#IT TOOK A WHILE BUT this year's been mad don't @ me ok
modmad · 14 days
kickstarter for Volume 4 of TPoH is officially in preplanning stage!
we doing it! but you can help! please note that we want flat rewards so they fit in the parcel nicely and have no risk of scratching or deforming the books, so...
if you chose the last option please tell me what you want in the comments! thank you!
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romanticinlove · 3 months
The ex-boyfriend
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend has been trying to get back together with you for a while now. Your current boyfriend has no problem stepping in.
Word count: 1.1K
content warning: Zack Bia 😟, slight mentions of a toxic relationship
a/n: enjoy!
Because you were in the public eye, every single detail of your life was being shown at all times, that included your relationships. Your most recent ex boyfriend, Zack Bia, and you had a very public breakup because he cheated on you. Apart from the cheating, the relationship was toxic and he was a master manipulator. You knew of his reputation, but you still went along with him. You kicked yourself for it and so did everyone else. When your relationship with him was announced, everyone was so confused. Like you and him of all people. But when the relationship ended, because you ended it, people rejoiced. Everyone was so happy to hear the news. Everyone including a young football player, Jude Bellingham.
Jude had had a crush on you ever since you did a photoshoot with Prada. When he saw you on the runway for the first time, he malfunctioned. He got jealous when the pictures of you and Zack first dropped. He could not wrap his mind around the fact that you and that loser were dating. But, when the relationship ended, he took that as his in. He started off by liking and reacting to your stories, and then he dm'ed you. Nothing too crazy, just a simple "hey" with a smiling emoji. From there the two of you began talking. And soon enough, 5 months after the drama with Zack Bia, you were dating Jude Bellingham.
When the news about you and the 20-year old came out, Zack immediately tried to call you. you ignored his calls and then the texts came through.
Zack: Wtf
Zack: Why are you dating that guy???
Zack: We literally just broke up it's so obvious that you're desperate for attention.
Zack: If you wanted to be in a relationship so bad, I would've come back
Zack: I miss u
Even when you blocked his number he contacted you from another one. Once you received more and more messages, you tried to respond to him
You: Please leave me alone. Go find someone else to gaslight
Zack: see you love to thow around that word, but I don't think you actually knows what it means.
Zack: I miss you. I've changed I'm willing to prove that
You: I am dating someone else please stop
Zack: He doesn't matter. He doesn't love you like I do
Zack: I want to see you, I'm in Spain right now, come see me
You shut your phone off and sighed in frustration. Why did he have to come all this way just to bother you? You immediately called Jude.
"hello" Jude answered on the second ring. You loved how he would always answer your call, no matter what, as fast as he possibly could.
"Hey baby, are you busy right now?" You asked. You were so annoyed and needed Jude's comfort.
"no not at all why? is everything ok?"
"yeah could you just come over please" Jude could hear the desperation in your voice so he immediately got his things from his house and began to head out.
"of course, I'll be there soon"
When Jude arrived at your apartment, You explained everything to him. From how you and Zack started dating, to his constant harassment and even him being in Spain. Jude was visibly upset, but he wasn't mad at you, but at that lunatic. He hated how upset he made you and how he was trying to push his way back into your life.
" I just don't know what to do anymore" You stated "I just want to stay here with you forever, I don't want to deal with him." You were laying on Judes chest in your bed as he drew circles on your back.
"I promise he is long gone, he is bluffing. I don't think he would come all the way to Spain. Besides, I will stay with you here forever" He said as he kissed your forehead. You smiled and you both decided to watch s show together. Halfway through one of the episodes, you heard a knock at the door and looked over at Jude in confusion. Unfortunately, he was asleep, so, you got up and went to answer the door. Lo and behold, outside your door was your ex-boyfriend.
"I told you I missed you" Zack said while holding flowers.
"I don't care, I told you I'm with someone else. You and I are done." You said as you tried to close the door. He managed to push his way in. "You need to leave right now"
"No, we still need to talk, I don't like how things ended"
" You cheated on me, there end of story"
"I wouldn't have cheated if you hadn't made me" Zack told you and you looked at him in confusion and he continued. " You were always such a bitch nagging about your job, it wasn't that hard. I needed to find someone to distract myself from your constant complaining" Zack began to yell at you and You just shook your head.
"Ok I complained too much, you found someone else, everything is good again, please leave" You were getting annoyed and began to walk towards the door to open it. That's when he grabbed your arm and pushed you away from the door.
"I said we need to talk" He yelled at you and that's when Jude stepped out of the bedroom and looked at him. Jude threw a punch at him and he went down onto the couch. "Don't you ever disrespect her like that again, do you understand?" Jude got up in his face and yelled at him. He grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him out and threw him out on the concrete. He then walked over to you, who was standing near the stairs to go upstairs, a couple of feet from where it all happened.
"I'm so sorry he did that. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Jude said while examining you. You were completely unharmed, your wrist just hurt a little from the force used. Jude engulfed you in a hug and you rested your head in him.
"Thank you so much Jude, you have no idea how much this means to me" You said to him and you hugged him.
"You don't have to thank me for protecting you. It comes with the territory"
"I love you, Jude"
"I love you too y/n"
You both went back up to your room and continued to spend time together watching tv. Even though your last relationship caused confusion, you knew that now people would agree that you two were prefect together.
Thank you for reading! I also wanted to let you guys know I am taking requests in case you guys wanted to send some in! also lmk If you guys think I should write about some other ppl
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normansnt · 8 months
Short Kings
(Hazbin Lucifer x trans male reader)
Warnings: noooonnneeee(:
You were looking in the mirror at your fresh scars. You were born in hell...as a biological female sadly. At least coming out to anyone was not a problem due to you not having anyone.
This only changed when you were already a grown up. You kept yourself alive by breaking into rich looking houses and stealing stuff that you could sell for good money.
This is how you met your boyfriend of today as well, the big dick behind it all: Lucifer.
You wanted to rob his house in the middle of the night, but you just had to stop and look at a very cute tubber duck and this was when you got caught.
However he didn't really seem mad that you wanted to rob him. He even asked you to stay and have a cup of tea with him. Which at the end turned into you hugging him while he cried into your shoulder about how he has not seen his daughter in years and his wife left him.
While he was renting to you, you noticed that it stoped suddenly. He fell asleep, 'great' you thought.
Even though you had a shitty life, you were not a shitty person. You didn't hate the rich people you stole from you knew that thats just how it is one are lucky some aren't.
So you brought him to his bed. While you laid him down on his bed you took an actual good look at him. 'He's cute' you thought to yourself.
'And very fucking mentally damaged' you thought right after.
You wanted to leave, but something held you back. For some reason you felt for this little man. Also it has been a long while since you have slept in an actually comfortable bed so you decided to stay the night.
Little did you know you'd never leave after that.
And that you amazing boyfriend would be the reason you can finally be closer to your real self.
"My love" you heard your kings voice from besides you as he put his hands around your waist and put his chin on your shoulder.
"Those scars look rewashing on you" he commented while kissing your shoulder.
"My handsome, boyfriend" he continued to whisper praises while you smiled lightly.
You loved him so much.
"You know I'm really happy you tried to rob me" he mumbled into your shoulder.
You laughed at that.
"Yeah sure its cuz you found a boyfriend who is shorter than you" you got back at him.
"REALLY, ok now see I really don't think you're in the situation to be making short jokes" he said while putting his forearm on the top of your head and leaning on it.
"OK WOOOW big talk small guy" you said while elbowing him in the gut. In reaction to this he bent down in pain clutching his stomach.
You lifted his chin up with your hand and kissed him.
"Well, I don't mind being hit in the gut if this comes after" he told you as you both stood and he put his hands around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"You really look amazing" he said while looking at you. And this time it was truly you. Without the binder and yet still feeling amazing.
"Thank you" you whispered back as you two touched your foreheads together.
"Sooo...what do you say we celebrate my boyfriend finally feeling good in his body" he said after some time smiling cheekily.
"Oh, I'd be more than happy too my love." You smirked back as he took your hand and lead you to you guys's bedroom.
Its also the first trans man fic I have ever written (which is quite sad looking at the fact that I'm a trans man myself😭)
Also I just wanna thank you guys again for all the love yall are amazing fr🥹🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🦖🧡
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amirasainz · 5 months
hi!! i really love your works and i always look forward to you contents. can you write about a quadrant content but it’s just lando and baby!sainz flirting with each other
So much fun to write. I hope it is how you guys imagined this. I can only advise you guys to watch the video. It is extremlx funny.
Enjoy reading and send some requests.
Spill your guts
It was another day of filming a new video of Quadrant. The team took it upon themselves to invite two special guest for their new video. One of them was the britisch Youtuber Filly, while the other one was Amira Sainz aka Landos love of his life (his words).
Lando sat in the middle of the table. On his closest right side sat Amira, Ethan and Aarav. On his left side sat Filly and Niran. In front of them was a variety of disgusting food, for example a 1000 year old egg (how does that work) or a fish smoothie. Lando would ask each person a question. If someone didn't want to answer, they would have to eat the food.
As usual, Amira and Lando were in their own little world the whole time. Lando even brought her a special designed LN4 hoodie. So while everyone started with a hard question, it was now Amiras turn. "Ok darling. Let's start easy. Do you like the new collection" questioned Lando softly. Amira nodded with a bright smile and Lando clapped for a short moment. The guys at the table were shocked. The have been warned before the video about the behaviour between those two. Seeing it was a whole different thing.
So the game continued on and on. While Niran across from her was nearly dying after eating the egg, Lando turned to her. He took her hand in his and looked her deeply in the eyes. "Now, this is a hard question, Baby. You'll probably want to answer it and not drink a fish smoothie ok?" Lando was always so careful with her. He didn't care if his friends were dying next to him. I mean, no-one would if the Amira Sainz sat next to them.
"You once mentioned that you like nearly everyone on set of Narcos. Who was the person you didn't like?" The question was met with a lot of "uhhh"-s from around the table. After a short moment, she answered: "I really can't tell. I don't want to offend anyone." When she reached for the glass, Filly tried to console her: "Amira, you're probably one of the bravest girl out there." Before she could drink it Lando yelled a loud "Wait!", scaring everyone in a 5 mile radius.
