth quivered in embarrassment and you struggled to form a sentence.
“I, umm…I tried, well—Diancie, she, I didn’t mean…I’m so sorry!”
You released Ingo and stepped back. Heat flowed through your cheeks, completely embarrassed at the situation.
After hearing a soft cry from Diancie, you whip your head towards your legendary Pokémon. She’s holding onto Ingo’s arm and trying to tug him closer to you. You feel mortified.
“Diancie, what are you doing?”
You hissed the words through your teeth, but Diancie paid no mind to your scolding. Instead, she grinned at you brightly.
‘Trainer, look at this one! He’s perfect for you, trust me!’
Sometimes you loved Diancie’s telepathy, sometimes you didn’t. This was the latter.
Diancie had tried to set you up on dates in the past, but you were never good with people. Every one of these interactions left you red and flustered.
“Do not worry over this, Champion. I am very grateful to be in the presence of you and such a powerful and illustrious Pokémon.”
You nearly do a double take. How long has it been since someone put up with your stammering? Put up with your lack of charisma?
“Oh…I, well…”
“I am also very glad you came here. I was intimidated by your silence before, and then I didn’t get the opportunity to speak with you.”
Diancie laughed at Ingo’s words and your stomach successfully performed a summersault.
‘Intimidating? You’re mistaken, Subway Boss Ingo! My trainer here just isn’t as good at talking as they are at battling.’
Ingo should’ve questioned the fact that Diancie was speaking to him in his head, but he didn’t. There were always rumors that legendaries had abilities like this, and Ingo didn’t want to scare you both away by asking needless questions.
“You…run the Battle Subway in Nimbasa, right?”
You struggled to make eye contact with Ingo while speaking, but it was your only way to get him focused on you again. You could tell Diancie spoke to him, but you couldn’t hear what she said.
Surprised at your knowledge, Ingo stiffened and grabbed his cap.
“Ah, yes! My twin brother and I are the engines of Nimbasa’s Battle Subway. I am shocked someone of your stature knows about it and us.”
Your arms wrapped around your stomach and your eyes landed on Diancie, your beloved Pokémon brought you comfort. It was hard to make conversation with someone so attractive.
“I…I really love all the world’s battle facilities. I, um, I grew up in Kalos’ Kiloude’s city—”
“That’s where the Battle Maison is!”
Excitement filled your chest and you stared Ingo right in the eyes.
“Yes! Yes it is!”
You lit up at Ingo’s recognition. The Battle Maison wasn’t one of the world’s most well-known battle facilities like Sinnoh’s Battle Tower or Hoenn’s Battle Frontier. It felt amazing to be noticed.
“It would be an honor to have you battle in our subway, dear Champion.”
Your and Ingo’s hands are swept up by Diancie like a child between two parents. The Pokémon then pulled you and the Subway Boss towards Nimbasa City.
‘What are we waiting for? To the Battle Subway we go!’
Ingo wanted to tell you that Diancie is actually banned from participating in the battles at the subway, but your brilliant smile made him forget.
You looked much more relaxed now then you did at the tournament, and Ingo relaxes beside you.
People tended to judge your abilities as Champion after having a conversation with you, but you felt none of that criticism from Ingo.
Okay, maybe Diancie was right about this one…
Emmet ▽
Team Plasma was worse this time around.
Two years ago, when they spread their word through speeches and rarely acted with outward violence, it was easy to counteract them.
But now, things were not so easy.
This time, they were not held back by the members who truly cared about Pokémon, they did not hide behind a false and kind façade, and they did not follow a victimized and manipulated king.
Without their shackles, the rejuvenated Team Plasma pillaged and stole wherever they saw fit. They were feared across the region, and nobody knew where they would strike next.
Under Alder, the previous Champion, Emmet, Ingo, and countless other prevalent trainers in Unova were collected to form a coalition against Team Plasma.
But Plasma’s unpredictability allowed them to continuously slip through the cracks of the region.
Every day, their grunts grew stronger alongside the Seven Sages, who always seemed to have an escape plan. Even if someone on the Anti Plasma Coalition had anyone backed into a corner, the Shadow Triad was there to save them. Without Brycen’s expertise, they were impossible to see and track.
As much as Emmet tried to help, he was tied to Nimbasa City with his brother and Elesa. The other gym leaders had their responsibilities too. So, despite Alder’s efforts of uniting Unova’s strongest trainers, there was no result.
