duckdodger · 5 months
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jeongintwenty3 · 2 years
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pairing: bangchan x gn!reader
genre: slight angst, fluff
warnings: reader calls chris stupid (lovingly)
summary: bangchan, being the clingy boyfriend he is, needs your warmth in order for him to sleep; he’ll do anything, to get that.
author’s note: hiii!! i just had to pour my thoughts into a fic and it just hit me how chan’s probably the type of boyfriend that has to hug you to sleep. pardon my mispellings and improper grammar, happy reading loves <3
arguements are normal happenings in any relationship. whether it be different opinions or a typical debate, these type of mishaps are expected to occur. and that’s exactly what happened tonight.
the clock struck 12, indicating it’s been two hours since their fallout. it may’ve been the lack of sleep or the stress, the two of you got into a heated arguement and spewed things that quite hurt each other. chris lied beside you, with his front facing your back. knowing how stubborn the both of you were when things like this happened, both agreed to talk it out in the morning.
you left the living room first, heading straight to the bathroom to do your night routine and dove head first into your bed, sleep quickly finding you.
chris on the other hand, had a hard time sleeping due to the lack of body warmth from his one and only. yes, he loved sleeping without his shirt on, but he hated the thought of the two of you not cuddling into dreamland.
the lightbulb in his head turned on, aiming for the air conditioner’s remote. decreasing the temperature so it’ll be extremely uncomfortable for one to sleep without someone hugging them, he smiled slightly at the idea. was it mean? he doesn’t really care, he just wants to hug his beloved to sleep.
stirring awake from the cold, you realized how chilly the room was. your thick pajamas did nothing to help you get back to sleep, so in your half-awake state, you subconciously reached out for you boyfriend who’s actually freezing; that’s what he gets for not putting a shirt on even after lowering the temperature drastically.
something inside snapped you conscious, halting your actions. remembering the arguement the both of you had earlier, you pulled away; opting to stand up and find the remote control.
the c in chris stands for clever, he hid the remote prior to your abrupt awakening.
“gimme the remote,” you said softly while putting out your hand, not fully out of your dozed state.
shaking his head playfully, he made grabby hands at you. if you weren’t pissed at him, you’d give in already; but the pride in you didn’t let you do so.
“’m sleeping outside then,” you replied, unamused with his behavior.
quick to stop your actions, he gripped your wrist and literally dragged you into bed. ignoring your tantrum, he tucked the duvet up to both of your chins. caressing your head and enjoying the warmth you’re giving him, he noticed your movements; wanting him to let go.
“i’m sorry baby, i really am,” the man hugging you whispered, “we’ll talk in the morning, for now, let’s stay like this.”
looking into his eyes with your sleepy state, you knew he was genuine. he was always sincere regarding apologies.
having little to zero energy left to fight back, you let out an incoherent okay and almost instantly, you nuzzled up againt his chest, breathing him in. smiling in response, chris placed his head right on top of yours; not forgetting to kiss your temple. letting the warmth of his hands and the duvet engulf you; drowziness swallowing you once again.
feeling both of his arms tightening its grip on you, you managed to let out, “if you wanted to hug me, just say so. no need to lower the temperature into ice age, stupid—”
cutting off your ramble with a peck that took you aback, he giggled seeing your furrowed brows and slightly puckered lips.
“sleep, you need it baby,” the man you loved said, wanting you to get the most of tonight’s rest. “good night, i love you,” he whispered while stroking your hair gently.
“mmm, i love you too, stupid.”
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footygirl114 · 1 year
Enfermera (Leah Williamson X Reader)
Soooooo here's the long awaited Leah World Cup fic! I hope it was worth the wait, and please let me know what we think :)
Being a nurse was something you had dreamed of doing since you were a child, you never once wavered and worked your butt off to get where you are now. Almost 6 months ago you finally hit your goal of becoming the nurse in charge of the ER. It didn’t come without its consequences, when your girlfriend of 4 years was leading her team in a World cup and you couldn’t follow her across the world, that was the worst one. 
You had met Leah when she had brought in one of her teammates to your ER needing stitches after a team bonding session. You had spent the 20 minutes you were stitching up Beth’s forearm listening to the antics of the team, and also trying to subtly pick up on any signals that Leah was taken. 
Apparently you weren’t subtle, when they started to leave Beth held back and wrote Leah’s number on the chart with a wink confirming she was single. It took you less than 24 hours before you texted her asking her out and the rest was history. 
Your relationship took work, you both were fiercely independent and had goals of your own, but you loved her with every fibre of your being. She was the same which meant you both took the extra efforts to make it work. When you got to watch her lift the euro trophy your heart swelled with so much pride, and when she celebrated your promotion months later it felt like life couldn’t get any better.
When she was once again named captain to lead her team at the world cup you were overwhelmed with pride and confidence in your love. The downside is that you knew that with your promotion and job there was no way you could be there by her side. 
Which lead you to this moment, you were lying on your bed exhausted after a 12 hour shift still in your blue scrubs, eyes watching Leah put the final things into her suitcase before she would leave you for at least 6 weeks. 
“You going to sleep in your scrubs tonight?” She asks you with a smile looking up from her bag to meet your eyes. 
You shrug and respond “Maybe.” 
She chuckles at you and zips up her suitcase, moving it to lean against the bed. She smirks and moves toward you asking “will you miss me?” 
You shrug holding in a smile and respond “maybe.” 
Your eyes stay on hers as she moves to place one knee on the bed beside you asking “Maybe huh?” 
You bite your lip to hold your smile as you nod answering with another “maybe.” 
She smirks and before you have a chance to do anything she’s straddling your lap on the bed, her hand moving to grab yours and putting them above your head holding them down. She moves her other hand to your side lightly placing it on your side when she asks “One more time babe, are you going to miss me?” 
Biting your lip harder you shrug and say “maybe” again. 
Before you can react she’s tickling your side and you cant help but let out a loud laugh, trying to squirm away from her tickling fingers. She’s smiling at you and pauses asking again “Babe will you miss me?” 
You smile up at her, trying to catch your breathe from the laughing, and you look at her with a smirk and say “maybe not now.” 
She lets out a snort of laughter and resumes her assault on your stomach tickling you until you start laughing too. “I am going to ask you one more time babe” she starts moving to lean back a bit, letting your hands go she places both on your sides and says “will you miss me?” 
You bite your lip and move your hands to grab hers, puling her forward you whisper out “I already miss you” before you connect your lips with hers. She smiles into the kiss and presses her body weight down on you, you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around her neck, and you deepen the kiss. 
It’s barley started when you hear Leah’s phone ringing on the dresser. She pulls back and you let out a groan as she rolls off you and hops up to answer the phone. “Hi, yes I will be down in 5 minutes. Thank you” you listen to her conversation and watch her turn to her backpack making sure its all packed. 
She hangs up and turns back to you with a small smile and says “Sorry babe, My ride will be here shortly.”
You smile at her and move to sit up on the side of the bed as you ask “do you have everything?” 
“I do, I double checked the list you made me.” she smiles and leaves the room moving both her bags and backpack to the front door. 
Getting up you follow her out of the room to the door where she’s putting on her shoes. You move closer to her waiting for her to finish and once she does you step right up to her and wrap your arms around her. She wraps you right up and you tuck your face into her neck. 
“Im gonna miss you so much” you whisper into her neck pressing a kiss there when you finish. 
She presses a kiss to your head as she says “I’m going to miss you babe, but I am so proud of you.” 
You feel the tears start to gather in your eyes and you say “I cant wait till I get to kiss my world cup champion.”
She lets out a small laughs and pulls back from you, her hands go to your cheeks where she uses her thumbs to wipe your tears and she says “I love you so much Y/N”
“I love you too Leah” you respond and close the distance pressing your lips to hers one last time before she leaves. You take an extra moment in the kiss and you commit the feel and taste of your love to memory knowing deep down it will be 2 months before you see her. You believe in her and her team to win this thing. 
The first two weeks she’s gone are not too bad, Leah was still in the same time zone so you were able to talk quite often on the phone. You were busy at the hospital but knowing that you got to speak to her every night was worth it. Once the team went down under to get set up at their base camp it got harder to talk to her with the time change. 
You spoke as much as you could, but it was never enough. It took you less than a day to realise that the time change sucked, the 9 hour different made it hard to find time to talk. This was the only time you ever liked working the night shift. Being awake when she was awake made it better, but the downside was you were generally in charge of the floor which meant you were busier keeping an eye on multiple patients. 
Tonight, it had been a busy start to the shift but it was quieting down and when you realised it was lunch time in Australia you took the chance and asked her if she had a minute and when she answered quickly that she would be free in 5 minutes you took the chance. 
Quickly rounding on your patients, most were asleep and stable, and you saw a couple of the staff sitting around the nurses station you knew they’d have their eyes on them. 
Sneaking down the hallway to the medicine cupboard you looked both ways and then slowly opened the door enough for you to squeeze through and then you snuck through closing the door immediately. Not bothering with the lights as there was enough light streaming through the blinds to see you sunk down to the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest to lean on them. 
Leaning your head back against the wall you closed your eyes and tried to picture your bathtub at home leaning back against Leah after your shift. The vibrating of your phone shook you out of your daydream and you saw her face and immediately answered and you could feel the stress leaving your shoulders the moment you met her eyes. 
“Hi babe” she said with a smile “why are you in the dark?” 
You smile at her and answer with a soft “night shift and I am hiding out love.” 
she chuckles and turns her camera to show a closet as she says “who knew I would end up back in the closet.” 
You burst out laughing at her and when you settle you say “I love you” 
“I love you too, and I am missing you so much babe” she says with a small smile. 
“Our bed is so cold without you love” you tell her softly “but I am so freaking proud of you.” 
She smirks and says “I had a dream about you last night babe” 
You smirk back at her and say “Oh you did love? What were we doing?” 
“You were leaning back against me in the bath tub, sitting between my legs, I was pressing kisses up your neck, my heads rubbing your stomach” she smirks staring right at you. 
You smile and with a laugh say “I was just picturing the same thing love.” 
“Yes love, although mine was much more PG” you tell her with a chuckle. 
She bursts out laughing and when you see her face fall you know what’s coming “Kiera just texted me, I have to go babe.” 
You pout at her and then you hear yelling out in the hallway for a code and you shake out of it standing up “me too, I love you and I miss you so much.” 
You are already walking down the hall gearing up for the code and you look one more time at the phone to see her blowing you a kiss and you can hear “I love you too babe, go kick ass.” 
Once the tournament started you were so happy your hospital was a modernised one, which meant you had multiple tvs on the floor and in the waiting room. No one batted an eye when the women games were constantly playing. You tried your hardest to schedule your shifts so you could be at home watching but nursing shortages meant you only saw one live during the round robin. You did fall asleep to the replays of the game but it wasn’t the same. 
The constant texting with Leah kept you calm, but time changes, shift hours and training meant it often felt like you were ships passing in the night having distance conversations hours apart. As much as it sucked, you wouldn’t change it for the world. You were the proudest girlfriend getting to watch her achieve her dreams, even from a far you were so proud of her. 
during one of your days off you were out running errands and you looked up in the city and saw a billboard of Leah’s face staring back at you. Standing below it, looking up at a massive picture of your love made you even more proud knowing she would be inspiring many little girls. 
As you were standing there you watched as two little girls ran up both in England kits both looking up at your girl in awe. 
“Thats Leah, she’s the captain and my favourite.” the one said to the other. 
You stood back and listened with a smile as the other girl said “I want to be just like her when I grow up.” 
You smiled and grabbed your phone taking a picture from behind them of their backs under her picture. You send it directly to your girl with a message saying “I love you and I am so proud of you baby.” 
It was later that night when you were sitting in bed doing some research with her last game playing lowly on the tv. You had a shift in the morning but enjoyed a low key evening, and you were sat in your pjs, hair wet, with a glass of wine on the bedside table. 
When your phone vibrated with an incoming call from your love you smiled and answered with a “Good morning love” 
“Hi baby, every morning is a good morning when I hear your voice.” she says. 
You chuckle and feel the blush on your cheeks as you say “You charmer, I miss you.” 
“I miss you too baby, I snuck out and am sitting in the lobby talking to you before I have to get ready.” she tells you through the phone. 
“You’re cute love, im sitting in bed in my pjs with a glass of wine” you tell her with a smile. 
She lets out a groan and says “you tease thats not fair.” 
“Sorry love” you chuckle. 
“Laptop open doing work and something on the tv?” she asks knowingly. 
With a chuckle you respond “you know it love, did you get my pictures today?” 
“those girls were very cute, and that mural makes my butt look big.” she says with a small chuckle. 
“I am so proud of you, they looked at you like you hung the moon babe.” you tell her. 
You can hear her moving around knowing she’s a bit embarrassed she says “I only care that you think I can do that baby.” 
With a snort you answer her “You already have me love, you don't need to keep charming me” 
“I am offended, I am always going to charm you baby.” she says with a chuckle. “I have to go love.” 
“I should sleep, I have a shift in the morning.” you tell her back. 
You can hear the phone move as if she’s walking as she says “I love you so much baby.” 
“I love you too, and I am so proud of you.” you tell her. 
“Sleep well baby, I wish I was in bed with you.” she tells you. 
“me too love me too, talk soon babe” you tell her and you both hang up. You decide to take her advice and shut everything down. climbing into bed you grab her pillow and pull it close with the feint smell of her in your head you sleep right through the night. 
You made sure you were home for the semi final game, and you were so glad you got to see that one live. You didnt have to go into the following morning so you made sure to congratulate your love over face time. At the start of your shift the following morning you received a text from Beth telling you to get the final off cause she was making you come to the watch party at Wembley. You chuckled and made sure you had the day off, and let her know you would be there. 
Before you could text Leah to let her know about the watch party, your phones battery light came on and you groaned knowing you forgot to plug it in after the long face-time before you went to bed the night before. You moved towards the front nurses station where it was a controlled chaos, you weren’t too overrun yet but you had a feeling it was going to get busy. 
You walked up to one of the empty computers and grabbed an iPhone cord from the drawer where you plugged your phone into the usb on the computer. 
“Incoming trauma! 2 minutes out.” you hear yelled out and turn to your admin staff at the desk saying “This ones my phone, keep an eye on it.” as you run out to the ambulance bay and deal with the incoming trauma in front of you. 
Its about 45 minutes later when the patient was stable and you were able to move back toward the nursing station, jotting down the details from the trauma as you went. You leant abasing the nurses station completing the paperwork, when you noticed it seemed to already be getting busier. When you grabbed your phone it wouldn’t turn on, you were confused. When you clicked the computer and it also didn’t turn on you were even more confused. 
“What’s going on?” you ask one of your nursing staff beside you. 
“not sure, all the technology has gone down.” she responds. 
You take a slow look around and realise none of the computers beside the patients beds were on, and it immediately clicked for you. No machines meant no vitals, no monitoring and no airways. Immediately you turn and take control. 
“everyone, we need to get on this now. Manual checks on every single patients vitals, breathing, and meds need to be checked manually for a baseline then we need continuous checks on every patient until we can get the computers back on. Divide and conquer, students take the vitals and nurses get on the med checks now.” You instruct out to your staff who all follow. 
You next turn to your dispatcher and triage nurses and tell them “shut down to all incoming traumas, and anyone who does not have an immediate need for help, send them to the clinic down the street. This could last awhile but we need to make sure we can help who we can.” 
Its less than 20 minutes later and the ER has turned into an organised chaos, with no technology still on. Your phone was fried since it was connected to the system, but you had no time to check it as the main phone line rings and being the only one behind the nurses station you grab it. 
“London city ER” you say into the receiver. 
A scrambled voice responds “by now you realise that you have no technology. We have taken control and will not release control back until our demands are met.” 
“What? Who is this?” you ask. 
“100 million dollars into our offshore account that will be flashing on the screen in front of you now. Have it paid and we give you control back.” the voice then hangs up the phone. 
You could feel the colour drain from your face as you stand there with the receiver in your hand. It isn’t until you hear your name being called do you turn and see the ER director there looking at you. 
“we’ve been hijacked, they just said they want 100 million dollars to this account and we can have our technology back” you tell him. 
“Damn it, we need to control this. Is everything under control down here?” he asks. 
“yes sir, we have manual vitals being taken and we closed to trauma. We will clear the floor as quick as we can but till take time.” you tell him. 
“do it, keep me updated.” he says back and turns and starts talking on the phone. 
For the next 48 hours, the ER was in chaos and you did not leave, you barley had time to sleep, let alone worry about getting a new phone. Which meant that while you were elbow deep dealing with the situation at home, Leah was out of her mind with worry down under. 
She knew you were busy but she knew you could normally at least get 30 seconds to send her a text message, and when 48 hours went by and it was the morning of the final she knew something was wrong. 
“What if something bad happened?” Leah says to Georgia as they sit having breakfast together. 
Georgia who wasn’t worried at all chuckles and says “calm down dude she’s fine.” 
Before Leah could even respond she felt Kiera sitting down beside her saying “did you see the news Leah?” 
“Look isn’t this Y/N’s hospital?” Kiera turns her phone towards Leah. Immediately Leah looks at the phone and grabs it from her hand and reads the article. 
“Cyber terrorism? isn’t that really bad?” Leah says after finishing reading. 
They both shake their head having read the article and Kiera says “No the article says it took some time but everyone is safe and no lives were lost, and the ER is back open for regular patients and trauma.” 
Leah smiles and the relief is evident on her face as she says “Oh thank god, I am sure she was just busy saving lives then.” 
“yes you dork, now focus on today and let’s win this thing.” Georgia chimes in. 
You were getting out of the cab at Wembley just in the nick of time, you had about 90 minutes before kick off and you wanted to make sure that you were able to find Beth. It was packed, you were glad you had an extra England kit in your locker at work, but unfortunately it wouldn’t be easy to find Beth in a crowd of this size. 
Figuring she’d be near the front you pushed your way through and you got lucky and spotted her in front of a camera with a microphone. You smiled and made your way closer to her waiting for her to be off camera. 
“Y/N!” you heard from behind you and you turned and saw Viv standing there with a smile. 
You chuckle out a “Hi Viv” and lean in to give her a hug. 
You both pull back and she asks “I heard what happened, that must have been crazy!” 
Nodding at her you add in “It was, this is the first time I have left in 48 hours.” 
“Y/N!” you hear yelled from behind you, and when you turn Beth is running over towards you with her phone out in front of her. She wraps an arm over your shoulders and turns her phone toward you so you can see the screen as she says “look who showed up!” 
When you look at the screen you see Leah, smiling back at you, standing on the field in Australia doing the pregame field check. You can feel the smile grow on your face as you say “Hi love” 
“Hi baby, I am so glad to see your face.” she says with a smile.
You chuckle as Beth presses a loud kiss to your cheek and says “I will give you two a moment” and takes off. 
“Are you okay babe?” you hear asked from the phone and you pull it closer to you. 
“I am now love, and I am ready to watch you kick ass and win this thing.” you tell her with a smile. 
“I love you” she says and you can see the smile on her face grow as she says “and I am so proud of you, and what I know you did to make sure all your patients were taken care of.” 
You can feel the blush on your cheeks moving the phone slightly as you say “thank you. Now can you focus and go out and become more world champion?” 
“Are you wearing my jersey babe?” she asks with a smirk. 
You nod and show her the back of it with her name on display adding “you bet I am.” 
“Let’s make a deal babe.” she says. 
Pulling the screen back in you tell her “let’s hear it.” 
“I am going to go win this thing, then I am going to make that name yours too.” she says with a smirk. 
“deal baby, but I expect a proper proposal” you smirk back at her. 
She blows you a kiss through the screen and chimes in “deal, but I gotta go do my thing, but I will be seeing you and kissing you very soon baby.” 
“i love you, now go kick ass and then get that cute butt home to me love.” you smile and blow her a kiss back. 
She presses a kiss to the camera screen and then the screen goes dark, you stand there smiling to yourself knowing that she was the one for you, and you cant wait till you can kiss her again.
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wroteclassicaly · 8 months
A/N: Work week blues. Should be sleeping, but my brain gave me the inspiration for this instead. 18+
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“Honey…” He tries again, his fingers finding purchase scratching through your scalp.
You’re flipping around all over the bed, sheets becoming tangled around limbs, body in some eagered frenzy. He nearly whines with you, bushy brows pinched together as you lower yourself further down the mattress, manicured nails playing with the curls of thick leg hair that dust his inner thigh, his boxers having ridden up. He already looked at his watch to see it was almost 12:30 am, and while he doesn’t have a shift at the store in the morning — you do have work in just a few hours.
“Baby, we should be asleep. You know your schedule on Mondays.”
You raise a brow, before pushing one thigh apart from the other, anchoring yourself in between. You’re playfully amused, but your pupils have blown wide, your sclera wet with tears, gaze glazed over. It’s your tell-tale sign of being gone. You let your tongue slide out over your lips, then your teeth, humming as if you’re thinking something over. And then you say it… “I’d rather be sucking you off instead.”
He should be prepared for this, you’re such an insatiable minx. However, there’s also an undeniable desperation in your body language, pitching itself within your tone. You need him. He can feel his own vision beginning to swim with shapes, his feet planted firmly to help his thighs stay up and spread apart so that you can work.
“What do you want me to do, honey? What can I do to make this better for you?”
“Take it out.” You don’t miss a beat, raising onto your haunches to rid yourself of your sleep shirt, immediately beginning to play with your own nipples.
Steve begins to flush, body latching onto its own personal heatwave. He does as directed, his cock embarrassingly rock hard already, and difficult to peel off the fabric of his tight briefs. He’s sticky with his own pre-cum, an appreciative whimpering noise you make, letting him know you see that he’s gotten himself too wet taking off his underwear, that it’s slicked all through the bush at his base.
“Fuck, give it to me. I want it now.” You’re ever-so the lady, waiting on permission, saliva causing your mouth to water with an overflowing.
Steve’s voice has given way to something lower, deeper, and bitten with a honey hot claim. Folding one freckle and mole spattered arm behind his head, showing off his biceps, he’s nearly hoarse when he consents. “Go on, honey, take it. It’s yours.”
His cock jumps and slaps back against his stomach from the first hot breath that you give. Your smaller palm sliding into your panties and beginning a sopping wet rhythm as you nose down his warm, velvet shaft, all the way to that cream covered thatch of curls. You’re watching him the same way that he watches you from a similar position, and then you’re like a wild woman — inhaling. Steve tries to catch himself, but it’s too late. The action has him throbbing once more, his girth slapping against your cheek and jaw.
“Always smell so fucking good, Stevie. I could stay down here all week, get fired, and be happy if I could do this full time.”
“W-whatever you want, baby. I’ll do it for you.”
You leave kisses along his shaft now, still touching yourself, something that does not go unnoticed by Steve. It should be humiliating how close he is, just by this, but he doesn’t feel any of that with you. Only safety and love. He tries to convey that within the next few moments, and you pick it up automatically, sharing a soft smile. One that fades into that cheeky little grin he’s grown so fond of, even before your relationship began.
“You wanna do somethin’ else to me, don’t you, honey?”
You appear shy for a fraction of a second, but you hold up your finger to trace that defining vein along his cock, similar to the one that runs along his forearm, your fingertip circling the head, before you enclose your fist. Steve’s breathing accelerates and he groans from within his diaphragm.
“Yeah? You gonna find my spot again until I soak my own chest? Fill up your mouth, maybe?”
“Stevie…” You’re completely fucked out, running on adrenaline, schedule be damned.
“That’s it, isn’t it? You wanna play with my ass, huh?”
And you both know that your non verbal communication is enough of an answer. As for you? You definitely fall asleep at work the next day.
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whotfislai · 2 months
Focus on you | seventeen, chan!
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pairing lee chan & fem reader. (he says girl once)
genre fluff type shi
doei speaks! i love lee chan and you should too😤 ++ dividers came from h-aewo <3
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it was one of those nights again. you were cuddled up under your silky sheets, missing your boyfriend.
dating an idol wasn't easy but the two of you made it work. being in LOVE with channie just felt good.
and he felt the same way about being in love with you.
you were the one thing that was constantly on his mind. from when he woke up, to during practice, and deep into the late hours of the night.
and you knew this because when you least expected it....
my channie♡ [12:50]: BABYYY I MISS U SO MUCH!! i need u right now😭
(yn) [12:51]: AWWW i miss u so much more <33
(yn) [12:51]: but its okay, you have an off-day in a couple of weeks from now or something, right?
my channie♡ [12:52]: i think so? but fuck. that's not soon enough.
(yn) [12:53]: i agree w that😔 BUT we'll spend time together soon, we both just have to be patient yk🥰
you weren't sure exactly how soon that would be, but for him, you'd wait and see. (THAT RHYMED AHAHAHAHSHS)
although, you wouldn't have to wait much longer.
around twenty-ish minutes of your conversation, you'd fallen asleep. but only ten minutes later, two notifications from your boyfriend woke you up.
my channie♡ [1:23]: babe, i know you're probably sleeping but i couldn't take it anymore
my channie♡ [1:23]: i need u SO BAD. i forgot my key pls open the door or imma have to break in
and almost immediately after reading his texts, you heard faint knocking at the front door.
"oh...no way..." you whispered to yourself as you tiredly got up, and made your way to the front door.
when you opened it, you were instantly engulfed in the tightest hug. he quite literally swept you off your feet.
but it was sweet, the way he held you so tight, almost cutting off your airflow. and even when he set you down so he could step inside the house, it was only momentarily.
"(yn), baby, i missed you so, so much." he whispered in your ear, pulling you into another breathtaking hug.
you returned the intensity of his hug as best as you could, plastering sweet kisses all over his face in the process.
and oh my god, chan loved every second of it.
"not being able to have you for that long would have KILLED ME, i swear. i just need you for tonight..." he mumbled, giving you a tiny kiss in the crook of your neck.
and then another one, and another one, and....
