alizibtheterrible · 10 months
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Kai headcanons be UPON YE
(also studying for finals is kicking my butt)
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acewhowantsspace · 8 months
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belovedcarrion · 1 year
I hope that the teen wolf fandom has a sudden revival so that people can start writing new fics that aren't stuck in the mid-2000s found family dynamics that for some reason make Stiles into pack mom
like god it was one thing when I was reading it in a vacuum, but now that I've watched the show and actually understand Stiles and Derek as Characters it drives me crazy
I just want some freak4freak Sterek not this pack mom and dad bullshit. Derek grew up in a shack and doesn't understand how to act like a person and thinks his terrible jokes are the funniest and Stiles just gives off Serial Killer Waiting To Happen like no one else and the only reason he hasn't been put on All The Watchlists is because his dad is the sheriff
please let them be freaks together like they truly deserve
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These dead gay wizard fanfics are about to make me hate gay people
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sporksaber · 2 months
I dont underatand why this happens every olympic cycle as if everything that was previously brought up never happened.
Predatory "gender verification" has existed in women's sports since the 60s, from physical examinations to genetic testing. In 2000, 24 years ago, they decided to stop using them because they were bs that didnt actually do anything to catch the men supposedly masquerading as women or protect female athletes. The only thing they did was cause unnecessary emotional and social stress.
On top of that, the proof this is based entirely on sexist ideas is in the fact that men never face these tests. Men have a normal range of hormones too, but men being born with naturally higher or lower levels of one of them is never an issue. The olympics has such a huge range of body types i guarantee you that there are male athletes who have undiagnosed intersex traits. And i also guarantee you that if genetic testing was brought up for them it would immidiently turn into arguments of how it doesnt matter and would ruin their life socially, and how could you do that to a man?
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kidrunaway · 1 year
I don't understand how people think Markus wouldn't develop some sort of ptsd or atleast a few symptoms of it after the war happened. I hate it when people say he lived a good life in a mansion when he did NOT have a good life at all. He just had a "good owner." (I have a google document of me and @hamartia-grander talking about how Markus had suffered with Carl)
People overlook Markus' story way too much and make such stupid assumptions that make me want to rip my eyes out. But I won't be talking about this for now. I want to talk about how much of an emotional character Markus is, and how he would be like after war and how it could have potential fanfic writing.
Markus has gone through nothing but hell. We all know this. His story includes some lingering loneliness to it because it seems that everything he touches turns into poison or is dead. He clearly carries the guilt of his people/friends dying. The second after he deviates, it doesn't matter what choice you pick, he still ends up carrying the guilt of hurting someone. Having to be responsible of God knows how many people can be exhausting, and the rooftop scene with North clarifies how absolutely lost and helpless he feels. He was quick to accept Norths' love during that scene. it's unsurprising that he got with the first person to give him any kind of romantic attention because he's lost almost every positive relationship he's made (I'm not a norkus shipper and won't be one, I just want to give insight to people of how much he's hurting and how it's having an effect on himself.)
People still have the audacity to say he didn't suffer enough to justify being Jerichos leader. After he first was traumatized the second he hurt leo/Carl, had to go through the junkyard and was pretty much hyperventilating during that scene (Just a lovely reminder that his diagnostics program wasn’t working either so he knew it was bad but didn’t know what‘s wrong or how long he had left), and he kept getting more and more traumatized throughout his story. You can see how numb he becomes. Compared to when he first deviates where he's crying and is stressed, to seeing his friends die, he does nothing but sigh because at this point, he's had enough. Now that's just upsetting. He's grown so used to seeing people die around him. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him. It still absolutely does. He just shoves it down.
What happens to him after everything is over is now just a bunch of headcanons, but I like to think he still has this instinct of always wanting to protect his friends. He can't let his guard down. The second he hears a loud noise, he goes to investigate it. He doesn't sleep anymore, and even if he does, he twitches in his sleep and sometimes even wakes himself up (I like to think they're small internal electrocutions). He cannot open up properly. He randomly gets flashbacks about everything that has happened to him and pauses with whatever task he's currently doing. It passes by like a short film and disappears just like that, leaving Markus upset. It's like a reminder of what happened to him.
I've been thinking about writing a simarkus fic about Markus opening up and breaking down. I've seen endless fanart and stories of Simon doing that, but never Markus. So I want to turn that around. I want Markus to be a little more soft. I want to write about how he should know that he's allowed to let his guard down and can be soft.