But then Team Plasma’s Frigate escaped Driftveil’s harbor, and Alder knew he had to call in backup.
Emmet was excited when Alder personally reached out to him to assign him to watch Opelucid City. Alder had explained that he believed Plasma was looking for the DNA Splicers and that he wanted a few extra trainers in the vicinity in case anything went awry.
While Emmet was eventually informed that he was chosen only because he wasn’t a gym leader and that Ingo could run Gear Station by himself, he was a little saddened. But, nevertheless, Emmet traveled to Opelucid.
Emmet was asked to patrol the city and keep an eye out for anything odd. He had Archeops in the sky and Eelektross by his side.
While Emmet could admire the mix of old and new skyscrapers of the city, he still couldn't help but think how much he missed Nimbasa.
Then, storms of Team Plasma grunts started marching out of side-streets in droves. From all directions, people clad in black with Pokémon by their side swarmed the center street.
Simultaneously, Emmet heard the deafening squawk of Archeops. Her voice carried clear through the chaos, making Emmet’s eyes turn to the sky.
A very familiar airship loomed in the distance, approaching the city at an alarming rate. It was Plasma’s Frigate again.
There were two events that needed his attention: Plasma’s oncoming airship and their marching wave of grunts. Emmet could only choose one. Without his twin by his side, Emmet started to stall.
Eelektross moved late, due to a lack of a command from his trainer, but still managed to shield Emmet from the oncoming sludge bomb from an opposing Garbodor. Emmet hadn’t even seen it coming.
Luckily, Eelektross didn't need to take a hit at all.
Within the time it took Emmet to blink, two floating figures stood between the sea of Plasma grunts and Eelektross. A shield of purple wavy light shimmered when hit by the sludge, but the attack fizzled out uselessly afterwards.
“You’re lucky we showed up when we did, or your partner would’ve been decommissioned before the battle even started.”
Emmet’s attention was dragged to the two levitating figures in front of him.
One of them was a lavender and orchid shaded Pokémon with deadly red eyes. Emmet was taken aback by how soulless they looked. It looked like a Pokémon he knew, but not quite.
Next to it, surrounded in an aura of pale pink, floated you.
Suddenly everything clicked.
Was Emmet informed that there would be another trainer in the city with him as backup sent by Alder? Yes, yes he was.
Was he informed that the backup trainer would be you, the acclaimed Champion of Kanto? No, no he was not.
“I am Emmet, one of the Bosses of Nimbasa Subway. And you are the Champion of Ka—“
“This is no time for conversation! Mewtwo, psystrike!”
Your voice cut him off before you ordered your legendary to summon pulsing energy into its palms.
Mewtwo sent his signature attack towards the swarm of grunts without remorse, carving the group down the middle like the Mauville Sea.
The explosion that followed deafened his ears, and the scared screams of the villains pierced his brain. You and your partner didn’t even waver.
There had been countless rumors over the past decade about Mewtwo’s existence and nature. After being mistreated by the scientists who created it, Mewtwo is said to have the most savage heart of all Pokémon.
And, from what he has just seen, Emmet doesn’t find it within himself to outwardly oppose that sentiment.
“You handle this crowd here, Emmet. We’ll take the airship.”
Mewtwo and you flew off towards the Frigate at breakneck pace, the path you took through the clouds is the only remnant of you Emmet is left with.
Revitalized by your powerful presence, Emmet unleashed all four of his partners on the oncoming Plasma grunts.
Halfway through the grunts, Emmet eventually realized that he wasn’t alone.
Five Pokémon autonomously fought Plasma grunt after Plasma grunt. They worked side by side with his own team.
A Venusaur took hits and healed itself back up time after time, providing support to a nearby Ninetales who held back any rogue trainers with flamethrower.
Then, back to back, a Kabutops and Nidoking slashed and swiped anyone in their way. They moved in sync and took everything down in one hit. Nothing more, nothing less.
And, only because he was trained to see it, Emmet saw a Jolteon who flashed through the field, sparking enemies left, right, and center. Emmet even saw it nuzzle his Eelektross and Galvantula to give itself a boost before it headed back out into the wave of Team Plasma.
Other than him, there was no trainer in sight. They all acted on sheer instinct. Emmet was smart enough to put together who they belonged to.
A siren pulsated through the air and all of Team Plasma turned tail and retreated. While Emmet could have pursued them, his goal was to protect Drayden and the DNA splicers, not follow Team Plasma.