"lee chan!! you JUST got home, at least cuddle with me first!! gosh, you're so needy for me." you said, half-jokingly.
he laughed, releasing you from his death grip. "so what if i am? you're everything to me (yn). i need you to live y'know, i could DIE."
most people would assume he was joking but to be honest, you weren't too sure he was joking about that.
i mean, he did just sneak out of his dorm at one in the morning to be with you sooooo 🤭!
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the two of you headed back into your shared bedroom, and began cuddling one another in bed, when you paused.
"are you sure this is okay?" you whispered, avoiding to look him straight in the eye. "i love that you're here, but what if you get in trouble for leaving? channie please, if you need to go back that's okay, i understand."
chan tilted his head a bit, narrowing his eyes. as much as he disliked worrying you, knowing you cared about the consequences he may face made his heart explode.
he gently pressed his hand to your chin, causing you to look upwards at him.
"(yn)...my sweet, beautiful girl. i couldn't give a shit about any consequence i might face. being with you is worth it all," he cupped your cheek, "and if you thought this was bad, you'll hate the things i plan on doing for you in the future."
before you could ask what the hell he meant by that, he leaned in and gave you a tender kiss on the lips.
so naturally, you brushed it off and decided tonight you'd focus on him.
just as he had been doing to you.
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thanks for reading! i js love dino SO MUCH & i wanted to write a cute fic for him.
reblog / like it if you enjoyed <3
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zahri-melitor · 1 month
Okay because I am setting my expectations as low as possible in the hopes I get to be pleasantly surprised, here is the history of Black Canary as a solo title at DC:
Black Canary 1991: 4 issue miniseries. Probably best described as 'mediocre'. Dinah discovers Ollie's being an unemployed dropkick who has been stealing/borrowing money from the Sherwood Florist till and not accounting for it; out of her frustration at him she goes and beats up a drug cartel and white supremacists with the help of her new friend Gan Ngyuen, who would be a better boyfriend to Dinah than Ollie is being right now. In conversation with her Grell appearances, but seriously underestimates Dinah's actual skillset.
Black Canary 1993: 12 issue ongoing. Dinah's basically broken up with Ollie for the whole of this, which is completely fine by me, as Ollie uses some of his appearances in this book to accuse Dinah of sleeping with Ray Terrill. Who is 18 and was trying to look after the injured superhero who turned up on his doorstep. Time to go die in a firey helicopter crash, Ollie, you are terrible in the early 90s. Anyway, this is an incredibly uneven run that covers topics like Dinah's backstory, why Ray Terrill develops the biggest puppy crush on Dinah, and also the very first Nightwing-Oracle-Huntress-Black Canary team up. Tragically despite the compelling characterisation going on in this title between the four of them, the story they are in is a white slavery plot, rendering it almost impossible to recommend to people who aren't the sort to read every single appearance of a character.
Black Canary 2007: 4 issue miniseries. This would actually have been a compelling story apart from its intent and outcome. Dinah and Ollie, in the lead up to their wedding, grapple with combining their families and Dinah works with integrating Sin into the US educational system. Unfortunately, Sin is abducted and then Ollie fakes her death and doesn't tell Dinah what he's done, as he makes Connor take her off to one of the Himalayan monasteries various Arrows and companions have spent time at. Sin does not get to attend their wedding, and for some reason Dinah does not tell Ollie it's off even though he just faked Sin's death and lied to her about it.
Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell 2014: Graphic novel. Paul Dini's pet project that he spent the best part of a decade trying to get DC to publish. The only decent Dinah solo on this list, it's not actually a Dinah solo because it's co-starring Zee. Dinah and Zatanna met each other as teens trying to live up to the expectations of their families, then reunite in Vegas after some of Dinah's friends tell her that someone's made them swear a magic oath to take part in a heist, and it's killing them. Hijinks ensue! This is the only title of any of them on this list that's actually full of joy. Please read it.
Black Canary 2015: 12 issue ongoing. 'What if Dinah decided to make Black Canary be the stage name of a musician in a band rather than a superhero?' Does this have any connections to previous Dinah characterisation? Not really, no. Does it sound like the premise of an Elseworlds rather than main continuity, even for n52? Yes. Dinah decides being a superhero is just too much work, so she'll be in a band instead, aside from all those times she needs to stop singing to fight crime in the audience. Contains a time travel plot involving Kurt Lance, aka the worst decision DC has ever made in regards to Dinah's love life, and I'm including Ra's al Ghul and marrying Ollie on that list. I think they made Kurt Lance save the universe but I admit I was hatereading at that point. The final issue has Dinah have her life flash before her eyes while retconning out most of the n52 changes to her characterisation and also suggesting she got pregnant with Ollie's baby at age 53 before dying of a mystery disease at age 69.
EDIT: Reminded of the Teen Book
Black Canary: Ignite 2019: DC teen graphic novel. Written by Meg Cabot, this is one of their teen alternate continuity rewrites set around the awkward period when Dinah was a teen and wanting to be a superhero like her mother, but Dinah Drake was firmly refusing to train her. Contains Larry Lance and is actually set in Gotham! (this is a good thing) On the other hand, maintains the 'was in a band' concept from Black Canary 2015, which personally I would rather stuff into a black hole never to be seen again, but angry teens singing in bands is a genre conceit for a reason. It's cute.
So really. Why would I let myself get my hopes up over Black Canary Volume 5?
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dawnoftime22 · 3 months
hi! How do you feel about writing a fic where Taylor and fem!r get married? (Both in white wedding dresses btw)
I love your fics btw :)
wedding day.
| T.S
Warnings: lots and lots of kisses, a single sentence of 'I don't deserve you' quickly avoided with Taylor's reassurance, and thats it
Summary: Finally, after years of your shared honest love and months of planning, you and Taylor decide to get married, and it was your special day to wear your beautiful wedding dresses and walk down the carpet.
Word Count: 4.5k
Category: FLUFF!
A/N: hehe I really loved writing this request, and kind of got carried away...although I usually write for gn!reader, I still adored this, especially because I got to write this at work<3 (I work at a wedding venue btw! so its very perfect) thank you for requesting this lovely story! I hope you enjoy :] reeally sorry if its too long
pls don't judge, I have no idea how to write vows
| Started on 13/07/2024, 11:34 AM | the 13th :o
| Finished on 15/07/2024, 4:12 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
“No more keeping score now, I just keep you warm.”
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In the morning...
Sunshine filtered in through the window curtains, peeking in as daylight slowly arose, a gentle sight to lay your eyes upon in the morning.
You slowly stir from your sleep, feeling the brightness even behind your eyelids, at least until you opened them, needing to blink away the darkness that you once saw.
A yawn elicits from your lips, and you bring your hand up to cover it, stretching too, as you were at it. Once done, you take in your surroundings, registering that it was now morning.
Beside you, there she was. The love of your life, sleeping peacefully like an angel in bed. Her blonde hair almost seemingly glowed from the sunlight, radiant and nothing short of what you loved seeing.
You let out a gentle breath and reached up your hand, lightly tracing her cheek with the side of your index finger.
She was something precious, something you'd put in a treasure chest, or to keep in your pocket at all times to bring with you.
Her breaths were soft, so peaceful and deep in sleep that you if you weren't so close to her and inspecting her face, you would've thought she was gone from this world already.
You smile softly, admiring how her eyelashes went down, and her beautiful face structure. Simply everything. It felt unbelievable.
Today was the day. The day you'll officially put a ring on each other's fingers. Officially with a promise, a vow. You remembered how everything else before went, exactly how you had your small box ready, back at the restaurant balcony, with a stunning view.
But when you had brought out the ring and revealed it to Taylor, but in mere seconds of surprise, it doubled when she had one too, prepared to bring out still in her pocket until she showed it to you.
A small chuckle escapes your mouth at the memory, and you fade back into reality, focusing back on Taylor's curves and edges, and she was still asleep as you gazed at her.
Your eyes trailed over to the clock on the nightstand at the side of the bed. It showed 7:45 am. You still had some time, but you feared of the time needed to arrive at the wedding venue.
You lean down, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. Then, pulling back only to go put another on her cheek.
A cheeky smile raised upon your face as you had an idea of waking her up, and you leave a kiss on the tip of her nose, then anywhere else you can on her face, peppering it all over her skin and trailing her jaw.
Slowly, Taylor was waking up by the tingling feeling of your kisses, feeling your soft lips lingering. She blinks away her sleep, letting out a small adorable and confused hum.
When her eyes find yours, a smile raises up on her lips, before she lets out a small giggle, now knowing the source of the tickles. She was still feeling your kisses, and it was the gentlest way she's ever woken up by.
"Good morning, baby..." she whispers groggily, her voice husky and quiet as her arms reach out to wrap around you, pulling you closer like a simple teddy bear.
"A very good morning," you reply back happily, and her heart jumps in joy at your voice, a chuckle leaving her lips as she knows exactly why you were so happy.
"Do you remember what today is?" you ask her excitedly, all while she was nuzzling into your neck, still kind of waking up. You on the other hand, had all the energy in the world.
She pulls back from the crook of your neck, looking at you with raised eyebrows. "Of course I do, silly..." she whispers, leaning in to kiss your lips and then brush her nose against yours.
You were all out filled with love as you gazed into her eyes, your smiles reflecting each other's without a doubt.
When you rested your head on her chest, her arms that were wrapped around you squeezes you lightly, feeling her very own excitement for today. "How did you sleep, baby?" You question softly, tilting your head to look up at her.
She gazes down at you tenderly before letting out a content sigh. "Amazingly...you?" she questions you back, wanting to make sure you had just the same comfort levels as she did.
You nuzzle into her face, making her scrunch her nose up. "Always, with you," your voice whispered. Taylor giggles, then buries her face into your neck again, feeling the blush coming onto her cheeks easily.
"You sweet talker...but I love you." She turns her head laying a kiss on your jaw, just between your neck, a warm, loving gesture.
Blood rushed to your very own cheeks, just about to feel dizzy by her love. "I love you, too..." you whisper back, closing your eyes for just a moment.
But upon remembering the important day, you open your eyes again, taking in a breath and pulling back to look into her blue eyes.
"Lets get ready to go, baby," you say, about to get out of bed, but Taylor's arms around you had tightened, pulling you right back into her embrace.
"Mm...just a few more minutes." She pouts, her eyes closed as she refused to get out of bed. At least, for now. She had just woken up, and wanted your time of snuggling.
"Mm, mm, we're gonna be late." You shook your head, murmuring to her as you tried getting out of her embrace, but very much failed, so you went up to boop her nose, which made her open her eyes and raise her eyebrows.
"Mhm, we won't be." she fought back, standing her ground in wanting to stay in bed, and you sighed softly, although the corners of your lips were raised up.
"The 'few minutes' can turn into an hour or more, sweetheart..." you reason with her, reminding with a hint that you still had your important wedding together.
She tried giving you a deeper pout and slight puppy eyes that had your heart clenching as you tried to hold on, but ti wasn't long until you hear a small sigh and a breath of, "Fine."
Your own lips turned down at her obvious expression of her slight frustration, and you lean forward to kiss away her pout, giggling softly.
"I'll make it up to you," you say, rubbing her shoulder before pulling her up with you to get out of bed again, to your success, but she was sagging against you.
"Not to say that I'm literally going to be your official wife today..." you lead on with a small melodical tune, going to the closet.
"Baby," she whines, and you chuckle, relenting as you knew she was a little disappointed in not getting some more time in bed.
You turn around to look at her. "Tonight, cuddles and kisses." your words held genuine as you hand her the clothes to wear on your way to the wedding venue.
She stares into your eyes, searching, then slowly taking the clothes. "...And more?" she asked quietly, going to place the folded shirts on the bed.
"And more." you lay one last loving kiss directly on her lips when she spun back around, surprising her, but she melted into it.
Once you part, you bring her to the shower with you, hand intertwined ever so gently for the warm water to rain down on your bodies.
|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
At the wedding venue...
When you arrive at the wedding venue, you get out of the car to round to Taylor's side and open her door, to which she gave you a loving smile as she stepped out.
After you both step foot on the venue, you were invited to do an outdoor photoshoot first, and Taylor had agreed to do it with you, the event planner leading the both of you.
You had to change into a different outfit, one of your choosing for the pre photoshoot. Once done, you both walked to where the photos would be taken, and the sight had your eyes shining with adoration.
It was an entire scenery that might have been stolen from your dreams. There was a cobblestone path that trailed down to a big garden of scenery. A swing was hanging off the branch of a tree, and a lake stood proudly behind it.
You were honestly sure that you would spend a picnic with Taylor here someday if you were able to. Even she was taken away by every little detail thats been placed here.
"Tay, look!" You say, pointing to the lake. Taylor turns her head, at first, her expression natural and only curious of your excitement, but her face lights up when she sees the different colored feathers of the animals sitting on the water.
"Oh, my god, ducks!" she said, pure happiness filling her as she squealed, a big smile on her face at the surprise. You giggled at her shock, watching the look on her face
"There's even swans!" the blonde pointed out, gesturing towards them with open hands, having not expected there to be animals in such an area.
You raised your eyebrows but then shook your head with a smile, turning back to face the photographer. "Can we take a picture with them?" You ask, hoping for the best.
The photographer chuckles softly, and nods. "Yes, you can," they answer, probably used to the question, but they hold their camera firmly before helping you both to get in a good position and pose.
You and Taylor also got a heart-hand picture together as a bonus, behind the two of you, two swans swimming, angled at the right timing and making their own little heart shape with their necks.
The hired photographer gives you a thumbs up, and shows you the pictures to make sure you were satisfied. They were friendly, always being gentle and giving positive affirmations, but helping to make the photos look perfect.
Everything was private. Even the pictures taken are only going to be for you and Taylor. Maybe some for the outside world, or just your friends and family, but not all of them. You stayed until you finished the photoshoot, laughs and smiles shared with the two of you.
Once done, you both walk into the building for your wedding, having visited before, but seeing it again made your eyes wide with mesmerization.
The venue was beautiful and huge. The side walls were glass, and the outside held scenery of the pretty outdoor gardens, flowers and trees; the place where you had just been standing in earlier.
Along the walls, extending up to the roof, there were vines decorated in a detailed path, curving and hanging off corners.
Inside, you were walking on concrete flooring, not green grass. Still, it was breathtaking. It seemed almost like a greenhouse, but it wasn't extremely extravagant. Just...perfect.
Yet, the stage. The stage was the main attraction. No, this time, not a stage for Taylor's concerts. Although, it would be great for an acoustic show, you can see the look in her gaze off to it. She was already imagining how your wedding was going to be like.
Upon the stage large white archways stood tall. Flowers were down below and in the middle of the archways, mixed in with the smallest little lanterns. It all had a glowing backlight too, adding onto everything to make it complete.
You and Taylor went to the dressing room to get ready, the time starting to tick down to where the guests was on their way. The room was cozy and dim, enveloping the both of you like a warm embrace.
On the side, there was a rack of your two white wedding dresses. They were beautiful. Chosen and decided by the both of you with the utmost care and sincerity from your hearts. The lace was soft, and parts were flowy enough to make a satisfying movement.
Of course, you needed to get your makeup on first. As much as you were eager to wear the pretty dress, it was best not to get any makeup accidentally on it.
The stylist greets both of you when she enters, giving a kind expression. She could see almost instantly how great of a pair you make, and it lightened her heart tremendously.
You moved to sit on the couch, sitting patiently and waiting for Taylor to finish her makeup first, the light surrounding the mirror helping in making her face glow.
To think that she was sitting here, in front of you, not getting ready for a show, but for a wedding. Your wedding. Together. Well, maybe, a show for you...but this...she was making an eternal promise of her love and for yours.
You were double checking the notes of when you walk down the walkway with the event planner, but you couldn't focus. You look to see Taylor in her makeup chair, absolutely gorgeous looking. She was your distraction, and you didn't mind it at all.
The event planner notices, and they couldn't help but smile. Yet, they took your attention once more just in case. Of course, you go over the planning again, remembering everything without a hitch.
Soon, the both of you finish your makeup. It was a light makeup that show parts of your natural faces while still making it glow.
You get into your dress, Taylor following along behind you and being careful on her touch upon the dress. You adjust everything and look over your own, the all white outfit serving as its one true color, and not off to creme or anything at all.
Just as you were about to take a step forward to ask Taylor to help with your zipper, you see her standing in front of the vertical mirror, her teeth sunk into her lip as she stared and looked at herself.
On the other hand, your heart absolutely jumped, seeing her in the beautiful gown. She didn't have her zipper up either, her hand holding the dress together and trying to reach for it.
You slowly walk towards her, your hand reaching out to gently pull her zipper up before putting your hands on her waist, making eye contact with her in the mirror.
"You look perfect," you whispered under your breath, nearly not even sounding out in a volume. But Taylor heard it, her eyes lighting up as she turns around to gaze at you, her cheeks rising with a blush.
"Really?" she breathed out, sparks flying in her heart. You nodded, smiling brightly at her as you took a step closer. Your hands slide up, gently grasping her arms.
"I almost don't deserve you..." you whispered, barely even above a breath as your eyes looked at every part of her appearance, shaking your head lightly.
"Don't think less of yourself now..." she says, her eyes soft when she brought her hand up to cup your cheek, her thumb brushing against your skin.
You lean into it, holding the moment of vulnerability with her. "I chose you. I love you just as much as you love me, and maybe more," she whispers through the space between you.
"Mm. That can be argued," you murmur, mindlessly letting your mind take control of your mouth without meaning to. But she smiles at the comment.
"Shh..." she puts a single finger on your lips, shushing you softly with a gentle shake of her head. "Just take it, sweetheart," she whispers, which did indeed make you back down.
You let out a giggle though, absolutely surprised at how she took control of the situation. Now, Taylor gazed at you, full of awe. You smile softly and turn around, showing her the zipper you needed help with, and she gladly and gently pulled it up.
Afterwards, your hair was still to the side to have ensured it was not getting caught on the zipper, but she leans in closer, seeing the opportunity to lay a soft kiss on your visible neck.
To your surprise, you tilt your head slightly to look at her, eyebrows raised and a grin on your face. "You, look like an angel, sweetheart," she compliments you charmingly from your shoulder, having you blush for the 100th time today.
"Thank you..." you whisper out, looking down in shyness as she steps in front of you, her hands on your shoulders. She chuckles softly, seeing your blush.
"I love you," she whispers, kissing the top of your head as she pulls you closer. You lean into her, wrapping your own arms around her and feeling the fabric of her dress.
"I love you, too." you reply, closing your eyes with a soft sigh. The two of you needed this moment, how real it was, and how it wasn't a dream.
Outside, the room, the small amount of invited guests had already arrived. If the music and the wedding planner coming in through the room wasn't obvious enough, you can hear the mixed conversations outside, just barely leaking through the walls.
They were playing Taylor's songs specifically made for you on the speakers, mixed in with your favorite songs together, melodies that echo through the hall.
You turn to look at her, and she gives you a reassuring smile before the wedding planner goes to take you both outside, at the entrance of the venue so you could await for your walk together and prepare.
You take a deep breath in, seeing the long pathway, empty only for the two of you. Your heart pounded in your chest, and Taylor can see your nerves setting off.
"Are you ready?" She asks you softly, standing beside you with all the comfort her presence holds. You look to her, taking another breath in.
"I'm, um, nervous...but...yes," you whispered, your voice shaking as your hands trembled. Taylor smiles gently, her eyes softening as she gives you a reassuring kiss on the cheek, her wondrous lipstick not even smudging or lingering on your skin, but her lips ghosting your cheek.
"I'd walk down it anytime you want, as long as its with you, darling." she assures you, leaning in to lightly brush your shoulders in a loving touch.
"You're so sweet..." you whisper, your lips raising up in a soft smile, and it was exactly what she aimed for, her heart swelling.
"Take my hand, baby," she says quietly, holding her hand out to you, and you slip your fingers in between hers, intertwining without a doubt, but she can feel the tremble in your joints.
"We're gonna do this together...okay?" the blonde captures your eyes, squeezing your hand gently. Being assured by her blue set of eyes that only held love and care for you, you nod.
"I'm ready," you breathed out, seeing the wedding planner walk up to the both of you, making sure you were both calm and ready, and that your dress was spread out perfectly.
It was time. This was it.
The glass windows on the side of the walls started to be closed by large metal doors, closing out the outside light, only for the orange chandelier and lights evenly places across the venue to take its place. It was dark, but the walkway had candles alit on its sides, accompanying the red carpet. It was all just to prepare for the two of you to enter.
The guests waited, some holding their breaths, some already even getting teary-eyed at the mere thought that this was where you were both being locked in, officially an intertwined couple.
Taylor's mom, Andrea, especially. She held tissues ready in her hand, some already used. Scott was sitting beside her, getting emotional too with Austin.
When you walk out together, everyone watching gasps, their breaths taken away by the beauty of your dresses and how you two fit together like puzzle pieces in the right place.
Everyone except her parents was requested to have their phones off, and they all obliged, the camera person in front as the main view, but it wasn't the whole world watching.
Both of your dresses flowed and drifted across the carpet, Taylor's white dress having the look and idea of flowers, trailing their pathes.
Your appearances were alit by the many glowing candles and bit of spotlight upon you, up until you both reach the altar where the marriage officiant stands.
When you reach the stage, you turn to face Taylor, still holding hands. The marriage officiant starts her words, the waiting making your heart grow even faster in anticipation, and you tried to make sure everything in your head was correct.
Taylor's eyes were on yours, never leaving. In this moment, it felt like it was only the two of you. The whole world faded in just a gaze.
"Do you, Taylor Alison Swift, take Y/N Y/L/N as your wife?" The officiant finally says, her eyes going up to travel between the two of you.
"I do," Taylor says, her smile growing wider as she looks into your eyes and squeezed your hand, ever excited to hear every word in this special day.
The officiant turns to face you, her lips raised up. "And do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Taylor Alison Swift as your wife?" she asks.
You nod, "Yes. I do," you say, your genuine happiness evident and overlaying your voice. Taylor's heart just about felt like it was about to explode.
"Now, since you have chosen to say your vows, you may hold each other's hands and speak in truth," the officiant says, lowering her book she was holding.
You take a deep breath, looking to the officiant before catching Taylor's eyes again, seeing her own hesitancy and nervousness in speaking her vows. You smile, and decide to go first.
"Taylor...I will love you, for all my life, and with my entire soul. You were there for me in my worst times, when I needed someone when no one else came to my aid. I don't know what I would do without you, but I know right now, I would do anything for you, and as long as I'm with you, I know I'm living happily. I wish to give you everything you've ever needed, all without resentment. All the kisses, all our shared days, we'll share with laughs and honesty. I hope we spend each second cherishing it all, because I will. With every chance I get. Because you, Taylor, are the love of my life, and I wish to give you this ring so we can have this sweet love forever."
You finished off your vow, some parts being shaky, and some parts holding the most absolute brightest smiles as you felt a swell building in your throat. Taylor already got teary eyed, a soft sniffle sounding out from her before she prepares and remembers her own vows.
"Y/N Y/L/N...With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take you to be my lover...After years and millions of tears, finally, with you, I'll spend all my time with until the end. You're the whole world to me. I promise that all my stares and gazing upon you, will always be filled with love, and my words whispered to you whenever you feel down, will always have care and sweetness. I vow that we'll always be together, in the times of need...and if there are, the times of the worst. The times that are the best, and anything in between. Take my ring, and I'll take yours, our soul to be intertwined, forever and evermore."
You tried blinking away the tears, but they had already fallen at her beautifully thoughtful words. She lets out a small laugh tearfully as she saw you already crying, even though she was, too.
The officiant had put down her book, and held out the board for the rings, and you both took one, slipping it on each other's finger with gentleness.
Once done, the officiant leaned back, and nods. "...I now pronounce you equally wed." she announces. Over in the front row, Taylor's mom was tearing up, looking up at the both of you proudly.
You gaze at each other, eyes holding your own reflections and emotions, and smiles wider than they've ever been. "I love you," you whisper, squeezing Taylor's hand.
"I love you, too," she says back, leaning in to kiss you, and you meet her halfway, your lips brushing before fully touching in a whisper of promise.
"We're gonna be together forever." You murmur against her lips, crying softly and needing to pull back slightly to gather yourself up, but forehead resting against her.
"Yes, sweetheart..." she whispered, smiling softly as she gently nuzzles her nose against you, the gesture making you pull her into an embrace.
Now it was forever, something you'll keep to for your whole life. Thank god for Taylor's indestructable makeup. All her tears had nothing against it, and especially not with her love for you.
The rest of the wedding went by amazingly well, with congratulations from many people, smiles, laughter, and loving stares. There was a polaroid moment, with you and Taylor and her friends only using polaroids to take photos. You danced together, and then cut the cake with Taylor too, both of you having brought the cut piece on the spoon up to each other's lips in a sweet gesture.
|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
In the car...
The two of you had now changed into different outfits, sitting in more comfortable clothing. Taylor was driving, carefully keeping eye on the roads.
You breathe in the air, then let it out slowly, the seatbelt keeping you grounded as you sunk into your seat exhaustingly, but completely and utterly satisfied with how everything turned out.
The sunset traced your faces, and when you turn your head, it seemed to have made Taylor ever so graceful looking. You might have somehow fallen in love with her even more; if that was even possible.
You smile softly, unbelievably happy as you went to reach your hand over the centre console, resting it on her thigh as she drove.
"I can't believe we happened..." you whisper softly, your thumb soothingly moving. Her eyes flicker down to your hand, her heart swelling.
"But we did," she whispers, glancing to you. When she had the chance, she takes off one hand from the steering wheel, reaching down to hold your hand.
"And I love it," you said quietly. There was almost no more words to describe how you felt. It was all...overflowing your heart at this point.
