spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Okay okay obsessed with wammawink actually and her in this song.
Wammawink’s whole character arc is that, she was the sole survivor of her herd after the war and now that she’s made a new adoptive family (who also came from broken pasts and tragedy), her greatest fear is losing them again, leading her to be overprotective and filled with insecurities.
In the beginning of the series she carries a lot of survivors guilt and helplessness, and quickly gives up in the face of adversity great or small, such as when she quit Waterbaby’s shaman training, because of her trauma. Her most iconic spell is her barrier bubble in which she uses to keep her herd and more importantly herself safe, keeping out all dangers and also serving as a metaphor for her own mentality of rejecting new experiences and keeping out bad feelings.
This song is really cool because the visuals draw a comparison between wammawink and the woman. Throughout the song, the visuals focus on wammawink more than the rest of the herd (except for when Glendale stole the key) and it seems that the woman is directly telling wammawink about what will happen to her (even if she is in fact talking of herself).
Wammawink and the Woman both use the barrier spell (and even their magic is near in hue), and the lyrics “keep it locked up, keep it sealed tight” are really applicable to wammawink. They both went through a huge ordeal in the war, losing the ones they loved (additionally the elktaur and horse also have parallels in being said loved ones who lost or nearly lost themselves to their own self hatred) and having to navigate a strange world on their own. Their trauma leads to themselves sealing themselves away, and in turn limiting themselves and ruling themselves with fear.
But the difference and a true testament to wammawink’s character development, is that she grew to be confident again and grew to prioritise her love over her fear. Wammawink realised that she has control and she now has the ability to defend herself and her herd and they have her back too. She was so afraid to go out into the world but in the end she’s willing to put herself on a battlefield to protect her happiness and safety.
And we see this when she steps of Waterbaby’s barrier, in front the prospect of harm and dark memories, and says to think of the fragile things. She turns the song Fragile Things’ meaning on its head and rather than avoiding the fight to overprotect others, she wants to keep fighting for her hope. She’s driven by her faith that she can be okay whilst the woman is driven by her fear of it not being.
I think both of them are justified in their actions of course because of how grey the circumstances of the plot are but I am so emotional over wammawink getting over her fears and finding the strength to do what she wants, to protect her herd
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