trinitywc · 7 months
I binged your two stories and I am distraught, delighted, and theorizing. I need more time to collect my thoughts but, here, have a Pinefrost - it's tough to be a nuclear kitty.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful and visceral adventure.
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SHE LOOKS SO GOOD!! She needs a good dinner and a brush tho!!! Im so glad you enjoyed the story and cant wait to hear any thoughts you had!!!
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bueckerrss · 6 months
si no le contesto - s. golbach
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sam x latina ! reader
warnings: cursing in spanish, arguing, drinking. use of pet names.
translations will be provided
7 missed calls from mi amor
incoming call mi amor
answer decline
1 new voice message!
play delete
“samuel si no contestas ahora mismo ni siquiera pienses en volver a casa, me estas estresando!”
“Samuel, if you don't answer right now, don't even think about coming home, you're stressing me out!”
6 voice messages remaining
play all delete all
“sam, don't forget to pick up the advil before you get home”
“hey sam, i know you're busy but i wanted to let you know that i just finished the report and that probably when you get home i'll be sleeping be careful ok? i love you”
“sam, i'm getting worried answer your phone”
“samuel, enserio ya deja de jugar y contesta tu telefono”
“samuel, seriously, stop playing and answer your phone”
“oye, sam, ya vente a casa, ya es tarde”
“hey, sam, come home, it's already late”
“samuel contesta tu pinche telefono ahora mismo, que estas haciendo?”
“samuel, answer your fucking phone right now, what are you doing?”
the girl paced back and forth in the living room constantly looking at her phone hoping to see at least a message from her boyfriend but nothing.
samgolbach added to their story.
the girl clicked on the notification slightly sick to her stomach that not once did she get a call back from him but he posts on his story like he was not ignoring her calls a few seconds ago.
instagram opened up to the boys story, it was him at a party the flash from the phones camera being the only source of light shining in the boys face as he held a tequila shot towards the camera before shooting it down his throat making a face as the liquid made its way down.
“he could post but not answer my calls or messages? just great.” she thought. as she was analyzing the video it skipped to the next story colby’s story it was a video some what similars to sam’s but sam was in the background talking to a girl but not just any girl his ex.
they were laughing and drinking together before she grabs his hand and starts taking him upstairs that’s when the video cuts off.
not only did he not answer her calls but now he was cheating on her “wait no sam could never cheat on me he’s not the type” she thought as she sat down on the couch “or is he? no don’t doubt that he’s an amazing boyfriend he would never cheat on me” her thoughts raced as she tried to distract herself.
“think about what they could be doing right now, how hes probably doing everything he does to you” the thoughts had her head spinning.
she couldn’t have these thoughts not at this moment. she made her way into her room deciding to just sleep these thoughts away.
after a few minutes of tossing and turning to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in the girl was finally tired enough to let sleep take over.
the low creek of the door opening and closing shuffling and the feeling of the bed sinking behind her woke her up she knew it was him the smell of alcohol and perfume not just any perfume a cheap knock off of her favorite perfume filled her nostrils
“hey honey” spoke sam as he placed his hand on her waist “how was your night did you finish that report for work?” he didnt listen to the voice messages
“si, ya lo terminé trajiste el advil que te pedí?” “no, im sorry babe i forgot” liar “oh really?” she asked not looking at him “yea, the meeting lasted longer than i expected” “is that so?” she sarcastically replied grabbing her phone and heading to her instagram and opening it to his story “because according to you and colby’s stories you were at a party” she showed him the video as she pushed him off her to get up.
“yes, i already finished it, did you bring the advil i asked for?”
“what?” his voice slightly lowered “yea, i saw them didn’t think about restricting me first before posting did you? oh and don’t get me started on the fact that you were talking with your ex in colby’s video or the fact that she took you upstairs”
“babe, that’s not true we didn’t go upstairs” he replied as he got out of the bed “don’t try to lie your way out of this! i saw the video and it clearly shows that you two went upstairs!” she argued.
“y/n, please you know i would never do anything to hurt you!” he exclaimed as he slowly walked towards her “no sam, aver donde te vas a dormir porque aquí en mi casa ni te quiero ver”
“no sam, see where you're going to sleep because here at my house I don't even want to see you”
“what y/n you can’t be serious it’s four in the fucking morning!” “ni modo mi amor hubieras pensado en eso antes de llegar a estas horas oliendo a alcohol y perfume barato” she said as she pushed him out of her apartment closing the door in his face and locking it.
“too bad my love, you should’ve thought about that before arriving at this time smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume”
mi güero <3
babe i’m so sorry i couldn’t make home last night my flight got delayed and i had no service at all
baby? are you mad at me? i’m sorry for not responding sooner or answering your calls you know if i could i would have please don’t be mad at me.
wait you’re probably still sleeping you most likely finished that report so late last night
yup, you did those voice messages you left i’m sorry i couldn’t answer but i’m already in my uber i have the advil and i’m bringing you your favorite breakfast from your favorite restaurant:)
as sam got off the uber making his way into his girlfriends apartment trying to balance the coffee with the breakfast bag his luggage and his phone he carefully unlocked the door making his way inside.
“y/n, honey it’s time to wake up” he whispered softly shaking the girl awake “huh?” she responded standing up and rubbing her eyes “goodmorning beautiful, go wash up while i go get your food from the kitchen” he smiled as he looked at her lovingly “sam?” “yes baby?” he asked turning to meet her eyes “what are you doing here?” she asked “what do you mean what am i doing here i live here silly” he laughed slightly “wait what” she whispered looking around.
“are you alright babe?” he asked worried going back to kneel down next to her “si estoy bien solo un poco confundida” “why, are you confused love?” he asked looking at her confused written all over her face “weren’t you at a party last night?” she mumbled confused “a party? no i was stuck at the airport in australia last night” he replied pulling out his phone to show her the pictures of him goofy around at the airport with colby.
“that’s weird never mind i think i just had a bad dream” she explained getting up to go get washed up in the bathroom.
i must’ve been dreaming because sam was clearly stuck at the airport with no signal. the things my brain comes up with when he doesn’t answer me.
this is probably shit but i’ve been super busy with practices and school but i’m on break so imma try to grind and get some stuff i’ve been working on out anyway hope you enjoyed this :)
🏷️: @sturniolobendystrawsposts @hearts4chris @patscorner @lexisecretaccx @tubl-mc @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloblogs @sturniolos-blog
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lovingmayday · 1 year
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warnings : fluff, cursing, innacurate-ish depictions of hobie's speech
notes : hobie is about 16-17 here (and so is the pov). halfway writing this, im overwhelmed by how much of an extrovert hobie actually is 😭 btw, i know nothing of classical music concerts so beware! all of this just because i wanted to write hobie sneaking in your window but i didnt even get to fit it in 😭😭
Two words that you've used as an excuse and an apology when you couldn't join your friends at house parties, when a classmate asks you out, or when your phone notifications go crazy because you still weren't home at 5 PM — it was a tiring cycle.
You know they were simply looking out for you but you can't help but feel overwhelmed and exhausted for always being monitored and left out. You couldn't possibly ask your peers to adjust to your parents' standards, you thought it shameless because they already had a hard time with your folks reaching out and interrogating them about your school and social life.
With so much of your life being tracked by them, you deserve at least one thing in your control, right?
Hobie Brown, the school troublemaker. Skips class, vandalizes school property, and actively participates in movements against authority. Frankly, he just does whatever he wants. And he had your respect (+ jealousy). It must've been nice to be so free.
You and Hobie were never given the chance to befriend each other before — you had some classes together but he rarely ever showed up to any of them. You had no reason to approach him and vice versa.
Until, Wednesday — your cello performance. God, you don't know why you insisted to your parents you could handle commuting to the concert venue on your own with the heavy as fuck cello slung around your torso. You had your book bag with you as well because you had just finished school. The bus stop was a few more blocks away but you were tired.
You weren't paying much attention to your surroundings, busy focusing on your aching shoulder. So once you saw the pedestrian lane green signal, you didn't think twice before walking, failing to notice the bicycle riding full speed to your direction. Your eyes widen when a strong force pulled you back, making you stumble a bit and see the bike dart just in front of you.
"Aye, watch it!" you hear the cyclist exclaim.
You back was leaning against the tall figure, looking up to see a familiar face. You regain your balance and face him — Hobie Brown, the boy that just saved your life. "I-It was green– green meant it was safe to walk... I should've looked first, 'm sorry," you say quietly.
"Nah yeah, it's straight. He was the arse," he replies, hands in his pockets. "Dunno where he got the audacity to tell you off when he was in the wrong. Don't worry abou' it." He gives you a reassuring smile, noticing your still dazed expression.
"Thank you, Hobie," you say, a small polite smile on your lips.