She smiles softly, bringing your hand up to her lips to kiss it softly. "You're so precious to me..." she says, looking to see your ring she got for you on your finger. Her own hand held the same, but the one you got for her.
She kisses that part of you softly, too, making sure her love is known and marked upon it, and your face held a deep flush before you gently pull her hand to do the same.
The windows held the blurring scenery of a day, the sunset being the framing background picture of your love together, driving back home.
She was all you needed.
And you were all she needed.
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gaiathemexicanbeauty · 11 months
it only takes a taste | mike schmidt x reader
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word count: 1.6k
warnings: none! this is just pure fluff and maybe kind of slowburnish lol
this was loosely based off of it only takes a taste from the waitress musical! :3
idk i just really like the idea of late nights with mike even if he's too tired to even think straight lmao
also don't ask what time period this takes place in, i was born in 2004 and know like 2 things about the 70s-90s or whenever the movie takes place bc its never explicitly mentioned
i also do not regularly bake or cook so do not be afraid to go to my comment section and tell me if something sounds off
i love this man ok, i have said it 1000 times already but i've been in love with him ever since i first saw him when i was like 12 or 13 and was even more so obsessed with rebornica's mike design for YEARS. 12 year old me would have an aneurism if she knew about the fnaf movie
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you let out a long yawn, one hand reaching up cover your mouth so as not to potentially ruin the mood of any customers around; granted, there was only two and they were graveyard shifters from somewhere outside of town but customers are customers. you'd been working at sparky's for a couple of months now, figuring it was an easy way to make some cash and keep food on the table. of course, you hadn't accounted for the very long hours that passed where you half debated trying to sneak away since no was around from 2-4:00 am: your boss would kill you, though, and you wanted to stay employed.
soft oldies music plays in the background as you glance over at the clock ticking away on the wall. just as you move to grab a rag to clean the counters for the 5th time during your shift, you hear the bell above the entrance jingle and don't even have to look up to know who it is.
mike wasn't a regular at first, just someone who popped in at random and very quietly asked for a coffee. after a while of starting a new job, he started coming in at almost 11:00 pm everyday and always asking for the same thing: just a plain, black coffee. "seriously?" you had said with a smirk the first time he said his order to you, your eyes widening at the attitude you had just given a customer. fortunately, mike was quick to respond with a tired but good natured laugh, his hands folded in front of him. "i'm all ears if you have other recommendations." he mumbled with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, giving you instant relief.
now, it was just clockwork. "hey." mike sighs with a soft sigh, rubbing a hand over his eyes as he takes a seat at a chair by the counter you were standing behind. "coffee machine is kind of acting up tonight, you're gonna have to give it a minute. want anything else while you wait?" you say as you approach the counter, giving him a quick smile. mike is about to decline your offer, his lips parting to say something before his eyes land on something on the farther end of the counter. "what about that? still good?" "you're just in time. i was going to take the rest of it home." you say with a smile, walking over to the cake stand holding an apple pie with only 3 slices left of it. you take the lid off to plate it, handing it over to mike with a hum before bringing him utensils. you don't even get the chance to bring up to him that the slices have been sitting there for a couple of hours, blinking in shock at the way he's quick to start eating.
you turn your back to start taking down the chalkboard advertising the special from the day before, giving mike his one moment of quiet you were sure he needed. you start to think about what your day will consist of once you're done with your shift, dreading having to clean your room before you can actually sleep. "did you make this?" "yeah. why, is it bad?" you say with a chuckle, turning to look at mike again; your eyes widen a bit at the way mike is looking at you, his own eyes looking at you like he can't believe what he just put it in his mouth. "no, no, it's..it's really good, like. really good." your cheeks redden a bit at the sudden compliment, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear as you occasionally glance at him enjoying the pie you'd made; you wouldn't say you were amazing at cooking but you definitely knew enough to make a meal that would do more than just feed you.
it also didn't help that you'd been harboring a crush on mike for the past month. that you were aware of, he didn't have a partner of any kind but that might have been more to do with the fact he didn't have time for one than anything else. you at first brushed it off as just not having contact with anyone your age that late at night, just enjoying his company when nights got lonely. but you couldn't deny the way you would style your hair a bit differently or try a new perfume in the hopes of getting a compliment from mike; to your absolute pleasure, he almost always pointed it out. now to hear this sudden praise for your cooking took you out of your element.
"thanks, really, but i make it all the time. i can make thousands like it and they'll all be the same." you say with a light chuckle, crossing your arms against your chest as you look over at the cake stand sheepishly. "then maybe you should consider getting a day job making these instead." mike says between bites, giving you a playful smile. you can't help but scoff despite the smile on your face, looking over at mike again. "well, if it's that easy, maybe YOU should quit your job and come and join me. keep me company." the two of you have a quiet laugh, your cheeks reddening at the indirect compliment you had paid him. once his plate is empty, you take it away from him just to have an excuse to do something with your hands (also to get away from the almost fond look that mike was giving you right now, definitely not on par for him). there's a tense silence between the two of you before mike speaks up, clearing his throat when he speaks. "uh, i tried making that at home. the pie, i mean. i don't remember what kind it was right now, but it definitely didn't end as well as that." he says with a nervous laugh, hands folded in front of him again as you hear the coffee machine start to pour out his drink.
"well, what exactly did you do wrong?" with surprisingly no hesitance, mike goes on to tell the story of how sure he was about this recipe he'd seen in a catalogue, going above and beyond to make sure this "stupid thing" (his words) came out right. little did he know leaving his creation unattended for even a second would result in smoke pouring out of the oven and having to throw out a charred-black pastry; "and then abby went and acted like we could just go and do it all over again and.." mike starts, hands waving around uncharacteristically as he finished off his story. he caught the way you were trying to hold back a laugh, fingers pressed to your lips that were etched into a small smile. "it's ok, you can laugh all you want. i never tried doing it again." you can't help the laugh that leaves you once he gives you his full permission, still trying to keep your voice down. "i-i'm sorry, really.." you giggle once you've calmed down, rubbing your hands over your face before you start to walk around the counter to where mike is sitting. "but that's not how making a pie works. you can't just leave it like that or give up on the process that easily."
mike makes a face that says 'i'm listening', shrugging his shoulders when you sit on the stool next to him. "making a pie is like.." you start with a sigh, hands propping up your chin in thought as you look up at the clock. "you just know when some things feel right. if something is too much or too little, whether you need to start again or not. lord knows i've had to redo entire pies because the crust wasn't flaky enough or the filling didn't taste like apples enough." you say, chuckling a bit as you remember all the times you'd slaved away for almost entire days trying to nail down the perfect home recipe. you take a minute to think again, sitting back a bit as you smooth down your apron tied around your waist. "and it also doesn't help if you make something just to make something. when you bake or just cook a plain old steak, you have to make it like you're crafting a story or making a song. all of my best meals were made with someone or something in mind."
your cheeks go red again when you realize the very unprompted ramble you went on, a nervous laugh leaving you as you look down at your lap. "sorry, you totally don't have to-" "no, no, i-" the two of you jump a bit at the way you both try to speak first, sheepish smiles tugging at your lips before you go quiet again. the bell above the door jingles and you don't have to look up to know the two of you are alone now. "i like hearing about that sort of stuff. i really only hear about it when i'm here with you and it's..nice. different." your heart soars and you can only hope that mike can't somehow feel or hear it, trying to give him a warm smile without saying something you'll regret. you get up from your seat with a when he checks his watch, knowing that's code for 'i need to go' even before he stands. you're almost sure he'll leave without saying anything which you are simultaneously grateful for and hoped he wouldn't do, already busying yourself with some other menial task. "hey."
you look up almost as soon as he speaks, seeing the smile tugging at his lips and not able to contain your own. "save those leftovers for me. i hope it still tastes like you were trying to make it for me when i get back." he says, a smug look in his eyes as your lips part a bit in shock. you try to call out to him before he jogs out to his car, taking off accordingly.
-> ta da its done! :D &lt;-
this was honestly less romantic than i wanted it to be but i promise that my brain is racked with thoughts of him literally EVERY DAY so mayhaps i can write something else that's more up to par one of these days
but thank yall for reading! :D i haven't been able to pump out a oneshot like this for a while and it felt good to write something longer than a couple of paragraphs, i have missed this account sm 🐺💗 love yall and i hope that you all are having a fantastic day!
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 11 months
She’s a maneater part 1/?
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parings: melissa schemmenti x reader
warnings for this chapter: melissa is a bully
you woke up with a jolt as the blanket was ripped off of you for the fifth time that night.
"oh my god, melissa" you groan, turning over, expecting to see her sleeping but shes wide awake on her side, with her head resting on her hand.
"you kept letting go of me and im tired of it." you chuckle slightly, trying to ignore your irritation. you pull her into you quickly, she yelps out. you lean in close.
"a simple ask would do you just fine, my love." you whisper against her lips.
"well, you know me, stubborn as always" she smiles and connects your lips, the domestic nature causing your heart to stutter, she pulls away slowly, her hand coming to your cheek. "I love you."
you and melissa weren’t always this way, it took a lot to get where you are now.
you were late your first day, traffic was stressing you out and you struggled to find parking spot in such a busy street, you had to park 5 minutes away. you were rushing into the school doors, through the hallway when-
you slam right into the red headed teacher. her papers went flying and so did your ego. the look she gave you might as well killed you.
“i am so sorry-” she immediately drops to the floor, grabbing her stuff. you follow, trying to compensate for your clumsiness.
“why are you running through the doors anyways? if your kid is late then sign the damn tardy slip” angry radiating from her words.
“oh no- i don’t have a kid. i work here. i actually just got hired” her head swings over to look at you. you wish the earth would swallow you whole.
“30 minutes late on your first day” she scoffs. “great first impression, you’ll definitely get along with ava” she storms off, leaving me confused and flustered.
I walk down the hallways to the principals office, Ava is already leaning on the door frame, ready to great me.
"you're late." she says, sternly.
"I know, I'm so sorry, I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked super-"
"it was a joke, I don't care" she walks into her office. "pshhh no one told me I hired another Janine." she laughs, looking at the camera. the guy zooms in on my confused face. "anyways, you're in room 12, just down the hall, where you came in. your kids are currently with ms. schemmenti's class, room 13, you're taking her third graders also. if you talk to Melissa, she'll sort out who's who's." Ava's already on tiktok, laughing about a video before I can respond.
its going to be a long day.
I look up at the sign on the door that says room 13, I take a deep breath before opening the door, knocking as I do so. All of the attention is on me as the room goes quite. I look around the room, only seeing the students.
"hey kids! I'm the new third grade teacher that's going to be next door." they all shout hi in return. "where's your teacher?" I ask as the door opens again.
"oh god, not you again." I spin around, seeing the same redhead from earlier.
"uh- hi, im y/n y/ln. the teacher next door" I say, holding my hand out waiting for hers. she looks down at my hand and then back up at me, before rolling her eyes.
"alright guys! this is ms. y/ln, she will be taking half of you's with her, so if you're in third grade, please line up at the door, single file!" the students jump up, lining up in an almost perfect line.
"thank you, ms. schemmenti, if you need anything, ill be just over there." I say as I point towards the wall. she doesn't even look at me so I take it as a hint to leave.
three months later
“i’m tired of the new kid, she waltzes in here, all miss clumsy but charming, takes over the kids hearts and everyone loves her” melissa vents to barbra
“remind me again, are you trying to offend or compliment her? she’s been doing everything right, she’s the teacher we’ve been wanting to work here, what do you hate so much about her?” melissa stands up, pacing the 2nd grade class.
“she’s a newbie, and newbies make mistakes that we can’t afford” barbra shakes her head, not believing melissa.
“that’s not the real reason” the bell rings “talk to me when you find out the reason, until then, be nice to the kid” melissa huffs as she sits back down, watching barbra walk out and her kids march in.
a/n: first chapter of my new series is done!! this is a short chapter just to get something out there, hope you guys like it!
taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @dopenightmaretyphoon
to be added to my taglist, send in an ask!!
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emmatgc · 1 month
Chapter 12- Wonderful World
“I DON'T NEED PROMISES” (Preferably for adults only. A bit of *Smut* is present. This is only for Seon Yul x Soo Hyun shippers)
“Till death do us part” - the lovebirds said. Soo Hyun is happy her ex husband found another love and hopefully, another family of his own. Congratulations, she said to the newly weds. It is a sunny day for a wedding. It took courage for her to attend but it took extra courage for them to attend together, Seon Yul and her. After that lovers spat, where it took both of them in an unspoken truth of fragile feelings, they promised to stay together and avoid secrets, if possible. They both understand the need to protect each other but the year is almost ending, and somehow their little secret, is taking its toll to people around them. They realized it cannot be this way for long. People can see, people talk. In this wedding, people actually did talk..a lot. One guest started it all. “My dear Soo Hyun, how wonderful for you to attend your ex husband’s wedding”, an old lady heavy on make up, probably a friend of the bride as Soo hyun never saw her ever before. All the more weird for her to reply but she did after-all. She smiled and said “yes, thanks”.
It was a tension filled sunny and windy afternoon and Seon Yul is the most uncomfortable of them all. He looks handsome in a tie and suit, perfect for his skin tone and brown eyes. Soo Hyun was breathless when he fetch her to go to the venue. Seon Yul didn’t talk much as he can see the piercing eyes upon him. It didn’t help that most of the guests are from the news channel’s company where in even that the last 6 years of news has been buried, some remembers. They can hear whispers “isn’t that boy the son of the one she murdered? Are they mad?. Every time they hear those words, their intertwined hands grows tighter and they grow closer as if they needed to protect each other from everything and anyone. They are united. Soo Hyun knows she is still a public figure but she is also a private one as she assumed and prefers to be left alone.
Driving her home, Seon Yul was still pretty much silent. He knows going into this relationship, this is bound to happen. His friend warned him “the world is not kind for your love story” he remembers hearing those words. Not only the nightmares are almost haunting him every night now, he hasn’t also told Soo hyun yet. He is avoiding the topic. He doesn’t want to burden her. Soo Hyun said “Im sorry” upon arriving at her home. He caressed softly her face and he in return, put a lock of her hair beyond her ear and replied “I am fine, don’t worry”. They kissed softly and bid each other goodnight and goodbye. 
“You traitor, how can you this to us? How can you love that murderer? She broke our family. She also killed me. What kind of a son are you?” His mom is strangling him in his dream. He woke up, panting and sweating. He can barely sleep 3 hours these days. Last time he dreamt of his uncle and now his mother. There must be a reason why he is having these nightmares after all these years. He wanted to call Soo hyun but its 3am and again, he doesn’t want to burden her with this.  He didn’t sleep after that and waited for the sun to rise and called some friends of his in his past life. He called a detective in charge of the case of his uncle Kim Joon. He wanted to know how is he and last time he heard , not sure that he was applying for a parole. What the detective told him send chills down his spine. “Son, don’t be surprised but in the coming days, his plea for a parole will be heard in court and he might do an interview if he is awarded that parole. They said for good behavior and national security purposes, the President wants to pardon him”. 
Seon Yul dropped his phone in shock. He thought deep. He needs to do something. He walks back and forth in his home , drinks water and walk again, thinking his next moves. It is over, he said but why does he feel unsafe and something is bound to happen again. His mind went straight to Soo Hyun, thinking about her safety. He texted her he has an emergency in the hospital and he has to work early and that he will call her later. He lied. He wanted to visit his uncle in prison. He wants to talk to him. He wants to see him now. 
“I want to see my uncle, Kim Joon” he said to the jail guard. The guard said he will ask first if he is expecting a visitor and when he came back, he opened the door for his entry. In a room, they can only talk behind a wall for his uncle is put in an intensive unit for high crimes unit. He sat down and waited for him. Handcuffed, and smiling he walked towards the glass separating him from Seon Yul and got the phone and said “Hello, Son”. He answered back “I am not your son”. Kim Joon fell from grace after that fateful night when his crimes were exposed 6 years ago. He has small grey hairs now but it seems his face lacks remorse as Seon Yul feels.
“My dear nephew, how are you? I heard you are seeing that woman, for real this time. I didn’t know you liked older women. Crazy. Is it because I took your Mom early?   His blood boiled upon hearing about his mother. He killed her and now he is granted a hearing for leniency? He wanted to punch him and the glass separating him. “What are you up to? , he asked. “ I just wanted to be free. I think I deserved to be free. I have been good and the secrets I hold, I don’t think the government can take it me spilling more”. He seems confident, this arrogant bastard he thought to himself. “Are you afraid I’d come back for your woman, your lover?”. “If you lay a hand on her, I swear will kill you myself!”, he stood up and punch the glass in front of him. The jail guard warned him and said he only has a minute left. “Be careful nephew. She be careful too….and his family”. Then he smirked at Seon Yul and went back to his cell. Seon Yul stood there for awhile to compose himself. This is not happening, again.
Soo Hyun has been staring at her phone all day. She never got a reply from Seon Yul after she said “Ok, I love you and I will see you later”. She was worried when she saw his texts saying “I have an emergency this early morning at the hospital and I’ll be out late. I’ll call you later”. He seems to forget we had a plan to have dinner but of course, she understands works comes first. She just can’t help but be worried afterall this past few weeks he seems agitated and secretive since that fight they had. She was waiting for him to open up and tell her about his nightmares but its been weeks and there was no stories he shared. She feared something is wrong, she knows something is up and he doesn’t want her to know.
It is now 6pm, she is at the orphanage and its been almost 8 hours he hasn’t; contacted her and continued to reject her calls. She is beyond worried. She decided to call his friend, Shi Joon. She asked him if Seon Yul is there. She Joon was surprised “Seon Yul? He filed for leave. He is on leave today until tomorrow I believe, Seon Hyun. I thought he is with you”. She replied, “He is not”. Is everything ok, he asked back? Soo Hyun was confused and behind the call, Shi Joon feels her fear and said “I’ll reach for him, I will update you if J have news”. Thank you is all she can say. Now, she is more than worried, he is terrified where the hell is her boyfriend! “Where are you?” She texted a 5th time. It is now 8 o’clock in the evening. Turning on the TV, and on the news, she dropped the remote control. Her jaw opened and Kim Joon is in the news. He is applying for parole.
This can’t be, she thought. Now she knows why he is acting strange lately, Does he know about this? He is too good to let this be all but a coincidence. The horror is setting in. Kim Joon might go free? Suddenly her fear is tangible. She looked at the kids in her orphanage. She thought of her family, especially her mom. Will he come back for me? to destroy us? She can’t think clearly. She wants to see Seon Yul, that’s all that matters. He is all that matters now. She grabbed her keys and went to his house.  “Seon Yul?”. Seon yul, are you here? She checked his rooms. No plain in sight, He is not here. Was he kidnapped? Is he hurt? Soo Hyun nearly fainted and took a seat. She drank water and told herself to calm down. 
She fell asleep waiting for him and she heard a text. “I am sorry. You must be worried. I am fine. Do not worry”. It is from Seon Yul. This jerk, she said cursing him out loud. She texted back “Where are you?”.  I need time for myself. I want to be alone, Soo Hyun. Please let me be for now. Please, do not be mad, I beg of you”, he replied. Soo Hyun starts to cry and she can’t give up. He must be hurting, she knows him too well. “Tell me where you are right now. Or I swear….you won’t see me again”.  He replied “Maybe it is better that way”. Her heart sighed and tears poured more. She doesn’t want to give up on them. “Ill drive in the middle of the night and will never stop looking for you. Tell me where you are right now, Seon Yul. If you want to protect me, talk to me. I’ll call on my ex husband and we will come looking for you, together”. That should do the trick, she said and it did. Seon Yul smiled a little. She knows how to trigger him just fine. His jealousy is his weakness, she knows. He is just a boy , a forever green boy in love with her. “I am here at the garage where we used to meet and eat”. Without a delay more, she grabbed her keys and drive down there. Soo Hyun didn’t even know it still existed. One detail Seon Yul didn’t share in their relationship, she discovered. She will ask later but for now, his safety is her priority. He is alone and she doesn’t want to make him feel that way, ever again. 
She saw him the same years ago, in a bonfire he created, looking at the stars. Same as that time, too..he had wounds in his knuckles. He must have punched at someone or something. She brought him some food, his favorites. “Hey” she said, coming forward but not too close. He seem distant. He smells wine. She doesn’t want to force her boundaries. He seems preoccupied in his thoughts. She decided to sit beside him. No touching. Just siting near each other and wishing he will talk. “I saw him today. Kim Joon. Sorry, I lied where I was. If you saw the news, it is true. The government might cut a deal for him and may grant him leniency. It sucks. The system is broken.” 
She replied “ We will fight again. We did it once and we will do it again. It is just a possibility. It hasn’t been decided and granted yet”. She wants to touch him but he is too far gone in his eyes and doesn’t even look at her. “Is this my karma? My punishment of taking revenge on you? On being blinded by hate and for a while, accomplice to his evil acts? Or this… now finally he looks at her, “is this…us, frowned upon by the Gods so bad they don’t want us to be together and just be happy?  Is this a curse?  She stood up and went towards him and kneeled before him, capping his face touching him softly, he closed his eyes “Don’t regret us. This is not punishment for us nor for you. He is just a bad, evil man. He took her hand and kissed his knuckles even with the stain of blood and he stood up. He walked away from her and his back against her he said “Maybe, this is it for us. Let us end this. I don’t deserve you. I will only ruin you. Please stay away from me, Soo Hyun.
“Are you breaking up with me? She asked. Why are you doing this? I love you! Don’t push me away. He walked towards the home storage car he has. She grabbed his hand. “Don’t walk away from me, Seon Yul”. 
He raised his voice “Love is not enough! Don’t you see what’s happening, Soo Hyun? He is gonna get that deal and he is going after us, after you!  This is all my fault. I dragged you into this. I went back into your life, forced myself again into your life and for what? For this? Your life and your family’s life is in danger if he walks free. What then? I can’t run away from this. I am cursed. I don’t deserve you or any joy this world can give. So, just listen and let’s stop this. You deserve a peaceful life. Walk away now. Walk away from me, please. Just listen to me this one time”.
His voice is starting to crack. He is starting to cry. He went inside and sat in his bed. Soo Hyun wants to smack him or punch him for being an idiot keeping it all to himself. Does he think she is inadequate for him? She thinks he thinks of her too fragile. She can handle it. She wants him to know that. She went inside and again kneeled down to him. She grabbed his wounded hands and kissed them again. “Just go and leave me” he begged. “I don’t want to. I will only leave if you will say you don’t love and want me anymore. Say it and I’ll walk away…for good, forever. 
Seon Yul looked at her.. deep into her eyes. He sighed. He is breathless in front of her like always. “Of course, I love you. I always have and I always do” but…I don’t want to hurt you, Soo Hyun. Not again. Not ever. And this…this can hurt you, us and your family. It is not fair. She clapped back at him “You know what is unfair? You not trusting me to be there for you. Look at me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. Don’t try to belittle me. I can do this. I am strong, you know that. I can protect you, too. “ 
Tears came down his face. Nobody has said those words for a very long time. “Ill protect you”. It has always been him protecting everything from everyone he loves. “Just tell me what you need, Soon Yul, let me in. I promise I’ll give it to you”.  He brought his hand to her cheeks, “I don’t need promises. I can’t promise you anything either but I just want you to stay. Don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone, again”. I just want you.
For the 1st time Soo Hyun saw Seon Yul’s darkened eyes with deep devotion and if she is right, lust. She knows that look. It has been a long time since anther man gave her that look. She teased him “You are the one wanting me to leave and let me go” . “You can have me. You always have me”. 
“I know”, he answered. She stood up and when he wanted to stand up, she stopped him. “ Don't. Just sit like that. Don’t move". Confused Seon Yul got stiff and frozen, what is she doing? His mind is topsy turvy. It is only now he realized, Soo Hyun is wearing a skirt. She adjusted something under her skirt, his mind went blank. Soo Hyun now is on his lap. There is always a first time. His legs is about to break. Yet, something is hardening below and Soo Hyun knows it. She kissed Seon Yul and this time, deep and hungrily. She is taking charge. She is taking control. In his ear, she whispered “ So, you still want to let me go and leave?”. He let a small groan and replied “No, I lied. I don’t want you to go. Not ever.”.
Both breathing heavily now. She is feeling intoxicated and wild. She hates him now but she can’t help it, she is in love with him, too it hurts. They are both hurting. But their bodies need this now. The hear is definitely on. This is somehow his punishment. She bit his ear and said “Don’t say those words again. Don’t do this again. It’s not him who will kill me, its you if something happens to you”. Those words made him moan. His first. He knows what she wants now. Its been the thing he wants the most, too. Them, to be as one. Opening his jeans and both eyes locked at each other, full of love, longing and lust now, he grabbed her waist and ran his fingers in her back like his life depends on it, she saw his length and he is ready to take her. She now is ready to be taken. Slowly, she went down and just like that, up and down, she rode him like it’s the last ride of their lives. She looks sexy, hot, beautiful and breathtaking he whispered to her. Gods be damned. The world be damned. This is their world and it is now crushing in. They made love for the 1st time. In an unconventional place and time. But then again, nothing is conventional with their love why start now? Panting and sweating together, they broke from their kisses, Soo Hyun said “Let’s face it all, together. And with another kiss and thrust, he replied, yes, together”.  🔥
NOTE: Whew! I know. A little smut here and there. lol 😉I am extra proud of this chapter and this one is one of my favorites to date. I don't know if you are surprised but I had a good time writing this one towards the end but also a hard time with their story of continued pain. They deserve better and they will have just that. Before the rainbow though, storms are always there. Last 2 Chapters and then epilogue. I am in love with this two! The end is near. Thank you so much for your support!