"Baby, I can't let you drink that. However, because you didn't answer, you will have to drink lemon water" "Nooooo, please no lemon water" Amira said sadly. Lando just nodded sadly, tears already gathering in his eyes. The boys just stared incredulously at the pair. "How is lemon water worst than a freaking fish smoothie" asked Aarav, looking directly into the camera.
After she drank the water, Lando hugged her tightly. "You did so good, my pretty girl. I know it was really sour, but you make my life sweeter." So for the whole video, Lando would only give Amira things like cuttet onion, a hard noodle or vanilla ice-creme. The ice-creme was probably the worst thing for her, because she is a huge chocolate fan. And after every answer she gave, he would either hold her hand or kiss her forehand. Lando was everything but secretive.
After Filly came back from his quick toilet visit Amira asked him: "Is the sauce really so bad?" "Love, you have no idea. I saw my dead grandfather in front of me". This prompted a round of laughter from around the table. "I kind of want to try it" she said. Before anyone could stop her, she downed the whole glass.
"Oh my god", "What the fuck" and "Baby, are you mad" were the reactions she was met with. Everyone stared at her. However, Amira just liked her lips and said "This shit is really good"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 3 months
Hey! So I thought of this idea for Gavi, where yall have been dating for a while but he doesn't know exactly what date your birthday is and he ends up forgetting,but the reader doesn't mind because she's had bad experience with birthdays
This req has almost over a year, I'm truly sorry for the wait😭 but life's been pretty busy right now and I haven't had the time to sit down and write something😭😭 also, not prooferead😭💀
Calendar -P.G6
Summary: Your boyfriend doesn't know your birthday and you don't mind that, either.
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"Mhm?" You grunt eyes not leaving your book
"Can I ask you something?" You hum letting him know you were paying him attention "You won't get mad?"
"It depends" You simply answer "Probably not. What's up?"
"When's your birthday?"
Right there, you froze. You let the book on your lap and looked at your boyfriend.
You and Pablo have almost a year and half dating, he was the sweetest, most caring, responsable, respectful guy you've ever known. He knew and remembered every single detail of you and of your relationship, so it took you by surprise to hear that he didn't know your birthday.
However, you didn't felt any kind of dissapointment or anger, your birthday was just another day and after your 6 birthday, you stopped celebrating it because of a bad experience, so you were just confused.
"You don't know when my birthday is?" He slowly shook his head
"I... don't" He said, you could see the nerves on his face, he was waiting for you to get mad.
"It's ________" You reply looking at him, you smiled softly "Better now?"
He repeated your birthday date under his breath only to gasp.
"That was two weeks ago!" You nod "¡Joder! ¿Como puedo ser tan mal novio?" (How can I be such a bad boyfriend?) "Venga, let's get dressed to have some dinner. I need to buy you a gift, two in fact, one for the lateness and the other for your birthday. We also need to set tomorrow a small party with our friends and family. I need to buy a cake for you as well-"
"Nononono. What are you talking about? No need"
"What do you mean there's no need? Of course it's needed! It's your birthday, we don't turn 20 every single year, we need to celebrate it"
"Pablo, I don't celebrate my birthdays" You state grabbing his hands and trying to calm him down
"¿Cómo que no celebras tus cumpleaños?" (How's that you don't celebrate your birthdays?)
"I just don't. Ever since I turned 6"
"But why is that?"
"I had a bad experience at my birthday party" You shrug shaking your head
"Puta madre" He cursed making you smile "I didn't know that"
"That's weird. I thought you asked my mom everything of me" You joke with a smile on as he grips your thigh
"I asked you some things too" You laugh
"I almost got lost in my birthday party. It was in the park but I walked and walked far away from the party, my mom and dad were attending the invited so my aunt was the one who had to look out for me and she did until her attention drifted to a kid who had fell from the swing"
"I spent around 5 hours lost in the park, it started raining and it got dark quickly, I was crying and shaking from the cold. My parents found me and I could only grip myself to them so bad. I didn't wanted to spend the rest of my birthday there, I didn't even wanted to eat the cake nor open the presents, nothing. And that day I couldn't be separated from my mom, I glued myself to her"
"It sounds pretty stupid but I was so afraid of them not being able to find me and stuff. So I just kinda stopped celebrating my birthday because it reminds me of that not-so-good time"
"It's not stupid, amor. And I'm sorry"
"Why are you sorry for?"
"I didn't know about that and also I made you remember it"
"It's ok, baby. You didn't know but now you do"
"Can I just give you a small gif and an ordinary cake then?" You smile
"I'll make a small exception for you and only this time" You kissed his lips standing up "Where are we going for dinner?"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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billthedrake · 11 months
(hmph) Can't sleep either, buddy?
[quietly] No sir.
Guess this bed is kind of hard.
It's not that Dad. I'm... well, I'm kind of horny.
When are you ever not... oh jeez, yeah you're rock hard all right. I thought I took care of this bad boy pretty well.
You did, Dad. Only, I was thinking how we have the place all to ourselves. Not having to hide this.
We have all week, Will.
It gets me hard hearing you say that, Dad.
(growls in bedroom voice) Well, we have all fucking week, son.
I like hearing you cuss.
It's a strange thing I guess, but growing up you never did around us. Even if you got real mad.
(Breathes excitedly) I'm fucking you, Will. So you'll probably be hearing a lot of inappropriate things from my mouth.
God that dick's so hard... pressing into me. Come on, son, feel me up.
Love it Dad.
Scoot closer... there, that's it. Feel your old man's cock.
It made me sir.
Damn straight. Made you and took your cherry.
Best night of my life Dad.
Fuck... you're pretty hard, too, sir.
Listen to who's talking like a sailor now.
(Laughs) I remember you grounded my ass the first time I dropped the f-bomb.
You were testing our authority. Cocky little shit.
I was just craving some attention, Dad.
(More kisses)
Damn, boy. You kiss your cheerleader girlfriends like that?
Unf, fuck.... I usually have to go softer with them, Dad. More like this... (soft, slow kissing) See...?
You can feel it, right, Will?
Oh yeah. That made you even harder. Jesus, that cock is like steel now, Dad.
Can't believe I can get up again already, actually. I'm 48 and not a teen.
You're a stud, Dad. A real fucking stud.
Damn... those fingers feel nice, son. OK if we just take our time? Just feel each other like this before getting to the main event?
(chuckles) What's the main event, Dad?
You know damn well, you little tease.
(More kissing, longer this time)
You like that, sir.
Goddamn, buddy. That cheerleader kiss of yours drives me wild.
Is that what is, Dad? The "cheerleader kiss"?
I'll say. French kissing your father like we're on a first date.
Oh fuck!
Guess that's your magic button, buddy. I can feel that steel rod in my fist twitch like crazy.
One of my buttons, sir. You keep showing me more.
It's just day one of our fishing trip.
Almost day two. What time is it even?
I dunno. Three? Four in the morning? We've not even been here twelve hours and we've already had sex twice.
Gonna make it three times, sir?
Grr... fuck, yeah. (kisses) You know, your mother and I never have sex three times in a night.
Real honeymoon sex, right, Dad?
You got it, buddy.
(more kissing)
Nice, Dad... I think you're getting the cheerleader kiss down, yourself.
(chuckles) I got some more experience in the sack than you, remember?
I can't forget. You got a thirty year head start on me, sir.
Hmm... damn you have an incredible bod, buddy. Just leave feeling ya up.
Feel away sir. Won't ever get sick of it. Promise.
I'm leaking now.
Yessir. So wet.
Hm, why don't you climb on, buddy? Or are you too sore?
A little sore. But a good sore, you know?
I do.
(Surprised) Dad... you ever... you know, get fucked?
It's been a while, buddy. But there have been a couple of men who've done me like that. Years ago.
Maybe I can... if you'd let me.
It's probably gonna happen, son. This week. But right now, I really need inside ya.
Inside my baby boy.
Not a baby anymore, Dad.
That you're not, kiddo. Big stud jock.
God, you're so hard... and wet.
My lacrosse jock son.
(chuckles) You like being a lacrosse dad?
In more ways than one. I love being there for ya, Will.
I love having you there, Dad. At the games. And after.
Fuck. You're so tight. Even still.
I'm glad. Want this to be good for you, Dad.
You have no fucking idea, baby boy.
Three times in one night, Dad. I have a pretty good idea.
I'm gonna have a hard time keeping up with you, stud.
We'll see Dad. You can hold your own... fuck, you feel big.
I'm not too big, son.
You try sitting on one this size. Shit.
We don't gotta, kiddo.
Like hell we don't. Just let me go slow.
You got this, Will.
That hole is real fucking wet.
You made it like that, Dad.
What did you call it? Honeymoon sex.
Oh yeah, you're opening up for me buddy. Yeah... just like that.
Fuck me, Dad.
And we got a whole week of this.
A whole fucking week, sir.
If I can get it up after a day of this.
We'll probably need some sleep too, Dad.
(bed rocks)
God, yeah, Dad. Pump into me.
Ride me, son. Ride your daddy.
I love holding onto you, sir. All of you.
I'm not a lean young jock like you.
You're perfect, Dad. All of you.
(bed rocks harder, springs squeaking)
God fucking damn.
Ung! You got some real power behind that beef. Fuck!
(lets go of his cock)
Too much?
Don't wanna cum yet. At least not before you.
It's gonna take me a little longer this round. Sorry, kiddo.
Take as long as you want, Dad. You're in me, and that's all I care about.
Fuck, that ass is incredible. Wet and silky.
Better than mom?
You should ask me that, kiddo.
I know. Just like getting you worked up.
(bed squeaking)
Holy... fucking... shit... son!
(bed sounds slow down, then stop)
Whoo... let’s take a break.
(soft kissing)
Gonna roll us over buddy.
Yep. You're more a missionary guy, Dad?
At least to finish off. I like doing the driving, you know.
Yeah, I know.... UNNGH... fuck yeah, Dad. Nail my ass.
You... got it... kiddo. Daddy needs a fuck.
Not been four hours since our last.... oh shit.
That your spot, kiddo? Daddy gonna punch your spot?
(incoherent moans)
Let it out, baby boy. Just us up here in this cabin....
Oh Dad! Oh fuck.
Father and son... fucking like bunnies. Like newlyweds.
I'm gonna...
