#IS Clinical
dermsilk · 43 minutes
iS Clinical Products in USA
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ivitalhealth · 1 month
What areas can be treated with dermal fillers at IVital Health?
At IVital Health, dermal fillers are versatile treatments used to enhance and rejuvenate various facial areas. Commonly treated areas include the lips for added volume, the cheeks for a lifted and contoured appearance, and the under-eye area to reduce the appearance of dark circles and hollows. Dermal fillers are also effective for smoothing out nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, and other fine lines and wrinkles around the face. Our skilled practitioners use advanced techniques to ensure that the fillers provide a natural, youthful enhancement that complements your facial features, helping you achieve a refreshed and balanced look.
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mainskinofficial · 2 months
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booasaur · 3 months
A new fundraiser has just been started to help a Sudanese health clinic.
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As the rainy season starts, there's an increased risk from diseases like cholera and malaria. This clinic will be the only available health resource for 60,000 households.
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The people behind it are very trustworthy, they've already been setting up gofundmes for food and healthcare in other places in Sudan.
I've tried to kick things off and I hope those that can't donate will help boost.
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Edit: link to the actual gofundme, d'oh!
Edit on 2024-08-17: locking post because gofundme is closed
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neptunezo · 6 months
The batkids are known for sharing clothes amongst each other, so imagine everyone’s surprise when Jason won’t let them borrow his hoodie. Upon further inspection they find out it’s Roy’s hoodie. This causes a chain reaction and now Dick won’t let anyone borrow his Wally hoodie, Tim won’t let anyone borrow his Kon hoodie, Damian with Jon’s clothes(which there was no need for because Damian’s clothes never fit anyways), Duke with Izzy’s, Cass with Steph, and so on. After this “civil war” they all reluctantly agree to end this and all clothes (their own or not) is up for grabs. (minus Damian and Jon, of course)
bonus is when their partners steal the batkids clothes only to find out later that it’s definitely not a wayne kids clothing item.
Roy: That’s my sweater?
Wally: Yeah well Kon’s wearing my pants so…
Izzy: I’m probably wearing one of your boxers, it’s for sure not Dukes
Kon: how do you know?
Izzy: Because Duke doesn’t own Minecraft boxers???
Steph: Oh yeah sorry, those are mine
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kazodus · 2 months
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came to me in a dream
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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drferox · 5 months
So a while back, I asked the boss to register and put up ‘Welcome here’ stickers at the clinic.
They’re roughly palm-sized stickers with a rainbow heart in a map icon. They’re obvious but don’t take up that much space and don’t interfere with anybody’s day.
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One sits on the reception desk, and one is stuck on the front door. They’re a small gesture that just explicitly states the LGBTQ+ community is, literally, welcome here.
It’s very unobtrusive, and (most) people haven’t mentioned it at all, but the observable results have been:
More Clients specifically adding their same sex partner as another owner on the account.
Some clients that I’ve known for a decade or more actually being comfortable enough to reveal they have a partner in conversation.
More same sex couples calling each other ‘darling’ in front of other people.
A few ‘Mx’ titles on client files.
I want to emphasise that it is a tiny gesture, but it increases the comfort level slightly for quite a lot of people, so I’d recommend it if your workplace can, even if you don’t think it’s relevant.
The only person who has had anything vaguely negative to say has been a notorious problem client, who ‘didn’t see the point’. But obviously the stickers are not for him.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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Rusty Nail had an unfortunate encounter
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animal444 · 1 year
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thorsonoflesbians · 1 month
for the monaco gp next year instead of the regular commentators can we have like ten retired drivers on a yacht with copious amounts of alcohol instead? like imagine jenson feeding nico multiple rounds of tequila shots and convincing him to drop brocedes lore so fucking insane it makes lewis' spidey senses tingle live on air. meanwhile, seb is trying to stop kimi from falling off said yacht every five seconds and mahk webbah is trying to either rope everyone into karaoke or is gushing about his adoptive son oscar. david is calling every driver who fucks their car into a wall a cunt and mika is on facetime with his husband and sipping a mai-tai in the hot tub and a least one of them is puking off the side of the boat in the end
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dermsilk · 1 month
iS Clinical Products in USA
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ivitalhealth · 1 month
What is the best filler for lip injections used at IVital Health?