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perseephoneee · 9 months
(For Ficmas 2023) Isaac Lahey and cookie decorating
cookie decorating (isaac lahey x f!reader) {ficmas 2023}
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 12 of ficmas!
warnings: allusions to sex
a/n: its christmas eve! this one is short but i wanted to keep it sweet and to the point. thank you guys so much for joining me in this journey to write 12 fics in 24 days (honestly exhausting, but i'm happy I did it). reminder that my requests are open, and to join my taglist if you want to read more of my work in the future. i have a couple requested fics that i need to work on, but i'm hoping to start having a regular posting schedule for you guys in the new year. once again, ily and thank you guys for supporting me always <3
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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Before your last school vice principal was killed by one of the many werewolf problems that arose in Beacon Hills, the high school didn’t have as many “school spirit” events. There were the typical ones, but truthfully, not a lot. But then, the high school needed a new vice principal, and suddenly, Beacon Hills High School was experiencing an influx of school-wide events. Some of them were incredibly stupid, annoying, and trivial, but occasionally there would be one that would excite all the students. This was one of those times. 
“I am happy to announce that for the holiday season, we will be doing a series of competitions centered around winter,” Mr. Bean, the new vice principal, announced at a school assembly one morning. You almost skipped it but were caught by Coach Finstock in the hall before you could sneak out. Your boyfriend, Isaac, was asleep next to you. “They will be non-denominational, of course. But what is the prize, you ask? After careful consideration, it was decided that the team that gets the most wins out of the twelve contests will get automatic As for the winter break homework– that’s right, a free pass!”
That got the students awake, chatter filling the auditorium as students daydreamed about not having to do any work over the break. You also perked up. Even though you were a good student, you never got an actual vacation with how things went in your life, and your brain almost couldn’t process all the reading and napping you’d get done if you didn’t have any homework. 
“Isaac,” you hissed, slapping your boyfriend in the arm. He groaned as you awoke him. “We are entering this.” He looked at you in confusion as you explained the competition to him. That seemed to wake him up. 
“I’m not doing too hot in Chemistry right now, so that’d be great,” he mumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. 
“You told me you were okay!” 
“I lied,” he shrugged, and you slapped him in the arm again. 
“I offered to help you with your homework.”
“I wanted to make out with you instead.” That made you roll your eyes, but you didn’t get the chance to chastise your boyfriend as you finished listening to the rules of the competition. 
The following days went by as pretty much every student in the school participated. Everyone got points for the challenges, and the team with the most points got automatic As. There would be two runner-ups who got Bs. You questioned whether any of this was legal, but your lust for winning overtook the rational part of you. Your competitive nature shined as you and Isaac quickly rose to the top of the leaderboards. Between your book smarts and Isaac’s athletic prowess, you took the contests by storm. There was trivia, a sledding race, a snowman competition, and a relay race. Ethan and Aiden were The only team close to beating you two, which just spurred on Isaac more. Even Scott and Stiles, who had fallen behind since they spent more time arguing like a married couple than cooperating, were rooting for you and Isaac just to see Ethan and Aiden go down. 
The final contest wasn’t anything crazy but required precision and focus. Cookie Decorating. Of course. 
You hunkered down at your house, baking cookies and looking at YouTube tutorials for the best way to decorate cookies. You had some cookies look like ornaments, others like reindeer, and a couple as snowflakes. Unfortunately, Isaac had grown distracted about half an hour into your baking adventure. Which meant he had turned to distracting you. 
“Can we take a break?” he sighed, sitting at your counter as he watched you add frosting to piping bags. 
“We need to turn these in by 4 pm today, so we need to hurry,” you responded, tying off the plastic piping at the top and looking at your sketched designs before adding anything to your cookies. Isaac slid off the stool, standing beside you as he watched you draw careful shapes. You weren’t paying attention to him, so you missed the devilish smirk on his face as an idea came to him. He pushed your hair to one side, standing behind you as he wrapped his arms around your middle. You hummed, still focused on decorating, when he pressed kisses along your neck and shoulder. You became hyperaware of his lips on your skin as he licked a line from your artery to your jaw, hot, open-mouthed kisses following soon after. You bit your lip to stop a gasp from leaving your mouth. “Isaac,” you hissed in warning when he bit down, coaxing a sigh from your lips. 
“Y/N,” he hummed, his hands dipping under your shirt and running up and down your sides. His hands were cold and made you shiver wherever he touched you. 
“You’re being a nuisance,” you whispered, hand shaking as you kept trying to decorate. 
“Take a break,” he smiled against your skin, continuing his ministrations. You tried to calm yourself, but after making another mistake in decorating, you growled in frustration and turned around in his arms. 
“You’re obnoxious,” you muttered, back pressed against the counter as Isaac had you cornered. He just smiled, leaning down to kiss you as he had you caged against the counter. You let him kiss you, hands running up his arms, tangling in his hair. You let him take you to your bedroom, make love to you, and effectively distract you. And when he was done being needy, you went back to finish decorating the cookies, wearing just his shirt and underwear, even letting him steal one when he thought you weren’t looking. 
You ended up winning the competition, much to the chagrin of Ethan and Aiden, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as you spent winter break in peace with Isaac. 
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mysteria157 · 8 months
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Chapter 12
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader
Word Count: ~13k
CW: profanity, explicit sexual content, minor character death, angst
Summary: A vulnerable moment with each other. A baby shower. An accident that puts Nanami's life in shambles.
Notes: This is an emotional chapter, so just be ready. Reblogs, likes, or comments are always appreciated but not necessary <3 I hope you enjoy reading!
Divider: @cafekitsune
Previous Chapter | Ao3 | Next Chapter
It Had To Be You Masterlist
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The vibration of your phone under your pillow rattled your ear, pulling you out of sleep to blink blearily into the cool air of your bedroom. The moonlight cut through the open spaces between your thick grey curtains, shining on your hardwood floor and part of your own face as you buried your head into the pillow, groaned around the constant vibrations of your phone and reached over to the space next to you.
Which was warm, but without the tall man encompassing the space. You rolled over to face the empty spot, cradling your stomach as you sat up.
Had he left while you were sleeping?
The thought of him sneaking out in the middle of the night like he did almost six months ago, filled your stomach with a heavy sense of dread.
No, he wouldn’t. This was just your anxiety talking, whispering evilly into your ears as you looked around your room for any sign of him.
Your phone vibrated again, yanking a low growl from your throat as you dug harshly beneath your pillow for the device.
Omelia: Where are you? [8:33 pm]
Omelia: Nevermind, Gojo just said Nanami took you home. I hope everything is okay. Call me if you need to please. Don’t try to handle your anxiety on your own. [9:15 pm]
Omelia: Okay still no response which only means Nanami is with you since you would have called me otherwise. I’m sure he’s putting in work right now so throw that ass back like I taught you. You better be wobbly legged like a whore the next time I see you. [10:03 pm]
You snorted as you read her messages, shooting off a quick text to say you were fine and that you would talk to her tomorrow before noting the time and closing your phone. Two am.
You stretched your legs over the side of the bed and padded out of your room and down the hall.
Your thigh muscles bunched and stretched as you walked, the ache only reminding you of the thorough fucking you had received just a few hours ago. You really thought the baby would hinder a lot and only make things uncomfortable, but you were just as flexible as you were that night with him at the hotel, drunk out of your mind and moaning like you were being paid for it.
But maybe you were too much for him? Maybe your forwardness had scared away a man as confident and self-assured as Nanami Kento and he had no choice but to slink away when you were sleeping. Those familiar tendrils of anxiety began to slide up your naked legs, poking you harshly and making your irrational thoughts so much more plausible as every stretch of house you uncovered was dark, silent, and empty.
The low light of the kitchen and the sight of his tall and broad body hunched over the counter made those tendrils evaporate immediately. Your heart slowed back to its normal pace, stomach unfurling and settling in your abdomen as you realized he hadn’t gone anywhere.
Your voice was soft and slightly hesitant as you called out to him, pulling him from his ministrations at the counter and whipping his head to look over at you. His face softened as he gazed over at you; you were standing in the darkness of your living room, the low lights from the kitchen showing yourself to him dimly. Long white t-shirt covering your body and stopping in the middle of your naked thighs, bonnet askew on your head, brown eyes bleary with sleep and holding a flickering sight of worry.
You were beautiful.
“Did I wake you?”
You shook your head at him as you padded into the kitchen, bare feet sliding on the cold floor as you looked over at what he was doing. Your counter was littered with utensils and a greased baking sheet along with a few small bowls of ingredients of flour, melted butter and salt. Kento’s large hands were buried in a ball of dough, the soft uncooked mixture billowing between long fingers as he watched you walk closer to him.
“I woke up and you weren’t there. I thought that maybe you had left.”
You bit the inside of your lip almost as soon as the words slid from your throat, chastising yourself internally as he looked down at you with his typical straight face, his eyebrows furrowing fractionally. Saying the words out loud made you feel absolutely stupid and you could practically hear your anxious thoughts snickering in victory in your ears.
Kento wordlessly pulled his hands from the dough, running them under the tap and then wiping them clean before he was turning to you, wrapping both hands under your thighs and lifting you gently to rest on the counter next to him. You watched him silently as he pulled a glass from one of your cabinets, your teeth holding your tongue to the point of pain to prevent yourself from speaking again. He walked to your refrigerator, pressing the glass to your ice and water filter and procuring a glass of water for you. He offered you no words of reassurance, no snickers or teasing remarks to your outburst; he simply took one of your hands to wrap around the glass and guided it to your lips, silently demanding you to drink.
You obeyed, reveling in his care of you without question as you took a few sips of the ice cold water and pulled the cup from your lips.
“Thank you.”
Kento didn’t respond to your statement and you held in the snicker as he lifted a light brown eyebrow, his expressive eyes darting down to your unfinished glass before you caught on and rolled your eyes before obeying his silent demand and downing the rest of the contents.
“All done. Happy now?”
He took the glass from you and set it in the sink before he leaned down and pressed soft full lips to yours, kissing you smoothly before pulling away and smirking.
“Very. I never have a reason to leave, so stop saying trivial things.”
He slid back over to his spot on the counter, fingers dipping into the bowl of flour and sprinkling the dust onto the counter before he began to knead again. You admired the muscles of his naked chest, bunching and twisting with each movement of his hands as he worked. His hair was loose and flopping in front of his eyes, brushing against his eyebrows with every press and pull. Those sharp eyes that had always mystified you were now directed onto his task at hand, serious and calculating.
“It’s two am, you’re baking awfully late. What’s on the menu, chef?”
The serious disposition of his gaze cracked just a little, flickering with humor at your words as he pressed a thick fist into the dough.
You hummed in approval, kicking your legs back and forth from your perch on the granite countertop. The thought of freshly cooked bread by his hands made your mouth water and the sight of him working intently only made the thought of what was to come all the more enticing.
“My mother taught me.”
The admission cut through the silent air, piquing your interest as he kept his eyes on his work even though his entire demeanor was beginning to relax around you.
“When I couldn’t sleep, I would find her in the kitchen late at night cooking whatever she wanted at the time. I think it helped her take her mind off of things. When I was younger, my parents were trying for another child and the more they failed, the more despondent she became. Cooking and baking helped…and it brought us closer together.”
Of all the times you had been around Kento and his family, you could see that bond clearly. He got along with his father swimmingly, but he gravitated more towards his mother. Even with his silent nature, he was always by her side, letting her fuss without complaint, hovering and doting on her when he could.
“She taught me everything that I know; how to sear a pan, the right way to boil water, how to know the texture and taste of your ingredients before you cooked them. What she did not know, I learned through videos and reading.”
Kento picked up your rolling pin, rubbing the wood with flour before pressing the dough flat with each roll of his wrists. You kept your attention on him, listening and letting him have the floor. Besides the few moments you both had shared together, Kento had never been this vulnerable and forthcoming about his own life and you were going to soak it all up like a sponge.
“So…you never wanted to make a career of it? Be a chef and have a Michelin star restaurant?”
You had meant for it to be a joke, a small effort to watch his lips curl and give you that rare soft smile, wanting to see the sight of the cracks of his serious demeanor splinter with every teasing gesture you cast his way. You were only trying to tease, but the hard glint in his eyes returned as he picked up a pizza cutter and sliced the thin dough into long rectangles and cut those pieces diagonally to form triangles.
You opened your mouth to apologize, to only show you meant no ill will, but stopped when you caught the movement of his lips opening and closing, faltering in an effort to grasp at the right words he wanted to say. And as quick as that troubled expression colored his face, it left and was replaced with relaxed resignation.
“I wanted to be a baker.”
The revelation was surprising to you, your eyebrows raising just a little in response before you relaxed and remained impassive. He needed this; he needed you to be just a little quiet so that he could speak and get out what was on his mind. And if it meant you could get closer to his hard exterior, if it meant you could help break that shell even a little bit, you would do whatever it took.
“I loved everything my mother taught me and everything I learned on my own. Cooking comes natural to me, but baking was always something that I loved more. It’s a challenge; a type of chemistry that requires you to be precise and accurate or else your entire dish will fall apart. I thrived in how I learned and eventually, it grew close to my heart. But…I got older, high school was more demanding, it became a hobby as opposed to a lifelong dream and I never really indulged in it…until I met Yu.”
Kento pulled the small bowl of melted butter close to him, dipping his fingers in the dish and rubbing them together before he smoothed them along one long triangle of uncooked dough. His long and nimble fingers rolled the triangle with a practiced ease, curving the finished dough to look like a croissant before he placed the concoction onto a greased baking sheet.
“Yu was just as he is now; imposing, overwhelming, cheerful to a degree that would make most nauseous. But he meant well, and he saw the good in everyone. Our sophomore year of high school, he brought cupcakes for Gojo’s birthday to satisfy his sweet tooth. Gojo of course swallowed them down like the unmannered swine that he is. But I…told him that he needed more vanilla and Yu swore that I would never be able to make any better than his. And I—”
He paused, a sharp and rare laugh shooting from his full lips as he completed another croissant. Your chest fluttered from the sound, pulling whatever you could from this moment to keep with you forever. Even though his eyes were not on you, the fondness in his irises bled from his face and permeated towards you.
“I ate it up like a fool. He challenged and goaded my baking time and time again until I found myself doing it for fun, waking up in the middle of the night to perfect what I learned, watching Great British Baking Show episodes he would send me even though I swore up and down I hated the show. Yu is a friend that cherishes life and loves to do what he is good at; cooking and baking and making people happy. And like my mother, we bonded over a shared interest until he was everywhere I went. I’m sure that sounds asinine—”
“It doesn’t.”
Your interjection was rough and a little loud, your hands curled into your lap as you watched him place the last croissant on the baking sheet and turn around to slide the pan into your preheated oven. When he made his way back to the counter, brown eyes glanced at you for a second before he was bending down to pull cleaning spray from under the sink, clearing his throat and trying to ignore the slight ruddiness of his cheeks.
“Our senior year, he brought me an application for culinary school in Tokyo and suggested we both apply at the same time and I…couldn’t do it.”
You couldn’t help the slight furrow of your eyebrows as you watched him wipe down your counter.
“Did you not apply out of nervousness? Were you just not ready?”
“I didn’t apply out of fear.”
The sound of your dishes clinking against the metal of your sink as he washed them gave him just a little time to collect his thoughts. Just standing in your kitchen right now and speaking about something he never liked to freely admit had his nerves frayed and his stomach in knots. He had planned to never bring this up unless he had no choice, but the moment you asked him, he couldn’t bring himself to shut down or lie. Not to you.
“I was afraid of failing. It sounds almost hypocritical. But you didn’t pursue your dreams because of childhood trauma; you needed to stick with something you did not like but were good at because you felt it would give you the love and attention you should have never had to earn in the first place. I did not pursue my dreams simply out of fear. I was afraid of not making it through culinary school, afraid of opening up a bakery and having to deal with others not liking my baking and what I had to offer. This—”
He gestured to the counter and oven; eyebrows furrowed as he willed himself to keep talking even though it felt as if his throat was closing.
“This is personal to me, something that requires others to see who I really am and pick and prod at and I couldn’t—I wouldn’t expose myself and risk being judged and let down by others. I wasn’t strong enough then and I barely am now. I was content to get by the easy way; coast through university and major in marketing and finance, advance in my career and get a high paying job using skills that were valued but came almost natural to me, earn enough to retire early and live the rest of my life in relaxation. It’s simple for me, obtainable and I knew I wouldn’t fail. And if that meant that I would have to sit back and support my best friend as he lived out a dream I wanted but was too afraid to pursue, then I would do it—will continue to do it.”
It was the most you had ever heard him speak to you in such a raw way. You could smell the disappointment and shame in his voice, could see it with the subtle purse of his lips as he dried the small mixing bowls he had used, could taste it in the air.
“Do you think differently of me?”
You frowned instantly.
“No. Why would I?”
“Because I’m a coward—”
“No you aren’t.”
You didn’t hide the anger in your words or cloak the way it coated every syllable as they punched from your mouth. He had never shown an ounce of self-deprecation towards you. Kento was always calm and collected, sure of himself with his steely gaze and natural nonchalance. But this was new and refreshing to experience, another barrage of emotions to lock away in your memories forever.
“Being afraid of failure and of how others perceive you when you’re not used to opening yourself up, doesn’t make you a coward. At least not to me, or your family, or anyone else important to you. But…I know you won’t be happy with just coasting through life forever.”
He walked over to you, slotting himself between your open legs and brushing hot hands up your naked thighs. It was without any heat; you could feel his desire to just have something to tether him into the present and not feel as if he was drowning in himself. You placed your small hands on his broad chest, smooth pectorals really showing just how tiny you were compared to him.
“What if I do? What if I want to coast through life forever?”
You dragged your fingernail across a pink nipple in retaliation, the sharp touch making him jolt closer into you.
“You don’t. Besides, you and I both know you would never tell our daughter to disregard her dream because of fear and take the easy way out.”
You were right, he would never do that. Just the thought of telling your daughter to ease through life filled him with a sense of anxiety that made his stomach crimp in on itself. The sound of the oven beeping pulled him from his thoughts as he turned around and used a towel to take the hot baking sheet from the oven and set it on the counter to cool. You waited until he was back in the space between your swinging legs before speaking again.
“That fear will only take you so far, Kento. The last thing you want is to be at the end of your life, regretting every last step because you took the easy way out. I just don’t see that in you.”
The fluttering in his chest was hard to ignore as he watched you speak, eyes focused on the skin of his chest, brows furrowed in frustration in concentration. You believed in him wholeheartedly, cared for him in a way he would have never anticipated. He had seen just how kind you were with Ome and her harsh demeanor, how loving you were with Yuji even though he fawned over you, even fussing over Gojo’s wild hair when he sat still long enough. He never thought the fierce and angry gazes you sent his way and the sarcastic but intelligent words you shot at him would have morphed into care and humor. After only a few months, you had shown him just how intense of a giver you could be to others and he only hoped your daughter would be the same.
Kento hummed a noncommittal noise, using one of his large hands to catch a swinging leg, fingers wrapping along your calf before he smoothed it up your bare skin.
“What do you see me as then?”
You lifted an graceful brow, humming teasingly in thought, pursing your lips and tapping a finger to your chin as you pretended to think it over.
“I see you as someone who shouldn’t waste his life away. For crying out loud, you’re thirty—”
“I’m twenty-nine.”
“My god you’re right around the corner.”
He chuckled softly, the sound whirling in the air between the space of your chests before he reached over to grab a croissant and break it open. You watched as the steam from inside floated through the thin flaky layers of bread, the smell of butter and salt hitting your nose and making your mouth water.
“I see you as an owner of a very modest bakery; not too small, not too large. Maybe in downtown Nakameguro next to the river, you could get so much business during Sakura season.”
Kento grunted in concession, pushing his hand that held the steaming piece of croissant towards you, and eyebrow lifted in impatience as you looked around the kitchen and continued to ramble.
“I can do the interior design! I could paint the walls and even do some marketing for you.”
You felt the hot bread hover just inches from your lips, even though you were doing your absolute best to cheer him up, he really wanted to know what you thought of his baking.
“You shouldn’t have long hours though; keep the bakery open from seven to three and—”
You yelped in surprise as he shoved the bread into your mouth, cutting you off completely. You glared at him, narrowing your eyes at his indifferent expression as you began to chew the hot and flakey perfection in your mouth. It was delicious, soft and airy with the right amount of butter and salt without being overwhelming. You plucked the other piece from his hands before he could eat it, throwing it into your mouth and marveling at the small curve of his lips that he shot you. You flickered your gaze over to the tray of cooling croissants, raising your eyebrows in expectation before he chuckled softly and followed your silent command, grabbing another piece of bread and handing it to you. You took a large bite, unashamed of the boisterous smile you shot his way as you chewed.
He sighed dramatically, trailing both of his warm hands sensually up your thighs, his long fingers brushing the edge of your panties by your hips, begging for entrance. You spread your legs wider for him, granting him access and holding back a moan as those firm fingers dipped beneath the fabric of your panties and pressed hard against the pulsing of your iliac vein on the inside of your hip.
“You would look really sexy wearing one of those white baker shirts.”
“That’s just an apron, baby.”
The nickname had you throbbing immediately, your core filling and permeating heat that you was sure he could feel. Now that you had him sober and free of any doubts, you couldn’t get enough. It had only been a few hours and you were already dripping for him, begging for his fingers to brush over your clit and give you something. 
Instead you shoved the other half of the croissant in your mouth, using the warm and buttery texture to distract yourself from forcing his fingers inside you of your own volition.
“Thank you. For listening to me.”
His gaze hadn’t left yours, analyzing every inch of your cinnamon skin as you shrugged playfully and smirked at him. He hadn’t expected to open himself up to you in your kitchen at two in the morning, but like most things that pertained to you, you were a constant in his life. Present always and fierce, in his thoughts even when you weren’t around and taking up space when he was with you. Growing up, Kento was very self-aware of his own emotions and knew when to use them and who he would show them to. There were only so many seats that he left open for people in his life; Yu and his family by choice, Gojo and Geto and the rest of his friends by their own volition. There were no more spaces and he was content to keep it that way. But you had pulled up your own chair, slid it across perfect hardwood floors and plopped yourself down with a vicious glare, an intelligence that made him shiver, and an uncanny ability to care about anything that you touched. And even after treating you the way he did, you had still forgiven him and gave him nothing but kindness, humor, and a child of all things.
And here you were, legs spread with him in between, bonnet askew with a few thin curly baby hairs sticking out, a cheek decorated with the imprint of your pillow from sleeping, the swell of your belly showing behind the soft fabric of your t-shirt.
You were all his.
He found himself sliding closer to you, fingers hot and heavy as they pressed into the skin of your hips.
“How did the croissants taste?”
You squinted at him, your core throbbing at his eyes that were flooding more and more with lust and heat. The way he had fucked you earlier had given you a new well of confidence and you dipped inside, wrapping your legs around his waist and locking your ankles before you yanked him to you. He shook out a harsh breath against your skin, buttery air sliding over your cheeks and neck, fingers digging into the skin of your ass as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Like you should be a baker.”
A rare show of pearly whites clouded your vision as he smiled at you and smashed your lips to his. You moaned softly against him, carding your hands into the small hairs of his undercut before you buried them higher up in the longer blonde locks. You smacked your lips when you pulled them from his, the burning desire to tease rearing its head. He took advantage of the skin of your neck, trailing his wet lips up the bruised skin, worrying the sore blood vessels with his teeth before licking over his work.
“Oh! You can be open four days a week.”
He dug his teeth into the skin of your neck, pulling a gasp from your mouth, your cunt fluttering over empty space.
“Stop talking.”
Kento pulled you off the counter, tongue sliding along the skin of your clavicle as he carried you from the kitchen.
“A small menu, the sweet bread you like can be a daily special. Obviously Yu seeing your success will finally give you the recipe—”
He smacked the exposed skin of your ass, the action stinging your skin and pulling a satisfied shriek from your lips, giggling from his ministrations as he carried you down the hall to your bedroom and made sure the only words you said for the rest of the night were his name.
“Okay open!”
Chiyo was oozing excitement as you opened your eyes in the living room of the Nanami home. The warm living room had been transformed only slightly. The unlit Italian Fieldstone fireplace was lined with sage, lavender, and white balloons and a modest streamer sign that read ‘Congratulations!’ hung at the top. A table had been placed next to the fireplace, covered in white cloth and already holding a few gifts.
You could hear the voices of Ome and Santo bustling about in the kitchen but your eyes gravitated to the dining room table instead. The long antique wood was covered with a white tablecloth, a sage runner decorating the middle and falling down each edge of the table and onto the hardwood floor. Small clear vases were spaced at equal intervals on the dining room table, lavender carnations inside each one. The table was built to seat almost fifteen and each seat had its own respective faux gold silverware and white glass plate, the center of each decorated with loose eucalyptus.
“I wanted to keep it simple just like you wanted! I added just a few touches that I hope are okay.”
The happiness in Chiyo’s voice was hard to ignore and you turned around to smile at her. She was radiant, her small form was dressed in a long dark brown dress, her black straight tresses hung loose, swopping at her collarbone. Her smooth skin was without makeup, eyes shining at you in pride as she looked to you for approval.
“I love it so much, Mrs. Nanami.”
She gasped, her eyes flashing with remembrance before she took your hand and led you back to the living room.
“Your throne of course.”
The two long and comfortable sofas you remembered from the holidays was still decorated with neutral throw pillows and blankets, but Chiyo had added a white lounge rocking chair with a lavender throw blanket draped over the side.
Originally, you didn’t want a baby shower. You were perfectly capable of buying everything you needed for the baby and never had been comfortable with being showered with gifts. But when Chiyo took a look at your 3D ultrasound from your six month checkup, and asked you just once to plan the shower, you conceded immediately. It was a gut reaction that had surprised you at the time, but deep down you couldn’t see anyone else doing it. Ome for all her love for you was brash and demanding and you didn’t feel like being uncomfortable with inane baby shower games because she wanted you to ‘get out of your comfort zone.’
