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Most to Least Favorite Moon Signs & Why
1. Pisces moons: ughhh I love me a good Pisces moon😩 you guys are so darn charming it’s ridiculous. I think this is my favorite because I’m a Pisces sun so we compliment eachother quite well. But these people are super considerate of others and their feeling. Whether it’s a boy or girl you guys are super in tuned with your emotions & they emotions of others around you which is why you guys are really good with your words and knowing how to make others feel comfortable around you. These people are also big hopeless romantics & if they have a crush on you just know you’ll be treated like a princess/ prince. They do not play when it comes to their partners fr. They can however be very distant people and you’ll not here from them for like weeks or months at a time (big escapists) but overall if they love you just know your getting well taken care of. Just big sweethearts.
2. Libra moons: another big sweetheart placement. These people are sooo good at making others feel special it’s impressive to me really. (My moons in Aries so the opposite effect Libra moons give intrigue me a lot). They are usually big people pleasers (sometimes to a fault) but they usually are amazing conversationalists and can make you feel like you are the most interesting person in the room and are usually super engaging. Has the ability to keep very peaceful healthy relationships with others ( which as a chaotic Aries moon is super impressive to me💀). They live and breathe romance which I think is super cute. And may I say these people are usually always SO PRETTY just so aesthetically pleasing to look at and are always well dressed. The only thing that can bother me about them is they can be a little overly flirtatious which can be an issue if you’re into them & can say a lot of little white lies to make others feel comfortable. But overall they try really hard to make sure the people around them feel loved which I appreciate a lot. Genuinely nice people.
3. Sagittarius moons: just a big ball of sunshine. It’s pretty rare to see these people in a grumpy or shitty mood. They try really hard to spread ��� good vibes” to others and try not to let their emotional drama get in the way of them or others having a good time. These are the best people to go to bars/ parties with. They are big goofballs that love to laugh and make others laugh as well. Can have a very loud laugh as well. Their laughs can be really funny too, you ever met someone whose laugh is usually funnier than the joke being said??? Yeah they’re those people🤣 the only thing I don’t like about this moon sign is that they can be a little too obsessed with positive vibes that they can kinda dismiss other’s emotions which can come off as a little insensitive sometimes.. they can treat others a little weird if they aren’t positive and happy all the time. They can also find it awkward to show negative emotions themselves which is why it can be hard for people to take them seriously at times. It’s okay to be down every once in an awhile you can’t always be upbeat 24/7.
4. Aquarius moons: these people are such weirdos I absolutely love it lol. They have such a unique way of expressing themselves whether that be their music taste, clothing, hairstyles, mindset ect. These people are the definition of authentic. I meet a lot of trendsetters that have this moon placement as well they are super creative and original which can cause a lot of people to copy their style a lot. They are usually super open minded and are really accepting of people from all different walks of life which I find so beautiful. It’s very rare you see them discriminate against anyone (mainly because they know how it feels to be outcasted by others). They are usually friends with other really authentic people whether it be artists, alternative people, rejects, outcasts ect. They can however be very weird when it comes to expressing emotions or others expressing emotions. They can almost be a little mean when people get too emotional around them I notice. Similar to Sag moons they can come off as a little insensitive to others that just need a shoulder to cry on. I think this comes from their need to logically solve emotions ( cuz this is an air moon after all) they can be more worried about solving/ finding solutions to your problems then just allowing you to vent which can rub others the wrong way at times. Overall though very cool quirky people who are way ahead of their time.
5. Cancer moons: are usually super sweet and genuine souls. Every cancer moon I met gives a sorta caretaker vibe to them that i absolutely adore. They’re just people that you want to naturally protect at all costs. Are usually veryyy nice to others as well almost to a scary degree. I notice however I tend to butt heads with this moon sign over the long run. These people can be very self defensive and can take things to heart wayyy to easily ( i think because of my Aries moon I can come off as harsher when I mess around and most I met DO NOT like that) it can be very hard to joke around with these people because of their sensitive personalities they can turn something that was meant to be light hearted into a big lecture of how that was insensitive and unacceptable. They definitely give off mom vibes. They also tend to lack ambition at times I notice and can prefer to be taken care of instead of striving to be better (they prefer comfort over trying new things at times which can be a little stressful if you are a more spontaneous type of person. But I notice this is also a big beauty aspect as well and people with this placement are usually so beautiful to look at (ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN OMG). Normally big homebodies and are really into at home activities such as cooking, watching Netflix, playing board games ect. They can however be super moody if u catch them on a wrong day😭 they will really crash out on you over very minor things sometimes. But overall they are very good natured and are very emotionally intelligent.. it’s honestly crazy how emotionally intelligent these people are they are made to be therapists forreal. They just always have the right words/actions when you are feeling down or upset which is very commendable imo. They know how to make others feel safe expressing themselves with no judgement ♥️
6. Gemini moons: these people are such comedians lol. Usually this moon sign is one of the popular girls/ guys in hs/ middle school. They give big class clown energy and can make anyone laugh. They have a very childlike sense of humor. It can be however difficult to take these people seriously because they can come off as a bit childish with the ways they express themselves but they usually don’t mean any harm by this. One of the best conversations I ever had was with these people. They can change any awkward conversation into something interesting and I thank god for them for this😩. I always however found it very difficult to get close to these people due to the lack of seriousness they have and their very flighty natures. I notice they talk to everyone but it’s very rare they get actually close close to people??? Like they’ll have so many friends that honestly barely know anything about them. They kinda bread crumb their personality at times. Also they can change their personality wayyyy to much for my liking, their opinions, likes and dislikes are so easily changeable based on who they are around which is why it’s hard to really pin these people down. This quality can give a bit of a “two faced quality” to their nature. They can be very all over the place.
7. Taurus moon: I know this might be a shocker cuz I feel like most people really like this moon sign and don’t get me wrong I do like this moon sign but they have this bossiness about them that can be just too much at times for me. I haven’t met a lot of people with this moon sign but the ones I have met have this controlling nature to them that can be a little unsettling at times. I always felt super judged when im around someone with this moon sign I have no idea why. These people are very big “my way or they highway types”. And in general I do find them to be a little boring at times. The ones I met literally only talk about work 24/7 lol their conversations are usually super predictable which can come off as a little dull. However on a more positive note these people are soooo attractive. Like they really know how to sweet talk their way into anyones good side. This is why a lot of big bosses usually have a Taurus moon. They are also amazing a making money their natural boss energy usually attracts so much wealth into their life which is super enviable!! Their romantic relationships as well are usually super stable and loving as well (thanks to the help of Venus). Their love languages usually involve gift giving and physical affection. These people are the BEST cuddles by far. Growing up you could’ve been known for your hugs and cuddles 🥺 they are also super dependable if they love you you won’t have to ever worry about if they’ll come thru for you or not THEY WILL. These people are not flighty in the slightest and will really ride for you. This is why they tend to have such stable healthy relationships in their lives.
8. Capricorn moons: ahhh cap moons, I tend to have a very strong love hate relationship with this moon sign usually. Imma start with the positives by saying that these people really RIDE for you when they love you. These are the types to make sure you get to where you need to be whether that be to work, or an important meeting or appointment or event. They will make sure you are well fed and have clothes on your back. Materially & practically these people will have you COVERED which is very commendable. However emotionally is where they tend to fall short. They can have a very insensitive nature about them that usually always rubs me the wrong way. I notice they can be very judgmental to those who aren’t as efficient as them and can make others feel pretty bad about things they can’t control. Most cap moons had to grow up very fast at a very young age so a lot know how to do things that most people don’t really learn until much older. But because of this they can almost make you feel a little bad if you don’t know how to do those things from what I’ve experienced. I also always felt like I couldn’t completely open myself up emotionally to these people without feeling like my emotions are almost dismissed in a way. They can be VERY dismissive emotionally (usually because they experienced this so much growning up) could believe in a more tough love kinda outlook. Overall tho these are the type of people that will give the clothes off their back to make sure that you are good and I love that about them.
9. Virgo moons: ugh these people are always giving unsolicited advice that no one asked for lol. Most earth moons tend to have a very judgey nature about them but I feel like Virgo moons definitely take the cake for the most judgmental outta all the moon signs. Ik that most of their advice is there to help but it can come off as super mean when it’s excessive. Ive experienced these people trying to correct your behavior on EVERYTHING to an almost irritating degree. They have a strong belief on what’s acceptable and unacceptable and they tend to project these beliefs on others to a fault. They can be overly nit picky with others (which is usually a projection because they are truly more hard on themselves than others tbh) but it’s okay to just let people be without correction so you don’t cause anyone any insecurity. On a more positive note however they are very helpful to the ones they love and their love language usually involves acts of service. They will go grocery shopping for you if you can’t or help clean around the house when you are feeling depressed or down or help wash your hair if you can’t find motivation to do it yourself. These people really do have hearts of gold they just need to beware of their delivery when trying to “help” others a little too much.
10. Aries moon: certified crashouts of the moon signs. These people can be so emotionally immature it’s ridiculous (ik cuz this is my moon sign and lord knows we are not easy to deal with🤣). Aries moons can be very big babies when they react getting their way emotionally. Their impulsive natures can burn a lot of bridges that really didn’t need to be burned. When they aren’t getting their way they can be super mean to those around them which can cause a lot of people to keep their distance from them a lot to avoid these crash outs. On a brighter side when they are in a good mood everyone is brought along for the ride. They can be super generous and absolutely HILARIOUS when in a good mood. This is honestly one of the funnest placements to be around because they are such dare devils and are always down for whatever whenever. But you never know when their moods are gonna switch on you which can be very scary at times…
11. Leo moons: speaking of babies… these folks definitely take the cake for the spoiled brats of the moon signs. Similar to Aries moon when they don’t get their way they have a very dramatic extravagant way of expressing their dislike toward whatever you did to them. These people can have very BIG egos that can be extremely fragile. So when their ego is challenged in any way they can definitely give you hell for it whether it be throwing things, loud temper tantrums ect. They have a hard time expressing themselves in a calm manner when their emotions get in the way which can stir up a lot of drama in their relationships. Their childlike way of dealing with emotions can be a HANDFUL. However these people genuinely do have really big hearts and they don’t mean to come off as dramatic as they do they just experience emotions very intensely. And just like Aries their emotions can turn on & off very fast. They usually aren’t the types to hold a grudge so just let them be dramatic first and then try to have a logical conversation with them. But logic is not really their first language.. most of their emotions are very heart centered & personal making it harder for them to control at times which can be stressful to deal with if you are the other party. (Fire moons however I notice deal with it the best).
12. Scorpio moons: last but not least the secretive ms Scorpio moon.. I put these people as my least favorite moon sign because of how secretive they are with their emotions. I notice a lot tend to shy away from vulnerability altogether (usually due to trauma) but it makes it super hard to understand where these people are coming from most of the time. These people are some of the most confusing individuals to figure out emotionally which can drive their loved ones crazy trying to get out breadcrumbs out these people. Their inability to open up can make others believe everything is okay with them until they start plotting on you cuz deep down you did hurt their feelings they just don’t want to tell you, so I notice a lot tend to play a lot of manipulation mind games to get back at those that hurt them (even if the other party had no idea they hurt them or not because of their lack of opening up). These people hold onto intense emotions that they don’t tell you about which can be SCARY… cuz you never know if they have it out for you or not cuz they will usually have this very calm and collected facade until the Scorpio stinger comes out and stings you out of nowhere. This leaves a lot of people in your life to be very confused by this. I notice with Scorpio moons there’s always this lack of communication or they don’t feel the need to tell you what you did wrong so you can properly fix the issue. This can cause you to burn a lot of bridges that could’ve been great in your life:( on the other hand when they do eventually trust you they can be some of the most loyalist people in your corner and can show you such a sweet side that most haven’t seen (if they show you this side YOU ARE IN! because it is super rare to get this side out of them). Deep down they are really sensitive sweet souls it just takes the hands of god to get to that point.
Hey guys I notice on my posts a lot of people have been upset with a lot of my work saying how it’s not “accurate” for them & I want to make it clear to everyone that not all my observations will resonate with everyone! I am not a licensed astrologist by any means I started this blog more for fun because I love astrology & have many opinions on the topic. I just so happened to gain a huge following on this very randomly from some of my posts so when I make a not so positive observation on a placement plz don’t take it to heart this is MY experience and I do this for fun during my free time. If anything I say bothers you feel free to unfollow instead of leaving nasty comments & any polite comments correcting my work I will take into account because I do value growth on my page🫶🏽🫶🏽 but thank you to everyone who still values my work and says positive things I love you guys & thank you for making this blog fun🩵
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getting high with your brother’s best friend!
"Really shouldn’t let you take a hit, Sweetheart," Jason muses, taking a drag from his blunt as you both sit side by side on your roof.
Your brother had stepped out for a bit, likely to take care of things with his new girlfriend, leaving you alone at home with Jason.
Since your brother had been friends with him for a long time, he felt at ease leaving you two alone together.
Your brother was completely oblivious to your secret crush on his close friend.
After about thirty minutes of Jason clutching the blunt he had prepared for himself and your brother, he quietly made his way up to your roof to indulge.
You followed closely behind, eager to join him.
“Come on, Jason,” you nudge, your eyelashes fluttering. “Don’t go all gentlemanly on me now.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, a cloud of smoke swirling around him as he does so.
Your eyes wander to observe him further.
God, he was so fucking hot.
He had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, a warm smile that lit up the room, and not to mention his arms.
Fuck his arms.
You swallow hard as you notice his bicep flexing under his short sleeve while he raises the blunt to his lips.
"Have you ever even smoked before?" He asks, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.
You quickly shift your gaze back to his, hoping he didn’t catch you shamelessly checking him out.
“Like once,” you say almost too quickly.
He raises an eyebrow and smirks.
“Here,” he says, holding the blunt between his fingers for you to take. “Just don’t take too big of a hit.”
You nod and carefully grab the blunt, placing it between your lips. As you take a deep inhale, you end up coughing hard, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
"You alright?" Jason asks earnestly, taking the blunt from your trembling hands with one hand while his other gently rubs your back to ease your coughs.
You nod your head vigorously as the coughing dies down, making an effort to ignore the way Jason’s hand seems to brush against your bare back, even through your shirt.
