#INTERACTION ;; jasper x rory (001)
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seolinah · 1 year ago
His mind wanted to say no, but it wasn't what he said. "Yeah, it's fine, Rory." Maybe he'd regret it later once she left, hell, he partially regretted what he was saying now, but regrets made stories to tell later, right? Waiting for her to step through, he shut the door behind her. Figuring she knew his place well enough, he made his way towards the drink cart. "So do you want something to drink?"
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rory was more than aware of the face that the other could turn her down. he could turn her away without anything else being said or done, and she knew that. she just hoped that the other would find a small piece of kindness in his heart to give her a hand this one time. "i guess not..." she looked down. she knew she wasn't perfect by any means but she still didn't think that he would hate seeing her that much. she momentarily debated on his office and then took in a deep breath, "okay." she shifted, going to step inside. "are you sure about this?"
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seolinah · 1 year ago
He could have easily taken the out. Let her leave and be done with their interaction altogether -- it wasn't as if anything good would come out of them being together. But Jasper never seemed to make the most rational decisions around Rory either. "Can you blame me for not exactly being ecstatic to see you?" he replied with a sigh. "Look, you're already here, so just come in. I'm sure you don't want to have wasted the trip out here unless you had other plans after this." Holding open the door, he let her decide what she wanted to do.
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rory wasn't surprised by his reaction. in fact, she probably wouldn't have come to see him if she had anywhere else to go. after all, he never seemed to be excited to see her. "that...doesn't sound like the truth but okay." rory shifted on her feet. maybe she should just deal with the consequences of lacking funds. she didn't want to argue or fight with the other to get herself out of trouble. "maybe this was a mistake. i mean, maybe i should just get out of here."
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seolinah · 1 year ago
His eyes rolled hard. "Is that what we are? Friends?" He doubted she knew what the word meant, but maybe he was just that horribly lucky to have her as a friend. A very one-sided, unwanted friend anyway. "Well you've checked and I'm just peaches." His hands gesture outwards down at his sides, eventually sighing. "If I'm about to play fifty questions to get you to say why you're here then I need a drink. So why don't you just come in like I know you will anyway."
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rory wasn't surprised to hear the chuckle that spilled from his lips, especially since he knew her tactics by now. she just didn't want to come right out and ask him for money. she liked working up to it. pausing for a moment, she glanced down at her feet. "what? i can't check in on you...? i'm here as a friend." she lied.
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seolinah · 1 year ago
It was never a good thing to find Rory out on his doorstep. Seeing her could only mean trouble was about to be brewing, and yet Jasper could never find it in himself to simply shut the door in her face. "How I'm doing?" he chuckled dryly. "You'd think you'd come up with something better than that at some point." He sighed, leaning against the doorframe as he stared at her expectedly. "What do you want, Rory?"
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WHO: rory williams. drug dealer. bisexual. 23-26. ella purnell fc. OPEN TO: anyone 21+ PLOT: rory has a bad habit of smoking her own supply and now she owes someone money, so she's come to your muse (yet again) to ask for some money. could be exes, friends, utp!
rory didn't have anyone else to turn to and that's how she'd ended up on their doorstep once again. her tongue slid over her bottom lip, obviously nerves coating her features as she shifted from one foot to the other. "hey," she breathed out, "i, uh, i just stopped by to see how you were doing." that was definitely a lie but she didn't want to dive right into it. she had to butter them up, right?
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