Chiyo had treated you like a daughter, given you love and attention in a way you wished your mother did and you knew that if she was in charge, she would get it right.
Seeing the modest decorations without taking away the comfort of Kento’s childhood home, it felt right. And the sight of this fabric rocking chair, a small statement to show that you were to be the celebrated person for creating a life, it filled you with a warmth that you were beginning to love.
“Thank you.”
She pulled you into a soft hug in reply, the freesias from her perfume cocooning you in a maternal love you only hoped you would be able to give your daughter.
“And call me Chiyo…please.”
Kento was hunched over a space at the kitchen island, a large hand piping icing onto the two tiered cake he insisted on baking. He had chosen to only be involved in the cooking and baking, opting to make the cake and a few appetizers ahead of time so he could spend the rest of the day at your side.
You walked over to the kitchen island, cradling the larger swell of your six month belly as his eyes met yours from over his piping bag. He had pulled his blond tresses back for the occasion, gelled them and parted in his signature style to show off the sharp cut of his eyebrows and deep brown eyes. You glanced down at his black khakis and white short sleeved ribbed knit shirt. Your mouth watered at the sight of his exposed arms, the lower half of his biceps stretching the cuffs of his shirt, his pectorals pulling the fabric across his chest, veiny forearms flexed over the tendons of his wrist as he piped icing on the cake, his silver Cartier watch winking at you. You willed the heinous thoughts away. It would be a shame to push him against the counter and drop to your knees, open your mouth and beg for his cock. A real shame.
“You look beautiful as always.”
The deep and sharp timbre of his voice pulled you from the lustful haze in your head and you offered him a small smile in thanks, smoothing down the curls that hung down your back and secured from your face with a black headband. You had decided to go with a long baby blue maxi dress with long sleeves that hung off both shoulders and a sweetheart neckline. It was airy and comfortable and showed off the prominent bump of your child. You had opted for simple diamond earrings and a single chain gold necklace. Your shoes were a little racier, a clear block high heel sandal with an open toe crisscross strap wrapped around your ankle and lower leg.
You hadn’t planned on wearing them, but Kento had saw you trying them on one day in your closet and made you leave them on while he fucked you on the rugged floor of your walk in. His hands were hot on your skin, caressing and gripping you while whispering the dirtiest things into the air of your closet as you came twice around him before he even managed to have release.
If you could repeat that today, preferably in his childhood bedroom, you could check a fantasy off your list. Even with the beginning of your third trimester, your libido was still a raging inferno.
“Stop eye fucking each other.”
You thanked the heavens that Santo had left the kitchen minutes ago before Gojo had opened his mouth. He slid next to Kento, invading his personal space to such a degree that it made his eyebrows twitch in annoyance. Gojo’s snow white hair hung loose over his face, his bright blue aliens eyes gazed at you, peering through your soul and pulling everything from you. He flashed white pearly teeth in your direction, his sharp and Adonis carved jawline flexing with the movement. He looked almost unnatural.
“You look marvelous, y/n. How is my godchild?”
He didn’t wait for a response, his attention already distracted by the sugary promise of the icing Kento was spreading onto the cake in front of you. He reached for it, a long finger making its way to carve a swipe. Kento smacked his hand away, eyes flashing with indignation as he glared at Gojo and then looked back at his work.
“Hands off, you beast.”
Gojo yelped, grabbing his hand and throwing a pout between full lips.
“I just wanted a taste!”
“And yet the mother of my child has yet to have the first piece. Go away before I cut you.”
Gojo gaped at his friend, eyes wide in alarm but still colored with mirth.
“Omelia. Please come and get him, you’ve given him far too much of a lead on his leash.”
Ome sighed from her spot at the sink, scrubbing a pan absentmindedly before she glared at Gojo over her shoulder without the usual heat.
“I thought he would behave.”
You bit your lip, holding in the snort at the interactions in front of you. Since the date Ome and Gojo had at the gallery a few weeks ago, she had tolerated him more and even entertained a second date where she took joy in beating him three times in bowling. He was still his annoying and obnoxious self, but for Ome he had shown nothing but honesty with his actions. The innuendos would never leave, they were practically ingrained in his DNA, but only a firm and steadfast woman like Ome would be able to make him behave.
Gojo grumbled, rubbing his smacked hand as he gravitated back to Ome’s orbit.
To say you weren’t having fun would be a lie. From your perch in your soft rocking chair, you watched everyone talk and laugh and joke with one another, hovering by you occasionally to dote on you but not crowd into your space.
Yuji stopped to sit next to you one too many times, adjusting your foot stool even though you had told him you were fine.
“I just want to make sure! Nanamin says that women have lots of water retention at this stage, I know that’s not comfortable.”
You ran your hand through his pink locks, patting the side of his cheek happily before you watched Megumi drag him away once again where he would be distracted for only twenty minutes before making his way back to you.
Kento was never too far away, always checking in on you and even circling the room with you when you wanted to get up and move. That familiar hand on your lower back kept you grounded, your anxiety taking a back seat for once as you soaked in the attention you were getting. Even when you all sat at his parents’ large dining room table, he stayed next to you, stroking the covered skin of your thigh as he sipped from his small glass of whiskey and conversed with Yuji.
All of the food was delicious and Kento deflected the praise, his face indifferent as he slid a piece of cake into his mouth even though you could see the slight coloring of pride in his irises.
You were overwhelmed but thankful for the presents. Shoko had gifted you with packs of cotton onesies for every stage of growth during the baby’s first year, Gojo had surprised you and Kento with a fully paid subscription to a very expensive diaper company that he refused to name. Yuji had even pulled out all the stops with a Montessori activity walker to the shock and appreciation of Kento as he rubbed his mentee’s shoulder in thanks. Geto for his quiet personality had gotten you something incredibly useful, a first aid and care kit for your daughter designed to help with almost every ailment and issue she might have. You received so many clothes and toys, enough diapers than what you knew to do with and a rather expensive stroller from Santo that he refused to listen to your protests about. Chiyo opted to give you your gift privately and you ignored the way your throat squeezed at the thought.
You were so loved, so incredibly loved to the point where people you had only known for half a year had gotten you such meaningful gifts for your baby that had yet to be born. You silently thanked Chiyo’s forwardness when she asked for a baby shower, you couldn’t have imagined saying no.
The baby shower was still in full swing, music playing softly from the speakers on the walls when Chiyo whisked you away upstairs and to the sitting room at the top of the steps. It gave you both privacy even though you could easily look over the banister of their home to see everyone a floor down. She sat you down on a small sectional before joining you, pulling a bag from her side to set onto your lap. She beckoned you to open, smiling gently at you, her cheeks shining and encouraging.
You smiled brightly at the expensive diaper bag, complete with compartments for bottles and pacifiers and even extra clothes; compact enough to carry with you everywhere but equipped enough to hold almost everything you could think of for an emergency.
She had also gotten you a care package specifically for you; lactation tea, cooling packs for aches and pains, a cotton nursing cover and even a free week of cleaning services for the house when you and Kento would be too tired to do anything.
The last gift had your stomach tightening instantly, your tongue drying in the back of your throat, eyes prickling with stinging to signal the coming of fresh tears. It was a large baby book; pages made to document every stage of your daughter’s life, small pouches for mementos like her first lock of hair and her first tooth, square sections carved out for photos, and even a page to write down everything about her first day of life. Her name, her weight and length, the date and time she would be born.
“I’ve always felt it was important to have a baby book, I had one for Kento and I love to look at it from time to time. I’m not sure if your mother would have gotten you something like this—I hope I’m not inserting myself, but I just felt—”
“It’s perfect.”
Your voice was wet as you spoke, a small smiling gracing your features as you clutched the book to your chest. Your mother would not have gotten you something like this, in fact she hadn’t given you anything or spoken to you since that night you were packing your house in Sendai. It was painful to think about and you pushed away the thoughts before they could fester, you wouldn’t let her ruin today for you.
“You will want for nothing as long as I’m around. I want you to feel loved, not just because you’re bringing a life into this world but because you deserve it. Your mother may not see you as one but, you are like a daughter to me. I hope you know that.”
She pressed a hand to your cheek, rubbing the skin with her thumb affectionately and you had to blink away the tears before they could come. It was a losing battle as you felt a few escape and you set the gifts to the side before pulling her into a warm hug, taking in her soft freesia scent as she rubbed small hands across your back.
“I do see that…thank you, Chiyo.”
“Why are you making her cry?”
Kento’s voice rung softly in the space of the sitting room, pulling you and Chiyo apart to look at him at the top of the steps, his arms crossed, and a brow lifted as he admonished his mother.
Chiyo scoffed, patting your cheek before she stood from her perch next to you and swatted at her son’s muscular chest.
“We were having a private conversation, stop fussing Kento. Show her around and help her freshen up.”
There was not much to see of the upstairs, it was equally as warm and inviting as the first floor; the walls were littered with more family photos and paintings, the doors to all rooms were closed except for two bathrooms, the hardwood floors even held a slight squeak when you walked on them, signaling old age from a well-used home.
Kento brought you to a closed door at the end of the hall, away from the commotion of the first floor. You held in a small gasp as he opened the door to what you assumed was his childhood bedroom. You were expecting a small bed decorated with racing cars, stickers of cartoons on the walls and a chest of toys. But instead, it was simply a room only someone like Kento would have as a child. A king bed with black sheets and pillows, light brown walls decorated with paintings and even more photos from his childhood, a dresser with a large mirror attached, the counter of it complete with bottles of cologne and watches, he even had a telescope by one of his windows, the lens peeking through black curtains.
You were mildly disappointed, and it showed on your face judging by the soft chuckle from Kento next to you as he closed the bedroom door, casting you both in silence.
“Expecting something more sinister?”
“A racecar bed. Maybe pictures on your walls of half-naked women. Mickey Mouse bed sheets.”
Kento walked past you, sitting down on the edge of his bed and crossing his arms before throwing you a heated look.
“I had a racecar bed when I was six, I kept all pictures of women locked in a safe under my bed, and I have no idea who Mickey Mouse is.”
The string of admissions shocked you to the point where you had no choice but to belt out a laugh, throwing your head back and chuckling into the soft smelling air of his room. It was too much to comprehend at once, too much to possibly imagine without giving you a headache. A teenage Kento, day one of hitting puberty, gawking at a magazine cutout of boobs under his sheets.
“Stop laughing.”
His slightly annoyed tone rang into your ears, making you laugh a little harder as you walked to him and placed both of your hands on his shoulders. He was glowering up at you, brown eyes playfully glaring as your chuckles died down.
“I’m sorry it just sounds so…normal coming from you. I expected it and even when you admitted it, I was still shocked. Imagining Nanami Kento, Director of Strategic Partners, as a six year old with spiderman pajamas and a racecar bed—”
“I wore normal pajamas.”
“Do you still have the safe under your bed?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, flustered already from only two minutes of your teasing and scrambling for purchase to remain ahead of the conversation. One wrong move from him and you would be on him fast and as much as he reveled in the way you picked him apart, too much of it and he would be bending you over the edge of his bed in a matter of minutes.
“I guess I’ll have to investigate myself then.”
You made to bend down under his bed, but he stopped you instantly, grabbing an upper arm with a large hand and sitting you on his bed with a little force that had you clenching your thighs together. He got onto his knees, looking underneath his bed before procuring a small black safe, a single opening in the front fitted for a key. Your eyes widened as he pulled a taped key from the side of the box and held it out to you, serious eyes meeting your nervous gaze as you took the key from him and opened the safe.
You held your breath, fingers gripping the edges of the box before you yanked it open and looked inside to see.
“You think I would keep pictures of beautiful women in my parents’ home? Especially when I no longer live here? You’re smarter than that.”
You glared at him, your face flustered and red, eyebrows furrowing in embarrassed frustration.
“How does it feel to be teased?”
“Fuck you.”
He barked out a laugh, hot and large hands suddenly on your thighs and smoothing along the fabric covering your skin. Your annoyed gaze faltered, eye twitching fractionally and refusing to widen as he pulled one of your hands closer to him, kissing the skin of your palm.
“Have I upset you?”
You tried to ignore the immediate ignition of fire in your core, your thighs flinching and begging to part for him and let him in between. You nodded curtly, unable to speak over the sudden dryness in your throat as he flipped your hand over, kissing the inside of your palm before trailing soft lips up your sleeve covered arm, brushing the exposed skin of your shoulder, the thin part of your neck before kissing you fully on the lips. You ached to melt into him, to turn your brain off and just let him lay you down and take you where you wanted. But there were people downstairs, no doubt asking where you were.
But he didn’t care, clearly if the way he was kissing you was any indication. His pupils were blown completely when he pulled away to look at you, thin rings of brown staring at you with heated intent.
“Shall I make it up to you then?”
You had him right where you wanted him, on his knees and ready to service you in the way that only he knew how. But you were gaping like a fish, fighting with the lust slowly frying the veins in your body with the logic of not being in the privacy of your own home.
“What would you like, hmm?”
His deep voice rumbled in your direction, rattling your nerves as his fingers trailed down your thighs again, sliding against the naked skin of your legs and pushing the fabric of your dress up nice and slow, exposing your skin to the cool air of his room. Your chest was heaving slowly with deep breaths, arousal pumping through your veins and boiling in your gut as you felt the logic of the situation slowly begin to fizzle away.
“You want me to lick that pretty pussy of yours?”
There was hardly ever a build up with his words. He was almost always nasty, always vulgar and condescending. You loved it, thrived off it.
Your fingers curled into the sheets of his bed, nails digging into the fabric and scratching along the material as you tried to not tremble as his fingers lingered on the hem of your white panties. He hummed, the tips of his fingers breaching the hem just slightly, pulling a gasp from your throat.
“That’s not enough is it? Want me to fuck you?”
You were blushing furiously, cheeks red and inflamed as you let your embarrassment take hold and mix with the flooding lust in your bones. You wanted both, wanted him to bury his face in your cunt and then fuck you until you were sobbing with pleasure. Based on the dark chuckle that vibrated from Kento’s chest, he must have read the want on your face.
“Use your words for me, baby.”
You swallowed thickly, pushing down the desire just enough to help you think on your own without any influence. Wordlessly, you pulled a pillow from the head of his bed and propped it behind your back. His eyes widened as he watched you slowly pull your heeled feet up to rest on the bed, your dress pooling at your hips before you slowly opened your legs for him.
“I want all of it. Please?”
The sound of you begging nicely had him hissing slowly through his nose, brown eyes locked on the dark spot of your clothed cunt. His mouth watered at the sight, drool pooling in the back of his throat and threatening to choke him as you pulled your white panties to the side to show your cunt already dripping down your slit, eager for him.
“For you? I’ll give you anything.”
You didn’t have time to respond before he was lapping at you, swiping a thick tongue along the length of your slit, collecting your slick before circling his tongue around your clit. You whimpered harshly, ignored the nagging thought of your volume as you watched him flick his tongue against your clit, wet and sloppy with arousal trailing down you before he dipped his head down and collected the escaping slick with his thick tongue before he was dipping it inside of your fluttering hole.
“Yes, Kento.”
The thick muscle slid along your walls, pulsing and curling, brushing against that spot in you with practiced ease that had you whimpering, biting your lip hard to be as quiet as possible.
“Please—please, I need.”
You were begging as quietly as you could manage, the hot embers of an orgasm licking to life, coiling in your belly and heating the base of your spine. You needed him in you, had to have it before people downstairs began to catch on. His stoic eyes looked up at you expectantly, twinges of a question flickering in the thin brown color as he ate you out with a slow precision intended to drive you mad on purpose. You had to use your words, had to speak or else he would stay exactly where he was, throbbing cock or not.
“Need you inside of me.”
He hummed in approval, the vibration drumming against your clit and pulling a choked moan from the back of your throat as you watched him slowly slide two fingers into your sopping hole with ease. You bit your lip harshly, licking along the small cut your teeth had drawn, tasting the slight pang of copper in your mouth as he stroked his fingers inside of you, curling and hitting that spot on the roof of your walls instantly.
It wasn’t long before he gently worked in a third finger, stretching you deliciously and pulling a satisfied hiss from the back of your throat. He wouldn’t tease you, clearly acknowledging the shortage of time as his tongue worked harshly at your clit, flicking at just the right pressure that had your hands burying in his hair, your toes curling in your open sandal heels, your jaw dropping and your chest panting into the air as he pulled you closer and closer, his eyes never leaving yours as he latched his lips onto your clit and moaned, yanking your orgasm from you, your eyes blinking in shock.
You jerked harshly against him, biting both of your lips closed as you muffled a shriek into the air, your muscles pulling tight as your orgasm pulsed through your body, intensity waning slowly as Kento continued to lick you through it, admiring your blissful face before he kissed your clit and chuckled at the way you relaxed back into the pillow behind your back.
He raised himself from his knees, leaning over you and wrapping the hand that wasn’t covered in your juices around the side of your neck before he was craning you up to him in the way he wanted and slotting his lips to yours. You moaned softly at the taste of yourself, your pussy already throbbing at the prospect of being filled. He pulled away from you, your lips smacking apart before he licked your bottom lip and smiled softly down at you.
“That’s my girl.”
You smiled up at him, eyes hooded and head beginning to cloud over again as you let the praise from him lips drive through your veins. He was hard as soon as his hands had touched your thighs only minutes ago, throbbing as he ravaged at your cunt and made you cum, but now he was straining against his slacks, painful and begging to be wrapped up in you.
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he unzipped his pants and pushed them down along with his underwear over the muscular swell of his ass, his thick cock smacking his abdomen. Patience suddenly wearing thin, he was quickly pulling your hips to the edge of the bed, smoothing large hands along the soft skin of your cinnamon thighs and groaning under his breath as he watched you lean down to circle your clit and use your index and middle finger to spread your folds apart.
“You have to be quick.”
He didn’t offer you a response, his brain was barely functioning at this point as he stroked his cock, using your slick on his fingers to coat himself before he was pressing a knee into the bed and guiding himself to your dripping hole, sliding into you slowly. He clenched his jaw at the feel of you, hot and wet and tight walls still fluttering from your dying orgasm. You took him like a champ, biting into your bottom lip and holding back a moan as he filled you to the brim, stretching you in a way that you had become familiar with but still struggled to take every time.
You clenched around him purposely, eyes widening in delight as you watched him groan in the back of his throat, Adam’s apple bobbing and eyes fluttering before he looked down at you harshly, annoyed. He spared no more extra time, pushing in the rest of the way in a smooth stroke, your hips smacking together as he slid home.
There was no time for buildup and slowness, and he took the lead immediately, fucking you at a steady pace that was hitting you deep in the spot that you loved but not too harshly to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. It was a struggle to keep your mouth closed, quiet whimpers leaving your throat as you tried to gain purchase from his thrusts that were pushing you higher and higher up his bed. A scalding hand grabbed your calf, caressing between the straps of your heels before throwing the ankle over his shoulder, opening you up and allowing him to sink further into you. You couldn’t help the broken moan that tumbled from your lips, your cheeks coloring in embarrassment as you prayed to whatever god that was listening that no one had heard you.
“You better be quiet.”
He hissed the words to you, low and harsh as he brushed his lips along the skin of your ankle and bit down, the sharp pain pulling a yelp from the base of your stomach, cunt quivering in response. Your mind was reeling, struggling to gain a semblance of control as the fat tip of his cock began to poke the spongy walls of your g-spot. Your fingers dug into the black sheets of his bed, curling and pulling to keep yourself anchored to reality as more moans slipped past your lips, free flowing and warbled.
Kento hovered over you, lips an inch from yours, cock still thrusting, the cologne from his clothes invading and dulling your senses.
“You want them to hear?”
You shook your head quickly, mouth parted and panting whimper after whimper as drool collected in the back of your throat.
“You want your friends to realize you’ve been gone? They all think you’re taking a breather, but in reality, you’re laid out on my bed, in the room I grew up in, thighs open and moaning and taking my cock like the naughty, needy little thing you are.” 
Your cunt throbbed around him at his words, pleasure pumping the blood faster down to your core, engorging you to the point of pain as you felt your arousal leak from you with every thrust. His eyes were steeled with a determination that excited you, lust and arousal oozing from every pore on his skin and onto your panting body.
You moaned at the sudden intrusion of his fingers in your mouth, the taste of your slick from earlier falling onto your taste buds.
“Be quiet, baby. Imagine how mortified you’ll be if my mother were to open the door right now. Imagine how horrified she would look to see her only child fucking his girlfriend and the mother of his child into the sheets he slept in as a kid.”
The sound of the word girlfriend falling from his lips, verbal proof that you were his, the implication that he probably hadn’t even locked the door, and the taste of yourself on the fingers in your mouth had a part of you shaking in satisfaction, unearthing a kink you never thought you had. You felt your eyelids droop, the coherent thoughts leaking from your ears almost instantly as pure lust took over. The smiling and soft woman that you showed to everyone else had been pushed to the side, allowing the sinful one to take her place that had you wrapping the leg that wasn’t on his shoulder around his waist, your tongue twisting between the spaces of his fingers inside of your mouth, and your cunt fluttering incessantly as another orgasm crept around the corner.
The actions made him hiss, cursing harshly under his breath as he felt the telltale sign of an orgasm make itself known.
“When we aren’t pressed for time, I promise I’ll fuck you just the way you love; nice and deep with all the time in the world. I’ll give you everything you want. I’ll whisper those dirty slutty words you love so much, bend you over and smack this pretty ass until its nice and red, I’ll make you cum over and over. I’ll give you this cock anyway you want it, anytime you want it, in the way you deserve until you’re sobbing and howling my name just the way I like.”
You were absolutely gone; eyes cloudy and unfocused, ears red from embarrassment of the nastiness of his words, lips wet around his fingers and a trace of drool trailing down the side of your mouth, the cleavage of your breasts bouncing under the fabric of your sweetheart neckline with each thrust, whimper after whimper leaving your throat and vibrating on the skin of his fingers in your hot mouth.
The sight of you had his balls drawing tight, pace increasing as he fucked you with abandon, the thought of your comfort always present even in the haze of his pleasure addled mind.
You didn’t care if they caught you, didn’t care if his mother walked in; all you cared about was falling over the edge of the mountain you had finally reached the top of. You needed it, had to have it now and the desperation was pounding in your skull.
Another brush of his cock at the right angle inside of you had you moaning sharply around his fingers, cunt clenching him impossibly tight as your orgasm hovered over the precipice. He could tell immediately, dark eyes lighting up in satisfaction before he leered down at you.
“Do you want to cum?” You nodded harshly, eyebrows furrowing deeply as the pleasure squeezed and teased you to the point of pain. “Show me that you want it.”
Your hand flew down to your clit immediately, fingers circling your bundle of nerves, zipping pleasure up your spine like electricity. His eyes were locked on the act, watching your manicured fingers rub at your clit and his own cock sliding in and out of you, wet with your slick and splitting you open in a way that drove him insane.
“Fuck. Go ahead and cum, darling. Be good and give it to me.”
It only took his voice and another swipe of your fingers before you were seizing against him, cunt locking around him like a vice as your orgasm punched from your gut. You shrieked against the fingers in your mouth, trying not to bite down as you twitched and spasmed beneath him. The feeling of you locked around him had him barreling towards his own end, swearing into the space between you both, punching one, two, three thrusts into you before he was groaning into the skin of your breasts and spilling inside of you.
The sounds of panting was the only thing filling the room, the noise of people talking and laughing from downstairs echoing in the distance and drifting from beneath the door. His fingers slid from your mouth as he sat up a little to look down at you, hair still immaculate besides a few strands that had escaped and were plastered to his forehead, brown eyes filled with contentment as he smiled down at you, a trace of his teeth peeking between parted lips.
It was probably just the endorphins still pumping wildly through your veins. Or it could have been your proximity. Regardless, that weird feeling in your chest that you had been trying to decipher for weeks now and peel your way through had returned tenfold, pushing at the edges of your vision and curling the muscle of your stomach.
So you did, what you did best.
“Excellent form given the circumstances and time crunch. We can go over notes later tonight.”
He took the bait and rolled his eyes dramatically, smacking the flesh of your ass beneath your dress. You smiled up at him, biting hard into your bottom lip as he sat up fully and kissed the ankle that was still on his shoulder, the touch licking heat up your skin and making your already erratic heart from fucking flutter for an entirely different reason. You moaned gently as he carefully slid out of you, your muscles contracting from the waning intrusion. His eyes held no shame as they locked onto your fluttering hole, small traces of his cum leaking out before he was subconsciously using a finger to shove it back inside. He ignored your playful growl as he slid your panties back into place and lifted an elegant brow in your direction.
“You better not waste it.”
“I’m already pregnant.”
“I don’t care. Keep it in.”
You stifled a giggle at the seriousness of his words, reaching for his outstretched hands as he gently guided you up and onto your feet.
He wordlessly fussed over you; smoothing down your curls, sliding away the wrinkles of your dress, wiping the perspiration from your forehead and neck. It was a common thing with Kento, for as much as he fucked you like it was his last day on Earth, he was back to his normal caring self afterwards, doting on you until you would giggle and slap his hands away.
As he zipped up his own pants and fixed his clothes, you smoothed the loose blonde strands on his head back into place, soaking in the softness of his hair before you rested that same hand on his cheek and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
He opened his mouth, hesitating only for a second before the odd look was gone from his face and he was offering you a gentle smile instead.
“I’ll go down first. You join after a few minutes.”
You nodded softly, the weird feeling returning and twisting your stomach again. You refused to show him your inner turmoil, one odd look from you and he would refuse to leave altogether until he figured out what was wrong.
“Thank you for showing me your room.”
Kento scoffed, the sound rumbling from his broad chest before he smirked down at you with a sinister gaze.
“You were looking at the ceiling most of the time.”
You gawked and smacked his chest, cursing inwardly at the heavy blush of your cheeks and flipping him off as he sauntered from his room.
“Oh honey, how are you feeling?”
