#IN ANY CASE.... EP 3 OF AtR TIME !!!!!!!!!
nonamemon · 7 years
Ace attorney and fnaf!
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
ace attorney:
Character I first fell in love with:
OOF this takes me back. i remember one of my old friends (and probably my first fp whoops) first introducing me to the game?? and at the time i was uh// the worst and obsessed over the per/so/na games, especially the character t/ed/di/e, who has a similar hairstyle to ph/oen/ix ;;;; so uh. yeah. weirdly my first beloved character was one i wound up identifying with, whoops
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
this is a toughie. uhhh when i first started watching playthroughs of the game (which is how i got into games most of the time) i think i was never a big fan of edg/ewo/rth??? and while he’s not really my Absolute Fave, i think he’s a good character and like him way more than i used to
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
uMM,,, i don’t really know how opinions in this fandom are?? OH but i’ve seen a lot of people who love dar/yan…aaand i don’t really like him at all. i just don’t really see his appeal tbh??? but that’s happened a lot with me before with really popular characters uvu;;
Character I love but everyone else hates:
UHHH… jeez who do people hate. i think people kinda hate the circus episode in jfa (or i got that impression after watching pbnt play it??)  so uhh. regina in that ep is my wife, and i really like ben & trilo, aaand acro & bat. does that count??? UHH i don’t know peoples’ opinions on dahli/a or g/od/ot or iri/s either but i think i’ve seen hate for ir/is in the past before too so uh. those 3 too?? do people hate so/l sta/r/buc/k? bc he’s great too!!!
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
uH ,,,, i don’t have one????
Character I would kiss:
i’m including platonic kisses too!! apo/llo jus/tice (ok hand). also d/ahlia and i/ris. and g/od/ot. also o/lga or/ly, and vio/la cada/veri/ni. and w/i/ll po/wers//
Character I want to slap:
uhHH. if anybody, win/ston pa/yne?????
A pairing I love:
c/la/y & ap/ol/lo !!! that one’s my fave but i also really like athe/na & jun/iper, pho/enix & apo/l/lo, and c/la/y & sta/rbuc/k!!!
A pairing I hate:
oof uhhh??? i used to not like pho/eni/x & ed/gewo/rth but now i think it’s okay// i don’t really have any notps i guess??
Character I first fell in love with:
fox/y !!!!! fo/xy was the first anima/tronic that i got really attached to!!
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
uHH /// probably wil/lia/m af/to/n,,,,, who couldn’t hate a guy like him? but then i really really fell for a couple of people’s interpretations of him (especially @pretendersart ‘s!!!)! in my canons he was never just/. purely a villain. we were friends in both of them at one point or another,! i still condemn his actions n all, of course. i’d never excuse what he did regardless of how much i like him.
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
uHH???? i don’t think i have one of these?? every single fn/af character is super duper important to me uvu;;
Character I love but everyone else hates:
i’ve heard about people hating t/oy bon/nie, to/y fre/ddy, and even fre/ddy himself?? but i love all of them !!!!
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
again, i don’t really have hated characters in this fandom –
Character I would kiss:
sweats// i’m including platonic kisses so: m/ik/e sch/midt, wil/lia/m af/ton, jer/emy fitz/g/erald, all the ani/mat/ronics (PLATONICALLY just in case that one isn’t obvious)
Character I want to slap:
oof, probably wil/lia/m a/fto/n too, whoops – never had the guts to do it in canon!!
A pairing I love:
bon/nie & ch/ica has always been a good one imo!!! the entire band is a really good platonic ship too! aaand i’ve always really liked ph/one g/uy & m/ik/e sch/midt bc im gay ,,, i used to be really against pu/rp/le gu/y & ph/one gu/y as a pairing (due to one person’s au which. was pretty awful even though it was popular) but now i’ve sorta,,, warmed up to it,,,, i don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. i blame @pretendersart.
A pairing I hate:
probably any human with the anim/atr/onics??? that’s probably a given tho jdfkg
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