news24fr · 2 years
Les soldats et les marins couvrant les grèves du personnel des forces frontalières au contrôle des passeports n'ont pas le pouvoir de détenir les personnes qu'ils soupçonnent d'activités criminelles, selon des documents divulgués.Des e-mails révèlent que les personnes soupçonnées de crimes tels que le port d'un faux passeport, le trafic de drogue, la traite des êtres humains et les victimes de l'esclavage moderne ne peuvent pas être arrêtées par des membres des forces armées si elles détiennent des documents de voyage valides.Au lieu de cela, une intervention distincte doit être recherchée pour les criminels graves présumés ou leurs victimes auprès d'un officier des forces frontalières parfaitement formé, dont la plupart sont actuellement en grève.Un officier de la Royal Navy a averti dans les e-mails que l'incapacité de détenir pourrait "avoir un impact sur l'opération [operational] capacité pendant une action industrielle ».La divulgation explique en partie pourquoi il y a eu peu de perturbations dans les ports et les aéroports britanniques depuis le début de la grève du PCS pour l'amélioration des salaires et des conditions vendredi.Un e-mail, envoyé le 22 décembre, montre qu'un sous-lieutenant de la Royal Navy a écrit aux fonctionnaires des forces frontalières et du ministère de l'Intérieur pour demander si le personnel de la Royal Navy travaillant à Manchester avait le pouvoir de détenir des suspects.Il a écrit: «Le personnel RN actuellement déployé à l'aéroport de Manchester est actuellement empêché de terminer et de délivrer l'IS81 et ne doit pas être impliqué dans des activités de détention, se référant à un officier BF. Cela peut avoir un impact op [operational] capacité pendant une action industrielle.Un formulaire IS81 donne aux agents d'immigration le pouvoir de détenir des personnes pendant qu'ils entreprennent des enquêtes supplémentaires, selon les documents du ministère de l'Intérieur. Il doit être délivré même si quelqu'un est détenu pendant seulement deux minutes pour un contrôle mineur.Un officier supérieur des forces frontalières a répondu, affirmant que le personnel armé n'avait pas reçu une formation suffisante pour détenir des suspects.« J'ai reçu l'e-mail ci-dessous suite à ma discussion avec le responsable de C2 Navy à Manchester. Ils ont dit qu'ils ne pouvaient pas délivrer un IS81 et que cela devait être fait par un officier des forces frontalières car il n'y avait qu'une formation jusqu'à IS81. Cela peut-il être clarifié de toute urgence », a-t-il écrit.Un autre haut responsable du ministère de l'Intérieur a confirmé dans un e-mail : « C'est exact. Je l'ai communiqué précédemment. Au moment où tout personnel militaire a besoin [sic] ne sont pas en mesure de faire débarquer un passager, un membre permanent du personnel devra émettre un IS81 en leur nom.Environ 600 membres des forces armées et 200 fonctionnaires du ministère de l'Intérieur ont été amenés à remplacer les officiers des forces frontalières pendant la grève, qui doit se poursuivre tous les jours de décembre sauf le 27 décembre.Ils ont reçu cinq jours de formation et ont été amenés à prendre les passeports des gens et à les vérifier par rapport à l'"indice d'avertissements". [WI]» – une base de données de listes de surveillance du Home Office contenant des informations telles que les antécédents d'immigration et les questions de sécurité nationale.Les gardes-frontières reçoivent généralement au moins trois semaines de formation avant d'interagir avec le public. Après les trois semaines, ils reçoivent un mentor avec qui travailler pendant un mois maximum pour s'assurer qu'ils peuvent travailler en solo sur un bureau de passeport.Pendant leur formation, ils apprennent à traiter et à interroger les passagers, à identifier les victimes de l'esclavage moderne, à repérer les faux documents, à identifier les enfants présumés victimes de la traite et à interroger les passagers.Le secrétaire général du PCS, Mark Serwotka, a déclaré : « Le gouvernement