Let it all out, son.
Oh fuck, OH FUCK!
Your dad's cumming too, Will. Cumming up your sweet hole.. GODDAMN!
(heavy breathing, then kissing)
That was incredible, Dad.
You got that right, son. Jesus.
No... don't pull out yet.... I like having you on top of me.
I'm not too heavy?
A little, Dad. But I like it.
Oh fuck... shit. I can feel your cum between us.
Ha. I can smell it too.
You getting sleepy, buddy?
Not really. I guess we have an early morning ahead. What time we gotta get up for fishing.
There's probably not much fishing gonna get done this week, is there, buddy?
No sir. Just fucking and sleeping.
Six more days of it.
You're getting soft, Dad.
I told ya, buddy. I'm 48. And that was round number three.
No, I like it. For real. Like feeling you slip out of me.
You're something else, kiddo.
Can I ask a favor of you, Dad?
(settles back down onto the mattress) Sure, Will.
This week, sometime... I want you to share a secret with me.
You mean something other than the fact I'm fucking my own son?
(chuckles) Besides that.
I'll think it over. Think of something.
Fraid so. You drained it out of your old man.
Just tell me if I'm being a pest at any point.
You're not being a pest, Will.
(softly) You asleep, Dad?
(groggy, deep voiced) Not yet. Not far off.
Can I feel your cock one more time?
Um hm.
Nice. I like feeling it soft too. My dad's cock.
Love ya, Dad.
Love you, too, son.
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callofdudes · 11 months
König x Autistic Reader headcanons
Just a little disclaimer that I myself am not autistic. I'm neurdivergent but I don't struggle with most of the things that autistic people do. So please feel free to let me know if something is incorrect. Only here to spread love. ♥️
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Being the colonel, König heard about you from your previous commanding officer. You were being switched to KorTac on recommendation so he didn't think any less of you when he heard you were also autistic.
Not that he would if you weren't, but you had a pretty decent record to back your few years in the military.
He had less than a week to prepare before you'd be transfered, and he wanted to be as prepared for you as possible. He'd read as much as he could, trying to take everything in.
Of course, hearing that some things were different for different autistic users was a little anxiety inducing.
When he met you out off the helicopter, you had your headphones on, taking them off slowly when you got a comfortable distance from the spinning blades.
He noticed how you took them off slowly, letting yourself adjust a little to the noise out of the headphones before hanging them around your neck.
"Ah, sergeant. My name is König." König held out his gloved hand, which you seemed a little surprised at, but on a good way. And you shook his hand, recognizing his firm grip.
"Thank you..."
"Allow me to show you around before we talk business ja?"
You nodded hesitantly, slowly following him.
Your eyes moved everywhere, taking in the new environment. It was much different. All the new smells, the sounds, the surprise of it.
König was aware you would need proper introduction to the environment. The ins and outs, a clear schedule laid out before it happened. Which is what he would prepare you with. No doubt just chucking you into work would overwhelm you. As it would anyone.
He noticed the way your thumbs continually moved over the seam of your uniform in the same motion while you took everything in.
He laid out the usual schedule, reassuring you that you wouldn't have to adhere to their schedule so strictly until you were fully integrated.
It was nice, how smooth it felt. Unlike your first transition. Being thrown into boot camp with zilch for experience you knew it would be rough. But you're glad you don't ever have to do that again.
König made sure you were aware that you could come to him if you needed anything or if you had questions. He was an open book and willing to help.
At first he was very worried about how you'd react to his mask. He didn't know if you'd be ok with it or not? Would you be put off by it? Would it reassure you with so little detail on his face, not being able to see him.
But from how you reacted, clearly your first impressions of his gentle nature won you over instead of his daunting height and scary exterior.
You had been worried in the beginning that König was going to be like everyone else. But he was actually very gentle. He was quieter, unlike your previous superiors who seemed to be into yelling just because they could.
And König was gentle with you. Not like when you were first brought into the military. Now, to be fair, you had joined the military and they wanted soldiers one way or another. You hadn't expected to be pampered right out of the gate. But he approached you in a way that settled you in.
König was usually very aware of what he was doing, because of his height and his position, every move was in his thoughts. And with you that was no different.
"Hey... Y/n, I know the canteen is pretty busy today, so I figured I'd just bring you a plate here." He smiles a little under the hood, wondering if you'd appreciate the gesture or get mad at him because you thought he was treating you as weak.
To his relief, you smiled softly. "Oh, König-" you pause when you saw the plate. König had always noticed you much preferred some food over others, and you always organized them in specific ways. And it was just like that, your plate perfect to your autistic eye.
You wouldn't have to spend ten minutes of precious food time reordering and sorting.
"Thank you König, thank you."
König always did his best to help you. But of course, there was only so much he could do to help. Even in simple training, you were sometimes allowed to have your headphones on, but there was always that time when you weren't.
When könig would clearly see you getting overwhelmed from smells, sounds, and strenuous activity you were faced with.
König is always an extended arm, but was nervous to help you if you didn't want it. So when you showed up in his office, clearly something wrong he wasn't sure what to do.
You just stood in the doorway, clutching the hem of your shirt, your throat feeling tight. You couldn't move, just on the brink of completely exploding in tears.
König slowly stood, approaching you gently. "Y/n..?" He reached out to touch you, slowly, giving you a moment to pull away if you wanted. But you didn't. His hand touching your cheek, cupping your face.
"You're doing amazing..."
Tears fell down your cheeks and you whimpered, leaning against him. He gently wrapping his other arm around you. Warming you, slowly rubbing your back in consistent circles.
"I'm here. I'm here y/n."
König soon became used to knowing every little motion to you. Your hands tensing, trying to stim with them, struggling with verbal communication in stressful situations, or at all. Getting the words in your head out verbally usually a struggle.
Whenever you needed him, he'd be there. On missions when stuck in a stake out, he would give you his backpack that hopefully it would provide enough weight when he took watch; so you could sleep with minimal anxiety.
But König knew, and he was patient.
König who let's you stim with the Velcro straps on his gear and uniform whenever you needed it.
You two were sitting in the cargo plane, könig could feel you staring into him. Your hand moved a little, and he looked at you. "Y/n??"
"König... Can I..?" You reached your hand for his belt, and he understood. Pulling the Velcro from his belt and moving it to your hand. "Yeah, go ahead."
You nod, pushing the Velcro apart and then slowly pulling it open. Listening to the sound and the slow tear. And the patch on his bicep, listening to it slowly peal apart and then sticking it evenly back on.
König sat there still, letting you stim. "Feeling a bit better?"
You nod a little. "Yeah... Thank you."
He hums, smiling softly. He let's you play with the Velcro for the remainder of the flight, not minding you gently stimming with his gear. It's calming for him in a way as well.
When you were on base, you one time asked for him to lay on you, and he was genuinely afraid he'd hurt you.
"Y/n... I believe I am a tad too heavy. I can get you something else-?"
"No König. Crush me. Crush me like my soul... Suffocate me into happiness.."
"Woah... Alright then."
You laid on your back with your arms flat open invitingly. And so König laid across you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his palms up between your shoulder blades.
You sighed happily as he squeezed the oxygen out of you, pushing you down into the blanket. He was warm, his smell was familiar.
König who asks if you have any favorite scents from back home, or any in general. The ones he likes he gets you scented candles so you can put them in your office and room for comfort.
König who buys you a white noise machine and sends you audio files of crickets and whales.
And your hyperfixations. Oh König loves them. He loves listening to you talking his ear off. He doesn't talk a whole lot and enjoys the silence, so having you who dominates the conversation, but not in a way where he feels overstepped or ignored. It's nice.
He loves hearing about all the lore and the background for your liking said thing.
And he even decided to try sharing an interest of his to you. Nature documentaries! König was happy when you gave it a try. If you can sit still through all of it, great! If you can't, he'll probably dig out a fidget toy or grabs something nearly you can use.
Gets rubix cubes from Horangi to see if you like it and want it. Found out what a fidget spinner is and got you one too.
When you told him you were nervous of what the others would think of you carrying one around base, König made the bold decision to carry one too. "Hey, how about we both carry one? So then you're not alone, and they won't think you're weird!"
König is very protective of him. You're like his kid! But in a cool way, not a demeaning way. He wants to take care of you and protect you as best he can. He wants you to know he's got your back.
He's there when you need someone to lay on, or to be laid on. He's there when you need someone who will just cup your ears and tell you to focus on him.
He's there when you need someone to wipe those tears and hold you close to a warm, welcoming body of a close friend.
Because he's your friend, and he cares so much for you. He's definitely still learning, and still trying, but damn it if he wouldn't do anything it takes for you.
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thedeviltohisangel · 5 months
All The Things I Did (8): That Girl Is Going, Going, Gone
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a/n: ok a bit of a different chapter! this is more cass than john & cass until we get to the main event. i PROMISE the next chapter will pick up right where this one left off (don't be mad, be excited!). lots of warnings for this chapter and hopefully you guys don't change your love for her after reading about berlin. please let me know your thoughts & send in any interlude (aka novels) requests. always open. love ya xoxo
warnings: murder, blood, death of minor character, smut
Cass looked at Will with horror as he opened a black briefcase and set it on the ground of the alley way. It looked a lot like a gun. 
“Will, no one said anything about an assassination.” She had shot a gun before. Had been shot by a gun before. But she had never pointed one at another human being and pulled the trigger. 
“Cass, you’ve got this. You stay steady and you’ll be fine.” She rolled her eyes. Of course he would think it was so simple. He wasn’t the one expected to pull the trigger. To take a life.
“Walk me through the plan again.” 
“Dressler comes through this main drag on the way to his country estate. We track him to the edge of the woods where your asset has placed an obstacle for the car and when he gets out, you take the shot.” Cass knew it wasn’t going to go according to plan because things like this never did. Because Dressler had been on OSS’ target list for almost a year and they were the third pairing of agents to try and accomplish this task. “You scored better than me on the range. Don’t think for a second you aren’t the right choice for this.”
“And we avoid the fatal flaws from previous iterations. Don’t approach the vehicle. Maintain surveillance detection tradecraft. Make the exfil window.” 
“That’s kind of a big one, isn’t it?” he smiled. She was too busy testing the weight of the weapon in her hand to notice. “I meant it when I said I’d get you back home to him.”
