ask-roma · 5 years
romano i love u so much i dont know how its possible to love someone so much
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djpurple3 · 3 years
Logicality textfic/chatfic - summary :its 2am and patton drunktexts logan. Their communication has very different vibes but Logan is a good.friend :) nice and short but under a cut anyway :)
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Patton: i literallt love ubsm
Logan: ...Patton are you okay
Patton: yes im ok!!!!!! I lobe u!!
Patton: *love u
Logan: ...
Logan: are you drunk? Or do you normally do this at 2am?
Logan: normally your spelling isn't so bad.
Patton: thammbu!!!!! I think!!!
Logan: literally what
Patton: thank u*
Logan: i see
Patton: im sorry
Logan: ?
Logan: no need for apologies
Patton: i just like tlakng to u ;_; i feel like we havemt rly talked lately!!
Patton: so sorru
Patton* sory
Patton: **zporry
Patton: fuck
Logan: you must be drunk!
Patton: so what if i am
Patton: im well in my right or whVeter
Patton: whgevr
Patton: you know what i mean
Logan: i do.
Logan: ...
Logan: you okay?
Patton: im kinda sad
Patton: i mean the alcohol makes it kjnda vetter kinda worse
Patton: i only had like
Patton: sevem
Logan: seven.
Patton: im fine
Logan: just make sure you drink water, ok?
Patton: i am
Patton: got a water bottle
Patton: [Patton sent a photo]
Logan: it is too dark for me to see anything, but i'll trust you
Patton: hskdhajshsha
Patton: ur so funny
Patton: i lovr u
Patton: ur a very good firnd and i love u sm. Ijope u kknow thT
Patton: oh my vod i cant type im so sorry
Logan: patton perhaps you should sleep. Perrhaps we both should.
Patton: perhaps...
Patton: not until ubsay ily2
Patton: ...
Patton: if u wnt to
Patton: *want
Logan: ...ily2?
Patton: it means
Patton: i love you too
Logan: oh
Patton: osrry i was being studpid
Patton: gnight logan
Logan: patton
Patton: yez
Patton: * yes?
Logan: ily2
Patton: !!!!!!!!
Patton: u have no idea how happy uve made me
Logan: hahaha
Logan: if it helps you feel better and help you get to sleep, then certainly
Patton: ......is that the only reason ubsaid it???
Logan: ...
Logan: i also deeply value you as both friend and family
Patton: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Patton: im literally gonn cry!!!!
Logan: oh no
Patton: good tears!!!!! Ilyzm!!!!!
Patton: sm*
Patton: so much
Logan: ah i see
Logan: you too
Logan: but im serious we should sleep
Patton: :P ok
Patton: gnight logan
Logan: gn patton.
Patton: sleep well!!!!!!
Logan: u2 :^)
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