He smiles back and nods, "'Twas nothin'." His eyes hover on the unignorable instrument case you were carrying. "Ya headed somewhere?"
"Uhh, yeah," you say, watching the pedestrian stop light turn red again and pouting a bit. You probably won't be late to the performance but you'd miss most of final rehearsal. "Nueva Hall. I have a cello performance in a bit."
"Nueva Hall.. That fuckin' massive, fancy lookin' museum along 5th Ave?" he asks, his eyebrows rising a bit from amazement. "Didn't know you were a big shot musician. Let me get for ya, then." He swings the case from your torso and starts walking across the street before you could protest.
"Hey!" you exclaim, running after him, dodging the other pedestrians walking past you.
"It's a bit distant from here, innit? Let me take you there, I got time. Wouldn't want you to croak before the big show," he jests, turning around and walking backwards. "If it's fine with you, [Name], of course."
You weren't too keen on traveling alone; you only did so so that your parents would think you were independent enough. You consider it for a few moments. "Are you sure I wouldn't be bothering you with this?"
"'Course not. 'Was the one who suggested, wasn't I?" He smirks before turning back around to walk properly and you catch up to his side. "What're you playin'?"
"Tchaikovsky, Rococo Variation. It's a cello and orchestra performance and I got to play cello," you say excitedly. "You're in a band, right? It's like a lead singer but cello!"
He smiles softly at your energy, feeling his cheeks warm up a bit. "How'd you know I was in a band?" he asks almost teasingly.
"I walked by one of your public concerts with my family. I would've stayed if my parents let me," you answer with a small laugh. "You were amazing, by the way."
"Thanks, mate. You're probably not too bad yourself," he says, chuckling as you playfully hit his shoulder.
It was safe to say you hit it off well, which was surprising since you didn't think you would. You thought your personalities would clash, you being at the quieter side while Hobie, you could hear his ruckus from another dimension (and there was a tiny part of you that was intimidated at him, at first).
You arrived at the venue earlier than expected — still late to rehearsals but not by much. "Hey, thanks again. I really appreciate it," you say to him just outside the concert hall doors.
He handed you your cello and waved off your thank you. "It was a pleasure," he teases and you roll your eyes. "Break a leg, [Name]." You thank him once again before he turns around to leave.
Seeing him walk away gave you an unfamiliar ache in your chest. After a much needed self-courage-boost, you let out a soft but loud enough "Wait." for him to hear. He turns around with a small smile and raises an eyebrow, silently asking you to go on. You wet your lips before taking a deep breathe. "Do you want to stay for the show?"
His smile widens, a handsome grin reaching ear to ear. "Finally. 've been waitin' the entire trip for that offer." He laughs and jogs back to you.
He sits at the back row. When he entered the room, he got a few stares and hushed whispers from the other audiences but he couldn't care less, his attention was unwaveringly stuck on you. It was just rehearsals but it overwhelmed Hobie to think about how you'd do in the real thing. He was entranced by you the entire time. The movement of your bow and the emotions you protrayed. It was magnetic.
Once practice was over, the musicians left the stage for a bit as audiences started to pour in. With guests on the older side with more formal attires, it was so obvious that he was out of place.
Meanwhile, you were panicking a bit because after you got changed out of your school uniform, you neared the stage's curtains to check up on Hobie. Your mouth gapes when you see him sat at the back row, almost directly behind your parents. Your parents! You forgot about your parents!! How did you forget about your parents??! They'd go crazy once they knew that you had invited this boy to your performance — you never invite your friends, let alone anybody, to watch your performances.
The second it was time for the musicians to come on stage, Hobie's head rises from his phone and looks for your figure immediately, smiling once he notices your wardrobe change. It was a simple long-sleeve black dress but it was pretty on you. Hobie thought so.
Your take deep breathes to calm your nerves before situating the cello between your thighs. You wait for the violins, the flutes, and the organ to start playing the intro before propping up the cello's bow. With your head held high, you play the first few notes — the position of your hands finding its own way around the fingerboard like muscle memory.
The music closes to an end, claps and praises erupt the venue. You smile and stand to find Hobie. He was already making his way to you. You leave the cello leaning safely on your chair as you scurry to the stairs of the sides of the stage.
"Hobie!" you greet as you reached him. "How did I do? Was I rushing? What'd you think of it?" you ask, rambling almost. If Spiderpunk gets his adrenaline from his fights, you get it from instances that make your heart feel like its about to burst into a million burnt pieces of flesh in your chest.
He smiles back at you, amused. He's never seen this side of you before. He's never seen anything of you other than your surface-level calmness and pliance. "'ts not usually my thing but I know to appreciate talent. Credit when credit is due and all tha' and, luv, you absolutely smashed it!" he exclaims as quietly as exclaiming can allow, placing both hands on you shoulders and shaking them.
"Thanks," you giggle out, placing your hands on his arm. From the corner of your peripheral vision, you notice your parents on their way to you, confused looks on their faces. Your smile falters as you gently loosen Hobie's hold on you, the adrenaline slowly dying down.
"[Name], amazing as always," your mother says, holding your hand in hers' and caressing your cheek with the other. "Who's your friend?" she quickly asks. Her judgmental eyes scan his appearance from head to toe, attempting to hide her expression with a faux smile.
Hobie was about to introduce himself when you cut him off. "–He's a classmate, Hobie Brown." You look into his eyes apologizing and almost pleading to him to go along with whatever you were about to say. "He came here by pure coincidence, could you believe that?!"
"Yeah, a friend gave me an invitation," he follows up seamlessly, a polite smile on his lips. "'Didn't know your daugh'er was performin'."
"Well, it's a nice surprise, isn't it?" you mother says, pulling you to her side.
Your father had yet to contribute to the conversation so you checked up on hi.. He was glaring at Hobie so harshly you could see burn marks starting to appear on his forehead. "Did you enjoy the show?" he finally asks, tone almost threatening.
Your cheeks start to flush in embarrassment. It wasn't uncommon for your parents to ask about the boys you talk to but it never felt any less humiliating every time it happens. You see each and every one of them get uncomfortable and you couldn't do anything to stop them because they'd think you were hiding something.
"Yeah, I enjoyed [Name]'s performance a lot. You must be very proud of her, Mr. [Last Name]," Hobie answers. You've talked to him long enough to notice the slight teasing in his voice. He smirks at you which makes your father's hands turn into fists.
"Honey," you mother calls, "We'll be late for our dinner reservation. It was really nice to meet you, Hobie, but we have to go." Her smile was still plastered across her face, you wonder why her cheeks hasn't hurt yet. She tells you to collect your stuff and you do so quickly. You bid Hobie an apologetic goodbye before you leave.
On the car to the restaurant, you were given the 'no boyfriends' talk again. You tried to respond with 'mhmm's and 'uh-huh's here and there but you weren't listening to a thing — having heard them repeat the same points many times before. You wondered how to approach Hobie the next day, thinking of stuff to say, how to bring it up, and how to act once he says he doesn't want to get involved with you anymore. It was a shame since you really enjoyed his company.
You wished that Hobie went to school the next day and he did, surprisingly. After classes, you catch up to him leaving the building to speak to him.
You were supposed to explain to him the situation but it seemed he was already up to pace and accepting. "The things is," you pause for a bit, "I really liked hanging out with you.." you confess.
"Hey, wait up!" you yell, running to reach him before he got too far. He paused in his tracks, hands in his vest pockets as he watches you catch your breath. "About yesterday..–"
"Nah, I get it," he interrupts you. "Strict parents and shit. It's cool if your folks don't want you hanging out with me anymore. It sucks but I get it." He was disappointed but chill about the entire thing which made your heart sink. You really didn't want to stop seeing him again. You wondered if he felt the same.
A small gentle smile stretches his lips. "I really liked hanging out with you, too. A lot. Best time I've had in a while, honestly."
You contemplate on what to say next — whether to let them out or not. You mouth gapes open, waiting on your next words. You were about to give him an apology but seeing his eyes, hearing that he liked your company maybe as much as you did, it made the decision so much more difficult. ..Fuck it. "I'd like to continue spending time with you.. even if it meant disobeying my parents. If it's alright with you, of course." You feel your ears heat up as you look down, scared of what the other's reaction might be.
It was rather obvious that Hobie didn't expect it, his eyes widening by a fraction. A big smirk appears on his face as he leans down to catch your eyes. "'Must've left quite the impression on you, huh?" he teases. He watches your eyes roll as you playfully shove his shoulder. "Well, I do love a good rebellion."
"It's not a rebellion."
"It's painfully close then, isn't it?"
