doctorwhoisadhd · 2 years
GOD i love playing euphonium
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just-call-mefr1es · 5 months
using my big brain skills, i will now use my band-o-meter to guess what instrument the basement boys™️ +others would play💥 i am totally a professional, expert at vibes n shit😎 each word i say is canon /j
ngl, i can see him in the clarinets section. definitely a woodwind, no arguments on that. hes a lil squeaky (WHEN PLAYING YALL) but pretty good overall. probs sits at the end of the row. memorized all of the fingerings and can switch between them pretty well. THE BEST at fast paced pieces, will spontaneously combust during slow ones (honestly same)
i feel like he would play tuba or euphonium, leaning more on euphonium. at first, i thought he seemed more like an art kid, but now that i have the mental image of him playing euphonium, i change my mind. hes pretty good, part of an endangered species though. 💯💯 has complained about his instrument being too heavy, but enjoys just resting against ghe case whenever he brings it around.
Percussion. I don’t need to elaborate.
first of all, definitely in the woodwinds (again lmao). i was thinking either a bass clarinet, oboe or a saxophone? if saxophone, definitely an alto. although, i am thinking more oboe/bass clarinet….. yk, knowing bruce, he probably plays all of em, or maybe im just lazy. we’ll go with alto sax. vance has totally made a ‘saxy’ joke about it (projecting cause my wife does that with himself)
I think he’d be a trumpet. yeah, he would. he loves that thing. he probably has blasted it on accident though so r.i.p woodwinds in the row infront💔 he probably thinks that he can hit high notes easily, so he tries to on the first try and fucking dies. hit or miss with fast pieces, he likes them but also hates them. has asked finney how to subdivide because he zoned out
same issue with bruce, but with clarinet and saxophlne (no hobo). then i thought about it and went, ‘yeah, he’d be an oboe’. at first, i was thinking of making bruce play the oboe and finney the sax, butttt i like this better ngl. part of an endangered species, only two other hobo players with finn🙏 god at sightreading
looking back im realizing how indecisive i am lmaoo. so our two options were clarinet n trumpet. took me a lot of back and forthing until i thought, ‘hell yeah she’d be a clarinet’ so here we are. carries the clarinets, and is probably louder than most trumpets. she’s 50/50 on sight reading. she could be awesome at it or terrible, depending the piece. complains about eighth notes.
let me project for a second and just- ‼️‼️flute‼️‼️ damn i love me flutie patooties. anygays, she has more luck hitting high notes than robin (rip) but flutes are built like that, but she can hit them without trying. she shifts 294749103 times in her seat because flute can get uncomfortable (projecting some more). sits next to gwen and they compare what each of their pieces are constructed 💗 (i do that with my friends too lmao)
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
@gooberdude101 in reference to this :]
ok so looking at this score it seems to have a lot of different aspects that ppl would take care of (i also listened to the song just for this)
in general i feel like they teach him his line thru piano and thru noel doing everything in his power to sing below his range LMFAO [noel and mischa sit together at the piano and noel tries to keep mischas attention and teach mischa his part but mischa continuously gets distracted for various reasons]
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first off i feel like constance would try to handle the basics here. “what’s with the b’s on the side???” is a question only constance has the patience for (but he would get it pretty easily)(AND talia has 5 flats so he can cope. hate him for that)
i think constance would explain it in very simple terms since its not very relevant to how he sounds (since they play the piano to teach him his notes) so she would just be all like “that basically tells the musician what the notes sound like specifically :)"
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this rhythm is a little strange if u have no idea how to sightread. ricky acknowledges this. i feel like ricky would play it on both the piano (u do not need to know piano for rhythm dont fret) and on the tamborine . he is very proud of mischa for figuring it out :]
alternatively, constance has less of a rush and uses takadimi (have u ever used takadimi??? literally SO good for learning how to read rhythm i love it) to teach mischa. however it only raises more questions bc mischa does not understand at first why theyre using takadimi and not the words
TO ADD ONTO THAT. before they started using solely noel and the piano they tried to teach him the solfege but he was just confused as to why the words changed. “what do you MEAN la la la sol la la fa fa re. IT SAYS I SING BECAUSE IM HAPPY.” (im really bad at solfege. praying thats correct💀💀💀)
mischa understands that hes on the line furthest to the bottom. thats easy to remember and he remembers the notes :] he does get a little pissed at all his monotone note repeats tho (to the amusement of constance, an alto)
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THIS PART. ricky and constance already explained rhythm so he understands that. but everything else is SOO CONFUSING. a natural note. a bunch of rests. a bunch of accents on like every note. why the fuck is it calling him “mf?????”