At IVital Health, we use only the best, FDA-approved dermal fillers for lip injections, such as Juvederm and Restylane. These fillers are renowned for their safety, effectiveness, and natural-looking results. They are specifically formulated to enhance the volume and shape of your lips, providing a fuller, more defined appearance while still maintaining a soft and natural look. Our skilled practitioners customize the filler treatment to match your aesthetic preferences, whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic transformation. The chosen filler integrates smoothly with your natural lip tissue, ensuring a harmonious and balanced outcome.
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mainskinofficial · 2 months
Anti-Aging-Geheimnisse: Wie IS Clinical Ihnen helfen kann, jugendliche Haut zu bewahren
Altern ist ein natürlicher Prozess, aber wer sagt, dass wir nicht würdevoll altern und einen jugendlichen Glanz bewahren können? Mit der richtigen Hautpflege können Sie die Zeichen des Alterns effektiv verlangsamen und Ihre Haut strahlend und gesund aussehen lassen. IS Clinical bietet eine Reihe wissenschaftlich fundierter Produkte zur Bekämpfung der sichtbaren Zeichen des Alterns. Tauchen Sie ein in die Geheimnisse der Erhaltung jugendlicher Haut mit IS Clinical.
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Den Alterungsprozess verstehen Mit zunehmendem Alter macht unsere Haut verschiedene Veränderungen durch:
Reduzierte Kollagenproduktion: Kollagen, das Protein, das unsere Haut straff und elastisch hält, nimmt mit zunehmendem Alter ab, was zu Falten und Erschlaffung führt. Verringerter Zellumsatz: Die Erneuerungsrate unserer Hautzellen verlangsamt sich, was zu einem matten Teint und einer ungleichmäßigen Textur führt. Feuchtigkeitsverlust: Ältere Haut neigt dazu, trockener zu sein, da sie ihre Fähigkeit verliert, Feuchtigkeit zu speichern, was zu feinen Linien und Fältchen führt. Die Kraft von IS Clinical IS Clinical hat die Kraft innovativer Inhaltsstoffe und fortschrittlicher Technologie genutzt, um Produkte zu entwickeln, die die Ursachen der Hautalterung bekämpfen. So können ihre Produkte Ihnen helfen, eine jugendliche Haut zu bewahren:
1. Innovative Inhaltsstoffe IS Clinical-Produkte werden mit wirksamen Inhaltsstoffen formuliert, die sichtbare Ergebnisse liefern. Zu den wichtigsten Inhaltsstoffen gehören:
Vitamin C: Vitamin C ist für seine aufhellenden und antioxidativen Eigenschaften bekannt und hilft, freie Radikale zu neutralisieren, die Kollagenproduktion anzuregen und den Hautton zu verbessern. Hyaluronsäure: Dieser leistungsstarke Feuchtigkeitsspender zieht Feuchtigkeit in die Haut ein und speichert sie dort, hält sie prall und reduziert das Auftreten feiner Linien. Peptide: Diese kleinen Proteine signalisieren der Haut, mehr Kollagen zu produzieren, wodurch Festigkeit und Elastizität verbessert werden. 2. Fortschrittliche Formeln IS Clinical kombiniert diese Inhaltsstoffe in einzigartigen Formeln, die ihre Wirksamkeit verbessern. Ihre Produkte sind so konzipiert, dass sie tief in die Haut eindringen und Wirkstoffe dort abgeben, wo sie am meisten benötigt werden.
