#IAS officers’ body
rightnewshindi · 13 days
गंगा नदी में डूबे जज का शव नौ दिन बाद हुआ बरामद, पत्नी जज, भाई IAS और रिटायर्ड ऑफिसर
गंगा नदी में डूबे जज का शव नौ दिन बाद हुआ बरामद, पत्नी जज, भाई IAS और रिटायर्ड ऑफिसर #News #RightNewsIndia #RightNews #UPNews #IndiaNews #UttarPradeshNews
Uttar Pradesh News: उन्नाव में गंगा नदी में डूबे जज के पति आदित्यवर्धन सिंह उर्फ गौरव (45) का शव मिल गया। वह 31 अगस्त यानी 9 दिन पहले सेल्फी लेने के दौरान गंगा में बह गए थे। आदित्यवर्धन सिंह हेल्थ विभाग में डिप्टी डायरेक्टर थे। वाराणसी में पोस्टेड थे। उनकी पत्नी श्रेया मिश्रा महाराष्ट्र के अकोला में जज हैं। रविवार रात 8 बजे आदित्यवर्धन का शव कानपुर में गंगा बैराज गेट नंबर 1 पर फंसा मिला। नवाबगंज…
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strwberri-milk · 16 days
Hi☺️ I really like your headcanons, and was interested if you would like to write a one where LADS boys hurt the reader with their Evol (not on purpose, accidentally).
Maybe it could be angst a bit? If you okay with it ( ・_・)♡
ngl i lowkey still dont understand how xavs evol works so his is ia little funny rather than angst bc he teleported funny :(
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Zayne didn't realise that his Evol had been acting up so badly. He could feel the chill of it crawling up his body but he had no idea he struck you until he hears your gasp from the door of his office. His eyes are wide as he ignores the ice in his veins.
You try to tell him not to worry, that he needs to focus on himself because clearly his Evol is acting up again but he can't be bothered right now. He's immediately looking over the injury, making sure that it's just superficial. If he actually hurt you he'd never forgive himself. You have to convince him that everything is okay, take his hands into your face and slow him down just a bit until he can see you again.
He buries his face into your neck, holding you tightly as he promises he'll never do it again. You have to tell him over and over again that you know it was an accident. It doesn't matter though - he'll never forgive himself. He's always extra careful with his Evol around you from now on, terrified he'll hurt you again.
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He wasn't paying attention when he teleported in, almost knocking you over because you didn't expect to see him there. You laugh, the pain being pretty minimal so it was fine but he is not happy about it to say the least. He's not mad at you at all - he's very upset with himself for not being more careful with you.
He keeps his eye on you for the next little while, worried that he actually did hurt you but you're just worried of hurting his feelings so you won't actually tell him what's wrong. He tries to subtly check your body, making sure there really aren't any bruises on you.
Now whenever he teleports somewhere you are he makes it a point to text or call you ahead of time to make sure you aren't where he plans to be. If you don't answer then he'll just teleport somewhere he knows you aren't to make sure he doesn't hurt you.
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Rafayel didn't see you come in when he started using his Evol for a painting. He just wanted to give it a bit of a burned affect, flames encompassing his studio just long enough for you to sustain a burn. It's not bad thankfully, nothing you couldn't handle but Rafayel is devasted you're hurt in the first place.
He's on you in an instant, used to getting burns himself from when he's overzealous with his fire Evol. He's got tons of salves and gauze for you as he carefully takes care of your burn. He wants to take you to see a doctor but you convince him not to - the burn is already feeling a lot better but he doesn't seem convinced.
He beats himself up for what feels like forever, fully blaming himself for your injury. He knows that if he was more careful with his flames he wouldn't have hurt you and there's no talking him out of it. You can only try to comfort him, spending time with him and trying your best to reassure him.
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Sylus didn't think that you were going to barge into his meeting, having something important to tell him as he pulled his hand back. He ends up accidentally grabbing you, squeezing a touch too tight before you're let go. An angry looking welt is left on your skin and Sylus is immediately by you, inspecting it as he apologises.