“No more for you,” he teased, a smile dancing on his lips.
You let out one last cough. “Will I even feel it?”
“Yeah,” he replies, taking another drag from the blunt that now rests between his lips.
“You’ll feel it.”
That was about ten hits ago.
While most of them were Jason's, you still managed to snag a few for yourself.
Your brother sent a text saying that he had to handle an emergency—most likely something related to his overly attached girlfriend—and that he would return as soon as he could.
You and Jason were sprawled out on the roof, the blunt long gone and nothing but silence hanging in the air.
Your body felt weighed down, as if you could simply plunge through the metal roof and drop into the room below.
Meanwhile, your head spun mercilessly, even when you weren’t moving an inch.
“How’s Cock?” Jason's voice broke the silence.
You turn your head to his direction, your cheek pressed against the chilly shingles of the roof.
“Jason,” you respond, a touch of frustration in your voice, but a hint of humor plays on your lips. “You know his name is Brock.”
“Sure, Brock, whatever you say,” he replies, playfully rolling his eyes. “How's he doing?”
You chuckled softly. “To be honest, I’m surprised that you even care about his well-being.”
“I don’t. Just trying to make conversation,” he replies with a shrug, his tone dry.
You shift your gaze to the stars sparkling overhead. “I can’t say how he’s doing,” you say slowly. “We broke things off like two weeks ago.”
Jason looks at you in disbelief. “No shit?”
You glimpse at his confused expression before turning entirely on your side to face him. “Yeah,” you exhale. “I found him kissing another girl in his dorm.”
Jason thinks for a moment. “Want me to kick his ass for you?” He asks, his sincerity evident in the tone of his voice.
You grin. “Nah. He’ll get his karma.”
“I still don’t see what you saw in him,” Jason remarked after a moment, tilting his head to gaze at the sky.
"Honestly, me neither," you chuckle, closing your eyes as your laughter drifts on, lingering for quite a while.
Jason lets out a chuckle in response to your extended laughter.
You double over, still gasping with laughter. “You know he was jealous of you?”
Jason playfully rolls his eyes, a broad smile still lighting up his face from your contagious laughter.
“Yeah, right,” he responds with a teasing tone.
"He really was," you affirm, the laughter finally subsiding as your hand softly lands on his forearm.
You’re so high that you can’t even feel your touch on him or even recognize the effect you have on him.
"He always used to say that I had a crush on you," you reply.
“Did he now?” he inquires, doing his best to ignore the way your hand lightly brushes against his forearm.
“Oh my God, yes!” you exclaim, your fingers gliding gently over his skin.
Jason ponders a moment, swallowing hard before he speaks.
"Well...did you?" he asks, a hint of hesitation in his voice.
Your gaze shifts to his, a look of confusion on your face. “Did I what?”
“Christ. You’re so high,” he says with a grin.
"How is it that I’m higher than you when you’ve taken more hits?" You inquire, puzzled.
“You’re just not used to it,” he responds, his voice wavering a bit as your fingertips glide along his arm.
“Made a habit of smoking, have you?” you tease, narrowing your eyes playfully.
“Something like that, I guess,” he says with a grin.
“What were you asking me earlier?” You glance up at him, your eyes feeling a bit heavy.
Jason’s gaze meets yours. “Oh, um—nothing.”
Your fingers trail down to his, playing with them.
“Tell me,” you whisper softly.
“I—I can’t remember,” he stammers.
“Shut up! Yes, you do,” you say, a wide grin stretching across your face. “Just tell me,” you press again.
Jason’s eyes drift to your lips for a second before coming back to your bright eyes on him.
“I just—did you ever, you know, have a crush on me?” Jason asks, clearly feeling a bit awkward.
You chuckled softly, causing Jason to shift noticeably in discomfort.
Your focus shifts back to him, and his discomfort is evident. "Sorry. I just thought it was so obvious," you say, your fingers still gently toying with his.
“I had no idea,” he says, letting out a quiet sigh of relief inside.
“Really?” You inquire, casually leaning in closer to him without even realizing it.
“Yeah. Had no idea,” he exhales. “Wait, why?”
Your face breaks into a playful grin. “What do you mean ‘why’ you’re ridiculously hot?” You exclaim, a hint of laughter in your voice.
“Am I now?” He murmurs, his gaze fixated on your lips.
“Mhm. And you’ve got a nice smile,” you say, unaware that you’ve slipped into the present tense, completely oblivious to his gaze fixated on your lips.
"Yeah?" He prodes, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips.
“And pretty eyes,” you tack on, fingers coming up to drag up his arms.
“Mhm,” he murmurs, his eyelids drooping lazily to halfway cover his eyes at your gentle touch.
Your gaze trails your fingers as they glide up his arms, pausing at his bicep. "And big arms."
Jason leans in before you can say another word, and his lips softly meet yours.
A soft gasp escapes your lips as your hand caresses his cheek, deepening the kiss.
His hand gently rests on your waist as your lips move in perfect sync, but you pull back slightly.
“Your lips are so soft,” you whisper against his, a smile playing on your face. “Knew they would be.”
Jason can’t shake the stupid smile that spreads across his face before he leans in and presses his lips gently against yours.
You and Jason linger in your kiss for a bit longer until he spots familiar headlights making their way down the road toward your house.
Jason pulls back abruptly, swearing under his breath. “Shit,” he mutters, rubbing his hand across his face. “Fuck.”
“Wha—what?” You ask in surprise.
“Roy’s gonna kill me,” Jason mutters.
That has you flicking your attention to the street seeing the same headlights Jason saw.
It was your brother driving up.
And you and Jason were up on the roof.
“Oh no,” you groan, sitting up too abruptly before easing yourself back down again.
“You okay?” Jason asks, his tone filled with concern as he slowly rises to his feet.
“He—he can’t find out,” you say franticallly.
Jason leans in slightly, his hand brushing gently against your cheek. “Hey—hey. It’s alright. He won’t, I promise,” he assures.
"Come on, I’ll help you through the window," he says, gently lifting you up and guiding you as you slip through the opening.
“Jason,” you say, as he helps you settle down onto your bed.
“Yeah?” He asks, his gaze fixed intently on yours.
“Are we, like, dating now?” Your tone is earnest as you lay entirely on your bed.
He chuckles softly, his breath catching for a moment. "You're too high to be making those kinds of decisions, Sweetheart."
“You're high too, Jason,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “Besides, I’m pretty sure I really like you.”
“We’ll talk when we’re both sober. Okay?” He suggests gently. “I’ll swing by to check on you later, alright?” He adds reassuringly, planting a soft kiss on your head.
You give a reluctant nod before he quietly slips out of your room. With your eyes closed, you eventually drift off to sleep.
Jason held true to his promise and quietly slipped away to check on you, even laying a soft blanket over you.
Perhaps he lingered for a moment to share his feelings, but you would have no way of knowing since you were sound asleep.
Or were you?
divider by @bernardsbendystraws
#˚ʚ♡ɞ˚: rylea writes#if the implication isn’t clear roy is your brother#lol😛#not proofread#didn’t know how to end this#lmao#this ended up longer than i intended#but whatevs#dc#jason todd imagine#jason todd x fem!reader#jason todd thoughts#jason todd fluff#jason todd dc#jason todd fanfic#jason todd x you#jason todd x reader#jason todd fanfiction#jason todd fic#jason todd#jason todd drabble#dc jason todd#dc fanfic#fanfic#dcu#dc universe#dc jason todd fanfiction#roy harper#roy harper dc
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Pixie cut - Jey Uso
Jey x Camilla
Smut 18+
Wiping her sweaty hands on her outfit. Camilla sighed nervously as she sat at the kitchen table, hearing the front door unlock.
"Ayyy baeee. I’m back" Josh yelled as he walked through the door with two grocery bags.
His and Camilla’s dog Rocky quickly came barking in excitement jumping on his leg. "Hey buddy" he made his way towards the kitchen, placing the grocery bags on the counter.
Camilla stood up waiting for Josh to notice her, as he began taking out the items from the bags. "Oooh I can’t wait, to make this good food" he rubbed his hands together smiling.
"Ahem" she let out a noise so he could turn around and acknowledge her.
"Oh shit I think I forgot the onion powder"
"Ahemmm" Camilla coughed again getting a little annoyed.
"Ahh never minds it’s right here." he laughed taking it out the bag.
"Yeah babe" he turned around his eyes widening as he stared at his girlfriend. Taking in her new look. He never knew a pixie cut could look so Damn good on someone.
All the way from her beautiful body and how her pants and tube top clung onto her curves. How her gold bracelets, necklaces and earrings went so nicely with her gorgeous brown glowing skin. And now here she was adding a pixie cut to the Damn mix.
"Oh shit"
"Good oh shit? Or bad oh shit?" She asked chewing on her acrylics.
He broke out his trance walking up to her "Nah good definitely good. Damn mama you look so sexy, shit."
She smiled slightly as he pulled her into his arms cuffing her ass gripping it. "So you like it?" She questioned wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Like? Hell nah. I love it. you look so pretty. Damn mama you really tryna kill me" he spoke kissing all over her face. She giggled trying to pull away, but that made him only hold on her tighter as he continued.
"Okay okay, Joshua we gotta make dinner" she said as Joshua’s kisses went towards her neck.
"Mmm girl what’s that?" He stopped his kissing. Leaning forward sniffing her neck inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. Before kissing all over her again.
"Oh my god. Babee enough we need to start the food" she mushed his head back. Seeing how his eyes were dark and filled with lust.
"Fuck the food. I wanna you eat you." Camilla giggled stepping away from him. She kept her eyes on Josh taking off her light teal zip up, pushing her chest out a bit as she did.
His eyes dropped down to her breasts that were covered with a white tube top. Her pierced nipples poking through the thin material. He noticed that she changed her nipple rings to heart shaped ones that matched her belly ring.
He rubbed both his hands down his face, rubbing his jaw feeling his already hard dick getting even harder. "You really are tryna kill me Cam"
She giggled walking to the counter "no I’m not papa. But if you behave maybe you can have me for dessert" bending down she grabbed her ankles giving her ass a little shake.
"Definitely having you for dessert" He slapped her ass making her squeal.
As the two of them were making the food. Camilla would constantly find Josh staring at her with lustful eyes. He would randomly come up touching and kissing on her.
"Josh can u pass me the salt" He grabbed the salt walking behind her purposely pressing up against her ass.
"Boy Stawppp" she smiled as Josh leaned down kissing her right shoulder in slow lovingly kisses.
"We’re never gonna have this dinner done, if you keep doing that" She pushed him back with her butt, snatching the salt from him.
He groaned and starting punching the air. He’s been hard ever since he saw her with that new cut. He needed her right now.
Grabbing Camilla’s phone he unlocked it going in her photos app. He knew she would have hella pictures. She always did when she switched up her hair.
"Gahh Damn" he bit his lip swiping through each photo. She looked too damn fine. Selecting them all he sent every single photo to himself. "Yeahh these pictures mine now" he whispered to himself smiling.
"Boy whatchu doing on my phone?"
"Nothing just changing the song" he closed her photos app opening Spotify.
"Mhmm…right" she looked at him suspiciously before going back to making the mac n cheese.
Finding the song he wanted he placed the phone back down. Walking back to his girlfriend he wrapped his arms around her, singing in her ear.
"Wooooooooo ooooooohhhhhh. wooo woo woo waaaa wooooooohh" Camilla laughed out loud at his attempt of singing the intro of Fortunate by Maxwell.
"Baby I love you but don’t ever do that again" she laughed placing a peck on his lips.
After Josh and Camilla finished making their food. They ate before cleaning up everything going to the living room to watch a movie.
Baby boy was playing on the TV as Camilla’s back was leaning against the arm of the couch. Her feet was placed in Josh’s lap as he’s rubbed them.
Feeling eyes on her she turned her head seeing Josh wasn’t paying any attention to the movie. His eyes were fully focused on her.
"What?" She asked feeling shy slightly.
"Come here" he grabbed her waist placing her in his lap. Making her straddle him as her arms immediately went around his neck.
"You said if I behaved I can have you for dessert" his hands gripped the front of her tube top before ripping it open in one quick motion making Camilla gasp. "And I behaved mama"
Josh leaned down capturing one of her pierced nipples in his mouth. "Fuckkk Josh"
Camilla took off his backwards cap throwing it to the side. Running her fingers through his hair.
He released her nipple with a popping sound. Switching to the other one, Humming around it.
Camilla slowly started moving against his bulge. That was pressing tightly against her crotch. Grabbing his face she pulled him into a kiss.
Their tongues clashed as they sloppily made out. Her hips moving faster against him as they Moaned in each other mouth.
Pulling away Camilla stopped her movements getting up. She peeled her pants off from her thick thighs, as Josh took his shirt off, Along with his pants.
He pulled her back on him. His hand going to her pussy. "Mhmm you already wet and ready for daddy?" His fingers up and down her slit, before pushing two fingers into her. "I’m always wet for you" she moaned out from the fingering she was receiving.
He retrieved his hand, bringing it up to his mouth tasting her sweet juices. He hummed at the taste of her before kissing her again.
Grabbing the base of his dick Camilla guided it to her wet entrance. The couple let out a moan as she sunk onto his thick dick.
She bounced up and down on him. Her titties jumping up and down In his face, Clapping sounds filling the room each time she brought herself back down.
"Shit Cam. Your pussy so fucking wet ma" Josh took both of his hands giving Camilla’s ass two hard slaps.
Gripping her ass, he planted his feet flat against the ground lowering his body on couch. Raising his hips up he thrusted into Cam hard.
Her body jolted forward, eyes rolling back as Joshua was hitting that spot inside her deliciously. "Oooooh yessss. Fuck me like that."
"Like this?" Joshua got a better grip on her ass, spreading her ass cheeks apart. Going deeper in her.
"Yess yess yess" she chanted feeling herself coming close.
"Shittt baby I’m bout to fill you up." He moaned out. His thrusts speeding up a bit.
Josh pulled Camilla into a bear hug. Her chest flushed against his as his. Arms wrapped tightly around her waist, nuzzling his face right into her neck. Letting out loud moans in her ear, nibbling it.