Chiyo was the first person to reach out to you as soon as you descended the stairs minutes later. She fussed in exactly the way her son did, pressing a palm to your forehead to check for a fever or perspiration, smoothing down your curls, giving you more of that motherly attention in small doses.
“I was cramping just a little, so I sat down for a bit.”
She waved you away immediately, ushering you to your rocking chair, propping up your feet and laying the lavender throw blanket over your stomach. You held in a giggle, letting her dote on you in her own way before disappearing back into the kitchen.
You could feel Ome’s gaze from across the room before you caught it, silver eyes locking onto yours and filling with delight before she wiggled her eyebrows. You glared at her in reply.
Yu’s voice boomed from across the living room before you saw him. His brown bowl-cut styled hair was slightly wind swept, cheeks a little red which told you he had probably just arrived. He was carrying a large Tupperware container, the sides of the plastic steaming from the inside and hiding what was in it.
You offered him a gentle smile as he leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, apologizing profusely for arriving late.
“I was making a fresh batch for you and the baby. Kaya is sick and she has your gift. I forgot to pick it up from her before I left, so I’ll make sure you get it tomorrow.”
He pulled the lid off and your mouth watered at the sight of the steam wafting from inside, hitting your nose with butter and sweetness of whatever magical concoction he had cooked up.
“My famous sweet bread. This is only for you, Kento can only have one.”
Kento glared at Yu’s back from his spot on the couch across from you, his arms folded over the back of the seat.
“What have I done to warrant that response?”
You held your tongue as you took the container from him, thanking him gently before you were plucking a piece of bread from inside and biting into the hot texture. Kento glared harder at the way you rolled your eyes in satisfaction, his body shifting on the sofa as Yu plopped down next to him and snickered.
“If you get more than one, you will eat the entire container. Why deprive your girlfriend and daughter of my hard work?”
You hummed happily to yourself as you took another bite, the steam billowing inside of your mouth and melting the butter and cooked dough further onto your tongue.
“If you tell me the recipe, I will not have to constantly harass you—”
Yu enunciated the ‘p’ in his word, his nonchalance making Kento’s eyes flash with indignation and fold his arms across his chest.
“I have most of the recipe down. I’m just missing one thing.”
Yu smiled up at Chiyo’s approaching form, accepting the plate from her hands and a kiss to his cheek before he was fluttering pouty eyes at his best friend.
“Why don’t you ask me nicely for the secret ingredient? Maybe I’ll tell you if you’re right.”
Kento sneered at his antics, face coloring with annoyance before he was immediately conceding. He paused for a few moments, eyes looking down thoughtfully before he spoke.
“It would make it too sweet.”
“That’s more for fruitcake.”
“Brown sugar.”
“Eh?! Do you taste brown sugar, Kento! Your palette is failing you already, and at the ripe age of twenty-nine.”
You soaked in the warmth that filled your chest as you watched them bicker, admiring the soft smile that graced Kento’s lips as he argued with his best friend. You took another bite of Yu’s sweet bread and steeled your shoulders for an interrogation as Ome made her way over to you.
The days following your baby shower were busy. If you weren’t fixing up your studio at your home and working on the stencil in the nursery, you were at Rory’s studio teaching classes. Today specifically would be jam packed as you would be meeting with your first client, the woman from Rory’s exhibit almost a month ago. You had painstakingly put every step of your process of throwing and crafting on paper; describing every step, how long it would take, and even pictures of what to expect during every phase of the process. Rory had helped you use his own work to put together a modest list of quotes based on what clients might want and Kento had already enlisted Yuji’s help to create a website for you.
You had expected to be nervous about it all. Well, you were nervous, but you still somehow felt…ready. It all felt right, being able to finally put a stamp on your work, letting others absorb and ask more of it. It filled you with a sense of accomplishment that had you smiling widely as you scrolled through texts on your phone while you stood in Rory’s studio.
Omelia: You’re going to fucking kill it, babe. Be confident. I love you!
Gojo: Obviously you’re going to do great because you’re the best at what you do. If you do well, text me immediately. Something tells me that if Ome is happy, she will finally put her hands on me.
Yuji: Y/n! Good luck today! Geto says good luck as well and to wear blue, it makes you look more powerful and compliments your skin tone. I miss you!
Kento: If she makes you uncomfortable, tell Rory immediately or call me. Do not doubt yourself and if at any moment you need more time, that is completely okay. You’ll do great, darling. Let me know how it goes.
The woman, who introduced herself as Hina, was cordial and nice, agreeing with almost everything you had presented and even respectfully offering her own suggestions. Your nerves had vanished almost as soon as she squealed at pictures of what you had put together. It had gone so well even if it was only an initial meeting to figure out what she wanted and give her a quote, she had agreed with everything immediately and your mind was already ruminating with timelines and how that would fit in with your rapidly advancing pregnancy.
You were also set to teach three advanced classes today; anything at a beginner level would cause you to slouch more to show the basics and put too much strain on your back. The pro would be that you could rest more frequently and not have to worry about being over a shoulder constantly, the con would be the length of each class. Because it was an advanced level, each class usually lasted around two and a half hours. It was lengthy but to see everyone’s hard work and know you had attributed to that was all the more rewarding to push through.
So you rode off your high of texting your friends back with status updates as your first class filtered into Rory’s studio for the day, your eyes smiling down at Kento’s reply of the promise of freshly baked brownies tonight to celebrate.
But that high came crashing down not even an hour into your first class as your phone rang for the third time in the span of two minutes. You allowed the class on a small break and pushed down the alarm when you saw that all three calls were from Kento. He picked up immediately when you dialed back.
“I’m sorry, I know you’re teaching and—”
“What’s wrong?”
He paused, pulling the sound of a running car in the background before he spoke again.
“Yu is in the hospital. I don’t know what happened, Kaya called me in hysterics so me and Gojo are on our way there now.”
You felt your blood run cold, your hand clutching the sides of your phone tightly as you spoke.
“O-ok. I can end early and Rory can take over—”
“No. I can handle it, truly. I’m sure it was not anything serious and you have a lot on your plate today. I just wanted to let you know. Focus on your classes and I promise I’ll call as soon as I know more.”
You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, your anxiety beginning to fester in the pit of your stomach as you wrestled for the right thing to do or say. You should be there at his side. Even if you couldn’t do anything, you should be there. But you had no idea how Kento would react. Besides that late night talk in your kitchen a few days ago, you had yet to see any other serious emotion plague his face that was too deep in vulnerability. You didn’t want to push him away completely.
“I promise. Worry about classes right now. Can you do that for me?”
You found yourself nodding even though he couldn’t see you and squeaking out a small reply before he said goodbye and hung up the phone. The sounds of your students filtering back into the studio kept you from thinking too much further about it, their questions and need for a steady eye had managed to pull your worry back within itself for the time being.
Kento had sent you a text by the time your second class was starting.
Kento: He was hit by a car. I don’t know the details of how it happened, all I know is that he’s in surgery now and the prognosis is good. They caught the internal bleeding early and expect there to be no lingering damage. 
Thank goodness. How are you? I can come there and be with you, I just finished up at the studio.
Kento: I’m doing fine, I promise. It’s late and I don’t want you sitting in these atrocious chairs. Go home, relax and get some rest. I’ll call you with any updates.
You texted him every hour, asking about the status and how he was doing, and he responded quickly with the same words; he was perfectly fine, Yu was still in surgery, please get some rest. It brought you some semblance of peace and it helped that Ome showed up to distract you with shitty movies. But you couldn’t laugh at the lines you had memorized as they played on the screen of your television, your eyes constantly looking down at your phone, wondering and worrying about Kento. About Yu.
When he didn’t respond to your text at midnight or the one after that at one in the morning, the anxiety that you had tried to keep at bay had made its way back inside the pit of your stomach, twisting and turning your guts to the point of pain.
When he didn’t answer your phone call at two am, you rang for Gojo instead who picked up instantly.
“What’s happening? Kento isn’t answering. Is Yu—”
“No. Yu’s not.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, your mind rattling with the implications of his words.
“Yu’s not…what?”
Gojo sighed heavily on the other line, his breath wet.
“Yu’s not…okay. He’s not okay. He didn’t make it.”
Ome’s hand on your arm made you pull in a sharp breath, eyes fluttering through the jolting feeling of ice water being doused over your body, soaking through your skin and freezing over your veins.
“He was stable for a while but then his body just couldn’t keep up. It was just too much trauma and he—well he didn’t make it.”
You shook your head, eyes filling with tears at his words, disbelief clenching at the stuttering of your heart as you tried to grasp the reality of the situation. From your expression, you could see Ome sagging into your couch, the breath leaving her body as she curled her knees to her chest and buried her face in between them.
You had just seen Yu. Just a few days ago at the baby shower. He was smiling and loud, laughing and fucking just fine—
“Nanamin is on his way over. I had to send him away, he was just—he had to go. I don’t want him by himself, not right now.”
“I’ll take care of him. Get home safely…please.”
The silence of your living room was deafening, the movie on the tv still playing, voices lost to you and Ome in the background as you both tried to get ahold of something to tether yourselves to the present.
It didn’t make sense. None of it made sense. Did he get hit on accident? Was it malicious? You couldn’t imagine a harmful bone in Yu’s body, not one. And the thought of someone targeting him on purpose had nausea curling into the back of your throat, hot and acidic.
The sound of Ome’s phone ringing into the room made you both jump, your spine zipping in shock and forcing you out of thoughts that were only growing darker.
“It’s Gojo.”
“You should be with him. He grew up with Yu too and I know he doesn’t want to be alone.”
She was nodding almost to herself, for once not arguing with you as she slipped on her shoes and gave you a warm hug before disappearing from your home.
You were cleaning up the living room when the doorbell rang, the sound bringing the festering feeling in your stomach with it as you pulled open the door to your home to the sight of Kento.
His hair was windblown and free of gel, his eyes free of his glasses and it was the first time you wished they were there.
The Nanami Kento that looked down at you was one reminiscent of your time when you both worked together, serious and blank without any of the other emotions you had grown to decipher masterfully. There were no traces of crying, no red rimmed eyes or puffy skin. He looked serious, unmoved, and unbelievably tired. The sight made the nausea from earlier bubble in your chest, your heart thumping in a way that was almost uncomfortable.
You opened the door wider for him without another word, your mouth too dry and mind too jumbled to speak just this moment. He walked in silently, toeing off his shoes at the door and shrugging off his coat before he hung it up in your coat closet next to you.
“Are…are you hungry?”
You hated the words as soon as they left your mouth, but you couldn’t help it, you hadn’t expected this demeanor from him, at least not from losing a best friend, a lifeline. You were scrambling.
“No, not really. But I thank you for asking.”
Always so polite even when his world had been ripped in two. His voice was just as cool and blank, devoid of any inflections of heartbreak or sadness and it made the odd thumping of your heart return.
Kento lingered at your kitchen island, his tall form almost out of place in the house he so frequently visited as he ran a large hand through his locks before sighing slowly, his breath vacant of any sort of tone.
You were quiet as you approached him, mouth fumbling for the right words and willing yourself to be gentle so you wouldn’t push him too far.
“I called Gojo and he…told me what happened. You weren’t answering so—”
“I did not mean to worry you.”
He turned his head to look at you, a quick smile that didn’t exactly connect with his eyes gracing his features before it fell from his face. You tried to peel through the layers of him, tried so hard to see if there was something in his eyes, on his face, a twinge of his mouth, something.
But his eyes were just as blank as the first day you met him. He turned to look back at the clean countertop vacantly, the room falling silent and your body twisting in discomfort.
You reached for him carefully, your hand resting on his arm as you spoke.
“Kento do you—”
Your words fell short as you watched him pull away from you, arm curling away as if it had been brushed with something slimy before he was turning to face you instead and grabbing the hand that was still hanging in the air from where it had touched him.
“I’m sorry,” his voice was abrupt, almost dry as it burst forth from his throat. He smiled at you softly, hoping the expression was enough to atone for his abrasiveness. “I don’t mean to be short with you, but I’m just—I’m very tired. Is it alright if I stay the night?”
You nodded profusely, blinking away the sting in the back of your eyes.
“Of course. You go ahead, I’ll be there soon.”
His face held nothing as he leaned down to kiss the hand that he held and then the side of your mouth, eyes unchanging as you watched him walk away and down the hall to your room. He was right there, only a few doors down, but even with the heat of his lips still on your face, you had never felt more further away from him.
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itsmaybitheway · 6 months
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WiP Wednesday 20/03
Since I have managed to fuck up my Several Sentence Sunday post and last line post, I shall use all my tags this Wednesday and post two snippets for you lovelies!!! Thank you @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @indestructibleheart @priincebutt @sunnysideprince @onthewaytosomewhere @wordsofhoneydew @porcelainmortal @cricketnationrise for tags 🤍🤍
Alexander should not think of Mr. Mountchristen in such capacity, not without remembering the unpleasant past occurrences, yet he could not disregard the words spoken by him in this instance, brushes of contact that are undeniably courteous.
Surely, their mutual, deeply rooted dislike that presented itself from the first occurrence they had shared the displeasure of making acquaintance has grown into something more delicate, his distaste losing its ferocity with each occasion.
Yet he was astounded by the mere implications such words carried. ’I can no longer restrain my amorous affections towards you under the guise of harshly spoken words. I firmly believe such circumstances, a love this overbearing, can only come upon a person once’.
And a smutty oneee
It doesn’t happen very often. That Henry wakes up from a nightmare, desperate to feel Alex, desperate to make sure this is real. But when it happens, the burning need coursing through his veins takes over, almost physically compulsing him to ground himself with Alex. The palpable evidence that his days of living in secret and shame are behind him, that the nightmares his gran had put him through are just that now, nightmares.
But Alex is sleeping right now, a much deserved rest after working himself to the bone for his finals. Henry tries to ground himself by using other techniques, utilizing tools he’s learned in therapy. Five things you can see… He can do this, he can do this.
1.He’s seeing the blanket pooled over Alex’s hip
2.He’s seeing Alex’s boxers
3.He’s seeing Alex’s cock, because he ever so carefully pushed the aforementioned boxers down to his thighs…
The guilt and shame melts away once he has the weight of Alex’s heavy, thick cock on his tongue, grounding him, tethering him to his reality. Then time only becomes a construct he measures by the ache in his jaw, savoring every second of it
If I missed any tags I’m sorry and ily <3 this is an open tag to anyone who wants to join and here are some no-pressure attached tags under the cut
@agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @absolute-audacity @anchoredarchangel @bitbybitwrites @cha-melodius @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @clottedcreamfudge @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @emmalostinwonderland @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @indomitable-love @i-am-freyja @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @nocoastposts @orchidscript @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sweetmidnights @smc-27 @songliili @theprinceandagcd @three-drink-amy @zwiazdziarka
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thotofthecentury · 2 months
it’s almost 12 am but I don’t need sleep I need ANGELA THOUGHTS!
Any scenarios or thoughts about College Au Fuckboy!Angela? where you are her roomate and time to time you have to sleep at your friends drom cause she keeps bringing ladies. But then one day you’re in your dorm watching something on your laptop when Angela walks In completely drunk. You stop everything you were doing and decide to help her get to bed but then she pulls you to bed with her, wanting you to sleep with her
honestly that’s all I got, but I need her to top me ASAPP
Imagine she dresses like this most of the time
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(I’ve combined this scenario with the other one you sent of virgin reader x angela in college setting)
You would get so fed up with her bringing girls over omg. There’s been a few times you wake up in the middle of the night to her eating out a girl in her bed or just her and a girl naked in her bed the next morning. You complain to your friends (I imagine these friends as Mariah and Chanse idk why, very college au vibes they bring) and after months of this one of them finally asks, “are you like, jealous?” And the other one goes “I was going to ask that!!!”
You’re APPALLED by the question and make a scene in the library, saying “no! no no no no!” a bit too loudly. And you mean it, but since the question you can’t stop thinking that maybe you are a bit jealous. She’s hot, that much is obvious, and you’ve been denying for too long that when you saw her the few times in the dark fucking a girl it didn’t turn you on. In fact, it turned you on way too much to the point where you humped your hand while looking in their direction to make sure both were too preoccupied to notice you.
Now whenever you see her, you think about it. You think about the times you’ve seen her topless in bed after a girl who spent the night left before sunrise. You’ve never seen more perfect boobs or stomach in your life.
Your friends pester you about the situation, thinking it’s hilarious now that they’ve got out pinned about being jealous. You’re not very good at hiding anything.
You and your friends discussed a plan to talk to Angela later that day. More so, you talked about a plan while they said “just ask her out already.”
Which makes you all the more pissed off when you finally confront her.
She’s just walked into the dorm, her hair is wet from the shower. She’s in basketball shorts and a loose fitted school t-shirt.
You slam your laptop shut. “I really didn’t want to bring this up but it’s getting to affect my sleep and schoolwork so we need to come up with a better system for your… escapades, because it’s getting out of hand.”
She turns after putting her towel on its hook with a confused but amused look on her face.
“My escapades?”
“Yes, and I don’t meant to embarrass you but-” you say without even looking at her. You can’t look at her.
She cuts you off, “why would I be embarrassed?”
“Well, you’re secretly- you know- and I-I know about it and-” you stutter.
“You thought I didn’t know? Of course I know you know, it’s not a secret,” she laughs. “And it’s called having sex,” she looks at you pointedly. “You can say the word ‘sex’, can’t you?” she almost pouts.
Your stomach drops at her sudden change in tone. Has she been this condescending before?
You must look like a deer in headlights because she tilts her head and adds, “oh come on, you’re not so secretive either, I saw you masturbating that one time a few weeks ago.”
“What!?” you pretend to be shocked. “No, I was- you were doing that- I was sleeping!”
“If you were sleeping how did you know I was /having sex/”, she enunciates the last two words.
“Because there’s been other times and-”
“Which part got you? Her moans as I went down on her or when I finally fucked her? I didn’t mean for the bed to squeak but it was just too good, you get it,” she laughs nonchalantly and goes to make her bed.
“No, no I don’t ’get it’! You have no boundaries or resp-”
She suddenly gasps and turns to you. “You’re a virgin!”
“What?” you ask, panicked.
“That’s why you can’t even say the word ‘sex’,” she says more to herself.
“No, that’s not- that’s not it- you know nothing about me.”
Her smile grows wider. “Oh, but I do. I know everything I need to know.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Nothing for now,” she says as she grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste and heads for the door.
“And so what if I was!?” you yell back to her.
“It’s not a bad thing, I just would’ve had a lot more fun starting earlier in the semester,” she turns to say before leaving the room.
The door shuts and you say to yourself, “what the fuck.”
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Chapter Three: I Am A Rock
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He opens the backpack and retrieves several photos. You can’t help but look at the pages and a gasp breaks from your lips. “Jonathan, what is this?”
“Y/n,” he responds quietly.
“Y/n, this is what happens when creeps are given too much freedom and no consequences.” Steve tells you, jaw hardening
“That's not…” Jonathan trails off. 
Summary: turns out running on barely an hour of sleep has consequences. Y/n goes for a drives, gossips, meets Steve (not just him staring at her from across the parking lot) and has a mental breakdown!
Previous Chapter
words: 4k
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of death, swearing, stalking, mentions of sex, nonconsensual pictures, Steve Harrington being an asshole, sleep deprivation and its effects
The alarm clock reads 12:08 am. You toss and turn, fluff your pillows, tighten your blanket around you but nothing eases the stress. Your dad had long since gone to bed so putting on a record was out of the question. You hadn’t written in a journal in months and you weren’t keen to start now. It was far too late to go on a jog. You glance at the clock again. 12:10 am. 
Your contemplation hadn’t even passed the time. Throwing the blankets off, you huff up from the bed. The carpeted floors protect your feet from the cold. Feeling around in the dark, you open your dresser and pull out a pair of wool socks to brave the hardwood of the rest of the house. You step into the hallway, using the light from the living room lamp to illuminate your path. As quietly as possible, you fill the kettle and set it on the stove. You glance to your left and spot your book from where you’d left it in the morning. 
You’d honestly forgotten about it, but realize that this could be exactly what you need to settle your mind. As you wait for the water to warm up, you lean against the counter and use the soft  stove light to read. You’ve made it two chapters farther by the time the water gets hot enough. 
Armed with your tea and book, you set yourself up on the couch. Honestly, for being a paperback romance, A Pirate’s Love was rather compelling. Anastasia’s character arc wasn’t too bad. You suppose that of stock female leads, she did have a fair bit of agency. And her friendship with the pirate Robert made their romance seem pretty natural. You did doubt how historically accurate it was that Anastasia would have become the captain of a ship after only a year at sea. 
In no time, you were nearing the end of the book. 
“Well? What shall it be?” Captain Jones yelled at Anastasia, “your ship or your love?” at the last word, his blade pressed into Robert’s back, pushing him farther along the plank and pulling a strangled cry from the man. “No!” Anastasia roared, caught in the helpless situation. If she saved Robert, Captain Jones would seize immediate control of her ship and crew. Her hard-won freedom would slip from her fingers and everything she had sacrificed would be for naught. 
But if she chose her ship, she would lose Robert. Robert, who’d been her ticket out of the arranged marriage. Robert, who’d first taught her how to sail. Robert, who had been the only person by her side for the past 3 years. The man she loved, whom she was not sure she could navigate this or any other life without.
“Tick tock, lassie,” drawled captain Jones. He wickedly sneered at the woman, and she couldn’t help but be disgusted at the rotting teeth and sickly skin. 
Anastasia was frozen in panic. All she could do was flit her eyes between Jones, Robert, and her crew. Landing her eyes on Robert, he stared at her, lips a small, almost resigned frown. 
He took a step farther on the plank. 
“Robert! No!” cried Anastasia. 
“Let me make the choice easy, my love”
With that, Robert, quick as a rabbit, turned around, grabbed hold of captain jones, and pulled him tight to himself. He then used all his might and hurled them off the plank, together.
You slam the book shut. “What the fuck” you whisper. You had managed to get lost within the story, but the ending made you remember everything you were trying desperately to forget. You beeline for the trash and angrily throw the book in there. “Shit,” you say aloud, wringing out your hands, desperate to shake off the stress. 
You sneak a peek at the oven clock–it's just past 2 am. You feel trapped and the walls are moving in on you and the shadows look darker and your hands feel clammy and a bead of sweat trickles down your back and– you need to get out of here. You slide on your sneakers by the door, grab your keys and leave and quickly and quietly as you can. 
The ignition in your truck stalls a minute and the panic begins to set in again. You turn the key once more, and finally the engine starts. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding and back out of the driveway. 
The windows are down and cold air hits your face. Normally, you’d recoil at the aggressive wind and biting cold, but now they are welcome distractions from the turmoil in your mind. The only sound is the rushing of the air. At the first red light, you reach into your glovebox and randomly pull a cassette out. You shove it into the port, not paying attention to it, and turn the volume up to overcome the noises of the truck. A familiar guitar melody lets you know you’re listening to Simon and Garfunkel.
Satisfied with the music, you blast down the roads of Hawkins, singing (screaming) along to the lyrics. As the songs continue, you recognize this as a mixtape you made a few years ago. You’d just gotten a tape recorder and the quality reflects your inexperience with the machine. There’s a clear switch when your dad had clearly taken over the recording, the audio suddenly becoming much clearer. In your mindless driving, you’ve ended up at lake Jordan. You park your car, head no longer swimming. You turn your truck off, and grateful at your earlier forgetfulness, grab your walkman from the passenger seat and the cassette from the deck, as well as Jonathan’s jacket. 
Out in the darkness, you lie in the bed of your truck, Jonathan’s jacket wrapped around you, staring up at the stars. You don’t recognize any constellations, but you attempt to make some up. A snake, a butterfly, a gun–no, not a gun, a vase. A vase with a flower in it. 
Side A ends, but when you flip the tape, it takes longer than normal for it to start playing. You pull the headphones around your neck and hold up the walkman trying to inspect it. 
The crack of a twig pierces through the dark silence. You would almost miss it, if not for the headphones on your ears. After a beat, you don’t hear anything else, and assume it's probably an animal somewhere in the woods. You give up on your walkman and, finally tired, you return to the cabin of your truck and begin the journey home. 
If you hadn’t had your music so loud, you probably would’ve heard the monstrous roar coming from the trees. 
You manage to get an hour of sleep before your morning alarm goes off. The coffee is twice as strong this morning and you down a cup and a half. The chilly air that you’d normally detest is, for the second time today, welcome as it keeps you awake on your drive. Tonight, you vow, you will actually get a decent night’s sleep. 
Practice is uneventful. Stacy, the only other junior on the team, asks for a few tips for diving and landing on her knees. You give her the pointers she asked for, albeit through several yawns. She seems to understand it though, and acts on your guidance, picking up the skills rather easily. Throughout the final scrimmage, you and her take turns saving the ball from hitting the floor. 
In the locker room, you’re one of the first to hit the showers and miraculously, the water is warm. You wipe the sweat and grime of the gym off your body and take a few extra seconds to hold your head under the showerhead, letting the water hit your face. 
Your wet hair sticks to your face as you get dressed, mindlessly listening to the idle chit-chat of the locker room. You have a few minutes before the bell will ring, so you sit on the floor against your locker and pull out your walkman. Removing the mixtape, you replace it with a cassette from your backpack–some ABBA album. You hit the play button and the tape starts up perfectly. You roll your eyes at how erratic your walkman can be and slip the headphones over your ears. 
Second period is full of notes being passed and whispered shared, despite the quiz. None of the information is shared with you directly, but you manage to overhear two names: Steve and Nancy. It's clearly salacious information, as it has the student body abuzz for the rest of the day. You sneak a glance at Nancy in the hallway and the girl seems distraught. You wonder, for a moment, if she and Steve had broken up, but then he waltzes up to her and plants a kiss on her and you’re left speculating again.
