my parents are like red bull they forget in a nano second if you've done something right by them and then drown you in criticism and negativity after one thing they deem a "mistake" and act like you're such a big problem that never does anything useful
#they complained about my sleep schedule so i fixed it#they complained about the amount of time i spent on my laptop so i haven't even opened it in days#they complained about me not doing anything so i helped my mom with errands#i helped prepare the stuff for my dad's birthday yesterday#i agreed to take care of the cooking today bc my mom has a cold#i already made the porridge she taught me how to make#the only other thing i had to do was cook chicken#it's not even 3pm so i figured i have loads of time so why hurry bc we won't be eating it until tomorrow anyway#but no now i'm lazy and have an attitude problem bc i wasn't doing everything right after the other#and god forbid decided to lie down on the sofa bc i get physically tired so easily nowadays#i might as well not have done anything at all i get the same condescending jibes either way#''you could be doing something other than lying on the sofa''#''if you ever manage to get up you could do this thing''#and if i get annoyed by it and say they could just ask me without the mean tone and i'd come help or do the thing they're asking for#i just get told to go back to the couch if it's so difficult for me to be cooperative#''well we can't ask you to do anything since you just get mad whenever you have to get up and leave your phone''#IS IT SO HARD TO JUST /ASK/ NORMALLY WITHOUT HAVING TO ADD THE POINTLESS JAB TO THE END TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT ABOUT MYSELF#i love how they were both there as my doctor and therapist told them i tire fast and need time to rest bc of various shitty reasons#and they acted like they understood and blah blah but if i show this symptom in action it's like a red cloth to them#and after you get yelled at for unfair reasons you just want to be by yourself and maybe cry#but they'll just use that as more ammo to drive in their point that you're lazy and will do anything to get out of doing things#fun times with the family#if you don't hear from me again maybe i've finally gathered enough courage to go drown myself 👍
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ashandboneca · 5 years
This is not a Passive Aggressive post.
I want to talk about something that bothers me so much about people on the internet in general and on social media specifically. I will preface this with this: the following does not apply to nazis, bots, Russian trolls, or any kind of trans or homophobe.
I read an article the other day talking about how people are sharing less about their daily lives on Facebook. While I don't think that's a bad thing, I do think it is symptomatic of a number of things:
- We refuse to see that "drama" is a part of life. Pretending that conflict does not exist does not make it go away. That's naive. Everyone's lives have drama. It's the interesting stuff that punctuates the boring bits. Drama is not inherently bad, but can be taken to a bad place. People associate drama with negativity, which only happens half the time.
- We accuse those who share parts of their lives that may not be happy or good of starting the above-mentioned "drama" - and we often make it about ourselves. Humans really like to create their own narrative where they are the centre of the issues, and everything is about them. It is normal and natural, but few people realize it, and thus it is hard to catch or redirect. If we reacted with logic instead of emotion, we would see that 99% of the time is actually has nothing to do with us, and that person is talking about something completely separate from us.
- People read too deeply into something that has been said, and attribute it to being "passive aggressive" without asking for clarification. We are all guilty of this, because many people dislike conflict and shy away from doing anything that may cause it, even if it makes sense to do. It's all because we are taking the major part of communication out of the equation - body language - and trying to extrapolate what we think the meaning is without asking for clarity - and it usually ends up being wrong.

- People target people specifically. That is not okay. If you have issues with someone, talk to them directly. Don't go through some third party or spend your time smearing their name or vaguebooking. It's not productive, and the end result is pretty much the same at the outset, except you end up making people angry.
- People get angry when you talk about something good that is happening - they think it's bragging. I think a lot of people measure their lives against the filtered version of what we see online. It's an inaccurate way to determine success and should not be a barometer of how you live your life. Be happy for the successes of your friends - they should be happy for your successes. Bitterness and jealousy is natural, but that doesn't mean it's good to feel that way.
- People share terrible/bigoted/racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic things all the time. Look, no one wants to hear that you're afraid of trans people peeing in your washroom, or that you think men are being subjugated by women. We get it, you’re a bigot. You're posting these things, but you're alienating half of your audience.
 Plus, you’re a bigot. Have a word with yourself.
Remember: just because you’re free to say whatever you want doesn’t always mean you should.

All of these things have led to people being gun shy about talking about anything online - people immediately jump down other's throats and start stupid fights over nothing, and unfriend or unfollow and fume. People talk, but no one actually communicates. Communication takes work and respect for the person you are communicating with - which is hard to do when half of the conversation is throwing a shit fit over the misinterpretation of what was said online. Stop, take a breath, and react logically. Remove the initial emotion, because it's almost always a false reaction. Think about what you know about the person before you jump to conclusions - would they really write a coded message talking about being pissed off at their terrible commute on the bus as a passive aggressive way to jab you for having to cancel plans, or maybe did they just have a really leadfoot bus driver on a crowded bus where someone stank like BO, and maybe someone grabbed their ass? Did you ask? Did you express concern, or did you launch into the 'well, jeez, sorry I had to cancel, Miriam, but I had to pick up my kid Juanita from ballet kickboxing which is something you would understand if you had kids, but I guess you need a man to have kids first, enjoy being frigid ' first?
Look - I think if someone is bothering you, you should talk about it. If something is happening that is awesome, you should talk about it. Talk about the interesting thoughts you are having about the political spectrum or how angry all those commercials with the starving children or sad homeless animals and Sarah McLauchlan music make you (because they make me angry, I'M WATCHING LEAVE IT TO BRYAN, I DON'T WANT TO SEE SAD PUPPIES, HGTV). That is what social media is for - to connect with other people. To share. While I think that prudence is something that should be exercised online, and not everything belongs online for the masses to consume, I also think that it is pointless to use social media if you are not using it for it's intended purpose.
Share the cat photos, share pictures of your kid or your dog, share a funny 'tumblr' thing, talk witchcraft and spells and ritual - but let people know how you're doing too. People add you on social media because they are interested in you. Just try and keep in mind that we all need to communicate as much as we need to talk.
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