toffeebrew · 5 months
also do not be mistaken, just because i like sans aus doesn't mean hes the only character i enjoy. Actually, personally I enjoy alphys and papyrus the most! with undyne and toriel coming slightly behind them.
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spared-sans · 7 years
Discord rp between Charlie and @teddy-feathers​ muse Orpheus. Im leaving the usernames in and sticking it under a readmore cuz its long ^.^
Lemme smash-04/21/2017
[It was a fairly quiet day at the compound, no need to get information, so charlie was hanging around the main room. People littered about, playing games, drinking, and having conversations. All in all, a very laid back day. Outside it was clear, sunny even. Some children ran around and playing. Charlie left the main large door open on days like these. It always boosted the familys morales. Kept them happy.] 
[She sits up from her chair, heading outside for a walk. Didn't want to waste the day inside doing nothing. She even picks a small daisy to put into one of the childrens hair. Little Timmy. Good kid. Stayed out of trouble. He giggled and ran off to play with the other kids. It was indeed a nice day out.]
Orpheus knew the second the prototype teleporter engaged and he saw the flash of victory break the cold professional facade that this was not "the maiden voyage to timelines unknown" that Alphys had promised him. No this was the first stage in a coup d'état. 
 As he phased across the cold chill of nothing into some other reality, he tossed aside the "Interdimensional Travel Device" (D-Hopper for short) and as expected it exploded leaving a small crater where before there had been thick grass. Really he should have expected this... Rage boiled deep at his core but then anger was one of the few feelings he had kept while gaining levels, and he shuffled it down. Looking around he saw a group of people - childern perhaps - nearbye and he put his most friendly expression - a polite smile that had yet to put anyone at ease - on and marched in that direction. His goal was no longer a "fact finding mission" but a target oriented one. 
Orpheus mentally rearranged his goals to reflect his new objectives. Find his brother's counter part or some other teleporter, and return home to stop the Royal Scientist's takeover before it had progressed too far and did irreparable damage to his and the Heir's plans for subversive world domination.
Lemme smash-04/21/2017
[Silence fell hard in the compound at the explosion. The children immediately retreated to where they had been trained to when there were intruders. Everyone else drew guns, knives, swords. Magic users summoned fire and other various attacks. It was odly silent among the mix of humans and monsters other then the shuffle of movement as they surrounded the offending newcomer. There were at least 200 monsters and humans, give or take.] 
Stop right there! [One monster, fairly large, shouts at Orpheus. One might mistake him as the leader.] 
[Charlie watches bemused from the side. This was by far the most interesting entrance she'd seen from a papyrus. She was learning many new things and encountering new people who strayed from the norm. Would this one be like the rest, or would he be new? She strides very casually from her spot into the wide circle, smiling at the large monster.] 
Now now, Max. I know this newcomer gave us all a fright, but this is not how we treat people. Everyone relax, we must treat him like anyone new who comes here. He will be a guest. 
[She doesn't stop smiling as she looks to orpheus, the group lowering their weapons and dispelling their magic with no hesitation. The 3 foot cat monster gives a small bow to him.] Please excuse my familys jumpy nature. We don't get newcomers often. Especially ones who arrive with a bang. I'm Charlie. It's nice to meet you.(edited)April 22, 2017
The childern fled which is just as well really as it told him which direction to look for competent people with whom he actually has a chance of extracting useful information of his whereabouts... Only to face a sizable if heavily mixed group. They out number him and at the loud monster's demand - nervous, jumpy, unclear directions and likely to shoot first and ask questions of his dust - Orpheus pauses, hands open and held slightly away from his sides to indicate that he is unarmed. 
 The subliminal message is no doubt countermanded by his obviously battle tested and polished armor, as well as the comfortable way he holds himself in it. He couldn't take them all on obviously, but he lets his magic build and keeps his tauntness, his physical and mental readiness to move or defend himself behind his polite smile. Another steps forwad, a cat monster but unlike many beast monster's she carries herself with confidence and poise instead of barely repressed instincts. Between her diminutive stature and the striped shirt it was obvious she was a child, but her attitude had her hovering on the edge of her majority. 