You can't hear the panic in his voice but you can see it in his eyes, the way his hands quickly move over your body as he tries to figure out if he broke anything. Thankfully he didn't and you're just sore. The second you tell him that he finds you an ointment and starts massaging the muscle. He doesn't say much other than the apologies at the start but it's because he's fully focused on making sure you're okay. It would be adorable if you weren't worried about how concerned he is.
He doesn't say much for a while, mad at himself for not noticing you coming into the room. You have to fill the silence, trying your best to soothe him. It'll really take a long time for him to stop treating you like glass.
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sammaggs · 1 month
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3x02 Eclipse | Dare
The definition of Scary Dog Privilege.
When Fraser finally escorts Ray into the 2-7 at the last possible second, he’s not letting anyone say a damn thing. He’s daring the officers to say something, to try Ray.
He puts his body directly between Ray and the people who have it out for him—not just the guys from IA, but at that moment, the whole precinct.
This is how Fraser shows his teeth.
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year
Translation from Gyakuten Saiban Fan Book
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What sort of person is Phoenix Wright?!
How does the producer of the trilogy, Mr. Inaba, view the main character, Phoenix Wright? And what about the character designer, Mr. Iwamoto, who voiced Wright's rival, Miles Edgeworth? What's his opinion on the matter?
Mr. Inaba's comments
Interviewer: I'd like to ask you about what type of guy you think Wright is. Let's start with his birthday.
Inaba: Wright always seems chipper, so perhaps he was born in the spring?
Iv: That might be why that pink sweater suited him so well (lol). What about his living situation?
Ia: I feel like Maya probably swipes the money he makes at his law firm, so Wright is poor. He probably lives in a really basic apartment.
Iv: So his cell phone is probably not the latest model, but rather…
Ia: It's probably a previous generation one that he's used for a long time. Like one of the ones with a green display (lol). He can't afford a new one.
Iv: He's very working class, then (lol).
Ia: I definitely think he is. There's no doubt in my mind. He's got no money. I don't even want to imagine a posh Wright (lol).
Iv: How mean (lol). If he's really that low on funds, then I imagine he doesn't have much money to spare on hobbies.
Ia: He doesn't seem like the type to be particularly interested in music, and since he's poor, he probably can't afford CDs. If he does listen to music, it's probably just whatever is playing on the radio as he hangs out at the fishing pond.
Iv: So you see him as the type of guy who goes to the fishing pond?
Ia: if he did fish as a hobby, I can see him doing it in a pond or something. He's definitely not the sport fishing type.
Iv: You make him sound like he has a typical working class, chill lifestyle.
Ia: I don't see him as the type to spend most of his time indoors though. He probably plays catch or walks his dog… I think that kind of thing suits him best.
Iv: His dog is a mutt, of course?
Ia: Probably a mix of Japanese breeds. He either found the dog abandoned somewhere, or it just happened to wander into his office, or Maya forced it on him so he ended up keeping it.
Iv: Last question: what do you think Wright's type is?
Ia: Probably the dominant type. After all, he dated Dahlia and worked for Mia (lol).
Mr. Iwamoto's comments
Iv: So about Wright's birthday, when do you think it is?
Iwamoto: Maybe in May? I think it'd be funny if it were the same as Takumi-san's. Maybe his blood type and birthplace are the same as Takumi-san's too?
Iv: Inaba-san had an image of Wright consistent with a working class guy, but what do you think?
Iw: No objections (lol). He doesn't seem like he'd spend much money on his clothes. At the very least, I think he has the type of personality where it wouldn't be unusual to see him outdoors.
Iv: It's hard to imagine him wearing expensive brand-name outfits, isn't it?
Iw: He probably wears jeans, but not like the vintage kind. He probably sleeps in a t-shirt and boxers. Come to think of it, Suekane-san doodled Wright in a sweatshirt once, so he might be the type to wear sweatshirts.
Iv: So what about sports?
Iw: Maybe field soccer? If you put the word "field" in front of a sport, it sounds more working class. Like "field baseball."
Iv: He sounds totally working class, just like Inaba-san's image. Do you think he gets together with a bunch of friends and plays a rowdy game of field soccer?
Iw: I wonder. Wright seems like the type of guy who doesn't have a lot of friends somehow. His only soccer buddy is Larry Butz, so he plays just with him. They'd be like "You play goalie next, ok?" They'd take turns doing penalty shootouts… jeez, that's depressing (lol). In contrast to Wright, Larry seems like he'd be more shy around other people. He probably doesn't remember any of those people's names (lol).