s'est vanté qu'il n'y a pas de files d'attente au contrôle des passeports, mais bien sûr il n'y a pas de files d'attente si personne n'est arrêté.« Et personne n'est arrêté parce que le gouvernement a adopté une approche de sparadrap face à ce problème.« Nous avons averti avant le début des frappes que le personnel militaire ayant suivi une formation de cinq jours ne serait pas en mesure de faire le travail d'officiers expérimentés et professionnels des forces frontalières."Nous avons clairement indiqué que le gouvernement peut mettre fin à ce différend demain en mettant de l'argent sur la table."Il y avait eu "très peu" de gardes frontaliers entièrement formés à Manchester pour aider à superviser des dizaines d'officiers de l'armée vérifiant les passeports, ont indiqué des sources.Des sources de l'aéroport d'Heathrow ont informé le Guardian que les membres de l'armée couvrant à Heathrow ont été informés qu'ils ne pouvaient pas détenir des personnes.Un membre du personnel d'Heathrow a déclaré: "Les soldats de couverture ont reçu l'ordre de n'arrêter personne à moins que des preuves de criminalité ne soient signalées. [through the WI]. En ce qui concerne les problèmes d'immigration, on leur dit de débarquer tout le monde.Une source du ministère de l'Intérieur a déclaré que les officiers des forces frontalières qui n'étaient pas en grève continuaient de travailler aux côtés des membres des forces armées et d'autres membres du personnel d'urgence. "Nous voulons minimiser les perturbations tout au long de ce différend", a déclaré la source.Un porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur a déclaré: «Border Force a élaboré des plans d'urgence solides qui accordent la priorité à la sécurité de nos citoyens et à la sécurité de nos frontières.«Le personnel des forces frontalières non grévistes, doté de toute la gamme des pouvoirs appropriés, continue de remplir son rôle vital et nous avons réparti nos ressources de manière flexible pour garantir une couverture suffisante pour répondre à nos principales priorités."Le personnel militaire, les fonctionnaires et les volontaires soutiennent une gamme de services et tout le personnel d'urgence déployé est suffisamment formé pour les activités qu'il doit entreprendre."
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Pairing: 1940s!Bucky x male!reader
Summary: It's just you having a crush on 1940s!Bucky. A prologue of a series I was working on.
Note: This is a draft I made before my chibi!Bucky. I never bothered to post it because of lack of motivation until now because I'm having a writer's block 😗✌ Also, yes, it doesn't have title, I'm sorry about that.
Warnings: cursing and very slight mention of sucking ones dick.
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A low growl emits from within you as you watched Davis pushed the blonde on the pavement, the young man fell with a pained groan as he holds his side. You see, you're not the guy who likes to pick random fights on the street; not the kind of guy your ma raised you, but it's a lie if you said you don't want to punch Davis in the balls right now.
"Back at it again, I see." Both males to turn their heads at the sound of your voice. "Daddy didn't gave you attention back home? Ah," you shook your head and ducked your chin down, smirking to yourself when you saw him balling his fists.
"Who could blame him? Even I can't keep my eyes on you for two seconds." Eyes drifting off to the side with a grimace, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Atleast I have a father, (L/n). How about you? Can't keep mommy from whoring around Brooklyn?" The taller guy sneers, attention now turned towards you and completely ignored the the blonde behind him next to the crates - good.
The insult didn't falter you one bit and kept your chin up high, cocking your head to the side. "Believe in whatever you want to believe in, Davis. Atleast I'm not the one who's fucking my own mom."
His face reddens in anger, an ugly scowl on his face as he growls a menacing"Why you little" before he lunges at you. You sigh and took a step back making him punched the air instead, his large fist an inch away from your face before you took your chance and step forward, giving a quick yet strong punch square on his nose.
The blonde can only stare as Davis whimpers while pinching his nose to prevent the blood from coming out.
"You punch like a girl!"
"I'll take that as a compliment." You winked which only made Davis pinched his eyebrows together in confusion.
He scoffed. "I'm not done with you," you hissed before running out from the alley with a broken nose.
Looking up from his scratched up palms, Steve noticed you walking towards him with a worried expression on your face. It surprised the blond for it's the first time someone outside his home-- other than Bucky-- is looking at him with concern.
"Hey, you alright?" You softly asked, crouching down in front of him and gently placing your hand on his right shoulder.
Steve nodded his head and was about to thank you when he saw a large, familiar hand grasp you by the shoulder and yanked you up from your crouching position in front of Steve.
