300iqprower · 3 years
Nasu: “I didn’t put Tsukihime on Steam because I want it to have multilingual support before we do that….but just getting it in English and Chinese was the biggest hurdle we faced.”
Maybe, just maybe, please hear me out Mr. Anonymous-mushroom-fucker, if you didn’t infamously treat localizers like shit, translation wouldn’t be such an issue.
Oh and a reminder this is the dude who’s also so up himself he originally wanted NO pc released because he believed the game deserves nothing less than to be “experienced on a big screen.”
[LOOOOOOOOOOOTS of anger in this one starting now. And swearing. Maybe just ignore my spite riddled angst but its still getting posted so I dont bottle it up to the point of insanity.]
The coward who won’t show his face in public so he doesn’t have to face criticism. Who’s apparently so shy but also will absolutely not hesitate to have his name be the only one in the writing credits even when he did the least work. He’s a two-faced, scratch that, a no-faced cowardly cunt of a sellout.
But it’s okay! Because Rancer Ga Shinda, and funny mushrooms! Because Unlimited Budget Works maje pretty anime! Because Heaven’s Feel sad! (which is the worst of the three routes. Gratuitous rape and trauma is not a compelling narrative, and the good parts work because it contrasts with the other routes rather than because it’s amazing on its own) NO. FUCK YOU IF THINK ANYTHING HE’S EVER DONE EXCUSES EVERYTHING ELSE HE’S DONE. IT DOESNT.
I have outlined before why Nasu is a terrible person as a creator, but I cannot state enough how terrible a *person* he is as well. I’ve also compared him to Hideo kojima, another creator who has made beloved and rightfully acclaimed games that nonetheless contain varying degrees of questionable at besr content are are surrounded by downright problematic creative decisions, with a cult like army of followers defending their every word feeding into to their ego on a feedback loop. Kojima has the exact same kind of tone deafness and near peerless level of pretentiousness that makes me despise him AND Nasu, but ya know what? To what little credit Kojima has, he doesn’t condone pedophilia. Which Nasu absolutely does through his tacit and continuous approval of certain. goddamn. servants. But of course inhumanly despicable and easy target cases aside (SOMETHING THAT IN NO WAY MAJES IT LESS UNACCEPTABLE), Nasu is also: pretentious, narcissistic, avaricious, arrogant, entitled, bigoted, a xenophobe, exploitative, a liar and hypocrite, takes credit for other people’s work, blames those with less power than him for his own fuck-ups and scapegoats while claiming to protect his colleagues, I could go on if i wanted to make a Systemstic list BUT THE BOTTOM FUCKING LINE IS THAT I AM SO GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING SICK OF PEOPLE DEFENDING HIS EVERY WORD WHEN HE IS SO OBJECTIONABLY HORRIBLE. ALL BECAUSE OF WRITING THAT PEOPLE CAN DEMONSTRABLY DO BETTER THAN HIM BECAUSE LIKE GEORGE LUCAS HIS TALENT BEGIND AND ENDS WITH THE CORE CONCEPTS.
………..god I need to stop caring so much about things I can never change…
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