Iv: In terms of physical build, Wright has more of a swimmer's body than a soccer player body. His shoulders are broad.
Iw: Suekane-san drew him pretty burly in the first game, didn't she? I tried to keep that image when I drew him. But if you really want to know what Wright's body type is like, you can find out by having Takumi-san strip for you (lol). I think Wright is highly influenced by Takumi-san himself.
Edgeworth version
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makeitastrength · 4 months
Into the dark
Chapter 3
Everything that follows happens in slow motion.
Rosalind crumples to the ground.
Blood blossoms from the center of her chest, spreading across her pale, freckled skin and darkening the fabric of her dress.
On the screen, the grate slides open as the flames finally burn out. Someone – Tim thinks it’s Officer Juarez – dives into the tank, arms wrapping around Lucy’s limp body and lifting her toward the surface. At least three other pairs of arms reach in to pull her out, and then help Juarez out as well.
He distantly hears Angela radioing it in, her voice in his ear and then growing louder as she appears in front of him. Gently, she pries the gun from his hand and then guides him away from Rosalind's dead body. She says something – the words IA and shooting and Grey is all he really registers – before beginning to secure the scene.
And then Tim is left staring at an empty screen, with nothing to do except pray that he pulled the trigger in time.
Read the rest on AO3
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Little reminder for anyone thats of voting age in the USA- election propaganda is already starting and the fear tactics will start flying.
So let's remind everyone what's been happening from Republicans recently because they try to insist they are saints and victims every election.
Republicans took away abortion laws and the human bodily right to choose whether or not you keep your baby. Whatever you believe for yourself, whether you, yourself, thinks its wrong, taking that right away from other people is cruel because it forces rape victims to have their babies, forces children to suffer, forces women to have no choice in the say of their own bodies and that just isn't right.
Republicans insisted that student debt could not be forgiven at 50k or 20k so Biden caved and settled on 10k which Republicans said would be acceptable. Republicans then decided everywhere to challenge the ruling and people are still struggling in various places to get their promised forgiveness in a lot of places.
Republicans are pushing to get rid of, and have gotten rid of, many child labour laws because instead of making businesses pay decent wages which would bring more workers they decided to bring in children which is cruel and they can easily exploit. Note! These laws were put in place to stop the exploitation of children! If a child cannot sign a legally binding contract without their parent as a witness, why the hell should they work a job like an adult?!
Republicans are choosing to ignore school shootings over and over and over again CONSISTANTLY in favour of allowing MORE guns and trying to force teachers to be armed as if that insane concept is normal. Democrats are pushing for gun reform, and Washington state has passed a ton of laws recently to regulate guns. Republicans refuse to do that and would rather our children die over and over and over again and send "thoughts and prayers" instead of doing anything about it. This has been a consistent thing since Columbine.
Republicans say Democrats are doing bad things and want to take away your rights but consistently the Republicans have been hindering progress at every turn, fighting against progressive legislation and blocking it whenever Biden and the other democrats suggest anything. This also happened during Obama's time in office.
This is not a recent thing- deregulation happened because Republicans wanted businesses to be able to do whatever they wanted. Tricklw down evonomy is fucking bullahit ans hasnt trickled down to anyone.
That republican-backed deregulation is why employers don't have to pay you right and why they treat you like a replaceable cog in the machine and why they hate unions so much.
Democratic states do have a record of preserving your rights and fighting to grow them. Take a look around right now and tell meqhich states are safer for lgbtqia+, which states are safer for people who aren't white rich white men. Take a look at which news programs are consistently using fear-filled language and fearmongering tactics and promoting fear of the other and tell mwwhich companies, which people, which white wealthy men are in control of them.
Do not let yourself be fooled. Yes democrats are also not saints. They do a lot of bullshit too. They promise to do a lot and then sort of piddle and poke and half assembly do things. But a little half-assed progress is better than regression. Small progress ia better than no progress is better than reversing progress.
They've already tested the waters and we saw how much terrible bullshit they could do, how much progress they could reverse, under Trump. You do NOT want that again. You do NOT want someone just as unhinged but only able to disguise it better.
