#ITP in sector 5
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anunturiauto · 8 months ago
Beneficiile serviciilor de ITP
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Beneficiile serviciilor de inspecție tehnică periodică (ITP) sunt indispensabile pentru siguranța și fiabilitatea vehiculelor utilizate în traficul rutier. ITP-ul este un proces esențial care constă în verificarea regulată a stării tehnice a vehiculului și asigurarea conformității acestuia cu standardele legale și de siguranță. Iată câteva dintre principalele beneficii ale serviciilor de ITP:
Siguranța rutieră: unul dintre principalele beneficii ale serviciilor de ITP este creșterea siguranței rutiere. Inspecțiile periodice asigură că vehiculele sunt în stare bună de funcționare și că nu prezintă pericole sau defecte majore care ar putea duce la accidente sau întreruperi ale traficului rutier.
Prin verificarea atentă a componentelor cheie precum sistemul de frânare, suspensiile, luminile și anvelopele, ITP-ul contribuie la prevenirea unor defecțiuni grave care ar putea avea consecințe periculoase în trafic.
Economii pe termen lung: deși serviciile de ITP implică costuri inițiale, ele pot aduce economii semnificative pe termen lung. Un vehicul în stare bună de funcționare și care respectă standardele legale are șanse mai mari de a evita defecțiunile majore care ar necesita reparații costisitoare. În plus, vehiculele în stare bună de funcționare au un consum de combustibil mai eficient, ceea ce duce la economii suplimentare pentru proprietar.
Reducerea amenzilor și sancțiunilor: in majoritatea țărilor, circularea cu un vehicul care nu a trecut sau este înafara perioadei de valabilitate a ITP-ului este ilegală și poate fi sancționată cu amenzi semnificative.
Beneficiul obținerii ITP-ului în termen și menținerea vehiculului la zi cu inspecțiile periodice este că proprietarul scapă de riscul de a primi astfel de amenzi și sancțiuni datorate vehiculului nesigur sau neconform.
Protecția mediului: serviciile de ITP realizate la BetaITP.ro contribuie indirect și la protecția mediului înconjurător. Vehiculele mai vechi sau cu probleme tehnice pot emite mai multe gaze de eșapament și poluanți, ceea ce afectează negativ calitatea aerului și mediul înconjurător.
Prin verificările periodice și asigurarea unui sistem de evacuare corespunzător și a altor componente cheie, ITP-ul ajută la menținerea vehiculelor în parametrii optimi de funcționare și la reducerea emisiilor poluante.
Păstrarea valorii vehiculului: ITP-ul regulat și menținerea vehiculului în stare bună de funcționare contribuie la păstrarea valorii acestuia. Vehiculele care au fost întreținute corespunzător și au trecut cu succes prin ITP-ul lor regulat valorează mai mult pe piața second-hand și atrag mai mulți potențiali cumpărători.
De asemenea, proprietarii pot beneficia de rate de asigurare mai scăzute pentru vehiculele care sunt considerate sigure și bine întreținute.
Conformitatea cu reglementările legale: un alt beneficiu important al serviciilor de ITP in sector 5 este asigurarea conformității cu reglementările legale. În majoritatea țărilor, vehiculele trebuie să fie supuse periodic la inspecții tehnice, iar proprietarii au obligația de a se asigura că vehiculele sunt înmatriculate și au ITP-ul valabil.
Prin urmare, beneficiul obținerii ITP-ului în termen este respectarea legii și evitarea consecințelor legale.
Încrederea și confortul șoferului: de asemenea, ITP-ul oferă un confort și o liniște în plus șoferilor. Cunoscând faptul că vehiculul lor este într-o stare tehnică bună și a fost verificat de profesioniști autorizați, șoferii pot avea încredere în fiabilitatea și siguranța vehiculului lor în timpul călătoriilor.
ITP in sector 5 | BetaITP.ro
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În concluzie, serviciile de ITP de la Beta ITP aduc numeroase beneficii atât pentru proprietarii de vehicule, cât și pentru traficul rutier și mediul înconjurător.
Asigurarea siguranței, economiile pe termen lung, evitarea amenzilor și sancțiunilor, protecția mediului, păstrarea valorii vehiculului, conformitatea cu reglementările legale și încrederea șoferului sunt doar câteva dintre motivele pentru care ITP-ul este esențial și trebuie respectat cu strictețe.
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recomandarefirma · 2 months ago
Ești în căutarea unei stații ITP? Beta ITP îți sare în ajutor
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Inspecția tehnică periodică (ITP) este o etapă esențială pentru siguranța și legalitatea vehiculului tău. Dacă locuiești în București, mai ales în sectorul 5, găsirea unei stații ITP rapide și de încredere poate fi o prioritate.
Beta ITP, cu sediul pe soseaua Alexandriei, îți oferă servicii de inspecție tehnică pentru toate tipurile de vehicule, incluzând autoturisme, autoutilitare, microbuze, autobuze și chiar tractoare rutiere.
Ce face BetaITP să iasă în evidență?
Servicii rapide și fără programare
Timpul este o resursă prețioasă, iar BetaITP.ro știe acest lucru. De aceea, oferim posibilitatea de a efectua ITP-ul fără programare prealabilă. Poți veni direct la stația noastră, iar echipa noastră de profesioniști se va asigura că inspecția este realizată rapid și eficient.
Stație ITP autorizată RAR
BetaITP este o stație ITP din sector 5 autorizată de Registrul Auto Român (RAR), ceea ce garantează standarde înalte de calitate și conformitate cu legislația în vigoare. Indiferent de tipul vehiculului tău, poți fi sigur că inspecția va fi realizată corect și fără probleme.
Toate tipurile de vehicule
Fie că deții un autoturism pe benzină, diesel, GPL sau GNC, fie că ai un SUV, autoutilitară, microbuz sau autobuz, BetaITP este pregătită să îți ofere servicii complete. Chiar și posesorii de vehicule speciale, precum tractoarele rutiere, pot apela cu încredere la noi.
Locația ideală pentru șoferii din sectorul 5
Cu o poziție strategică pe soseaua Alexandriei, BetaITP este ușor accesibilă pentru șoferii din Rahova, Ferentari sau împrejurimile sectorului 5. Acest lucru o face o alegere convenabilă pentru toți cei care caută o stație ITP în apropiere.
Prețuri competitive și oferte pentru flote
Un alt avantaj al BetaITP sunt prețurile avantajoase, care vin la pachet cu posibilitatea de a negocia oferte speciale pentru flotele auto. Astfel, dacă ești administratorul unei flote de vehicule, BetaITP este partenerul ideal pentru a menține toate mașinile conforme cu normele legale.
Inspecție pentru vehicule GPL/GNC
BetaITP este una dintre puținele stații ITP din București care oferă inspecții pentru vehicule alimentate cu GPL sau GNC. Cu echipamente moderne și personal instruit, asigurăm inspecții rapide și precise pentru aceste tipuri de autoturisme.
Cum te poate ajuta BetaITP?
În afară de servicii rapide și diverse, BetaITP pune accent pe siguranța rutieră. O inspecție tehnică realizată corect nu doar că îți menține vehiculul conform cu legislația, ci îți oferă și liniștea că mașina ta este într-o stare tehnică bună. Dacă există probleme, tehnicienii noștri îți vor explica detaliat ce trebuie remediat, astfel încât să poți circula în siguranță.
ITP din sector 5 | BetaITP.ro
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Dacă ești în căutarea unei stații ITP în București, sectorul 5, nu mai sta pe gânduri! Vino la BetaITP pe Șoseaua Alexandriei și lasă-ne să ne ocupăm de inspecția vehiculului tău. Contactează-ne la 0722363781 sau vizitează BetaITP.ro pentru mai multe detalii.
BetaITP este aici să îți facă viața mai ușoară, oferindu-ți servicii rapide, de calitate și la prețuri competitive. Nu aștepta, vino acum să descoperi de ce suntem prima alegere pentru șoferii din sectorul 5!
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firmeromania · 1 year ago
De ce să apelezi la BetaITP pentru inspecția tehnică periodică
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În contextul în care inspecția tehnică periodică (ITP) este o etapă esențială pentru menținerea în siguranță a vehiculului tău și conformitatea cu reglementările legale, alegerea unei stații ITP de încredere și profesioniste este crucială.
O opțiune excelentă în București este BetaITP, o stație ITP autorizată R.A.R care oferă servicii de calitate superioară și tarife accesibile. Iată câteva motive solide pentru a apela la aceasta statie pentru ITP-ul mașinii tale.
Experiență și profesionalism
BetaITP.ro se mândrește cu o echipă de specialiști experimentați și bine instruiți în domeniul ITP. Acești profesioniști au cunoștințe și expertiză extinse în verificarea tehnică a vehiculelor, asigurând că fiecare aspect important este luat în considerare în timpul procesului de inspecție.