You let out a groan the moment your back hits the brick wall behind you, two hands now tightly gripping your shoulders making you slightly wince in pain. Opening your eyes, you immediately felt your face warmed up at the sight in front of you.
Such a fine young man; sharp jaws, curly dark brown hair, clean shaven, and eyes that just made you want to knee down and worship him in... different kinds of way.
Fuck, hopefully he won't noticed how your face reddens but you doubt he didn't considering the close proximity of both of your faces; an inch or two.
"Hi, can't help but notice you picking on my friend right there. Any problem here pal?" His voice is calm yet there's an absolute threat hidden behind those words. He practically hissed the last word out, eyes slightly narrowing at you.
Ignoring how intense his blue eyes are, you growled, pushing him off of you just enough to make him stumble a few feet away.
"Well y'see, I just so happened to be passing by when I saw your friend's face close to meeting Jenkins' fist and decided to be a good Samaritan and helped him," you growled. "You're welcome, pal."
The pretty guy stares at you for a moment before glancing at his friend who's now standing on his feet, nodding his head at your explanation.
"He's telling the truth, Buck."
This Buck guy averted his eyes back at you, giving you a once over. You can't help but felt your whole body stiffened at his intense look before it settled back at your eyes.
"Thanks. Sorry for pushing you up against the wall like that."
"That's okay." I don't mind.
He grins at you before outstretching his hand at your direction. "James Buchanan Barnes or you can call me Bucky, my friend here is Steve." He gestures towards the quiet blonde beside the two of you, too busy swiping off dirt on his two size too big of a coat.
So this is The James Buchanan Barnes? Not gonna lie, this guy is handsome. No wonder dames kept talking about him at work; sadly he's straight as a pole.
Your eyes flickered down on his hand then back up before grasping it with your surprisingly smaller ones, giving it a single shake before pulling away after telling him your name.
How his hand stayed outstretched mid-air for a few seconds too long than necessary didn't go unnoticed by you. You flashed him the bright smile you know that makes any dame-- and also some men-- around you sigh and swoon.
Wouldn't hurt to give it a try right?
"Nice to meet ya, Bucky. Steve" Turning to Steve, you add with a soft but stern look on your face, "Don't go around picking up fights, especially Jenkins and his goons."
"No promises, buy sure. Thanks again, (Y/n)." The blonde lightly waves at you with a thankful smile on his face.
You look at Bucky and almost laughed at the strange look on his face as he silently stares at you, eyes laced with confusion and inner conflict.
A look you knew all too well.
When Steve can't go with one of your 'pals nightly hang outs'-- as you drunkly named it-- because of his health, it'll just going be you and Bucky, which you both don't mind at all.
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It's been a year since your first meeting with the two and the three of you became friends real quick, especially you and Bucky. The two learned that just like Bucky, you are also a ladies-man and it irked Steve at first but then quickly accepts that he's the 'less attractive' of the your small group of three, which you both always deny with all seriousness.
Because let's be honest, Steve is cute, people just don't see it and always judge the book by it's cover.
The two of you are currently on the roof of your house, just laughing and joking around like you usually do. The roof has been one of the best quiet place for the three of you to hang out, just drinking(you and Bucky), eating, and talking there all night.
One time Bucky and you slept on the roof while Steve is inside your room sleeping on your bed when the rain started pouring--
You felt a droplet hits your cheek, then another before you felt it all over your body. Sitting up straight-- still half-asleep-- you suddenly felt your whole body being drenched in water. Widening your eyes at the realization, you snapped your head to your side where you saw Bucky's still sound asleep and snoring.
Before a loud boom of thunder was heard, that's when he scrambles up and tugged you inside the window by your hand.
"Wake up you meatball! It's raining!" It didn't wake him up making you frustrated, but also amused.
A smack on the face woke him up, eyes opening wide and stares up at yours. You thought Bucky would quickly scramble up when he noticed the rain falling down on the both of you but no, he just stares up at you in awe; soaking wet, hair sticking on your forehead and looking down at him like... like an angel.
"Why didn't you tell me, punk?!"
"What?! I smacked you in the face three times!"