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ador3him · 2 years
hello ! i want to request a quackity x reader imagine. anyways , it starts with reader, quackity and quackity’s friends all playing a game together something like amongus. throughout the game reader is ignored and spoken over by everybody including quackity (not meaning to of course), reader starts to feel sad and feels like they are being annoying, chat notices, reader decides to end stream, lies and says they are going to sleep. After the game ends quackity goes on twt and sees the reader’s name trending, he decides to click through it and sees a “compilation video” of reader being ignored throughout the game and everybody talking about it. Quackity realizes his mistake and pays the reader a visit. You can add/change stuff if you’d like!
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
requested: yes by anon
warnings: none i think
word count: 687
a/n: sorry this took awhile!! idek why it did i j didnt feel that inspired to write it until now, its such a good request im j lazy lol!!
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“Yooo! I literally told you Sapnap was imposter but no body fucking listens! No don’t listen to Tubbo!” Tubbo yells into his microphone. Sapnap is laughing as the ‘DEFEAT’ animation shows up on everyone’s screen apart from his.
“I died you guys didn’t avenge me. It was so obviously Sapnap what the fuck!” Karl groans through his head back faking frustration. Quackity and George are fighting with each other over who said Sapnap was the imposter (spoiler it was only Tubbo). Wilbur and Tommy are complaining that they got voted off for no reason and y/n is just sitting on stream their music playing in the background. No one talked to them through the whole round and the round before that and surprise the rounds before that. Of course, they could’ve talked to them first- oh wait they did! No one listened, just cut them off or plain ignored them and no they weren’t on mute.
They sigh knowing that if they continued to play, they would still be ignored. Ultimately, they decide to say their goodbyes to their stream while on mute before bracing themselves for the overwhelming ignorance that’s about to come to them.
“Hey guys I think I’m going to go now, I ended my stream it’s getting late where I am,” y/n tries to talk as loud as they can without it passing as yelling. A few protests slip through from Wilbur and Sapnap but other than that everyone said quiet and quick goodbyes. They click ‘Leave Call’ as all the pfp icons disappear from their screen they shut their PC down. Jumping into bed not bothering to change as they are in their sweatpants and a Quackity hoodie he sent to y/n as a birthday gift.
Their phone is on their side desk fully charged, they take it off charge and open Twitter. Notifications flood in, their name on trending and compilations of them from not only their stream but others as well of y/n being utterly ignored and talked over throughout the game. They throw their phone on the other side of the bed and turn over cuddling into a pillow drifting off to sleep.
Quackity is still streaming, he is in the middle of the game when his phone is blowing up from Twitter which the notifications are usually on silent apart from y/n’s. When they get tagged, replied to, or posts he gets a notification. He picks up his phone to look at the swarm of posts and clips of y/n being unnoticed in everyone’s streams. His heart sinks feeling so guilty, he was so caught up in his stream and fighting with George the whole stream that he didn’t even get to talk to y/n nor notice what was happening instead accidently encouraging it.
“Hey guys I think I might go can yall vote me off?” Quackity says when a body gets reported. Everyone protests saying how their stream would suck without only making him feel worse. “Please? I really need to go I forgot about this paper I have due.” Everyone obliges voting him off, he says goodbye to his stream and leaves the call.
He practically runs to his car and makes his way to y/n’s apartment. When he makes it there, he doesn’t bother texting them, he uses his key that they gave him for ‘Emergencies’ which was basically their way of asking him to come over more.
“y/n? mi amor?” He calls out from the living room as he makes his way to their bedroom, he carefully opens the door to see them sleeping. He blushes at the sight of y/n in his hoodie, he sits beside them gently brushing the hair off their face, they looked so relaxed and not at all sad which relieved him slightly. He took off his shoes and climbed into y/n’s bed beside them wrapping his arm around their waist.
“I am so sorry, mi amor,” Quackity whispers pressing a kiss onto the top of their head before hiding his face into the back of their neck, falling asleep hoping they will forgive him when they wake up.
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clovis-enthusiast · 8 months
Hi! What are your thoughts of a child of Aphrodite trying to pursue a relationship with Clovis? I feel like Clovis would be really shy/blushes profusely whenever he’s around them or whenever they try to make a move on him and he would try to deny it but will eventually accept it (also happy to find ur blog-made me more curious about Clovis!)
hi hi!! so sorry 4 the late reply, i hardly ever check my notifs if im not on my laptop T^T
im actually a HUGE fan of exploring clovis and aphrodite cabin dynamics!! i even ship mitchell, valentina, and drew with clovis (not all together ofc but as separate ships!) :D
ok ok so on one side we have a demigod whose godly parent is the literal embodiment of love and the other side we have a demigod whose parent is the literal embodiment of sleep; i think it's a very goofy and cute dynamic!!
here we have a demigod whose godly parent is LOVE thus making their life very motivated, inspired, and directed/guided by love (of all types!), and a kid who is lucky if he even knows what year it is. imagine being someone who has had so MUCH LOVE front and center in their life and being surrounded by half-siblings that share this trait with you and then you try to flirt with clovis 💀
since clovis seems to be very "go with the flow" and more in the dreamscape than reality at any given time, i think that would make it all the more difficult to even get him to even consider the possibility that flirting is what's going on let alone someone flirting with HIM. like he went through the trouble of showing nico the counselor meeting and didnt seem to notice that gee nico is rlly rlly focused on will weird. he's so relaxed and unbothered that detecting social cues or picking up on subtleties and viewing things as anything other than neutral demigod-to-demigod interactions just isn't something he particularly excels at. why would he need to? he's usually sleeping, so that sort of stuff doesn't concern him all that much because why would anyone be interested in him romantically much less flirt with him??? that doesn't make any sense??? so it's not so much him being unconfident or hard on himself as much as it is just his "logic."
that's how he regards his interactions with people in general... now once more: this is the APHRODITE cabin. they're generally nice, and even if it is flirting, aren't they all kinda flirty by nature? (not accurate in reality ik just bear with me here)
and for a while, DREW ran the cabin. the same drew who literally called clovis "repulsive" and seems to have some beef or just general dislike for him. with her being the head counselor (and even when she steps down, she's still an older camper with influence in her cabin) and thus being who clovis might immediately associate the cabin with due to interactions as a fellow head counselor, it seems unlikely that anyone from that cabin thinks that highly of him. and if they did, could it be a form of rebellion AGAINST drew and not actual general interest? or just some sort of cruel joke or even just the easy way out of that weird old aphrodite tradition?
i also headcanon clovis as just. Chill. Unbothered. Not Aware of Social Norms in general. he's the type to hug/lean on his friends lazily, cuddle with ppl he doesn't even know all that well at the campfire bc they're comfy, offer to share his bed with someone who is having nightmares, etc. just bc he has far less experience with actual human interaction as opposed to dreams where he can control them as he wishes. who is he to say someone isn't just being friendly/polite to him or thats just how ppl act?
that all being said though, people wanting/trying to keep him up long enough to talk to him, get to know him, or hang out with him as opposed to just to get some sleep, help with dreams/nightmares, or info on gods and whatnot, IS something unusual enough for him to notice. so when a nice, pretty aphrodite camper visits him and asks to go strawberry picking or sits by him at the campfire or asks him about HIS dreams or compliments him with no hint of malice/dishonesty in their voice, THAT can be enough to catch his attention. and THAT is when the ✨️confused flustering✨️ occurs.
this eepy boy is touch-starved, friend-starved, all KINDS of starved AND honestly just taken for granted/neglected when it comes to living in a camp full of adhd kiddos with demigodly powers so when someone whose godly parent is LOVE starts showing affection and attention to him? WOWIE UHHHH WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO????? and i think that's a lot of what gets him so flustered in such new, intense interactions: the whys? and what do i do's? and even the how does this make me feels? and do i really deserve this's? getting all worked up with that sort of stuff in ur head is gonna stress ya out and stress makes ya... well... exhausted. sleepy.
i think it would def take a LOT of time and patience when it comes to anyone pursuing a child of hypnos romantically, and i think the aphrodite cabin is just the right type of ppl to take on that challenge. being experts in all sorts of different forms of love whereas clovis is mostly only ever by himself in the land of make-believe so to speak, they're the perfect types of demigods to help clovis explore uncharted waters and be gentle and kind enough to not be too pushy to make him uncomfortable but just pushy enough to make sure he knows that hey, im being flirted with, that's something that can happen and i am worthy of having happen to me, and help him figure out his love languages (while also enjoying the cute reactions during this process uwu).
and when it comes to teasing/flustering, the possibilities for silly pet names ("dreamboat/dreamboy", "sleeping beauty", "bedhead" (affectionately), etc) and cheesy pick-up lines ("you must be tired from running through my dreams all night" "I've never met someone as cute as you; pinch me i must be dreaming" "aren't you the sweetest dream I've ever had", etc.) are endless and hilarious. whether or not he actually picks up on it or it goes whoooosh over his poor sleepy widdle head, at least it's entertaining.
and in the end, i doubt there are truly many other significant others who would be as gentle, comforting, comfortable, thoughtful, and soft all the way around as the gods' eepiest soldier.
this is kinda lackluster bc im tired myself and i havent spent time actually sitting down and writing up concepts in YEARS so i might answer this question again sometime with a better response and better concepts and ideas!! my brain's all rusty lo siento T~T but thanks for the question!! I'm always down to talk abt my BOYYYYYY!!!!!
and aaaa that last part made me so happy u have no idea im always so grateful when i can remind ppl that Clovis exists or make them reconsider him as an important or special character 🥹💛
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 2 years
hi.. what’s your ferrets name? i love him he’s HUGE (my bf has 5 ferrets but none of them are quite as gloriously large as urs)
IM SO SORRY FOR REPLYING LATE i never get inbox notifications omg his name is Mochi!! :D hes def the biggest tho i also have 5 ferrets its the best number to have i have him, his half sister Taro who is tiny/a litter runt but SO SO smart (and also obsessed with socks??)
