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grandmascottlang ¡ 7 years ago
I Go La, La, La (Peter Parker X Reader)
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Hi guys! I just had a random idea to write, so I hope it doesn’t suck! This is going to be a one-shot, as well as a song-fic. The song is La La Latch by Pentatonix (this song is a mashup of Latch by Disclosure and La La La by Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith). I recommend it; it’s one of my favorite Pentatonix songs! On with the story!
Summary: You and Peter are dating and are the cutest couple in school. One day, Peter stops having time to spend with you due to the Stark Internship. You start having second thoughts.
Warnings: Fluff and then angst, also penis jokes
Words: 1.9k+
-three months-
When [Name] started dating Peter Parker, she couldn’t have been happier. Being with the science and math geek as well as the designated Star Wars nerd of the school was great when she needed help with her homework (and although she would never admit it, this was a plus!) and great when she just wanted to sit around in her pajamas watching the popular movie franchise as a date.
Peter was such a nice guy: he would always leave cute, little notes in [Name]’s locker, as well as every Wednesday, give his girlfriend a red rose. Needless to say, the two were the power couple of the school.
Today, one of Peter’s notes fell out of [Name]’s locker and she smiled as she saw her name scrawled in his handwriting.
           Hey [Name],
I just wanted to say how cute you always look. I can’t wait to hang out today. Meet me at the library at 2:46 (I was going to say 2:45, but I remembered I need to give you time to walk from class to the library :D)
           Pete xoxo
“I swear, he is the nicest guy on the planet,” [Name] whispered to herself, smiling, as she grabbed a few of her textbooks then closed her locker. When she closed the door, her boyfriend was leaning on the lockers close to hers, obviously trying to look cool (and failing, because he’s a dork). He jumped when she closed the door, not expecting her to close the door so soon.
Peter quickly composed himself, combing his fingers through his hair. [Name] giggled at his goofiness.
“I hope that you’re talking about me,” Peter smugly suggested, smirking at his girlfriend.
“Who else would I be talking about? You and Ned are the only guys that I really hang out with,” [Name] reached to intertwine her fingers with him, then giving his hand a quick squeeze.
“That’s a relief!” Peter joked, knowing that he had the most faithful girl in the world by his side. 
You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down You, you enchant me even when you're not around If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down I'm latching on, babe, now I know what I have found
-six months-
Unbeknownst to [Name], Peter had officially become Spider-Man, as well as an unofficial Avenger. He was one of the smartest kids in school by day and a superhero by night.
After Peter began the “Stark Internship,” [Name] was never able to spend time with him outside of school. Of course, she wanted to support her boyfriend, but it was hard, given that she saw him maybe for thirty minutes at school when they ate lunch together. 
One day at lunch, [Name] wanted to talk to Peter and ask him about what exactly he was doing for his internship twenty-four seven.
 “Hey, Pete?” she asked, turning her head to look at the brunette who was taking a bite of his sandwich.
 “Hmm?” he hummed, chewing the food in his mouth as he turned to look at her.
 “What do you do with Mr. Stark? Do you get to help him build his suits?” she tried to look interested in the topic; she was only asking so that she could know if he was only doing the internship and nothing else (more specifically, no one else).
 Peter choked on his sandwich for a second and took a sip of his water to calm himself. He took a deep breath and thought about what he was going to say for a moment.
“Uh, I just help him with… filing? Yeah, I do that most of the times. I don’t even really see him that often,” he half-lied. His stomach dropped from having to tell [Name] a fake story about what he did after school. He almost wanted to come clean to her, but he didn’t want to put her in danger.
 “Oh, okay,” she looked away from him, the smile on her face dropping.
Peter sighed, taking in the reality that she didn’t believe him. Man, he really needed to get better at telling his cover story.
I can't find your silver lining I don't mean to judge But when you read your speech, it's tiring Enough is enough
-one year-
Peter was trying to tell Flash about the “Stark Internship” so that he could at least look kind of cool to him.
“Hear that, guys? Penis Parker has an ‘internship’ with the Tony Stark!” Flash teased, saying it loud enough that the entire school could hear him.