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cactus-cass · 8 months
Twitter is the only place where someone will say "um why isn't he white. Why is making Cassie white not okay but making Gregory darker completely fine" or say something super racist on every piece of Gregory art I post
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other.... I mean in a way we already have that in Canon
You know I once had this idea that a force dyad could only be between a darksider and a lightsider. A Sith and jedi. The ultimate balance. We know very little about dyad’s as the only one we've ever seen is between Kylo and Rey. But why exactly were they able to bond like that hmm?
Anyway I'd written a little something a while back and decided to tweak it a bit for this prompt. Here you go!
There's only one dyad recorded in all galactic history. Only one in existence. Or at least, according to the story. It's considered legend in the Order, practically myth. Even more so than the prophecies. Most Jedi don't even know what a force dyad is and even if they do they don't believe it's real. How could they be expected to? A bond between Sith and Jedi was an impossible contradiction of itself. It was a Sith's nature to hate. And the Jedi were raised to not form attachments. A bond, let alone a dyad, was inconceivable.
Then Order 66 happens. The clones turn on the Jedi. Sidious reveals himself and takes on a new pupil. As Obi-Wan stows away on Padme's ship, he can feel his bond with Anakin twisting in on itself. Eating and eroding and evolving into something new. He cannot afford to be afraid. He has been given a mission by Yoda, possibly the last mission in the Jedi Order. But the shifting animal in his chest is indescribable. It's horrific as it is curious.
When Obi-Wan steps foot on Mustafar and lays eyes upon Anakin, the bond clicks into place and he nearly falls to his knees. This massive, swirling thing was no longer a mere tether. It was everything. It was nothing. And oh it is beautiful. It is an abomination.
It sings like a solar flare, looping through each vein and vessel, brighter and hotter than any star. Anakin Skywalker's love within him and around him. Yet so was his hatred.
This was so much more than their training bond. So much worse. He can't properly close himself off anymore. He cannot hide his mind or thoughts. The realization that he is completely, utterly bare, comes with the horrific knowledge that so too is Anakin. So too can he see exactly what happened in the temple before it fell. He sees his friends scream and die. Sees the children cry and run. He feels their pain. He feels Anakin's pain. And above all else his fury.
Qui-Gon had always loved talking about the prophecies and researching them, but he was also fascinated by the concept of a dyad. Obi-Wan had called him foolish. Just an old man obsessed with stories. If only he'd listened more.
Obi-Wan moves his lips. He forms words. He talks of madness and ruin and the lies of the Sith and can't Anakin see that? Can't he see he's being manipulated?
Vader yells back. He won't listen to reason. Their sabers light. Obi-Wan steadies himself and raises his weapon. He must take this monster down. He must right the wrongs of the Sith.
Vader swings first.
Sometimes Obi-Wan feels him in the back of his head. Sometimes he'll even see him in the corner of his eye. But Anakin was dead. His mind was playing tricks on him. It wasn't him. It couldn't be. It could never be.
Obi-Wan had turned away from the burning body on the black beach and felt the bond wither into ash. He'd cut himself off from the Force that day. It only brought loneliness. Emptiness. A sense that something was missing.
The visions never go away, plaguing him endlessly. Every time they appear they begin to feel more and more real. Was this to be his punishment? Was this what happened when you killed your soulmate?
One morning he wakes. It's not the same hard surface or the same dirty blanket. The ceiling above him is white. He's not in his cave. Oh, he must still be sleeping then.
Curious, he turns to look around. Anakin stares back at him across the bed. He was laying on a pillow, irritation blooming on his beautiful scrunched face. The vision speaks first. "Go away. I'm not in the mood today."
How rude. If anyone should be telling the other to go away it should be Obi-Wan. Then again, his visions never come with a nice bed. Perhaps he shouldn't dismiss this one quite yet. If his hallucinations were going to start getting this intricate maybe it won't be so bad going insane.
Defiantly, he settles further into the mattress. And although he wishes to go back to sleep, he does not close his eyes and look away from his angry Padawan. He cannot bear it. Even if it isn't real. He regrets turning away from Anakin's last moments. The guilt is all encompassing some days. He shouldn't have ran. He'd owed Anakin that much. To at least be granted the mercy of a quick death.
