stormbreaker-290 · 5 days
*gives knife*
Go. Do a crime =).
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titobarkvillier · 2 years
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he is so cute please
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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slutdge · 1 year
old people.......
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yukimiyaz · 1 year
chigiri is sooo girl dad coded it’s unreal. he teaches his daughter how to french braid with her chubby little fingers by the time she’s three. is the one to introduce nail polish and implement spa days (which is really just super long bath time with extra bubbles, the princess scented ones). dances around the kitchen with his daughter standing on his toes and explaining the rules of ballroom dancing even though she’s too busy giggling. matches his outfits to hers before they leave the house (and always picks hers out first. is most definitely the one that needs cut off from buying her clothes). is a natural at singing lullabies and carrying her around and easing her to sleep and feeding into her gossipy antics (which you remind him is teaching her to be a snitch, and he waves you off as he listens to her gibberish like she’s reciting the newest medical discovery). always has hair ties on his wrists and bows in his bag - which he refuses to wash because she’s colored all over it and it’s just so cute (even if the guys on his team tease him about it; how could he erase his little princess’s masterpiece after all?). he’s just a natural
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mecha-shadow · 9 months
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frostedpuffs · 10 months
rent is literally ABYSMAL these days. and the fact that most places want you to make 3x the rent????? HELLO??
isnt it ridiculous how i can go to making double the amount i was making beforehand and still struggle to find some place to live that i can afford? what on earth is the world anymore dude. it should be illegal for one bedroom apartments to be more than $700/month. and on top of the absurdly expensive rent for what is essentially a glorified closet....all the damn extra fees! $100 application fee. $300 admin fee. electricity. water bill. $50 a month pet rent per pet. security deposit. $50/month for pest control (which should be included in the fucking rent?? ?HELLO??? YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR YOU TO KEEP ROACHES OUT OF YOUR APARTMENT COMPLEX???) fees after fees after fees. and after all that, you can search for days and days and days for a place that is affordable and isn't covered in bullet holes or roaches, and finally find one that is BARELY affordable, and it seems almost too good to be true...then you find out that the whole complex has no central AC. in FLORIDA. where it's 80-90 degrees YEAR ROUND.
like NO NO IT'S FINE i'll just stay where i am where i live with an insufferably mean and disgusting person. not like i need my own place anyway (needs my own place before i explode from Anger.) hell on earth dude. i remember my older brother paying $500 a month for a one bedroom and that wasnt even 10 years ago. i think landlords should do a very die
gnawing my own arm off currently
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andr0nap-wf · 1 month
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artist struggle tweets
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
speaking of vivian and goombella . the unrequited triangle to polycule pipeline for marvibella is really funny to me bcus its just like. both vivian and goombella being very anxious and dumb for a very long time until they accidentally figure that out. and then at that point they are a bit too busy figuring themselves out before they remember "oh yeah. this started bcus of mario." and they reluctantly go up to him thinking he will think they are crazy but he literally just goes "👍 yea sure" and the months of mental torment melt away so quickly they almost throttle him
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drzibs · 10 months
has anyone else ever had a cat in ClanGen join your clan at 200+ moons old? i just saved a cat from drowning and shes 280 moons old, girl you are 23 wtf were you doing at a lake
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Question about Lights Out, and you don't have to answer if it holds spoilers ofc! But does anyone else know Frank is slowly dying? Or is he just kinda dealing with the whole thing on his own?? (I'm gonna eat up any angst you throw at me-)
well, of course Wally and Home know. i mean, all three of them are dying - technically everyone is - Frank's just going faster. and i have an idea that when the others start waking up, Frank makes Wally agree to stay hush-hush on the matter as to not Freak Anyone Out... that will backfire!
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months
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elftwink · 4 months
every few months or so i have to reach out to someone i inexplicably stopped speaking to for literally no reason at all and in my mind this doesn't impact the nature of our relationship in the slightest (i think ive seen a post floating around on here that phrases this like "i don't have a friendship decay mechanic" and thats pretty accurate to me as well) but it is literally so scary because other people definitely can feel negatively about this complete gap in interaction and read into it my intentions (or worse when its due to memory issues do that thing where theyre like "if it was important you would remember ergo i am not important to you") and its like idk how explain that life is just moving to damn fast like to me we may as well have been talking yesterday... makes me very sad because on the one hand people have a right to feel that way and i understand that it can feel like your time is being wasted or that the other person doesn't respect you enough to get back to you (because also. some people do deliberately ignore messages for these reasons unfortunately)
but on the other hand. for me i feel like im always on the back foot because i just dont have the capacity to actually keep up with everyone, and i barely have the capacity to do the apology rounds every few months. also i hate the apology rounds because even if i have every intention of keeping up with people it always slips. i dont think i was meant to live in a world with instant messaging i think we should go back to snail mail. i would also be bad at replying to people with it but at least i would have a better excuse
also sometimes im just like i must be inventing problems when i write replies to people like an email on average takes me 4 hours or so to compose if given my own time. for time sensitive work emails it's still at least half an hour to an hour, which is also about the time it takes me to compose a text message to someone (unless i see it right away and stream of consciousness my answer without thinking then i can do it in 2 minutes but if i dont do this at the exact moment i see the text i cannot do it at a later time). during this process it feels impossible to speed up but its obviously ridiculous for two emails to take the time of an entire work day. also i have to take a break after sending an email or text like it is genuinely really draining and there is just no way it takes this much time or energy for anyone else because if it did we would have made texting illegal by now. but at the same time no single component of writing an email/text is that obviously difficult or energy intensive so im like sweating blood for hours to produce something that looks like it took 3 1/2 minutes maximum like what is wrong with meeeeeee
also no i didnt send my email yet im procrastinating by writing this post. perhaps this is also contributing to my extremely long composition times :/ ok bye everyone if i post again in the next hour and it does say "yay i sent my email" or something of the like please yell at me
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peachypiichi · 4 months
feel like if i were a sim instead of a plumbob i would just have a big question mark above my head
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siveine · 17 days
i think im so nervous about finishing my contract because i wont know what to do with myself afterwards. like, sure theyve forgotten about me and nearly abandoned me, and im quite literally being used then thrown away, but after i get my discharge papers im going to be without purpose again and i dont know if i can do it a second time
#i dont want to stay in cause fuuuuuck that#if im gonna be a meat shield for corporate interest i might as well go private sector and get paid out the ass for it#but i know im not wanted in those spaces either simply due to being support crew rather than sf or infantry#forced into being a weapon then being expected to be normal#doesnt help that being transgender on top of that means that Nobody wants me around#im scared that im going to be broken and NHP forever even when ive earned my humanity back#i already feel like i never emotionally matured past high school#cause all ive ever known was being property of religious zealots and property of the government#i think i had a two year gap of being a person but otherwise ive just been trying to survive and it shows#at this point the best i can hope for is to distract myself until i keel over from the abuse ive let my body take#which i guess isnt the absolute worst thing ever#like between working with a carcinogen and spilling jp8 on myself and the malnutrition and heavy metal exposure and multiple deaths lol#theres no way im going to be able to grow old#and its going to be painful and slow the whole way down#a part of me wishes that drone turned me into paste#being the lucky survivor is worse i think#im useless and unwanted and that kinda blows?#trying so hard to cling to life but im tired of surviving. i want to live. but im not allowed to#maybe things will improve once my contract expires and i get to have a real name again#i thought these antidepressants were supposed to make me feel better why arent they working
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eyebex · 10 months
Iv consumed every little scrap of Nuzi content on the entire world wide web I pinky promise and I need more rught now
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