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seostagrm · 7 years ago
seojuhyun_s comment: @watasiwahyo 내가 더 싸랑해용 울효랭언니이❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️항상 고마워요😍
https://instagram.com/p/BbCFAmBFR5f from seojuhyun_s
[TRANS] Seohyun comment to Hyoyeon: I love you more, our Hyoraeng unnie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m always thankful😍 https://t.co/BO5aG9YBUA
— Stella ♡ (@SonexStella) November 5, 2017
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seostagrm · 7 years ago
watasiwahyo comment: 싸랑해용 서주현이♥️♥️
https://instagram.com/p/BbCFAmBFR5f from seojuhyun_s
[TRANS] hyoyeon's comment to seohyun: i love you seo juhyunie https://t.co/wjJ9SGR5Pm
— ㅈㄱㅇ (@ch0sshi) November 5, 2017
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seostagrm · 7 years ago
seojuhyun_s comment: @younha_holic 감사합니다언니~!^^
https://instagram.com/p/BbCFAmBFR5f from seojuhyun_s
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seostagrm · 7 years ago
soostyle83 comment: ❤
https://instagram.com/p/BbCFAmBFR5f from seojuhyun_s
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seostagrm · 7 years ago
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seojuhyun_s: 긴 세월 동안 언제나 같은 자리에서 우리를 든든하게 지켜줬던 팬 여러분께.. 안녕하세요. 소녀시대 서현입니다. 얼마 전 예고도 없이 보도된 갑작스러운 소식에 혼란스럽고 걱정하셨을 많은 팬 여러분께 정말 죄송한 마음이 가득합니다…. 감정적으로 섣불리 저의 마음을 표현하려다 혹여나 실수하게 될까 많이 고민하고 또 고민하다 고심 끝에 이 글을 올려요.  저는 얼마 전 지난 10여 년간 함께 해온 가족 같은 저의 둥지 SM과의 인연에 마침표를 찍게 되었어요. 수많은 고민과 결심 끝에 어려운 결정을 하게 되었습니다. 12살의 평범한 소녀였던 저를 소녀시대 서현으로 새로운 삶을 살 수 있도록 만들어주신 이수만 선생님께 진심으로 감사한 마음이 가득합니다…. 그리고 제 인생에서 너무나 소중한 언니들을 만났고 또 든든한 팬 여러분 소원을 만나 그렇게 서로 함께한 10년이란 세월 동안 매 순간 함께 울고 함께 웃었던 날들이 주마등처럼 스쳐 지나가네요.. 가수의 꿈을 품고 치열한 경쟁을 했던 연습생 시절부터 같은 꿈을 갖고 운명처럼 소녀시대로 하나가 되어 데뷔했던 순간, 10대였던 소녀 시절부터 20대 후반이 된 지금까지 우린 늘 함께였기에 찬란하게 반짝였던 수없이 행복했던 나날들과 언제나 서로가 서로의 편이 되어주며 버텨냈던 고되고 힘들었던 순간들까지 함께 이겨내며 성장하며 쉼 없이 달려온 모든 날이 저에겐 너무나 소중하고 영원히 잊지 못할 아름다운 시간입니다…. 그리고 10년이 지난 지금 서로가 원하는 미래와 그 삶의 그림과 색깔이 각자 조금씩 다른 방향일 수 있���는 걸 많은 대화를 통해 서로 이해하고 존중하게 되었어요. 비록 예��과는 조금 다른 모양과 방식으로 함께할지라도 서로를 응원해주고 함께 할 거라는 믿음만은 변함이 없습니다. 오랜 고민 끝에 제가 내린 결론은 홀로서기였습니다. 제 인생에서 새로운 도전이 필요하다는 생각이 들었고 도전을 하기 위해서는 선택을 해야만 했습니다. 이제는 가수로서 배우로서 그리고 인간 서주현으로서 새로운 도전을 시작하려고 합니다. 하지만 앞으로도 소녀시대로서 제가 필요한 곳이 있다면 언제든 언니들과 함께하기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다. 그리고 영원히 소녀시대를 응원하고 함께할 것입니다.. 둥지를 떠나 모든 걸 새롭게 시작함에 있어 불안한 마음도 있지만 수많은 고민 끝에 내리게 된 제 선택에 책임감을 갖고 살아가겠습니다. 그동안 저를 믿어주시고 더없이 뜨겁고 큰 사랑을 주신 수많은 팬 여러분께 진심으로 감사드리고 또 감사합니다.. 언제나 여러분 곁에서 든든하고 자랑스러운 아티스트, 배우 그리고 인간 서주현으로 최선을 다해 살아가는 모습 보여드리겠습니다!!
https://instagram.com/p/BbCFAmBFR5f https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/23098966_244720782724294_3353328590031683584_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTYzOTg5NTI0NTM2OTE4NzkzNQ%3D%3D.2&se=8
Note: This is a quick and dirty version of Seohyun's IG post on 2017.11.03. To the fans who have been always at the same place and reassuringly protected us for a long time.. Hello, this is SNSD Seohyun. I truly feel sorry for many fans who might have felt confused and worried about the news which came out suddenly. I agonized over and over before I wrote this, because I was worried that I could make a mistake by hastily and emotionally expressing my mind. Recently, I ended my tie with SM, my home and my family who have been with me for last 10 years. I made a tough decision after agonizing and determination. I can't thank Mr. Lee Sooman enough for making me, who was an ordinary 12 year old girl, as SNSD Seohyun and letting me live a new life. And I met unnies who are so precious in my life, and also met reassuring fans SONE. The moments we laughed and cried together for 10 years, they went through my mind. Trainee days when we competed fiercely to make our dream of being a singer come true, the moment we shared our dreams and made a fateful debut by becoming one as SNSD. From teenage years to being our late twenties now, we have been together all the time. It gave us a lot of glittering and shiny days, and also gave us strength to overcome tough and enduring moments by being each other's ally. Every single day we overcame and grew up together and ran through without rest, it was such a precious and unforgettably beautiful moment. And now after 10 years, we could understand and respect that the future, the picture and the color of each's life can be slightly different by having lots of conversations. Even though we will be together in a slightly different way, our believes that we will support each other and be together hasn't changed. After long agonzing moment, my decision was standing alone. I thought I need a new challenge in my life, and to do it, I had to make a decision. From now, I start a new challenge as a singer, as an actress, and as a human Seo Juhyun. However, if I'm needed as a member of SNSD, I will always do my best to be with unnies. And I will support and be with SNSD forever. Leaving my long time home and staring all over again gives me uneasiness, but I will live my life with responsibility on my choice which I made after all those agonies. Thank you so much for many fans who have believed me and given me incomparably big and passionate love. I will be by your side, live my life as hard as I can, and show you myself as a reassuring and proud artist, actress, and human Seo Juhyun. Original post: https://www.instagram.com/p...
— H.Y. (@itnw0628) November 3, 2017
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