Hi, I’m really sorry to bother you but I kind of felt obligated to let you know about the issue at hand – I hope nothing I say comes off poorly. I’d like if this could be answered privately, if you will answer in the first place — I understand if you don’t. I can really only send an ask through here rather than a DM on your main account due to being blocked on your other account and not wanting to bother more than needs be.
I’m Mori, my side blog is @/Flokali, which is the one I signed off as when writing the forum for the event this blog is hosting, but this one, @/Vynri is my main. I noticed I (on this account) was blocked on your main accounts (your personal and fandom accounts) and felt like I needed to point it out - mostly out of respect towards you and not wanting you to unknowingly continue interacting with me through another blog. Since I’m the same person behind these two, I felt like it would be unfair of me and deceitful not to inform you of this.
I’m not really aware what caused you to block me and I in no way want to make you feel pressured to tell me so, regardless, I respect your decision and wholeheartedly wish to adhere to the boundaries you have set. Since I don’t know if it was the content I reblogged or the way I conducted myself, I feel like it’s best to communicate with you so you can make whatever decision you feel is appropriate.
Regardless of why it is you blocked me, I want to apologise if my behaviour may have been upsetting to you.
I don’t want to draw this message out longer than necessary but I don’t want to come off as rude or annoying; I admire your work tremendously but understand if you don’t want me interacting with it, and yourself by extension, any longer. Again, there’s no malice in my words nor ill will behind this message.
If you wish to remove Flokali and myself from the event, I understand wholeheartedly. Regardless of what you decide to do, I hope I don’t come off badly – I do not wish to make you uncomfortable or overstep any boundaries which is why I reached out. I respect your decision.
Due to everything I’ve said, I hope you understand why I’ll unfollow the blog; it’s mainly out of not wanting to cause any further issue or misunderstandings and not wanting to overstep.
This message might not make too much sense, I’m writing at 1 in the morning since I just found out and wish to communicate this as quickly as possible so as to not cause any issue down the road. I apologise for anything that may have been upsetting that I have done/said or if this message is overstepping any limit of yours.
Again, I just found out about being blocked – I’m sorry for not reaching out sooner, but this is mainly so you know that it’s me behind both accounts so you can decide if you want to continue interacting with my content on @/Flokali or not, regardless of what you decide, I respect your decision. This isn’t because I’m mad or trying to start drama, I may be misunderstanding or misspeaking — I don’t have too much time to reread the message, it’s mostly out of concern for your boundaries and wanting to respect your feelings.
IT'S NOT INTENTIONAL I PROMISE!!! i was blocking people I didn't saw had an age indicator and you must've accidentally been blocked I am so sorry ahsdynijsadmwefd oh no I am SO SORRY-
IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL OH MY GOD MY BAD ;;;;_________;;;;!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit sadhghuinjsad. I'm rather new at blocking people since in my old yandere blog I don't block even if the user doesn't have a prof pic and what not orz, so I'm doing my best to make it certain this one is MDNI. omg flokali I know your works I am SO SO SORRY omg i dont even know what to say-
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