#IELTS Task 2
just-english-ielts · 1 year
Vocabulary for Therapeutic :
For example: Listening music can be therapeutic/rejuvenating/ reviving as it refreshes our mind .
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aaravsharmaabroad · 9 months
IELTS Writing Task 1 is an important part of the writing test whether you are applying for Academic or General. The purpose of this task is to check a candidate's ability to describe and analyse visual information and to deliver the information clearly and logically.
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prepare-ielts-exam · 10 months
What are the key elements to consider when approaching IELTS Writing Task 2
In the realm of IELTS academic writing Task 2 holds a place of significant importance. It's the task that assesses your ability to articulate and support ideas, analyze information, and present an argument coherently. 
Whether you're a seasoned IELTS taker or a newcomer, understanding the key elements to consider when approaching IELTS Writing Task 2 can be your ticket to success.
Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2
Before diving into the essential elements, let's clarify what IELTS Writing Task 2 is all about. In this task, you are presented with a specific question or topic. Your mission? Write a well-structured essay that addresses the question, presents an argument, and provides evidence to support your viewpoint. These are the main factors to think about:
1. The Task Response:
The foremost element to consider is whether you've actually addressed the task. Have you responded to the question or topic presented? It may sound elementary, but many candidates lose marks by veering off-topic or failing to answer the question fully.
2. Essay Structure:
The structure is the backbone of your essay. A well-structured essay not only enhances readability but also demonstrates your ability to organise your thoughts. Typically, your essay should consist of three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
3. Introduction:
Your introduction should be concise but informative. It should provide the reader with an overview of the topic and your stance. A clear thesis statement is essential. It's the compass that guides your reader through the essay.
4. Body Paragraphs:
Your essay's body is where you will provide your ideas and supporting data. Each paragraph should focus on a single point, and there should be a logical flow from one paragraph to the next. Remember to support your points with examples, data, or real-life experiences.
5. Coherence and Cohesion:
Your essay should read like a seamless narrative. To achieve this, use appropriate transitional words and phrases. These act as signposts that guide your reader through your argument. Cohesive writing ensures your ideas are logically connected.
6. Lexical Resource and Vocabulary:
Your lexical resource, or vocabulary, plays a significant role in your essay's quality. While you don't need to use overly complex words, demonstrating a range of vocabulary and the ability to use words accurately can enhance your score. Avoid repetition and strive for variety.
7. Grammatical Range and Accuracy:
Grammar matters. While a few mistakes won't necessarily derail your essay, a consistent pattern of errors can lower your score. Ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct, and pay attention to verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure.
8. Staying Within the Word Limit:
There's a word limit for IELTS Writing Task 2, usually around 250-280 words. Exceeding this limit can lead to a penalty, so keep an eye on your word count. Conciseness is a valuable skill in academic writing.
9. Addressing the Question from Different Perspectives:
In many Task 2 prompts, there's room to discuss both sides of an issue. While you should present a clear viewpoint, acknowledging the opposing side and offering a balanced argument can demonstrate critical thinking and depth of analysis.
10. Practice and Time Management:
Like any skill, mastering IELTS Writing Task 2 takes practice. Allocate time for planning, writing, and reviewing your essay within the allotted 40 minutes. Practice writing essays on a variety of topics to build confidence and improve your skills.
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Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Now that we've covered the key elements, let's look at some common pitfalls you should steer clear of:
1. Going Off-Topic:
It's easy to get carried away with your thoughts and drift away from the question. Always check if your essay directly addresses the prompt.
2. Lack of Examples:
Support your arguments with concrete examples, whether from personal experiences, statistics, or general knowledge. A lack of examples can make your essay appear shallow.
3. Over-Complexity:
While sophisticated language is appreciated, don't overcomplicate your sentences to the point where they become convoluted. Clarity should be your priority.
4. Ignoring Counterarguments:
Even if you have a strong opinion, remember that there are often multiple perspectives on a topic. Ignoring counterarguments can weaken your essay's overall strength.
5. Ignoring Proofreading:
A rushed essay often contains errors that could have been avoided with a quick review. Take a few moments to proofread your work and correct any glaring mistakes.
In Conclusion: A Roadmap to Success
In the world of IELTS academic writing, Task 2 is the bridge between your ideas and the reader's understanding. Mastering it requires a balance of structure, content, and language skills. 
By considering these key elements and avoiding common pitfalls, you can craft compelling essays that showcase your ability to engage with complex topics, articulate your thoughts, and support your arguments effectively. 