All the popular kids laughed at Peter, pointing their fingers at him as well as calling him Flash’s designated nickname, Penis Parker. Even some of the people that Peter was friends with were laughing alongside them. The only people who were not laughing at him were Ned, [Name], and Michelle, or MJ as her friends called her (that is if she had any friends).
[Name] ran up to Peter giving him a brief hug and then turning around to give Flash the bird. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size? Oh right, because you’re the smallest there is!” [Name] insulted Flash. All heads watching the whole scene unfold turned their heads to her in confusion, Little [Name] being so vulgar? Unheard of. They proceeded to start laughing a Flash then.
“I swear Parker, the only reason that [Name] isn’t with a jock like me is because she can copy the geek’s homework.” He stormed off, clearly pissed off that he had just been played at his own game.
The crowd started to dissipate, leaving only Peter and [Name] in the courtyard.
“Is what he said true? Are you only with me to copy homework?” Peter questioned her, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
“You and I both know that that’s not the reason we’re together. We’re together because I love you.”
“You… Love me?” Peter looked her directly in her beautiful [E/C] eyes, his own brown eyes sparkling with hope.
“Of course. I really do love you, Pete.”
“I love you too, [Name].”
Yes, I've got you in my space I won't let go of you Got you shackled in my embrace I'm latching on to you (never let go, I won't let go)
-one year, three months- 
Peter had been Spider-Man for almost a year, what an awesome year!
A sixteen-year-old boy got to meet the richest man on Earth, some of the Avengers, and save the world from Vulture! Peter was on cloud nine!
For [Name], things could not be going worse. Her grades were beginning to slip, due to her “study-buddy” being an intern at Stark Industries. She was sad on most days, not having many friends after the whole scene with Flash a few months ago, and she couldn’t be with Peter. Pretty much, all she missed was Peter.
For months, [Name] had thought that he was cheating on her and simply didn’t want to tell her. She began to think that she wasn’t pretty enough or nice enough for Peter and started dressing more like to popular girls at school and slowing acting like them. But when she was alone, all she wanted to do was cry.
She wanted to talk to Peter, but every time she went up to him to ask if he wanted to talk he would say he was busy. He even started going off campus for lunch, leaving her to eat all alone. At their old table.
“Hey, Pete!” [Name] exclaimed seeing her boyfriend in the hallway on his way to class.
“Hey, [Name]. Do you need something?”
“No, I just came to ask if you wanted to hang out after school today?”
“Sorry, [Name]. I’ve got the Stark Internship today. Maybe another time?” Peter always said, unenthusiastically.
“Can’t you just skip for one day?”
“No, I can’t. Mr. Stark needs me.” He rushed away from her, leaving her all alone.
[Name] didn’t know what she wanted to do. All she wanted to do was talk to him. And she couldn’t. Maybe she should give up trying. 
I'm so encaptured, got me wrapped up in your touch Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch How do you do it? You got me losing every breath What did you give me to make my heart bleed out my chest?
 -one year, six months-
[Name] was sick and tired of her boyfriend blowing her off. Slowly the notes in her locker stopped coming, along with Rose Wednesdays. She was only left with one option. 
“Hey, [Name]!” Peter came up to her, the first time in a few months. “I have something to tell you.” 
“Hey, Pete. We need to talk.” [Name] had a completely emotionless face on, done with Peter and his baggage. 
He saw the expression on her face and immediately his smile dropped. “What’s wrong?” 
“Us. Us is what’s wrong.”
He took hold of her hands, rubbing his thumbs over the back of them. “There’s nothing wrong with us. [Name], you and I both know that we’re the power couple of the school!” 
“I don’t know how you can say something like that when every time I just ask you to hang out, not even go on a date, you blow me off! You’ve been pushing me away for almost six months, Pete! All you do is the ‘Stark Internship!’ How do you think I feel?” [Name] pulled her hands away from his harshly as she crossed her arms. 
“But I was going to explain why I’ve been doing at the internship,” he started, right before [Name] cut him off.
“No, you don’t get to explain what you’ve been doing. You had the chance to do that for months. I don’t know why you didn’t, but now, you’ve pushed me away. We’re through. Go tell whatever… bimbo that you love her because you’ll never hear those words come out of my mouth again.” 