 That Charlie seemed to be the assigned spokesperson struck him as an interesting move but looking at the clannish nature of the hodgepodge group, purhaps she was being groomed for a leadership position. 
 "It is quite alright my child, your vigilance in protecting what is yours is an admirable quality to have." He returned the bow with a regal nod of the head. "You may call me Orpheus, and I am most pleased to make your acquaintance Charlie. I apologize for the... Irregularity of my arrival."
Lemme smash-04/22/2017
[Most of the group seemed disinterested in Orpheus now, still watching him, but otherwise relaxed. Charlie took in the others appearance. Head of the guard, if not higher ranked. Formidable by his stance and attitude. Someone who was sure of himself.  But the name he chose took him from the norm and her smile widened. Though the child statement got some scattered chuckles.] 
[With a wave of her hand, the circle dispersed, people going back to their previous activities. A short whistle from max and the children crept from their hiding spot to return playing. Almost as if nothing had happened. Charlie approaches Orpheus, gesturing to the building for him to follow. Her paddle hung loosely but firmly on her back and she shifted it slightly. She did admit to herself that having to look up at people was an annoyance sometimes.] 
No doubt you are in need of something, Orpheus. Perhaps I can help you in the office. No one will harm you here without my approval, so don't worry. You're here for a reason, and I'd like to help.
SAYRUSXHAPPINESS 2K17-Last Monday at 11:13 AM
They relaxed as if the threat was taken well in hand by a competent threat or authority. Between that and the way people dispersed at a wave of her hand it seemed clear he'd miscalculated. Despite being a monster it appeared they did not solely dress their young in stripes as was the custom in his wolrd which may be due to the mixed nature of this group. 
 To admit he was mistaken would be to admit to weakness, to allow the observation to go uncommented might make him seem like less of a threat as his observation skills would be considered less than accurate however, she offered to help without taking any measure of him or his abilities. Perhaps it was simply a carrot she was stringing before him, or maybe they were foolish enough to help anyone who arrived on their doorstep... 
 "And the price for this aid you offer?" Without her approval... If she was not the leader then she held a position close to it.
Lemme smash-Last Monday at 2:33 PM
[The striped shirt was of course to throw people off, and it usually did a fairly good job. No one ever suspects that Charlie is who she is at first. A tactical advantage in most cases. At the question she smiles, walking toward the compound, fully expecting orpheus to follow.] 
Information is all. I like to learn about people, especially ones from different universes. Your chosen name takes you from the norm, and I'd love to learn more about you. We can both gain something from this with a little cooperation, yes? 
[She pauses talking as she steps into the large door, a human approaching her to whisper something into her ear. She sighs softly in disappointment, saying something softly back before the human walks away. There were some unrulies in the compound that needed to be dealt with. She looks back to orpheus.] 
Would you mind a small deviation from what we were going to do? You may observe if you so wish, but I have to attend to a rule breaker. It won't take too long.
SAYRUSXHAPPINESS 2K17-Last Tuesday at 7:07 PM
His chosen name... He'd allowed his brother to come up with the alias as it wasn't his concern and had no idea why Pierian had chosen it. So in this at least he had the upper hand, whatever the name told her about him had nothing to do with Orpheus surely... 
 "I also share this interest, and would be delighted to speak with you at length my dear." 
Maybe this trip won't have been wasted. If she already has done the leg work - and if she has a standard about what is average for his alternates to be like then this could actually be very informative and she might even be able to direct him to a person or method of transportation home in time to deal with Alphys. 
 He was not at all perturbed by the interruption. It would give him a better measure of thr type of person and leader she was, a chance to size her up correctly and not be sidelined by any more misunderstandings. 
"By all means. Duty is paramount after all, and I find myself curious how things are done here."