In a moment of respite, Emmet started to treat his Pokémon with potions and snacks. However, before he knew it, the Subway Boss was feeding nine Pokémon, yours included.
“How did it go, Emmet?”
Emmet nearly jumped out of his shoes at the sound of your voice behind him. You watched him with careful, but kind, eyes as he was caught red-handed hugging your Kabutops.
“Hello, Champion! It is nice to see you again. Team Plasma was not a problem. Your Pokémon were verrrry helpful as well.”
You moved close to Emmet, grabbing his hands without words and positioning them on Kabutops in the places you know he liked to be petted. Kabutops sharpened his scythes together in glee.
As you situated Emmet with your fossil, Emmet’s fossil Pokémon perches on your shoulders. Archeops rubbed her cheeks against the top of your head. She let out a hum of content when you reached up and scratched under her chin.
After he noticed a few of Archeops’ feathers become dislodged from her wings and land in your hair, Emmet grinned even brighter than normal. You looked radiant, and he couldn’t help but notice how comfortable his Pokémon already were in your presence.
Your forwardness with contact before spurred Emmet onward as he stepped up to you. His fingers reached to untangle the colorful feathers.
‘Get your hands off my trainer.’
Emmet was stunned by two things. 
One, your Mewtwo, now back in its original state, spoke to him in his mind. 
And two, your Mewtwo threatened him. 
The Pokémon’s tone was generally neutral, but it was clipped with a small amount of malice.
However, Mewtwo didn’t know Emmet never backed away from a challenge.
“Well, Mewtwo, your trainer here seems to be enjoying it.”
You acted quickly after you noticed the way Mewtwo started to snarl. You scooped up Emmet’s hands into your own and held them in front of you while you maneuvered in between your legendary Pokémon and the Subway Boss.
“Please don’t provoke him, Emmet! Nothing good will come of it.”
Mewtwo gripped your shoulders and pulled you back from Emmet’s grasp.
‘We do not know who you are. Stay away from my trainer.’
You strained a laugh. Mewtwo took a long time to trust you and your team, so you are not surprised to see that he doesn’t trust Emmet.
However, Mewtwo was right. You didn’t know Emmet, but you would really like to.
“If you would like to see more of me, please visit the Nimbasa Battle Subway! I would be verrrry happy to see you and your team there.”
“We’ll take you up on that, thanks!”
Everyone on your team made noises of happiness, except Mewtwo of course.
‘I will crush you in your small, metal tube.’
Emmet laughed mockingly, smile becoming sharp as his eyes narrowed at your legendary.
“Funnily enough, you cannot! Legendaries are banned from Subway. So I’ll be seeing your lovely little trainer here all alone.”
The mega stone on your wrist warmed with Mewtwo’s growing anger and desire to fight.
Yeah, this relationship is going to be a work in progress…
y’all idk why but i started writing this in the past tense and once i realized it i was too far gone omg present tense my beloved i’m sorry i betrayed you this was so difficult for me. this is totally not beta read so if you see any mistakes, pls ignore them for my sanity. anyways, hope you liked it!! <33
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jjkwyd · 5 years ago
truth or dare | ksj
ღ requested: Helllooo ❤️ may I possibly request imagine with Jin where his s/o is way younger than him (~19-20 y.o) and she and Jungkook are usually having so much fun and Jin gets jealous and mad and fears that there is smth going on because they are almost same age but his s/o reassures him 🙏 wish you also a great day ❤️
ღ genre: fluff then goes to angst and back to fluff
ღ word count: 0.890k
ღ warnings: jealous jin, worrisome jin
ღ author’s note: i hope i did this justice
ღ pairing: gender neutral reader! x male! idol
ღ links: request away | m.list | request rules
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jin giggled as you sat up lazily in bed, rubbing your eyes as your hair was a mess. “well good morning love,” you smiled tiredly as you stretched your arms out and he kissed your forehead. “don’t forget we have to get ready to go the album party thingy,” you squinted. “isn’t that at 7?” jin smiled as you asked, “uh huh, however you slept till three,” you picked up your phone quickly and saw the time. “oops,” you smiled at him innocently as he giggled and kissed your forehead. “its fine, but get ready around five-ish, i want to stop at the store and pick some snacks and drinks up, okay?” you nodded as you moved to the side of the bed and stood up. you made your way to pick out a casual outfit, but not overly casual.
