Why do some Persona characters have two names.
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felassan · 1 month
Snippets. 🐺💜
John: "one of the funnier quirks of game dev is you will never remember missions by their real names but instead by the name you called them by for several years of development it will never be 'In Your Heart Shall Burn' for me, it'll always be Setback" [source] / Blair: "there was that awkward period where half of the DA:V ones had "gods" in the title, so discussions were always some variant of: "Did you mean 'Gods Are Back' or 'Gods Are Bad'? I've heard people mention 'Egads! Gods!' but I'm not sure if that's new or a rework."" [source] / Malcolm (in reply to John): "I have one like this in DA:Ve and I can't share it yet because spoilers but I promise you it's delightful" [source]
John: "the only one i can ever remember is 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts' and it's because it seems to be the only DAI mission that people constantly reference by name online" [source] / Mary: "It's proper name is "Ham Ball." I put that in the file names, even." [source]
John: "idk how widely it’s been advertised but a reminder we are doing another Veilguard Q&A on Discord this Friday noon Mountain time (so 11 Pacific)" [source] / Malcolm: "Make sure you don't tell them about that one thing that happens in that place, with the guy." [source]
Trick: "BioWare released a new screenshot of Taash! I love how it captures the amazing detail work the character artists did." [source]
Image description on the Taash screenshot in Trick's post of the cap:
"A screenshot of Taash looking off to the side. The lighting is warm like either late afternoon or an interior with a fireplace, and it catches in the gold on Taash's armor and horns. Taash looks pensive or vulnerable -- not the deadpan stare or badass determination we've seen in other shots."
pensive or vulnerable.. ohh Taash. 🥺 Trick!!
User on the screenshot: "Taash looks *completely the fuck over this shit* in a totally exhausted sort of way, here. which is, mind, amazing detail work on the character artists' party!!" / Trick: "You know, it's a spectrum." [source]
Trick on DA:I - "Miss May is amazing in many ways, and especially in finding the balance of sweetness to pain for the Solas scenes. ❤️" [source] ((thankyouuu Miss May!!))
User: "it must be basically impossible to resist putting at least one extra moon around your fantasy world" / John: "if dragon age didn’t already have two you’d better believe I would’ve added another one. sitting next to a dial titled ‘number of moons’ and every so often I add another one. anyways the thing about Satina is- (a large hook drags me offstage)" [source, two, three] ((omg.. THE SECOND MOON shfuehfuehdbdh)
User: "i've been thinking about bellara's pockets and i need to know what her thoughts on cargo pants would be. would she be a fan for the utility." / John: "she wouldn't wear them all the time - she's a firm believer in a distinction between 'work clothes' and 'at home clothes' - but she is always in search of more pockets to carry more things into the field. she'd own at least three pairs" [source]
User: "The next two months are going to feel like the Fade section in DAO 😭" / Dragon Age: "Good thing we have a Veil Jumper to help you out! 💜" [source]
User: "MY SON LOOKS SO CUTE" (re: the new pic of Manfred from today) / Dragon Age: "MY BOY MANFRED 💀💚" [source]
User: "Can we change the armor/gear on our companions?" / Dragon Age: "You can!" [source]
User: "thank you for the food 🙏🙏🙏" / Dragon Age: "Enjoy your meal!" [source]
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
well since you said we could ask i recall you saying you planned to make it a romance right? maybe im misremembering but either way do you have any specific plans on scenes that youre either going to add or rewrite to fit that plan? does that make sense lets pretend it does
anyways im so excited to hear the rambles i havent been nearly as active (life has been really crazy) but ive been happy to see all the travel updates and hear about what the other anons have been up to!!!! have a good day!
- 🪿
yes I do plan to make it a romance! I like a lot of the scenes in glass and plan on reworking them to have more of a romantic atmosphere/vibe rather than a sibling/found family one. like for example, when the Seer (yes, I'm using a slightly different title now) first takes off her blindfold while having to keep her eyes closed, that'll be a scene full of romantic tension as Ana (that's the name of the deathling who kidnaps the Seer, although I'm not using the term 'deathling' anymore either) sees her full face properly for the first time. I don't know if it'll be in the same context (with the hair washing due to a head injury bit) but either way there's going to be a lot of unsaid tension going on between those two when that 'face reveal' happens lol
so good to see you here still goose!! hope life is going well for you :)
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" Chapter 5 progress update + some WIPs, why not!