So, when you face that IELTS Writing Task 2 prompt, remember this roadmap to success, and write your way to your desired score.
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benchmarkedu · 1 year
Achieving a 7 Band in IELTS Writing: The Power of Online Practice Tests
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The IELTS Writing module can be challenging, especially for those aiming to achieve a 7 band score. However, with the availability of online IELTS writing practice tests, you can enhance your skills and improve your chances of reaching your desired band score. In this article, we will explore the benefits of online practice tests and provide effective strategies to help you score a 7 band in IELTS Writing.
1 Understanding the IELTS Writing Module: The IELTS Writing module assesses your ability to convey information effectively in written English. It consists of two tasks: Task 1, where you describe visual data, and Task 2, where you present arguments or provide opinions on a given topic. To achieve a 7 band score, you need to demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, grammatical accuracy, and proper task response.
2. Importance of Online IELTS Writing Practice Tests: Online IELTS writing practice tests provide a valuable opportunity to simulate the test environment and enhance your writing skills. These tests offer a variety of prompts similar to those you will encounter in the actual exam, enabling you to practice under timed conditions. By engaging in regular practice, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, understand the test format, and fine-tune your writing techniques.
3. Effective Strategies to Score a 7 Band in Writing:
a) Analyze the Writing Task: Carefully read the prompt, understand the requirements, and plan your response accordingly. Focus on the key features and structure your essay logically.
b) Develop a Strong Introduction: Start your essay with a concise introduction that clearly presents your main ideas and provides a roadmap for your essay.
c) Organize Your Ideas: Use paragraphing effectively to present your arguments or opinions coherently. Each paragraph should have a clear central theme and be supported with relevant examples and evidence.
d) Enhance Vocabulary and Grammar: Utilize a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures to demonstrate linguistic proficiency. Avoid repetitive language and aim for accuracy in grammar and punctuation.
e) Practice Time Management: Online practice tests allow you to refine your time management skills. Allocate a specific amount of time for each task and practice completing them within the given timeframe.
f) Seek Feedback: After completing practice tests, seek feedback from experts or experienced IELTS tutors. Their insights can help you identify areas for improvement and provide targeted guidance.
Conclusion: Achieving a 7 band in Writing requires consistent practice and a structured approach. Online IELTS writing practice tests offer an excellent platform to develop your writing skills and familiarize yourself with the exam format. By following effective strategies, such as analyzing the task, organizing your ideas, and refining your language skills, you can improve your chances of attaining your desired band score. Embrace the power of online practice tests and enhance your IELTS Writing performance.
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Giải chi tiết đề viết dự đoán IELTS Bro chủ đề Government invests in teaching science
Unlocking IELTS Success: Discover the Secrets to Government's Investment in Teaching #IELTSBro #GovernmentInvestment #Teaching #IELTSSuccess #ExamPreparation
Đề IELTS Writing Task 2: Some people think that governments should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Government) Giải chi tiết đề viết dự đoán IELTS Bro chủ đề chính phủ đầu tư cho việc giảng dạy các môn khoa học. Đề dự đoán cho quý 2, năm 2023. Tra từ & tra câu Anh – Việt, Việt –…
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college-struggles · 1 year
Writing task 2 provided by Studev
Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which do you prefer – planning or not planning for your leisure time?
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.
You should write at least 250 words.
Some people prefer to not plan their free time and other people prefer to plan.
Given my preferences, I prefer to plan my free time. However, I want to plan it as leisurely as possible, meaning I will not plan the details, such as what I specifically am going to do when I go to a cafe or what I want to read in the library.
Planning is not a bad thing. However, since this is free time or leisure time, it is best for me to only jot down the places I want to go or activities I want to do inside my head. I can say that is "leisure planning", planning while keeping the fun.
This comes in handy when I have a prior plan with my friend or family, ahead of time or at random timing, thus making me a lot more comfortable to sit with them and enjoy my cup of coffee. Another example is, I want to enjoy my free time by going to the library and reading some books. That is the main plan. At almost the same time, my younger sister insists to go with me. By having no upper plan of what books I am going to read, I can re-adjust my time and even allow her to go with me. I can also offer to buy some snacks on the way home. A pretty convenient plan.
These are the reasons why I choose to do "leisure planning". Being at ease is the main point of free or leisure time. Therefore, being alright with re-adjustment is the best thing to have to enjoy your free time to the fullest.
Total: 277 words.
Note. Since this is a mock-up test provided by Studev, then I will not correct myself. Let's just hope they will provide the corrections. Amen (2).
