moechies · 6 months
mean yuuta-nii with a crybaby reader, forcing her to do anal!! :3 (in honour of him showing up in the last episode of jjk for this season tee hee ;33)
tw dark content n0ncon, inct, anal, mention of parents
“y-yuuta nii.. please.. don’t..”
nii chan had your tummy pressed against the soft of your own bed, your panties and shorts pulled halfway down your thighs. his thumbs maliciously pulled open the fat of your ass, running this frigid finger down your slit and back up.
“nii chan..! s-stop! m-m gonna tell on you if you d-do this..”
“you’re gonna tell on me? what if i told otou-san and kaa-san how much you like it when i play with your pussy, hm? how much you like it when i put my fingers in y-“
“nii chan! s-stop..!”
you cried out yet again, feeling the soft of his thumb press into your ass. the pressure was overwhelming, the stretch unfamiliar.
your hands reach behind to press the man away, grabbing his wrists as a weak attempt to get him to stop.
“imouto chan, stop it and stay still. i know you don’t want to, but you’re not in any position to say no, mkay?”
before you have a chance to argue back, you feel a wet slick begin to rim the tight of your asshole, replacing his thumb. yuuta nii is generous enough to swipe the slick from your sticky cunt to your ass, just so it doesn’t hurt as much! your sullen cries of ‘stop,’ and ‘no,’ he loved it so much, you were just too cute!
he guides his swollen tip further and further inside, the pulsing pain searing through the lower part of your body. it burns, every inch that he continues to press in, it burns so much, but his whines and pants of arousal show that he feels differently.
“it’s okay imouto. i’ll make sure it feels good for you too,”
he reaches his hand down below, rolling your sweet clit in between his fingers, but never bothering to pay any attention to your needy hole.
“see, it feels good if i play with you like this right?”
you cry and thrash in his hold, a harsh hand slapping onto his wrists to remove his hand from your body at least. it was so frustrating, the painful and unfilling feeling from behind.
“it’s okay if you don’t like it imouto, but you’re gonna have to get used to it.”
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folansstuff · 9 months
Laura: Thanks for looking for looking after Gabby and Jonathan while I'm with X-Force.
Atticus: She'll be fine. Yana and I look after her all the time during classes anyway.
Illyana: And how hard could looking after a badger be? Beastie and Lockheed can breathe fire, claws do not scare us.
Atticus (quietly): Scares me a little...
Illyana: Regardless, we'll be fine. Enjoy stabbing people!
One week later
Atticus and Illyana are standing in their doorway, covered in scratches and looking extremely distressed.
Laura: What the hell happened to you guys?
Atticus: I was trying to help Gabby with her homework-
Illyana: But she got mad, yelled 'I hate books!' and tore the books apart. Which I get, but still.
Laura: Honestly? Fair.
Atticus: Her being upset set Jonathan off, so he destroyed our living room-
Illyana: Plus Kitty tried to get him to play with Lockheed, and they ended up burning down our kitchen.
Atticus: Then Alison and Jubilee turned up and "fun aunt"-ed their way into incting an ice-cream riot.
Illyana: They got "caught up in the moment".
Atticus: The only room they haven't trashed is our bedroom and-
A desk flies out of the window behind them
Atticus: C'mon...
Laura: So they trashed your whole house?
Laura: That's my hell raiser! I'm so impressed.
Illyana: (cheery) Right? I'm so proud of them.
Atticus: X-Force is paying for repairs, by the way.
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wan be talied within an inct of my life plesa, sowmone fugkt me
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suddenlyboyz · 2 years
3rd AL「ナチュラル・ボーン」リリース決定。
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2.Are you ready?