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Sakura who is one half of a pair of old ladies i adopted a few years back so they didnt spend thier retirement in a shelter. sadly Maple passed away last christmas but this little gremlin lives on <3 also we have Saki and Yuzu who are a pair of angora ferrets adopted in January
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Yuzu is the standard polecat, Saki is the ??? colour one theyre both lovely tho Saki has some agression issues we're currently dealing with but omg the winter coats are coming in and they are SO. FLUFFY ASIUDJASIDa
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lilmeowzsworld · 2 years
thank you for all the nice words. i've actually been having a tiny stressful time right now and your words assured me.
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aww im so glad to hear that!! 😭 my dm's are always open (i think i need to figure out tumblr a lil bit more 😅) whenever you need to talk! everything is going to be okay!! 💕
btw sorry for the late reply i didnt get the notification for this 😭
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azirafuck · 3 years
The Bentley is mildly sapient and capable of self-driving. Unfortunately, she learned to drive from Crowley.
GOD you're so right. I love this
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hobismilitarywife · 5 years
honey i hope you don’t take their words to your heart , you’re amazing!! big big congratulations to you 💓
thank you so much anon 🥺💗💗💗💗
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eptck · 2 years
hey, thank you for that reply on that post where you talked about how it's not about dysphoria and more about gender euphoria, i woke up with that on my dash and it's genuinely made me feel so much better about myself. i've been hesitating to call myself nonbinary (bc i didn't feel like i was nonbinary enough) for a while but this makes it easier. thank you so much. also if this makes no sense it's bc i just woke up that's my excuse
sorry if this is a very late reply, i dont know why but i dont get notifs for asks on any of my blogs
im happy my reply helped you!
i think nonbinary can be a weird case when it comes to dysphoria, because a lot of the time youre not even given that as an option. for me, i didnt really conciously feel dysphoria at all until i learned that transgender was a thing, since my brain seemingly didnt see the use in making me feel bad for something i had no control over. also, since nonbinary tends outwardly to look like a much broader range of geder expression than binary trans identities, its harder to pin down what you might want to change about yourself. some people who id as nonbinary want to present as the opposite of their AGAB(like me), and some dont mind the body and fashion they were raised in, but still dont feel they fit into the binary
of course, binary genders arent set in stone either, but thats not really the point im going for in this
this is just to say, you are nonbinary enough. regardless of what you do or dont want to change about yourself, regardless of if you feel like you dont belong in the body you were born with, and regardless of how you present or what pronouns you use. you are the only person who gets to choose what you are, what you want to look like, and what that means to you
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hollypies · 2 years
Sorry for the late ask in response! (tumblr's doing this weird thing where ask replies will show up in our notifs but NOT give us a notification icon???? and we didn't notice until: got a different notif. rude website >:< )
We'd love to be friends!!!!! and we don't have to play together if it makes you nervous :O we will just send you hearts daily if you want! (since the main capes and other cosmetics we want now are the seasonal ones and the only ts we're really excited for is Light Whisperer (that hair...... /pos... and the CAPE!!!!) we're just candle grinding and sending hearts to friends who are trying to get things!!)
!! Oooo!! We'll have to go check that out!!!!! Gotta take a trip to sanctuary for daily quests anyways :O :D!!!!!!! We like talking sky with you too!!
It has evil fire??? That sounds SO cool looking!!!!!
Ha yeah tumblr is weird like that?? Sometimes I don't even get a notification for someone sending an ask >:0
Also yees!!! I'll try to send you all a QR soon? I dont know when but ! Soon! Im a bit busy hagsjhwb!! And yesss I'd love to send daily hearts!!! Lots of love for my friends n also because I have a lot of candles... so many. But everything I want is heart based Havahsj!! And I wouldn't mind playing with you all sometimes!!! We could visit the crab hehe !!
Oooo btw ! This is another tip but idk if ! You all already know but the green light (Forgotten Ark) will fall onto one of the littke islands in the Birds Nest area! I. Didnt know this until today an spent the entire time chasing the mantas when you just need to. Wait lol! It was kinda funny ajdbbs
And yesss it has evil fire!!!!! Some of my friends have it upgraded fully so if I can grab one of them I could show you all!!!!! Its so awesome!!!
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When I see yall in my ask box im mentally doing this with you qll!!
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chocodollxren · 2 years
Sorry for the late reply, I just woke up. Also, sad news: you can't put media when anon is on
(〒﹏〒). But don't worry, I'm planning on making a reveal once I have established my blog. It's messy as of now and I only ever use it to read and reblog. I'm planning to do some side-writing and worldbuilding! As for my artworks, I mostly paint storybook-ish landcsapes and random stuff. But I do have one wip that is a person! Anatomy-wise, she is wonky and not proportionate because she is meant to be a floating head/bust lady in a dream place.
Regarding my ocs, Vil gets married twice. He has his painter son from his first marriage (his spouse left them when said son was only six) and has another son in his current marriage (he's about eleven years old). The stepmom is a really nice lady who used to be the female lead in one of the films Vil was in. I had the son tell everybody in NRC how his stepmom and half-brother were out there to replace him when it's actually the complete opposite. They're actually well-meaning people and they love him very much. In sum, he has a fear of being abandoned and replaced, that is why he follows his father's footsteps when it comes to hardwork, making sure he is great at everything he does. He just doesn't have a name yet (〒﹏〒)
When I do get to paint my ocs someday, I think I'll follow the picrews I made for them. So when I do reveal, it's what I'll show. Huhuhuhuhu it's so hard to tell people about your ocs sometims because you don't know if they're interested or you're pushing it to them too much. What I'm saying is thank you for listening ⊂(╥﹏╥⊂)
I DIDNT SEE THIS IM SORRY. hsjsaksh i tend to get a lot of notifs and can’t see all the asks which come in immediately, im sorry. <33 but id LOVE to hear oc talk. i just made a new oc with the discord and having the time of my life listening about ocs. please do not be worried!!
i can’t wait to see!! i suck at environments so it’s super cool you can do that! take your time preparing your blog<33 and that’s really interesting! the painter son feeling as though he’d be abandoned, i think a few kids might feel like that in his shoes. divorce isn’t easy, and having your parent find someone else, especially one with a child, can be worrisome! now we just gotta get him that name.
what about your other ocs?? anything you wanna share with the Ashengrottos? <33 spill spill.
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Heartless (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) vs (Kirishima x Fem!Reader)
A/n: If you have any ideas for me, please dont be shy and message me! I will gladly write for you. Please make sure to check it out Spices and Love HERE!