Anti-Aging-Routine mit IS Clinical Um die Vorteile der IS Clinical-Produkte zu maximieren, ist es wichtig, eine konsequente Hautpflegeroutine einzuhalten. Hier ist eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung:
Morgenroutine Reinigung: Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag mit dem Cleansing Complex, der sanft peelt und Unreinheiten entfernt, ohne die Haut auszutrocknen. Serum: Tragen Sie das Pro-Heal Serum Advance+ auf. Dieses antioxidantienreiche Serum enthält Vitamin C, Vitamin E und Olivenblattextrakt, um die Haut zu schützen und zu heilen. Feuchtigkeitspflege: Verwenden Sie die Youth Intensive Crème, um die Haut tiefgehend mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen und das Auftreten feiner Linien und Fältchen zu reduzieren. Schutz: Beenden Sie die Behandlung mit Eclipse SPF 50+, um Ihre Haut vor schädlichen UV-Strahlen zu schützen und lichtbedingter Hautalterung vorzubeugen. Abendroutine Reinigung: Verwenden Sie den Cleansing Complex, um Make-up und Unreinheiten zu entfernen, die sich im Laufe des Tages angesammelt haben. Serum: Tragen Sie das Youth Serum auf, das Wachstumsfaktoren und Peptide enthält, um die Hautregeneration zu unterstützen und die Festigkeit zu verbessern. Feuchtigkeitspflege: Verwenden Sie die Youth Intensive Crème erneut, um Ihre Haut über Nacht zu pflegen und zu reparieren. Augenpflege: Vergessen Sie die empfindliche Augenpartie nicht. Tragen Sie den Youth Eye Complex auf, um Schwellungen, Augenringe und feine Linien zu reduzieren. Tipps zur Verbesserung Ihrer Anti-Aging-Routine Genügend Flüssigkeit: Trinken Sie den ganzen Tag über viel Wasser, um Ihre Haut von innen heraus mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen. Gesunde Ernährung: Nehmen Sie eine ausgewogene Ernährung zu sich, die reich an Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und Mineralien ist, um die Gesundheit Ihrer Haut zu unterstützen. Sonnenschutz: Verwenden Sie immer Sonnenschutz, auch an bewölkten Tagen, um Ihre Haut vor UV-Schäden zu schützen. Regelmäßiges Peeling: Peelen Sie 1-2 Mal pro Woche, um abgestorbene Hautzellen zu entfernen und die Zellerneuerung zu fördern. Echte Ergebnisse Viele Benutzer haben mit IS Clinical-Produkten bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse erzielt. Hier ist, was einige unserer zufriedenen Kunden zu sagen haben:
Sarah, 45: „Nachdem ich IS Clinical nur ein paar Wochen lang verwendet habe, sieht meine Haut strahlender aus und fühlt sich straffer an. Die feinen Linien um meine Augen sind sichtbar zurückgegangen.“ Mark, 52: „Ich habe viele Anti-Aging-Produkte ausprobiert, aber nichts ist mit IS Clinical vergleichbar. Meine Haut hat noch nie besser ausgesehen!“ Fazit Das Altern ist unvermeidlich, aber mit der richtigen Hautpflege können Sie Ihre Haut jugendlich und strahlend erhalten. IS Clinical bietet eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Produkte, die die Zeichen der Hautalterung an der Quelle bekämpfen und Ihnen helfen, ein jugendliches Aussehen zu erreichen und zu erhalten. Investieren Sie noch heute in Ihre Haut und genießen Sie die Vorteile für viele Jahre.
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inkskinned · 1 year
so one of the things that's so horrifying about birth control is that you have to, like, navigate this incredibly personal choice about your body and yet also face the epitome of misogyny. like, someone in the comments will say it wasn't that bad for me, and you'll be utterly silenced. like, everyone treats birth control like something that's super dirty. like, you have no fucking information or control over this thing because certain powerful people find it icky.
first it was the oral contraceptives. you went on those young, mostly for reasons unrelated to birth control - even your dermatologist suggested them to control your acne. the list of side effects was longer than your arm, and you just stared at it, horrified.
it made you so mentally ill, but you just heard that this was adulthood. that, yes, there are of course side effects, what did you expect. one day you looked up yasmin makes me depressed because surely this was far too intense, and you discovered that over 12,000 lawsuits had been successfully filed against the brand. it remains commonly prescribed on the open market. you switched brands a few times before oral contraceptives stopped being in any way effective. your doctor just, like, shrugged and said you could try a different brand again.
and the thing is that you're a feminist. you know from your own experience that birth control can be lifesaving, and that even when used for birth control - it is necessary healthcare. you have seen it save so many people from such bad situations, yourself included. it is critical that any person has access to birth control, and you would never suggest that we just get rid of all of it.
you were a little skeeved out by the implant (heard too many bad stories about it) and figured - okay, iud. it was some of the worst pain you've ever fucking experienced, and you did it with a small number of tylenol in your system (3), like you were getting your bikini line waxed instead of something practically sewn into your body.
and what's wild is that because sometimes it isn't a painful insertion process, it is vanishingly rare to find a doctor that will actually numb the area. while your doctor was talking to you about which brand to choose, you were thinking about the other ways you've been injured in your life. you thought about how you had a suspicious mole frozen off - something so small and easy - and how they'd numbed a huge area. you thought about when you broke your wrist and didn't actually notice, because you'd thought it was a sprain.
your understanding of pain is that how the human body responds to injury doesn't always relate to the actual pain tolerance of the person - it's more about how lucky that person is physically. maybe they broke it in a perfect way. maybe they happened to get hurt in a place without a lot of nerve endings. some people can handle a broken femur but crumble under a sore tooth. there's no true way to predict how "much" something actually hurts.