5.The model
mv: https://youtu.be/lxGljclEdGg
ABCマート×アンダーアーマー「青春は、一度きり」CM 挿入歌
■突然少年 are
Gt.Vo 大武茜一郎
四ッ橋 LM studio
応援コメント: ナチュラルボーンということで、弱肉強食と生きる喜びと笑顔そんなかんじです。
Hinako Nagai
犬の涙 HP
3rd Albumは基本的に流通通さず
ライブ会場、又は犬の涙onlineにて購入可能。全国の友だち知り合いのレコード店、雑貨屋、展示スペース、飲食店にも順次置いてもらいます。連絡頂ければあなたの街にも是非CD置かせてくださいっ!3rd Albumサブスクリリースは来たる2023年 4th Albumリリース時に解禁予定。
思春期に音楽にのめり込み恋に青春、暴力的な感情まで全てバンドと共に過ごす。CDやレコード、本を買っては常に自分の知らない事を知りたくて気付けば机の上は余白なし。飲み物は楽器。2012年中野区の高校の軽音楽部のバンドを組めなかった余り物で結成。結成以降どんどん音楽にのめり込み時に呪われ2017年以降は全国各地120本以上のライブを繰り広げ各土地に伝わる洗礼された土着的音楽、風習を肌で摂津し生きる面白さを享受する。2020年から現在世界を斡旋するパンデミックを体感しバンドとは何か?と初心に帰るべくバンド名を一時的に『初恋』に改名。一方では近所に友人だった篠原賢が引っ越してくる。皆とよく遊ぶようになる。家族や友だち、仕事上司から助けられて2022年6月バンドに篠原賢をドラマーとして迎え突然少年を再開。右葉曲折この度10月30日に3rd Album「ナチュラル・ボーン」を満を持して自主レーベル「犬の涙」からリリース。悩んでもがいて産まれた日々の結晶がなんとも眩しいバンド史上の傑作が出来上がった
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anachronisims · 2 years
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Junia:  [exaggeratedly loud]  “I thought we’d taught him how to walk?  In fact, I dist-inct-ly remember doing it myself.”
Gandu:  “Guess not.  If Nehri knew how to walk, he’d be here by now.  So it stands to reason...”
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Nehorai:  “I’m here, I’m here.  I can walk just fine, Mom.”
Junia:  “So you can!  Would you look at that!”
Nehorai:  “Mooooooommmmmmm!”
Junia:  “Oh, calm down, Nehri, we’re only joking around.  Come on, have a seat.  Your fishie’s getting cold.”
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lllilyofthevallley · 14 days
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escritorasms · 2 months
Claudia Delboni
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Concluiu seu trabalho bacharelado e licenciatura em História pela Universidade de São Paulo em 1996 e 1997 iniciou sua trajetória como docente na rede particular e pública estadual de ensino do estado de São Paulo. Em 2008 se mudou para o Mato Grosso do Sul, onde começou a lecionar no curso de História da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Em 2017, concluiu o seu doutorado em História no Programa de Pós Graduação de História da Universidade Federal da Grandes Dourados (UFGD), cujo trabalho de pesquisa foi vencedor do Prêmio Elizabeth, organizado pelo INCT Proprietas, financiado pelo CNPq, CAPES e FAPER. Atualmente leciona na rede pública do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul.
Onde encontrar resenha de seu trabalho:
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ocombatenterondonia · 3 months
Desinformação: Fiocruz e UFF lançam guia para profissionais de Saúde
O guia Desinformação sobre saúde: vamos enfrentar esse problema, voltado para profissionais de saúde, foi lançado por um consórcio de pesquisadores da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) e de três Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia – Comunicação Pública da Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT-CPCT), Estudos Comparados em Administração de Conflitos…
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ambientalmercantil · 4 months
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moechies · 7 months
tw dark content inct, infantilization, mental/physical abuse, weight mention, coercion, cutting, branding, nsfw but not really in detail, creampie mention, vv abusive
anon says..! naoya-nii who just keeps you like a pet.. not letting you dress urself , feeding you with a spoon , maybe even a bottle. He probably goes far as taking privileges like phones if you've been bad ,, ‘
naoya nii who never had to make your guys relationship dynamic clear. you were just such a good girl, and you would never go out of your way to deny or question your nii chan. well, after you tried to the first time. though sometimes he frustrated you, or confused you, it seemed that his light kisses to your tears and the way he soothes over your bruises made it all go away. ♡︎
first, you were never allowed to dress yourself. looking into your own closet earned you a slap on the wrists, and going as far as to trying on the clothes earned you a spanking. the first time you tried, it caused naoya nii to stay angry at you for days, offended that you thought he wasn’t taking care of you enough.
never ask him to wear somethin different. the last time you decided to ask to wear something less revealing, you were left lonely and cold in the room below his feet, bruises and cuts over the soft of your skin, with your cheeks red and burning.
naoya loved to dress you up in the prettiest, most expensive pieces. the pieces hugged around the curve of your body perfectly, flattering you in the best way. which isn't surprising, as he takes your measurements everyday in the morning when he changed you. his comments on your body always made you feel fuzzy, no matter what he said, 'need ta cut down on the sweets, ya gained some weight. i'll notice the servant.' 'yer tits are fatter, you sore?' the pieces were strangely small though, always showing an embarrassing amount of cleavage or ass that you didn’t really want to expose to naoya. however, it’s nothing he hasn’t seen right?