Cu o abordare atentă, atât în ceea ce privește aspectele de siguranță, cât și cele legale, echipa asigură că vehiculul tău este într-o stare optimă pentru circulație.
Autorizare R.A.R
O altă caracteristică importantă este faptul că stația este autorizată de Registrul Auto Român (R.A.R). Acest lucru indică faptul că stația îndeplinește standardele și cerințele impuse de această organizație de referință în domeniul tehnicii auto.
Autorizarea R.A.R este un indicator al profesionalismului și calității serviciilor oferite, asigurându-te că vehiculul tău este evaluat de specialiști de încredere.
Tarife accesibile
Într-o piață aglomerată, în care tarifele pentru ITP-ul vehiculelor pot varia considerabil, BetaITP se evidențiază prin oferirea de tarife accesibile. Stația își propune să ofere servicii de calitate superioară la prețuri competitive, astfel încât să poți beneficia de un ITP autoturisme GPL corect și complet fără a plăti prea mult.
Această abordare echilibrată între calitate și cost face ca aceasta statie să fie o opțiune atractivă pentru proprietarii de vehicule din București.
Flexibilitate și ușurință
BetaITP.ro înțelege că timpul tău este prețios și se străduiește să ofere flexibilitate și ușurință în programarea și efectuarea ITP-ului. Cu o abordare orientată spre clienți, stația oferă opțiuni multiple de rezervare, inclusiv programarea online, pentru a-ți facilita procesul de programare și a te asigura că poți obține ITP-ul la momentul cel mai convenabil pentru tine.
Re-verificare la tarife reduse
Un alt avantaj al colaborării cu ei este faptul că în cazul în care este necesară o re-verificare în decurs de 30 de zile de la prima inspecție, tarifele practicate sunt mult mai mici.
Aceasta înseamnă că, dacă în urma primei inspecții s-au constatat anumite defecțiuni care necesită remediere, poți beneficia de tarife mai accesibile la a doua inspecție, după ce ai remediat acele defecțiuni.
ITP autoturisme GPL | BetaITP.ro
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In concluzie, BetaITP.ro este alegerea ideală pentru nevoile tale de inspecție tehnică periodică. Cu servicii de înaltă calitate, flexibilitate programului, costuri reduse și personal profesionist, vei fi în mâini bune atunci când alegi aceasta statie.
Nu ezita să îți aduci autovehiculul aici și să beneficiezi de o experiență convenabilă și sigură în ceea ce privește inspecția tehnică a autovehiculului tău.
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autoromania · 2 years ago
Cum sa verifici starea de functionare a autoturismului tau la o statie ITP?
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Niciun sofer nu poate sa circule pe strada daca masina pe care o conduce nu a trecut printr-o Inspectie Tehnica Periodica (ITP). Daca autoturismul este vechi, va trebui ca verificarile realizate de specialistii in domeniu sa fie mult mai amanuntite, pentru ca acestia sa se asigure ca autoturismul care urmeaza sa ajunga in trafic nu impune niciun pericol din punct de vedere functional pentru ceilalti participanti.
Inainte ca soferul sa se prezinte la statia ITP GNC pentru efectuarea inspectiei corespunzatoare, trebuie sa se asigure ca are asupra sa cartea de identitate a vehiculului, cartea de identitate, certificatul de inmatriculare (originalul) si, bineinteles, asigurarea obligatorie valabila. In plus, trebuie sa aiba in vedere faptul ca autoturismul se afla in conditii bune de mers, astfel incat sa nu fie respins.
Cum se pregateste adecvat un sofer pentru ITP?
Cand vine vorba despre vehiculele care sunt folosite pentru transportarea persoanelor si care sunt echipate cu maximum opt locuri pentru pasageri, in afara de cel pentru sofer, este necesar ca verificarea sa fie efectuata la cel mult doi ani. In cazul in care este vorba despre un autoturism mai vechi de 12 ani, ITP-ul trebuie sa fie realizat o data pe an. O varianta catre care soferii isi pot indrepta atentia este statia de ITP din Rahova - BetaITP, unde inspectorii acorda un nivel ridicat de atentie inspectiei masinilor. Pentru pregatirea corespunzatoare a autovehiculului, soferul va trebui sa tina cont de cateva aspecte:
semnalizarea - conteaza foarte mult ca toate luminile autoturismului sa functioneze ireprosabil, inclusiv lumina de ceata;
starea de functionare a anvelopelor – inspectorii auto au intotdeauna in vedere verificarea anvelopelor. Acestea trebuie sa aiba marimea corespunzatoare;
centurile de siguranta – starea acestora si capacitatea de a opune rezistenta in momentul in care sunt trase puternic sunt doi factori atent verificati de inspectori.
Statie ITP GNC | ITP din Rahova | BetaITP.ro
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BetaITP.ro este o statie de inspectie tehnica periodica din capitala pe care toti soferii o pot lua in considerare pentru efectuarea unei evaluari ca la carte a starii de functionare a propriului autoturism.
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uwteam · 1 year ago
8 grudnia 2023
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◢ #unknownews ◣
Przybywam z kolejną kompilacją ciekawych treści z branży IT - zapraszam do lektury.
Jeśli zetknięcie z technologią raz na tydzień to dla Ciebie za mało, to zapraszam do obserwowania mnie na Twitterze, gdzie publikuję niemal codziennie.
1) Muzeum internetowych artefaktów - nostalgia++ https://neal.fun/internet-artifacts/ INFO: Nie wiem, w jakim wieku jesteś i jak dobrze pamiętasz np. początki internetu w Polsce, ale ta strona sięga jeszcze głębiej i pokazuje ciekawe znaleziska z lat 1977-2007. Wciągająca lektura.
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3) Niezauważalna rekompilacja kodu - jak to było z tymi pociągami? https://gynvael.coldwind.pl/?id=777 INFO: Czy możliwe jest zdekompilowanie i ponowne skopiowanie kodu źródłowego aplikacji w sposób niezauważalny dla badaczy? Gynvael, jeden z członków Dragon Sector (ale nie biorący udziału w analizie kodu od Newagu), tłumaczy, w jakim stopniu linia obrony stosowana przez firmę jest zgodna z faktami.
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5) Odzyskiwanie usuniętych plików z drzewa roboczego Git https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/12/recovering-deleted-files-git-working-tree/ INFO: Czy zdarzyło Ci się kiedyś przypadkowo usunąć ważne pliki z projektu i myśleć, że już ich nie odzyskasz? Ten artykuł przedstawia kilka metod, które w odpowiednich sytuacjach mogą pomóc Ci przywrócić utracone dane. Dowiedz się, jak działają mechanizmy Git-a dotyczące plików i jak wykorzystać je do odzyskiwania danych, nawet jeśli wydawało Ci się, że są one już bezpowrotnie stracone.
6) Motion Extraction - jak wykryć ruch w nagraniu? (film, 7 minut) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSS6yAMZF78 INFO: Ciekawa i niezwykle prosta technika pozwala na wydobycie z nagrania elementów, które się poruszają, nawet wtedy, gdy na pierwszy rzut oka żaden obiekt nie wydaje się poruszać. Efekt jest nie tylko użyteczny, ale i przyjemny dla oka.
7) Lista 5-ciu kluczowych zasad architektury nowoczesnego frontendu https://www.workingsoftware.dev/5-essential-frontend-architecture-principles/ INFO: Artykuł przedstawia pięć zasad architektury frontendu, które pomogą Ci osiągnąć cele takie jak wydajność czy skalowalność aplikacji. Poznaj praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące asynchronicznego ładowania, usuwania martwego kodu oraz ustalania "budżetu wydajnościowego", które mogą diametralnie zmienić jakość Twoich projektów.
8) Czy wiesz, że technologie webowe potrafią takie rzeczy? https://thewebshowcase.withgoogle.com/ INFO: Zespół Google przygotował prezentację możliwości nowoczesnych technologii webowych. Momentami to, co da się uzyskać w przeglądarce, potrafi zaskoczyć. Nawigacja po artykułach nie jest zbyt wygodna, ale po chwili się przyzwyczaisz.
9) Kalendarze adwentowe dla webdeveloperów - kompilacja https://adrianroselli.com/2023/12/web-development-advent-calendars-for-2023.html INFO: Tak jak dla dzieci niekiedy kupuje się 'kalendarze' z czekoladkami, odliczające dni do świąt, tak programiści, naśladując ten zwyczaj, publikują swoje wersje kalendarzy, ale z poradami, kodami źródłowymi, zadaniami do rozwiązania itp. Ciekawa forma zabawy i nauki zarazem. Warto rzucić okiem.