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anky123 · 1 year
This post is about the 7 Best Tips to Write a Great Letter for IELTS Writing Task 1. By reading this post, it will give you a message about tips such as stating the Purpose, Using the Right Tone, Include Bullet Points, and many more interesting points. Want to know more, join our IELTS online classes today.
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uniabroad · 2 years
The IELTS Speaking test will evaluate your ability to communicate in English. The test will take between 11 and 14 minutes and will consist of you discussing a range of subjects with an IELTS examiner. Your examination will take place in a quiet room with an assessor who will urge you to talk as much as possible. The Speaking test is divided into 3 sub parts. Part 1 The assessor will ask you broad questions about yourself as well as a variety of common themes including home, family, career, studies, and interests. This segment lasts for 4 to 5 minutes. Part 2 You will be handed a task card and asked to speak on a certain topic by the examiner. You will be given one minute to prepare prior to actually speaking for up to two minutes. Part 3 In Part 2, you will be asked additional questions about the topic. These questions will help you to talk about more complex concepts and concerns. This section of the test lasts 4 to 5 minutes. Ready for some speaking practice? Looking for some IELTS Speaking topics? Don't worry! we've got you covered. 1. Let’s speak about where you grew up. What is the location of your hometown? 2. What is the most well-known feature of your country? 3. Do you currently have a job? 4. Is what you do for a living something you enjoy? 5. What was it like on your first day at work? 6. What has changed in your hometown over the ages? 7. What are some of your favourite television shows? 8. What types of novels do you enjoy reading the most? 9. What part of your life does the Online world play? 10. Are there any drawbacks to using the Internet? . . . . #ielts #ieltspreparation #ieltsspeaking #ieltsvocabulary #ieltswriting #ieltstips #ieltsreading #ieltslistening #ielts_tips
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edubenchmark · 2 years
Need Help With Your  IELTS Correction Writing ?
Do you feel as though IELTS Correction Writing essays doesn’t come naturally to you? You’re not alone! Writing is a skill, not a talent, which means that you CAN improve with guidance and preparation.
Let Benchmark’s IELTS Writing Correction Service help you boost your writing skills. You’ll receive everything you need to get a 7 or higher band score on the IELTS writing exam, both Task 1 (Letter/Graph) and Task 2 (Essay).
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weartandculture · 1 year
How to do IELTS
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just-english-ielts · 1 year
Vocabulary to show effect:
As a result
Resulting in
Possibly leading to
Which can lead to
For this reason
Which will help them as they
For example: Many people have sedentary lifestyle , resulting in obesity and other health related issues.
*Which can result can also be used here in place of resulting.
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lalalights · 1 year
Trải nghiệm lần đầu thi Ielts của tui.
Huhu trước hết thì giám khảo siêu cute siêu dễ thương huhu tui trả lời như qq mà ổng cứ like like ý đáng iu kinh khủng.
Listening thì trộm vía vẫn vừa sức, đang âm thầm mong vượt aim ở đây huhuhuhu
Reading tui cứ đổi đáp án phút chót mà chưa gì đã thấy đổi thành sai mất 2 câu gòi, cầu trời trộm vía về giúp cháu với ạ.
Writing may cho cháu task 1 là bar chart mới đc chữa hôm qua, có cái part 2 phát huy ảo ảo thôi, làm theo bản năng, còn không nhớ bệnh cận thị tiếng Anh là gì :(((. Cố gắng hết mình để viết đủ số từ không bị trừ điểm nặng chết luôn.
Thành tâm cầu trời khấn phật giúp con đạt aim từ 6.5 trở lên được hông ạ 🫣🫣🫣
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nayarainchapters · 1 year
Wake and get up at 5 am ✅
No screen time right after waking up and before bed (1h)
Prepare for IELTS exam ✅
Find a scientific journal to publish my article on Film History.
Healthy lifestyle:
Gym (4/week)
Fruits and veggies every day
Smoothies/tea/healthy shots (3x/week)
Journaling (4/week)
Art History
Study The story of art by Ernst Gombrich ✅
Start an Art page on Instagram and create some posts
Clean and organize my room, including wardrobe, books, ironing and make up tools (1/week), and my altar (every day) ✅
Stick to the plan: keep my planner open and up to date; check my habit tracker every day; meal planner once a week. ✅
Reducing time on my phone and no screen right after waking up and after 20h30.
Elegance and femininity: glowing up
Self care: look my best every day; wash my hair (3/week), nails (2/week), masks and such (once a week) ✅
Build a new wardrobe: focus on elegant, sensual and romantic items. ✅
Continuing my habit of paying attention to my words: no cursing, criticizing and complaints. ✅
Learn more about being a woman and practicing it.