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You were sitting in your room, with red puffy eyes and messy hair. Your clean and cute room was now a mess. When you were about to wash your face you got a notification, sighing you made your way towards the phone, it was a message from Kirishima. Kirishima tried to reach you for hours but you left him on read, you didnt wanted to see anyone at the moment. Then you heard a knock on your door and sighed “I wanna be alone.” Your voice cracked at the end and your face turned into a scowl. *Ugh, i feel sick.* then you heard the knock again and slapped your forehead “What do you-” Your words died in your throat and you saw a familiar brunette. It was her, the one who ruined everything, the one who told you that she was your best friend then stabbed you on the back. You tried to slam the door shut but she immediately pushed it back “Y/n, please listen!” You felt the anger rising, when you were angry you were way too scary, sometimes even Bakugou looked soft compared to you. “Leave, now!” You screamed and tried to close the door then you heard a 3rd voice “Uraraka-san, stop it!” It was Momo, she was your everything. You gave a sigh of relief and continued to push the door, then Momo grabbed Uraraka’s arm and tried to yank her back without hurting her. “Wait, i need to talk to her!” She tried to reach towards the door but Momo tightened her hold on Uraraka’s arm and replied “She needs some time right now, dont push things.” Uraraka sighed and left. Momo’s room was next to yours so it made her hear every single thing that happened around you. When Uraraka’s figure dissapeared she immediately knocked on your door “Y/n-chan, its me.” She waited and the door slowly opened “Momo-chan...” Your eyes started to water and she pulled you into a hug. “Lets go inside” she smiled and holded your hand. When she saw your room her mouth was on the floor, you were a clean and organised person but now the tissues, and the glass of the broken lamp was everywhere. “Y/n-chan you cant walk around, you can cut your toes!” She called Mina and Jirou for help and five minutes later they were in front of your door. Mina pulled you into a tight hug and Jirou patted your head with a small smile, Mina tried to lift your spirits so she tried to give her biggest smile “Let’s clean!” You tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. When you bent down to pick up the tissues Jirou crouched down beside you and grabbed your hand “No, you go sit on the bed!” the other two nodded and you sighed “But, i cant let you clean my room, i wanna help.” Momo cupped your cheek and smiled “You are tired Y/n-chan, please go sit.” You gave a defeated sigh and plopped down on your bed. When you started to wiggle your toes Mina turned to look at you and gasped in shock “Y/n-chan, your feet?!” When Momo and Jirou turned to look at you their face turned pale and you raised a brow “What about my fe-” You saw the cuts under them caused by the glass of your nightstand lamp. “I-i didnt noticed.” Mina frowned and putted her hands on her hips “Thats it! Im calling Kirishima!” You tried to get up but after looking under your feet, you realised the pain. Kirishima was one of your best friends so you knew that he was going to get more worried than he needed to “N-no!” But you were too late, Mina dialed his number and told your situation and after 3 minutes you heard loud bangs and slapped your forehead, when Mina turned the doorknob Kirishima barged in and ran towards you “Y/n!” He grabbed your shoulders and started to examine you “K-kiri, im fine!” He looked at you with worry and sadness. You sighed and pulled him into a hug “Why were you ignoring my texts?!” He raised his voice but regretted it, he was just trying to understand what happened. “Im sorry, Kiri...” He sighed and flicked your forehead “Y/n, i should be the one who’s apologising.” You immediately understood where he was getting at so you pinched his cheeks “Dont you dare blame yourself Kirishima Eijiro!” He felt guilty and it wasnt even his fault it was his best friend’s. “Owieee!” He grabbed your wrists and tried to stop you then you started to giggle and his eyes softened. You were finally laughing...
After Kirishima got a call from Mina, Bakugou saw the worry in his eyes and immediately understood that it was about you, shitty hair was trying to reach your for hours. Kaminari sighed loudly and looked at Sero “I wonder what happened.” Sero shrugged and looked at Bakugou “What are you looking at?” He barked and Sero frowned. Kaminari sighed and looked at Bakugou “Dude, chill.” Bakugou scoffed and got up from his seat “Im going to my room, i dont wanna deal with anyone.” He walked towards the elevator and left.
“Y/n, can you tell us what happened?” Jirou asked, you were sitting on your bed with Momo and Jirou, Mina and Kirishima were sitting on the floor. Everyone was looking at you with curious but sad eyes, you didnt told them what happened but they knew that your heart was broken. You took a deep breath and started to explain as calm as possible “This morning, when i was walking towards the classroom... I saw Bakugou and Uraraka.” Jirou raised a brow “They were making out.” Kirishima’s eyes widened and Mina shouted “But you guys are dating?!” Your nails were leaving marks on your thigs “No Mina... I walked towards them and pushed him, i tried to confront him but i learned that...” You squeezed your eyes shut and Momo patted your back “Learned what?” Jirou whispered “I learned that he was using me to make Uraraka jelaous.” Kirishima gritted his teeth “This is unacceptable.” He growled and Mina stood up “Y/n!” She pulled you in a tight hug and you started to cry. Everyone in the classroom knew that you were in love with Bakugou for 3 years, at first everyone was shocked because you were strong and intelligent some of the guys from other classes gave you a nickname, “Unapproachable” some of them tried to ask you out but you always refused, your heart was screaming ‘Katsuki’. So when he asked you out you felt like the happiest girl in the world. “He tossed me out because Uraraka feels the same about him.” You started to shake and Kirishima couldnt watch you suffer so he got up and rushed towards the common room.
“Where is Bakugou?” Kaminari panicked bc of the harsh tone, it was Kirishima. He had never seen him so angry, he gulped and answered “In his room, everything ok ?” Kirishima gave a firm nod and walked towards the elevator, Kaminari looked at Sero and they both stood up “You guys stay here.” Kirishima said with a firm tone. Kaminari shook his head “Dude, we are in this together i dont know what happened but you are my best friend.” Sero nodded and tried to smile, Kirishima relaxed and thanked them.
Bakugou was laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, he knew what he did was wrong bc you always cared about him even when he was a jerk but his pride was too important so instead of apologising he avoided you like nothing happened. When he saw the broken expression on your face he regretted his actions but he had a crush on Uraraka. At first his plan didnt seemed so cruel to him, he was going to flirt with you, make Uraraka jelaous then make her confess to him. Things got out of hand and he found himself asking you out. He knew about your feelings and he hated himself for playing with them but when he saw the looks Uraraka was giving you both, he forgot about you and continued. He started to get touchy with you whenever she was around. There was jelaousy in her eyes but something else was there too... Fear, sadness and regret. She didnt wanted to stab her best friend on the back and Bakugou knew that, he couldnt help it, he wanted her. So today, when Uraraka wanted to talk with him, he got excited and forgot about you. She came with a serious expression on her face “Bakugou we need to talk.” He tried to hide his smirk but failed “What do you want pink cheeks?” She crossed her arms “Stop playing with my friend’s feelings.” He chuckled and answered “Are you worried about her or is it about your own feelings?” Her eyes widened and she blushed “This is not about us, Bakugou! You are playing with her, you know that she has a crush on you.” Bakugou’s smirk dropped and he sighed “Tch, i know that. Then why are you watching and not helping her?” She froze “I-i want her to be happy.” Bakugou wanted to laugh but controlled himself “I cant make her happy and you know that.” she sighed “We are both selfish...” Bakugou grabbed her wrist and looked at her in the eyes “So... what about it? Lets be selfish.” He pulled her into a heated kiss and thats when they both heard a gasp. Your eyes were wide, brows were furrowed and legs were trembling. Bakugou’s heart stopped, he didnt thought seeing the expression on your face would make him so sad. “W-what are you doing?” your voice cracked and you started to walk towards him “Y/n-chan please listen!” Uraraka immediately pushed him and tried to grab your hand but you avoided contact and grabbed Bakugou by his collar. “Why...?” Your pupils were trembling, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. You started to shake him “Give me a reason!” Uraraka grabbed your arm “Y/n im so sorry!” You pushed her and shouted “You are sorry because you got caught!” Bakugou crouched next to her and helped her up “Y/n!” He warned you with a harsh tone and your blood started to boil. “You asshole, you owe me an explanation, i loved you and thats what im getting for return?!” Uraraka’s eyes were glued to the floor, Bakugou looked at you in the eyes and opened his mouth “I never had a crush on you, i asked you out because... I wanted her.” Your vision become blurry with tears and you gave them a disgusted look “Y/n please!” Uraraka shouted but you turned around and left. When class started, he sat down he looked at your desk and it was empty, Aizawa came and told that you werent feeling well. Everyone in the classroom got worried especially Momo and Kirishima. They were clueless, he decided to stay quiet. *BAM BAM BAM* The loud bang on the door woke him up from his thoughts, he groaned and opened the door “What do you-” When he was about to scold the one who interrupted him, he saw his best friend standing in front of the door with bloody red eyes, Kaminari and Sero were grabbing his shoulders but when he saw Bakugou’s face he yanked them off and punched him in the face “You were my biggest role model, you were my best friend... How could you do something so wrong?!” He shouted and Bakugou groaned “Leave me alone.” He demanded but Kirishima continued to look at him with anger, Kaminari and Sero ran towards him and tried to calm him down but it didnt worked “Bro calm down!” Kaminari shouted but when he received a glare from Kiri, he stopped trying. “How can you play with Y/n’s feelings?! You knew that she liked you, how can you play with someone like they dont have any emotions?!” Sero and Kaminari was even more confused, Sero decided to step in “What do you mean Kirishima?” Kirishima turned around and glared “He dated Y/n because he liked Uraraka. He used Y/n.” Kaminari let out a gasp and Sero’s eyes widened “What...?” Sero’s question was more like a whisper. Kirishima only got angrier and he kicked Bakugou in the stomach, Bakugou lost his patience and screamed back “I cant deal with you right now!” He punched Kiri back and now they were wrestling on the floor. When they got too intense the other guys in the floor informed Aizawa and he separated them. 