Lemme smash-Last Tuesday at 10:38 PM
[Listening to him speak made her feel as though he were speaking down at her. It was incredibly amusing. Perhaps he'd realize soon enough. Silence soon fell on the compound, though slower than before as she smiled at orpheus, giving a small nod.] 
Maybe you'll learn not to speak down to me, and use my name, rather than "dear." 
[Her tone never changed or wavered, as well as her smile. Cheery, this one. Once silence did fall completely, a human was lead to a small table at the center of the large room, likely muttering apologies under his breath. He was led by the large monster from before, max. Charlie gave a final glance to Orpheus before walking into what was now basically a large circle.] 
Darren. What happened? You know we have rules for a reason. Stealing from our pantry? I thought you'd learned after the last finger I took. I'm going to have to take more this time, but it'll be your last warning, since you're still new. Next time won't be as nice. 
[The human started shaking his head, getting louder with his apologies and pleas. Charlie held up her finger, and he fell nearly silent as she addressed the group.] 
Let everyone remember, and learn by example. We share, but we do not steal. Please, we can be civil, but only if we work like a family. 
 [Everyone muttered in agreement, Darrens face buried in the arm not held down by max. Eventually this one would learn.]
SAYRUSXHAPPINESS 2K17-Last Tuesday at 11:22 PM
Had he sounded condescending? Maybe that was the issues he was having with Sen. He'd thought the informal and familiar term would be a good way to create a sense of bonding with other's but... Apparently he'd been mistaken. 
Orpheus wasn't quite sure which rankled more - that he had been mistaken, or the way the other had so casual pointed it out as if they were equals... Then again this was her territory, as she made clear her dominion over the pathetic creature before her. His own rule wasn't so absolute or complete and there was a wave of frustration before the calm in him stole it away. Soon he'd earn his position as regent to the Heir when the Dreemers were forced to step down due to lacking the ability to rule. He and Frisk had worked together to great effect in the past, this time would be no different. If he did his duty... 
He blinked and focused on the present. These people did more than tolerate her place above them, they respected her and for that he would allow her to rise into a place of acknowledgement few reached in his mind.
Lemme smash-Last Tuesday at 11:39 PM
[Charlie of course didn't see Orpheus as an equal. Not by a long shot. Here, she was in charge, and no one had a chance of taking that away from her. No one's even tried. She may have been born into this position, but she'd proved it was her place.] 
[She pulled her paddle from her back, twirling it in her hand, looking as though she were considering something. She moved in front of Darren, cupping his cheek to tilt his chin up so she could see his face.] 
I don't think a few fingers will make a difference. Don't look away, I want you to see your lesson as it happens. 
[The poor humans eyes widened and he whimpered, nodding as he looked to his hand. He knew he fucked up big time. Charlie called over her shoulder as she moved to the side of the table.] 
Millie. Be ready to heal him, please. 
[Another monster moved forward to stand by Darrens side with a single nod. The next second a loud scream rings out, from the human, and his hand is lying on the floor. Charlie looked like she had only twitched. A clean cut straight through. Darrens incoherent sobs echoed through the room and Charlie flicked blood off the sharpened end of her paddle. Millie moves to heal and close off the wound and Max makes sure he doesn't collapse.] 
Lets hope this lesson stays with you, Darren. Let's hope it stays with everyone.
SAYRUSXHAPPINESS 2K17-Last Tuesday at 11:59 PM
Orpheus nods to himself. Charlie knows her people, takes personal responsibility for making sure they know thier place, and maximizes efficiency. She also seems quite competent with her chosen weapon. Everything a proper leader should be, and much more ... In touch it seemed with emotions of those around her then he knew how to be. 
 Maybe his estimation of her was growing, or perhaps he was simply acknowledging Charlie as a serious threat to not only him but his timeline. If Alphys had half her ability his position would be in jeopardy from a real challenge and... 