since its unis, they dont mind as much bc noel sings hella loud and dramatically, but they really just play it for him on the piano til it makes sense💀 penny TRIED to explain the natural to him but he was too far gone to understand
for the accents, they all just told him to “start quiet and end loud” to which he was like ??FOR EACH ONE and they were like “u can figure it out” (he can)(Sorta.)
penny and noel find the mf confusion so amusing but constance feels bad so she just tells him to be medium-loud😭
FOR THE FIRST CODA ricky just signs smth like ‘ur just doing it again’ and it makes sense to mischa!!!
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This part.
i think noel would take the reins in teaching him since its not reallyyyyy that complicated. he knows his notes and just has to get his timing right
i feel like mischa has a really bad problem w getting crazy distracted and zoning out while singing which is not good for this part!!! so noel has to tap his arm while they sing it to prepare him for his part
lots of “but why do i have to wait so long” followed by exasperated sighs and resigned explanations followed further by “oh ok but why do i do it twice :)”
TAKES THE LONGEST FOR HIM TO UNDERSTAND. the time crunch does NOT help noels reaction to mischas complete blanks All The Time
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[^ mischa during any confusing part]
thats all i got!!!!! i think it would take up like 5 days or so to teach him everything and another like. 4 for him to remember all his parts so INSANE TIME CRUNCH LMFAOOOOOO very silly idea that i am in love with please send the fic when ur done!!!!! 💛 :]
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
The lesson we can all take away from this is that hey, why twoset no upload yesterday? What happened? Why dos happened? If people from the universe where twoset uploaded yesterday are reading this, what did they upload? Can you send the link?
And damn, they're still doing the fortnite dances? She says, still doing the fortnite dances. But seriously tho, the intro for todays video matches cOMPLETELY with my mood. Because fam, i am so dead and high on no sleep and social media crack all the time that i would probably do the same thing.
Also, i cant even read sheet music (since im not a musician lol im still expanding my collection of classical music on my phone. I currently have 23, any good recommendations?) but that thing? I am scared aND CONFUSED. But fUCK dude, i miss watching them play. I mean, there's vids of them playing on yt and i will always crawl back to their vid of the concerto battle and navarra but- I've already watched those a MILLION times. It's nice to have something new.
Also, damn Eddy, you gotta a lotta backup careers in case being a violinist doesn't work out huh? Yeah, we see you. Oh shit, that just reminded me of this really good ballet dancer au ff. Dude, id link it here if i can find it again. And Eddy, Brett's already a conductor if ya hadn't noticed from the beat saber vid. Leave some jobs for him too, okay? I care about you, but I care about Brett too.
And i love how editor-san aCTUALLY PUT IN "Farewell" IN HAYDN'S SYMPHONY 45. I cant tell of thats the actual name of the piece but if it is? Brett, we see your nerd comin' out. And if it isn't? Yeah, I agree with you editor-san, Brett IS the superior dad.
And... i really didn't expect the circumstance that Eddy would bring up as an example. I really thought yknow, basic common shit like performing in front of an audience or having a really nice teacher but. Violists and bassists kidnapping your family and forcing you to sightread to save them? Uhhhhhhh... okay, if it works i guess? And surprisingly, it kinda did. At the beginning only tho. When it changed to 4/4, if the violists and bassists really were keeping his family hostage... lets just say that they wont be in good shape. At least it gave him motivation to kesp going.
And Eddy's strategy of starts BARS before the actual piece? Respect.
Also, when Brett started with that long note on the g string, i sincerely thought he was gonna play either the Brahms or Mendelssohn violin concerto. I was wrong. When i noticed that he was playing Wieniawski, I thought "huh, i should probably know this." Once again, i was wrong. Eddy's lowkey roast was right.
And gOD, they're so happy and the just jump around so much that im!!!! IM!!!!!! MY HEART!!!!! fUCK AND I WAS IN A PRETTY NUMB MOOD TOO SO THIS IS JUST- i have the soft vibes now. The soft hapi vibes.
Also, i love how they just gave up on hitting the triangle at the end. There was just- dodgy and wrong notes and nonexistent rhythm but they just kept on truckin man, kept on truckin.