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11) Wydobywanie sekretów z systemów CI/CD https://www.synacktiv.com/en/publications/cicd-secrets-extraction-tips-and-tricks INFO: Czy dane dostępowe przechowywane w systemach CI/CD są bezpieczne? Ich twórcy zapewniają, że tak jest. Odkryj, jak autorzy artykułu wykorzystali Azure DevOps i GitHub Actions, aby obejść zabezpieczenia platform i wydobyć przechowywane w systemach klucze dostępowe. Przy okazji poznasz narzędzie "Nord Stream", które może automatyzować ten proces. To lektura obowiązkowa dla każdego, kto chce zrozumieć i wzmocnić bezpieczeństwo swoich procesów integracji i dostarczania oprogramowania.
12) Dzielić projekt na pliki, czy trzymać wszystko razem? - to zależy... https://www.pathsensitive.com/2023/12/should-you-split-that-file.html INFO: Bałagan w kodzie źródłowym to niestety częsty przypadek, z którym przyjdzie Ci się zmagać, gdy odziedziczysz kod po poprzednim programiście. Jeśli projekt jest naprawdę duży, dzieląc go na pliki, możemy skończyć z tysiącami plików składającymi się z jednej funkcji. Trzymając wszystko razem, możemy osiągnąć kod, który jest niezdatny do ogarnięcia dla programisty. Co zatem robić? Istnieje jeszcze trzecie rozwiązanie.
13) Wydobywanie informacji ze stron z użyciem CSS https://portswigger.net/research/blind-css-exfiltration INFO: Ataki typu XSS są powszechnie znane, ale niekiedy jedyne, co pentester może zrobić podczas swoich testów, to wstrzyknięcie fragmentu arkusza CSS do innej strony. Czy taki atak pozwala wykraść cenne informacje? Oczywiście!
14) Liczenie unikalnych wizyt na stronie - bez ciasteczek, UID czy fingerprintingu https://notes.normally.com/cookieless-unique-visitor-counts/ INFO: Bardzo sprytna metoda na sprawdzanie, czy dany użytkownik strony jest unikalnym odwiedzającym, czy może przychodzi do nas już po raz kolejny. Interesujące jest to, że autor tego rozwiązania wykorzystał coś innego niż ciasteczka czy klasyczne skrypty śledzące użytkownika.
15) Rozwiązania ServerLess na dużą skalę - przemyślenia od praktyków https://medium.com/@j.spiliot/serverless-at-scale-lessons-from-200-million-lambda-invocations-e3a8ad16ffb9 INFO: Zespół, który ma na swoim koncie ponad 200 milionów wywołań funkcji Lambda, dzieli się swoimi przemyśleniami na temat wdrażania technologii tego typu. Jak łatwo przewidzieć, nie wszystko jest tak piękne, jak wygląda.
16) Jak działa Shazam, czyli aplikacja do rozpoznawania utworów https://www.cameronmacleod.com/blog/how-does-shazam-work INFO: Jak to się dzieje, że Twój smartfon, słysząc zaledwie kilka sekund utworu, jest w stanie stwierdzić, co to za piosenka i kto jest jej wykonawcą? Jak działa ta technologia i jak to się dzieje, że przeszukuje ona z taką prędkością niezliczone ilości próbek audio?
17) OSINT-owy kalendarz adwentowy https://www.osint4fun.eu/en/ INFO: Zbiór 24 zagadek wymaga użycia podstawowych umiejętności OSINT-owych (poszukiwanie informacji w sieci, wyszukiwanie obrazem, wiązanie faktów itp.). Codziennie publikowana jest jedna zagadka.
18) ZnanySciemniacz - sprawdź, które opinie o lekarzach są kupione http://znanysciemniacz.pl/ INFO: Aplikacja analizuje profil lekarza z portalu "Znany Lekarz" i podpowiada, które z komentarzy są prawdopodobnie kupione lub "pożyczone" z innych kont. Pozwoli Ci to oddzielić oszustów kupujących recenzje od wiarygodnych lekarzy.
19) Bezpieczeństwo rozwiązań chmurowych - analiza raportu https://www.datadoghq.com/state-of-cloud-security/ INFO: Ten artykuł to analiza wyzwań, z jakimi mierzą się organizacje korzystające z AWS, Azure i Google Cloud. Jakie są najczęstsze luki w zabezpieczeniach i jak wygląda poziom wdrożenia popularnych zabezpieczeń w firmach? Tego dowiesz się z raportu.
20) Container queries w CSS - od czego zacząć? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/getting-started-with-css-container-queries/ INFO: Chcesz tworzyć elastyczne, responsywne układy stron bez nadmiaru kodu? Warto poznać "zapytania kontenerowe", które zmieniają zasady gry w projektowaniu responsywnych komponentów. Dowiedz się, jak z nich korzystać i czy mogą one zastąpić Media Queries w Twoich projektach.
21) Dowiedz się jak działają frameworki JS... budując framework https://nolanlawson.com/2023/12/02/lets-learn-how-modern-javascript-frameworks-work-by-building-one/ INFO: Autor pokazuje, jak krok po kroku zbudować framework, działający na podobnych zasadach do React, Vue czy Svelte. Zrozumienie podstaw reaktywności, klonowania drzewa DOM i wykorzystania nowoczesnych API przeglądarek - to wszystko znajdziesz w tym szczegółowym przewodniku.
22) Google zaprezentowało Gemini - najbardziej funkcjonalny model AI? https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-ai/ INFO: Artykuł prosto od Google na temat ich nowego modelu językowego. Autorzy porównują jego możliwości z GPT-4 i tłumaczą, czym będą różnić się wersje Ultra, Pro i Nano.
23) Atrybuty HTML poprawiające dostępność i użyteczność strony https://www.htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2023/4/ INFO: Artykuł zawiera opis pięciu mniej popularnych atrybutów, które mogą ułatwić obsługę Twojej aplikacji webowej, zwłaszcza osobom z ograniczeniami. Spośród pięciu wymienionych atrybutów, znałem tylko jeden.
24) Pigułka wiedzy o JSON Web Tokenach https://devszczepaniak.pl/json-web-token/ INFO: "Czym są te tokeny? Jak są zbudowane? Na czym opiera się ich bezpieczeństwo? Jak je odczytywać? Czym jest ich sygnatura i jak jest zbudowana?" - oto pytania, na które odpowiem w dzisiejszym wydaniu. Ta wiedza jest współcześnie niezbędna dla większości programistów webowych i na pewno przyda się i Tobie.
25) Montowanie commitów Git jako folderów za pomocą NFS https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/12/04/mounting-git-commits-as-folders-with-nfs/ INFO: Autorka przedstawia swój projekt nazwany "git-commit-folders", który montuje commity z repozytorium GIT jako oddzielne foldery. Można je ręcznie przeglądać, przeszukiwać, czy odzyskiwać z nich dane. To interesujące podejście do pracy z systemem kontroli wersji.
26) Zaawansowany, wizualny edytor animacji CSS https://animotion.dev/ INFO: Odrobinę przypomina mi to starego Macromedia Flasha sprzed kilkunastu lat. Idea jest prosta: dodajesz klatki kluczowe, zmieniasz właściwości animowanych obiektów, a aplikacja generuje do tego kod CSS. Brzmi bardzo łatwo, ale niestety aplikacja nie jest przyjazna dla użytkownika. Chwilę zajęło mi odkrycie, jak się tego używa.
27) Materiały z konferencji Oh My Hack 2023 https://blog.szurek.tv/post/oh-my-hack-2023-materialy/ INFO: Lista publicznie dostępnych prezentacji ze wspomnianej konferencji. Są to slajdy i materiały, a nie nagrania z wystąpień!
28) Nadchodzą zmieny w Facebookowym Messengerze - E2EE https://about.fb.com/news/2023/12/default-end-to-end-encryption-on-messenger/ INFO: Meta wprowadza do swojego komunikatora szereg zmian. Część z nich poprawia użyteczność produktu i zwiększa jego możliwości. Największą jednak zmianą jest wprowadzenie szyfrowania end-to-end, które ma być domyślnie włączone dla wszystkich użytkowników. Od lat zainteresowani mogli ręcznie włączyć tę funkcję.
29) CDPATH: Jak łatwo nawigować po katalogach w terminalu https://www.writesoftwarewell.com/cdpath-easily-navigate-directories-in-the-terminal/ INFO: Czy zdarza Ci się wpisywać długie ścieżki dostępu do folderów w terminalu? Artykuł wyjaśnia, jak sprytna modyfikacja zmiennej CDPATH może Ci znacznie ułatwić życie, umożliwiając szybkie przenoszenie się do często używanych katalogów.