--"Wait, Is it true that your mother was..." Bucky trails off, not wanting to offend you.
"Aunt, actually. And yes she is, but not in Brooklyn though; Queens," you explained, leaning back on your arms as you look up at the stars as you continued.
"This house was my grandma's, said that she wanted to give it me for my 18th birthday. My aunt didn't know about this though, I don't let her knowing she would immediately sell this as soon as she sees the letters."
Bucky nodded his head as he listened to your story intently.
"How did ya suddenly ended up here in Brooklyn if you're from Queens? Of you don't mind me asking." Bucky side-glancing at you with curiosity. He took a bite of the sandwich you've made, clearly liking how it taste considering he already ate two of them in fifteen minutes.
You pursed your lips together, contemplating if you should tell him the truth or not - You decided to go 50/50.
"Lets just say I was kicked out for a reason she can't accept. Ever." Bucky knows not to push you, thinking it's a sensitive topic to talk about. So he decided to change it.
"Is it true though?"
You swing your gaze from the stars and to the pair of blues next to you, gulping nervously. "What?"
The brunette leans his body towards you, eyes intently locked into yours. You beg whoever is watching you right now to make your heart slow down even for just a tad bit, it's getting out of control the more he leans in.
What's he doing? Is he going to kiss you? It takes you all the willpower in your body to not smack your lips against his right this instance.
"That Davis' fucking her mother?" Bucky asked in a hushed tone, nose an inch away from yours. The question brings you back from your day dream and grimace in disgust at the mention of Jenkins. The scrunched up look on your face made Bucky grin widely, showing the faint wrinkles in the corner of his eyes.
"Step-mother," you corrected. "But who knows? The way he acts whenever I mention it gave me all the answers I need-- or don't, actually."
Even after answering his question, he still didn't lean away and kept the close distance between the two of you. Blue eyes flickering down to your lips so fast you almost didn't see it, but you did, and even saw how the tip of his tongue lightly licks his lips. It gave you a spark of hope that maybe--
"You smell like spam."
You growled and pushed him away, profusely blushing at his comment. "Get off me, punk!" Bucky started to laugh hysterically while clutching his stomach.
"Alright, no more sandwiches for you."
"Wha-- I'm only joking, shorty!"
"I'm not short! I'm an average height. You're just taller than me for like... three inches."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say, shorty-- ouch!"
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You are glaring down at your lap while Bucky sat next to you with a frown on his face. The two of you are currently sitting on the roof, both with a forlorn look on your faces.
"Can't back up now. Been wanting to be a soldier for years now, like my pa." Did he though? He did, yes. But why do he feel reluctant about going now? Whatever, it's not like he could just quit. He'll be shipping off tomorrow morning, there's no turning back now.
"I know." You groaned, tilting your head up in exasperation. "If I wasn't so chicken-hearted I would've come with you, but being a soldier is just... not my thing."
"You could pack a hefty punch y'know. Broke not just those punks' nose but also mine three times within our six years of friendship." You knew he's just trying to lighten up the mood, but you knew better.
"Maybe the reason why I punch so hard is because of how many doughs I have to beat up and roll around every single day." You began punching the air like there's someone in front of you, laughing at your childishness before looking up at Bucky with a more genuine smile on your face.
You chuckled for both of your sake, bumping his shoulder with yours. "Yeah I did. But I much prefer baking rather than breaking random guys' noses. These hands aren't made for that sort of thing, it's too soft, too... feminine."
Lifting your hands up to emphasize your words, showing them to Bucky who just stare at your hands with a look you can't decipher.
What did he wanted to say?
You felt your breath hitched when you saw that he's already looking at you with that strange, conflicted look in his eyes again, but a bit softer this time.
He always gaze at you with that same look in his eyes and it never failed to make your heart flutter each time.
You watched as his lips open then closed a few times, not knowing how to form the words he wanted to say.
"You'll still be here when I come back right?" He widen his eyes at his own words before hastily adding, "w-with Steve, of course."
You scoffed good-naturedly at his question. "Of course you meatball. Where would I possibly go?"
You hummed, looking down at your shoes. "Can't really see myself being a father-- a husband even." Bucky furrowed his eyebrows together as you speak, confused as to why you would think such things. You're great with kids and treat ladies right like a real man should.