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" - Chapter 5 - Foundations
It's definitely still a ways off from being finished, but progress is being made! I'm happy to say that it's pretty much all on the page, so to speak, and is also already just over 6k as a rough draft with plenty of filling out to be done, so it will easily be the longest chapter. And it's pretty well, uhh, all smut. 🥴
At any rate, there's no set date for this yet but at least I can really get going with the "macro" edit!
"Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" - Part two of the BHTR series
We're definitely not done after chapter five! I realized pretty early on after starting to rework this that Klaue and Reader were going to keep at it (😉), but rather than add more chapters to what is now "part one", it felt like it made more sense to create a separate fic since there will likely be a small time jump, and it'll be spread over a longer period of time as they continue to get up to ✨️shenanigans✨️.
"Find Me in the Air" - Part three of the BHTR series
I'm planning on this essentially being a sort of extended epilogue (and I do basically know how this will end). While it's still rough at this point, it will definitely be at least three parts/chapters, like a series of one shots over an even longer period of time before I wrap things up.
"Hiding From the Sun" - sub!Klaue one-shot
Self explanatory. 😉 *raises eyebrows aggressively* Also, shout out to The Next Big Franchise discord for, uh, awakening something in me/us. 😈
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Alfred Pennyworth
As yet untitled Alfred x F Reader series
Set in "The Batman" universe
This one keeps changing it's damn shape on me, and the title continues to elude me, but I think I've settled on a sort of "established relationship" series. Maybe. 😂 Either way, I'm not going to settle on a specific number of chapters at this point, as I feel like this may be more open-ended. Listen, I have thots and they need to go somewhere, so I'll figure it out eventually!
"Lotus" - Yoga Instructor AU Alfred x F Reader one-shot
Inspired by the lovely @tarabyte3's AU PT!Kino idea! ❤️ Also by going to my first class in ages and after internally debating for about two seconds which Andy blorbo would make a good yoga instructor before immediately realizing that Alfred would be perfect.
Alfred started exploring yoga to help with his injury and enjoyed and appreciated it so much that he started teaching. You're taken aback by the handsome, and older, new instructor who's very much outside of the usual demographic, and when he starts offering private sessions you nervously sign up.
This will be either one or two parts, we'll see how it shakes out!
"Fealty" (working title) - Arthurian Legend inspired AU Alfred x F OC series
I just got inspiration for this one yesterday! Plot twist: Alfred is the Lord/King and OC is a Knight (so is Bruce, of course), and in this universe both women and men are Knights. I'm lightly planning for this to be three to five chapters at this point, but again this is very new and liable to change. Mutual pining, forbidden love, slow burn, all that good stuff.
I'm making a list of some books and movies for research, and if anyone has recommendations for some universe-building inspiration, I'm open to suggestions!
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Damn, five months ago I had no idea I'd actually be almost finished my first fic in years (and first multi-chapter fic, period), let alone have a list of WIPs/ideas! Thank you to everyone who has commented and encouraged me thus far, it's means more than you know. 🥰
Header by me | Divider by @saradika.
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blinkaftermidnight · 2 years
23, 30 and 31? For the writing ask game if you feel like it
I absolutely feel like it! I love talking about writing.
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
Description is hard, and I've been pushing myself to work on it. Dialogue comes so naturally to me. I can't really explain why - I can sorta just tell if something sounds like a character to me. Dialogue always flows so easily, and I have to often go back and add in or fix description. I can see everything happening in my mind, and I have to work to find a balance, but I can very easily get lost in dialogue if I'm not careful. I gotta remember to put what I see in my mind into words in a way that makes sense instead of letting dialogue dominate.
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
I have the beginning - actually, 8k - of a loose Grey's Anatomy AU on my drive that I have a feeling will never go anywhere. I was on a Grey's binge while I was developing this fic - and I resisted it for a long time - which I suppose is really more of a doctor/hospital AU. There's nothing that really explicitly ties it to Grey's Anatomy except my obsession with the show. Mainly, I lost confidence in my ability to write it, I think. I didn't know where I was trying to go with it.