after getting ready you walked out to jin sitting on the couch and he smiled. “you look perfect,” he stood up and kissed your temple. you smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you closely. you held onto him, almost melting in his arms. you heard his phone go off and he pulled it out of his pocket and smiled. “that was an alarm for us to leave,” you let go of him after a moment. the two of you made sure you had everything you needed before walking down to the lobby. your hands were intertwined in the way down. jin then opened the door for you, releasing your hand and making sure you were inside all the way before shutting the door. he smiled as he drove with you to the store, everything was at peace as you texted jungkook, another person attending the party.
you smiled as he parked and got out to run over and open the door for you, not matter how many times you told him that he didn’t need to do that he’d insist that he needs to because he’s a gentleman. he smiled at you as he intertwined his fingers with you as you walked into the store, you picked up chips and a few sodas as jin made his way to the alcohol and bought some. you smiled as he walked you to the front to pay for everything. with in the span of the drive and checking out not much else happened, a few texts here and there with jungkook and signing along to music with jin was the entire ride. when you arrived at the location of the party you helped bring the bags in with him.
the party wasn’t extremely interesting, some fancy talk until more people showed up and with a younger crowd, like you and jungkook. jin started to feel unsettled, this crowd was a lot different, more alcohol was brought in and he heard the cursed words of a childish game. “truth or dare?” you grinned. “come on jinnnn, you have to play,” he shook his head as you whined, dragging him towards the other playing the game. he sighed as he sat down and jungkook sat on the other side. you and jungkook go back a little ways. he was an upperclassman at your school and you guys just had the perfect chemistry to get along easily. long story short you’re grateful for jungkook because without him you wouldn’t have met your boyfriend jin.
with in minutes the game started. little truths like favorite color, number one fear and started to amp up. with every passing question jin felt more and more out of place, the way you were punching jungkook’s shoulder when he made a joke or said something funny. he started to think about all the times you’ve stayed up texting jungkook, the facetimes, the calls and he started to get nervous. suddenly he was asked ans he went with truth, getting a question he didn’t want to answer in a million years. “what is your biggest insecurity?” he shook his head. “uh, dare sounds good actually,” one of jungkook’s friends smirked. “alright then, i dare you to answer the question,” jin swallowed and stood up as he walked to the kitchen. you followed quickly, not understanding why the simple question bothered him so much.
“what’s wrong jin?” you looked at him full of worry as he shrugged, pouring himself a mixed beverage and downing it. “jin,” you spoke softly as he looked at you. “i’m worried, okay?” he sounded almost defensive as you looked at him. “worried about what jin?” he took a deep breath. “i dont fit in with you and your friends, i feel like i’m too old and that you’d be a better match with jungkook, not me. i love you so much, that’s why i’m so worrisome, you stay up all night talking with him and just now joking around. it’s petty that i’m insecure, i’m sorry,” before he could apologize again you cupped his face and kissed his cheek. “i’m sorry i’ve made you feel that way, but know that i love you, more than anyone and anything on this planet.” you brushed your thumb on his cheek, causing jin to smile a little and you sighed happily. “how about we get out of here?” jin nodded a little as you smiled at him. “i’ll make it up to you, don’t worry”
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roxysbeachlife · 7 years ago
6 Benefits of Activated Charcoal That Are Almost Too Good To Be True
If you haven’t heard of activated charcoal, then you’re definitely not alone. I went some time before hearing about it. But then one day, I was at a friends, and I noticed a small bag on her shelf in the kitchen.
“What is this?” I questioned.
“Activated charcoal!” she exclaimed. “I love it!”
The only thing I knew about charcoal was that I used to draw with it in school. I had no idea why it was sitting in her kitchen, or what “activated” it.
She told me that she uses it to stop her food from molding and keep her kitchen smelling great.
Charcoal does that? I thought. I was a bit skeptical, so as soon as I got home that night I decided to look into activated charcoal for myself. And it turns out it does purify the air. And so much more!
This stuff is practically magic. And the best part is, it’s all natural! Which means that activated charcoal gets an A+ on my hippie, toxic-free home report card.
So, what is activated charcoal?
Activated carbon, aka activated charcoal, is basically a material that is produced from different carbon sources. When these carbon sources (like coal, coconuts, or wood) are cooked at a really, really high temperature (around 1,800°F. Yikes!), a magical chemical reaction occurs. When that happens, all the harsh compounds disappear and tons of good ones are added in. At the same time, the surface area expands full of tiny pores that are perfect for adsorption.