Camilla pulled her head back putting her forehead to Josh’s. "Come with me papa. Pleasee" she whispered against his lips. "Im witchu mama. Im right there witchu."
Her mouth went wide. A high pitch gasp leaving her mouth. She felt herself coming all over Josh as he filled her up with his hot cum.
The two were hugged up in eachother’s arms. Lips kissing, as they both came down from their highs.
Josh grabbed under Camilla’s thighs lifting her up off his dick. His cum spilled out leaving a slight trail across his chest as he raised her up to sit on his face.
"What you doin- ohhh fuck" Cam tossed her head back, feeling Josh’s warm tongue lapping up at her pussy. That was filled with the mix of their cum.
Finishing their multiple rounds of lovemaking. Camilla laid on Josh. Her sweaty naked body on top of his, with her eyes were closed. listening to the sound of his heartbeat, as Josh doing something on his phone.
Feeling the bright light from Josh’s phone screen she opened her eyes trying to peek at what he was doing.
"Girl don’t be all up in my phone. Nosy" he turned it slightly away from her, making a mug form on her face.
"Tell your side hoes you busy right now" she said playfully making him laugh.
"Nah nah. They know the scheduled." he replied smirking down at her.
"Your such an asshole" she smacked his chest as he kissed her temple pulling her closer into him.
He put his phone down as the sound of buzzing constantly came from his phone.
"The fuck did you post?" Camilla asked lifting her head up a bit.
"Ion know" he shrugged a slight grin on his face.
Grabbing her own phone she unlocked it seeing multiple notifications on insta. Opening the app she saw Josh tag her in a post.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/71b7e101b6b3ac6a22161f2b39b972c8/e8034276e7c4c210-2f/s540x810/280bb74cb065c8918e00a15f2ff31106e448dc9e.jpg)
Liked by Romanreigns, Trinityfatu, Jonathanfatu and others
Uceyjucey✔️ I usually don’t like sharing my baby cause I want her all to myself, But she looked too good I had to show y’all how lucky I am to have @Camilla_Moore
Faithmariee61 I don’t usually like pixies but she suits it sooo well Liked by Uceyjucey
Jadecargill sis ate that 🤩
Usofan769 oop not him being possessive ion blame him though she’s fineeee
Yeet_fan HE POSTED HER???? AND SHES FINE WTF Liked by Uceyjucey
Kayla_heart Heart been broke so many times I-I don’t know what to believe
Uso-juceyfan replied to Kayla_heart same girl same
Tally099 She’s soo pretty congratulations Liked by UceyJucey
She scrolled through comments a little more before putting her phone down smiling at her man.
"Your so sweet papa. I love you" she kissed his lips as he tugged her closer. "I love you more baby"
🏷taglist: @usoinked @mselenalovebug @theusotwinzcom @bloodlineslut @urbeez @luvrsluxe @trippinsorrows @catxo @whowrotethenote @uceyliyahh @adoreesun
#jey uso x black reader#jey uso x black oc#jey uso x reader#Jey uso fanfic#jey uso fanfiction#Jey uso imagine#wwe fanfic#black oc#black reader
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Hello, I absolutely loved hibiscus tea! Daisuke absolutely deserves body worship which gave me an idea; His cute moles on his face, there must be more throughout his body right?🤔 Imagine just kissing them all and finding them in the most intimate places☺️ Can you maybe cook something up? Please and thank you, if not though I understand😊
Every Inch Of You
Daisuke X Female Reader
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eab42273570b70561c66b86bc7946ac6/4cabd23fc5dddde4-b5/s540x810/c8f27225a7fe747d47544ef6cbbc61e44e6aae41.jpg)
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summary: you love Daisuke’s moles perhaps a little too much
content: kissing, nudity, light body worship, implied oral, abrupt ending, reader has female anatomy
author’s note: I’m glad you liked my previous fic! I hope you’ll like this one too(sorry it’s a lil short I have a terrible cold and I been sleeping)!
One of the many joys in your life is your boyfriend, Daisuke
He’s just perfect in every way possible. He makes you laugh all the time, but he’s also serious when he needs to be. He’s such a kind soul, always willing to do anything for you. And he’s the prettiest guy you’ve ever laid eyes on. Those almond eyes, that cute nose, those soft lips, and of course the two adorable little moles on his face: one on his cheek and one below his right eye
You make sure to pay special attention to those areas in particular when you kiss his face, and it’s not any different when you kiss his body
The first time you saw him naked was on his bed when you two were being intimate for the first time. You already had your shirt off, leaving you in nothing but your bra. You helped take his shirt off too, lifting it gently above his head. He was really fit. Your eyes traced over his toned figure and you immediately noticed even more small beauty marks on him. Some were on his neck and shoulders, another was just under his nipple, and one was on his lower stomach
You’re fucking obsessed
You immediately started planting soft, wet kisses all over his body, making him squirm. You wanted to show him just how fucking hot he was to you and how much you appreciated him
You pushed him slightly so that he was laying down on his back while you hovered over him
“Just relax,” you told him. “I’ll take care of everything”
He nodded, relaxing onto the sheets. Your kisses trailed lower and lower, finally making your way to his boxers. He was so hard already just from you kissing him. That boosted your ego more than you would ever admit
“Lift your hips for me”
He obeyed, allowing you to slip his boxers down and free his cock
“Fuuuck,” he hissed
You were mesmerised by the sight of his huge, throbbing cock that already had precum leaking out from the tip. And would ya look at that: another little mole right on the base
Yeah, you sucked him dry that night. And the night after…and the night following that one. You just couldn’t get enough of him
#he also has a mole on his buttcheek guys trust me#mouthwashing#daisuke mouthwashing#daisuke mw#daisuke juarez#daisuke x reader#daisuke x female reader#mouthwashing smut#smut#daisuke smut#request#thecadaver
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It seems Noah can't stop poking your forehead with his fingers...
You think it's annoying at first. Why the fuck does he do that all the time? Whenever you are parting ways, after a hug or a kiss or whatever, he does that thing... And then you ask why and he just laughs and shrugs.
One day, at the airport, you are saying your goodbyes to them. It's hard when they have to part and you can't go with them.
You clung into his body, your face is on his neck and his arms are around you. Noah doesn't want to admit it but he hates this.
"Hey, we will be back in two weeks" He mutters softly.
"I know... It's hard, the house is really quiet" You mumble.
"I'll miss you too, the hotel beds are always cold" He whispers.
"Lovebirds?" Nicholas asks gently. He know this is important for you and respects it, but it's getting late.
"Yeah" Noah cups your chin face without looking at you and kisses you slowly.
You know he wants to make it last, he wants to drag the moment.
When you pull back, you smile at him. "Good luck with your shows and have so much fun, you are doing great"
He nods. "Thank you, sweetheart. Just call me whenever you need, okay? No matter what"
"I will"
You peck his lips and step back, fully aware that if you don't put distance with him, they will miss the flight.
"I'll call when we land"
"Yeah, have a good flight."
He smiles and lifts a hand to you, two fingers tap your forehead and he turns around. You scrunch your face, annoying even at moments like this.
Time passes and you - after being pressured until exhaustion - start watching Naruto. It's cool, you understand why he likes it until...
You gasp and sit straight in your bed. What has that one just done? Has Itachi tapped Sasuke's forehead? Wait, wait, wait.
You jump to your computer and Google it. Why does the character Noah has tattooed on his leg tap his brother's forehead?
It turns out - and you spoil the series to yourself - that they do that. And Sasuke does it to Sakura too. And...
"Hey" You intercept his hand the next time he tries to do it and kiss his fingers. "I know why you do that"
Noah blushes instantly.
"That's how the Uchihas show affection. Itachi does it to Sasuke all the time."
Noah is burning.
But you smile. It's big and beautiful and your eyes have certain bright.
"I love you" You say. "And you are the cutest boy I've ever laid my eyes on. You are so cute I can't stand you."
Noah groans when you tap his forehead and pull him in a big hug, smooching his face a thousand times until he is laughing and trying to pull apart.
"I thought you hated it" He mutters when his laugh calms.
You laugh a bit and kiss his lips.
"So did Sasuke and he ended up showing love to Sakura the same way"
"Oh you nerd..."
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Tequila Sunrise.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/31ee1c11713981399454670c52e66a1c/ca295e1745642024-e1/s540x810/24083927b5ca8a82ccd3f9f6b79058f207bc9df0.jpg)
Wroetoshaw x Reader smut
**18+ MDNI**
♪ Now Playing: Tequila Sunrise by Emblem 3 ♪
You were at the club with your best friends. You noticed how crowded it was, the music pounding loudly with the DJ's lights illuminating the room in a pinkish blue tint. Your friends decided on having a night out full of fun and forgetting your everyday worries.
"Y/n, we're gonna go on the dance floor, come join us!" Your friend shrieked as she was holding onto the bar already wasted from the multiple drinks she's had. "I think I'll just sit here for a bit, enjoy my drink. I'll join you later." She rolled her eyes playfully, waving you off stumbling towards the dance floor with the others.
You watched at your friends danced, their bodies moving around in tandem with the crowd. You wanted to dance, but they have got the best tequila sunrises you've ever had in your life and you wanted to finish it. You sipped at it, looking at your phone for a brief moment when you felt someone sit by your side.
You quickly glanced over and saw a guy with blondish hair. You turned away from him, continuing to sip at your drink. You pulled out the cherry and set it on the napkin in front of you.
"Don't like cherries?" The man next to you asked. You turned around, slightly surprised by his sudden words.
"I'm sorry?"
"I noticed you picked out the cherry, well cherries." He pointed at the napkin with a total of four.
"Oh, yeah, I don't really like these ones as much." You said with an awkward laugh. You looked down, trying to avoid eye contact.
"So you don't mind if I take them?" You looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"You want a stranger's cherries?"
"Well, I'm Harry. What's your name?"
"Y/n..." You said with slight hesitation, your previous question still lingering in your mind.
"See, we aren't strangers anymore." He said as he picked them up and plopped them in his mouth.
You were curious about him, he had a very confident demeanor making you feel a bit weary but you decided to keep talking with him.
"You're just okay with eating a stranger's cherries? What if I sucked on them then put them down?"
"Adds flavor, doesn't it." You scrunched your face in slight disgust but found it funny how unphased this man is.
"So, why are you here and not out on the dance floor?" He asked looking towards the crowd.
"Just enjoying my drink, have you tried these? They're super tasty but not too sweet!" You exclaimed with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm and slightly tipsy from drinking so many.
"Yeah, I can see that." He laugh a breathy little chuckle. There was a small moment where he was mesmerized by your eyes getting lost in them. He found you so beautiful even in your drunken state. To be honest, he had been trying to find a reason to come up to you, luckily, the cherries offered a nice conversation starter.
"So, you wanna get outta here?" You asked jokingly seeing his face flush immediately.
"I'm just kidding, don't get your knickers in a twist." You laughed as he let out a big breath.
"Well, do you want to go dance now?" He asked still slightly red in the cheeks.
"Sure." You finished the last of your drink as he grabbed your hand leading you to the dance floor.
You looked over and saw your friends throwing you funny faces making you roll your eyes. One of your friends mouthing a 'get in there' causing you to turn your back towards them, not wanting to see their reactions.
You and Harry began dancing to the upbeat music that filled the scene. You weren't the best at dancing and just loved to enjoy yourself, even if you looked weird.
You bodies moved in sync with each other. You moved your hips into his as he held onto your waist for grip. You just danced together without a care in the world.
The music changed to a more rhythmic tune but you didn't want to separate from him and you could feel his grip tighten. You turned to face him, his forehead collecting little drops of sweat making his messy hair stick to it.
"You're a really good dancer" He shouted over the music, you shot him a little smirk, moving the hair from his forehead.
"You're not so bad yourself." You said, both of you breathing heavily. You stared into each others eyes, taking a short break from the intense dancing.
His eyes moved from your eyes to your lips. You noticed that he wanted to kiss you and you grabbed his neck, pulling him towards you planting your lips on his.
As cliché as it sounds, you felt a flutter in your stomach as you moved your lips against his gripping his neck tighter for support.
It felt like you were the only people in the room as you continued kissing. You couldn't pull away, you felt hungry for more of him as he sensed it, his hands slowly trailing to your bottom.
You yelped a bit as he squeezed it, you could feel a slight smile form on his lips.
You continued like this for a couple more minutes until you remembered where you were. You pulled away, putting your hand on your lips.
"That was a bit unexpected." You said with a small chuckle.
"Should we do it again?" His bottom lip sticking out and his eyes widening like a puppy.
"Maybe... but not here." You said pulling on his arm as you made your way out of the club.
You two were both panting heavily as you walked into the empty street in front of the club. The only sounds were the muted thumping of the music and some crickets chirping in the background.
You pulled him towards the nearby alleyway that had a small little nook with walls on either side. You pushed him into the wall, grabbing his neck once again, pulling him towards your lips.
You kissed him even rougher this time, feeling more free with this slight privacy. He held onto your waist putting his hands under your shirt. You gasped slightly feeling his cold hands on your delicate skin.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth exploring as you let him take dominance. You felt his hands move up towards your bra as he then unclasped the clips.
His hands then made their way towards your breast, delicately fondly them as you moaned, he began messaging your nipples not breaking the momentum of the kiss.
You tugged on his hair, desperately wanting more of him. He understood and moved his lips down your jawline, then your neck, taking small nips of it as he made his way down.
He swiftly spun you two around so you were against the wall. He lifted up your shirt, his thumb running over your nipples as you looked at him, biting your lip.
You watched as his head made his way down to your left breast, placing his soft lips on your nipple, sucking ever so lightly. His tongue swirling around while his other hand was still on your right breast caressing it. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your heat pulsating at his soft touch.
His hand made it's way down towards the bottom of your skirt. Luckily, you were wearing a loose fitting skirt and only a thong underneath.
His fingers slowly reached underneath.
"Already wet?" He teased, his voice deeper and raspier than earlier.
His fingers trailing around your heat, going everywhere but inside. His fingertips drawing lines up and down your inner thighs finally going near your clit.
Suddenly he inserted two fingers inside, making you yelp at the sudden feeling.
His lips made their way back to yours to keep you from moaning out loud.
His fingers going in and out of you, causing your hips to buck as his speed increased.