 His thin pleased smile formed. Orpheus was looking foward to their meeting.April 26, 2017
Lemme smash-Last Wednesday at 9:53 PM
[Once the wound was closed up and healed, the human was taken away, and everyone resumed their activities. Charlie turned, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket to clean her paddle as she walked toward Orpheus. She still had him to attend to. Once clean, she slips the paddle onto her back and smiles up at him.] 
I apologize for the delay. Shall we resume where we left off? The office is upstairs. 
[Charlie gestures to a set of stairs. At least he seemed to appreciate what she did here. Either that or tolerated by his expression. She was looking forward to the meeting as well, hoping it would break away from the normal fells she encountered. They were always boring when it was the same thing over and over again.]
Orpheus followed. "You have nothing to apologize for Charlie, that was a most enlightening detour."
Lemme smash-Today at 3:28 PM
[A small smile forms on her lips. Good he was learning. Or just humoring her. Either way, this would go well. Once inside the office, she gestures for Orpheus to sit at the small table at the side of the room, sitting across from where she gestured and setting her paddle at her side.] 
[There was no desk, or any of what you'd expect in an office of someone in charge. It was surprisingly lax. The table that looked more like a booth, with a window to view the outside. There was a couch and a tube tv on the other side. No filing cabinets, no loose papers. It seemed more like a living room than anything.] 
So orpheus. I'm guessing you didn't end up here by choice, judging by the crater left by the device you used to get here.
It was very casual... Not at all what he expected but it set his mind to thinking. Maybe... By disposing with the trappings of authority she made herself more approachable. The small cat woman struck a delicate balance but no one who had witnessed the dislpay downstairs would doubt her authority. 
 He sits, all straight lines and discipline. Not uncomfortably but not relaxing. She was correct but there was no need to let her know that. Knowledge is power. 
"A prototype malfunction." He said dismissively. "I confess to being over egar to begin exploring these 'alternate timelines' that I didn't allow enough of a testing period for the project." 
 That wasn't true, he'd never be so careless, but he had taken Alphys' cooperation into a shift of interest on her part finally and that was a much more dangerous failure to have made let alone to admit to.
Lemme smash-Today at 4:04 PM
[She took in how he held himself. An air of authority. Someone who was, as she's thought before, very sure of himself. Her position, however, was relaxed. She was confident. This would be an interesting conversation.] 
[As he spoke, she could already tell he was lying. Someone who held himself as highly as he did didn't make mistakes. Wouldn't allow it. Her smile picked up more at the corners. Guess it was time to be blunt. Her tone was still as lax as it's always been as she rests her elbows on the table, folding her hands together.] 
How about we cut the shit, yeah? You aren't the kind of guy to let a malfunction happen. So I'm guessing a betrayal. Scientist most likely, as not many in timelines make things like that. Not on good terms with Alphys? 
[She chuckles softly, leaning back on the chair and resting her hands in her lap.] 
I pay attention. I notice things. I've met hundreds of Papyrus and Sans. The only reason you aren't dead is your name. Orpheus. You probably didn't choose it yourself, as most Papyrus' don't. Given by your brother, or someone equally close, but by the "malfunction" on your device, you aren't close with anyone else, so your brother. Why he would choose a musicians name is a mystery that could only be answered by him though.
His polite mask melted away like chalk being washed off a wall in the rain. "I see." 
 This was not then, a conversation or a buisness dealing. Charlie wanted something from him and thought that here in the heart of her power especially that she could affored to be so arrogant. They were alone meaning she had decided she was more than a match for him, simply because she had that unique prespective that he himself had been seeking - having knowledge of all the possibilities made it much easier to read, judge, and most importantly control the outcomes. This wasn't intended to be a clash of wills, instead she was wielding her power like a bludgeon - and he found himself strangely disapointed. 
Orpheus had expected... More really from such an adversary. Wasted potential annoyed him. 
 "By your own words then, I am not interesting in and of myself. My brother might possibly be however, as you've said you're observant and I can here through technological means indicating that for whatever reason I do not have access to my brother. Therefore it seems unlikely you could gain access to him through me and pick his mind as to why he deviates from whatever standard has been set. The remains of the device no doubt, in the right hands could produce the location I arrived from."