Your curiosities are finally answered in seventh period. Mr. Burkhart lets the class have an independent study day (you’re pretty sure he just doesn’t have anything planned) and Stacy, who sits next you, chats your ear off. Stacy seems to know everything going on within the halls of Hawkins. “And then I heard from from Anna P, who heard from Jimmy, who heard from Gareth, who overheard Tommy H that apparently Nancy Wheeler spent the night in Steve’s room, if you know what I mean,” she wiggles her eyebrows, insinuating the not-so-family-friendly activities that went on between the couple. 
“How does Tommy H even know that?” you ask her.
“Apparently, he was there.”
“What, like, in the room?”
“No! He saw them go into Steve’s room and I guess he heard them totally doing it.”
“That's gross. Like, really gross. Tommy H is a total perv. I bet he was listening at the door.”
“Ew! Y/n, that's gross to even think about.”
“He’s the one going around telling everyone about Steve and Nancy.”
Stacy takes a minute to consider that. 
“Huh, I guess you’re right. Steve’s house is pretty big, I’ve been in it and Tommy H would totally have to try to be listening to hear anything.” She shudders at the thought of the freckled boy trying to hear Steve and Nancy through the wall, “Ew, that’s totally skeezy of him. Especially when his girlfriend was probably there.”
“Carol was probably listening with him.”
Stacy giggles at that. Speaking of Carol, you glance in her direction and subtly stare as she and Nichole huddle together, whispering. You can’t tell what they’re speaking about, but you gather it's something more serious than Steve Harrington’s sexual escapades, if you can tell anything from Carol’s furrowed brow and Nichole’s concerned face. 
You turn back towards Stacy and interrupt her rambling about how gross both Carol and Tommy H are, “Why does anyone care if Steve and Nancy had sex? I mean, Carol and Tommy H practically devour each other in the halls constantly, but no one bats an eye.”
She blinks at that, clearly unprepared for the question. “Um,” she answers, “I don’t know…”
She trails off, and the conversation slowly dies as she flounders trying to find another conversation topic that won’t end as awkwardly. 
You turn your attention back to the two girls on the other side of the classroom. Nichole and Carol both rise from their seats and leave the room. 
Your eyelids once again start drooping, clearly the caffeine from the coke you had at lunch is wearing off. The gentle chatter of the classroom and the whirring of the desk fan lull you into a gentle daze. You quickly ask Stacy to wake you in ten minutes before resting your head on your arms and dozing off. 
A gentle shake wakes you from your nap and you rub the sleep out of your eyes. The power nap helped you, but you doubt you’ll last much longer without more caffeine. You glance over to see the girls have returned at some point during your nap. You get the hall pass from your teacher and make your way to your locker. Grabbing a few bills from your wallet, you beeline for the vending machine. Turning the corner, you crash into a body, and in your tired state, fall to the floor. 
“Oh jeez,” a masculine voice says, “Here, let me just-”
Standing above you, hand outstretched, is Steve Harrington. You stare at him dumbly for a minute before he waves it in front of you and you come to your senses. You grab his hand and he easily hoists you up. 
“Sorry about that,” he chuckles awkwardly, “I didn’t mean to knock you down.”
He gives you an apologetic smile and his eyes crinkle slightly at the edges. 
“It's fine,” you brush off his apology, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Shit!” he exclaims as he looks to his left. You follow his line of sight and see a dented can of coke, slightly leaking. You cringe and offer an apology, which he waves off, “It's fine, I’ll just get another one.”
“I’m uh, headed the same way.” you offer and he nods in response. 
“It's Y/n, right?” he asks.
“Yeah.” you answer warily.
“You’re on the…soccer team?”
“Volleyball, actually.”
“Ah sorry.”
“Its fine”
“How come we’ve never talked before? I know most of the volleyball girls come to my parties. Stacy, Anna, Patty…”
“I’m not really a party person”
“Got it”
The pair of you reach the vending machine and he lets you go first. You deposit your bills, receive your coke and your change. You offer the coins up to Steve, “Here. I kinda killed your first can, so…”
You tense at your own choice of words.
He doesn’t notice though and barks out a laugh. He takes them, inserting them and getting a new coke. “Cheers, killer”
You tense even more at the moniker, but clink your can to his. You down the can as fast as possible while he sips idly. He salutes as you wordlessly leave, walking back to your classroom.
You spend the rest of the period catching up on some of the work you missed yesterday. Stacy peers over your shoulder, nosy as ever, and raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yesterday’s work I missed.”
“Oh yeah! I meant to ask you where you were?”
You turn pale at the probing. You know she means well, but you’ve been avoiding reminders of the incident all day. Still, you answer her, “Benny Hammond, uh, died and I had to go to the police station to give them a statement.”
“Oh man, I’m sorry. I had no clue. God, this town is getting crazy. First the Byers kid, now this,” her voice takes a gentle note, “I can’t believe you came in today. No one would blame you if you missed a day, you know”
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
“I know, I just didn’t want to skip school. Plus I had a quiz in second period today.”
You shrug your shoulders and hope she lets it go. She takes a breath, as if she is going to push the topic but ultimately says nothing. 
The final bell rings and the students flood the halls of Hawkins High School. You rush to your locker, grabbing your bag haphazardly. Groups of students clump together by their cars discussing carpools, gossip, and tonight’s football game. You throw your bag in your truck and fish out Jonathan’s jacket. Glancing around the carpark, you don’t spot him, but you do eye his car and start walking, intending to wait for him. 
Oddly enough, Steve and his friends are also at his car. Gone is Steve’s carefree demeanor from earlier. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed, clearly distraught over whatever the group is discussing.
The group tenses as you approach. Steve offers you a curt nod. 
“Whats up, killer?”
You scrunch your brows at the nickname that has unfortunately stuck. 
“I’m just waiting for Jonathan. What are you guys doing?” you ask, warily. There is a sinister air about them, and whatever has transpired in the last 30 minutes has Steve’s hackles raised. He doesn’t answer you, having spotted something over your shoulder that distracts him. He stands from his position on Jonathan’s trunk.
“Hey man.”
Jonathan looks just as confused as you feel. “What's going on?” He asks, eyes flicking between everyone before landing on you. You shrug your shoulders at him. 
Steve responds to the smaller boy, “Nichole was just telling us about some of your work.”
Carol pipes up with a smirk, “We’ve heard great things.”
It seems that Jonathan connects dots that you don’t have, and you feel slightly stupid for being the only one in the group that doesn’t understand what's going on. You grip Jonathan’s jacket tighter in your hands. 
Steve continues, “We’d just love to take a look, you know–as connoisseurs of art.”
Jonathan looks back at you, some unreadable emotion dancing across his face, and attempts to break through the group to get to his car. Unfortunately, Tommy H is quicker than him, and pulls his bag off his shoulder and tosses it to Steve. “Man,” Steve says nastily, “he’s totally tripping, he must have something to hide.”
He opens the backpack and retrieves several photos. You can’t help but look at the pages and a gasp breaks from your lips. “Jonathan, what is this?”
“Y/n,” he responds quietly.
“Y/n, this is what happens when creeps are given too much freedom and no consequences.” Steve tells you, jaw hardening
“That's not…” Jonathan trails off. 
You stare transfixed at the pages in your hand. Barbara Holland sits on the edge of a diving board, a sad look on her face. Nancy Wheeler through the window–shirtless. A familiar pit settles in your stomach. 
Tommy and Carol pull the stack from you and start combing through them. 
“Dude!” Tommy H yells and Carol backs him up, “Yeah this totally isn’t creepy at all.”
Jonathan seems to find his voice and defends himself, “I was looking for my brother.”
“No,” Steve counters, “no, this is called stalking.”
“What’s going on?” a new, gentle voice joins the mix. You look over to see Nancy Wheeler, the focal point of many of Jonathan’s photos. 
“Here comes the starring lady,” Tommy teases.
“What?” she questions
“This creep was spying on us last night,” Carol responds and hands the girl a photo from the bunch, “He was probably going to save this one for later.”
You look down at the jacket in your hands as Carol explains. Last night? That means he was probably just getting done with taking the photos when you found him. Was his empathy a ploy to throw you off of his creepy scent? You thought you knew him fairly well. Hell, he was probably your closest friend. Christ, that’s depressing: a kid you only know fairly well is your closest friend.your train of thought spirals further, spinning farther out of control. Your closest friend, a kid you only know fairly well, is a total creep!
“See, you can tell he knows that it's wrong,” Steve begins laying into the boy, “But that's the thing about perverts. It's hardwired into them, you know, they just can’t help themselves.”
He begins ripping apart the pictures in his hands.
“So you just have to take away his toy.”
The taller boy grabs the camera and you take the tiniest step towards him. You don’t know how you’re going to stop him, and you certainly can’t defend Jonathan’s actions, but breaking the camera would take it too far. 
“Steve,” Nancy clearly has the same sentiment. 
“C’mon man, not the camera,” Jonathan begs.
“Hey, hey ok,” Steve calls out, extending his hand with the camera towards Jonathan. 
There's a split second where you think that the issue has been resolved and Steve has cooled down. Then the camera is in a million pieces on the ground. Jonathan makes a strangled noise. The air is stolen from your lungs. Your feet are frozen to the ground. 
Steve shoulders past the devastated boy, his posse following. He looks back at you, his eyebrow raised– a clear invitation to join them. You stay rooted to your spot, unable to move and his eyes narrow. His clear brown eyes hold a fierceness in them and you know your inaction is a decision to him. 
“Nancy, c’mon!” he beckons her over and she stands from where you hadn’t noticed her collecting pieces of the torn photos. Before she leaves, she stares at you. Her eyes flick to the jacket in your hands. Her blue eyes are wide and slightly watery. They make the rest of her feel that much smaller. Her nose is slightly red from the cold and her lips are pressed in a thin line. She seems so fragile in this moment, like a slightly-too-strong gust of wind could knock her over. Yet there is a quiet resolve behind the ocean in her eyes. She stands firm, torn pieces in hand and gives you a small, barely there nod. She turns heel and plants herself under Steve Harrington’s arm. 
Before they fully leave your eyesight, she looks back at Jonathan sadly. 
Everything seems to process in slow motion for you. You finally look down at the boy, desperately trying to collect the fractured remains of his camera. He looks up at you, unshed tears in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe out. You gently lay the jacket on the top of his car and walk away, leaving him alone on the ground of the parking lot. 
You drive home in silence. This morning you couldn’t escape the onslaught of terrible thoughts and now you can barely form a coherent one. You don’t even bother bringing your bag inside with you when you get home. 
Your dad sits on the couch, reading a magazine. A Simon and Garfunkel song plays on the record–the same one from your now ruined cassette. Wordlessly, you crawl onto the couch with him. He raises an eyebrow but says nothing as you tuck yourself under his arm, curling yourself into a tight ball. Mindlessly, he draws small circles on your arm. 
Your breath catches in your throat, and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. It's the final crack in the dam. You press your face closer to his shoulder in an attempt to muffle your sobs. 
“Oh buddy…” he croons sympathetically, and you just cry harder. You feel him readjust his posture, likely setting down his magazine. You sit up and gulp down a few lungfuls of air. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he prompts. 
“Its all a mess! Benny is dead and now I don’t have a job and I know it's terrible that thats one of my concerns, but it is! And there's missing kids all over town. I don’t know if she is ok and Will Byers– he’s so small. And I realized that today Jonathan is my closest friend but hes a fucking stalker creep and all the kids in school are terrible evil people. And now my friends are either dead, a creep or my dad! How fucked up is that? I just want to go back to Sunday when everything was fine. But nothings fine now and its all fucked and Steve’s right!”
Your rant is punctuated by collapsing back into your dad’s chest. You continue sobbing, wetting the front of his shirt. He holds your head and lets out a string of whispered comforts, “You’re okay. It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out. Shh shh shh. Just breathe…there you go”
His rhythmic breathing is a balm to you, and you feel your blinks lasting longer and longer. The record ends and he rises to his feet, pulling you with him. Your feet drag as you lean on him. He leads you to your bedroom and lays you down on the bed, removing your sneakers. He lifts the blanket over you and tucks you in, something he hasn’t done since you were twelve. 
You relieve your heavy eyelids and welcome the darkness. He turns off the lamp and you hear a gentle whisper of “Good night buddy” before sleep takes its hold on you. 
Next Chapter
taglist: @ucannotcompare
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siren song IV - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open!
A/N: again, thank you so much for the love on siren song (and all my other fics) <3 this is BY FAR the most popular fic i have ever written. enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think in the replies! :) how are you guys feeling about the announcement for a second Wednesday season? :O
wordcount: 8,854!! warnings: she/her reader, tyler being up to something, straying off of the timeline of the show, talks of drugs/weed, guns
You decide to meet up with Xavier. Maybe a fresh start is what you both need.
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Xavier had woken up extremely early already. He just couldn't go back to sleep - you remembered him. You texted him, you even wanted to talk to him again. It is now eleven am, and his hands are shaking as he tries to send you a message.
Good morning :) When should we meet?
He sends the text before he can think about it. He had just gotten out of the shower, his damp hair still hanging loose as he looks into the mirror. What should he wear? He can't believe it.
Y/N ♡
morning!! does 12 suit you? we can meet up in the quad and then take a shuttle to jericho :)
Twelve. Yeah. Yeah, that's totally fine. Just one more hour of complete stress and nervousness. He doesn't even quite know why he is nervous - you have been his best friend for ages. Up until the fight. He should remember to thank Bianca for breaking the song.
You are also starting to get ready, trying to pick out an outfit as Bianca sits on your bed. You had called her over as you were also nervous about this whole thing. How were you going to break it to him that you didn't quite remember him yet?
"You don't have to be nervous," the Siren says, almost as if she can read your mind. "Xavier really likes you, Y/N. If you're really not comfortable with this, I can just tell him that you couldn't make it."
"It's fine," you nod. "It's just... What if he is upset that I don't remember?"
Bianca breathes in deeply as she takes a good look at you.
"He won't be," she reassures you. "He is already happy that you are talking to him. I promise that nothing will go wrong."
You let out an airy laugh. Bianca is right. But still, it seems hard to calm your nerves. You glide your hands over the fabric of your top as you look into the mirror for what seems like the hundredth time. Five outfits had already been discarded before you settled on this one.
A spritz of perfume and a set of accessories is what it takes to finally settle on one outfit. You brush your hair out once more, even though you knew there weren't any knots in it. It's like a nervous habit. The bag that you were going to take gets filled up with your most important things, like your wallet, perfume, keys to your dorm, and a small bottle of water.
"I have to go," you look at your phone. "I will see you later?"
"Sure," Bianca nods, walking with you. "Just shoot me a text."
With a wave, she turns away as you lock the door to your room. Your hand rests on its handle for a second as you collect your thoughts. No time, Xavier is waiting for you. You grip your tote bag a bit tighter to you before hurrying down the stairs. As you get to the Quad, you see that Xavier is already sitting at one of the tables, his leg bouncing up and down as his fingers tap the wood.
You breathe in deeply one last time, trying to calm your nerves as you walk up to him, softly tapping his shoulder. He turns around quickly, a big, relieved smile on his face as he stands up. How are you supposed to greet him? You only look at him, taking in his face that feels so oddly familiar.
"Hey!" He smiles, nervously wiping his hands on his pants.
How does he greet you? Normally, it would be a hug and a kiss on your forehead, but it might seem out of place at this moment. A normal hug? A handshake? Maybe nothing at all.
The two of you stand opposite of each other, not really sure what to do. After a few silent moments, you speak up.
"So, should we take a shuttle to Jericho?"
"Yeah! Yeah, sounds good."
You walk to the small stop next to Nevermore, making some small talk with Xavier.
He hums before looking down at you.
"I have to admit something," you nervously laugh. "The Siren Song... It uh, it couldn't really be undone."
"It couldn't?"
Xavier his shoulders slump as he feels a pang in his chest. He had fully convinced himself that it had been undone. That you remembered him again.
"No," you whisper. "Bianca told me what happened though."
The boy nervously fiddles with his hands, wishing that the bus would just arrive already.
"I asked her to end it. It just didn't work," a sigh escapes your lips. "But I wanted to restart. Just, from the beginning. If we became friends once, we can do that again, right?"
You heard what had happened, yet you still wanted to give him another chance?
"Yeah," he smiles. "That sounds good."
The bus ride was pretty quiet. It was only for a few minutes anyway - Jericho was much faster to reach by bus than by walking. You step out of the bus, looking up at Xavier with a smile.
"So, I was thinking we could just go to the Weathervane, talk about some things, eat and drink?"
Xavier agrees. Honestly, it is already going better than he thought, minus the unbroken Siren Song. The fact that you were willing to give him another chance mended the mental wounds that he had. He had spent the last few weeks trying to find a moment to talk to you, to tell you that he is sorry, and now, he is finally here.
The small bell above the entrance rings when Xavier opens it, gesturing for you to get inside as he follows. Behind the register stands Tyler, a smile on his face as he greets you. He doesn't as much as bat an eye at Xavier, though. From what the barista understood, the two of you weren't a thing anymore.
"What can I get you? Coffee, cappuccino-"
"She doesn't drink coffee," Xavier says blankly, glaring at Tyler. "A hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, and a cappuccino."
Tyler raises his hands in defense, looking from Xavier to you and back to his cash register.
"I'm sure that Y/N can speak for herself, but sure. One hot chocolate, whipped cream, and caramel," Tyler taps on the screen of the register. "And a cappuccino. It will be right up."
You quickly hand him the money before Xavier can, thanking him as you guide the long-haired boy to a table.
"Wow, what happened between you two," you awkwardly laugh. "If he was mean, then now is the perfect time to tell me. Telekinesis is good for lots of things, including letting people trip."
Xavier lets out a laugh as he shakes his head.
"Just some bad experiences with him, no worries," he shrugs. "So, are your parents coming by for Visiting Week?"
You shake your head. Your parents haven't visited in the last two years, too busy to make time to visit. They weren't bad parents by any means, but just extremely busy and too far away from Jericho to stop by.
Xavier knew this.
Normally, you would join Ajax and his moms for a bit before doing some activities on your own. His own dad never showed up anyway, he didn't even bother inviting him anymore. The answers were always the same; too busy, too tired, too far away.
So, after your parents also decided to not visit, the two of you made a pact. You were simply going to be doing all the activities together. The dinner in the Quad, the picnic in the grassy fields, and then the last day you would sneak off to the art shed.
"We can hang out if you'd like?" Xavier smiles. "We uh- we had some sort of pact. Before all this."
Your head rests on your hand as you look at him with a smile.
"What pact?"
"Well," he chuckles. "Considering my dad never visits, and your parents are also too busy, we decided to start a pact around two years ago. We did all the activities that normally get done with the families, and then sneak off to the art shed."
"Wait..." You raise an eyebrow. "We also sat with Ajax's moms, right?"
Xavier nods excitedly. It feels good to finally be able to talk to you again, even if you don't remember everything.
"Sounds like a plan!"
A figure stops next to your table, making you look up. Tyler stands with a tray in his hand, your two drinks and another small dish on top of it.
"A cappuccino," he mumbles, placing it somewhere in front of Xavier. "And I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle!"
You smile and thank him as you take the mug. But, he places one more thing on the table - a cinnamon roll complete with fresh fruits and pink sprinkles.
"And a small sweet," Tyler smiles at you, one side of his mouth peeking just a bit higher than the other. "Consider it a gift."
Steam almost comes out of Xavier's ears. Sure, Tyler must have noticed the tension between you and him, and he must have seen you walk around Jericho without Xavier stuck to your side, but blatantly trying to flirt with you in front of him?
"Oh!" You exclaim. "Wow, thank you, Tyler!"
He nods with a big grin on his face before walking off with the tray. Luckily Xavier doesn't have 'murder vision' as his power. If arrows would be able to shoot out of his eyes, then Tyler would be dead right now.
"That was kinda weird," you look from Tyler to Xavier. "I don't remember him doing that before."
"Because he didn't. At least, not with me here."
You shake your head, frowning before sipping your drink.
"Weird. At least I can share it with you?"
Xavier moves his gaze to you as his eyes soften. How can he say no> He nods before taking a sip of his own drink, looking out of the window to see different people walking by.
You, on the other hand, are only focussing on the person in front of you. The way his hair frames his face, his eyes, his hands, his nose - he is truly breathtaking. When he looks back at you, he is surprised to see you staring at him. You had done this before the song as well, and he never understood why.
"What?" He laughs.
"Nothing," you shake your head before sitting up straighter. "You want a piece of a cinnamon roll?"
You shared the pastry with Xavier as you listened to his stories. He also listened to yours, even though he had heard them many times before. He didn't care - he loves to listen.
The small bell rings again as Wednesday steps into the cafe. She walks up to the register, deadpanning as she asks for one of the strongest coffee drinks that you could imagine. As she walks out, she stops in front of your table. She didn't expect you both to be there. Her mind has been too preoccupied with hunting down a monster.
"Y/N," she nods. "Xavier."
Xavier awkwardly waves at her as you smile, greeting the sinister girl.
"Wednesday! Surprised to see you here!"
"Well," she looks at you, sipping the quad that she ordered. "I have pressing things occupying my mind. This is the only place where I can order a quad."
She wouldn't tell you about the monster - she felt like you had more on your mind as well. Besides, how would you react if she blamed your best friend to be the monster that attacked both Rowan and Eugene?
"I better go. This cafe makes me want to gouge my own eyes out."
The pig-tailed girl exits the cafe, drink in hand as Thing sits on her shoulder. Xavier nervously eyes you, yet you only seem to smile. You really don't remember the entire fight. You don't remember how bad of a friend Xavier had really been.
The entire day was spent in Jericho as you and Xavier had to run back to the bus stop, catching the last shuttle bus back to Nevermore. You are out of breath as you let yourself fall on the seat. Xavier, though used to running, also has to catch his breath as he lets out a laugh. The two of you had spent a bit too long in Uriah's Heap, looking at all the strange little creatures that had been displayed.
After the shuttle bus stops at Nevermore, you quickly get out. It was not that late and you still had some time before it was lights out. You had spent all day talking to Xavier, yet you didn't want to let him go just yet.
"Hey, you talked about buying new sketchbooks, right?"
Xavier nods. He had bought two new sketchbooks and some other supplies, all in his bag.
"Well," you look at him. "I was thinking that we could hang out somewhere? Maybe one of our dorms or the Nightshade library?"
You want to stay with him longer? His heart jumps a beat as he nods.
"Good idea! We can stay in the library and then sneak off to our own dorms."
The two of you find your way to the Poe statue, walking down the stairs to find the empty library. It didn't get used too much - most of the Nightshades were only here during the night, for parties, or to have a moment of silence.
You had bought a new book anyway, so you were certain that you would be able to sit in the library for a while. That is if you even get to read it. Xavier and you were planning to read and draw in the small park, yet you couldn't stop talking.
After pushing two chairs and a small table together, you both sit down. The table is filled with stuff that you had brought from Jericho, including some drinks, food, and your books and pencils.
He hums, looking up from his sketchbook.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He furrows his eyebrows.
"This whole... Thing. I shouldn't have gotten jealous, and I shouldn't have begged Bianca to use her Song on me," you mumble, your fingers playing with the thin piece of paper. "I feel like I should have dealt with it differently."
"Hey, you shouldn't say sorry," Xavier frowns, turning his body to you. "If anything, I was just a shitty friend. I had been meaning to apologize to you, but Kent and Bianca were watching you at all times. I... I just got too much in my own head, overthinking everything. I-"
He can't say he likes you.
He can't.
You don't even remember the way the two of you used to act together. It was technically a romantic relationship already, just never made official. You had movie nights, dinner dates, sleepovers, and even hugged and held hands often.
"I am just happy that you are willing to give me a second chance."
A smile forms on your face as you look at him. You wouldn't even be surprised if you found out that you liked him as more than friends before the Song took its effect on you.
"I just wish I could remember at least something," you sigh. "I don't know your birthday or favorite color - I don't even know what movies you like!"
Xavier lets out a laugh, shaking his head before leaning back in his chair.
"I mean, if you're still up for the whole thing during the Visiting Week, we might have enough time to get it all figured out."
A daring move.
"I would love that," you reply, a big smile on your face as you look back at your book, trying to distract yourself from the mesmerizing boy in front of you.
The rest of the evening was spent with stories, Xavier showing you some drawings, you reading parts of your book to him, and snacks with drinks.
"It's almost time for lights out," a sigh leaves your lips as you close your book, stuffing it in your bag. "I guess it's time to go?"
"Yeah," Xavier yawns.
His fingers hurt from holding the pencil, sketching away at different drawings while trying new techniques. The book now had some of its pages filled with portraits of you, some sketches of the food he ate, and also some animals. All of the art supplies get put in his bag as he stands up, dusting off his pants.
The two of you are still chatting when you reach the split point - you were to go to the right, and Xavier would have to leave for the left. Even though you had spent hours of your day with him, you still didn't really feel like letting him go just yet.
A hum leaves his lips as he rubs his eyes. He didn't even realize how sleepy he had gotten. After walking through Jericho, mentally beating up Tyler, running to the shuttle bus, and hiding away in the library, he could use some sleep.
"Thank you for today," you mumble, softly pulling on the hem of your sweater. "I really enjoyed it."
He smiles at you, his eyes a bit droopy.
"I did too," he nods, "I think it's time to run back to our dorms. I have seen Thornhill when I sneaked out of your room multiple times. She might seem sweet, but..."
You giggle as you readjust the bag on your shoulder. It feels weird to just turn around and walk away. How did you greet him before? I mean, just this morning you only tapped him on the shoulder, but you feel different now. Even though none of your memories have returned, you do feel like you have known him all your life.