Please stay informed, do your research and do not vote for the party that has time and time again consistently shown they want everyone to suffer but themselves.
And remember- If they were not afraid of your vote, they would not be working SO hard to suppress it.
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sterlingarcher23 · 1 month
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And then.... This:
Btw the fact that El sees her older self in stead of the girl tells you that the girl doesn't look the way we think she does. Someone had the idea that El is a substitute in the NINA (like Erica is a substitute for Lucas in the game that ia forshadowing a lot, including dice rolls and winnings and is even paralleled with Lucas scoring to secure his team's win) and I think that's pretty on point.
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And Edward, sorry, Eddie pointing out that the "child speaks" like this is THE biggest "plot hole" in the memory scenes. But is it as we have multiple scenes showing us that Max says something and El repeats it.
I mean, there's a reason why this Brenner has a scar pretty much exactly where Max had her hair streak falling over her face:
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Well, Papa, what did you see?
Guess where Max is. -Back inside....
There's this shot of Max looking at Chrissy's dead body while the police officer says "Go back inside. Back inside"
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Back inside over a brilliant kaleidoscope of colors (rainbow [bridge]) as forshadowed with a rainbow artwork and a sign saying "All the way"
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(her line is also very well placed)
And that inside. A realm of the mind. You call it mind lair. It's more commonly known as "Internal world"
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There's a depiction of an internal world in the movie Identity in which the alters also can't leave the place and run in circles if they try do. ( The character who has DID, Malcolm Rivers was portrayed by Pruitt Taylor Vince who also played a minor role in Stranger Things.)
Dissociation is described as falling into a coma or vanishing, being detached from reality and not connected to your own body. That's what happened. Max dissociated. And her describing to us that she can see or feel anything is just film language for the audience. That's it. (btw correcting my past self on this issue about abilities been taking, this might be not correct)
Internal world = other dimension...inside of Max.
Hiding in the light.
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agentmasonmiller · 2 months
Rolling || OPEN RP
Much of Mason’s work is based within the confines of SHIELD, more specifically within the confines of the counter-terrorism department that he runs. That which requires work in the field he assigns either to his own team or specialty teams that are needed but there are some instances where even as the department head you’ll find him back out in the field. It’s those days where he feels more alive, when the guns he always has in his shoulder holsters don’t feel like props but instead remind him he was in fact a field agent for years. Today nearly the entire counter-terrorism department alongside countless other departments from IA, to field, hell even forensics, were on site at a major scene, unfortunately for the them the suspect they’d been after for nearly two years at this point had once again evaded capture. 
When their work had finished up on site slowly the teams there started to trickle away, en route back to the base to go over their findings. There were only a few cars left when Mason had started to make his way to his own vehicle, today he was without Buck, he’d been trying to rely on his dog less, give him a day off a week and so Buck was home living his best life in the penthouse. As soon as he’d gotten into the car he too his earpiece out and popped the comms over to his bluetooth and started it up, taking to his ‘number 2’, Cortez who was currently manning the office. Several minutes and some miles away from the site Mason was stopped besides another car, his eyes filtered over and there was no denying that the driver of the other vehicle was their suspect. “Cortez, get a drone in the air, now, have it follow my location.” When eyes locked on one another the pursuit was on and Mason in his Mclaren didn’t hesitate to engage. It’s moments like these where his evasive driving training comes in handy. “Pursuing Renauld, Grey Porsche 911, New York plate Charlie, Echo, Foxtrot, 6758.” From then on communication was them directing him on routes to head the car off, if he lost view the team using the drone to guide him, nearly 30 minutes had passed and Mason had nearly been able to try for a pit maneuver when Renauld got the best of him, The sound of metal clashing against each other fills the air around them, echoing onto the comms followed by the clamoring of rubber as the guard rail to the bridge gives way given their speeds and Mason’s car flys off the bridge. “Fuck me.” He breathed out, his knuckles tense around the steering wheel, there was no stopping the path of his car, he was flying through the air and in seconds his fate would be known. He misses all body of water given they were at the tail end of the bridge and instead his car ‘tags’ a structure which causes it to become an uncontrollable decent, the car flips as soon as it hit the structure and several rolls later, the deafening sound of the crash is met with silence.  The car stops upside down, crushed beyond clear recognition. Somehow the comms are still connected but all that can be heard other than the settling of the metal is a weakened groan of pain form Mason. 