“You got someone to get home to?” Will shrugged. 
“Thought I did. Then I got a letter last week…it’s for the best. Loving someone in this line of work isn’t for everyone.” Cass gently palmed his cheek.
“Then we’ll get you home to find someone who will make it work.” Find someone who would love those doubts right out his head the way John had for her. Find someone who’s passion for their work matched in kind. Find someone who would help him clean the blood off his hands when the war was over. 
It was Sunday and the roads were filled with people going to and from church. Cass was in a white dress, Will in a suit, as they each smoked a cigarette while they waited for mass to let out.
“When did you start smoking?” 
“I didn’t. Still don’t really drink either.” She dropped the cigarette onto the sidewalk and pressed it beneath her foot. “They take away your control over yourself. I don’t like the way they make me feel.” But she thinks she was learning to like the smell of smoke on the collar of John’s jacket. The bitter whiskey on his lips when he kissed her. The way his face flushed and his curls pressed to his forehead and his hands wandered after a night of them both. The doors opened and people began to exit the church.
“I’ll go get the car,” Will said, slipping into German with ease. Cass nodded and removed a compact from her purse. She pressed the powder to her nose as she caught sight of Dressler over her right shoulder. She counted two men who looked like SS hovering around him for protection. They escorted him to a waiting Mercedes, Will pulling up to her a few minutes after their departure. “Let’s go kill some Nazis.”
They took the occasional turn to ensure no one was following them, maintaining a safe distance from the target who was following the route from church to his compound outside of Berlin just the way they had mapped it. 
“Final weapons check.” Cass pulled the chamber to ensure a bullet was loaded before releasing it back into place. “Will…if something goes wrong, we abort and get to the airfield. We don’t need to force this.” 
“Copy, Lieutenant,” he smirked. “But it would be nice to be the one to knock Dressler off the list.”
“I agree but-” Her hands flew to brace against the dashboard as he slammed on the brakes. An overturned horse cart was blocking the Mercedes path and the car sat still as the occupants determined what to do.
“Come on,” Cass whispered, “Get out of the goddamn car.” The door opened and one of the SS officers got out and walked towards the cart. 
“Close protection remains,” Will muttered. When the second SS officer exited, Cass began to get nervous. He walked towards her side of the car and she rolled the window down with a smile.
“Good morning, sir. Is there a problem with the road ahead?” The pistol was hidden in the fold of her skirt, her thigh acutely aware of the metal. 
“Yes. We’ll need you to turn around so we can go back the way we came.” She knew there was no other way to get to the compound. Knew they were really just clearing them from the area. She opened her mouth but the words were silenced as Will whistled. The third door was opening. 
Will pushed the car into reverse and rolled over the foot of the man by her door. He dropped quickly with a yell. It took one second for her to lean her body out the window. One second for Dressler to look in her direction. One second for her to shut down her humanity, inhale, exhale and pull. Between his eyes and he was gone. A man who only answered to Himmler. It was automatic for her to move the gun to the man on the ground. He had seen their faces. Looked her in the eyes and stared at her legs. A loose end and he was gone, too. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed as Will took them backwards down the road as quickly as he could. The second SS officer in the car and chasing after them as quickly as he could. “What did I just do?” 
“What you had to, Cass!” They both ducked as the first bullet hit the front of the car. “Hang on.” The car pulled sharply to the left as they raced through a field, another bullet pinging off the exterior of the car. 
“Two minutes until takeoff.” Her watch seemed to be ticking faster than usual. As if the universe was trying to close the gap between here and home. The Mercedes gained ground and nudged the back of their car, spinning them in a circle Will couldn’t regain control of. 
“Run!” They could see the clearing in the not too far off distance. Her knees hit the ground before she pushed herself up with urgency and took off at a sprint. She heard the consistent popping of a gun behind her but she kept running. 
Cass collapsed on the open hatch of the low profile plane and let herself slide down as it closed, Will stumbling in right behind her. 
“Do you think we did it?” she asked after they had settled for a moment. “Will?” She turned her head and noticed he looked a little pale. His breathing was labored. He turned and looked at her and he was afraid. She repeated his name again before she noticed his hand pressed to his side and the red blooming out from underneath it. 
“You guys good back there? Going to be bumpy if you can hold onto something.”
“Where’s your medical supplies? My partner’s been shot!” Cass pressed her hands with all her strength to the wound. She grunted as they took a tight turn and they slid to the wall of the plane. 
“Orange bag!” She grabbed it, the zipper slipping through her bloody fingers. Cass grabbed as much gauze as she could and the scissors, cutting Will’s shirt to get a better sense of what she was dealing with. 
“I’ve got to look and see if there’s an exit wound.” She rolled him slightly as he yelled in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said but there was a hint of relief to her tone as she found a matching wound in his back. She took a deep breath as she cleared the blood in search of the bullet’s entrance. Once she found it, she held the gauze to it and tried not to wince as his breathing sounded like it was growing ragged.
“Cass…” The gauze in her hands turned red, a pool of blood seeping out from underneath him. The wound wasn’t clotting and the rudimentary kit had no platelets to help. 
“You’ve got to hang on. Save your strength. We’ll be back before you know it.” An hour and she was out of gauze, cutting fabric from her skirt in its place. Wil was sweating. Paler. Taking a long time to inhale after he exhaled. “Do you remember back in school when I almost quit? You stopped me on my way to the Colonel’s office and told me the OSS needed me, that Europe needed a free spirit to bring back their freedom. Now, I need you to do exactly what you told me. Pull up your boot straps, keep your head in the game and fight through it.” His hand weakly rested on top of hers.
“I’m right here. We can talk about it all when we get back.” A tear rolled down his cheek and a matching one rolled down hers. “Don’t do this, Will. Please.” His hand dropped to his side and there was no longer light behind his eyes. 
“Lieutenant, we’ve got wheels down in 30!” 
“Tell the control tower that Captain Foster is…” Her hands were on his chest as she tried compressions. Her tears were coming quicker now. She watched them drop on his face and he didn’t react. All she could hear was her own heartbeat and the silence of Will’s as she pressed and pressed and pressed and nothing happened. She didn’t notice the plane landing. The pilot calling her name. She kept pressing and pressing and pressing. 
“Cassandra.” Harding’s use of her full name pierced through the fog. It was soft and familiar and safe. “Cassandra, you have to let him go. Let the doctors look at him.” She couldn’t even imagine how she looked. His blood all over her arms and clothes. Her dress ripped from when she was trying to make bandages. Tears dried to her face and snot dripping from her nose.
“Where’s John?” she asked. That was who she wanted to see. The only person who could offer her comfort in this moment.
“He’s probably halfway to Norway by now taking a second strike at those submarine pens for you.” She choked out a laugh. No doubt John would be willing to do an extreme act of commitment such as this. “Come with me to get some water? Maybe some food?” 
“That sounds good.” He offered her his arm and she gripped it like without him she would collapse, letting him escort her out of the plane. There was a group of people waiting and watching. The mechanics to make sure Cass was alive and well. The medical team. Extraneous personal who just wanted a glimpse of the covert American intelligence officers.
Harding led her to the mess hall, the orderlies freezing at the sight of her before scurrying to set the table. He pulled a chair out for her and she sat and avoided his gaze when he took the chair across from her. 
“Were you successful?” 
“Yes, sir,” she croaked out as the food and drink was placed in front of her. Harding waved off the second plate they brought. “I apologize I wasn’t here to give the briefing this morning. I should have been available for their questions.” 
“You can’t be in two places at once, Lieutenant. You were where you were needed most.” She nibbled on a bite of eggs and chased it with a few gulps of water. “They’re going to want you to talk to a shrink.”
“I’ve talked to them before. Know how to play the game.” He reached for her hand across the table and she offered it, wanting the reminder she was here and she was okay. He looked like he was inspecting the blood dried into her knuckles and caked under her nails. “He was a friend. An old friend.” The loss would sting for awhile. 
“The world is a better place for the task you two accomplished.” Cass took a shaky breath and blinked back tears.
“Then why do I feel so awful?” Harding knew the general feeling of taking a life. He had dropped bombs and shot guns and watched the havoc with a smile. But he had never looked another human in the eye and watched the life leave it. “Why do I feel like I did something wrong?”
“War is not natural. The role we play in it won’t be either.” She nodded with understanding. “You feeling up to interrogation?” They would want a look at her before she was able to change and clean the blood from her skin.
“I don’t have a choice.” She hoped it would be the first and the last time she had to relive the traumatic moments this day had brought. “Thank you, Colonel.” He indulged himself for a moment. Held her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. Looked into the eyes that he had found himself learning to love. 
“You should get going,” he whispered. Before I say something I might regret.
“How you doing, Bubbles?” The medical wing was the first stop John had made after landing. He hadn’t been able to find Mary to ask for an update on Cass and Colonel Harding had disappeared almost as soon as the last B-17 touched down. 
“Never better, sir.” His eyes were flickering to the door at the end of the wing. A private exam room. Crosby was also oddly quiet. They had seen Lieutenant Cooper be escorted back there almost an hour ago and she hadn’t emerged. They hoped nothing was wrong because they didn’t want to be in the radius of John Egan when he found out.
“That’s good. I was actually looking for you, Crosby.” John paused as both men continued to shift in their seats. “They not keep you comfortable?”
“No, sir, I mean yes, sir, I’m fine it’s just-” Bubbles stopped as the entrance opened and he recognized the secretary from Lieutenant Cooper’s office. She looked vaguely horrified to see John Egan.
“Mary! I stopped by but you weren’t there. Any word from Spook?” Bubbles, Crosby and Mary all looked at each other. “Clearly, I’m on the outside of whatever this is.” John’s finger twitched as his side. He wasn’t liking the feeling in his chest.
“Colonel Harding didn’t talk to you, sir?” He liked that even less.
“No. Mary, whatever is going on, I need to know right now.” Her gaze dropped to her feet.
“I can’t, sir. It’s need to know at this moment in time.” His chest heaved at her words. 
“You can’t?” He spun back towards the airmen. “Then why do you two look like you know something?” Why wasn’t anyone telling him anything? What happened that they were keeping from him. 
“Sir, we don’t really,” Crosby started. 
“Someone just please fucking tell me if I need to start grieving.”