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syncogon · 4 years
i just realized that starting a music up 2 commentary is a really great idea. because i have a lot of thoughts and might as well compile them.
personally even without the rest of the backstory i think it’s SUPER funny and in character that jiang haoxu would spend x years obsessing over ye feng and ye feng literally had to do a google baidu search to figure out who he was (and he still didn’t even figure it out until halfway through the performance LOL)
ok TOP’s song kinda slaps. even though they’re still assholes. and the dancing is a bit wack. but their costumes are hella nice love how they’re all different to suit their indv styles but all fit the theme
im screaming at this “i wanna perform my new song” like BRO that’s not how it works?? the time to announce that was days ago not 3 minutes before performance?? you can’t just sight-read with 0 rehearsal and expect it to be good - yo it’s not even sightreading yall won’t even have music up there it’ll just be improv on a song you’ve never heard before arghhhhhhh that’s not how any of this works?? 
omg backstory. loving all these baby scenes. MAGGIE’S BABY VOICE HOLY CRAP. 
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oh my god they’re all so cute i’m losing it. maggie’s missing a tooth. this is also pretty convenient how it all lines up but it’s super cute so i don’t care i’ll accept these scenes of first encounters
“why didn’t you say anything” BECAUSE HE’S A COWARD. wait hmm this “ctg is a coward” sure seems familiar huh wow continuity (jk there’s like no continuity btwn seasons as we’ve already seen but whatever i’ll point stuff out.)
man i hate this dude’s voice. i’ve had enough of this dude! they’re ugly bc they’re smug ass bastards. 
“7 years ago he beat me once” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW OLD WERE YOU? LIKE 9?? just imagining a fuckin 9 year old harboring such a deep resentment for seven years like god damn you’re a kid what the hell do you know
also like damn what’s with this obsession over new songs anyway? so risky, plenty of times artists have debuted a song to mixed reactions. it’s not inherently bad choice to stick to a classic everyone already loves? man maybe i just don’t know the competitive high school music band scene well enough :pensive:
have i mentioned how much i hate that they’re translating all the english things in the subs? OPEN is now “开门乐队” tf? bitch i’ll kill you. the whole point of OPEN was that it could refer to opening many things! like doors but also windows and hearts and minds and feelings. smh 
oh my god what if you sang TWO songs. imagine. consider. revolutionary. or is that forbidden in the code of competitive high school music bands
aw the candy thing is kind of cute but would’ve been better if spaced out over more episodes and also feels super out of place with this music and tension hahaha. still it’s very earnest and honest-hearted and i respect it 
ok so this is super cheesy but also like THEY’RE FRIENDS i like this so much more than bs rivalry shenanigans like god damn they’re friends they’ve earned it let them be friends wahhhhhhhh and also like yf sending away everyone else prob bc he’s too embarrassed to show this side of him ahaha
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big fan of seeing yf and cr together too ofc let them be a happy mutually-understanding couple 
(insert lots of pleading emojis)
i am also tbh a big fan of ctg using his piano/keyboard skills to make his song tho like - embracing and reconciling that part of yourself instead of wholly rejecting it! that’s char growth!
why is “self” “我的狂”???? damn they’re so unoriginal with all these song names
xiao yun is the only member of TOP that has any rights omg. you’re great and i love you. he saw through the plot all along! god im so weak for outgoing competent chars that are smarter and have more depth than they appear. you can be an asshole and still likable! god your seniors could take a lesson.
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man if i wasn’t already expecting this ending to the ep i’d be super mad and frustrated. this is so dumbbbb and the cut is bad and unrealistic too i wanna hear the whole song! no one should have even heard the accusation and even if you do you still just gotta keep going show must go on come on! (tho the song isn’t my type... i’m less a fan of these kind of ballad-y songs. kinda too angsty. although that fits ctg lmaoo.) 
ok finally done! alas it was only 480p but at least i can browse the weibo posts now
i don’t even understandd tho like open is the only group here that’s a real instrumental band the others are like singing/dancing idol groups?? totally incomparable how can you do battle when you’re on like totally different planes?? is this also part of the competitive high school music band code??