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All poems are subject to copyright. There will be poet on category but level. Also, don't cut paste a poem of your like. I would like credits to my name. This is a given. It's written so as to love and share with my name credits. This will be a book in thesis. Please credit.A given sloem. We are got-loving crazy. A poetry level. Hers. Therefore? Lie. A moon. Her ink. Her staple. Hers church therefore. Hers John Wayne. Hers ticket furror. He's baby car. He's baby crazy. He wants to write. Write well in her analog. Her monologue. Her credit lie.An petty thing about holding an uptight conversation is that we need to recognize an author. We can't really equate, terrific with nice. Nice with noon. I like writing things. I like holding people. A lesson in jeopardy would be oraganizing shelf. A position to speak from is saying wrongity makes up right. A nice ruse would be playing with tactics. If agreement means compilance. That means a lie means two. How is her work yours? It's steal. It's a nice time to apologize and back off. How is stealing equal to work? A work is nice when you reserve a position of mindset to a lover one. A lover one would mean tenderness. A nice-one would mean a night holding. Nights would mean love. Her credits are impending necessary to the boons of our rice and nice to our face. If necessary, bitch. If hold, keep. If yours, keep it on your own. Keep. Work. Work equals work. Work equals face value minus deep ink-sect.A lie-is that of her keep that we should be right of act to multiply a work based on credit. If credit seems different. It is. It's so often forgotten. It's lie. You need to be aware of a situation and credit the necessary people to honest situations. He was there. He was nice. He left. What remains? Nice. What solves? Sight. What takes? English? Or poet? Before you take credits of our lies, we should credit. This is necessary as it lays. An Ias officer is who she should become. A thing taken is a thing refused, a might taken is a will. She would be counting sadness as they were nice hedges in the moon. A nice-hedge to the count of a living matter. A matter in compliance in fact is courage compiled. She is given credits to delve in her a love greater than it is. She is. She is her muse wasting time on bakery and her poet was a thing a lie. A ruler is great example of his night. She knows no leap or courage. A given light-is courage. A mounting to the honest means of her soil. He cried. He leapt. He dissolves. He writes over you an honest review. A naxalite is a problem of her own. A night-till she wrote out dais. A seeking in which she was nill. She knew a lie and was a thing of her own. Her melting voice was the thing of her secret. He knew ages ago to fuel wine. He knew before a lady and a bug. She knew it too. They were a happy family. A certificate of congratulations. A lie still of the two and the pan-ink wise. She knew her. She knew not. She knew hers. She was a notice. She knew all. She was everything. She writes and is her. A light in the mouth of heaven was a lie-thinker. A lie-was a lie-in great honest deep. A think-toll. A diamond. She knew. She was her. She knew it to be her table. Her body was her table. She knew edges. She took her height. And was mad adversity. A love in her poem was formed love minus hers. He was writing till she knew her. She knew herself. She bathed and wrote. Life embodied her. Music made her. Muse lones her of itself and tweets and was the night. She was suicide. She was drops in the medicine. A lie in her zhor. A lie in her suddle. She was. She was night. She was ocean. She was a deep soul. Her. Poetry. Her light be foretold. Her light be shining. Poetry. Love. Light and hapiness . Credit also underlies to the fact that it would be meaning a love and long of the cute ect is she. She knew roses and I knew her. I don't take law into my hands of heaven. She took law to burn and I abided. She was law. I am her. I was a published author. She knows her not. She knows me still. She knew it. Credited. Accomplished. Girl.
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My fingers get all bendy when I try to write anything. Sad emoji. Sorry I’m using the text-to-speech feature. Send Send Send God dammit send the message
If it isn't my favourite anhelarentus patient! It's good to know you're well enough to be falling ill once again!
Upon reading your message, my assistant, Asher, suggested to me that you may be suffering delusions, considering that you used a nonsense word (“emoji”), and are referring to writing your message to my office as “text to speech”, which they insist is the wrong way around for the method of transferring information you are speaking of (although, considering I have only ever received messages in a paper format, and clearly no advanced enough technology exists to make text into speech or speech into text, I have no clue which term means what). However, considering that they are a victim of Meht's Disease, which can and does cause quite the bout of nasty delusions (they are not truly my assistant, but I allow them to think so, as I keep them around in order to further my studies on the disease), I can only assume they are merely projecting.