“Can’t get rid of me that easily, Major.” She is trying so hard to smile because John is who she has been wanting all day. But he turns to look at her and he looks so relieved and she hasn’t felt safe enough to show emotion since she left his arms a few days ago. 
“Cass…is that…blood?” He walks towards her slowly. They had let her wash the blood from her arms and face but there was still some dried into her hairline and soaked into her dress. She nods as a sob rips from her throat. “Oh, Cass, baby.” She collapses into his chest as soon as he is near enough. 
“Will’s dead,” she sobs into his neck, “I tried so hard. I wasn’t good enough.” His arms were iron around her, the only thing keeping her standing. 
“I know you did everything you could.” He kissed the side of her head and stroked his hand down her hair. “I’m sorry you lost a friend today, my love.” The word felt like a slap across her face. She was so undeserving of his love after what she had done. She had taken the life of another, twice over. She could scrub at her skin but the blood would never wash away.
“Will you take me back to my room?” He slid an arm under her knees and lifted her so she was in his arms, her arms around his neck and her head resting on his shoulder. “Don’t let them take me away from you. Please.” 
He noticed the stares and whispers that followed as they made their way to her billet. He didn’t put her down until they were safely behind her closed door.
“We should get you cleaned up,” he noted as she sat on her bed and looked through her wardrobe for her shower kit. 
“How was Norway?” she asked quietly. 
“Successful. Had to leave Biddick in Scotland but he’ll be fine.” He found the basket of her toiletries and a towel. 
“Good. I’m glad you guys were able to use the information.” She smiled. “I’m sure Curt will find his way around quite well.”
“I can stand outside the door. Make sure no one bothers you.” John was offering her a few moments to shed her armor and embrace the emotions that were still heavy in her chest. 
“Outside the door will be too far.” Cass stood and pressed her forehead against his lips, asking for the strength of his touch during this weak moment. 
“I don’t want to be intrusive.” 
“I’m asking you to take a shower with me. That’s all.” They had seen each other naked. Shared a bed. Expressed the very real feelings between them. What was one more facet of domesticity gracing their lives? 
Cass undressed and stepped under the water and watched it run red down the drain until John’s chest pressed against her back. He wrapped one arm around the front of her chest and the other around her hips. She rested her own hands on top of his. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Her head turned so she could look at him. 
“They sent me there to kill someone,” she whispered. John stiffens for an instant before he recovers. “I killed him and his bodyguard because he saw my face.” She hates that in the moment she had been thinking about the fact that they would remove her from the field if they thought her identity had been compromised. That she wouldn’t be able to do the job the way it was meant to be done anymore.
“It’s okay you don’t feel good about it.” Cass smiled. He was the only one so far to not try and convince her that she had done the right thing. That she had made the world a better place and shouldn’t let the specifics bother her. This was why she had sought him out in the first place. This was why she loved him.
“They’re grounding me. Desk duty until further notice.” He reached for the shampoo and lathered it between his hands. She titled her head back into his waiting hands and let his fingers work through the roots of her hair, the last of the red going down the drain, her eyes closing as he soothed the ache away. 
“Bet you’re as happy about that as I was being Air Exec.” 
“Touche.” Next was a bar of soap, Cass turning around and John dragging it across her skin and focusing on the few spots of dried blood she hadn’t been able to scrub off in her haste earlier. He seemed to get lost in a trance, circling her breasts a few extra times and moving it slowly down her torso before letting it slip into the wispy curls between her legs. “So much for just a shower,” she whispered as her legs spread a little further. 
“I’ll stop, Cass.” He moved his hand and she grabbed his wrist and moved it right back.
“Make me forget, John.” The soap was discarded out the shower stall, his fingers dipping between her folds and relishing in her warmth. Her forehead dropped to his chest as she shuddered. 
“Remember what you said to me before you left?” His fingertip circled her clit and she nodded. “Said I could show you how much I love you when I get back.”
“I did say that,” she gasped as he slipped a finger into her and the heel of his hand rubbed her bundle of nerves with every thrust. “Oh, I like that a lot.” 
“I want to show you, Cass, show you properly.” She brought him in for a kiss as she felt herself getting closer and closer. “Take my time and love you the way you deserve.” 
“I want that too, John, please.” Her hips rocked at the same gentle rhythm of his hand as she chased the feeling stirring low in her belly. 
“I missed this sight, baby.” He had her like this once before, had only been separated from her a few days, but it had been too long. “Love having you like this.” 
“John, I-” The words caught in her mouth as he hit that sweet spot with a curl of his fingers and stars danced across her vision. He held her as her knees buckled, his fingers not stopping, as she kissed him to try and keep quiet if only slightly. “Take me to bed. Take me to bed and make love to me, John Egan.” 
He would be happy to oblige.
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mvjerbs · 1 year
Ok so another au idea but story barely changes because this post focuses on Todd. I had small conversation with someone in one of my post made my brain go explode and remember the small scenarios I have with my own nice Todd and it made me giggle cause of the friendship.
In this au, Todd's relationship with Ballister started rough because the boy is insensitive and doesn't realize it.
He was always left confused as to why Ballister seemed so mad everytime they run into each other until Ambrosius (they're friends here) tells Todd about his problem of being rude to others without realizing it.
Upon knowing this Todd feels guilty and plans to apologize to Ballister, before also realizing that he must have done the same thing to Ambrosius a couple of times as well, so apologized to Ambrosius before looking for Ballister (Ambrosius helped him apologize to Ballister).
From then on, Ballister had two best friends who protects him from the bullying and the hate.
Todd developed a crush on Ballister, but soon discovers later that Ambrosius has a crush on Ballister as well. They would have become rivals if Ambrosius didn't share the fact that he(Ambrosius) had been crushing on Ballister before the three of them became best friends.
Todd felt bad knowing that Ambrosius had hid his feelings for so long while he just developed it recently, so he gave up and helped Ambrosius instead.
Cut to Todd's terrible wingman skills whenever Ballister is around. It always results into Ambrosius glaring at him while Todd just smiles and gives him a thumbs up.
Ambrosius: *whispering* "wuh- Todd! what are you doing?!?" Todd: *whispering back* "trying to get you alone with Ballister!" Ambrosius:*whispers angrily* "WITH A RUBBER CHICKEN AND A SANDWHICH?!?"
Surprisingly it works and Ambrosius has no idea why but he'll think about that later, and he'll also thank Todd about it.
At some point, Todd tells Ambrosius that he also had a crush on Ballister but gave it up so Ambrosius could have Bal instead. Made Ambrosius feel bad but Todd reassures him that its fine, and that it would hurt Ambrosius more if he(Todd) would end up with Ballister when Ambrosius had been crushing on him for years.
Soon Ambrosius and Ballister made it official, which made Todd happy for them. Despite the change of relationship, the trio stayed close and would always include Todd.
Except for date nights of course.
As a result, Todd became their child. Always keeping an eye on him and making sure that Todd doesn't accidentally insult someone without realizing it was an insult and to translate what Todd meant to others.
Ambrosius and Ballister would say "mean word/s" to let Todd know. And Todd would correct himself.
Will also add that Todd has the habit to just not continue or pause when he speaks because he assumes that others know what he is talking about, so Ballister and Ambrosius has to always give him a sign to let him know he needs to explain more.
No idea how the story would go in this version because I only focused on the silly Todd moments. Have two scenes that I thought of: Knighting ceremony Ambrosius helped Ballister into his armor, adjusting his shoulder pads in place to secure it. Ballister turned around, smiling at him as if to tell him thank you from his smile. Ballister was about to speak when suddenly an arm was placed over his shoulder which a bit of force which took him and Ambrosius by surprise.
"Hey Ballister, I know things were really tough for you back then, and I really thought you don't belong here." Todd finishes and lightly punched Ballister's shoulder. They were silent for a moment, expecting Todd to continue but didn't.
"And what? You proved me wrong and now you're going to be a knight." Todd answers , feeling confused before realizing why both of them seem to look like they were anticipating something.
"Oh, did I do it again? Sorry." Todd apologized, taking his arm off of Ballister before moving to rub the back of his neck sheepishly.
"No worries. it's all right" Ballister reassured him with a smile.
Punchable face "I don't need a si-" "Every villain needs a sidekick"
"I'm not a villain-"
"WOAH! sick murder wall!" Nimona exclaims, excitedly hoping over to the said wall with pictures of people and evidence. "Are these your next targets?" "What?" "Who do you want to kill first?" Nimona asks, tapping her fingers together in a sinister way. Her eyes dart around the pictures on the wall before settling on the picture of Todd with a smug smile on his face. She gasps before pointing towards it. "THIS ONE! This one looks extremely punchable!" Nimona clenched her fist with an excited grin as she pictures herself beating the punchable guy. "Don't say that! He's actually really nice!" Ballister said, clearly offended about what she said about Todd. "Well, he can be insensitive but he's just not aware of it sometimes- wait no- GAH, THAT IS NOT A MURDER WALL!"
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munsonsprincess11111 · 7 months
Oh the joys
Eddie munson x hopper!reader
Summary: you and Eddie have been dating a while. Does your dad approve. Not exactly. But you and Eddie decided to have a date night. You go to Eddie's trailer and Wayne's there with his lady friend. So for there privacy (and eddies sanity) you decide to go back to your place...
"I'm begging you shut up about it." You say to eddie as you walk up the three steps in front of your house. He hasn't stopped talking about how disturbed he is about knowing his uncle is with someone.
"OK, OK, tonight is about us common open the door." HE says kissing your cheek. You unlock the door and you notice two pairs of shoes. Your dads and some random lady shoes.
Definitely not you or els. You shrug it off thinking maybe el got new shoes and walk into the living room. You stop dead in your tracks. Clothes thrown everywhere, and on the couch you get a glimpse of your topless dad. "Fucking he'll dad!" You shout. He immediately jumps and tries to cover himself. Your already spun around head hiding in Eddie's chest.
You feel Eddie's face in your shoulder and he's... laughing.
"I didn't think you was coming home!" Hopper yelled blanket now over the random woman and one covering his area.
"We had a change of heart" Eddie laughed. You slapped his chest still using it as your shield from your dad. "There covered babe." Eddie says. You take a step bavk from Eddie smd turn to your dad.