You felt yourself already dripping around his hand as his cold fingers felt nice inside your warm clit.
Your head went back, separating you from his lips as you couldn't handle the intense pressure you were feeling. You let out multiple moans as his speed increased faster and faster.
It's almost like he was playing a game, seeing how loud he can make you scream.
You quickly glanced at him, he had a cheesy grin as he watched your face. Admiring how beautiful you looked, especially the face your were making from his touch. Your cheeks were red and you could feel how sweaty both of you were getting.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." You said struggling to get the words out. This motivated him to go even faster. You kept thinking he couldn't go faster but he did and it made you go mental.
You felt a knot in your stomach and your legs begin to shake. He noticed how unstable you were and held onto your waist tighter, trying to hold you up.
"Next time, I'm gonna ram into you harder." He whispered in your ear as you finally felt yourself release all over his fingers and you let out an extremely loud scream.
"Hey! Is everything oka- oh my god, I'm so sorry." You looked as a random stranger stood behind Harry, quickly shielding his eyes and walked away.
You quickly stood up straight, still slightly weak in your legs as he pulled his fingers out.
"Got my fingers drenched." He chuckled as he looked you in the eyes slowly sucking on his fingers making you admire how handsome he looked.
You rolled your eyes as he was completely unphased by the stranger.
"Next time, I'll please you like this." You looked up as you planted another kiss on his lips.
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i loved your pranking ben fic soo much!!! How about instead of pranking ben they do the same prank but ben is the one being mean to the reader in front of his parents? Again, I love your work and tysm<3
Pranking his parents || Ben Shelton x gf!reader
Wc: 866
Warnings: none
You sit beside Ben in the car, your fingers intertwined as he drives toward his parents’ house. The late afternoon sun filters through the trees lining the quiet street, casting golden streaks across the dashboard. “You sure about this?” you ask, glancing at him with a teasing smile. “Your mom might actually disown you after this.”
Ben chuckles, dimples flashing as he glances at you. “She loves me too much for that,” he says confidently, then adds, “But she might slap me upside the head.” You laugh, shaking your head. The prank was simple—Ben was going to act like the worst boyfriend imaginable, treating you with uncharacteristic rudeness in front of his parents just to see their reaction.
His mother, Lisa, was fiercely protective of you, having welcomed you into the family with open arms from the moment Ben introduced you. His father, Bryan, was the more laid-back one, but he had a quiet way of making his disapproval known. Neither of them would take kindly to their son acting like an arrogant jerk toward you.
As you pull into the driveway, Ben exhales dramatically, “this should be fun.” You squeeze his hand one last time before stepping out of the car, the warm Florida air wrapping around you. Lisa greets you first, pulling you into a hug before stepping back to eye you up and down like a proud mother. “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” she gushes.
“Thanks, Lisa,” you say warmly. Ben, still standing by the car, scoffs loudly. “Can we go inside already? We don’t need a whole red-carpet moment every time we come over.” You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Lisa’s brows immediately furrow, and Bryan glances up from the porch, his relaxed posture shifting ever so slightly.
Inside, the familiar scent of home-cooked food fills the air, and you follow Ben into the living room, settling onto the couch. His parents sit across from you, chatting about their day, until Ben leans back with a groan. “God, can you not sit so close?” he mutters, shifting away from you on the couch. Lisa’s head snaps up. “Excuse me?”
You feign embarrassment, casting your gaze downward. “Sorry,” you mumble, playing into the act. Bryan sets his drink down with a little more force than necessary. “Ben,” he warns, his voice even but firm. Ben shrugs. “I’m just saying, she’s always, like, all over me. It’s suffocating.” Lisa’s lips part in pure horror.
“Benjamin Todd Shelton, what did you just say?” Ben stifles a grin, quickly adopting a smug expression. “Y’all act like I can’t have space in my own relationship. She’s always doing something annoying—” “Are you out of your damn mind?” Lisa cuts him off, eyes blazing. “I didn’t raise you to talk to a woman like that, let alone your girlfriend!”
Bryan leans forward, his expression unreadable. ���I don’t know who you think you are, son, but you better check yourself real quick.” “Bryan,” Lisa turns to her husband, gesturing wildly at Ben. “I— I have never been more ashamed. I don’t care how famous you get or how many matches you win, if I ever hear you speak to her like that again, so help me God—”
Ben finally cracks, bursting into laughter, and you can’t help but giggle as well. Lisa’s anger falters, her narrowed eyes darting between you two. “Oh, my God. Are you— is this a joke?” Ben wraps an arm around you, pulling you close. “Yeah, just a prank.” Lisa stares for a moment before smacking Ben’s shoulder. “Are you kidding me? You little—”
Bryan sighs, shaking his head with a smirk. “Damn, boy. I was about to ground you, and you’re a grown man.” Lisa exhales sharply, pressing a hand to her chest. “Don’t you ever do that again. My heart can’t take it.” Ben grins, kissing your temple. “So you do like her more than me.”
Lisa doesn’t hesitate. “Of course I do!” You beam, snuggling into Ben’s side. “I told you they’d take my side.” Ben groans dramatically, but his parents just laugh, shaking their heads. It was safe to say—prank or not—Lisa and Bryan were never going to let their son treat you any way but right.
#ben shelton#ben shelton fanfic#ben shelton fanfiction#ben shelton imagine#ben shelton x reader#ben shelton au#ben shelton tennis#ben shelton x fem!reader#tennis fanfic#ben shelton x you
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Kofi Request
If you want to make request like this one check out my Kofi!
Everything Has a Price
Dark!Kurt Wagner x FemReader
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ Loss of Virginity, Rough sex, Dirty Talk, Dubcon, Biting, Corruption?
I tried really hard! so hope you guys enjoy!
Also! Per request Pixie is added! If you've never heard of the X-Men Pixie here is a link! Very cute character!
18 + Below
"You gotta be Joking- A fucking Fairy?" Logan all but scoffed. The group seemingly on a similar page as him for once-
"Fae which is a type of fairy but different-" Pixie corrected, with some annoyance in her voice. Crossing her arms as she kicked her legs out infront of her as she looked out the window of the jet.
"Fairies are one thing- but the kind of Fae we are looking for closer to like, Magical creature demi-gods. They can do a very wide range of things and are incredibly powerful with magic. However have a bit of a.. wicked streak from what I read" She said calmly, opening up her phone as she looked over the snippet of readings from it.
"So what- We have to drop kick a Leprechaun to get some of this magic shit?-" Logan all but joked as he shook his head.
"Leprechauns are a type of Fae so- Yeah"
The entire group groaned at hearing this, Pixie throwing her hands up as it was clear she was just translating not making the rules.
"This is the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time- You're telling me we may actually have to box a damn Leprechaun.. What lala land bullshit is this?" Logan said a bit sharply, Jean now turning to look at him.
"Sorry but all the stuff we deal with, is a magical creature really the strangest thing-" Jean pointed out, Logan opening his mouth to say something but shrugging in agreement.
"Listen- I don't like this either however- There is some magic that can only come from them supposedly-" Scott grumbled- Jean looking at the page at hand, Dr. McCoy had been kind enough to give them a printout of what was asked, Seeing how it had originally been on a scroll which just felt ridiculous to everyone involved.
While everyone was arguing in the front, Kurt had been quiet-nervously ran his fingers over the Rosary with a far off look-
Ororo who was seated not far from him saw this and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder making him jump a bit as he snapped from his daze.
"Hey, if you want some more time we can take you back.." She offered, But Kurt shook his head calmly with a watery smile.
"No no.. I want to return to help" He said softly, The woman nodding softly in understanding as she took her seat again.
It had been only a short time since Kurt had come back from death- It was something that still plagued him. Everytime he closed his eyes he was back, and it made his coward desperately to God. More then ever before- Defeating his own father.. Xavier Gone which left them all vulnerable- Even Amanda leaving him as his death had been too much for her.. He didn't blame her either.
So now what remained of the team was flying to quite literally get magic to protect what remained of the students.
"Hey I don't make the rules! Besides you guys should had said something if you guys didn't want to go the magic route! We are almost there anyway!" She yelled at them all angrily.
Logan sighed at this. "Where is there anyway?"
"Telluride Colorado" Pixie said, holding her hand up to show the small tracking spell for the Fae on her palm.
This seemed to quell the group for some time. Watching as they approached their destination.
The group looking around in interest at the rather beautiful environment. Seemingly greatful as well for the large forested area that could conceal the X Jet and getting a almost vacation like view.
After landing the group was quick to exit to look around. Kurt looked around seemingly happier them the rest, overall enjoying the scenery of the place- The mountains inviting and the light snow on the ground giving the place a almost whimsical hallmark card feeling.
"Let's get going guys, We really don't want to stay out late if there really is that many fae here.." Pixie said calmly as she snapped them all from their mild sight seeing.
The group quietly agreed before Pixie started up her tracker spell once more and began to lead them through the rich hiking trail- Everyone for the most part seemingly enjoying the walk- a rare setting of peace in their Chaotic life.
Kurt let his eyes wonder around as he saw the beautiful landscape, Pausing at a very pretty looking blue flower that seemed to sway in the snow- Turning to take a closer look as he didn't know flowers could bloom in snow.
His steps beginning to go off the trail but Pixie grabbed Kurt's arm and pull him back to the group at surprising speed-
"Nope- That is a trap, Stay with us all"
"Trap? What do you mean trap?" He questioned, clearly a little dazed.
"Those are setups to lure people like you into their world- And if you go you won't be coming back" This made Kurt shiver in a bit of fear at the seriousness of her words, as well as the words lf a 'their world'.
Pixie decided here infront of them all to lay down some ground rules.
No accepting gifts
No eating their food
No telling them your real name
Don't walk off anywhere
And Never be Rude- Logan...
It was another 45 Minute walk before they saw it.
Pixie released the spell from her hand as they stood infront of a very cute looking home? Just off the beaten trail and tucked in a nice little grove of trees. Kurt looking around with a soft smile, finding the whole thing quite nice, Ororo smiling at Kurt as she saw him relaxed.
The group looked back at Pixie who gave a hesitant Nod- Logan stepped forward first clearly still unamused by this all, banging on the door rather hard as he put his hands back in his pockets.
They stood there for a few seconds, before the door unlocked and opened just a crack.
There stood possibly the prettiest lady that Kurt had ever seen- His face warming a bit the sight of her as she looked to them all.
"How can I help you all?"
She asked kindly, Flashing those pretty eyelashes at them all- seemingly catching them all off guard by how pretty she was.
"You're the Fae apparently we are looking for-" Logan stated calmly- His voice a bit more charmed then before cause of her beauty.
Ororo saw the way her eyes seemed to shimmer as she looked over all of them, Before a kind smile went over her face and she opened the door wider gesturing the group inside.
"Please come in, take a seat"
The group shuffled in, clearly used to immediate threats so a cozy little cottage home made then weirded out truthfully. Especially with how nervous Pixie seemed to be- especially at what seemed to catch all their attention, the thin tail with a puff of (Y/C/H) at the very end that seemed to sway behind her through the rather thin slip dress, paired with what seemed to be wings that showed only in the shadows- clearly a spell hiding them from view.
Being lead to the kitchen table that had seemed set for a feast, like it was waiting for their arrival.
All sitting there, they looked over the spread and then followed the Fae who walked to the stove setting a kettle with a soft hum.
"Now, Let me make some tea for you all. Now may I know who has come to my home?"
"Im Pixie, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler and.. Phoenix" Pixie said quickly as she took the lead, Swallowing thickly as she looked to the women as she started to make the group some tea- All of them felt, Weirdly comforble? Like being in the fuzzy home of a relative, wanting to eat ones fill and take a nap infront of the fireplace.
"So interesting, Mine is (Y/N)" She said calmly, Pixie slightly wrinkling her nose.
"I take it.. That is not your true name?"
The women laughed at this as she turned to look at them all, her tail flickering slightly.
"No you would be correct, that is not my true name- However it is one ive grown fond of. Now what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
She said softly, looking to them all- however her eyes seemed to linger on Kurt a bit longer then most, Ororo catching this immediately as she glanced to her Blue friend who looked flustered.
(Y/N) made his breath catch in his throat, shifting a bit uncomforbly as he kept his gaze lowered to avoid the way the thin fabric wrapped around her hips the way her long thin tail swayed behind her in a slow pattern- oddly hypnotic?
"We are here for help.. We hear you have magic that can protect our school and hopefully give us a upper hand" Scott said, (Y/N) walking to them setting mugs in all their hands with a kind smile, Jean holding out the paper calmly- (Y/N) almost looking like she wanted to laugh in their face as she folded the page and continued her more domestic task.
"... Quite a bit You're asking for"
She said sweetly as she handed the last one to the blue skinned man, he gave a sheepish smile as he took the drink in hand- Seemingly all of them remembering Pixie's words as they all held their cups and looked at the beautiful table of food however not taking a single bite or sip- Kurt almost pouting at this.
"So, Will you help us?" Scott asked, (Y/N) looked to him and smiled.
"For a Price" Scott seemed to bristle at this slightly, Looking to Pixie first who seemed to sigh.
"Everything had a price, Im sure you know that. My magic as well" She said softly, Sipping her tea as the group shifted trying to think.
"What kind of price?" Ororo asked sitting up straigher in her seat, Logan scoffing at this point.
"Fucking Stupid shit.. Let me guess a pot of gold" He grumbled, Pixie looking to him sharply.
(Y/N) smiling at this, A heavy pressure of magic settling on them all like a silent threat- Setting her cup aside as she scanned all of them. Seeing how they all felt her magic almost wrap around them, suffocating and like it was prepared to kill them all.
"Well, Normally I'd demand something I deem as valuable.. Gold is too cheap for your guys request- However I'm generous today! I'll let you think over what you have to offer" She said suddently very cheerful as the pressure seemed to disappear as fast as it appeared. Making everyone seemingly weirded out- Looking to each other in confusion.
Jean stood up at this point, massively uncomfortable it seemed but nodded politely.
"Alright, We will find something to bring to you for the trade off.. We should go, to think about it. Thank you so much for your time"
She said quickly, Pixie following foot as the two women got everyone to almost run from the house. Kurt a bit slower as he felt something.. As (Y/N) eyes followed him as he was rushed out.