He shrugs. "I don't know, travel the world? Maybe even marry the woman of your dreams, have a kid or two."
Oh Bucky, you're so cute... and also freakishly dump. You're surprised for until now he still doesn't know you're gay.
You'd always stare at men longer than the pretty dames in the bar or the streets. Heck, you even flirted at Bucky from time to time but he would always tell himself that it's just you being friendly.
Joke's on you pal, I wanted to suck your dick so bad since the first time I laid my eyes on you.
Your eyes landed back up at him. "What about you, Bucky? Want to be a husband someday? A father?"
"If I make it back alive." Somehow, his truthful answer made your heart clench for two different reasons.
One, he is straight.
The small spark of hope in your heart falters to almost nothing, a sign that you should give up on this fruitless feelings of yours.
Two, he thinks he'll never make it back alive.
"If you don't, I'll go there myself and punch your in the face until you wake up."
"Of course you are, bud." You gave him the glare he's all too familiar with.
Never once a day passed with you not giving him that glare, it's quite amusing and almost comical on his opinion, like that look is just made for him and him only.
The not-so-threatening threat pulls a loud guffaw from Bucky, leaning his head back and placing a hand on his stomach. Even at times like this you somehow always manages to make him laugh, it made him realize how much he'll really miss you when has gone.
"Is that a threat, boy?" He uses the nickname hate so much, makes you feel like a child.
"Its a promise." You smirked.
Bucky shakes his head at you, scooting closer and placing his arm on your shoulders. Instinctively, you lean closer to him, but not to close though.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, watching as the street below you began buzzing with people and cars.
"Did I ever told you that you look great in that uniform?"
"A couple of times, yes."
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ALL THE [IronDad] PROMPTS (31-60)
Contains all the prompts including or directing concerning any of the Stark Kids (Harley Peter Nebula Morgan Riri)/Bots/AIs
(P) Stressed Out Intern Peter Parker (feat Doctor Dad) (IS61) (Read HERE)
(P) Dream life or real life? (feat Doctor Dad)
(HP) Coffee House hang out (feat Winter Dad) (WI11)
(H) Rose Hill Holiday (feat Pepper)
(N) I am machine
(P) Oh My God, It's DoCtOR RoBErt BanNEr (feat Science Dad) (SB13)
(P) Good boy, have a red star (feat Winter Dad) (WI13)
(AKB) Family Dinner (feat Rhodey Pepper Happy May)
(P) Loki, the movie (feat Peter the Intern) (feat Loki) (IF1)
(P) Spider Man's bodyguard, the Winter Soldier (feat Winter Dad) (WI7)
(P) Chaotic Good Gossip Girl
(H) Iron Lad, Sorcerer in training (feat Doctor Dad) (IS74)
(P) Kingsman AU
(M) Puppermaster Morgan
(HPM) Monopoly Bloodbath
(P) Iron Man yes, Tony Stark absent (feat Doctor Dad) (IS41)
( HPMN) Good dad Jarvis, Good dad Tony
(HPMN) Iron Family, professional criminals (feat Doctor Dad) (IS12)
(HP) Everyone's in space (feat Doctor Dad) (IS32)
(M) yeah, i don't know what to call this (feat Doctor Dad) (IS44)
(P) 14 million futures, for your viewing pleasure, or not (feat Doctor Dad) (IS54)
(P) Ashes are all I've left
(PM) Goldfish Pete
(HP) Team 7 but Team Stark
(P) Social Anxiety Meltdown
(HPMN) Phoenix reborn (feat Doctor Dad) (IS81)
(P) Power Switch (feat Doctor Dad) (IS83)
(P) Stephen's decline (feat Doctor Dad) (IS85)
(P) All for a drink (feat Doctor Dad & Loki) (SIF9)
(HP) Reading Stephen is a pushover (feat Doctor Dad) (IS89)
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
Misjudging by the thousands no millions of people following the Lucy Cork Fan page you can tell how waited for it was...LOL no but serious all she could scrape together after weeks is81? Girl bye
Most are curious, I am. thanks
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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katelynnmae09 · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Long Denim Skirt. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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