secondly, naoya-nii always feeds you. his job was handy, and allowed him to stay home with her precious sister, giving him all the time in the world to take care of you. naoya nii was always so patient and sweet, taking his time to bribe you when you were made to eat something you weren't so fond of. if you were upset and refusing the spoons of food, he would stick the entirety of his thumb into your mouth and gently place the food on the flat of your tongue! he never wanted you to be hungry!
however when you had mustered up the courage to ask to feed yourself, to your surprise he glanced up at you with a smile on his face and an enthusiastic 'yeah.' before the spoon had reached your opening, a subconcious slap comes down on your face and the spoon, knocking it over on the ground. naoya nii smashed the bowl of food he had held onto on the ground as well, breaking the bowl, leaving you there to cry on a stool whilst holding your cheek until you came running to him and yelling out apologies.
and last, your punishments <3 naoya nii was really the worst with punishments. he was the meanest, and never let you go regardless of the tears, and how his ears rung from your pained screams. over the years, he decided that the best ways to tame you were to hit you, and to fuck you.
naoya nii's abuse was never gentle. the paddles that came down on your back and down to your thighs always left you in shambles, leaving your mind empty with naoya nii in thought. the paddles caused cuts across your skin, eyeing down the beading blood that came from his hitting. and though it wasn't often, at times he would use an actual blade to teach you a lesson. whether it be carving degrading words onto your tits and thighs, or carving his name onto the fat of your ass and branding you!
and finally, naoya nii loved to have sex with you <3 though naoya never took his time to prep you that well, he always made sure it felt good. well, good enough. he loves to have you on your hands and knees, spreading your previously branded ass, listening to your sweet cries of his name. your slick dripped from your cunt, practically asking for nii nii to use you! :( he always made out with your slicked up cunt, which was the furthest that foreplay went to in terms of sex. after cumming in you, instead of watching it spill out and going to waste, he plugged you up with the prettiest of plugs, and tucked you into bed. however, you’re never allowed to cum. :( naoya nii just never allowed you to; after all, little girls don't do that. ♡︎
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pqsamuelmurgelbranco · 7 months
Novo por aqui? Bem-vindo!
O nosso blog foi criado para divulgar a comunidade biológica estabelecida no Parque Samuel Murgel Branco, aproximando-a da população e permitindo o diálogo entre pesquisadoras¹ e quem quer que esteja interessado nesse espaço verde tão interessante e diverso!
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Na aba "Posts" estão textos curtos, fotos, vídeos e outras curiosidades sobre o Parque e arredores.
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1 - Bárbara Ibelli, Júlia Scanavachi e Paula Gória são alunas do Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, e estão desenvolvendo o blog sob a supervisão da professora Dr. Angélica Maria Penteado Martins Dias, do Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva - DEBE - UFSCar. A iniciativa faz parte de projeto desenvolvido no INCT - HYMPAR (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia dos Hymenoptera Parasitoides da Região Sudeste), com auxílio financeiro do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).
Todas as imagens não creditadas são de nossa própria autoria.
Se preferir, pode entrar em contato por email: [email protected]
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golden-earcuffs · 1 year
Lhkkr yhk fr wbltiixtktgvx,uxxg t ubm unlr , bm'l zhggt ux fr ytmaxk'l ybklm wxtma tggboxkltkr lh ietggbgz yhk inct bg ahfx . lh matm'l max mabgz
Gr qrw vdb vruub. L dp qrw dw doo hqwlwohg wr brxu suhvhqfh, qr pdwwhu krz pxfk judwhixo L dp iru lw. Hyhubrqh kdv wklqjv jrlqj rq, dqg vr gr brx. Lw lv ilqh.
Pb frqgrohqfhv.
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rojgarbharat · 1 year
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sarkarijobsresult · 1 year
Indian Navy Chargeman Recruitment 2023: Notification Release for 372 Posts Apply Now !
The position of INCT Chargeman is a technical one in the Indian Navy. This person is in charge of the technical parts of the Navy's tools and machinery. The chosen candidates will be in charge of making sure these systems work well and will work closely with Navy staff to make sure that the equipment is always in good shape.
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ambitiousbaba · 1 year
Indian Navy Recruitment 2023
Indian Navy Recruitment 2023 : 372 Post for Civilian Entrance Test INCT Of Chargeman-II Indian Navy has released the notification for the recruitment of for the Post of Civilian Entrance Test INCT Of Chargeman-II with 372 Vacancies. Candidates can check the eligibility criteria from the official notification and apply Online Between 15 May 2023 to 29 May 2023. Here we are providing the detailed…
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topclassresult · 1 year
Indian Navy Recruitment 2023 for the post of Chargeman. Interested candidates can Register for  Indian Naval Civilian Entrance Test 2023 Recruitment of Chargeman-II. Join Indian Navy with this opportunity. 
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