Cooking more often.
I am the most powerful of all witches
Learning (every week)
Practice (at least 2/week)
Offerings (once a week) ✅
Celebrating pagan festivals
Events (family, friends, work) ✅
Make new friends ✅
Hobbies: time for books, tv series, football every week ✅
Read more
2 books every month
IELTS preparation
Failed to achieve many goals. Surviving mode again, but slowly I am getting back on track.
I am usually up by 5 am, but I still have a hard time to keep my phone away. I was able to prepare for IELTS for a few hours this month. As for my article, still haven’t found a journal to publish it for free (that’s what I am looking for).
Healthy lifestyle was so hard to maintain. I struggled a lot with my diet and workout, but by the end of the month I managed to focus on it. 
Art history section was almost done completely. I am studying currently this book and I am loving it. I am planning to create some posts with some notes I am making while I am reading it. I also created a study schedule so I can learn more and use all the things I have now on the Art page I am working on. 
I was not as productive as I wanted, but when it comes to cleaning I did well.
Elegance area was also partially done. I can do better than this. I am sure of that.
The witch in me needs help.
I went out with an old friend this month and it was nice. Need to do more of that
Took some time for myself, but not as much as I wanted to be honest 
No books finished this month. 
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benchmarkedu · 1 year
IELTS Writing Correction Service | BenchmarkEdu
Get expert IELTS Writing corrections from BenchmarkEdu. Improve your scores with personalized feedback and guidance. Enhance your writing skills today!
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Mọi từ vựng cần biết để viết IELTS writing task 2 chủ đề: Internet making life more convenient
Tất cả từ vựng IELTS theo chủ đề và ý tưởng để viết IELTS Writing task 2 về chủ đề Internet giúp cuộc sống thuận tiện hơn: Internet making life more convenient Task question 4: To what extent has the internet made life more convenient? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  IELTS Keywords: paraphrasing 5 ways to paraphrase “Make life…
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college-struggles · 1 year
Writing task 2 - Prisons
You should spend about 40 minutes in this task.
Write about the following topic:
In many places, prisons are overcrowded and expensive for governments to maintain. Yet, when offenders are released, they end up back in prison a short while later.
Does prison work? Should lawbreakers be rehabilitated or punished?
Give reasons doe your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
The price for maintaining a prison is expensive. Moreover, they often overcrowded, hence making governments unable to maintain it effectively. When offenders are released, sadly, most of them ended up band in prison.
By looking at the results, it is best to say that prison does not work. Rather than having to learn their mistakes while in prison, they received a proper treatment like any other normal people. Especially in Indonesia. It is not a secret that people with lots of money, or we can say "rich people", are threaten highly like they are not even a prisoner. They did not learn anything from their mistakes. They simply see prison as a place to rest for a moment before continuing their deeds.
Depending on the crime, those lawbreakers or offenders should be punished rather than making them stay on the prison. For example, if they murdered someone, then it is best to punish them with the same treatment. This law are already available in Arabian country. Rehabilitations are only for lawbreakers with mental disorder.
By deciding on a proper punishment, not only the governments will have less financial problem, it will also open their minds (the lawbreakers) that doing any crimes is considered as breaking the law.
In the end, I do not believe prison is the best choice for severe crimes. Unless there is proper education inside the prison, punishing them according to their crime is the best solution.
Total: 240 words.
The price for of maintaining a prison is expensive. Moreover, they are often overcrowded, hence making governments unable to maintain it them effectively. When offenders are released, sadly, most of them ended up band in prison.
By looking at the results, it is best to say that prison does not work. Rather than having to learn from their mistakes while in prison, they received a proper treatment like any other normal people. Especially in Indonesia. It is not a secret that people with lots of money, or we can say "rich people", are threatened highly like they are not even a prisoner. They did not learn anything from their mistakes. They simply see prison as a place to rest for a moment before continuing their deeds.
Depending on the crime, those lawbreakers or offenders should be punished rather than making them stay on in the prison. For example, if they murdered someone, then it is best to punish them with the same treatment. This law are is already available in Arabian country countries. Rehabilitations are only for lawbreakers with mental disorders.
By deciding on a proper punishment, not only the governments will have less fewer financial problems, but it will also open their minds (the lawbreakers) that doing any crimes is considered as breaking the law.
In the end, I do not believe prison is the best choice for severe crimes. Unless there is proper education inside the prison, punishing them according to their crime is the best solution.
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