"The living room really." You say crossing your arms. The poor women looks so embarrassed. "It's my house. I'll do what I want." HE says. "You two were meant to be gone."
Eddie answers this time "Yeah well Wayne had his lady friend over so I thought I'd be kind and give the privacy and your daughter said we could come here." Eddie raises a brow smirking crossing his arms.
It's a stare down for a minute before Eddie speaks. "Kinda funny how everyone seems to be having sex tonight except the two people who went onna date to gwt to that bit." Eddie laughed. You hit his shoulder and he laughed more hopper shaking his head.
"Who even is she?" You ask.
"Her name is liz and I expect you to respect her."
"Even though the first time you met her your dad was doing her-" Eddie says cockily getting cut off by your dad lobbing a pillow at him from the couch hitting him in the face.
"Munson you help yourself in no way what so ever your meant to make a good impression on your girlfriends dad you know." Hopper says trying to steer the conversation another way.
"First, we met on bad terms 4 years ago, hen had to remeet 2 years ago when you found out I'm dating your gorgeous daughter, now you just like to torture me. Second don't try turn this around on me your the one caught with your pants down. Not me." Eddie laughs at the last bit as you glare at him.
"I'm so done I'm going to bed." You say walking past the couch yo your bedroom slamming the door before Eddie can walk in.
"OH common why are you mad at me?!" Eddie shouts from the other side of the door. You walk over to the door and reopen it taking Eddie's hand "Sorry" you mumble pulling him into your room reslamming your door.
"SO that's your daughter?" Liz asked hopper.
"Yup. I'm sure she will be better in the morning."
In your room you strip of your clothes. Eddie taking off his tee-shirt the jeans. As he turn around to your bed he sees you laying in your bed wearing the tee shirt he just took off. He crawls up the bed kissing up your body sweetly. Nipping your neck. Then kissing your lips.
"Eddie." You say whispering. He pulls back and nods. "Don't hate me." You say fiddling with his guitar pick necklace. "Could never." HE mumbles.
"I'm not in the mood anymore... I'm sorry..." You say letting out an unsteady breath.
"Babe. I would never be mad or hate you for that OK? Its fine. We can Cudde and go sleep mk?" HE asks kissing your neck. You nod. Eddie lays next to you pulling you into his side. You rest your head on his chest.
"I love you." You mumble in your sleep traumatised state.
"I love you more." HE says kissing your head.
The next morning you and Eddie wake up around 9 am. Do you bother getting out of bed? No. You lay together whispering about silly things and stealing occasionally kisses.
"We should so go see black sabbath live together one day. That'd be metal as fuck." Eddie whispers.
"We will put it in the bucket list." You answer kissing his nose causing his face to scrunch up. "Wanna go out for breakfast? Heard bennys doing this new pancake breakfast thing." You ask quietly.
"Yeah course what time does he stop breakfast?" Eddie asked stroking your hair.
"Breakfast, he stops around 12, but the pancakes he does all day until closing cause they can be a dessert or a meal too, and so can other things on the breakfast menu." You mumble playing with Eddie's necklace.
"Cool more cuddle time." Eddie says kissing you sweetly. You glance at the clock as it now reads 10:12 am. God you could lay in bed and ramble with Eddie forever. "After breakfast we can go to the lake. Weathers supposed to be nice. Bring your bathing suit n we'll go swimmin'" Eddie suggests. You nod kissing him.
Then there is the all dreaded knock on your bedroom door. "Yeah?" Eddie calls out. You frown at him and he shrugs. "Can you both come out here please?" You dad calls through the door. "Ofcourse." You answer. You stand up slipping on your pyjamas shorts. Eddie nit bothering to put anything over his boxers as his only option was jeans and there his blue pladded boxers that look like shorts.
You both walk into the kitchen where hopper and liz stand starring at the two of you like your the ones who was caught. "Yes?" You ask stopping at the table with Eddie stood behind you.
"Last night was completely inappropriate and wrong. So we would like to apologise for what you two saw." Hopper says seriously to you and half asleep Eddie.
"That it?" You ask folding your arms. Hopper glances at liz before he nods. "Kay" You say going to walk away. But your stopped by Eddie grabbing your arm. "I think we're gonna need more then that hop." Eddie said pulling you back to him.
"Like what." HE askes frowning at Eddie.
"Well let's flip the situation. You walk in on y/n on top of me in the same situation as you and your friend here. What would you do?" Eddie askes.
"I'd kick you out. Probably throw stuff snd ground y/n." HE says frowning at Eddie.
"SO y/n can kick liz out and throw stuff?" Eddie askes suggestively. Hopper frowns and tries to speak but Is cut off by you.
"I want the house to myself for an evening. No you. No el. No one." You say
"What no." Hopper answers bluntly.
"I deserve it I'm the traumatised one." You say leaning on Eddie's chest his arms instinctively going around you.
"Fine when?" HE askes frowning gritting his teeth.
"Where the fuck am I meant to go?"
"Lizzes." You say. Everyone goes silent until hopper nods. You smirk and walk off to your bedroom dragging Eddie behind you.
"Where are you going?" Hop askes.
You stop "to get dress go have breakfast with Eddie then to Eddie strainer so he can pack a bag to sleepover tonight." You say then continuing walking.
"Wait I never said Eddie could stay." HE shouts.
"To bad." You say giving him the middle finger slamming your door. You turn around to Eddie smirking "what?" You ask half curious half pissy.
"Your so fucking hot." HE says stepping forward kissing you.
"I HEARD THAT!" Hopper shouts.
"You was meant to!" Eddie shouts back kissing you again.
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ambcass · 7 months
ᴊᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ || ᴛʜᴇ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛᴄʜ.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬. (𝐏𝐓.𝟏)
warnings: mentions of throwing up, cursing, OCC (maybe), Y/N being a lil shit, fake friends, shit talking?, mentions of ED, arguments, stalking (in the sense that!..)
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They called me a disappointment. My so-called "friends", teachers, and family. All because I couldn't be #1. I tried, I really did but I just couldn't. Ever since I lost my best friend, MY Jason.
"It's been years Y/N. Why can't you get over it? I got over it when my mom died and-" I cut her off. "How are you making this about you right now, Eveling? Your mom died when you were 5 but I've known Jason since-like forever! I snapped back. She stayed quiet and didn't dare to speak. We got to a bus stop and sat on a bench. In silence.
"I-I didn't mean to talk about your mom like that. I know it must have been hard for you" I comforted her. I didn't mean what I said. The "it must have been hard" part. I only said it because I felt bad. She turned and softly smiled at me.
"It's ok, Y/N. I know you didn't mean it." Excuse me? What did this bitch mean? "I know you didn't mean it" Is that supposed to mean something?!? I brushed it off. The bus arrived. I waved goodbye to Eveling and hopped on the bus. I gave the bus driver exactly $1.25 and sat myself in the back. It took 30 minutes to get home. I didn't mind waking up early to get ready for school but never in a million years would anyone would think a bus would be at full capacity at 6:00 AM!
I got off at my stop and headed home. I unlocked the door. Great. No one home again? On the dining table was a note that stated,
*Back home late. (1 the latest)
*Left leftovers in the fridge.
*Be in bed by 10.
Love, Mom.
okayyy. I walked towards my room. Starting my homework while trying to get rid of the thought of giving up. Not even 27 minutes later, I gave up. I went to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers. My phone started ringing, and Eveling wanted to call. I picked up my phone.
"Hello?" I spoke. In her usual bubbly self, she replied to me in an enthusiastic voice. "Hi! Y/N, I'm at a sleepover right now but it's pretty boring so I decided to call you." The majority of the call time went from her telling me what was going on during the sleepover and me responding with many mhms, cool, and yeahs. I thought the call was going perfectly fine. Our calls were always like this. I listen while she talks. My stomach started to ache. I felt nauseous. I wanted to throw up.
"Eveling, I'm going to the bathroom," I ran to the bathroom because I was sure that leftovers were causing me to feel so sick. After multiple attempts to throw up, I finally got it out of my system. I washed my face and walked out to the kitchen counter.
My phone was on speaker. My phone was always on speaker. She knows this. So, why did she say those things about me? I walked into Eveling telling her friends shit about me.
"Y/N? I think the only reason why she rushed to the bathroom so quickly was because of her eating disorder!" she was giggling. Laughing even. My heart sank to the core of the Earth. Tears were being held back. I slowly walked back to the bathroom. I shouted,
"I'm doneee!" My voice was about to crack but from the speaker, I could hear her friend ask, "Are you sure she didn't hear?" and to that she responded with "We would have heard her fatass stomp around." They all laughed. At this point, I was done. Fuck this- you know what.
"You know what we can all hear? YOUR fatass stomping around for food. Get your fee, fai, foo, fum ass the fuck outa here. Y'know damn well, I'll run your shit. So, don't testtt mee." I retorted at her and hung up. I stormed to my room and slammed the door. I was too mad to cry. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest. The few minutes of desired silence were interrupted. Knock. Knock. Two knocks came from my window. I didn't pay much attention, I thought it was squirrels.
Knock, knock, knock. This time the knocks became more intense and repetitive. I got up, walked up to my window, and opened my curtains. A man with a red helmet, leather jacket, and a suit with a red Batman symbol on it. I flinched and closed the curtains. The man knocked on the window again. He spoke,
"Y/N, don't be so scared." His voice. It sounded like a deeper and huskier version of Jason's.
He's dead. That's not Jason. THAT'S NOT JASON. I tried telling myself this but for some reason no matter how much I tried to restrain, I walked closer and closer to the window. I reopened the curtains.
I took another step and opened the window completely. I allowed this unknown man, who was pretty muscular into my home. He entered my room. The two of us meet eye to eye. He took off his helmet, it released steam, and it had a click to it.
"It's been a while, hasn't it Y/N?" I raised my brows. A man who looked 6'0, with short black fluffy hair and a white streak asked me. He looked like Jason? I thought, but he would never dye his hair with a conry white streak in it.
"I don't know you..." I was lying. I knew who he was but I just needed the confirmation.
"So, you would let a random stranger in your house? What? Is it cause I haven't been there to protect you all these years or is it because you know who I am and you're just playing dumb?" He asked.
It was truly him. He was back and I had so many questions but he's back. My Jason is back and I'll make sure he won't leave me again.
a/n: i was gna post last week but :)...