30) Worker Cloudflare pobierający tekst ze strony - źr��dła https://github.com/ozanmakes/scrapedown INFO: Scrapedown to projekt workera zdolnego do uruchomienia w środowisku Cloudflare. Po podaniu adresu do dowolnego artykułu, zwraca on go w trybie 'reader', czyli w formie czystego tekstu, bez nawigacji i reklam. Istnieje możliwość zachowania formatowania w artykule za pomocą konwersji na format Markdown.
31) Samodzielne hostowanie Tailscale z użyciem Headscale (film, 22 minuty) https://youtube.com/watch?v=OECp6Pj2ihg&si=H0sNrqRLfvk3bPNE INFO: Headscale to nieoficjalna, otwartoźródłowa implementacja serwera Tailscale, którą możesz uruchomić na swojej maszynie. Jeśli wiesz, czym jest Tailscale, ale nie chcesz lub nie możesz korzystać z ich infrastruktury, zastosowanie wersji self-hosted może być dobrym rozwiązaniem.
32) Dlaczego 0.6 + 0.3 = 0.8999999999999999 w JS? https://dev.to/jeevaramanathan/decoding-why-06-03-08999999999999999-in-js-and-how-to-solve-640 INFO: Ciekawostka programistyczna, która może Ci się przydać do lepszego zrozumienia, jak działają komputery, jak działa JavaScript, lub... przyda Ci się do zabłyśnięcia na rozmowie o pracę. ;)
33) GQL – Język zapytań do repozytorium https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL INFO: Czy nie byłoby fajnie odpytywać repozytorium kodu w taki sposób, jak odpytuje się bazy danych? Twórcy GQL zrealizowali ten pomysł. Korzystając z zapytań, które wyglądają jak te SQL-owe, możesz wyciągać z repozytorium wiele ciekawych informacji.
34) Jak włamano się do znanych firm? - zbiór raportów https://uw7.org/un_8a7d831161124 INFO: Okta, Microsoft, Uber, Cisco i wiele innych. Repozytorium to zawiera listę udokumentowanych włamań wraz z oficjalnymi opisami, jak do nich doszło. Jest to interesująca lektura, zwłaszcza dla osób zainteresowanych tematami związanymi z security/pentesting.
35) Zestaw narzędzi do testów penetracyjnych na środowisku Azure https://uw7.org/un_62b07fc0449a5 INFO: Jesteś pentesterem i dostałeś do testów aplikację działającą na Azure? To repozytorium zawiera zbiór narzędzi oraz artykułów, które mogą ułatwić Twoją pracę.
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autoblogstuff · 2 years ago
Cat de important este sa efectuezi ITP-ul la timp? Iata ce trebuie sa stii!
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Verificarea periodica a autoturismului din punct de vedere tehnic este o procedura care nu trebuie sa fie omisa sub nicio forma de niciun sofer si care trebuie sa fie realizata in prezenta unor profesionisti. Identificarea din timp a defectiunilor tehnice si repararea acestora poate sa previna aparitia unor situatii de-a dreptul periculoase in trafic. De asemenea, aceste teste sunt efectuate si pentru a se verifica nivelul de poluare a vehiculului pe care il provoaca atunci cand este pus in functiune.
Din fericire, exista o statie de ITP pe Soseaua Alexandriei, Beta ITP, in cadrul careia activeaza doar specialisti auto, care ofera o examinare profesionala si amanuntita a vehiculului.
Care sunt elementele verificate in timpul ITP-ului?
Exista riscul ca, in unele situatii, soferului sa i se interzica sa isi conduca autoturismul pe drumurile publice din cauza defectiunilor severe care ar putea pune in pericol toti participantii la trafic, dar si mediul inconjurator. Astfel, multi aleg sa mearga din timp la astfel de inspectii, pentru a afla din timp ce au de facut. Exista chiar si statii ITP pentru autoutilitare, pentru ca vehiculul sa aiba capacitatea de a transporta marfurile in siguranta. Principalele aspecte care se verifica la ITP sunt mentionate mai jos:
nivelul de deteriorare a discurilor sau placutelor;
capacitatea autoturismului de a mentine directia;
dimensiunea anvelopelor, astfel incat sa corespunda cu cele mentionate in Cartea de Identitate a autoturismului;
pneurile si jantele;
lichidul de spalare a geamurilor;
functionalitatea stergatoarelor;
uleiul de motor si combustibilul, verificandu-se cu atentie nivelul de emisii provocat de autoturism;
functionalitatea centurilor de siguranta in cazul unui impact;
vizibilitatea placutelor de inmatriculare;
luminile de avertizare;
functionalitatea suspensiilor.
Statie de ITP pe Soseaua Alexandriei | statii ITP pentru autoutilitare | BetaITP.ro
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La BetaITP.ro oricine are posibilitatea de a-si examina cu atentie functionalitatea masinii din toate punctele de vedere, astfel incat sa se asigure ca nu implica niciun risc pentru nimeni si ca se afla in standardele legale.
In concluzie, realizarea ITP-ului la timp este una dintre cele mai importante proceduri care trebuie sa fie respectate de soferi, fiind interzis sa se circule cu un autoturism al carui ITP este expirat.
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agent4starsblog · 2 years ago
Modern Villa in Benahavis Spain for Sale
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Benahavis is a Spanish town and municipality in the province of Málaga. It is a hilltop village between Marbella, Estepona, and Ronda, 7 km from the coast. Benahavis is one of Spain's richest municipalities and is the home to the numerous high-end developments that surround the village. Golf resorts such as La Quinta and Los Arqueros are also part of the Benahavis, as is La Zagaleta. This is a gated luxury estate, home to some of Spain's most expensive properties, particularly Benahavis modern villa for sale.
Spanish Luxury Real Estate Market 
As 2022 is about to end, now is the perfect time to take a look back at the Spanish luxury real estate market in 2021 and compare as to how things played out in the entire 2022. As the Spanish economy recovers with the infusion of billions of EU funds, household savings continued to rise and reach pre-pandemic levels throughout 2022.
Real estate prices continued to rise by around 2% throughout 2022 and even higher in areas where luxury real estate is most popular, such as Marbella on the Costa del Sol. Another boost is the low-interest rates offered by high street banks. This means that real estate now offers a much better return. The features include-
Low mortgage rates securing high volume of sales - Historically low Euribor interest rates are another incentive to invest in luxury Spanish real estate
The Costa del Sol's luxury real estate sector in particular remains healthy, growing steadily over the past 18 months.
Benahavis Modern Villa for Sale
It covers the main areas of Marbella, Benahavis, and Estepona which is a unique rural property selected. It will conduct a tailor-made search for customers who wish to visit a property (inspection). Hotel, car rental, and homestay arrangements will be made. It provides free advice for lawyers, banks, remodeling, off-plan, interior design, and architects. Serious pitfalls can be avoided. The sales price does not include fees or taxes. 
Buyer's Additional Cost- Registration and notary fees, ITP (8% up to €400,000, 9% up to €400,000 to €700,000, 10% up to €700,000) or alternatively 10% VAT and AJD (1.5% of purchase price) for new properties is imposed on some conditions to be met. Agent4Stars.Com offers top-notch Benahavis modern villa for sale and has a number of listings that you can go through. 
Benahavis Luxury Mansion for Sale
Amazing Ocean and Gulf Views
Luxurious Andalusian style villa
5 Bedroom + Staff Apartment
Impressive property organization
Asking price €4.5 million currently €2.65 million
Here you can live the Mediterranean lifestyle at its highest level, with sea views and direct views of Mount La Concha. You can relax outdoors in the living area or watch the sun go down and prepare your meals in the open-air kitchen. You can enjoy these views while enjoying a nice dinner and getting off with your loved ones. The spacious outdoor space is the perfect place to enjoy a relaxing time with friends and family. The architect separated the different spaces with unique design elements. All floors, bathrooms, and kitchens are made of Italian type. Visit the site to know the details and complete listings
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earaercircular · 3 years ago
A solar hive, a green hydrogen ecosystem, a sustainable engine and energy efficiency and recycling projects, winners of the Retina ECO awards
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A beekeeper checks his hives in the solar apiary in Carmona (Seville), an Endesa project.
The awards, that will be delivered on June 23, recognize sustainable initiatives in the business field
The second edition of the Retina ECO Awards[1], organised by Retina[2] and Capgemini, already has its five winners. Those selected, that have been chosen from more than 100 projects, have been valued for their innovation, impact on sustainability and the fight against climate change, technology and other aspects related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony to be held on June 23 at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos (Official College of Architects) in Madrid.
