iceforhire · 3 years
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“Here to distract me from my work, again?” To anyone else, her words would have seemed cold and even a little cruel, but if anyone could detect the softness within them, it would be Alys.
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iceforhire · 3 years
@tarotborn​ asked: Feiniao has a crush on me :)
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“I think it’s safe to say that I have more than a crush on you Alys.”
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iceforhire · 3 years
@winebornebard​ asked:  ؟ Zhongli for Fei :3
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“Surprisingly, he’s one of the only people that I can really stand to be around for extended periods of time. Usually being around people exhausts me, but that isn’t the case with him...”
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iceforhire · 3 years
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“Hey-! You! Would you mind sitting on my back while I finish these push-ups? I need more weight to make it worth my while.”
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iceforhire · 3 years
@iimpact asked:  [ SLOW ]:     the sender guides the receiver, either verbally or physically, to slow their pace during sex. (Kaeya @ Fei)
Perhaps she should have behaved herself earlier, shouldn’t have tried to embarrass him in front of the other bar patrons (even though, truthfully, he invited the behavior by placing her on his lap anyway. Regardless-) Now she was suffering for it, his hands gripping her hips just as tightly as he had then, though now she was on his lap in a completely different way.
Her face is flushed as she pants, looking down at him as her hands rest on his shoulders, fingers curling into his skin there as she feels his length push fully inside of her for the umpteenth time already. He was dragging her up and down at a languid pace, clicking his tongue at her mockingly whenever she attempted to squirm or speed up, his grip unrelenting as he leans in to whisper in her ear.
“No, no that won’t do. You misbehaved, so now-”
He emphasizes with a thrust that’s rougher than the rest, though just as slow.
“Now, I’m gonna use you exactly how I want to.”
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iceforhire · 3 years
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“You are all incredibly depraved.”
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iceforhire · 3 years
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“I don’t offer my services to just anyone you know. You have to be able to make it worth my while, and I don’t take boring jobs either.”
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iceforhire · 2 years
@iimpact​ asked:  Kabedon kaeya @ fei ask and ye shall receive
Meme here
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To say Kaeya was lucky was an under-statement. Had it not been for the fact that he gave himself away beforehand (most likely on purpose, this is hardly their first time interacting after all) doing nothing to hide his self-satisfied chuckle as he approaches Feiniao from behind, using his body to cage hers in against a nearby wall.
Still, despite her preparedness, she can’t help but put a hand out instinctively, fingers splayed out across the firm muscles of his chest to keep him at bay, though his face still remained only centimeters away from her own.
“Has anyone ever told you how much of a fool you are Kaeya?”
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iceforhire · 2 years
@winebornebard​ asked:  ❛  i trust you with my life.  ❜ Zhongli @ Feiniao :3
How does one take in a declaration like that? To have someone, no not someone, the only one you truly care about entrust their life to you so easily? As if they hadn’t given it a second thought, as if it were an easy decision to make?
Words fail her. She isn’t usually one for much talking, but now more than ever she finds whatever she would have wanted to say dying in her throat, lips unable to part and force the sound out as she looks up at the other in a way that could only be described as adoringly.
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“I.... I will not allow your trust to be misplaced.”
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iceforhire · 3 years
@tarotborn​ asked:  “ kiss me, i’m miserable. “
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“Miserable huh? Well we can’t have that can we.”
A slight chuckle passes her lips, hands moving to cup her lover’s face as she leans in close, stopping to allow her nose to brush against his own tenderly, head tilting back and forth to brush the very ends together before laying a sweet kiss upon his lips.
“How about now? Is that better?”
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iceforhire · 3 years
Thinking about the types of people my muses would be into.... This is based purely on who I think they would develop a crush on after meeting them for the first time!
Feiniao- When it comes to men, I feel like she would initially be most attracted to Kaeya. He’s a smooth talker, not to mention he’s very pretty. She likes someone that doesn’t waver in front of her, and I feel like Kaeya could keep up with her somewhat domineering personality.
With women, I think Shenhe would strike her fancy. Beautiful and strong. I’ll be honest, she thinks that all women are pretty, but the ones that can make her feel the way she makes people feel? Breath-taking.