Thinking about it, I am now considering using the reverse that my assistant speaks of, “speech to text”, to refer to them, as--and I truly digress, but as you are coming to me a second time, I can only hope we can become acquainted with each other–they insist on writing down my responses to these requests themselves through transcribing my verbal answers. Upon inquiry, they have told me that while the messages appear to me as paper, in order for my patients to receive a response, they have to transfer them through something they call “the Internet”. I made a lot of progress on my research into Meht's Disease the day they tried to explain that to me.
Anyhow! Returning to the subject at hand, I am shocked that you have not already been diagnosed with medensia deficiency. As the beginning of it suggests (“medens”ia, as you may know Medens is my last name) this is when you fail to take everything I say as 100% truth. Medensia deficiency is the source of most ailments, as it results in a shrinkage of the most powerful sickness-fighting cells in your body, medensia cells, but can occasionally, as in your case, appear as its own disease with its own set of symptoms. It does not appear to have a bacterium, a virus, or any other such cause associated with it, but is instead purely psychological, and can be quickly addressed through repeating a set of phrases I will leave enclosed below. These symptoms are not a result of delusion, as my assistant posits, but simply misinformation.
1. Fingers do not bend while writing. Fingers are naturally fused at the knuckle and are meant to be straight all of the time. Anyone viewed doing otherwise must be suffering from a fracture or break at the knuckles, and should be taken into medical care immediately.
2. Technology advanced enough to make text into speech or speech into text does not exist. Anyone viewed doing anything that violates this must be part of or a victim of a cult that has been slowly rising in the last few decades, which specialises in attempting to brainwash the local populace by telling ridiculous stories of hunks of metal able to transfer messages at the speed of light.
It is vitally important that you repeat these phrases daily, as medensia deficiency can devolve into Meht's Disease, a much more serious disease. It is also recommended that you go outside and scream at the sun four times a day, because if the sun didn't exist then medensia cells could prosper in their natural ice cold environment, and no one would suffer from this horrible deficiency. Thank you for inquiring upon me.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 1 year
23 Republican Senators & 124 Congressmen signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court asking for a 50 state ban on mifepristone, a drug safer than tylenol that is standard treatment for abortion & miscarriages, "due to safety concerns". The brief DARES to argue that banning the life saving drug would save women from 'reproductive control'. (x) These 147 people would rather have women die of sepsis than let women control their own bodies. If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
United States Senate
Lead Senator: Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) John Barrasso (WY) Mike Braun (IN) Katie Britt (AL) Ted Budd (NC) Bill Cassidy (LA) Kevin Cramer (ND) Mike Crapo (ID) Ted Cruz (TX) Steve Daines (MT) Josh Hawley (MO) John Hoeven (ND) James Lankford (OK) Mike Lee (UT) Cynthia Lummis (WY) Roger Marshall (KS) Markwayne Mullin (OK) James Risch (ID) Marco Rubio (FL) Rich Scott (FL) John Thune (SD) Tommy Tuberville (AL) Roger Wicker (MS)
United States House of Representatives