His tone is uncaring and factual, face empty not as a way to hide expression but as a reflection of his sudden lack of interest. His suppositions were based on what Charlie had already said but intentionally gave no comformation of her conclusions and fave no further information about his timeline. There was only so much a person could deduce from the obvious, particulars would have to be extracted from him and if that was what she was after then she'd gone about this amateurishly. 
 Whatever else she could possibly want he now had little motive to give her as she'd applied the stick too firmly and had yet offered any carrot. Going home was no temptation if  had to betray his duty to gain it... Purhaps she enjoyed doing things the more difficult way, or maybe she was used to overwhelming others and bullying things out of them easily. Neither tactic could - his determination poisoned soul assured him - would force him into abandoning his duty. 
 Now he relaxed, resting back into his chair, hands lightly folded on the table. Yes he was unimpressed and disapointed but... if he was lucky this would devolve into a fight and he could at least have some sort of fun. 
 "Therefore I seem to be valueless to you." It was plainly stated, and disdained even bothering to imply the underlying question.
Lemme smash-Today at 5:23 PM
[She found his expression amusing. At least he was cutting the crap. Sort of. She wasn't as interested in his brother as he would think. Not as of right now. He wasn't here, so she coldn't care less. Orpheus was. She of course already had people working on what was left of the device. It'd be useful in gaining teleportation and to explore new timelines.] 
[He didn't need to confirm or deny. His silence answered that question. What he assumes is amature, is really carefully thought out. He'd assume, but he was wrong. It's all part of her "character." Seem like an idiot, and people let their guard down. She digs in her pocket, pulling a pack of smokes out and lighting one. She was very much interested. And body language spoke so much.] 
You would be wrong on that front. I like to learn about people. How they work. How they think. You may not have chosen your name, but you've accepted it as your alias. You think me uninteresting now, by how you're sitting now. If you are as high up and calculative as I think you are, you no longer see me as a threat, unworthy of your own interest. 
 [She inhales and blows out smoke before continuing.] 
 You thought highly of me before, yes? Or at least you thought I was worth talking to, or you wouldn't have followed me. I want information, you want to go home. That still remains the same. The real question is, will you still be cooperative, or will this end in one of us dead?
He had relaxed to be ready to fight - to move - only a fool would think Charlie wasn't a threat just because it turned out she was as clumsly as him when it came to extracting information out of people. 
 That she could read him so well was unfortunate. But would only add to her advantage in understanding him, answering questions could potentially be a betrayal - had any of his people been in this situation and breathed a word he would have them executed for treason reguardless if they were faced with a proper intelligence analyst like the one seated across from him or a complete dunce. 
 " Leaving aside the fact that my answers even on the most innocuous topics could, in theory, grant you vital information you would not otherwise have and therefore can be construed as a treasonous action and a dereliction of my duty, you have yet to give me a reason to not keep this encounter cordial or  to aide you in anyway." He looked over his glasses. 
"You assume much - perhaps with good reason, but it is still all in the end conjecture. Your high handedness tells me you do not consider me a threat and you're sure of your superiority, arrogance that can perhaps be forgiven were you yourself not a leader on whom your people depend." His tone goes cold.
"You are dealing in bad faith and that is why I have lost interest in playing the game. You and I both know that while you are the most expeditious method of travel available to me at the moment, you are not the only option I have. As previously discussed any information I can give you is either obtainable through other methods or of personal interest to you and equally non vital. "
He does lean foward now, still relaxed but intense as this was his only real passion he had left. 
"The potential for a battle, for death is acceptable in certain situations such as the one I am in - you however are accpeting an inbalance of risk verses profit for whimsey. Therefore the choice of what happens next is up to you are we dealing with one another in a responsible and amiable fashion? Or are you betraying the confidence placed in you for entertainment's sake?"