Out of habit, he opens his arms to engulf you in one last hug. He quickly stops his motion when he realizes what he does, but you just step forward, slinging your arms around his waist to give him a hug. Neither of you fully expected it, but it isn't like you were complaining. Once you let go, you smile at him, whispering a goodbye before hurrying away.
Your cheeks are burning up as you quickly slip into your dorm, locking the door behind you as you drop your bag next to you.
bianca ★
you there? did he kill you or something? text me when you're back
i'm not kidding y/n, i thought you would be back already
okay just kidding, have fun <3
Y/N ♡
SORRYY!!! i only just got back to my dorm, had to try and not run into thornhill :/
bianca ★
oh my god...
how did it go?
It is Monday morning. Your alarm went off as you let out a groan, hitting the device with your eyes closed. You had fallen asleep way too late yesterday, too busy texting Bianca and Xavier. Today would start with one class before everyone would gather in the Quad to greet their parents.
You and Xavier had other plans. Plans that you had discussed up until two in the morning. Visiting Week was until Thursday morning, which meant that there was more than enough time to hang out. You had double-checked the texts with your parents just to make sure that they weren't going to be stopping by.
One Botany class and then you would go to Jericho to spend some time there before eating in the Quad and hanging out anywhere. Of course, you would also go and greet Ajax's moms. You had not seen them since last year, but you remember them being very sweet.
Your bag feels heavy on your shoulders as you enter the class, greeting Thornhill before sitting down in your usual spot. At least, your usual seat before the Song. You knew that Xavier liked to sit in the same place each class, so after talking to Bianca, you said that you would try and sit with him.
The boy comes in looking just as tired as you are, but his face immediately lights up when he sees you sitting next to his usual seat. Xavier quickly walks over, dropping his bag down before taking a seat on the chair.
"I am dead tired," he whispers, pulling notebooks and pens out of his bag.
"Me too," you huff. "Shouldn't have stayed up that late."
He lets out a chuckle before closing his bag up again, leaning on the table with his elbows. He is quite excited for this week - something he hadn't felt in a while. It was just still a bit strange to see you talk to him again after weeks, it is even stranger because he knows you agreed to keep him company.
Everyone in the class was a bit out of it today. Some were excited to see their parents while others were completely dreading it. Thornhill didn't assign any homework - thank God. You would have the time to do it, but you appreciated having a bit more free time. Thornhill seemed to understand her students quite well, which was strange as she was the only Normie teacher.
Once class ends, you see a dozen cars already parked at the gates of Nevermore. Groups of people enter the school grounds, some more excited than others.
"Okay guys," Thornhill says with a smile, her hands clasped together. "Time for class to end and for everyone to head to the Quad!"
You and Xavier decided to skip to the balcony, watching the entire ceremony from there before heading down. It was going to be too busy and awkward as you didn't really have anyone to stand by.
"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children," Principal Weems smiles, standing behind the microphone. "To learn and grow. No matter who, or what, they are."
Claps fill the Quad in response to the speech. You feel like she always repeats the same one with the same exact words.
"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving our students. But," she hesitates for a second before smiling yet again. "I am happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery!"
"What?" You whisper, looking at Xavier. "What happened to Eugene?"
You hadn't heard of that yet. Not that you were befriended with him, but to hear that the poor boy had gotten stuck in an accident did make you sad.
"I don't know," Xavier sighs. "Wouldn't be surprised if that monster had anything to do with it."
Xavier looks around for a second to make sure that no one is around to hear him.
"Well, Wednesday believes that Rowan got killed by it. And now Eugene has been attacked. It seems to attack people with gifts, though it also has gotten a hold of some Normies."
"Is it going to get us?"
The thought makes you nervous. A monster, capable of killing, going after Nevermore students and people with powers. Xavier shakes his head, smiling down at you as he leans against the balcony.
"Of course not," he lets out a laugh. "Even if, I'll be right by your side."
The crowd splits up as everyone sits down with their families, a sign for you and Xavier to hop by Ajax quickly and then leave for Jericho. The Weathervane would be packed later, so it's better to get an early start.
"Xavier, Y/N!" You get stuck in a tight embrace. "Oh, it's wonderful to see you!"
You greet the moms as well, smiling while making small talk with them.
"Oh, you two are just the cutest couple," Ajax's mom gushes, her hand on your shoulder as you only look at her, slightly confused.
"Mom," Ajax groans, an embarrassed look on his face. His mom lets out a laugh, shaking her head before sitting down at the picnic table.
"Okay, okay! Tell me about Enid."
The two of you decide that this is the perfect moment to slip away. It is quite interesting to see the different parents. With Wednesday, you could perfectly imagine how she and her parents fit together – their fully black clothes stood out against the rest of the parents. Enid and her family? Less of a match.
“Hey, I might have a faster way to Jericho.”
Hidden at the side of the Nevermore walls stands a blue bike, one that is faintly familiar to you. Xavier pushes the key inside the lock, opening it before bringing it your way.
“Want to sit on the back?”
It is, indeed, much faster than the long walk you usually take. The shuttle bus was only a short eight minute drive, but the walk tends to be at least twenty-five minutes. Xavier slowly stops the bike, allowing you to jump off before locking it. It stands right next to the wall with white paint splotched on it. It might have been a mural, but now it is covered up.
You and Xavier were still dressed in your school uniforms, not having thought of changing out of them for Jericho. You wouldn’t be here that long anyway. Just a quick drink before heading right back.
The bell rings again, a sound that is so familiar to pretty much everyone. Behind the register stands Tyler again. It is like he always works. The booths are pretty empty for this time of the day, only officer Galpin taking up one table. The man is calling, drinking coffee, and writing down notes all at the same time. You wonder if he knows anything about that so-called monster. Even if, you doubted that he would care for anyone that isn’t a normie.
“Y/N, hey!” Tyler smiles. “Xavier.”
Xavier curtly nods back, not really in the mood for any small talk.
“Hey Tyler,” you turn to Xavier. “What would you like?”
“A cappuccino.”
The same thing as last time. You smile before turning back to Tyler, but he already put in your order.
“And a hot chocolate, whipped cream, caramel?”
“I’m surprised you remember,” you raise an eyebrow, but the boy only lets out a laugh.
“I remember some. Only special ones, though.”
Xavier rips his wallet open, placing the money on the counter before giving Tyler one last glare. He really, really, can’t stand the guy. Especially with whatever trick he is playing right now. Not one bone in Xavier’s body trusts him.
“That will be right up,” Tyler only says, a smile on his face as you quickly thank him.
You sit down in the same booth as Xavier, watching him as he looks down at his hands. No matter what Tyler does, it annoys him. Especially if it surrounds you. Sure, Xavier shouldn’t say anything – he isn’t your boyfriend. It feels silly to him to be jealous or upset by someone showing interest in you, yet he still feels all those emotions.
“So, where are you thinking tonight? The library, my dorm, your dorm,” you list off different locations on your fingers. “Art shed, Nightshade library…”
“Hm,” Xavier hums, leaning against the back of the seat. “I think it might rain tonight. Art shed doesn’t sound too good, then.”
You look out of the window, seeing the first Nevermore visitors stop by in Jericho. Wednesday, her parents and her little brother get out of a black car, stopping right in front of Kinbott’s office.
“Here you go, one cappuccino,” Tyler places your drinks down. “One hot chocolate with all your favourites, and a chocolate chip cookie.”
Why does he keep bringing you all these treats? Xavier doesn’t even look up to Tyler.
“Thank you, Tyler!”
“My pleasure,” with a smile he leaves, refilling the cup of coffee on his dads table.
Officer Galpin doesn’t stay for long, though. Another phone call makes him pack up his stuff, mumbling something to Tyler before he walks off. In the meanwhile, the Addams family had entered Kinbott’s office. Hm, a group therapy session, maybe?
You sit with Xavier as you sip your drink, talking about all different things. It is nice to just talk to him. Slowly you are starting to get to know him again. Something you had really missed before. When you talked to Bianca about trying to befriend him again, you had not expected for it to be so easy. You can easily imagine how you befriended him the first time. With so many things in common, it would have been crazy for the two of you to not be friends.
Xavier felt the same way. He is not only happy to have you back, but he is even happier that you wanted to give him a second chance. A chance that he took with both his hands, promising himself that he would do anything for you. And, in his eyes, it was going pretty damn good. It almost felt like how it used to be.
“Want to get out of here?”
Multiple cars were now lined up on the parking lot as more and more Weathervane seats get filled up with people. Xavier quickly nods, grabbing his bike keys before you both walk outside. You walk pretty close to him, your hands even sometimes touching each other, yet you do not dare to take it. Did you hold hands before?
It seemed like everyone at Nevermore decided to go to the Weathervane. Only small groups stayed behind in the Quad, Thornhill and Weems sitting at one table discussing some topics that you didn’t really care for. To enter the Nightshade library now was risky – there were too many people around. So, you and Xavier opt for sitting in the Quad, waiting for the dinner to come in while keeping yourself busy with random things.
Doors keep opening and closing in the next two hours as more families return from the café, hungry and ready to eat. Ajax and his moms decide to sit with you, just like the last years. Even before your parents stopped coming by, Xavier always sat with them. Not only because Ajax is his best friend, but also because his moms insisted. How could you say no?
Tables get filled with food as everyone is free to grab whatever they desire. Your plate is filled with salads, pasta, chicken, and some other goodies you had found.
“This is so good,” you mumble, taking another bite of the pasta.
Not all the food at Nevermore was this good, so you appreciated it while you could. Xavier looks over at you as he sips his own drink.
“What is it?”
With your mouth full you prick at the pasta, holding the fork out in front of him to offer him a bite. The corners of his mouth lift up slightly as he takes a bite, agreeing with your opinion. It is weirdly good.
In the middle of the dinner, the big wooden doors get pulled open aggressively. Officer Galpin struts in, three other police men behind him. What is he doing here? The police never visited Nevermore uninvited, much less in a way like this.
Even principal Weems seems surprised.
“Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?”
Though she has a smile on her face and a happy tone in her voice, you can hear her confusion and slight anger. If principal Weems doesn’t know what is going on, then who does? The officer doesn’t care as he ignores the lady, instead beelining for a specific table in the back of the Quad.
“Gomez Addams,” he speaks up, not stopping until he stands next to the man.
Wednesday’s dad? Everyone in the Quad looks at the two figures, not daring to utter a word. Gomez turns around to face Galpin, not showing any nervousness on his face.
“How can I help you, Sheriff?”
“You are under arrest for the murder of Garret Gates.”
The man pulls out handcuffs as gasps can be heard from different tables. A murder? You knew that death, pain, and torture were popular with the family, but you had not expected anyone to have actually murdered someone.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
“You have the right to an attorney,” Galpin pushes Gomez forwards, holding on to the handcuffs tightly. “If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.”
Everyone’s eyes are focused on the two figures as they exit the Quad, no one daring to speak up. What is there to say? It is not everyday that someone gets arrested right in front of you. When you look over at the rest of the family, you see one singular tear slide down Morticia’s cheek as Wednesday just looks slightly astonished. The three leave not long after that as the rest of the Quad slowly comes to life again.
“That was weird,” Xavier mumbles before stacking up the plates.
“I hope they’ll be alright.”
In the evening, you decided to stay in Xavier’s dorm. Coach Vlad is a very heavy sleeper, so the chance of him hearing you sneak through the hallways is quite small. In your bag is a book, some snacks, and also your laptop. On the schedule is a movie night, something Xavier says you would do at least once a week before.
He had picked you up from your dorm, taking your bag on his shoulders as he insists that he needed to carry it. After successfully making it past Coach his room, you enter Xavier’s dorm.
“Still no new roommate,” he presses his lips together. “We can push that bed closer to here. I have extra blankets.”
Before the Song, you would have just joined him on his bed. But, Xavier thought that you might be more comfortable having your own little spot. You nod as the bed just slides over next to Xavier’s, not quite touching, but very close. Only a few centimetres of space between the two  What a good day to have telekinesis. Xavier pulls blankets and pillows out of his closet, throwing them on the bed before letting himself fall on his own.
“Okay, so I did bring different snacks. And some stuff from Ajax.”
The bedside table is soon filled with cups, snacks, weed, phone chargers, and a laptop. Xavier put on some random movie that showed up first as neither of you knew what to watch. Not that the movie got any attention from the two of you. You were too busy talking yet again.
Hours pass by as movies begin and end – the moment when the more serious conversations take place. Especially after smoking some of Ajax his stuff. Both of you had laid down on your beds, facing each other with only a small distance between the two of you. The only light in the room came from the laptop, which was still playing a movie.
“I just…” You let out a deep sigh. “I wish I remembered.”
You had come back on the topic of the Song.
“I feel like I am just missing a whole part of my life. It just…”
Xavier looks at you as you try to find the words to explain yourself. After talking for so long, both of you had gotten quite tired, so conversations were a bit harder to keep up.
“You feel like a dream.”
“Is that good or bad?” He lets out a chuckle.
The sentence itself doesn't sound negative. In fact, to him, it sounds quite sweet.
"Both?" You let out an airy laugh. "Whenever I look at you, it's like I have only seen you in my dreams. I remember things, but it feels like a picture where you are blurry. It just sucks. I feel like I am missing out on so many good memories I had just because of one thing."
"Don't blame yourself," Xavier whispers. "We can make more memories. New ones."
"Yeah," you reply, your voice also quiet in order to not wake anyone else up. "Yeah, I would like that."
It is quiet for a second as your eyes start feeling heavy. Being high, laying down in a warm bed, and being tired aren't the best things to have when you try to stay awake.
A hum can be heard from in front of you, the laptop light just a bit too dim to light up his entire face. His eyes are catching some of the light as they seem to glow in the dark.
"You're a good dream. A pretty one."
His heart now truly skips a step as you compliment him. It sounds so sincere, especially as you are tired. The weed is also making your speech pattern a bit different, much slower.
"You are too."
You scooch a bit closer to him, still making sure you are on your own bed before laying back down. When your head hits the pillow, you let out a soft sigh, your eyes still focused on Xavier.
"You know," you yawn. "I'm not surprised we were friends before."
Xavier smiles, his arm holding up his head as he looks down at you. Your eyes were practically closed already, yet you still tried to keep the conversation going. His hand slowly finds its way to your cheek, resting on it softly as his thumb moves back and forth on your cheekbone, your eyes now fully closed.
What you said felt real. It didn't seem like a lie or part of the song. It felt like you.
The sun is bright as it shines right into your face, making you wake up. With a soft groan, you sit up, rubbing your eyes and stretching your arms. For just a second you were confused. This isn't your dorm.
But then you see the countless sketches stuck on the walls, paint tubes and pencils on the desk, and, of course, a sleeping Xavier right next to you. You softly tap his shoulder as you whisper his name. The small clock on the wall says it's eleven already, so only one hour to join the picnic.
"Hm," Xavier groans, pushing his face back into his pillow. "Just a bit more. Please."
"Xavier," you plead, tapping his shoulder again. "Please? It's time for the picnics! And I need to sneak out still."
He opens one eye before pulling your hand to him, your arm now stuck in his grip as he just goes back to sleep. A laugh escapes your lips as you are now half on his bed and half on yours.
"Come on, Xav," you slowly try to pull your arm back. "Afterwards we can go to the art shed or something. I promise."
It had taken you fifteen minutes to get him to wake up. By now you have made ten different promises to get him out of bed, though he had forgotten all of them already. Coach Vlad gave you a strange look as you walked through the hall with Xavier, but didn't ask any questions. As long as he didn't wake up in the middle of the night because of noise complaints, then he didn't care.
"Jesus, what happened here?"
You look over to Xavier before following his gaze. The small patch of grass next to the Archery field is half burned, some shapes and letters darkening the grass that was on fire only a few hours ago. How had you not noticed that there was a fire?
Before anything else could be said, Enid runs up to you, slightly out of breath.
"Y/N! Xavier! I am planning something for Wednesday's birthday today," she gasps for air as she leans on you. "Crackstone's crypt, tonight. I have a cake!"
She walks off as fast as she arrived, skipping away to do God-knows-what. A birthday party for Wednesday?
"I didn't take her as a birthday person."
"She isn't," Xavier laughs. "Which makes it even funnier."
The Quad is filled with different picnic baskets, all customized with different names and foods in them. It meant that you and Xavier had more than enough to share - neither of your parents was here to eat it anyway. With the baskets in your hand, you follow the rest of the families, sitting down in the big open field close to the woods.
After not eating breakfast, this picnic was exactly what you needed. Xavier had laid down the two blankets, connecting them to each other as you placed plates and cups down.
While eating the different snacks and meals, you just observed. You always thought it was interesting to watch different people, especially ones you weren't familiar with. So that is what you did. Some of the parents were ones that you had seen the previous year, but with all the new students, it was fun to guess who was who.
After two hours it is time to clean everything up, placing the empty containers and blankets back into the baskets before discarding them in the Quad. The weather outside was actually quite nice. Flowers were blooming again and birds were chirping. One flower had made its way into your hair after Xavier had found it. It fit you perfectly, he said.
"Ssssh! They're coming," Kent hides behind the crypt as Thing quickly scurries back. "Turn off the lights!"
With the cake in his hands, he crouches down. The rest of the group follows, trying to hide in the shadows to hopefully surprise the deadpanned girl. Even though Kent had told everyone to stay quiet, he couldn't help but sneeze. There goes the surprise.
"Whoever you are," Wednesday grits her teeth. "Show yourself. Try anything and you'll lose limbs."
You didn't doubt that. Maybe it's better that you didn't surprise her - you don't want a knife to your neck. With her aim, you were sure that she never missed.
"Surprise!" You all exclaim, jumping out from your hiding spot.
"Happy birthday to you," Wednesdays face morphs into one filled with disgust. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Wednesday!"
The small candles on the cake get lit as you all keep singing.
"Happy birthday to you!"
"I should have known you were behind this," she grits her teeth as she turns to Thing. "What part of 'no party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?"
"Come, Wednesday!" Enid grins, walking up to the girl with the cake in her hands. "Why don't you make a wish?"
Wednesday is too occupied to focus on the cake as she spots some weird text on the wall. It's latin, no one really understands that, right? She crouches down, her fingers running over the engraved letters.
"Fire will rain," she mumbles. "When I rise."
Maybe one person understands that.
"That's not really a wish," the werewolf grimaces, the candles slowly melting away.
"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore's lawn," she stands back up. "It can't be a coincidence."
Ajax slowly leans in towards you and Xavier, looking at the cake.
"We're never eating that cake, are we?"
No one has time to react as Wednesday's head suddenly falls backward, the girl collapsing onto the ground.
Enid pushes the cake towards Kent before running up to the girl. Was she having a seizure? You look at her worriedly as Xavier puts a hand on your shoulder. It had only taken a few seconds before Wednesday opened her eyes again, standing up without a word before storming out of the crypt.
It leaves all of you a bit speechless - really not a birthday girl.
"I will check on her," Enid nods, gesturing to the exit. "Ajax, you can eat that cake. Save me a piece."
"You had another vision, didn't you?"
Xavier stops next to Wednesday, looking out onto the lawn with the burnt grass. You had gone up to your dorm, changing out of your uniform and back into your normal clothes.
"I didn't realize we were back on speaking terms."
"Well," he shrugs. "I showed up to your surprise party. Figured that would have been a hint. I'm still a friend, Wednesday. So, what did you see?"
Not one glance is thrown at Xavier.
"Who said I was ready to speak with you?"
A sigh escapes his lips. For a while now she had expected him to be someone he isn't. He kept it a secret from everyone. Wednesday usually has some strange theories, ones that aren't supported by a whole lot.
"You still think I am the monster?"
"Haven't ruled it out."
Her answers are quick and sharp.
"Well," he swallows thickly. "Let me know if you finally change your mind."
A lot had changed in one day.
You didn't know what happened, but some of your friends were suddenly acting strange. Bianca felt out of it, Enid and Wednesday didn't talk anymore, and Xavier also seemed a bit uneasy. You thought he wanted some time alone but were proven wrong as he invited you out to the Nightshade library.
The rumbling of stones and footsteps alert you. Did Weems find out that you were here in the middle of the night? Instead, Wednesday comes downstairs, asking for Uncle Fester?
"Who's uncle Fester?"
She quickly turns around, being faced by you and Xavier. You were sitting on the ground with a book in front of you and your phone next to you. Wednesday looks from you to Xavier as she takes a deep breath.
"What are you two doing here?"
Xavier has an annoyed look on his face. He really can't be bothered with her strange antics today.
"Since Y/N and I are actual Nightshades, we don't have to explain ourselves. So, what is your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?"
You close your book up, curiously watching the girl in front of you.
"Come on, Wednesday," Xavier groans. "You can't still be trying to look for answers. Nothing in this library matches that... thing. You can't go blaming everyone around you for things they didn't do."
"You want to hear what I think?" Wednesday grits her teeth. "I think that it is just convenient that you seem to show up at the right place, the right time. You might think you fool me by hanging out with Y/N-"
"Not one word."
You slowly stand up, unsure of what to do. Do you just leave? Do you break up their fight?
"You do not get to bring her into your stupid theories, Wednesday. I am serious. Keep. Her. Out."
"Okaaay," you awkwardly laugh, "I think it is time for us to go. Good luck with your research, Wednesday."
You place your hand on Xavier's bicep, guiding him to the stairs as you leave the pig-tailed girl down in the library. She isn't even supposed to be in there, but there is no stopping her. Simply a fight you cannot win.
Another day of useless classes passes. You hung out with Ajax and Xavier before Ajax decided to go out for a smoke. Weed is strictly prohibited on Nevermore grounds, but luckily he could use the place next to the art shed.
"I totally forgot about all my homework," you let your head fall into your hands. "Maybe Thornhill didn't give me any, but I am still behind!"
"Want me to make homework with you today?"
"Want to? Yes. Is it smart? Not so much." you let out a small laugh. "I really need to finish all of it. What about hanging out tomorrow? Weathervane?"
"Sounds good," the boy smiles. "I will be in my art shed if you're looking for me."
It had been way past dinner time already, so he didn't need to go back to Nevermore except to go back to sleep. The two of you say your goodbyes, both heading a different way.
The sky is already getting darker as Xavier approaches the art shed. As he takes off his jacket, the lights suddenly turn on. He looks around confused, his eyes falling on Wednesday who stands in the corner of the shed.
Xavier scoffs, walking up to his desk.
"You know what? You," he points at her. "Need to stay out of my space."
"And you need to take your own advice."
She stabs the dagger that she was holding into the desk, breaking up the piece of wood. Xavier his eyes go from the knife to the girl. What was she doing with that? He is speechless - does she think that that knife is his?
"Actually, you left it in Thing," she pauses for a second. "How long have you been seeing Kinbott?"
"Have you..."
He frowns as he looks at her with disbelief. He had called Kinbott not that long ago, wanting to schedule a new appointment. Ajax gave him the advice to open up a bit more, talking about his problems and making sure that he feels comfortable enough to admit his feelings. He didn't want a Siren Song redo. But, how did Wednesday know?
"What am I saying? Of course you have," he laughs sarcastically. "You have been spying on me."
He takes the dagger out of the wooden table in a swift motion, his finger trying to smooth out the broken wood.
"Because I am some sort of villain in your fantasy."
The dagger is one he has never seen before. Why would he even own one? Much less to stab Thing with it.
"My father thinks that my mental health is like a PR problem that needs to be managed," he tells Wednesday. "Wanted to keep his troubled son out of his tabloids."
He takes a step back, raising his hands in defense before they fall to his side.
"I wasn't in your room. Believe me, or don't. I don't care."
The girl walks straight past him, stopping in front of the covered-up canvas. She takes a look at it before turning to Xavier.
"Your painting has been improving. I enjoy this one in particular."
She takes hold of the fabric, pulling it down roughly to expose the painting. It is of one of Xavier his visions, one that included Kinbott with countless wounds on her face. It had been plaguing him for the last night.
"It feels like you have really lived through it."
"Wednesday, what do you want?"
He is tired. He wants to go back to painting, to go back to sketching. He doesn't want to spend his time arguing with someone who, essentially, is like a brick wall.
"I'm the one asking questions."
She turns to the desk, moving a sketchbook before holding up a random object.
"What is Rowan's inhaler doing in your shed? Or Eugene's glasses?"
"Woah, woah! What?"
"Or these stalker images you took of me?"
Wednesday throws a stack of photo's on the table, all with her in them.
"No. I-"
"Oh, and don't forget your latest addition."
The jar with pencils gets thrown onto the table as she fishes a thin chain out of the pile.
"Kinbott's necklace."
Red and blue lights flash through the window as Xavier tries to talk to Wednesday.
"Somebody planted that stuff!" He stutters as he points to the items/
Wednesday is still holding onto the chain, dangling it in the air when the door behind her flies over. It reveals Sheriff Galpin with a gun in his hand, pointed straight at Xavier.
"Freeze!" He shouts. "Drop the knife. Down on your knees."
He immediately does as he is told. No matter how much he wants to prove Wednesday wrong - he is the one with the knife in his hand. The one who, magically, has all the items of the monster's victims in his shed. Slowly he kneels down, his hands above his head as Galpin tells the other officers to handcuff him.
"You have the right to remain silent."
Thoughts are rushing through his head as his hands are taken by another officer, cold handcuffs now around his wrists.
"Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."
His eyes fly to Wednesday. While he looks stressed, confused, and utterly betrayed, she only has a blank look on her face. If anything, it shows the smallest smirk.
"You have the right to an attorney," the gun still pointed at him. "If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed."
The sheriff looks at the short girl on his side, never lowering the gun.
"Appreciate the help, Addams."
"You!" Xavier grits his teeth as he gets pulled up by the officer. "You framed me! I'm being set up!"
With a push in his back, he stumbles forward, still looking at Wednesday with a furious look.
"I saved you from Rowan!"
The girl says nothing. But the boy has more than enough to say.
Y/N ♡
hey xav! :) what time tomorrow at the weathervane? one?
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