"That was... Something" Kurt mumbled, Rubbing his arm clenching his Rosary tighter.
A voice sounded in his ear, his eyes widening as he turned back just in time to see (Y/N) Give him a sly smile as the front door closed behind him.
The group left that night back to the Jet to rest and talk about what they could offer-The group going back and forth in arguing.
Kurt however was seperate, quiet as he let his mind wonder, she wanted him back.. He could help- If she wanted to meet with him it ment he could help.
With a heavy sigh, He teleported from the Jet- Landing outside as he ventured on his own back to the Fae house.
Stepping through the snow he took a heavy breath as he raised his hand to knock but the door swung open before he could even knock.
She stood there as alluring as when he'd first seen her. Silently she waved him in with a smile, Kurt skittish as ever stepped inside as the door swung behind him.
Her hand taking his own as she lead him to the livingroom, Her hands going over his arms making him shiver slightly.
"I'm glad you returned, Now we can decide the price- You are worth more then what your friends are standing there arguing over"
Kurt's eyes widened at her words and how much her hands were on him- His face starting to flush when her hand found its way to his cheek.
"What would I be worth?"
He said sheepishly, as he looked to her. Seeing the way she held his cheek in her soft hand, thumb running at the corner of his lips.
"More then you know it seems" She hummed, circling him like prey.
"A man back from the dead-" She whispered, His shoulders stiffening at her words as she pressed her back into him. His face flushing as he felt ever detail of her body against him.
"As pure as he left, possibly more so on the return.. especially for a Neyaphem.. So unique"
A shiver went up his spine at her words, his stomach curdling at this. He'd learned of his half Heritage only after his return, not even telling his dear friends of this.
"So I wish to trade something with you for my help" She hummed, running her fingers through his dark hair.
"Are you talking about my soul?" He mumbled softly, making her chuckle as she circled him.
"No No, Never your soul.. You're innocence" Kurt jumping at hearing this as he stared at her with wide eyes, (Y/N) chuckling at this.
"You won't even realize it's gone.. Besides, How much is it really worth to you? To help your friends? Help the world? It's something people lose everyday- How different could it be for you?"
He blinked in surprise, still flushed at the offer of taking something like that from him- Especially as she placed both hands on his chest, making it so hard to focus with how he could see practically down the slip dress.
However.. It didn't seem that bad Afterall.. He had never been with anyone before and- there are worse ways to lose your virginity.
Especially losing it to someone as pretty as her-
"Just that?.. And you'll help my friends?" He asked softly, (Y/N) smiling at him and nodding.
"So, Do we have a deal?"
Her hand snaked down from his chest and sliding down his toned arms as her fingers moved just under his hand right under his Rosary waiting for it in her delicate hand.
Kurt hesitating for a second, fear gripping his heart- before slowly lowering the sacred jewelry into her palm and watching her fingers wrap around it and carefully pull away from his sight, feeling something pull away from him in his chest.
"We.. Have a Deal"
With that she leaned up and captured his lips on hers, Kurt's eyes widening at this- As the sweet taste of her lips made him melt, his hands naturally finding their way to her hips as he felt her deepen the kiss.
He stumbled back feeling the world warp slightly before the room changed, not knowing how they got to what seemed to be her bedroom- as the back of his legs hit the bed and he fell back, seeing (Y/N) staring down with a almost wicked smile. She flicked her wrist as his pants were undone and sliding down his hips- Revealing the rather large erection that was barely concealed by the plain white boxers.
(Y/N) leaning up as she crawled up his body, Kurt tail curling in on itself in worry- However the feeling of her own wrapping around his seemed to catch his attention.
She purred, Kurt nodding softly as the fae pulled down his boxers- His cock springing free damn near purple with how aroused he was, The man turning his face to the side in embarrassment. (Y/N) reached forward and turned his face back to stare at her, Seating herself just before his cock as she pulled the slip dress off herself.
Poor Kurt mind went blank, Seeing her body bare to the cool room as she sat before him. Kurt almost felt like he was gonna cum just from the sight before him- (Y/N) giggling seeing how his cock began to leak pre almost immediately, Her thumb rubbing over the head of his cock softly.
"Such a sweet thing you are~"
Rising up making sure he could see her cunt in all its glory she almost teasingly rubbed her core against the head of his cock- Watching how his hips bucked up almost by instinct as he let a shaky moan leave him before (Y/N) lowered herself onto him.
A small hiss falling from Kurt's lips as he felt her sink onto him, His back arching as he felt those velvet like walls wrap around him. A wash of pleasure going threw him as he felt her settle on him fully, He swore he could see god behind her as she rolled her hips on him- His toes curling in delight as he felt her start to bounce on his cock, A new sensation starting to burn in his chest like fire as he felt her- Like she was the most addictive drug he had never taken.
The way her breast bouncing with every move of her hips almost hypnotic and driving him deeper into the pit of bliss- (Y/N) began to let breathy moans leave past her lips, Leaning back as she began to pick up the pace. A few curses leaving her as well feeling the way he seemed to hit those deepest places inside of her.
Kurt head flew back, Growling as he grabbed her hips like his life depended on it. Thrusting up into her as he felt her tighten around him a gasp leaving him as much faster then he intended bucked into her hard as he came inside of her- (Y/N) giggling at this, Clearly having expected this to not last long, He was a virgin afterall.
Kurt body seemed to still almost like a statue as (Y/N) slid off him, a look of amusement on her face as she assumed he was embarrassed and would be prepared to leave after his inexperienced self came. Besides she got her payment Afterall.
However Kurt's eyes seemed to follow her watched her as she panted only softly, Seemingly satisfied with her choice of action.. his gaze darker as he felt his stomach twist in anger and.. Something new? Like a hold on his chest was suddenly gone? And it felt.. Good?
However now pissed at this Fae.. How dare she leave him there still hard and only wanting to take this thing from him- and having the audacity to laugh at him!
And worse..
He wasn't satisfied..
He wasn't satisfied at all!
Kurt hand shot out and wraps around her ankle still on the bed and yanks her back to him- A surprised noise leaving her as she looked back at him in shock. In the dark bedroom (Y/N) could only see the wide fanged smile and those yellow eyes that seemed different from before-
His hand on her ankle is replaced by his spaded tail, Now pressing on the center of her back right between those pretty wings and yanking her tail to keep her plump ass up- A squeal leaving her lips, Her fingers digging into the already messy sheets as he had her pinned.
"Y-You already gave your payment! What the hell are you-"
She was cut off as her face was pushed into the mattress harshly only catching the glow of his eyes as his lean muscle managed to keep her put.
"I don't feel like I got a fair deal of that 'payment'-"
(Y/N) could almost hear the smile in his voice, Pursing her lips she prepared to hit him with her magic but- Nothing happened... Wiggling in shock as she tried again but felt his yank her tail harder making her whimper.
Her eyes widening as a sinking feeling settled in her chest- Maybe that innocence was far more valuable then she thought... possibly the leash that kept a Neyaphem from being free on earth.
And the leash that kept those Neyaphem abilties from coming to the surface. Nullifying her own..
"Now Now- I was only teasing little one~ L-Lets come to a new agreement" (Y/N) said with a chuckle as she heard him chuckle behind her- Feeling his cock press against her cunt.
"Now~ Why would I do that Maus?~"
He purred out, Before with a hard thrust of his hip burying into deeply into her causing a loud moan to go through her. As fast as he had buried himself into her, he pulled out as he slammed back in.
Kurt not letting up as he held her in place, and his tail wrapped around that leg of hers as he fucking the fae into the mattress- hunched over her form watching the way her ass rippled with each movement of his hips, eyes almost glazed over in primal delight. Her nails digging into the sheets tearing into them as she felt herself cum- Burning embarrassment burning through her, as the roles had been switched and she came faster then intended.
"You wanted die Unschuld? Ja? How does it feel Maus?" He laughed, feeling how she came around him- Seeing how her toes curled and legs began to quake. How she looked to dumb and blissed out with her cheek pressed into the mattress those pretty eyes that had lured him in before half lidden and edged with tears. A fanged grin in joy at having reversed the roles.
"I don't hear you!~" He grunted out, Yanking at her tail again making her moan/cry out.
"I-It feels good!" She whimpered out, Looking back at him a few hiccupping moans managing to slip out.
"Aww so sweet~ Is my pretty fairy sorry for trying to skip out on me? Leaving me wanting? Giving me the bare minimum?~" Kurt said, his voice almost a coo as he still hadn't removed his cock from her. (Y/N) nodding rapidly.
"Wunderbar!~ Now like you before, I haven't gotten my ending yet" He chuckled out, seeing the way her eyes widened as he grabbed both her legs- Sitting up to his full hight as he chuckled at the image.
Her back arched painfully as he pounded into her with a harsh and brutal pace- Seeing how (Y/N) almost scrambled to escape from the overwhelming pleasure, her tail pressing against his chest. Kurt nipping her tail hearing the noise she made, Growling in warning as he grunted.
"Why move?! You love it don't you!"
He hissed at her, Feeling how her cunt fluttered around him at the pain mixed with the pleasure.
"Y-Yes! I love it I-I fuck~! I love it!~" She sobbed out, Feeling him press into the dips of her hip as she came undone by him.
"Meine hübsche Hure~! Giving magic for cock! Who knew how desperate you are!" He made fun of her, his moving to under her raised hips as the spade of his tail rubbed over her clit- feeling her jerk as her body shook.
(Y/N) screamed out, Feeling her walls tightened around his cock once more as she came- spots going over her vision as she overstimulated and shaking from pleasure. Tears rolling down her cheeks from bliss, as she felt him pull out- The feeling of their mix of cum running down her bruised thighs.
Panting hard as the world seemed to spin and she couldn't even tell what position she was in- Till thick finger pressed into her still aching cunt. A broken moan leaving her sore throat.
"T-Too Much!~"
Kurt pressed his finger into her more pressing against that soft spongy spot of her bruised walls making her toes curl and whimper around the diget. The male smirking as he saw the ruined hole shiv around his finger.
"Aww~ Enttäuschend, I thought a all powerful fae could handle more"
He cruelly cackled, pulling his hand back as he slapped her ass hard watching how the skin started to bruise immediately before pulling her tail back up slamming his hips back into her- Hearing that loud squeal rip threw her. What could only be described as a rumbling growl leaves his throat as he grabs a fistful of her beautiful hair, yanking it back roughly as he heard her cry out in bliss- as he pulled her back flushed against his chest upright for all to see.
(Y/N) bouncing up and down with each thrust as he held her up, Eyes rolled in overstimulation she desperately tried to grab his thighs for some form of stability.
Slamming his hips up into her making sure to keep her put by her hair, feeling how her back arched into his own- those delicate wings almost crushed between her back and his chest. Broken moans staring to leave Kurt as sweat gathered on his brow- Rolling his hips up into her as he felt the coil in him build up once more as he grunted in her ear.
His fanged teeth biting down harshly on the side her neck- The rush of magical blood flooding his senses as he cum deep inside her coating those 'all powerful' walls once more, pride filling his chest as he heard the whimpering choked moans from his conquest below him- knowing she would never forget him.
Kurt pulled back, letting the flat of his tongue drag over the fresh wound as he held the fae in place. Turning her head towards him by her hair still as he kissed her, allowing her to taste herself as he dominated her mouth. Pulling back as he chuckled seeing her dazed eyes at him, shivering against his body clearly exhausted by the rather rough treatment.
"Now~ I do think you are due for your end of the bargen~"
That morning Kurt returned to the Jet, The group who had been outside clearly prepared with a plan and also wondering out loud where their blue friend was when they saw him Bamf not far from them all.
A large apple in hand that he seemed to be finishing up as he held up a cloth bag with his tail, Giving it a slight shake for them to see.
"Got what was needed and seemingly extra.. Let's head back to the Mansion"
Pixie looked up at him, feeling something was off.... terribly terribly off that made her stomach drop, Looking to the apple he had finished off and tossed in the trash. Seemingly everyone else had the off feeling about him too...
How he stood a bit straighter, his shoulders more relaxed and a more.. devilish look to his face? Like that baby sweetness he had been ripped from him.
Paired with what was the most noticable.. Rosary that had been always been in his hands was missing.
Everyone was dead silent, seemingly not willing to ask any sort of questions.
And quietly they went to the Jet, boarding as Kurt seeming to linger outside just a bit longer looking in the direction of the cottage before heading in.
Taking his seat Kurt leaned back, seemingly tired as he drapped his arm over his eyes to cover the light of the Jet, paired with a feeling of two knots growing at the front of his head that made his head hurt and throb.
"Hey Kurt.."
He lifted his arm, almost feeling a peg of annoyance as he followed the direction of the voice. Ororo seated not far from him as she looked to him with a peg of concern.
"What.. did you give to her?"
Kurt pausing as his tail flicked next to him a bit sharply enough to cut the air, as a fanged smile went over his lips- Looking at Ororo who felt a shiver go down her spine at the smile that greeted her.
"Nothing of importance anymore"
#x reader#kurt wagner x you#kurt wagner smut#kurt wagner x#kurt wagner x reader#kurt wagner#nightcrawler x you#nightcrawler x reader#nightcrawler smut#xmen nightcrawler#nightcrawler#xmen#xmen smut#x men x reader#x men smut#writinggoddess
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Soundwave x Reader SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Summary - Soundwave and human conjunx Headcanons. NSFW under the "Keep Reading".
Warnings - Valveplug, Exhibitionism
~ When you were taken from the ship, Soundwave grew attached immediately from how you treated Lazerbeak.
~ Soundwave is a very loving conjunx, even if he doesn't show it to anybody on the ship. It makes people think you are neglected all the time, but what they don't know is that it is the exact opposite.
~ Leaving to go to work? Do not worry, Soundwave would ground bridge you there. Needing more groceries? Dude, he could just order online for you for free.
~ Anytime you kiss him on the hand or face, holy crap that man will be thinking about it for the rest of his day. He has secretly took pictures and videos of your sweetest moments with him, so anytime he is stressed or down, he watches his recordings to give him more motivation.
~ Since he watched the security camera's 24/7, he will know when someone is being mean to you. The 3rd in command would deal with it himself the next day and you will never see that horrible mech ever again.