The winner of the Green Generation category was Green & Digital Hydrogen Mallorca[3], a project set-up by Acciona Energía and Enagás, and in collaboration with the Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDEA) and Cemex Green & Digital Hydrogen Mallorca and supported by the regional government of the Balear Islands. This initiative is the core of the first green hydrogen ecosystem in southern Europe and includes the construction of an electrolysis plant, two photovoltaic plants that feed it and a green hydrogen service station, thus promoting the development of a regional economy based on this power source. "The project will reduce annual CO2 emissions in Mallorca by more than 21,000, and has used various disruptive technologies, such as electrolysis powered by photovoltaic energy and the use of blockchain to guarantee the renewable origin of hydrogen", the organizers have pointed out.
As for the Efficient Consumption category, the winner was the Mahou San Miguel and Verallia energy efficiency project[4]. This initiative consists of a joint effort that takes advantage of the residual heat from glass manufacturing at the glass container manufacturer's plant to generate steam at the brewery's plant. “Because of its innovative aspect, the jury has valued that it is a collaboration between two companies in the search for energy efficiency. The initiative of Mahou San Miguel, a leading company in the beer sector in the country, and Verallia, a European leader in the manufacture of glass containers, has led to a saving of 68% in CO₂ emissions and gas consumption in the production plant of Mahou San Miguel in 2021, which is 13% more than initially planned”, the organizers have assured. Verallia has also generated 6,500 kg of steam/hour for brewing, reducing the temperature of the fumes emitted into the atmosphere by 174 degrees.
In the Sustainable Ecosystem category, the winner was Endesa[5]'s solar hive[6], a pioneering project in Spain in the field of beekeeping. Developed in Carmona (Seville), it is the first commercial initiative for honey production inside a photovoltaic plant hybridized with a 3Ha aromatic crop. Technologically, the initiative has an innovation space where start-ups implement technology helping beekeepers to make their exploitation more efficient.
Regarding Intelligent Mobility, the award-winning project was the intermediate pressure turbine for a 100% sustainable fuel engine, from ITP Aero[7]. The component manufacturer has developed the first intermediate pressure turbine for a Rolls-Royce UltraFran demonstrator engine, which is ready to run on 100% sustainable fuel. The initiative, which has been developed mainly between Zamudio (Bizkaia) and Ajalvir (Madrid) and will be put into practice at the Rolls-Royce engine in Derby (England), reduces fuel consumption by up to 25%. The jury has valued the use of 3D printing technology for the manufacture of the components of the TBH (Tail Bearing Housing), one of the main structures of the engine, as well as the use of removable acoustic attenuation panels, which favour noise reduction. emitted by the turbine.
The SME award for innovation and sustainability has Repetco[8].The entity has built the first plant on an industrial scale in the world for the recycling of multilayer PET plastics, one of the most complicated materials to recycle. The new recycling system for this type of plastic, that is very present in the food sector, avoids the use of chemicals, reduces emissions and favours the circular economy thanks to the recovery of raw materials. Its main novelty lies in the process of separating the multilayer sheets through a process without the use of chemical additives, energy efficient and sustainable.
The winners have been chosen by a jury made up of the Secretary of State for Digitization and AI, Carme Artigas; the Secretary of State for Energy, Sara Aagesen; the Managing Director of Capgemini Spain, Luis Abad; the Director of Sustainability of the PRISA Group, Rosa Junquera; the director of Retina, Jaime García Cantero; the Director of Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate of CEOE, Cristina Rivero; the General Director of Information and Innovation Systems at Ferrovial-CIIO, Dimitris Bountolos; the Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability of Telefónica S.A., Eduardo Navarro; the global director of Responsible Banking at Banco Santander, Lara de Mesa; the director of the extraordinary chair of Social Transformation of the UCM; Begona Gomez; and the founder and president of the Open Value Foundation and Global Social Impact Investiments, María Ángeles León. The CEO of Capgemini Invent Spain, Laurent Perea, was secretary of the jury.
Editores: Un apiario solar, un ecosistema de hidrógeno verde, un motor sostenible y proyectos de eficiencia energética y de reciclado, ganadores de los premios Retina ECO, in: EL PAÍS, 09-06-2022 https://elpais.com/tecnologia/2022-06-09/un-apiario-solar-un-ecosistema-de-hidrogeno-verde-un-motor-sostenible-y-proyectos-de-eficiencia-energetica-y-de-reciclado-ganadores-de-los-premios-retina-eco.html
[1] RETINA and CAPGEMINI have set up the second edition of the Awards, with the aim of selecting and rewarding the five best projects executed in 2021 with an impact on the fight against climate change and that, in addition, promote corporate innovation in the field of sustainability. The Awards are grouped into the following categories: “Green Generation Award”, “Efficient Consumption Award”, “Intelligent Mobility Award”, “Sustainable Ecosystem Award”, and “Small and Medium Business Award for Sustainability Innovation”.
[2] https://retinatendencias.com/
[3] https://www.acciona.com/es/proyectos/power-to-green-hydrogen-mallorca/?_adin=0896547080
[4] https://www.mahou-sanmiguel.com/es-es/sala-de-prensa/notas-de-prensa/el-proyecto-de-eficiencia-energetica-de-mahou-san-miguel-y-verallia-supera-sus-expectativas
[5] Endesa is one of the three large companies in the electricity sector in Spain, which together with Iberdrola and Naturgy, dominate around 90% of the national electricity market. Endesa carries out activities of generation, distribution and commercialization of electricity, natural gas and renewable energy through Enel Green Power.
[6] Solar honey and creation of shared value. https://www.endesa.com/es/proyectos/todos-los-proyectos/transicion-energetica/miel-solar-creacion-valor-compartido-fotovoltaicas-carmona
[7] ITP Aero delivers the first UltraFan intermediate pressure turbine to Rolls-Royce. https://www.itpaero.com/es/itp-aero-entrega-la-primera-turbina-de-presion-intermedia-del-ultrafan-a-rolls-royce.html
[8] RepetCo will build a recycling plant for multi-layer PET/PE containers of post-consumer origin in Albacete. These containers, used in the food industry, will be sustainably recycled with a totally innovative technology. https://www.repetco.com/en/
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resham-stuff · 3 years ago
Reclosable Films Market Size, Analytical Overview, Growth Factors, Demand, Trends and Forecast to 2028
Global Reclosable Films Market research report is formulated with the exact understanding of customer requirements. Market status at the global and regional level about industry is offered through this report which helps to gain business insights at the extensive marketplace. Details about the market drivers and market restraints included in this business report helps understand whether the demand of the products in industry will rise or get lower.
The reclosable films market will reach at an estimated value of USD 199.25 million and grow at a rate of 7.40% for the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Escalating popularity of reclosable lidding is an essential factor driving the reclosable films market.
Some of the Top companies influencing this market include: Dow, Korozo Ambalaj Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS, WINPAK LTD, SÜDPACK, Buergofol GmbH, PLASTOPIL, Berry Global Inc., Schur Flexibles Holding GesmbH, TCL Packaging, Sealed Air, Coveris, ITP Spa, AS Estiko Plastar, Parkside Flexibles Ltd, Bemis Company, Inc., Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., SÜDPACK Verpackungen and HFM PPC, among other domestic and global players.
Get Access to Report Sample @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-reclosable-films-market
Reclosable films are defined as the plastic films composed of different plastic materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester among others and are used for packaging of medical, food and pharmaceutical, personal care, and other products. Reclosable films are the type of films which are becoming popular among the end-users, due to the beneficial product feature of multi-align closure facilitating easy re-sealing and user- convenience.  The product has exhibited the best combination of flexible as well as rigid packaging and are also available in numerous thicknesses.  
Rise in the demand for reclosable films in numerous applications such as food, cosmetics, and personal care products is the major factor escalating the market growth, also increasing disposable income, rise in the change in lifestyle, rise in the demand for specialty films and high-barrier films, rise in consumption of flexible lidding and rise in the massive use of reclosable lidding films by food packaging firms to print the packaging surface for brand promotion are the major factors among others propelling the growth of reclosable films market. Moreover, rising research and development activities in the market and rise in the demand from the emerging economies will further create new opportunities for the reclosable films market in the in the forecast period of 2021- 2028.
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Want to Know COVID-19 Impact on this Market? https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/covid-19-impact/global-reclosable-films-market
Conducts Overall RECLOSABLE FILMS Market Segmentation: 
Market Segmentation: By Type
Cups, Trays, Pouches, Bags
Market Segmentation: By Application
Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care & Cosmetics, Others
Regions covered in the Reclosable Films market report 2021:
North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
Europe: UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Russia.
Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.
𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵:-
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2019, had a major effect on the growth of the global Smart Mirror Market market, owing to the unavailability of required manual labor and strict travel rules worldwide, which restricted the movement of raw materials and finished products. Moreover, the sudden closing down of businesses and social distancing laws also affected the work in the manufacturing sector, which in turn affected the global Smart Mirror Market market.