[Name] began to walk away when Peter grabbed onto her wrist. “I wasn’t with anyone else. I’m only with you. I’ll never be with anyone else, only you. I’m sorry, I won’t let this happen again. I promise.” 
“You’re right that it won’t happen again. I’m done with you and your crap, Peter. Get lost.” [Name] pulled her wrist away from his hand and began to walk away from him. She didn’t shed a tear nor did she turn and look back at him.
“[Name]! I still love you!” Peter was down on his knees, tears falling fast onto the skinny jeans that [Name] used to enjoy seeing on him. What he didn’t know is that he was a stranger to her now. “Please come back! I love only you!”
But what Peter didn’t notice is that she covered her ears with her hands and began to sing “la, la, la.”
Covering my ears like a kid When your words mean nothing I go la la la I'm turning up the volume when you speak If my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it, I go La la, la la la la la la la la la la, La la la la, la la la la la la la la la la La la, la la la la la la la la la la, La la la la, la la la la la la la la la la
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comicbookrearview ¡ 8 years ago
Superman Vol.2 issue 32
This is dog eared, it’s stapled together by a kid who didn’t know any better and it’s started to fade in parts.. i mean its only cover dated 1989 but the point is it’s in poor condition. I didn’t even buy this issue. I think i stole it from my cousins-who-had-everything-all-the-time’s house ... probably in 1990. Before an 8 year old me realized Superman was a dork and then came back around to realize... he aint that bad after all.
First i want to say every time i see the classic “bullet” design of the DC logo i wish it’s what DC still had. I hate this stigma that’s still attached to comics that conveys this message that they’re secretly embarrassed to be what they are as a medium. I’ll probably, pathetically, get this DC logo tattooed on me one stupid day. Also near the corner box is a full figured superman illustration. Probably so you could tell on the racks that between this and the title logo you knew what title you were buying, again this is a dying art and you’ll see with most of my blog posts that i’ll nostalgically romanticize over these a fair bit. Also odd (I think) for the time is the creator credits just under the title, for some reason i don’t remember this a hell of a lot for the time, i mean Roger Stern is a big deal as a comic writer, but i’m not sure if Kerry Gammil and Dennis Janke were as big of a deal. Imagine this cover image if it was a brand new issue or, if you’re so inclined, look at it digitally. Isn't that a striking dynamic image. The impact of the punch Mongul is landing on Gladiatorial Superman is perfectly conveyed. This single image  tells the story of the issue we’re about to read, a far cry from the pin-up like poses that are more frequent in today's books. Look at the price too. 75c US. Man that would've been around the dollar mark in Australia. That’s almost too little for my modern day brain to wrap itself around.
We’re opening with a battle ravaged planet, not earth, that Roger Stern takes time to set up, giving us a history lesson of this Warworld using language that sets a mood, paints a picture and clearly illustrates the stakes, the gravity of the issue. In the midst of this we’re given a little backstory of how superman came to be a captive of Warworld. A lone figure floating in space unconscious, taken it and thrown to the mercy of a place we know well by now will be in opposition our hero’s motivations and character. The premise of this story is that. Superman is forced to fight in gladiatorial bouts as entertainment on Warworld. Hmm i wonder if a younger Greg Pak read this and it inspired him to write Planet Hulk. There are definitely some parallels that can be drawn.
We’re given the title card/credits/splash page on page 5. That’s 4 pages of set up. I’m already beginning to see time given that you just don’t see modern writers bother with and i’m only two reviews into this. 
We’ve skimmed over Superman's battle with Mongul’s (the ruler of Warworld) champion, Draaga. This may have taken place in an issue prior. Or it might be a great way Roger Stern has condensed some dense exposition into a short space to make for an entertaining read. If it is just recap then i applaud stern for being brave enough to spend four pages on it because, reading this as a stand alone issue, it really works.