in no other situation would it be appropriate for doctors to ignore pain. just because someone can break their wrist and not feel it doesn't mean no one should receive pain meds for a broken wrist. it just means that particular person was lucky about it. it should not define treatment.
in the comments of videos about IUDs, literally thousands of people report agony. blinding, nauseating, soul-crushing agony. they say things like i had 2 kids and this was the worst thing i ever experienced or i literally have a tattoo on my ribs and it felt like a tickle. this thing almost killed me or would rather run into traffic than ever feel that again.
so it's either true that every single person who reports severe pain is exaggerating. or it's true that it's far more likely you will experience pain, rather than "just a pinch." and yet - there's nothing fucking been done about it. it kind of feels like a shrug is layered on top of everything - since technically it's elective, isn't it kind of your fault for agreeing to select it? stop being fearmongering. stop being defensive.
you fucking needed yours. you are almost weirdly protective of it. yours was so important for your physical and mental health. it helped you off hormonal birth control and even started helping some of your symptoms. it still fucking hurt for no fucking reason.
once while recovering from surgery, they offered you like 15 days of vicodin. you only took 2 of them. you've been offered oxy for tonsillitis. you turned down opioids while recovering from your wisdom tooth extraction. everything else has the option. you fucking drove yourself home after it, shocked and quietly weeping, feeling like something very bad had just happened. the nurse that held your hand during the experience looked down at you, tears in her eyes, and said - i know. this is cruelty in action.
and it's fucked up because the conversation is never just "hey, so the way we are doing this is fucking barbaric and doctors should be required to offer serious pain meds" - it's usually something around the lines of "well, it didn't kill you, did it?"
you just found out that removing that little bitch will hurt just as bad. a little pinch like how oral contraceptives have "some" serious symptoms. like your life and pain are expendable or not really important. like maybe we are all hysterical about it?
hysteria comes from the latin word for uterus, which is great!
you stand here at a crossroads. like - this thing is so important. did they really have to make it so fucking dangerous. and why is it that if you make a complaint, you're told - i didn't even want you to have this in the first place. we're told be careful what you wish for. we're told that it's our fault for wanting something so illict; we could simply choose not to need medication. that maybe if we don't like the scraps, we should get ready to starve.
we have been saying for so long - "i'm not asking you to remove the option, i'm asking you to reconsider the risk." this entire time we hear: well, this is what you wanted, isn't it?
#where's the word woman in this u might wonder if u suck#good news i am nonbinary and have a uterus so that is something that can happen#im also gender fluid tho which means im immune to certain psychic damage bc if u call me a woman i'll be like <3 okay <3#writeblr#the tightrope of ''ppl need access to this''#and like also#''what the fuck is going on over there'' is like. so difficult as an activist#i was <3 punctured <3 during mine#and almost bled out on the table :) they didn't have anyone standing by bc it's ''just a little insertion''#so i started crashing and i vaguely remember apologizing for the fuss as i heard my heart rate monitor start going <3 tachycardic <3#she wasn't even a bad doctor tbh#ps btw the reason i even HAD a heart monitor is that i have a genuine heart condition and they knew GOING IN that there was a chance#i'd crash on the table#like my heart just likes to do fun little tricks and <3 stop working <3 (i do not want to discuss the specifics ty i am okay im ontop of it#and they were like 'oh u will be fine' and then she did do a puncture thru my uterus . pop!#and im sitting there dizzy and feeling my heartrate start to drop bc it feels almost. beautiful. like. the whole ground just#woosh! out from under you. and shit is like grey's anatomy. i'm looking up at her grey eyes#she's old she wears this nice shawl she's like got Cool Lesbian vibes and people are sprinting into the room#from other parts of the clinic unrelated to me. while the monitor is like a little aria singing#and shes like hey youre okay stay awake stay with me something went wrong we have to keep trying#and i remember thinking - i was trying to think of nice things. i have so many beautiful places that now overlap#with this terrible memory#i became dimly aware that there was too much on her wrists and hands. like#that was too many liters#and then when they had finished all this. i packed up and drove myself home#i have had (bad thing) happen to me. and the same feeling happened after#that numb almost lamblike bleating. you cry without noise. like. ur body is so shocked and ur mind so empty#you just stare at the road and everything everything is happening behind glass and static and you are standing so far away from it#while you hold ur hands at 10 and 2. and something in ur brain is SCREAMING at you - IT WAS BAD AND IT SHOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED#and ur just watching the alarms in your body going off and youre thinking. a little pinch! ha. i think i just lost something important.
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lavendorii · 4 months
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completely independent and well adjusted woman
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