For more Inquiry ask to our Industry Experts @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-reclosable-films-market
Table of Contents Covered In This Reclosable Films Market Report:
1 List of Tables and Figures
2 Introductions
3 Key Takeaways
4 Market Landscape
5 Global Reclosable Films Market and Key Industry Dynamics
6 Reclosable Films Market Overview, Forecast and Analysis
7 Global Reclosable Films Market Analysis By Solutions
8 Global Reclosable Films Market Analysis By Services
9 Global Reclosable Films Market Analysis By Industry Vertical
10 Global Reclosable Films Market Geographical Analysis
11 Industry Landscape
12 Competitive Landscape
13 Reclosable Films Market, Key Company Profiles
14 Appendix
Browse TOC with Facts and Figures @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-reclosable-films-market
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Data Bridge Market Research Pvt Ltd is a multinational management consulting firm with offices in India and Canada. As an innovative and neoteric market analysis and advisory company with unmatched durability level and advanced approaches. We are committed to uncover the best consumer prospects and to foster useful knowledge for your company to succeed in the market.
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anunturiauto · 3 years ago
Inspectia tehnica periodica – importanta, frecventa, durata
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Toate autovehiculele inmatriculate pe teritoriul Romaniei, inclusiv masinile mici, furgonetele, remorcile, rulotele si chiar camioanele articulat trebuie sa treaca printr-o procedura obligatorie. Este vorba despre inspectia tehnica periodica ce se poate realiza in orice unitate RAR autorizata. In functie de vechimea si de uzura masinii, soferii trebuie sa se prezinte la 1-2 ani pentru o evaluare amanuntita.
Ce anume se verifica in cadrul inspectiei tehnice periodice?
In timpul inspectiei, angajatii vor verifica de la documentele de identificare ale autovehiculului si pana la starea motorului, franele, directia, luminile, anvelopele, emisiile poluante sau aspectul exterior motiv pentru care absolut toate masinile trebuie sa fie curate.
Soferii au obligatia de a avea asupra lor o serie de documente printre care certificatul de inmatriculare, asigurarea RCA valabila, cartea de identitate a autovehiculului, dar si cartea de identitate a persoanei care prezinta autovehiculul la inspectie. Nu este obligatoriu ca proprietarul masinii sa se prezinte la statia IP, orice alt sofer poate aduce masina, daca are cu el actele mentionate mai sus. In situatia in care autovehiculul este achizitionat in leasing sau este inregistrat pe o societate comerciala, se poate aduce si copia cartii de identitate a autovehiculului cu stampila in original.
BetaITP este o statie ITP din sector 5 al capitalei unde soferii au parte de cele mai competitive prețuri din zona. Timpul de asteptare este minim, nefiind nici macar nevoie de programare. Unitatea este autorizata pentru aproape toate tipurile de autovehicule de la autoturisme, GPL/GNC, SUV 4×4 si pana la autoutilitare mai mari, mai mici de 3,5 tone si motociclete.
Inspectie tehnica periodica | ITP din sector 5 | BetaITP.ro
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In cazul in care, in timpul inspectiei sunt observate defectiuni majore care pot pune in pericol participantii la trafic, masina este respinsa, proprietarul avand astfel obligatia de a remedia problemele constatate in cel mai scurt timp.  Cei care se intorc la aceeasi statie ITP in decurs de 30 de zile, vor beneficia de o re-verificare la tarife mult mai mici. Vehiculul va fi testat numai pentru elementele care nu au trecut la inspectie.
Pentru informatii suplimentare legate de pret, program sau servicii, soferii pot accesa site-ul BetaITP.ro. Echipa lucreaza chiar si in weekend ceea ce reprezinta un mare avantaj pentru soferii ocupati.
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oilandgascourses · 4 years ago
The oil and gas refineries are highly sophisticated industrial facilities transforming crude oil into valuable products used in an array of applications. Mechanical systems, such as; piping, chimney stacks, steel columns, and vessels are an important part of any refinery.
These mechanical systems carry a stream of liquids or gases between the large chemical processing units for the crude oil separation process. Thermal insulation is needed throughout the entire facility in order to aid with the processing of the crude oil as each step in the separation process requires careful monitoring and temperature resistance or control.
A medium-sized oil refinery contains 465 miles of insulated piping and 1.8 million square feet of insulated equipment.
You can expand your knowledge on Thermal Insulation by joining online and/or classroom-based courses. Click Here for the List of Available Courses
If you are looking forward to starting your career in the oil refinery and industrial process plant, then choosing your career in thermal insulation field could be the best fit for you. The following two options that are available for you to work in the thermal insulation field are:
Quality Control         
Before you apply for any available job in the thermal insulation work field, you should first need to acquire knowledge in the thermal insulation by taking up the thermal insulation courses. If you select the quality control work field of thermal insulation you would have to take up quality control inspector courses, and if you decide to work for the thermal insulation construction field (i.e. installation, fabrication, maintenance, designing, etc.) the Diploma in Thermal Insulation course will be the best fit for you.
1. Quality Control Inspector - Thermal Insulation
2. Diploma in Thermal Insulation
The Institute for Oil and Gas Sector (IOGS) offers courses in both categories online as well as in the classroom environment.
Before diving into why you should go for the thermal insulation courses in the above two categories, let's discuss what thermal Insulation is all about!
What is insulation?
Brief on Thermal Insulation
The insulation, or more correctly Thermal Insulation, is a material or system that has the property of resisting the transfer of heat or sound. Insulation plays a major role in conserving the heat energy of a refinery or process plant. A medium-sized oil refinery contains 465 miles of insulated piping and 1.8 million square feet of insulated equipment.
Low thermal conductivity and high thermal resistance are the two most desirable properties expected from thermal insulation material. The following 5 major reasons why an oil refinery or industrial process plant requires its mechanical system to be insulated are:
Energy conservation
Condensation control
Process control
Personnel Protection
Noise Control
A mechanical system, when insulated improperly, can have a various negative impact on a refinery or process plant, some of such impacts are listed below:
Energy loss
Catastrophic failure due to CUI
Large maintenance budget required due to CUI
Carbon emission
How the training on Thermal Insulation can be benefited you?
There is a trend in the industry to hiring a skilled and well-trained workforce for each work categories that the industry is having. The industrial companies only hire skilled employees who hold the necessary qualifications to perform their role, and they consistently go above and beyond in the performance of their duties. Skilled workers are known to be an asset for any organization and/or industry as they play a large role in developing the reputation and ongoing success of the organization/industry.
The following qualification/training courses offered by the Institute for Oil & Gas Sector (IOGS) will make you eligible to apply and grab the work opportunities available in the thermal insulation field.
Insulation Inspector Level 2 - Online Course
Course Code: IOGS/CII
Click Here for More Details
Online learning is certainly a more effective option for continual professional development and/or to learn new skills.
IOGS is offering its prospective student to improve their current skill by learning online. This is a very suitable online program for working individuals in the industry and the students. (Beginners and fresher are most welcomed). This online course is offered through the IOGS Learning Management System (LMS). You can access the course through LMS at any time and place. The maximum duration of this online course is 30 days following a web-based online exam. The successful candidates are awarded the Insulation Inspector Level 2 certification.
The course is most suitable for those who may not have the time or resources to participate in a traditional classroom-based course. The diversified course is covering the thermal Insulation topic as a whole. You will get interactive quizzes, videos, inspection documents that will add to your skill for future prospects.
Insulation Inspector Level 3 - Classroom Course
Course Code: IOGS/CII
Click Here for More Details
It is a 4-days course, headed by the experts of IOGS on a scheduled date, location, and time. Level 3 is ideal if you are currently working in the thermal insulation field and have some relevant knowledge and skills, usually from a role where you've been supervised, and you have time and resources available in participating the course on the scheduled location and date/time.
The attendees receive hands out theoretical and practical training on the relevant subject for 3 days. On the fourth day of the course, you seat for a closed book examination. The successful candidates are awarded IOGS/CII Level 3 Insulation Inspector certification/qualification.
If you do not decide to jump into the Quality Control work field of Thermal Insulation, you should take up the Diploma in Thermal Insulation course to grab an opportunity for working in the Thermal Insulation installation and/or construction work field.
Diploma in Thermal Insulation - Classroom Course
Course Code: IOGS/DTI
Click Here for More Details
This is a 30-Days course where the students are given priority to read, learn, and explore everything about thermal insulation, installation, inspection, and quality control. Preparation and assessment of the ongoing courses and generating reports, writing necessary documents such as: specifications, ITP, etc. all are taught in this course. The successful candidates are awarded the completion certificate.
Effectiveness of the Thermal Insulation courses
All the three courses from The Institute for Oil & Gas Sector are promising, and are designed to improve your technical skills. You will surely gain a lot of knowledge, and your skills in the thermal insulation field would be to the next level.