Adsorption is not the same as absorption, even though they sound nearly identical. Adsorption attracts a substance and traps it on a surface. Absorption soaks in all the substances, like a sponge soaking in water.
Anyway, after some cooling and cleaning, the result is activated charcoal.
My favorite part about this product is that it is so versatile! I never knew one item could make me cleaner, fresher, healthier, and HAPPIER in all different parts of my life.
6 Benefits of Activated Charcoal That Are Almost Too Good To Be True
1. It absorbs odors.
You guys know how important clean air is to me. And this stuff does the trick. For my whole life, I’ve kept a bit of baking soda in my fridge to keep it smelling fresh. But now that I’ve found activated charcoal odor absorbers, I’m never going back! This stuff makes my fridge smell like a fresh garden. And my kitchen! And my garage! And my bathroom! (I have some in every room of my house, hehe.)
I know what you’re thinking. How can one little bag make my whole house smell amazing?
It may seem like magic, but it’s actually quite simple. Basically, the activated charcoal attracts odors, toxins and chemicals and traps them inside. Think of it like a vacuum that sucks away the icky smells that make you wrinkle your nose. Then, all that’s left is the good stuff! Mmm…
This stuff works in the fridge, in the garage, in the car… I even put a little bit in my husband’s gym bag. His stinky socks have never smelled so sweet! These are small little guys though, so don’t think that one small box will fix a big giant house. Having one for each small little area helps a lot.
2. It makes food last longer.
Not only does activated charcoal help make the space you store your food smell fresher, it helps keep your food fresh too. Because activated charcoal sucks out all the toxins in the air, it also protects your food from all the substances that make it spoil. Which also protects you from accidentally eating those tiny particles that might make you sick.
So with one tiny bag of activated charcoal, you’ll get cleaner air AND fresher food (that lasts longer!)
Sounds like a win- win to me.
3. It whitens teeth.
As someone who loves to smile, this is a big one for me. I used to long for whiter teeth but I hated using the whitening strips because I knew they were filled with so many sketchy chemicals.
With activated charcoal teeth whiteners, I can rest assured knowing that I’m cleaning my teeth with all natural ingredients! Bye bye toxins and helllooo pearly whites!
I even found it in a cinnamon flavor and I absolutely love it. Every time I brush my teeth, it feels like the coziest holiday party is happening in my mouth. I’m hooked!
4. It treats burns and bug bites.
There’s not much worse than annoying, itchy bug bites. They’re so distracting and I hate clawing at my skin like an animal. But, ever since I discovered activated charcoal, they haven’t been as much of a problem at all. It’s super easy! I just mix some of the powder with a little bit of coconut oil and rub it over the bites.
Not only that, but activated charcoal also helps with burns and bee stings as well!
5. It detoxifies skin.
When I get a pimple, it feels like the end of the world (okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but you know what it’s like). I get so self-conscious and I feel like anybody I talk to is only focusing on my blemish.
But, surprise surprise, the magical powder that can do anything really can do anything!
I’ve been using activated charcoal powder for facials and mud masks and it’s been fabulous! I use it almost every night before bed (and, when I can, with my girlfriends! Perfect for ladies night).
It’s great for targeting acne prone skin. It clears my blemishes right up and it feels like it sucks all the dirt right out of my face. After I use it, my skin always feels clean, smooth and beautiful!
6. It even helps hangovers!
It may sound weird, but activated charcoal traps toxins and chemicals into its tiny pores and keeps them there until they are safely carried out of your body. So next time you are out on the town, or having some drinks with some friends, try taking some activated charcoal before hand. You can then continue to enjoy your night without fear of a bad hangover the next day (just remember to always drink responsibly)!
  So where can you get this magical substance?
There are a bunch of places that sell activated charcoal in many different forms. My two favorite brands are Moody Zook and Sagano.
I know we all love some good ole’ DIY, but in this case, I think it’s best to leave it up to the experts. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to fool around with any 1,700 degree furnaces.
Which is fine by me. Life is busy enough as it is. And buying activated charcoal has been a huge time saver for me.
With just one item, I can purify my air and food, clean my teeth, treat my skin, and prevent hangovers. AND because it’s all natural, I don’t have to compromise on my standards. I’ll be buying this stuff for a looong time, that’s for sure.
Related:  Activated Charcoal – 22 Mind Blowing Uses and Benefits
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