rjalker · 2 years
any fucking ways because I'm enraged, for those who work in retail, here's a fucking PSA:
Never fucking pull these:
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[ID: A picture of a skinny flat cart with six wheels, and two tall, upside down U shaped handles on either side. End ID.]
Flat carts, uboats, whatever the fuck you want to call them.
You are not supposed to pull them, you are only ever supposed to push them. Especially when they are heavy. You should never fucking be pulling one of these things, especially not when it's heavy.
If your manager tells you to pull this, fucking REFUSE. Do not fucking do it. Fucking go to the manager above them or fucking contact OSHA or whatever the fuck you have to do.
I'm 99% fucking certain that my manger at Walmart in 2020 forcing me to pull one of these things that was loaded with like at least 200lbs (you know the cases that the plastic bags for the registers come in???? yeah there were at least ten of those on there per trip) on it is the reason that my hip got almost permanently dislocated or at least partially dislocated for several months. While I kept going to work because I had no fucking alternative. If you were following me in 2020 you probably saw my posts about it.
Now every time I so much as pull a fucking wagon that doesn't even fucking have anything in it, my hip starts fucking killing me all over again!
So here's a fucking pro tip from someone who's asshole manager got injured but I was too fucking stupid to realize "hey these things might be connected!" at the time:
Do not pull these things. Do not let anyone else pull these things. If you manager tells you or someone else they have to pull one, especially if it's heavy, refuse. Tell your other employees to refuse. Tell your manager they need to refuckingtake the safety course for moving heavy items and using the fucking equipment. Fucking contact OSHA or whatever fucking hotline your job has if your manager tries to insist on you pulling one of these when it's heavy.
I highly fucking doubt I can fucking sue Walmart for something I can't even prove happened two years later. So do yourself a favor and don't fucking pull these things.
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shoezuki · 4 years
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2
Zagreus’s one day of sleeping on Poseidon’s couch extended to nearly two weeks. He couldn’t really say it was accidental, or even that he was sorry; Poseidon’s home was welcoming, despite being deceptively small. It was evident that his uncle never had company, and never was expecting any. Between a surprisingly comfortable sofa serving as a bed with nothing but a small blanket that could pass as a towel, or the numerous times Zag was woken up by Posiedon’s 4am morning workout routines, it was easy to realize Zagreus was his first quest.
Even so, it was welcoming. More welcoming that Zagreus’s own home that he had grown up in most his life. Instead of waking up to massive empty rooms or disapproving stares, Zagreus woke up the first day there to the sound of Poseidon having a very heated conversation with the fish in the 300 gallon aquarium that acted as a wall between the living room and kitchen. That one took a few days of getting used to, with Zagreus waking up multiple times in a panic thinking that someone decided to visit only to realize that he was talking to Mitchell the yellow tang fish.
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