The demand for skilled, trained, and/or certified workforce level programs are high in the industry. Once you grab the required knowledge in this field, you can indisputably work as Quality Control Inspector, Supervisor, Manager, or Applicator in an oil refinery and industrial process plant.
Get enrolled today to your preferred course on thermal insulation at www.iogs.org and enjoy life long skill enhancement and professional development career benefits.
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kiro-anarka · 4 years ago
La crisis económica de 2008 llegó más tarde en Euskal Herria, y fue más leve. Por una parte, no hubo un boom inmobiliario previo como en el cinturón de Madrid o en la costa valenciana. Por otra, históricamente la industria —sobre todo, automovilística y aeroespacial— tiene mayor peso en el PIB (24,6% en 2019) que en otros territorios donde los sectores del turismo y la construcción alimentan demasiadas bocas. Pero esta crisis puede suponer un punto de inflexión para una industria que debía renovarse o morir y, de momento, sigue languideciendo.
Entre el 29 de febrero y el 30 de junio se han perdido en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y Nafarroa 6.511 empleos en la industria, según el número de afiliados a la Seguridad Social. Solo un 3% de un sector que al terminar el segundo trimestre contaba con 207.282. Esta suma no casa con las noticias de las últimas dos semanas, justo después de las elecciones vascas. Las grandes compañías que cotizan en bolsa han anunciado sendos ERE —previo ERTE— para frenar la caída de sus acciones: Tubacex, Aernnova, Siemens Gamesa e ITP. Los robles de acero de Euskal Herria, cerrada ya La Naval.
El sindicato mayoritario vasco, ELA, alerta de que estas empresas, que nacieron en Euskal Herria y llegaron a la mayoría de edad fagocitadas por multinacionales, no cuentan con una participación del Gobierno autonómico, excepto el simbólico 3,21% de Tubacex a través de la EPSV Izarri.
Por ello ELA solicita al Gobierno de Iñigo Urkullu la creación urgente de un fondo de 2.300 millones para participar en las compañías estratégicas y así, cuando vengan mal dadas, anteponer las necesidades de los trabajadores a los beneficios del capital. “En los últimos diez años, Tubacex, ITP y Aernnova han obtenido un beneficio de 1.027 millones”, recuerda Peio Igeregi, responsable de negociación colectiva.
Pero el sentir desde el Gobierno vasco poco tiene que ver con poner a disposición del bien público accionariado privado. “Los despidos en Aernnova son otra mala noticia en una semana terrible”, declaraba el lunes la consejera de Industria del Gobierno vasco, Arantxa Tapia, a la par que proponía como medida que los trabajadores se rebajen el sueldo para mantener los empleos, aunque con otras palabras: “flexibilidad”, “Euskadi no es un país de bajo coste”, “acuerdo y búsqueda de colaboración entre todos los agentes”.
crisis, o una Oportunidad para despedir
Para las empresas grandes la pandemia ha sido un momento de toma de decisiones y una oportunidad de cortar por lo sano. No solo en las multinacionales, donde coger la tijera duele menos si la propiedad de las plantas de ITP en Zamudio, Derio, Sestao y Barakaldo es ahora la carismática y lejana Rolls-Royce. Esta empresa fabricante de motores aeronáuticos y turbinas cuenta con una plantilla de 4.000 trabajadores en el Estado, de los cuales 2.000 trabajan en las fábricas vizcaínas. Planea despedir a un total de 600.
La deslocalización de la titularidad de las empresas, que dificulta la defensa del empleo, se añade a un contexto en el que compañías y administración han evitado afrontar la transición ecológica. “Tenemos un tejido productivo muy dependiente del automóvil y necesitamos liderar mediante política industrial una transición ecológica hacia una industria que responda a las necesidades de la sociedad respetando los límites de la naturaleza”, expone Igeregi. Para ello también es necesario, recuerda, ese fondo público para generar nuevas empresas.
Las grandes empresas que han anunciado sus ERE pertenecen al sector del petróleo (Tubacex), del automóvil y el aeronáutico.
“La Naval es otro ejemplo de empresa estratégica que se dejó morir. Si hubiera habido voluntad política, estaríamos aún a tiempo de darle una salida si el Gobierno vasco, junto con el español, fueran capaces de darle un servicio a esta sociedad con una nueva Naval”, insiste Igeregi.
A estas empresas se añaden los despidos colectivos de la compañía de ingeniería punta como Sener, que a pesar de tener beneficios, ha despedido a 90 personas, relacionadas sobre todo con su departamento de energía, que había presentado una reducción de carga de trabajo del 18% respecto al año anterior.
“A partir del 30 de septiembre, cuando terminen los ERTE asociados a fuerza mayor por la pandemia, y sobre todo a final de año, habrá vía libre al despido individual y al colectivos”, advierte Zorion Ortigosa (LAB)                                    
Novela histórica
Para el sindicato LAB, el paso del ERTE al ERE  “puede ser una novela histórica que ya se contó hace doce años, aunque no hemos llegado aún a ese punto”. Estos anuncios solo son la punta de un iceberg. “Muchas empresas están en ERTE y todavía no ha llegado el momento en que se convierten en ERE por dos cuestiones: porque el ERTE a día de hoy es un chollo y porque, teóricamente, tienen garantía de empleo”, recuerda Zorion Ortigosa, responsable de la federación de industria de este sindicato.
“A partir del 30 de septiembre, cuando terminen los ERTE asociados a fuerza mayor por la pandemia, y sobre todo a final de año, habrá vía libre al despido individual y al colectivos, aunque serán jurídicamente muy difíciles de contrarrestar”, advierte Ortigosa. “Nos espera un otoño caliente”, considera Igeregi.
Quizá por ello, para evitar la justificación jurídica de una empresa en beneficios, Sener no entró en ERTE. Los empleados pasaron el confinamiento trabajando escrupulosamente en modo remoto. Por ello sorprendió cuando la dirección anunció en mayo un ERE, que ante la ausencia de comité de empresa, gestionó el abogado Iñaki Varas. Sener desarrolla grandes proyectos de infraestructuras, como el túnel subterráneo de la ría de Bilbao que conectará las dos márgenes.
El Departamento de Hacienda y Trabajo del Gobierno vasco elabora los informes “Coyuntura en un clic”. El publicado en julio ofrece una reveladora estadística de la variación interanual de la afiliación a la Seguridad Social en el sector de la industria. La crisis de 2008 hundió el empleo industrial un 6%, que se recuperó en 2015 y creció hasta un 2%. Hasta que en 2018 volvió a registrar un paulatino y constante descenso de ese 2% ganado. En lo que va de año, este ejercicio pandémico ha hundido la afiliación interanual un -5% (con una pérdida de 8.295 empleos), a solo un punto del peor dato registrado desde 2008. Y aún queda el otoño caliente.
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studybridgenikita · 5 years ago
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET)
The Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET) is suitable for individuals who want to obtain a teaching qualification, current teachers and trainers, particularly for those who are working in (or aiming to work in) the work-based learning, further education and Independent Training Providers (ITP) sectors. Whether you are someone who is new to the industry or already working in the field but wish to gain a further teaching qualification, the Course prepares trainee teachers and trainers to teach in a wide range of contexts, in the post – 16 education (learning and skills sector).
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phgq · 5 years ago
Bulacan guv asks NIA to ensure safety of Bustos Dam 
#PHnews: Bulacan guv asks NIA to ensure safety of Bustos Dam 
BUSTOS, Bulacan – Governor Daniel Fernando has appealed to the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) to ensure that the rehabilitation works of the Bustos Dam meet the stringent standards of safety.
Fernando issued the appeal as he, together with some NIA officials, conducted an ocular inspection of Bustos Dam Tuesday following the collapse of its rubber gate at Bay 5 last month.
“I will do everything in my power to safeguard the Bulakenyos from imminent harm by ensuring the safety of Bustos Dam. I am appealing to the national government for help. It is now critical to reassess our path forward to ensure that our dams and levees in the province continue to meet stringent standards of safety,” the governor said.
"We will never take for granted the inferior quality materials used in the rehabilitation of Bustos Dam. Ipaglalaban po natin na kahit isa lang sa rubber gate ang nasira, tiyakin sana ng NIA ang kaayusan ng anim na sector gates ng Bustos Dam at agad na palitan ito nang napagkasunduang materyales ayon sa kontrata (We will fight for it even though only one of the rubber gates was damaged. I hope that the NIA will ensure the good state of the six sector gates of Bustos Dam and replace them with materials agreed upon in the contract)," he added.
NIA Administrator Ricardo Visaya said the paramount concern of their inspection is the safety of the people of Bulacan and to ensure that no one will get hurt as a result of the busted rubber gate of the dam.