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w2soneshots · 4 months
omg can you pls do a jj x reader where shes simon's sister and he catches them making out then gets all mad because he thinks jj is just being a playboy (im sry idk how to describe it 😭😭) but then realises how much they love each other
ty and i love your fics 💕💕
Not what you think -KSI
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words: 0.7k+
warnings: angst, secret relationship, arguing.
summary: you accidentally fall in love with your brother’s best friend.
notes: hey babe!! I’m pretty sure you sent in my last JJ request (correct me if I’m wrong) so I’m gonna name you 💕. Anyway let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!🙂🫶🏼
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Me and JJ have been secretly dating for almost three months now. We've known each other for years since Simon's my big brother and they're best friends but just last year I realised I had feelings for him. I didn't act on those feelings so just kept them brewing inside for months because I assumed JJ didn't feel the same.
Until one night we were in a club, celebrating Calfreezy's birthday. We were both a little drunk so had some liquid confidence. He kissed me. But not a little peck, a full on make out session in the back of the club. I was shocked at first but when my brain registered that the person I'd had a massive crush on was basically showing me that he felt the same, I began kissing him back, with a slight sense of desperation and lust.
After that night we didn't talk for just under a week. Then I got a text from JJ asking if I would come round to his house to chat. I agreed, got ready and was outside his front door within thirty minutes of when he sent the message. We sat down on his couch, he was the first to speak. "How are you?" He asked. "Uh, I'm ok just a little confused." I fiddled with the hem of my top. "Confused about what?" "We kissed. You remember don't you?" I started with slight annoyance in my voice. He nodded. "Well you've been acting like it never even happened." He sighed "I'm just, you're- you're Simon's sister. We always agreed to 'never date the sister' but," he took a deep breath "I've liked you for a while now y/n, and I'm not sure if you feel the same way but-" I broke his sentence by kissing him, hard. "I'll take that as a yes then."
After that day we started dating. We already knew each other really well but he still took me out on a first date, then a second and well, now I've lost count. Since we decided to keep the relationship a complete secret we've both had to twist the truth a little. For example I told Simon that I had a boyfriend and JJ told him he had a girlfriend but we just avoided showing pictures or talking about each other.
We're planning on telling everyone this weekend at a party me and JJ planned especially, at my apartment. I'm really nervous and a little worried about how Simon will react. I spent the Friday night setting up so I could focus on getting ready on the Saturday. I bought a bunch of alcohol and some non alcoholic stuff for Tobi. When the day of the party rolled around I had a long everything shower then threw my hair in a towel while I had some lunch. By 6pm, I was fully ready. The party starts at seven. JJ came around forty five minutes early so we could talk about how the hell we were going to tell everyone (but especially Simon) that we'd be secretly together for months.
"It's gonna be fine, calm down." JJ gently rubbed my thigh as we sat on my sofa. I smiled up at him then moved myself closer to him "you're so cute." I whispered, our lips just millimetres apart. He closed the gap by pulling me into him and onto his lap so that I was sitting on his legs. My hands snaked around his neck and his rested firmly on my hips.
"What the fuck." I heard from the front door. I jumped up and my eyes widened when they met Simon's shocked face. In seconds both me and JJ were stood and making our way towards Simon. "We can explain-" JJ started. "No. You- I can't fucking believe this. She's my sister man!" Simon shouted, I flinched. "Simon we've been together for a while, this isn't something we chose. It just happened." I tried to soften the blow slightly. "What do you mean a while, how long?!" "Four months." JJ answered. "Four months! And you didn't think to tell me?!" I sighed "I was worried you'd react like this." "Well what do you expect when I find out my best friend's fucking my sister?!" My eyes widened. "It's not like that man. I love her." Simon's jaw dropped. "You love her?" JJ replied with a nod. "Oh."
"Hey guys! What's up?" Ethan burst through the door. "Uh, me and y/n were just telling Simon that we're together." JJ told him. "You what! Oh my god that's great! Isn't that great Simon!" He flung an arm round Simon's shoulder. Simon's face calmed "yea. I guess it is." A smile spread across my face. "I'm really happy for you too."
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gracemain919 · 15 days
Illusionist (oc) short story:
(The fungus universe)
Tw: Yandere, non-human, captivity, no ‘you’ in this story like your character ain't here.
Hello Friend
“Illusionist do you hear me?” a man asked over a microphone. The other end of the call was dormant before a sizzling sound, that could resemble bees, blared into the man’s ears. The sound could annoy anybody and they knew that for that reason the noise stopped quite quickly.
Firm hands gripped the phone placing it on their ear. “Yes sir. What happened?”
“Great” the voice said sounding relieved, “Just giving you the permission on a wandering survivor. An enemy site member slipped their way into the lower levels. I don't know how they survived the cannibals but the main three don’t want to deal with it. Have fun.”
The call was ended leaving the person with the words ‘Have fun’ lingering through their thoughts.
Who could this new person be?
The room felt lighter as the faint sound of wings fluttering filled the room in a soft harmony that was later interrupted by a frantic bang on the door. The doors have been weakened over the years making it very easy to manipulate the metal locks, so the soul messing with them was successful on a ‘break-in’.
“Hello?…” they asked pointing a gun on every inch of the empty room. It was a square with many holes and shelves covering the walls not including the metal ‘crates on the floor’. It was supposed to be an old storage closet but its purpose was quickly changed thanks to the illusionist.
No one… the survivor checked every loose box and corner. Nothing. Lowering their gun they took a breath of relief before looking up at the squares carved into the high ends of the concrete. Why are they there?
They were very symmetrical so it wasn't an accident. It definitely was made with intent, but it was too high for them to peek. Maybe it was fine, they doubt a bomb will fall on them because of a square hole.
Nodding to their reasons the survivor sat down letting their back rest against the metal of the box. There was no telling where they were but this room seemed secure enough for them to catch their breath after fifty heart attacks.
Just a quick rest… for a few minutes…
“Hello, friend. Are you lost?”
What? Unfocused eyes quickly opened to reveal a man. White lab coat that lead straight to his ankles, grey pants, brown longish hair and a green bandana that was placed close to his hairline. The man seemed normal but anyone in this damn site can look ‘normal’.
Raising their discarded gun the individual pointed at the man causing him to quickly raise his hands. “Woh there! I'm safe” they explained frantically not easing the survivor’s nerves one bit. “Who are you?”
“Albert! Just a worker here”
Standing up, the gun was still pointing at him, but his terror was enough to ease a bit of doubt. Whoever this corrupted was seemed weak.
“Who is your leader?” they asked stepping closer to the man his eyes following their every move. “I work for the entertainers you gotta believe me, but I don't wish you any harm. The mold doesn't have such a strong hold on me unlike the others”.
“I would like to help you. You want to kill the Obsession right?”. Albert lowered his hand once the words left his mouth as it was very obvious the survivor was in thought. Did they make their intentions too obvious? Most people who got into the site were idiots, bystanders, or professionals.
The survivor was sent in to kill the Obsession since their death could make the rest of the corrupted go mad and eventually cause their own demise. It was really needed.
“You can move,” the individual said lowering their gun eyeing the man who let out a loud sigh of relief. “Thank you really,” he said seeming sincere but that was the problem. The entertainers and their workers are proficient in the act of pretend but it isn't like they have any choice.
“So,” Albert fixed his hair while speaking, “to get to them you need to go lower. I know the way there just follow me”.
Ok, simple enough. The man led the survivor down a few halls leaving the safety of that random room, but soon the halls felt like a maze. Like an endless labyrinth. What was happening?
“Tired already?” Albert chuckled quickly skipping through another hall not seeming to break a sweat.
“You humans are you slow,” he added laughing harder.
“Humans…” their eyes widened. No no no, why were they so stupid!?
“What a problem” his walk stopped as he watched the individual panic, but his sight was quickly stolen as they ran. They really bucked it trying to find the original room while being followed by the sound of a very ‘sweet’, “Friend, where are you going?”. The words trailed off the walls as they kept repeating endlessly.
“Huh… interesting. Maybe we should stop calling them humans. We forgot” Albert muttered to himself before disappearing from the hall, a pack of butterflies flying past it like a moving car. The walls around the pack of insects melted by their presence and in seconds small waterfalls of creatures morphed from the concrete and soon followed them.
It was really a fun show, a chase of cat and mouse in an endless maze. This is their domain haha…
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thatfilthyanimal · 8 months
tw: stalking, grooming, pedophilia, sexual abuse, past suicidal thoughts
I've recently been made aware that Dupsy is still talking about me and is now going to random Megamind fans that don't know me and telling them to avoid me. I'm also aware that they're doing this in the Ruby Gillman fandom. I have no words to really describe the level of discomfort this brings me, but I will attempt.
First of all, all the "grooming" allegations were thoroughly debunked and proven to be bullshit. I can't believe I have to even say this. I'm a victim of grooming and sexual abuse myself. It's extremely traumatic and life-altering shit, and never something I would want to inflict on someone else. I feel like it should be obvious, with the measures I took in the server to ensure no child is exposed to such things. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD due to the shit that happened to me when I was growing up, and between processing that in therapy sessions and stomaching transitioning in a near-constant hostile-to-trans-people online social media hellscape, I am tired.
I love Megamind, more than anything, and this is known and obvious to anyone who's met me. This movie saved my life when I was extremely suicidal and planning to end my life back in 2010. Watching the movie when I did gave me something to focus on, a distraction, and a responsibility as a fandom member that helped distract me long enough to get out of the planning mindset I was in. Had I not seen the movie, I do not think I would have stuck around. I will leave it at that.
And moderating fandom spaces for Megamind has been lovely! I adore this fandom. The people in it are extremely talented and sweet, and just so damn nice, like by default. I say this all the time but I've never experienced another fandom space quite like it. There are usually bad eggs in fandoms, and perhaps -I- am said "bad egg" to some, but genuinely this one is special. I have always felt that way, even when the bad eggs show up and make a stink. It has always felt worth being here for, to me.