Mina’s phone was ringing, she looked at the contact info and saw Kaminari’s ID. “”Whats up?” Her face dropped and she looked at you, Momo and Jirou gave questioning looks. “Y/n, Kiri and Bakugou... They got into a fight.” You immediately stood up and rushed towards the common room “Y/n wait for us!” Jirou shouted but you were too deaf to hear it. When you arrived Kirishima was sitting on the couch with an icepack in his hands “Kiri!” You ran towards him and some of the guys turned to look at you “Y/n-chan... What happened to your feet?” Midoriya pointed at your bandaged feet and you shook your head “Nothing important Midoriya, dont worry.” Todoroki frowned but you paid no mind and crouched in front of Kirishima. “Idiot, what did you do?” You grabbed the icepack and pushed it on his cheek.” He hissed but gave you a small smile “I didnt do anything.” You sighed “Kirishima, dont get into trouble because of me.” He frowned and flicked your forehead “Owie! What was that for?!” He pouted “You are my best friend! I would gladly get into trouble for you!” Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to burn. He closed his eyes and gave you the biggest smile he could manage “You are important Y/n!” The mood was better and the other guys started to smile. Bakugou watched the interaction from afar and he realised that... He just made the biggest mistake.
A/N: If you want a part 2 just reblog and let me know! Also if you have suggestiongs dont be shy and message me!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 18 - chris motionless
title: die hard for the holidays
prompt: Person A has secret feelings for person B. person B has secret feelings for person A. one of them suggests having dinner together for the holidays since neither of them will be spending time with their families and all their other friends are busy
request from: @svintsandghosts
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou 
@xyours-eternallyx @joeynihil 
i looked over his newest Instagram post and sighed. god was i that desperate? simping over my best friend? of course i was, but we'd known each other long enough that i knew nothing would ever come of it. when my phone dinged it almost startled me, prompting me to look up at the new text notification. it was my mother. i sighed, opening it and reading it.
"dads sick, doctor says its viral so we wont be able to do Christmas this year. i hope you and your siblings can get together to do something else but if not that's okay. we both hope you have a blessed Christmas anyway and will be mailing gifts out in the next week. love you."
i hummed to myself before answering her.
"hope dad gets better soon and send him my best. i don't see any of them making plans to get together but i guess we'll see. ill mail gifts too if you're okay with that and hopefully ill see you in the new year. love you both."
i closed my phone and set it upside down on my chest, rubbing my hands over my face.
"so much for getting out of the house."
i said to myself. then my phone dinged again, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. to my surprise though it was a text from Chris.
"mom cancelled Christmas this year cause they won a cruise lol. you doing anything?"
i sat up abruptly and typed back.
"my dads sick so mine was cancelled too. when and where do you want me? lol"
i waited patiently for a second before seeing a new message.
"hope he gets better soon. but how about Christmas eve, dinner at my place?"
i nodded quickly to myself.
"ill be there."
when the day finally came i wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. we'd hung out millions of times but this was the first time we'd be together for Christmas alone. usually we all had a party with the band and other friends but that was pushed to new years. lets just say i was beyond nervous. plus he told me to dress nice, whatever that meant. no matter what it meant to him, here i was stood in front of my full body mirror, looking over the sparkling blue velvet dress i had on.
"this is too fancy."
i said, moving to my closet. as i started flipping through things i heard my phone buzz. it was Chris.
"you on your way?"
i looked to the time. shit, it was almost six.
"getting my shoes on now. ill be there in fifteen."
i replied. so much for changing. i grabbed a Christmas jumper and pajama pants just in case and shoved them in a bag, pulling my heels on and running out the door. the car ride was fairly quiet, apart from the light Christmas music playing through the radio and my complains about the snow. i wish i would've known it was supposed to snow but it was a little late for that i guess.
as i pulled into his apartment complex parking lot i could see his Christmas tree through the open window. it looked nice, covered in colorful lights and shiny ornaments. i got out of my car and walked quickly across the lot and up the stairs to the second floor, knocking on his door and shivering as the snow flew around me. when he opened the door he offered a wide smile.
"hey! how's it going?"
he asked as he pulled me in for a hug. i breathed in deeply, trying to warm up.
"I'm good, and you?"
i asked as he let me into his apartment. i still felt over dressed, even seeing him in his button down and tie, the two peaking out from under his sweater.
"oh ya know, same old same old. i hope you're hungry, cause dinners about ready."
he said excited and i laughed.
"you know me, never not hungry."
i said and he sent me a knowing look.
"how about you go sit, and ill bring it out."
he said, motioning to the made up table. i nodded.
"you sure you dont want help with anything?"
i asked and he shook his head.
"of course not, you get to be the guest this time, now go relax."
he instructed.
"okay, okay, im going."
i said as he pointed, a demanding look on his face.
after dinner we both worked on dishes and things before moving to the couch, the lights all out except the tree as he looked for a movie to watch.
"im glad we could get together for this."
he said, clicking the remote and i smiled.
"you and me both. i think this is the first year i would've been alone since moving out of my parents place."
he laughed a little bit.
"you and me both. even when im not home i still usually have the band to be with."
i nodded solemnly.
"speaking of which, how are they all doing? i feel like i haven't talked to any of them in a while."
i said and he shrugged.
"theyre as good as they always are, keeping busy thats for sure. but youll get to see them for new year."
he mentioned and i nodded.
"yeah i guess so."
it was quiet for a moment, and i looked over him, his focus still on the tv.
"got any suggestions?"
he asked and i hummed.
"uh, no, not really."
i said bashfully, catching his eye when he turned his head with a frown. i guess i wasnt exactly making it subtle that i was staring at him huh? oh well.
"how about die hard?"
he asked and i laughed.
"oh yeah, a christmas classic."
i said sarcastically as he clicked on it.
"you know it."
he said, setting the remote on the coffee table, settling back into the couch. i thought for a second before slipping my arm into his and resting my head on his shoulder.
"you cold?"
he asked and i nodded, looking up as he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and down over me.
i said, getting comfortable against him again. we sat like that for most of the movie, until i heard him yawn, then he moved to rest his head against mine. i smiled to myself, sliding my hand slowly into his as it rested against my knee. when the movie finally ended neither of us moved.
"ya know, it looks pretty bad out there, maybe you should stay."
he said, never once looking away from the tv. i could feel a small smile making its way to my lips as we sat there cuddled together on the couch.
"you sure? i wouldnt want to be an inconvenience."
i said, feeling his head lift off mine and prompting me to look at him. he squeezed my hand.
"you're never an inconvenience. and besides i wouldnt want you to get stuck in the snow or anything."
i smiled at him.
"i guess i cant argue with that logic, huh."
i confirmed and he nodded his head once.
"great, we can watch another movie then and then go to bed together."
he said, freezing for a second.
"i mean, uh, not together together. but, like, uh-"
he said, flustered, tripping over his words. i pressed a finger to his lips gently.
"its okay chris. i get what you mean."
i said and he sighed.
"fuck it, i did mean together."
he said, slipping his hand out of mine and bring it up to cup my face. he pushed forward and kissed me fervently. a thousand things rushed through my brain at once as i melted into his touch but at the moment none of them mattered. all that mattered was that he felt the same. when he pulled away i didnt open my eyes just yet, sitting there trying to engrave into my memory exactly what he felt and tasted like. when i opened my eyes he was staring down at me, his lips sucked in like he messed something up.
i said softly, laughing a little bit.
"im sorry, i shouldn't have done that."
he said, looking down. i shook my head.
"like hell."
i said, making him look to me in shock. i grabbed his face and kissed him again, his hand moving to the back of my head as our mouths moved together. when we both pulled away for air we panted lightly, smiling at each other like idiots.
"it took ya long enough."
i said, making him laugh.
"merry christmas y/n."
he said, stroking my cheek lightly with his thumb and i could feel a blush rising to my face.
"merry christmas chris."
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Ocean Eyes - Part 3
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A/N - Just a small update, im sorry if its bad but it was written after 2hrs sleep! 😂💕💕
It was finally Friday! I had finished my shift at the coffee shop and collected Mason from preschool. He was telling me all about his day happily chatting away as i drove us home, It was only a ten minute drive from the preschool so we were soon parking up out front.
"So what do you want for dinner tonight bud?" I asked as we walked from the car to the front door.
"Pizza? Really?"
"Pleaseeee mom?"
"Fine!" I chuckled shaking my head at how happy he looked, the boy loved his pizza, and how could i say no to that face!
"Hey neighbours!"
I rolled my eyes and internally cursed at the voice of my next door neighbour Brian. The guy honestly creeped me out, Hannah was convinced he had a thing for me, the thought alone made my stomach turn!
"Hey Brian" i gave him tight lipped smile to be polite but carried on toward the house, i just wanted to get me and Mason inside.
"How are my favourite neighbours?"