The story kicks up a gear as Superman, who has bested Draaga, refuses to kill him. Superman doesn't kill. Period. Anybody who recognizes the iconic s-shield knows that. Or at least they did before Zack Snyder’s films. They did. They really did. Enraged by this defiance Mongul suddenly teleport into the battle arena to kill both Superman and Draaga. Reading that back that does come across as video game style story telling, but that is really the strength of this issue. The simple premise and the well written character traits. Mongul is written with such dominating strength that he simply swats Superman away and as a reader you instantly buy into his power. He then turns his attention to disposing of Draaga, who accepts his fate, believing there is only honor in the laws of battle, he has been defeated, is ashamed and begs for a swift death for his failure. He accepts his fate. Just as Mongul is about to strike the death blow Superman intervenes. And this issue becomes a fist fight for the soul of Draaga. Superman will stand up for the creed that all life is precious in the face of a culture that believes in only violence.
There are some interspersed panels of a not to distant location where a Kryptonian cleric watches the battle, this is subtly squeezed into the proceedings as the cleric is to play a role in later events. 
A biblical, David and Goliath battle rages on through out the next few pages all the while painting, through excellent character writing, this paradigm of Superman/Draaga/Mongul. The action existing side by side with the battle of morals, beliefs, codes and ideals. Mongul overpowers superman and reveals he will stay the characters execution, in true villain style he now has special plans for Superman and Draaga.
We cut to a subplot intermission of Clark Kent waking on a Metropolis street, disheveled and amnesiac. What is this? We the reader know Clark is Superman. This sudden interruption to the main story makes things all the more intriguing as Clark stumbles through memories trying to piece together who he is. He’s discovered, very quickly, (too quickly in a city named Metropolis) by co-worker and Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen and we leave the intermission here.
Cutting back to the cleric, more of his motivations are revealed and in an effort to preserve Superman's life, telepathically wakes him.
Superman and Draaga have been shackled, held prisoner by Mongul who torturing and taunting the two. But Superman uses his heat vision and strength to free himself and once again begins to battle Mongul. We’re given more of Draaga’s reaction this time, he wonders more and more why Superman is so willing to protect him. Here the writing and art find another gear to create this intense sense of tension as we get short intervals of Superman, Draaga, The cleric, Superman, Draaga, the cleric, the writing really gives the reader a great sense of urgency through its sharp stabs as Superman lands a mighty blow that floors Mongul.
But the tension rises still, the cleric acting as exposition that increases the urgency, we aren’t safe yet. As Superman attempts to free Draaga, who is more and more beginning to realize his sense of honor through battle is a misplaced one, Mongul rises to his feet and, enraged, appears to disintegrate superman with a laser blast from his chest. Draaga taunts Mongul as he staggers away. Draaga has made a complete conversion, buying into Superman’s ideals and scolding Mongul for there being no honor in his defeat of Superman through underhanded tactics. 
In the final panels Superman materializes into the clerics arms. The cleric managed to teleport superman, literally at the death and alludes to great plans in store for the Kryptonian.
The art by Kerry Gammil has it’s similarities in the style of John Byrne’s work on the character, but the characters literally seem stronger and bolder than Byrne’s work. The opening in space is almost an interpretation of some Frazetta like setting but i’ve always found space art not my thing and am almost always underwhelmed by it. Bearded Superman is hipsterish, ahead of his time. And Gladiator Superman deserves a reprisal, it’s a design that is ridiculous but at the same time so well done that it works and would definitely make one cool action figure if one hasn’t been produced. Mongul is where Gammill’s art really shines though. He is all at once appropriately dominant, pious, regal, arrogant and menacing. Gammill also illustrates Superman's defiance exceedingly well but easily shifts back into focusing on the brute strength of Mongul. He does an excellent job of visually representing the David vs Goliath nature of the issue and illustrating how against the odds Superman is. Even his weapons look menacing, painful and dangerous. It’s not just the battles either. The three pages we get of amnesiac Clark that are away from the action make use of great angles and presentation to make even the mundane events have the right sense of feeling and be interesting.
So that’s it for this issue.
Thanks for reading if you’ve read it through. I’d love to talk about it more with any of you, these posts are also on the twitter link if I’ve done it correctly. The Instagram account is where i share photos of the tattered issues I’ve just danced down memory lane with and i’m hoping to get up a curated playlist of things relevant to this review on the YouTube channel in time. (Just give it time).
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