#IC - プレーする準備はできている! えーっもっと上達できるさ
thetinkereroftoys · 3 months
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"Oh! I have been doing some research on Gotham. Rogues, Heroes, Police precinct and other individuals on both sides of the conflict! As well as previous cases of Batman and allies! So... You and your friends eventually showed up! Not everyone might know, but I do!" Toygal beamed in delight, raising both of her thumbs as a sign of support. She knew how it felt to not know the spotlight but still doing your best. "I admire all those who do right!" As if that smile could get any brighter. Surprisingly it could. And doubly so when her companion was mentioned. Stretching out her arm sky-high with her finger pointing up. The little toy began crawling up her arm all the way to her hand where it chirped proudly. "That's right! This is little guy! I uh... I'm not that good at names." Toygal admitted, bringing her arm down. "He's my assistant, my partner in justice, and a good friend." Scooping him up, she gingerly placed him back on her shoulder. Chattering with beeps in affirmation.
"You're welcome!" She's delighted to be appreciated for the assistance. She wasn't a great detective, but she was good at finding information online. "While I was doing research, I found the information on that USB. Oh, by the way, once you take the data off it the USB will render itself useless, so just take all data off and then throw it in the bin or something. You won't get it able to work again. You know, just in case some evildoer steals it and tries to track the data that was on it!" One had to be prepared for all possible scenarios when facing: Evil!
With that in mind, Toygal was nodding to herself, deeply engrossed in her own thoughts about fighting off bad guys. One day, one day... "H-Hey! If my information helps out. And someone asks how you cracked the case, could you maaaaybe mention me? Toygal? That'd be swell! I'm trying to build up a portfolio before reaching out to Young Justice!"
// @maximummuses - continued from [here]
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thetinkereroftoys · 3 months
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