Clara- She likes men who are KIND. She’s easy to make cry and she likes to be treated gently, so Thoma would probably make her feel very comforted! She would also think he’s very sweet and cute. Dogs know when people like them after all GYFUHIJK
With women? Strong women..... Someone who will treat her gently but still tough enough to handle themselves. Kujou Sara strikes me as her type. She likes them muscly :3c
Yui- Their dumb, their stupid, they want a man who can keep up with them. Itto matches their energy and he’s easy on the eyes, what more could they ask for really? If you can’t act like a fool in public with them they don’t want it.
As for women...... Rosaria..... I don’t think I need to elaborate on why but.... Goth nun hot FY^UGI&HU*IOJO
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iceforhire · 3 years
@iimpact asked: [ JOYFUL ]  receiver getting louder than usual which makes sender start laughing affectionately,  taking the opportunity to check in. (fuck it kaeya/fei >:3c)
So what if she had made a sound she never had before!? So what if it was an uncharacteristically high pitched moan!? He had no right to laugh at her expense, and even less of a right to stop all movements and stimulation to do so!
“Archons, you are such an ass sometimes!”
She’s pouting, huffing at him and pushing at his face in irritation as he simply continued to laugh, pressing kisses to her palm as he does so. Fei can’t stop the small smile that comes to her lips as the sound continues. It wasn’t something she got to hear often, his laughter, his real, unabashed laughter. It has her pulling herself up to press kisses along his jaw line, peering up at him through heavy lashes as she places a hand at the nape of his neck to steady herself.
“Maybe I just shouldn’t make any sound from now on then, is that what you want?”
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iceforhire · 3 years
@winebornebard​ asked:  ❛ You know you aren’t allowed in here, right? ❜ Zhongli @ Fei
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“Oh I know. But you can make an exception for me can’t you?”
Her tone is light, teasing, one that she’s using with him more and more frequently now. Perhaps she was a bit spoiled, being allowed to get away with far too much because of his all too patient nature. She enjoyed pushing his buttons, though sometimes she’s afraid she may go too far. The fear doesn’t stop her however, as she sends a smile his way, hands on her hips proudly as she waits for his reply.
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iceforhire · 3 years
@winebornebard​ asked:  ❛ Are you threatening me? ❜ Zhongli @ Fei
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“And what part of what I said was threatening to you?”
She raises a brow, arms crossed across her chest as she leans back against the nearby wall. Her expression is unamused, as if his out of character reaction is seemingly boring to her, despite that being the farthest thing from the truth. Truthfully, her pulse is rapidly getting faster, a sense of uneasiness filling her stomach as she puts on a brave face. She can only hope that he doesn’t catch on, or that if he does, it causes him to take a step back and calm down.
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iceforhire · 3 years
@tarotborn​ asked:  [ GAZE ]  taller muse is sitting and the shorter one who is standing in front of them takes their face into their hands while they talk. Can you imagine Alys rambling about how much he loves Fei.....
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How long had he been rambling now? She had made an off-handed comment about how she wondered what it was about her that he liked so much exactly, and he hadn’t stopped since. Had he even taken a breath? Feiniao can’t help but shake her head fondly, standing from her own chair to stand in front of him, hands moving to gently cup his face, thumbs running over his cheeks as he slowly trails off in his words.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
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iceforhire · 3 years
@iimpact asked:  [ STILL ]:      the sender physically holds the receiver to stop them from moving in their lap with the deliberate/unwitting intention of arousing the sender in a public setting. (Kaeya @ Fei)
She didn’t want to sit on his lap in the first place, especially in public. She had insisted that the action was too personal, too embarrassing, but he persisted, coaxing her to sit on his lap as he enjoyed a glass of wine at the Angel’s Share. As she thinks about it now, he might have just been doing this to annoy his brother, to show off with a pretty girl on his lap, but Feiniao wasn’t one to just sit around and be used as an ornament.
Her initial shifting had been innocent, just an attempt to get as comfortable as she possibly could (she figured she would be like this for a while) when a hand had come to her hip, squeezing ever so slightly as she heard Kaeya take in a sharp breath behind her. 
Her lips curl into a devious smile as she persists, shifting back and forth, hips rolling over the tell-tale hardness that was slowly growing beneath her, though she kept her head turned away from him, trying to keep up an act of innocence. But his other hand finally abandoned his glass to settle on her other hip, grip so tight she might bruise as he forces her to still herself against him, a low growl rumbling in his chest, the vibrations felt against her back as she laughed.
He couldn’t always be the one to have all the fun could he?
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