He said they are pushing for the contractor, ITP Construction Inc.-Guangxi Hydroelectric Construction Bureau Co. Ltd. Consortium, to replace all six rubber gates of the dam even though only one was damaged since it is covered by a 20-year warranty.
He said that they will ensure that the ones to be used as replacement will have good quality.
He also said that they will seek a third party to conduct endurance tests on the materials.
Visaya said as a precautionary measure, a cofferdam will be constructed while the normal spilling level of the dam will be reduced to 17 meters instead of its regular 17.5 meters to lessen the water pressure on the dam structure.
“The outcome of the dam’s rehabilitation will reflect on NIA. Kaya dapat maayos talaga (That is why it must be done properly),” he said.
The rubber gate on Bay 5 collapsed in the first week of May, just two years after it was installed.
Bustos Dam was constructed in 1926 with a service area of 25,000 hectares.
It was improved in 1967 with the installation of six steel sector gates, increasing the elevation from 15 meters to 17.50 meters, as well as its service to 31,500 hectares. But the steel gates became not operational in the year 1990.
In 1997, with a grant from Japan, the steel gates were replaced with rubber gates, becoming the first rubber dam in the country.
However, holes began to appear on the rubber gates in 2007.
The NIA got the opinion of experts from Bridgestone Company, which recommended another replacement but did not push through because of the lack of funding.
Instead, remedial measures such as regular maintenance and other temporary improvements were done to ensure that irrigation supply will not be disrupted. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Bulacan guv asks NIA to ensure safety of Bustos Dam ." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1105519 (accessed June 11, 2020 at 02:56AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Bulacan guv asks NIA to ensure safety of Bustos Dam ." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1105519 (archived).
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reportsjournal · 5 years ago
Intravenou Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Market Growth, Demand and Analysis 2027
The research report on the global Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) market provides a comprehensive outlook of the equipment and technological devices employed in the manufacturing of the Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) market products. From industry chain analysis to cost structure analysis, the report examines various factors of the industry, including production and end-use segments of the Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) market. The current trends in the pharmaceutical industry have been highlighted in the report to evaluate their influence on the overall output of the Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) market.
Here, you can avail sample PDF pages and 30 mins free consultation: https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1442
The Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) industry has witnessed a stable growth rate in the past decade and is expected to continue on the same path in the forthcoming decades. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize all investment opportunities, potential market threats, restraining factors, challenges, market dynamics, and technological development to intensify footholds in the Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) sector. This report has evaluated all the above mentioned aspects to present a detailed assessment to the reader to assist them in achieving the desired growth in their businesses.
Companies considered and profiled in this market study:
Kemira OYJ (Finland), Dow Chemical Company (US), ArrMaz Products, L.P. (US), AkzoNobel N.V. (Netherlands), BASF SE (Germany), Clariant International Limited (Switzerland), Cytec Industries Inc. (US), HuntsOrica Ltd. (Australia), man International LLC (US), SNF Floreger (France) and others
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·       IgG
·       IgA
·       IgM
·       IgE
·       IgD
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·       Hypogammaglobulinemia
·       Immunodeficiency Diseases
·       Congenital AIDS
·       Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
·       Myasthenia Gravis
·       Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
·       ITP
·       Guillain-Barre syndrome
·       Kawasaki Diseases
·       Others
Avail this report at Attractive Discount rates! Click here to know more @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/1442
End Users Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·       Hospitals
·       Clinics
·       Homecare
·       Others
Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·       Hospital Pharmacy
·       Specialty Pharmacy
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)
 Table of Contents:
Study Coverage: It includes key manufacturers covered, key market segments, the scope of products offered in the global Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) market, duration considered, and objectives of the research. Additionally, it segments the market on the basis of product type and application.
Executive Summary: It offers a summary of other key studies, annual growth rate, competitive landscape, driving factors, market trends and issues, and macroscopic indicators.
Production by Region: Here, the report delivers information related to import and export, production, revenue, and key players of all regional markets inspected in the report.
Profile of Manufacturers: Each firm profiled in this segment is investigated by means of SWOT analysis, available products, global production, value, capacity, and other crucial factors.
Highlights the following key factors:
1) Business description-Detailed description of a firm’s operations and business segments.
2) Corporate strategy – Analyst’s summarization of the company’s business strategy.
3) SWOT Analysis – A detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.
4) Company history – A company’s evolution, highlighting its key events through the years.
5) Major products and services – A list of flagship products, services, and brands of the company.
6) Key competitors – A list of key competitors of the company.
7) Important locations and subsidiaries – A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company.
8) Detailed financial ratios for the past five years – The latest financial ratios derived from annual financial statements released by the company in the last five years.
The growth of this market across the globe is dependent on multiple factors; including consumer base of several Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) products, inorganic growth models adopted by companies, price volatility of feedstocks, and product innovation, along with their economic prospects in both producer and consumer nations.
Access the Entire Report packed with TOC, Tables and Figures and Outline of Prominent Companies @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/intravenous-immunoglobulin-market
Overall, this report provides a clear view of every vital factor of the market without the need to refer to any other research reports or data sources. Our report will equip you with all the strategically vital facts about the past, present, and future of the market.
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marketreportsupdates · 5 years ago
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics Market Size, Demand, Analysis, On-Going Trends, Status, Forecast 2026
The Global Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics Market Report offers market insights to the reader to improve their leadership against the global landscape, including industry dynamics, segmentation, competition, and regional growth. The key players in the sector have adopted business strategies for overall expansion and for the increase in their production capacities to address the increasing demands for artificial grass for numerous applications. New and emerging traders in the industry will face fierce competition from the traditional traders driven by the incorporation of new technological innovations, reliability, and long-standing product portfolio. This report sheds light on the evolution of the Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics market along with the magnitude of competition and valuation, among other things. The Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics Market is broadly segregated depending on the expected updates in the improvement of parameters, for instance, quality, credibility, end-user solicitation, and applications, among others.
Get Free Sample Copy Of This Research Report At: https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/2197
Key participants include Hoffman-L Roche, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Eisai, Amgen, Grifols Biologicals Inc., Baxter, CSL Behring, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roxane, and others
This report comprises of the existing framework, constrictions, and also has a detailed elucidation of the substantial information associated with the present circumstances and future trajectory that might impact the growth of the sector. The study gives an exhaustive outlook of the industry while focusing on the internal and external aspects for the current advancements, parameters, and establishments.
The report analyses key geographies, including the USA, UK, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. The leading players in the Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics Market and their regional presence across the globe are estimated on factors like production capacity, utilization ratio, consumer base, demand, and supply chain, profit margin, and merchants. Additionally, the Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics market research report also gives an in-depth analysis of the following aspects:
For the purpose of this report, Reports and Data has segmented the Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Therapeutics market on the basis of Product type, Distribution channels type, treatment type, and region:
Product Type of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Therapeutics (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Intravenous immunoglobulins
Anti-D immunoglobulin
Thrombopoietin receptor agonists     (TPO-RA)
Distribution channels Type of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Therapeutics (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
Drug store
Retail pharmacies
Browse Full Report Description At: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/idiopathic-thrombocytopenic-purpura-itp-therapeutics-market
Treatment Type of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Therapeutics (Revenue, USD Million; 2016–2026)
 Intravenous immunoglobulin      (IVIG)
 Anti-D immunoglobulin
 Thrombopoietin receptor agonists
Regional Outlook of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Therapeutics (Revenue in USD Million; 2016–2026)
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Latin AmericaTop of Form
Highlights the following key factors:
1) Business description-Detailed description of a firm’s operations and business segments.
2) Corporate strategy – Analyst’s summarization of the company’s business strategy.
3) SWOT Analysis – A detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.
4) Company history – A company’s evolution, highlighting its key events through the years.
5) Major products and services – A list of flagship products, services, and brands of the company.
6) Key competitors – A list of key competitors of the company.
7) Important locations and subsidiaries – A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company.
8) Detailed financial ratios for the past five years – The latest financial ratios derived from annual financial statements released by the company in the last five years.
Read full Press Release At: https://www.reportsanddata.com/press-release/global-idiopathic-thrombocytopenic-purpura-itp-therapeutics-market
The growth of this market across the globe is dependent on multiple factors; including consumer base of several Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Therapeutics products, inorganic growth models adopted by companies, price volatility of feedstocks, and product innovation, along with their economic prospects in both producer and consumer nations.
Overall, this report provides a clear view of every vital factor of the market without the need to refer to any other research reports or data sources. Our report will equip you with all the strategically vital facts about the past, present, and future of the market.
About Us:
Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market. Contact Us: John Watson Head of Business Development Direct Line: +1-212-710-1370 E-mail: [email protected] Reports and Data | Web: www.reportsanddata.com
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