~ Researched everything about human culture to make sure anything you said wasn't confusing to him. Yes, he knows slang. No, he will not use it…that is embarrassing.
~ Megatron does not understand the human pet Soundwave acquired but Soundwave planned for this and has made literal PowerPoints for his leader on why you are useful to him.
~ Soundwave has never really cuddled before, so when you hugged him while he worked and nuzzled on his cheek…he is now craving your touch every second you are gone. He will give you every sad face he can send to you until you hug/kiss him again.
~ His tendrils would be so fun. You would play with them all the time and try to catch them when you thought he was distracted by his computer. Why did you always fall for him pretending to work? You are the reason why the Decepticons have late paperwork and reports from 2 weeks ago.
~ Would shut down a bank to give you everything you desire. He would never judge you for what you want.
~ Speaking of what you want. If you are a crazy sex freak, he would give you that. If you are more casual and not care about sex as much, Soundwave would still love and care for all your other needs.
~ Soundwave of course would use his tendrils to please you. I think we all know those things are his best quality.
~ Public Sex? Soundwave would be confused at first on why you would want to do it on his desk, but after the first time he would never question you again. Hiding you from soldiers while fondling your chest with his hands should not be as fun as it is.
~ LOVES your body and caresses everywhere you want him to touch. Him feeling how soft humans are would make him question why Megatron hates organics.
~ You in cute outfits sends him over the edge. Soundwave loved the clothes that humans made and seeing you in rich, beautiful outfits makes him hungry.
~ His spike is average size but to you that is still big as hell so yes he would have to mass displace if you wanted to get real touchy with him.
~ Remember Soundwave craving your touch? Well, don't get him started on you touching his spike. 4 million years of the war made him realize how touch starved and sensitive he was. You can feel him shaking while he recorded everything you did to his shaft.
~ If you tried to be a little shit and do something he told you not to do…yeah you would not be able to get out of bed the next day. Look he will always be nice and gentle with you, but the moment you get naughty on purpose is when you became the bottom in the relationship.
~ He would use his tendrils, tie you up, and abuse your lower half for HOURS!
~ Soundwave is use to not sleeping for 24 hours, so you better have had a goodnight sleep last night, because this will not end until you can't even make noises anymore.
~ He is a master of Aftercare and would bathe you, wrap you up in the softest blankets, and let you sleep soundly. The only thing you would hear before dozing off is the clicking of the computer he was using to finish his work.
#maccadam#tfp#transformers#transformers prime#transformers x reader#transformers x y/n#transformers x human#soundwave x reader#soundwave x y/n#soundwave x human#valveplug#soundwave headcanons
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first post! pre gaia battle angst cause i was listening to triassic love song by paris paloma and kept thinking about jason
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cw: fluffy smut, unprotected piv (use protection this is solely fictional!), sprinkle of angst
jason grace x reader (964 words!)
you frantically poked your boyfriend awake from his slumber.
"yeah sweetheart?" his voice was raspy from being woken up so late.
"do you think we’ll make it tomorrow?" your voice broke as your upper lip trembled. he rose up, turning on the lamp that sat on the bedside table.
he slowly leaned forward, like you were a deer in the middle of the road. when he cupped your face the dam broke. tears spilled as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"i just have this gut feeling that everything’s going to go wrong when we fight gaia" you hiccuped through sobs that broke his heart.
there was a second where no words were exchanged. it was just the two of you, jason stroking your cheeks with his thumbs in gentle, soothing motions.
he emphasized his breathing, taking deep breaths in and out until you followed him and your breathing evened out.
jason pulled you closer to him, away from your kneeling position and into him.
he kissed you so softly, like you were made of glass. there was no lust in it. just love and desperation.
you deepened the kiss, pulling him closer by his shirt and climbing into his lap. after pulling away, jason’s hands were still holding your face. you slowly took one of his hands off of your cheek and placed it under your shirt to squeeze your tit. he blushed.
"i need you. please."
his eyes widened.
"are you sure?"
a curt nodded confirmed it. he placed his other hand on your waist and ran his fingers over the warm skin.
you took it a step further, reaching under your shirt to pull it off entirely.
"you’re so beautiful…"
he laid you down and moved to leave wet kisses down your jaw and down to your neck. everything was so gentle and intimate.
you whined and tugged at his shirt, wanting it off. he complied and slid it off his body to reveal his muscles that you loved so much.
the tears were still falling, but your mind was more focused on your handsome boyfriend kissing and sucking at your neck.
he revelled in your soft whimpers as you pressed your thighs together. jason smirked against your neck and wedged his thigh in between your legs, gasping when you teasingly grinded against his hardon.
"kiss me again." you pleaded.
he wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours again, with more feverity this time. he kissed you like you were his last breath.
he then pulled away to kiss down your sternum all the way to your stomach, pulling your pajama pants and panties down in one go.
you impatiently kicked them somewhere across the room. jason pulled down his sweatpants, his dick aching to be inside you. if this was the last time he would ever feel you, he needed it to count.
you pulled away from the kiss to whine at him, glancing down to his pants that were still on. he got the hint and pulled them off, discarding them on the floor.
he rubbed his tip against your folds, until he deemed you wet enough to take him without prep. you were already stretched out to his size anyway.
you pulled him back into your chest to kiss him over and over again while he slowly pushed into you.
he paused for a minute to let you adjust, and when he thrusted in and out you felt like absolute heaven.
you hugged him close to you and locked your legs around his waist.
he wasn’t fucking you. no, this was different. he was making love to you.
you loved him so much. nothing could ever take jason grace from you.
he began to speed up his thrusts and you could feel how deep he was in you. your higher pitched whimpers and his groans were in tandem, you tracing the toned muscles on his back from years of training and fighting.
"do you know how lucky i am to be with you?" you choked out through moans.
you needed to have him as close to you as possible. he was putting his full body weight on your chest but you didn’t care. you needed him.
his thrusts were at a fast speed, but still not rough or hard. the tears of fear were gone now, all that were left were tears of pleasure falling from your eyes.
he could feel himself getting closer to filling you up. he grunted in your ear to warn you.
suddenly you pulled him in front of you and looked him directly in the eye.
"i love you so much jason. don’t you ever leave me."
you whispered before pulling him into a searing kiss to muffle your moans as the coil in your stomach snapped.
he fucking whimpered into your mouth, cumming inside of you with a gasp. the two of you were panting as he gently slid out.
you tackled him backwards onto the mattress, enveloping him into a hug, holding onto him as if he were gravity itself.
he chuckled raspily and wrapped his arm around your waist, placing a hand in your hair. after laying there holding you for a few minutes, he noticed your breathing had evened out and you were fast asleep in the crook of his neck: jason then hooked his hands under your thighs and gently hoisted you back under the covers.
his cum was dripping down your thigh but in your state you didn’t care. you needed to be as close to him as possible.
he slid himself under you and you subconsciously snuggled into his side, moving to lay your head on his chest.
he kissed your forehead before turning off the lamp and falling asleep himself.
⎯ ☆ ⎯
reblogs appreciated!!
#jason grace#luvrsrck#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#pjo smut#jason grace smut#jason grace x reader#jason grace x you
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pairing. dad! Tangerine x mom! reader
synopsis. your son was just like his father.
warnings. uncle! Lemon, mentions of violence, no use of y/n.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f28696d3193fa0a974f939b97c76c6e2/63de12e9226bc264-d0/s540x810/33e2d96c5683664fd679a9f4bdfa84ee837b6bd2.jpg)
YOU FINALLY FOUND PEACE in your chaotic life after discovering you were pregnant. It was the moment that changed everything. Tangerine promised to be there for you and your future child, so he quit his dangerous job. The two of you moved to the peaceful countryside of England, seeking a fresh start and a safer, simpler life.
Settling down in a cozy cottage surrounded by beautiful nature, you started to build a new life together. The quiet and serene environment offered a much-needed contrast to the intense world you had left behind. You found happiness and joy in raising your family.
Sixteen years later, your home was filled with laughter and love, thanks to your son, Lewis. He was just like his father, Tangerine, in every way—looks, personality, and behavior. Lewis brought energy and joy to your home, and you often marveled at how much he reminded you of his father.
That was confirmed for you when you and Tangerine were called in to Lewis’ school because he beat up his classmate for talking trash about his girlfriend, Emma.
You tried to be a real parent figure, feeling mad at your son for hurting someone, but secretly proud of him for standing up for his girlfriend.
Tangerine, on the other hand, was openly proud. He was a proud father.
It was Saturday, sunny and hot weather in the countryside—a perfect day for a grill party with Lemon.
You and Lewis sat at the table in the garden. You were engrossed in a book, while Lewis was deeply invested in his phone. Tangerine was busy at the grill, expertly preparing the meal.
The familiar sound of a car approaching caught your attention. Lemon got out, already waving at you with his characteristic enthusiasm. “How’s my favorite family?” Lemon called out cheerfully.
You glanced at Lewis, noticing the lingering tension. Despite the relaxed setting, the previous conflict still hung in the air.
Lemon, ever perceptive, picked up on the vibe and approached the table with a gentle smile. “Hey, everything alright?” he asked, his tone filled with concern.
Tangerine looked up from the grill, giving Lemon a welcoming nod. “Hey, bro. Just the usual family dynamics,” he said with a chuckle.
Lemon took a seat next to Lewis, and you engaged him in a conversation about his new job. Eventually, the conversation turned to Lewis.
"And what about you, man? You're unusually quiet," Lemon asked, looking at Lewis.
You glanced at your son again. "C'mon, brag to Uncle," you encouraged with a smile. Just then, Tangerine appeared behind them, carrying the food.
"He got into his first fight," Tangerine announced with a proud smile.
Lemon looked confused, then turned to Lewis, who finally looked up from his phone with a light, yet proud smile on his lips. "No way!” Lemon breathed out. "Congratulations!”
"Lemon!" you exclaimed, a mix of exasperation and amusement in your voice.
Lewis shrugged, explaining, "What would I do? He was talking shit about Em."
Tangerine sat down next to you, clearly proud of his son's actions. Despite the tension, there was a sense of camaraderie and understanding among all of you.
You all started eating, and the table was quiet until Lemon broke the silence. “You know, Lew, it really reminds me of when your father beat someone up for threatening your mom,” Lemon said with a nostalgic smile.
You remembered the situation vividly and couldn't help but smile a bit too. Lewis looked at his father, who nodded in confirmation, then turned to Lemon. “Really?” Lewis asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah,” Lemon said, leaning in. “He took his head and—”
“Don’t give him ideas!” you shouted, cutting Lemon off before he could get into the gory details.
“Tell me more about how my parents were before I was born,” Lewis turned to Lemon, his curiosity evident. You and Tangerine had always kept your past jobs a secret, believing that he didn’t need to know about that part of your lives.
Lemon chuckled, glancing at you and Tangerine for approval before speaking. “Well, your parents were quite the dynamic duo. Always on some grand adventure, making the world a little bit safer.”
Lewis raised an eyebrow. “Adventures? Like what?”
You and Tangerine exchanged a knowing look. It was a delicate line to walk—sharing enough to satisfy his curiosity without revealing too much.
“They were like… problem solvers,” Lemon explained, choosing his words carefully. “Whenever someone needed help, they were there to take care of things. Very brave and very skilled.”
Lewis looked intrigued. “So, you guys were like… heroes?”
Tangerine smiled, his eyes reflecting the memories. “Something like that, mate.”
But Lewis was already sixteen, and he wasn’t really dumb. He knew you weren’t exactly heroes in the traditional sense. He could see through the carefully chosen words and the evasive answers. He knew there was more to the story, more to his parents’ past than they were letting on.
Lewis leaned back, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at you and Tangerine. “So, you guys weren’t really… just problem solvers, were you?” he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.
“Maybe I would tell you, but because you are exactly like your father and have stupid ideas like him, I won’t,” you said with a smile, placing your hand on Lewis’ shoulder.
Lewis chuckled, a light of understanding in his eyes. “Fair enough,” he said, appreciating the honesty.
You all shared a moment of laughter, the tension easing as the conversation shifted to more light-hearted topics.
#aaron taylor johnson#atj#atj x reader#fem reader#ynstories#reader insert#x yn#aaron taylor johnson x reader#atj fic#bullet train#tangerine x y/n#tangerine x you#tangerine bullet train#tangerine and lemon#tangerine x reader#tangerine#lemon bullet train#lemon
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Listen- rare pairs are the shit
Two characters that rarely interact or have much in common?
Excuse me while I highlight all the ways they could have a beautiful relationship
Im ready to hear out basically any ship because it not always ‘do these characters have on-screen chemistry’ rather more like ‘how would these fall for each other’ and ‘does it bring you joy’
Look, I used to be in the Detroit: Become Human fandom. We took a character with 5 second (in ONE branching of the story only), no name, no personality, and no words spoken whatsoever, and we started shipping him with a character that appeared in like 2 chapters of the game, even though they never met.
And it was one hell of a good ship.
I'm a simple person. If I see potential, any common point for the characters to bond on, or just a general vibe that I think could fit, and I see why a ship could come to life. The N2 squad literally comes from them all being losers. Depression trio is all about their whacky mental states. SebeJami could actually be great folds to each other, except one idolizes his master while the other demonizes him. There's so much you can do with that.
Besides, Twst is one of those rare games in which all characters have interacted at least once with each other, be it in the main story, in vignettes, in clubs, or in events.
Epel and Malleus? Epel's Masquerade vignette.
Jade and Jack? First book of Playful Land.
Lilia and Idia?! Their relationship is the funniest, who thought to make them interact at all?! And like that!!
And come on, don't tell me having Cater, Lilia, and Kalim interact together isn't the funniest shit the game has ever pulled. I'm still not over those three being canonically "friends".
So there's always at least one opportunity to see how they would interact together, and that's a thing I really like in this game.
So yeah, rarepairs are fun. Why limit myself to one ship when I can make them all smooch together?
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Later, in bed, I toss about. There are too many throw pillows. Astrid’s childhood bedroom is unexpected like that. Floral wallpaper and painted storybook style furniture painted soft green. Fabric lamps printed with delicate petals and trimmed with lace. The bedroom of a fictional princess.