The fake Anakin sighs and rolls onto his back, like this whole thing is exasperating. That's how Obi-Wan knows this is all happening in his mind. Not only has he manifested a better bed for himself, but Anakin as a whole. Anakin as he was.
Obi-Wan has never tried to touch his hallucinations before. They would disappear before their skin ever connected. There is no point in trying. But today he feels especially real. Today they lie in the same bed and Obi-Wan swears he can feel the heat of Anakin's body.
But if this was a dream, perhaps then, just this once, he could try? Maybe in here, in his thoughts, he actually could?
Slowly, Obi-Wan reaches out. His arm slides over the sheets, hovering over Anakin's cheek. Just as his fingertips brush the beginnings of skin, a hand snatches his wrist, stopping him in place.
Anakin looks back at him, eyes wide with shock and fear. Almost scared. It twists inside of Obi-Wan's chest, demanding he comfort his boy.
The dream shifts then. The skin twists and flesh begins to melt. His hair burns away leaving nothing behind. Anakin's visage changes until Vader stares back at him.
The hand tightens, painfully so. Obi-Wan squirms. It felt so real. Too real. He'd very much like to wake up now. He should have known his dreams would turn to nightmares.
A thumb drags a fingernail down the sensitive skin of his inner wrist. Vader's golden eyes watch as Obi-Wan shivers. His lips part. Confusion swirls in his irises. Then, impossibly, Vader brings the wrist up to his mouth. He inhales softly, breathing Obi-Wan in.
Obi-Wan's mouth has gone dry. He tries and fails to lick his chapped lips. The false Anakin presses Obi-Wan's palm to his cheek. He feels warm under his hand. Alive.
Obi-Wan's heart crashes in his chest. Something is dissolving. Something is being rebuilt. Destruction and creation bloom alongside the other in tandem.
"You're real." Anakin–Vader–whispers.
Obi-Wan's hand trembles against his cheek.
Obi-Wan blinks. Anakin is gone. He is alone in his cave, hand still outstretched towards nothing. The ghost of scarred skin kisses his fingertips.
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daandova · 3 months
dude i'm so close to remaking only because of this stupid delay choke tumblr has on my posts
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the-banana-0verlord · 6 months
Ok so when I headcanon black Swan as lesbian its not fine Because it doesnt fit But if SHE headcanons malleus as gay because of his "aesthetic" its fine. Okay.
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moki-dokie · 2 years
The hardest thing to accept as an artist is that you're never going to draw/paint the way someone else you admire does
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midnight-stormm · 1 year
At this point, ppl is not mad at sapnap for signing a deal with kick, it's beyond that. They have years of buildup of hatred for sapnap and is using this moment now to let it all out.
Complaining, demanding and nitpicking at everything he does and writing it off as criticism and worse, making jokes.
You mad bc he doesn't stream more than 2 hours on twitch.
You mad that he started his hard-core minecraft world on kick and not twitch.
You mad that he doesn't play minecraft on twitch but kick.
You mad that he's not playing the games you want him to play.
You mad that he's playing epsorts games (valorant) on twitch and now he's moving it over to kick.
You mad that he does reactionary videos on kick and not twitch.
You mad that he makes jokes with his friends.
You mad that he did done the pc building stream on kick and not twitch.
You mad that he calls out spammers in his chat.
All this in a span of a week. Did I miss anything let me know?
I understand, you are allowed to feel how you feel but it's getting a bit excessive.
Let this man form a proper schedule, let him learn from his mistakes. Let him breathe!!
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tempestaurora · 10 months
to my boss, who just responded "Oooh! Pedantic!   I wish I could spell…" to my email where my only feedback for a presentation was a major spelling error............ bruh
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pancakeke · 2 months
a bunch of stuff happened that interrupted my complaining but did i ever mention that one long time salesperson recently pretended that she didn't know how to view a ticket as an excuse for not reading a ticket.
she said that no one ever gave her a zendesk login so obviously she wasn't able to access any tickets. we were like, only supply chain uses the zendesk website. you do everything via email responses like you've already been doing for the past decade.
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thek1ngtalks · 8 months
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Absoloutely insane take from this dude please if you agree with him, never get married. Don't do it. You shouldn't reproduce, either, on the off chance your offspring carry this same deluded belief.
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crystalcourt-halo · 7 months
Marketplace stop putting up Aether breed change scrolls and instead put up Auraboa breed change scrolls challenge
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