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qorillas · 7 years
tagged by @latinsimonez! this was really fun to do lmao thank u for taggin me
answer 30 questions + tag 10 people you’d like to know better
-nicknames: ......i hesitate to inform you all of this but my uncle started calling me ‘the squish’ when i was a baby because i was so fat and now everyone on my mom’s side of the family calls me that more than they call me by my actual name. also sometimes people call me ari but not that often and my dad’s side of the family calls me arielita
-star sign: sad pisces binch
-gender: i’m a girl but. idk i’ve kinda been very slightly questioning it a little just to make sure? i’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that yup i’m a girl tho so 
-MBTI type: mainly infp, probably like 15% enfp because i get really excited when i’m around groups of people i love and Lose All Sense Of Boundaries. does that qualify me as enfp? i get tired being around most people tho so idk
-height: 5′5.5″ and yes the half inch COUNTS
-time: 10:41pm
-birthday: march 1. when i was little i couldn’t pronounce 1 correctly like i said “much fust” so everyone thought i was saying march 4 tho lmao 
-favorite bands: there’s this band called gorillaz i really like idk if anyone following me has heard of it tho :/// also phoenix, vampire weekend, the lumineers, glass animals, purity ring, young the giant, maroon 5, the beatles. i would die for ezra koenig and one time he liked something i tweeted at him and i cried for 10 minutes and my roommate took a video and made fun of me
-favorite solo artists: stromae, damon albarn, shawn wasabi, ingrid michaelson, childish gambino, nicki minaj, sohn, kanye west, lil wayne. gorillaz should collaborate with stromae also like i think they’d be good together
-song stuck in my head: ......the mii channel song but where each pause is uncomfortably long. yes i hate myself 
-last movie I watched: wonder woman like three months ago?? ? i like never go to the movies which is actually kind of a shame because going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do ever i know it’s like not that wild but i always get so excited wow i love movies
-last show I watched: rick and morty like the pickle rick episode. someone save morty and summer please i fucking hate beth
-other blogs: @ratqueenofficial is my main! also i have an art blog @ratqueenarts but i like never actually post there so. and i have multiple urls about antigone and about half mexican murdoc hoarded lmao
-when I created my blog: april 6 of this year but i made my main on new year’s eve because my friend came over so we could relaunch.......a semi-popular meme archiving blog whose name i’m not allowed to actually say because mods are a secret.........but anyway my old main had been around since 2013 and i wanted to start fresh so yeah
-what I post about: that son of a gun sure do love those gorillaz. also i post my own mediocre art and make shitposts and memes because i find myself hilarious and i write headcanons and am starting to do fics. but yeah it’s all centered around grillz, and sometimes like 1% damo but never hewll because. i don’t really like him lmao. i think my most common tag is murdoc and i know he sucks but i would fucking die for him in a heartbeat
-last thing I googled: ..........mii channel hip hop remix on youtube and i’ve had it on loop and my roommate hates me but. it’s a fucking bop okay don’t judge me
-following: 939
-followers: 1,233
-favorite color: yellow but like a Very Specific Yellow like strong golden yellow that one might be able to argue is actually orange but Bitch It Is Fucking Yellow (here it is) like half of everything i own is this color which was fun at first but one day i walked out of the house when it was raining and realized i was wearing yellow boots, a yellow raincoat, a yellow beanie, a yellow backpack and was holding a yellow umbrella and it was at that point that i realized that i had a Problem. my friends make fun of me for it rip
-average hours of sleep: half of the week it’s like 4 and half of the week it’s like 14 because of the ol’ depresh so i’m not actually sure at all. probably like 7 if i absolutely had to pick a number
-lucky number: 3
-instruments: classical piano (and i guess keyboard by extension) but i can’t sightread for shit (i’m good at playing by ear tho!), general percussion like bells and xylophone and marimba, i did tenor drum in marching band for like one year but i’m pretty horrible at non-mallet percussion lmao. also i had a vuvuzela for like two years but my roommate confiscated it because “vuvuzelas are not to be played at 3 in the morning, ariel” and anyway i don’t think it really counts
-what I’m wearing: glasses, black skinny jeans, my black x men sweatshirt that has like pictures of the vintage comic panels on it and yes i got it from hot topic don’t judge me for that i was like 14, dark blue baseball cap that says “best dad ever” across the front but i’m wearing it backwards because i’m cool. i got it for father’s day so that i could match with my grandpa
-how many blankets i sleep with: generally like 2 or 3 but at this point they’re all crumpled up at the bottom of the bed anyway so mainly just the big comforter and a throw blanket over that if it’s really cold
-dream jobs: oh man uhh. i used to think i wanted to be like a genetics/evolutionary biology professor and do research on evolution or cancer or hiv/aids and teach at like ucsf or something. or like work for nasa as an astrobiologist, or maybe work as a vet for a zoo. but now i don’t think i wanna do that anymore? to be quite honest if i could be 100% guaranteed whatever job i wanted i think i’d want to be a showrunner for an animated show on cartoon network or adult swim, like not something just with storyboards or animation, but like actually involved in the writing of the show. i’d love to write for a tv show on cartoon network or something like the office or brooklyn 99 or even a story-based video game, or maybe like do something where i get to just joke around and be funny all the time like what the mcelroys or game grumps do but. i have No Idea how to go about doing that and honestly i think jobs like that just happen to people randomly so it’s not really like, a Secure Job Option To Pursue. but i really hope somehow i end up doing something like that. i just wanna do something where i can create something meaningful that i’m proud of and see people connecting with it and feeling happy and inspired and less alone because of it, and maybe liking it so much a fandom or something grows around it. i’d be so fucking happy if that happened. 