I’m bothered by the pearl earrings, back in their box on the side table, lit faintly by moonlight through thin curtains. Replaying the scene by the Christmas tree over and over. Coming at it from different angles, all of which I come out looking like the idiot who doesn't know his own girlfriend.
“We all know you love Pat Conroy,” said Mia, when she handed her that book. Does she? Does she like Pat Conroy? She never mentioned it to me. I could have bought her a Pat Conroy book. I could have bought her all his work if I had known that. How is it I’ve seen her read dozens of books, but never thought to ask her about them? Every one of them might have been Pat Conroy, and I was too idiotic to check, assuming she'd turn her nose up at such humble a gift as a book. Not even a new book. It was second hand, with a red discount sticker on the back. She loved it.
And Pernille, with that lavender pillow spray. “Do you remember,” she said, “when you were a teenager and you had that terrible bout of insomnia? You couldn’t sleep for weeks, and eventually it was lavender oil that helped you. Such a simple thing, wasn’t it? How funny.”
The socks from Gitte. Colourful stripes on them. “Ha!” I thought when Astrid unwrapped them. “She won’t wear them.” But I was wrong. She wore them all evening. Took pictures of them and sent them to friends. Look! So cute! She wrote. There they are now, on the chair in the corner of her room, ready to be worn again tomorrow. I toss a throw pillow onto the floor and turn over. The little bed creaks.
“Mmph,” Astrid murmurs.
“Did I wake you?”
“Are you okay?”
“I just can’t sleep.”
“Oh. Do you want my pillow spray?”
“It’s fine.”
A minute passes. Two, maybe, and she might have fallen back asleep, but I’m compelled to speak through the silence. “Did you like the earrings?”
She turns, the silhouette of her sloped nose outlined against the window. “Huh?”
“Did you really like the earrings, or were you just being nice? I want to know. You can tell me.”
“Yeah, of course. I think they’re beautiful. Why are you asking me this?”
I pull the blankets under my armpits and stare at the ceiling. Stickers there of woodland animals. “I don’t know, just the things your family got you… they weren’t things I would have ever imagined you would like. I've been second guessing myself.”
“Of course they got me things I like. They’re my family. They know me.”
“Well, I didn’t know you liked certain novels, or that thing about your insomnia, for example. As your boyfriend I'm supposed to know you, too.”
“Oh, well, I suppose those things never came up.”
“You never told me. You never mentioned the insomnia.”
“When have we ever discussed insomnia specifically?”
“Well, never, but I’m sure there’ve been opportunities where you could have included it in some conversation, like for example if I ever said I didn't sleep well the night before, or we watched a film with an insomniac in it, you could have been like, 'oh, that reminds me of this one time', or whatever.”
She gets onto her elbow and stares at me. “Are you angry with me because I never told you about something that was happening for six weeks when I was sixteen?”
“No, I’m confused.”
“It is confusing to you? Like I don’t seem the kind of person that would suffer from insomnia?” She’s kind of laughing at me, but it isn’t funny. No, she doesn’t seem like the type of person to have insomnia. She doesn’t seem like the type of person to have any ailment or condition, be it insomnia or athletes’ foot, bronchitis or an under-the-skin pimple on the side of her nose.
“Astrid, I feel like your family were bringing up stuff about you, and telling stories, and I had this moment in the room down there where I felt exposed. As if I don’t know you at all.”
“You think your gift was inappropriate because it wasn’t related to my past?”
“I'm worried you’ve been pretending to like the things I get for you, or something.”
Her hand comes to my hair, combing gently my scalp with her fingernails. “I don’t pretend. I like that you choose them for me.”
Incredulous. “You like that I choose them.”
“Mm. It’s a window into the way you see me.”
With a surge of emotion, I inhale loudly through my nose and her cool palm moves to my face. “What?”
“The way I see you,” I repeat. “What if I want to see who you actually are?”
“Well, you do. This is who I am.”
“What’s ‘this’?”
She pauses. “Who I am at home and who I am with you… it’s just different sides. I like getting your gifts. I like the jewellery, because I like being who you want me to be.”
“And I want you to be…?”
“A woman who wants expensive things, reads mysterious books, and never had insomnia.”
I groan. “Is it?”
“But I’ve just realised I couldn’t even imagine you being sick at all, you know? I was with girls before who would go on about periods and shit, but you’ve never brought that up with me.”
“I don’t get period cramps.”
“Okay, well, you see my point.”
A low laugh. “I think if I did, I wouldn’t discuss it with you.”
“For the same reason. I don’t think you want me to have ailments and aches and pains. It’s not who I am with you.”
I cover my eyes, dizzy with a mild headache from the effort of our conversation. “Ugh!” I manage. It’s so late, and my stomach is still so full from dinner that I wish I’d just be sick to ease the discomfort. My frail mind cannot handle this discussion.
She comes closer, rests her head in the curve of my neck. “You know, this is special. Having you here on Christmas.” A strategic subject change, not gone unnoticed, but allowed, given the circumstances.
“I haven’t had a boyfriend over in years. Since I was at school.”
“Oh. Should I feel honoured to be the first guy in your bed?”
She chuckles. “No. My boyfriend from school was here first, sorry to say.”
“Your mom was alright with that, was she?”
“Yeah, sure. I told her I was going to lose my virginity with him and she lit candles and left a box of condoms and some chocolates and things in a basket on the table. She was very supportive.”
“Oh, God, okay. You lost it in this very spot, and your mother knew about it while it was happening.”
“I think she would prefer here than somewhere dirty or unsafe.”
“Very progressive of her.”
“And what place did you do it?”
“Hm. Not at home. Never did anything there. Would have been too weird. I used to just do it anywhere I could find some privacy. On the ground, and stuff. Then eventually I got a car and graduated to the passenger seat.”
“Do you think your parents knew?”
“Nah, they think I'm a virgin.”
“I don’t think so.”
I nod. “Anyway, what I’m picking up from all this is that your weird little princess bedroom is not off limits? She’s already seen it all?”
“Not it all, but some. Tame things.”
“So we’re allowed? Gitte isn’t going to burst in with a bucket of water halfway?” I roll over to deliver a playful bite to her neck. “What type of woman are you, Astrid? The type to fuck a guy in her childhood bedroom while her family sleep in the other rooms?”
“If you say so,” and turns automatically to put her face into the pillow for me, but I halt her, whispering, “No, I literally couldn’t tonight. I feel too horrible from all the food. I just like knowing the option is there.”
“Sure,” she replies. “It's whatever you want.”
I know that already. This is what I want now. To kiss her temple, pull the covers over her, and let her drift off in my arms.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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Misunderstood | B Faber
summary: you guys haven’t made it official and it comes back to bite brock when he is pictured out at dinner with a friend.
The cold Minnesota air nipped at your skin as you wrapped yourself tighter in your blanket, sitting on your couch with a cup of coffee in hand. The warmth of your apartment contrasted the harsh chill outside, the streets dusted in fresh snow. The quiet morning should have been comforting, but instead, you found yourself scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, the flickering glow of your phone screen somehow amplifying the restlessness gnawing at your mind.
Then, you saw it.
Your thumb froze on the screen as you stared at the image before you. Brock. Your boyfriend—or at least, that’s what you thought he was.
He stood at a table, smiling like he always did, the one you adored and couldn’t get enough of. But this time, it wasn’t just his grin that caught your attention. Standing next to him was a woman—blonde, beautiful, and clearly too comfortable with him. She had her hand resting on his arm, a look of fondness that made your stomach twist. The caption read: “Dinner date with my favorite guy.”
The words blurred in your vision as you stared at the picture, trying to make sense of it. You blinked, trying to calm the rising panic inside you. Your fingers swiped quickly to refresh the feed, hoping this was some kind of mistake, some social media glitch. But no, there were more photos—more pictures of Brock and this girl, the two of them enjoying dinners, laughing at something only they seemed to understand, posing close in a way you hadn’t even been able to get Brock to do with you.
And suddenly, all the confidence you had in the relationship seemed to disappear. Why hadn’t he told you about her? You scrolled through the rest of the posts, each one more intimate than the last. It hit you in waves—the jealousy, the confusion, the bitter taste of betrayal. You had always kept things casual with Brock, no pressure, no expectations. But these pictures… They didn’t look casual. Did he think you were just another option?
A pang of hurt ran through you. Had you been nothing more than a placeholder while he figured out what he really wanted?
You set your phone down, hands shaking slightly. You tried to calm yourself. It could be nothing, right? But then the doubts crept in, taking over your thoughts like an uncontrollable storm. Maybe this wasn’t a casual thing for him after all. Maybe he was just too scared to tell you. You were only ever a backup plan, an afterthought. That’s how it felt. You had no idea where you stood in his life, and that was the worst feeling of all.
The next few days were nothing short of torturous.
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond to his texts. He’d sent a few asking how you were, if you were okay, but each time you read his messages, all you could feel was the knot of jealousy and confusion tightening in your chest. You told yourself it wasn’t a big deal, that you had no right to be angry. You had never set any official boundaries, and he had never made any promises to you.
But it didn’t stop the gnawing feeling inside.
When he called you on the second night of the silence, you debated not answering. But you couldn’t bring yourself to let it ring out. “Hello?” you said, your voice more clipped than you intended.
“Hey, it’s me. You’ve been quiet. Is everything okay?” Brock’s voice came through the phone, sounding concerned but also confused.
You squeezed your eyes shut, the tears you’d been holding back threatening to spill. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” You could feel your chest tightening as the words felt like lies in your mouth.
“Are you sure? You’ve been distant. I just want to know if something’s wrong.”
The frustration hit you suddenly, and it slipped out before you could stop it. “What, you want me to just pretend everything’s fine? Pretend like I don’t see all those photos of you and her?” The words were out before you could catch them, and the silence that followed was deafening.
“Wait, what?” Brock’s voice cracked slightly “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” you spat. “I’ve seen it, Brock. All the pictures. All the dates. Why didn’t you tell me about her?” Your voice trembled now, the anger laced with hurt.
There was a long pause, and you could almost hear him processing what you were saying. Then, a sigh. “Listen, I didn’t think it was a big deal. She’s just a friend. She’s one of my teammate’s sisters. We’ve hung out a few times with the team, but there’s nothing going on. I swear.”
But the doubt lingered in your mind. “You didn’t think it was a big deal? You didn’t think it was a big deal to mention that you were hanging out with another girl? That’s what you’re telling me?” You could feel your heartbeat pounding in your ears now. The more he explained, the more it sounded like an excuse. And the more it hurt.
“I didn’t think it would bother you” Brock added quietly. “I thought we were just…having fun, you know? I didn’t think it would cause any issues.”
“Well, it’s causing issues now,” you snapped, cutting the conversation short. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Brock. I just need space.”
And with that, you hung up, not giving him the chance to say anything more. The silence after you ended the call was suffocating. You hated that you had let your emotions spiral like this, but the damage felt done. Your heart was heavy with bitterness, and no amount of reasoning could make it feel right again.
Days passed, and the tension only grew. Brock tried to reach out—texts, calls—but you ignored them all. You felt justified in your anger, but the truth was, the silence was killing you both. Each time you saw his name pop up on your phone, your heart wavered, but you couldn’t bring yourself to open the messages. You had decided that if he cared, he’d come to you. He’d fix this.
But it didn’t happen. Not the way you expected, at least.
Instead, you found yourself standing in your apartment on the fourth day, staring at the door as if it might be a dream.
The sound of soft knocks broke through your thoughts. You slowly opened the door, almost dreading what you might find on the other side. But when you looked up, it was Brock—holding a bouquet of wildflowers, his face a mix of anxiety and determination.
You stared at him for a moment before the anger bubbled up again. “What are you doing here?” you asked, trying to hide the pain in your voice.
“Can we talk?” His voice was quiet, almost pleading. “I know I messed up. I should’ve told you about her, but I never meant for any of this to happen. I care about you. I don’t want this to end because of a misunderstanding.”
Your breath hitched, emotions swirling inside you like a tornado. “You should’ve told me” you whispered, the hurt creeping into your voice. “I saw those pictures, Brock. I felt like you were hiding something from me. And I—” You broke off, looking away, your face flushing with embarrassment.
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Brock said, stepping closer, his voice full of regret “I never wanted to make you feel like you weren’t important to me. She’s just a friend—nothing more. You mean everything to me.”
You shook your head, trying to hold back the tears. “I shouldn’t have ignored you. I should’ve trusted you, but I didn’t know where I stood.”
Brock reached out for you, taking your hands gently in his. “I should’ve explained sooner. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel second to anyone, especially not because of some misunderstanding.”
His apology, the sincerity in his eyes, hit you harder than you expected. Your walls started to crumble, and with them, the weight that had been pressing on your chest.
“I’m sorry, too,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “I just… I didn’t know how to deal with it.”
Brock’s smile was hesitant but warm. He pulled you into an embrace, holding you tight. “Let’s promise no more misunderstandings, okay? I want this,us,to be real.”
You nodded, feeling the tension dissolve. “No more misunderstandings,” you repeated.
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Glinda could not believe she was working with the goddess Elphaba. She had a massive crush on Elphaba and wanted to get closer to her, but it was hard to approach her and tell her she liked her.
Glinda knew that Elphaba was bisexual, as she had a bi-flag in her office's cup holder. She needed a way to open up to her.
Glinda was so lost in thought that she ignored where she was walking. She ran into someone and spit her coffee all over them.
“I’m so sorry. That was my bad. I hope you forgive m…” Glinda started saying but was cut off when she noticed it was Elphaba.
“Wow, if you wanted me that badly, you could have just asked me out,” Elphaba said.
“What. I. What do you mean?” Glinda asked.
“I was just saying there are easier ways to get my attention,” Elphaba said.
“I’m sorry. Let me pay for your dry cleaning. That suit looks expensive,” Glinda babbled.
“Glinda, will you go out with me?” Elphaba asked.
“Reall, do you want to go out with me even though I spilt my coffee all over you?” Glinda asked.
“I think you’re cute in your pink suits and dresses. I noticed you and thought I would talk to you, but then you spilt your coffee all over me,” Elphaba said.
“Elphie. I mean Elphaba I would love to go out with you,” Glinda said.
“Elphie I like that. Also coffee shop my treat. We have an hour break now and I would love to get to know you. Let me just get changed.” Elphaba said.