"We're fine, thank you"
"So um...Y/N, a few of us are getting together tomorrow for a BBQ.... you and Mason should come"
"Sorry Brian, we have plans with some friends tomorrow" i lied, there was no way in hell i'd accept an invitation from him.
"Oh ok, no problem. Maybe some other time...?"
"I gotta get inside and sort out dinner, Mason's hungry. Have a nice time at your BBQ" i said quickly as i unlocked the door getting Mason inside first, i rushed in behind him huffing out a sigh of relief that i was away from Brian.
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Mason was sitting down on the sofa watching a show about space and eating some fruit while i cleaned up a little in the living room and kitchen, i was running late this morning so didn't have time to do it until now. I had decided i'd order the pizza around 5pm being as Mason tended to stay up later on a Friday night. Just as i was finishing up in the kitchen my cell started ringing, i already knew it would be Hannah she called around this time most days.
"Hey, so im thinking we need to go out"
"Okayyyy random" i chuckled wiping down the counter and tossing the dishcloth on the side "why?"
"Because we both need to find a man!
Y/N we deserve some fun!"
"Things with Damien didnt work out i take it?"
"No, his a jackass! Come on please? Next week?? My mom already said she'd watch the boys"
"I don't know Han, you know i don't really date....i definitely don't hook up"
"But maybe you'll meet someone nice who you can get to know and eventually it could lead to something.... you dont have to hook up with anyone. We just need a girls night out, a night where we're just Y/N and Hannah and not mom"
"Can i think about it?"
"Sure! As long as your answer is YES!"
She said loudly making us both laugh.
"Fine! I'll go out if it makes you happy"
"Oh my god we're gonna have so much fun!!"
"I don't know about that! The last time we went out drinking together we were in a bar fight because you made out with some girls boyfriend!"
"Haha good times! How was i to know he had a girlfriend?"
"Your trouble Han" i shook my head thinking back at how wild she was before becoming a mom. We soon said our goodbyes and i went to join Mason on the sofa while i ordered our pizza.
Just as i was about to lock my phone once i was done i noticed the little notification on my messages indicating that i had a new message.
Unknown: Hey Y/N, its Chris.
Can we talk?
Y/N: About what??
Chris: I was hoping maybe we could talk in person....
Y/N: I don't think thats a good idea Chris.
Chris: oh.... well this is kinda awkward.... im outside
Are you fucking kidding me?!!
I said loudly in my head as i got up and went over to the window. There he was sitting in his car parked behind mine on the drive looking down at the phone in his hands, probably waiting for my reply.
"Mace? Im just going out to the car bud i wont be long okay?"
"Uh huh" he replied without even looking away from the TV.
As soon as i opened the front door Chris's car door opened and he got out quickly giving me a nervous smile.
"Thank you for coming to talk to me"
"What are you doing here Chris?" I asked as i looked through the front window making sure i could keep an eye on Mason.
"I wanted to apologise, for how i treated you, how i ended what we had.... i know i was a huge asshole. I just want you to know that im nothing like that guy anymore...."
"Thats great Chris, really. Because that guy was a careless, selfish son of a bitch"
"I know" he nodded sadly "i wish i could go back and make better choices. Take back the things i said to you.... Y/N the biggest regret of my life is that i lost you. You were my best friend.... my wife...." he shook his head "i didn't know what i had until you were gone"
"You couldn't have missed me that much" i scoffed "its taken you almost 6 years to come see me, i haven't heard from you once in all that time"
"I was ashamed of myself"
"Ok" i nodded "well thanks for coming by to clear that up but i have to go..."
"Scott told me" Chris called from behind me as i headed back inside "about Mason" he added, i froze on the spot feeling my heart start to race at hearing those words.
"He what??!" I spun around to face him with wide eyes, i was internally cursing Scott to hell!
He told Chris about Mason???
"He told me he came to see you, found out you have a son...."
"what is it with you two just showing up at my house unannounced and uninvited??"
"I knew if i asked to come see you you'd say no"
"You're right i would. It doesn't change anything just because you know about Mason"
"I know i just...." he shook his head as he searched for the right thing to say.
"You don't need to feel guilty, like you have to be here now you know, we've managed fine without you for this long"
"What?.... what do you mean by that?"
He asked taking a few steps towards me, it was at that moment i realised he didn't know Mason was his son.... shit!
"Y/N.... is Mason my son??" Chris asked as his chest heaved from how heavy he was suddenly breathing as he processed this new information.
"I thought... you... you said Scott told you all about Mason...."
As if on cue the front door opened and Mason appeared holding my ringing cell phone. I heard a gasp escape Chris's mouth as he looked down at Mason, at the little boy who was a spitting image of him.
"Mom your phone keeps ringing" he said holding my cell phone out to me.
"Thank you baby" i quickly looked to see it was my mom calling and sent it to voicemail, i'd call her later.
"You wanna come inside? I guess we need to talk" i said looking back at Chris who was stood with tears in his eyes, he nodded quickly not taking his eyes off of Mason and followed us inside.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @katiew1973 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax (if your name is crossed out it wouldnt let me tag you 😞).
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ivyuns · 4 years
moral of the story ❆
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han jisung
genre: angst
word count: 2.8k
warnings: hella sad breakups + cheating + language
A/N: listen to moral of the story by ashe + i need to stop falling asleep while writing, istg this was better in my brian
part one | part two
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so i never really knew you, god i really tried to.
you started dating your best friend since you were a kid and never regretted one bit of the memories you two shared. you knew dating an idol would be tough but jisung never made it hard for you. sure some stays didn’t accept you, but stray kids was there to help you get through it. after two years of the relationship, it was still healthy or that’s what you wish it was.
stray kids was currently in japan for their tour for two months and god, you missed your boyfriend. the past now four months was hell for you. jisung started to stay in the studio all day and night, then coming home for two hours then went back to the studio. you would stay up for him to come home then him just ignoring you, feeling neglected. all you wanted from him was at least one ‘i love you’. you don’t even remember when was the last time he said it to you.
thought we could really this but, really i was foolish.
you could remember the day he was head over heels for you before he asked you out. exactly two years ago, hyunjin who was jisung’s best friend had told you that jisung had a crush on you. you never understood since you always saw jisung flirting with other girls which broke your heart. you wish you were the only girl for him.
you ignored hyunjin and continued walking to your next class til someone pulled you back and kissed your lips. you widen your eyes as you see it’s your best friend kissing you; han jisung. your mind can’t process anything after you just had your first kiss by a man you loved ever since you were a kid. a for this day, you won’t forget about that very special moment of yours.
4 months go by and you and jisung had your first fight. it was stupid. so stupid. you visited jisung after changbin texted you to come feed your baby since he was producing songs at such a late time. you made his favorite meal and drove to the jyp building where jisung was.
you showed your id to the scanner to open the security door for the building and was greeted by jyp himself. “hello y/n! here looking for you boyfriend?” he laughed. you smiled and did a 90 degree bow. “hi jinyoung!” and laughed. “ah y/n, you don’t need to be so polite. your mother taught you so well! anyways, jisung is the studio room where he always is.” he patted your back and left after you said a thank you.
you go to the room where he is and there you see, a stress jisung with his hair messy and eye bags under his eyes. you go up to him and placed the bag of food in front of him. jisung automatically looks up and sees your beautiful face, his one and only. he smiles with tired eyes and hugs you.
“baby when did you get here?” he muttered and peppers you with his kisses. “like 5 minutes ago, your boss kept me for a minute.” jisung quickly lets his arm loosen around you and panicked. “did he ask to break up with me!?” he lightly shouted. “no baby, he was telling me where you were” you smiled. jisung exhaled our loud, thankful for jyp for accepting you.
you two cuddled on the chair til jisung let’s you have a sneak peak of their new song. you strected your limbs and felt your hand touch a random button. the music was peaceful til all you heard was statics. your head faced jisung’s as he let go of your body, making you stand up while he went to check on the song that was saved on his laptop.
jisung’s hands started to pull his hair off of his scalp as he tried to not yell at you but failed. “are you serious y/n?! that took weeks to finish and you just corrupted the file!” jisung shouted. your lips quivered in fear, not knowing how to reply. “jisung, babe, you can make a new one. its oka-” .. “no its not okay!”. words after words, jisung had a few ugly words spit out of his lips that made you feel more useless. “all you do is come here and annoy me and the boys when we need to work our asses off. just because we act nice to you doesnt mean the boys always have a soft spot for you in their heart. just go and never come back. why did i even like you in the first plac-” jisung was cut off by a door slamming shut.
oh how much did he regret saying those words to you. he knew you were insecure, especially when you feel like youre bothering others. he sat down in his chair and wiped the tears off of his face after seeing the face look you had before you left, full of fear.
you on the other hand was walking to the exit of the building with you head down. ‘hes not going to run after me anyways’.