And while I hate to give Dupsy the satisfaction of knowing they hurt me, I need to be honest-- it's been rough. I stopped talking in my server, I locked up on most of my friends and stopped talking even in DMs. I still struggle with severe anxiety in the server and have talked to Dal on various occasions about transferring the server ownership to him. He's been very patient with my freakouts and super understanding, but it's still hard. This WAS a place I felt safe, for over ten years! And now it feels like any minor can just say I'm a groomer or a pedo or whatever with ZERO consequences, just because they're mad, just because these are words that make people go "oh shit" and listen, and man! It's not ok! And this coupled with the fact that trans people are often called groomers just for existing, just… man! I'm tired. I'm so tired.
There are real, severe, damaging effects to these claims being thrown around so casually. It's hurtful to me, as a victim of sexual abuse, because when I came forward to people about what happened when -I- was a minor, I was told I "wanted it" and "asked for it". It was made to be my fault that I was abused, and I internalized it for years. It nearly killed me. I cannot stress enough how important it is to not use claims like pedophilia and grooming so lightly-- these are VERY damning terms to use on people and should be reserved for people ACTUALLY HARMING OTHERS. Being mad I banned you from the server is not "abuse" and using my Customer Service Voice to be nice to you and then being obviously tired of you when you were banned is not "emotional grooming". What the actual fuck. ALSO. This was well over a year ago! Why am I still having to post about this? Why are you still TALKING about me? And yet again I ask, where the HELL are your parents?
Anyway, if you've been wondering why I've been so quiet these days and struggling to socialize… honestly? It's this. I hate that this is what did it. I know people trust and believe me, I know the fandom backs me up regularly and I appreciate them all so much for it. I see it, but I never know how to respond. You guys continue to make this fandom feel safe for me even when my entire brain is screaming to run, and I appreciate you so much for it.
Kids deserve to be trusted when they tell people they've been hurt and I hate that the recent proshipping discourse or whatever you want to call it, this culty all-or-nothing shit, has a bunch of minors growing up feeling like EVERYTHING is something to call rapey or predatory, with apparently little room to distinguish when REAL abuse is happening to them. I don't blame anyone for believing Dupsy, and it's honestly better they DO believe all unproven claims of abuse by default, just to stay safe-- but man, it has consequences that follow people, and really should not be a thing to just throw around because you're mad at someone. I just can't believe they're STILL going around and reaching out to strangers telling them to avoid me… like, what the fuck.
I will be ok, I always am eventually, but I needed to say something, because it's honestly been a while since I've said much of anything.
Keep being kind. <3
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
@steddie-week Day 5- Established relationship
Steve hadn't meant for it to go on for so long. At first, he hadn't wanted to come out and tell everyone about his and Eddie's relationship because he was worried about what the others would say. Worried about it making it back to his parents. But then it became a game to them. Seeing how long before anyone else noticed, how far they could go before someone added it up.
They had told Robin, of course, Steve couldn't keep secrets from her if he tried. She was the first person he had told about his bisexuality, and had figured out his crush on Eddie before he'd had a chance to process it.
But keeping it from the kids? It was too easy, too fun.
Everyone, especially Dustin, still kept assuming that Steve was dating Robin. No amount of denial would convince them that there wasn't a secret relationship there. Even after Robin started inviting Vickie along to hang out, holding her hand and cuddling up together, they wouldn't accept that Steve and Robin weren't dating.
Once, Lucas pointed out that if Steve and Robin weren't dating, maybe Eddie and Robin were. That was met by fighting to keep a straight face, followed by Steve, Robin, and Eddie laughing about it as soon as they were alone.
Steve and Eddie allowed themselves to be more open and free with the touches, the hugs, the flirty comments. And still nothing. Eddie spent an entire evening with his head in Steve's lap. Every time they were stood next to each other, Steve would wrap his arm around Eddie's waist, pulling his boyfriend close into his side. An excessive amount of pet names, far more than they would use while alone, comments about dates, mentions of waking up in bed together. No one picked up on it. Dustin kept insisting that Steve must be dating Robin.
The only person to actually figure it out was Will. He looked a little scared as he approached Steve and Eddie as they are about to leave the party that had been at the Hopper-Byers place.
"Um. Don't hate me for asking this, but are you guys together? Like dating?" He asked shyly.
"Yeah, we are. We've been together for a few months." Steve replied gently.
"And that's ok? To date another guy?"
"There's nothing wrong with like or dating guys. And if anyone says that there is, they're the ones that are wrong." Eddie explained.
"Were you trying to hide it?" Will asked after a moment. "Are you mad that I guessed it?"
"We're not mad. And at first, we were trying to hide it. Because we didn't know how everyone would react, if anyone would disagree with it. Like, I know that Mike and Nancy's parents don't have a good opinion of people like us, and it's hard to know how much they have picked up because, in the year that we were together, I never heard Nance disagree with her parents on what they said about it." Steve said, "And I'm not saying they do have bad opinions, it's just I know that they could."
"After that, it was just really funny to see how far we could get without anyone noticing. One time Dustin walked in, and Steve was laid out on top of me barely ten seconds after we'd stopped making out, and he still thinks Steve is dating Robin." Eddie added.
Will snorted with laughter at that. "Thanks for telling me. I won't tell anyone else."
It took them kissing in front of everyone before anyone else noticed. It was at a pool party Steve was throwing. Eddie joined Steve on the pool chair he was lounging on and handed him a beer.
"Thanks, baby." Steve pulled Eddie down, and kissed him. A stunned silence fell over the yard.
"You just kissed Eddie?" Dustin shouted.
"Congratulations, your eyes still work," Eddie replied.
"But what about Robin?" Dustin questioned.
"Don't bring me into this." Robin called, she was sat on the pool chair next to Steve's with Vickie in her lap.
"Yeah, Robin has her girlfriend sitting on her lap, and you still believe she's dating a man. That's homophobic." Vickie added.
"Look, we told you repeatedly that me and Rob were not dating. Those two have been all over each other for ages, and me and Eddie haven't exactly been subtle about it. It's on you for assuming, at this point." Steve explained.
"But you didn't tell me," Dustin replied, sounding put out by it.
"Dude, we didn't have to. No one is entitled to know about our relationship. If we never told anyone, that's our choice. Especially with a relationship like ours, we can't be too careful. We don't want the wrong person finding out." Eddie shot back.
"And anyway, you did pretty much walk in on us making out one time," Steve added, before kissing Eddie again.
I wrote this with a fever so sorry if its not that good Also on AO3
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AITA for saying that I was worried a friend might be making his mental state worse
I (F18) and my now previous best friend (M18) have been friends since 7th grade, and graduated just last year. My friend has had mental issues for as long as we've been friends (anxiety, depression, DID) and has always been very, very drug adverse. Going as far as having drugs mentioned making him really uncomfortable for years and years. But this last year, our senior year, he started getting really friendly with the idea of starting to smoke. This caused an argument between us, as weed is known for causing mental issues to get worse, specifically its known for causing early onset psychosis, and considering he's had episodes similar before I was worried it would make things worse for him. He told me to step back and get out of his business. So I did.
About a month or so after this, he texted me and said that he was experiencing knee pain and asked if when I got to school (I was running late) if he could have some Tylenol, (I have a medical issue and I have to keep anti inflammatory's on my person or i risk paralyzation) and i said yes, because why wouldn't I, me and him have given one another over the counter pain meds all the time in the past. I had a brand new bottle of 250 pills of 500mg dosage, and well I was pulling out the bottle, I asked how many he wanted, (so I could give him one or two) but he asked if I could just hand him the bottle because both of us we're late to class and he didn't wanna be too late. And, as he's borrowed bottles of pain meds from me before for years, I said sure.
A little over an hour later I was called to the front office, where the bottle was placed onto the desk, and the administrator asked if it was mine, and I said yes, because it was my bottle of tylenol. and she gave it back to me, and told me to go back to class, I asked if my friend was in the nurses office or something, but she just told me to go to class. and that they dont give out medical information on students
I texted my friend asking what happened but he never answered, So at this point, I was freaking out. I texted his younger sister and asked if he was ok (we're also friends) but she didnt know that anything happened at all. At this point I entered a class I have multiple friends in and started having a meltdown worrying for the worst. his sister called their mom, and relayed to me that he was in the hospital. I poured out the entire bottle of tylenol and counted out every single one of them to find out that he took 12 500mg pills of Tylenol
I was called to the office again they had me give them all of my tylenol, and then they asked for any other drugs i had, I told them I don't have drugs, and then they confiscated my ibuprofen and the benydryl I keep on my person, and then because I kept them in my first aid kit, they confiscated my bandaids and neosporin.
he lived, was diagnosed with bpd, schizophrenia, and somethging else i dont remember. and there was a huge problem with the school, and they put me down as a drug dealer, made me do meetings with the student handler, called my parents. Its only the fact his mom didnt press charges that kept me from going to court. I suffered with severe guilt problems for months and months, relapsed into hurting myself, and it was just. bad. (months later, he went on to try to kill himself again, this time by overdosing on his perscribed anxiety meds in the school a second time)
during this time, he would start ghosting my messages, and when I asked him about it, he told me he wasn't mad at me, told me he didnt have any issues with me, he just felt bad we hadn't hung out in a while. So, I scheduled to hang out. and he cancelled. 5 times in a row. when driving a mutual friend home, I was discussing that I was frustrated, and worried about him. During this, I mentioned the argument we had about him smoking, and I mentioned that I thought it might be related to his mental state worsening. (he stopped smoking after the first suicide attempt) (and started smoking again a few monthes before the second attempt)
over the summer i would invite him to hang out several times, he declined every time, he invited me to hang out, but it felt like he intentionally planned for times he knew I couldn't make it for. (continualy on the day I work every week) Or on the few times we could. I would show up, and he would leave within the next 30 minutes, even if we had planed beforehand to be doing somethign for a while.
when I messaged him about 3 month ago (after three consecutive failed hang outs in a row) I found he had blocked me on everything. phone number, discord, instagram, tumblr. With no message, no word, didn't tell me at all what I did wrong or what hapened
just tonight I found out that he blocked me and wont interact with me because He says, that I said that it was his own fault that he tried to kill himself and that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. (not what he said, he wont talk to me, I heard through third party source, so theres a chance that im not getting the message right)
I feel this isnt what I said at all. but, idk, I feel very guilty about it, I want to apologize to him. but I don't know how, its not like i can message him, and we dont ever see each other anymore because were graduated and doing different things.
am i the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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