Glinda could not believe that Elphaba had noticed her and thought that she was cute. That Elphaba loved her pink suits and dresses. Glinda loved the color pink like Elphaba loved the color black. Today was turning out to be a better day than Glinda had hoped.
“Ready to go?” Elphaba asked having changed her clothes.
“Yea that sounds great,” Glinda said excitedly.
Glinda and Elphaba walk to the cafe that is across the street from their office. Glinda loved the coffee there. It was perfect. She especially loved the cinamon swirl latte.
Glinda and Elphaba sat down at a table waiting for a waitress to come and serve them.
“What would you like?” Elphaba asked Glinda.
“I would love a cinnamon swirl latte and the pancakes,” Glinda said.
“Oh that sounds sweet just like you,” Elphaba said.
The waitress came over to take their order.
“Cinnamon latte and pancakes foe her, and waffles and chai latte for me,” Elphaba said.
The waitress left to place their order in the kitchen.
“So Glinda what do you like to do in your free time when you aren’t at work? Work is pretty hard like fuck the capitalist system,” Elphaba said.
“I love fashion, and giving people makeovers, my goal in life is for everyone to be liked,” Glinda said.
“That’s very noble of you. I think there is good in a lot of people but some people don’t want to be saved,” Elphaba said. “But fashion is cool. I mostly wear black it compliments my skin.”
“Elphie I think you are beautiful no matter what you wear. You are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. I want us to be girlfriends and go on as many dates as we can. Seeing each other at work and after work,” Glinda said.
“That sounds good. I’d love to be a girlfriends. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I’d love to see you at work and after,” Elphaba said.
The waitress brought them their food, and Glinda and Elphaba dug into it.
“Want a taste of my pancakes?” Glinda asked.
“Yeah,” Elphaba said.
Glinda took the fork and placed it in front of Elphaba’s mouth. Elphaba opened her mouth and ate the pancake. Her tongue licked her lips. Glinda wanted those lips and that tongue against her mouth, kissing her.
Elphaba held a piece of her waffle out to Glinda, who opened her mouth and ate it.
“That’s delicious,” Glinda said.
Elphaba leaned over and kissed Glinda. The kiss tasted sweet, like the sweets they were currently eating. Glinda could not believe that Elphaba was kissing her. The kiss was magical and everything that Glinda wanted between her and Elphaba.
Elphaba leaned back and licked her lips.
“You taste delicious,” Elphaba said.
Glinda giggled happily. She could not believe that she was on a date with her dream woman, that Elphaba kissed her like that, and that Elphaba said it tasted good. Dreams do sometimes come true.
Soon, it was time to head back to the office.
“I’ll pay,” Elphaba said.
“I can pay too. I did spill my coffee on you,” Glinda said.
“I invited you, so I” 'll pay you can pay next time,” Elphaba said.
“There will be a next time?” Glinda asked.
“Definitely,” Elphaba said.
Glinda could not believe she would have another date with Elphaba they had a future, and Glinda could not be happier.
The next day, Glinda saw Elphaba in the office and walked up to Elphaba.
“Want to go out again today? Maybe a nice restaurant, my treat,” Glinda asked.
“That would be lovely. If we continue like this, as girlfriends, we must tell HR we are dating,” Elphaba said.
“You want to date me?” Glinda asked.
“Of course. You are the best woman I have ever met. You have a good heart and want the best for everyone. I would be honored to be your girlfriend,” Elphaba said.
“I would be happy to be your girlfriend, that is all my dreams come true,” Glinda said.
Glinda could not believe that she had a girlfriend, Elphaba. She would take Elphaba to a fancy restaurant to show her how much she appreciated her. Elphaba was the best thing that happened to Glinda. Spilling her coffee all over Elphaba was not such a bad thing. After all, it did give her the chance to be friends with Elphaba.
Glinda called a nice restaurant and made a lunch reservation for herself and Elphaba. She was looking forward to today. She could not believe she was dating her coworker, who was the perfect woman for her.
Work was not as bad after all. It brought her Elphaba, after all.
#wicked#wicked fanfiction#wicked fic#gelphie#gelphie fanfic#gelphie fic#wlw post#wlw yearning#wlw blog#wlw love#wlw#galinda upland#glinda upland#elphaba thropp#femslashfeb2025
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Perfectly Blended
A Jamie Tartt x reader Short Story
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x fem! make-up artist reader
TW: cursing, suggestive scene/language, kissing
A/N: This ff is inspired by the idea/request of @shadowyhologramlady thank you so much! Please give her a follow if you like!
AFC Richmond’s training ground wasn’t exactly the kind of place one expects to see an array of makeup brushes and highlighters laid out like surgical tools. But here she was, Y/N Y/L/N, leaning against a counter in the locker room, organizing her kit while waiting for Keeley to finish her meeting with Rebecca.
It all started rather fast. Y/N certainly didn't expect to get a call from Keeley Jones at midnight six months ago, tipsy off rosé, begging her to help out with AFC Richmond’s media team because “footballers need good skin too, babe. For their interviews and sponsorships.”
Y/N's actual main job was being a freelance makeup artist, working with models, influencers, and even the occasional musician. But suddenly her best friend Keeley hooked her up with this job. Ever since Keeley convinced Rebecca to let her run the club’s marketing, Y/N’d been roped into working part-time (recently more like full-time) at Richmond, mostly for media days and promotional shoots.
So, Y/N's new daily job was standing in the club’s locker room, arranging her makeup kit on the counter, and waiting for the players to get ready for their touch-ups before interviews.
All while Jamie Tartt—actual Premier League star, occasional pain in the ass, and her best friend’s biggest headache—watched her like she was performing some magic trick.
“Oi, what’s all this then?” Jamie said while touching a beauty blender that was laid out on the table.
Y/N glanced up at Jamie, who was dripping with post-training sweat, hair pushed back with his signature headband. He smelled like overpriced cologne and whatever soap they used in the showers, and despite how ridiculous it was, the combination made her brain short-circuit for half a second.
“It’s called makeup, Jamie,” she teased, holding up a brush. “Surely you’ve heard of it.”
“Oh, I know what makeup is. My mum watches Love Island, innit?” He smirked, crossing his arms as he eyed the foundations and powders spread out before them.
"That's... lovely Jamie."
“So, you’re tellin’ me they actually pay you to do this?” Jamie asked, leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
Without looking up again, Y/N sighed. “No, Jamie, I break into the training ground every week just for fun.”
His lips curled into a smirk. “Wouldn’t be surprised. Bet you love bein’ around me.”
She finally glanced up, raising a brow. “Yeah, Jamie. I keep doing footballers' makeup so I can powder your pretty little nose all day.”
“See? Knew it.”
She rolled her eyes, but the truth was, she had known Jamie for a while now. And they've had this flirty tension ever since they met.
You see, they know each other through Keeley. Y/N and Keeley had been inseparable since their early days in the industry—back when Keeley was a model and Y/N was just starting out as a makeup artist. Their friendship had landed Y/N some of her first big gigs, and eventually, when Keeley transitioned into PR, she had this idea and pulled Y/N along for the ride.
That was how she officially ended up working part-time at AFC Richmond, doing touch-ups for media days, promotional shoots, and the occasional interview. And that was also how she ended up crossing paths with Jamie Tartt.
Jamie, who had been Keeley’s ex. Jamie, who had a reputation for being both unbearably cocky and stupidly attractive. Jamie, who flirted with her in a way that was definitely not friendly, despite Keeley’s constant eye-rolls and smirks whenever she caught them talking. "God, just fuck and get it over with." Keeley's words.
There was something about him—something infuriatingly charming, something Y/N refused to acknowledge as attraction, even though she knew deep down that was exactly what it was.
Jamie liked to push.
And she liked pushing right back.
Which was why it was so easy to smirk at him now and say, “Are you just here to annoy me, or did you actually need something?”
Jamie shrugged. “Bit of both.”
She sighed dramatically, turning back to her kit. “Alright, well, unless you need concealer for those eye bags—”
“Oi! I don’t have eye bags.”
She smirked. “—or maybe some setting powder for that sweaty forehead of yours—”
“Not sweaty, I’m glistening.”
“—then I’m busy.”
Jamie chuckled, stepping closer. “Alright, fine. Maybe I was thinkin’… you ever need a model for that little makeup account of yours, I could do it.”
That actually made her pause. “You? Model for me? On my Instagram?”
“Yeah,” Jamie said, shrugging like it was no big deal. “I reckon I’d look dead fit with a bit of contour.”
She snorted. “You already think you look dead fit, Tartt.”
“Yeah, but now imagine it with highlight. Drop dead gorgeous.”
She eyed him suspiciously, trying to gauge whether or not he was joking. But no—he was giving her that smug, lopsided grin, dimples out in full force, because he knew exactly what he was doing.
And the worst part? It was working.
“…Fine,” she relented, pointing a brush at him. “But if I do this, you have to sit still and actually listen to me.”
Jamie pressed a hand to his chest. “Swear on me mum’s life.”
She rolled her eyes but gestured for him to sit.
He dropped into the chair, looking way too pleased with himself as she stood in between his legs and pumped a little foundation onto the back of her hand.
“You better not make me look like a dickhead, love.”
“No promises,” she muttered, dabbing the sponge onto his face.
The second it touched his cheek, Jamie flinched.
“Jesus Christ, that’s cold!”
She snorted. “Oh, suck it up, you get tackled for a living.”
Jamie huffed but let her continue, even as his skin warmed under her touch. His lashes were stupidly long up close, and he kept watching her with that same smug glint in his eye.
“This your favorite part?” Jamie mused.
She didn’t look up. “What, applying foundation?”
“Nah,” he said, smirking. “Touchin’ my face.”
She paused just long enough for his grin to widen.
“Oh my God,” she muttered. “You are so full of yourself.”
Jamie leaned back slightly, still grinning. “Yeah, but you usually love it.”
She ignored him and grabbed a brow gel, brushing up his eyebrows.
“That shit feels weird.”
“Looks good, though.”
Jamie waggled his brows. “Look at you givin' me compliments now. Told you I’d be a good model.”
"I mean you are a handsome man, don't see why you wouldn't be a good model." She mumbled fully concentrated.
"I mean, I personally think you're fuckin' fit—"
"Shhhh." She shushed him by applying some chapstick before he could say something that would make her go fucking feral for him.
Jamie gave her a knowing smirk, making her laugh. “Am I bein' good so far? Behavin'?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you muttered, picking up a soft bronzer. “Okay, now let’s give you some definition.”
His smirk deepened. “Thought you said I already had too much definition.”
“Okay, first of all—” You pointed at him with the brush. “You should not be that smug about having cheekbones.”
“Can’t help it, babe. Genetics, innit?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you dusted bronzer along his jaw. “Second of all, if you interrupt me again, I’m putting glitter on you.”
Jamie gasped, pressing a hand to his chest. “You wouldn’t.”
You held up a shimmery highlighter. “Try me.”
He eyed it warily before sitting up straighter. “Right, sorry I’ll be good.”
Once she was done, she stepped back to admire her work.
“There. You look ridiculously good, Jamie.”
Nah, you have to realize he looked good before, but now...fuck.
Jamie turned to the mirror, tilting his head like he was properly analyzing himself. “Not bad,” he admitted, rubbing a thumb along his jaw—before she swatted his hand away.
“Do not mess it up, I still need pictures.”
Jamie sighed dramatically. “Right, right. The things I do for the arts.”
She grabbed her phone, snapping a few shots as he posed like a model—one hand under his chin, then a serious smolder, then holding a football like he was starring in some Vogue athlete feature. She couldn’t stop laughing, especially when he gave her the full Zoolander pose.
Eventually, after the last photo, Jamie leaned back in his chair and gave her a look—one that was softer than before, a little more genuine. She was still standing in between his legs admiring the photos she took of him.
“You’re actually really good at this, y’know.”
She blinked, momentarily thrown. “Thanks, Jamie.”
He tilted his head. “How come you don’t do, like… big celebrities and that, anymore?”
She shrugged. “I do, sometimes. But I like working with people I know. Plus, the football stuff is fun and Keeley keeps me busy and well-paid here.”
Jamie hummed, then suddenly said, “Bet you’d be dead fit with a bit of blush.”
She frowned. “I am wearing blush, Jamie.”
He smirked. “Yeah, but I mean, like… if I put it on you. Let me try.”
Before she could respond, Jamie grabbed the blush brush from her kit, twirling it between his fingers.
“C’mon,” he said, tilting his head. “Fair’s fair.”
She crossed her arms. “Do you even know how to use that?”
Jamie shrugged. “How hard can it be?”
She sighed but let him dust the blush across her cheek. His fingers brushed her skin lightly as he blended it in—careful, gentle. The teasing was still there, but the air between them shifted.
Jamie wasn’t just playing around anymore.
She could feel it in the way he was watching her.
The brush faltered, then slowly dropped.
Y/N shook her head, trying not to heat up too much under his gaze. “Well, thanks for letting me use your face.”
“I'd let you use my face anytime,” he said easily while giving her his signature smirk. Neither of them were moving.
Y/N glanced up. “Oh really?” At this point, she was indulging him.
She could still feel the warmth of his fingertips lingering against her skin. His gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips—quick, instinctive.
Her breath hitched.
Jamie exhaled slowly. “Yeah.”
She wasn’t sure who leaned in first.
Maybe it was him. Maybe it was her.
Maybe it had been a long time coming.
But before she could overthink it, before she could talk herself out of it—Jamie’s lips brushed against hers, sending a spark down her spine.
She didn’t pull away.
Instead, her fingers curled into the fabric of his training jersey, tugging him closer as he kissed her—soft, but firm, like he’d been waiting for this just as much as she had.
His hand came up to her jaw, the same one that had been holding the brush just moments ago, now tilting her face just right as he deepened the kiss. He tasted faintly of mint gum and something sweet, something him, and it was dizzying how easily she melted into it.
Jamie smirked against her lips. “Told you you’d look good with blush.”
She huffed a laugh. “Shut up.”
And then she kissed him again.
#jamie tartt#ted lasso#ted lasso show#jamie tartt x reader#jamie tartt x y/n#jamie tartt x you#afc richmond#jamie tartt imagine#roy kent#sam obisanya
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