In a nutshell, Leah's head of neuro and Fatin's head of plastics (she's basically Mark Sloan from the show), and Leah can't stand Fatin and how unprofessional she seems, but they're forced to work together on a case and start to respect each other until they compete to fill the chief of surgery vacancy. Enemies to lovers. They fuck without feelings first. Leah and Fatin are very hostile with each other, and Dot - head of trauma - is Fatin's BFF and FWB. Rachel - head of peds - is Leah's BFF. All the other girls make appearances, of course.
I had some good ideas for this thing, and I really liked the dynamic I built between Leah and Fatin and where that was headed, but I doubt it'll go any farther.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
I haven't had serious trouble with any of my posted Leatin fics. I've had to rewrite chapters and sometimes rework entire drafts, but none of it was ever really difficult. The title of most difficult fic for me to write belongs to a FTWD fic. It's a tie between Before You Go and you're the only thing that i love (it scares me more everyday). I talked a bit about getting stuck on BYG as I transitioned into writing for The Wilds but wanting to complete it, and I tacked on an ending that was not very satisfying. Forcing myself to write the rest of that fic, though, just to have it completed was rough. As for you're the only thing..., it's very long. I remember being stuck trying to meet my high word counts per chapter and struggling to figure out where it was going, though I'm happy with how it turned out.
Send me a writing ask!
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doubleddenden · 3 years
Also while I'm putting off sleep, I have some mental notes for my would be Quasar fan game if I ever got around to it.
I didn't really have much in the way of plot before other than the evil team being sort of a band of descendents of rebels from a previous civil war in the region, but that's kinda boring in the grand scheme of things and also leads the way to too much misinterpretation depending on where I base it. I also have legendary dragons from space and a title about space, but there's not really much to do with it
Then I came across an archived 4chan post that was basically a supposed "leak" of canned plot ideas for XY. The long and short of it was that Megas and Fairy types were aliens and Yveltal and Xerneas were as well, with Team Flare sort of serving an MIB motif and the fairy type gym leader being an alien was well.
Idk if there's proof to it, although I will say it's funny that there was a movie sub plot in BW2 in the movie making area that involved aliens and such.
Anyway, I'm thinking of maybe taking that idea and doing some tweaking for my region, reworking the evil team and making them sort of a group of aliens trying to conquer the planet via assimilation/possession all DBGT Baby style.
I'm also debating rebranding my dragons to the starters you, a rival, and the evil team leader would have, and have the other starters be available to obtain later. That would require some extra stages or forms, some new type matchups, and honestly some pallette swap (although it would take care of shiny pallettes).
Then I think it would be neat to try and put the region somewhere aliens mightve had a lot of influence over, although that does limit my ideas since I wanted it somewhere with a bit of everything geographically speaking, although I'm a bit more partial to somewhere northern. But, it does need to be somewhat isolated so I can explain all the variants and fakemon, and the scarcity of official variants and mons. The variants I think are the main deal of this region since I've made so many and there's still a fair bit more I gotta or wanna do.
Unfinished but started variants and evos,
Rock type Sceptile
Some Fairy variation of Swampert
An alternative evolution to the Gardevoir line, which blends elements from Gallade and Gardevoir to a Steel/something type.
A remake of my dragon type eeveelution
An unnamed, not yet typed quadruped dragon monster leaning towards electric
Not started but planned:
Sinnoh starters
Dragonite line
And of course the unfinished pre evos to everything I've started
I'd love to do variants of 6th, 7th, and 8th gen mons, but I'm not quite skilled enough to make sprites for those myself and I'd rather not take from hard working fan artists, so I'm limited to the 5th generation. If I weren't limited, I'd add the 6th, 7th, and 8th gen starters, and personal favorites like Corviknight, Mudsdale, Noivern, and Golisopod.
I have an idea for how I might attempt it if I decided to try doing it, using swsh menu sprites as a sort of reference point, but that does leave out the gen 6 starters unfortunately.
Mind you none of this matters because it'll probably never to to fruition, but on the off chance it does. There's a space for it.
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