-dream trip: i really want to go to new york with my jewish grandparents and see where they grew up and all the places they lived so i can finally experience all the places i’ve heard so many stories about? same thing with my abuelitos like i wanna go to mexicali with them or mérida in the yucatán and just see where they came from and where all their stories happened and meet all the relatives that they left behind when they came to the united states. also i think going to like, denmark or england or germany would be really cool? my friend studied abroad in england this summer and her snapchat story was full of dogs and random cows and those are some good things. i would very much like to softly caress a gentle english cow they have beautiful eyes
-favourite food: kbbq? ? ?? Bitch I Love KBBQ. fuck now i want kbbq. also mangoes, and deli sandwiches from the deli by my temple, and jazz apples, and sugary coffee, and sweet corn tamales, and high mountain milk tea with taro qq but sharetea stopped selling taro qq and i’m still salty because of that. and raw lemons because i’m an inhuman monster. can you tell i’m hungry rip
-nationality: american (specifically born and raised californian even though i know that’s not really a nationality but i love california so much you guys im so glad it’s my home) edit: apparently people are puttin in their ethnicities too on this?? ? i’m half american jewish which is. basically white lmao and half mexican idk i look super white tho im so pale rip
i tag @two-chi @drugstore-soulboy @murdoctrinated @murdochub @ephemeralprince @funeralshawls @astronomutual @maccamc @loboluchia @helloitsbees @grimdarkmatt @gorillahz @hewlll and i know that’s more than 10 but this is my house also like. if i tagged u and we Don’t Actually Talk it’s because i see u on my dash a lot and we’re mutuals and i think you’re Super Cool But I Am Too Shy To Actually Talk To You But Yeah I Think You’re Really Cool 
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hemsworths-chris · 7 years
so i have a piano recital tomorrow and im playing bach's invention no. 13 (fuck that honestly i fucking hate it and im fucking shit at it) and beethoven's moonlight sonata so tbh i was pretty hyped for this recital??? because i was alright at the invention and at the time, i thought i was quite good at the moonlight and i really loved playing it! so at my class i asked my teacher how the tempos of the pieces were. the invention was wAYYYY under tempo (which I'd known for weeks) but i figured that id be able to get it up to an acceptable par during the few days before the recital. the thing that made me really sad was that i didn't know this before, but she said my moonlight was was under tempo too. i don't know why but im really sad about this for some reason??? because i thought i was /good/ at this one, like i wouldn't make a complete fool at myself for this one. but apparently - so the recital is tomorrow and im practicing and the bach gets worse and worse every time i play it, to the point where i can't go five measures without a mistake (to be fair, the entire piece is twenty-five measures and each measure is packed but still) and i STILL can't get it up to a decent tempo??? and now that i *know* that the moonlight is way under tempo i just??? playing the piece isn't enjoyable anymore because i don't feel /good/ at it anymore and i don't fucking want to perform tomorrow because im going to make a fool of myself and while we're at it i was talking to another one of my close friends who also plays the piano and I mentioned what I was playing (the moonlight sonata) and she was like "oh that? yeah that piece is boring as hell i sightread that the first time I saw it so easy lol" and there's nothing more discouraging that that tbh so yeah i feel pretty annoyed about piano in general AND i have a viola concert the day /after/ my piano concert which is kinda sad considering I've been playing the viola for like six months??? and im shit??? and everyone else there will have been playing the violin for like 3 years??? so that'll be embarrassing all in all im going to have a very fun weekend.
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