Orpheus would not be tricked into risking anything if there was no actual gain for it. Even assuming Charlie kept her word there was no gain in divulging information, even knowing with time she could gain it through other means just as he could find other methods of returning home. She must think him stupid. A fight benefited him more than her as he had nothing to lose except his life and all sorts of things to gain. She on the other hand was risking injury or death when it could be avoided. In his mind that was negligent. 
Even assuming she won the fight if something worse came along she wouldn't be at full strength to deal with it. Over all while he would not mind an alliance or proper dealing with her, she was insulting him, a viable threat, and didn’t deserve her position and unless she could not only deal with him as an equal but offer him something of value it was much more beneficial and it might even be something of a pleasure to attempt to kill her.
Lemme smash-Today at 7:33 PM
[He thinks she's clumsy, but it's all part of her plan. Charlie flicks ash onto the floor. Kept the ants away. So he was true to his cause. Good to know. He was loyal. Whether to all his people, or even just one, out of a sense of duty. How cute. However it was true. She assumed a lot, and 9 times out of 10, she was correct.] 
[At the statement of him not being a threat, she chuckles softly. He was a threat, just not a high one. At least to her. Yeah she was a bit over confident in herself. It usually did the trick. He thought her arrogant. He may be right. It never steered her wrong. She still preferred willing information.] 
[Another drag and another flick of her cigarette. He was very much fascinating, and very much strayed from the norm. Every fell papyrus by now would have attacked her. They always did. He piqued her interest highly. She grins again as he stops speaking. This was fun.]
[Putting the cigarette out on the bottom of her shoe, she flicks it into a trash bin and stands, putting her paddle onto her back once more.] 
Walk with me orpheus. I want to show you something, and tell you a story. Maybe it will help you understand things just a bit better about who I am and why I do what I do. There is benefit for you.
Orpheus did not tense but he was ready her movements were to lazy and casual to be indicative of attack and indeed she merely strapped her weapon and invited him to accompany her. While it could be a trap or an attempt to get him in a place with significant numbers to overwhelm him through force he rather doubted it. Perhaps she was clever or cowardly enough to hedge her bets in such a fashion, but he rather doubted it. Shows of force and dominion were either out of preference or necessity and either option excluded her acquiring assistance. An audience on the other hand... He stood in a quick smooth motion that betrayed his apparent relaxed posture and slipped his back on his parody of courteous charm. After all, there was no harm in being polite until such time he could in good conscious dust her.
 "Well then, Charlie, please do enlighten me."
Lemme smash-Today at 8:20 PM
[She grinned as he stood. Definitely not relaxed. And up goes that facade again. Good. She walks to a door opposite of where they came in from and made her way through it. It would close and lock once orpheus was through.] [On the other side was a set of stairs leading to the back of the compound. It was fairly quiet and devoid of people. The field stretched out and melded into a forested area. That was the direction she was walking.] I was born into my position. My parents head of the family. I got a knack and drive for learning from them. They, however, were a bit more... brutish in their way of gaining information. So I took it upon myself to get a degree in psychology. Better to learn how people tick that way. 
 [She glances to orpheus before continuing.] 
That's all I like to do. I like to learn, as I've stated before. I learn how people work, and I use it to my advantage. The family has grown exponentially since I became head. I may be born into it, but I earned my place. Since we relocated here, we've encountered many dimensional travellers. Most of them being the same. Stereotypical. After the 15th, it got boring. But you. You fascinate me. You stray far from the stereotypical. You have amazing restraint. You seem to ignore every trap I've laid out for you, but I can tell your patience is wearing thin. 
 [She pauses 20 feet from the treeline to face the other. At the base of each tree seemed to be a marker of some sort.] 
Everyone before you has attacked me by now. Everyone before you is now buried here. You say you have other options for leaving. You say youve stopped playing my game and yet... [she grins.] 
You're still playing, whether you realize or not. Everything I've done til now is carefully planned. You've done nearly everything I thought you would. So. How shall we proceed? Because as of now, your only means of leaving is the device my family is working on.
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