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you walked inside your apartment, full of sadness as you can’t get the words jisung had said about you out of your head. you lay on your cold and empty, but soft bed. looking beside you is where jisung is supposed to be at. turning to your bedside table, you see a picture of you and jisung on your first date as an official couple. you had a cotton candy cone in your hand as you tried to feed a piece to jisung til he kissed your lips. how grateful you were for hyunjin to take a picture of that very special of yours.
tears started falling as you drifted to sleep, not noticing the missed calls and messages from stray kids, especially jisung.
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the fight had lasted for almost two week and you felt like shit. you haven’t ate a full meal and haven’t left your bed unless it was for your hygiene reasons.
you stood up a bit too fast and stared feeling weak. you shrugged it off and continued walking to your bathroom which was connected to your room. as you turn on the bathroom lights, your eyes were blinded and started to see black and fell.
jisung on the other hand felt so different. his mind wouldn’t focus on the music, instead it was you. he went to your apartment the past 5 days to talk to you only to see the pin number to enter your apartment to change. first he tried your anniversary day with him, then his birthday, then your birthday, then day when you and jisung got your very first couple pet but nothing worked. today, he went by as he left notes under the doormat everytime he came by, only to see the notes untouched when he went to place another one.
he felt something bad had happened to you so he quickly ran to the dorm to search where you placed the ‘emergency key’ for your place in case something happened. jisung bursted through the entry way of the dorm as he scared the other ‘00 liners. “woah hyung, what are you doing?” seungmin asked.
“i’m trying to find the key for y/n apartment” jisung panted while looking everywhere, “you know the one for emergencies?” hyunjin stood up with his keychain in his hand. “oh you mean this one?” and showed the key with a little picture of you and jisung on it.
jisung immediately grabs the keychain and runs back to your place with a yelling hyunjin behind him, telling him to be careful.
he arrives at your place and places the key into the lock. he rushes to every room to see if his sunshine is in one of the room. he went upstairs and to the room. he saw the bed looking all cold, even feeling cold with your phone thrown at the wall in the corner and picture frames of you and jisung faced down. he went to the closet and felt relived as you didn’t try to run away. lastly, he went to the bathroom and rushed to your cold figure.
he sees your pale figure and realizes you’re not breathing. tears sprung out of jisungs eyes as he rushed you to the hospital.
“i’m so sorry baby”.
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you woke up with the sun beaming to the room, a unfamiliar room. you turn your head to see jisung with his hands linked to yours and tears staining his face as he peacefully sleep. your hands twitch and jisung lifts his head quickly. he looks at your with worry eyes and hugs you, “im sorry my love. if i didnt yell at you that night, you wouldnt be in this state. im so sorry y/n.” jisung sobs into your shoulder.
“jisung, baby, its fine. as long as you realize your mistake and come back, its fine. thank you but what happened? why am i here?” your smiled coming down as it dropped as you remembered what happened.
“the doctors said you were lacking nutrients for your body and lost a lot of weight. those could making you feel lightheaded and a risk of passing out. god y/n, if i didn’t go back to the place, you would still be laying on the bathroom floor with no help.” jisung starts to sob even more as you bring his head to your chest, hugging him and telling him ‘it’s okay’.
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i said ‘some people fall in love’ with the wrong people sometimes.
you came home after a long day of work. you unlocked your door to see jisung’s shoes on the side and smiled. you walked upstairs and you swore you heard a female voice .. on a call?
the bedroom door was cracked open so you quietly eavesdropped. “i gotta go babes, y/n is home” jisung whispered to the phone. babes? “ok sungie i’ll see you later!” a high pitch voice came out of the phone.
jisung got up from the bed and went to open the door, looking for you as you pretended you just came up from the stairs. “hi baby, how was work?” jisung asks innocently. “it was a lot. can we cuddle?” you went up to him and hugged him. jisung nodded and led you to the bed to cuddle, eventually falling asleep.
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it was currently 2 am and you woke up with jisung still sleeping next to you. you almost fell back asleep til you heard a notification from jisungs phone. as his screen lit up, you saw the name of the sender and it broke you.
jiseo 💗
i thought you’re coming over baby ?
please don’t tell me you’re with that bitch still.
i thought you were gonna break up with her today babe?
so this is why hes been so distant. you put the phone away and fall into your slumber, wishing it was just a nightmare.
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some mistakes get made. that’s alright that’s okay.
you waved a goodbye to jisung and the boys as they headed to their plane for their japan tour. the night before, you talked to their manager and asking if you could follow along. the manager agreed so now you wait for the next day to go to japan.
you packed all your belongings and headed to the airport. you passed security and handed you ticket to board the plane. as the plane took off, a notification lit up your phone.
jisung baby 🐿💕
hi baby we just finished rehearsing
i miss you already
y/n 💓
i miss you too, stay safe baby <3
after sending jisung a quick message, you exited the app and saw your wallpaper of you and jisung on your first year anniversary date. where the relationship was still full of love. a tear fell onto your screen, missing the feeling of being loved by your significant other. after a little session of your crying, you decided to take a nap of the remainder of the trip.
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you think that you’re in love when you’re really in pain.
you arrived at the airport close to where stray kids was touring at. you had called their manager to pick you up, also letting him know you had landed safely to see your jisung.
you waiting about 10 minutes til you saw a car window roll down in front of you, yelling your name. you looked up and saw the driver, noticing it’s their manager. you got up and brought your luggage to the car with the help of him.
during the car trip back to their hotel, you told the manager about you and jisung. you tell him how he’s been really distant and you don’t feel loved again. all he tells you is that everything will be okay and he’s probably just stress from all the comeback and producing.
you two arrived at the hotel and walked in. the manager gives you an extra key card to jisung’s shared room with jeongin. “what if jeongin is in the room with him?” you asked him, feeling worried. “ah don’t worry y/n. i told jeongin that you’re coming to surprise jisung so he’s in the room with seungmin and changbin.” he reassured you. you thanked him and went to the door number of where your boyfriend was staying.
you put the card in the key holder and opens it. you walk inside and lift up your head to see a naked jisung and a naked girl under him. seeing the sweat glistening on his perfect golden skin and hearing moans and grunts made you sick. this must be the jiseo he’s been talking to.
“han jisung!” you yelled out to get the two people’s attention. jisung quickly turns his head to the door to see you with tears falling down your cheeks.
“baby i-” you cut off jisung.
“no! now i know you’re so distant to me. because you cheated on me. i came here to surprise you, not to see you put your dick in someone.” you paused for a second after harshly wiping the tears falling. “i don’t understand what i did wrong jisung. w-was this 2 years just a joke to you? our best friend days?” you sobbed. at this point, the girl who was under jisung had escape from his embrace and ran away after putting on her clothes.
“y/n i can explain!” you roll your eyes in annoyance, not wanting to hear his side after you found out everything. “explain what!? that you’ve been cheating on me? i loved you even when you still went behind my back and cheat on me.” your fingers touched the promise ring on your left ring from jisung which was from your first anniversary.
“jisung, from today and so on, we’re broken up. please don’t try to contact me.” you took off your ring and threw it to him. you grabbed the handle of your luggage and left his room. after hearing the door shut, loud sobs left you as changbin who heard everything went to comfort you.
jisung, who heard your sobs aftwr the door shuts made him feel weak. he doesn’t even know why he ended up cheating on you. you were the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and he just ruined everything.
he went to pick up the ring and saw the inside of the ring. ‘sunshine <3’ he read. jisung slid down the wall with the ring still in his hand and started bawling. ‘i’m sorry y/n’.
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after the comfort from changbin, you broke the hug. “changbin, please tell jisung i said thank you for everything and his stuff will be on his bed.” thanking changbin and gathered you stuff and flew back to korea after spending your savings in under a day for a jerk.
you got back to your place and quickly went to pack jisungs gifts he gave you, his hoodies, and the memories placed in the photo frames. from best friends to lovers, and now exes. looking at the pictures made you cry more. after what he did, you still love him.
finally getting everything together, you went to go to the boys dorm to return jisungs stuff. you entered his bedroom and placed the box on his bed, waiting for his arrival. you went to look for a paper and pen and wrote:
after putting the materials back where they were, you saw a picture frame of you and jisung on his nightstand. you grabbed the frame and opened his nightstand drawer to storage it, only seeing something that caught your eyes; a small black velvet box. you open it to see a diamond ring. a ring you always dreamed of. 
quickly putting the items back in his drawer, you looked at the whole dorm, reminiscing the memories made here. you left the key that jisung had gave you on the table and opened the front door. making sure to lock it before you leave. wiping the tear the threaten the fall after remembering the ring he was going to propose to you with, you shut the door and went back to your apartment.
in the end its better for me. thats the moral of the story babe.
END <3
lmao i might just do a part two-
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