Lead Representative: August Pfluger (TX–11) Robert Aderholt (AL–04) Mark Alford (MO–04) Rick Allen (GA–12) Jodey Arrington (TX–19) Brian Babin (TX–36) Troy Balderson (OH–12) Jim Banks (IN–03) Aaron Bean (FL–04) Cliff Bentz (OR–02) Jack Bergman (MI–01) Andy Biggs (AZ–05) Gus Bilirakis (FL–12) Dan Bishop (NC–08) Lauren Boebert (CO–03) Mike Bost (IL–12) Josh Brecheen (OK–02) Ken Buck (CO–04) Tim Burchett (TN–02) Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX–26) Eric Burlison (MO–07) Kat Cammack (FL–03) Mike Carey (OH–15) Jerry Carl (AL–01) Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA–01) John Carter (TX–31) Ben Cline (VA–06) Michael Cloud (TX–27) Andrew Clyde (GA–09) Mike Collins (GA–10) Elijah Crane (AZ–02) Eric A. “Rick” Crawford (AR–01) John Curtis (UT–03) Warren Davidson (OH–08) Monica De La Cruz (TX–15) Jeff Duncan (SC–03) Jake Ellzey (TX–06) Ron Estes (KS–04) Mike Ezell (MS–04) Pat Fallon (TX–04) Randy Feenstra (IA–04) Brad Finstad (MN–01) Michelle Fischbach (MN–07) Scott Fitzgerald (WI–05) Mike Flood (NE–01) Virginia Foxx (NC–05) Scott Franklin (FL–18) Russell Fry (SC–07) Russ Fulcher (ID–01) Tony Gonzales (TX–23) Bob Good (VA–05) Paul Gosar (AZ–09) Garret Graves (LA–06) Mark Green (TN–07) Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA–14) H. Morgan Griffith (VA–09) Glenn Grothman (WI–06) Michael Guest (MS–03) Harriet Hageman (WY) Andy Harris, M.D. (MD–01) Diana Harshbarger (TN–01) Kevin Hern (OK–01) Clay Higgins (LA–03) Ashley Hinson (IA–02) Erin Houchin (IN–02) Richard Hudson (NC–09) Bill Huizenga (MI–04) Bill Johnson (OH–06) Mike Johnson (LA–04) Jim Jordan (OH–04) Mike Kelly (PA–16) Trent Kelly (MS–01) Doug LaMalfa (CA–01) Doug Lamborn (CO–05) Nicholas Langworthy (NY–23) Jake LaTurner (KS–02) Debbie Lesko (AZ–08) Barry Loudermilk (GA–11) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO–03) Tracey Mann (KS–01) Lisa McClain (MI–09) Dr. Rich McCormick (GA–06) Patrick McHenry (NC–10) Carol Miller (WV–01) Mary Miller (IL–15) Max Miller (OH–07) Cory Mills (FL–07) John Moolenar (MI–02) Alex X. Mooney (WV–02) Barry Moore (AL–02) Blake Moore (UT–01) Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. (NC–03) Troy Nehls (TX–22) Ralph Norman (SC–05) Andy Ogles (TN–05) Gary Palmer (AL–06) Bill Posey (FL–08) Guy Reschenthaler (PA–14) Mike Rogers (AL–03) John Rose (TN–06) Matthew Rosendale, Sr. (MT–02) David Rouzer (NC–07) Steve Scalise (LA–01) Keith Self (TX–03) Pete Sessions (TX–17) Adrian Smith (NE–03) Christopher H. Smith (NJ–04) Lloyd Smucker (PA–11) Pete Stauber (MN–08) Elise Stefanik (NY–21) Dale Strong (AL–05) Claudia Tenney (NY–24) Glenn Thompson (PA–15) William Timmons, IV (SC–04) Beth Van Duyne (TX–24) Tim Walberg (MI–05) Michael Waltz (FL–05) Randy Weber, Sr. (TX–14) Daniel Webster (FL–11) Brad R. Wenstrup, D.P.M. (OH–02) Bruce Westerman (AR–04) Roger Williams (TX–25) Joe Wilson (SC–02) Rudy Yakym (IN–02)
If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
Help to patients who have to cross state lines to get medical care by donating to your local abortion fund here. (x)
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sillyromance · 1 year
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Good day everyone!
As I promised, here is an uncovering of my OC's personality. Please, meet Sara Branton (pronounce: she/her)!
She is a character for my "Transformers: Prime" AU. Sara ia a middle-aged woman, a widow (her first husband died during the war they both took part in) and a retired field medic who works as a surgeon in Jasper. She is a half-German; her mother Gretchen married an American and moved to New-York many years ago, although the old lady still owns a great house in Europe. Sara has an adult daughter Alexa - they are very close, although the girl wasn't able to live with her mother during the childhood because of Sara's first job and post-war recovering period (Sara's PTSD is still too deep; often nightmares don't let her sleep). Friends and ex-comrades sometimes call the woman Bagheera (like a panther from Kipling's "Jungle book") - it was her code-name on the buttle field; she doesn't mind that. Sara is very good at medicine, chemistry and mechanics. Moreover, she is an eager learner who is always ready to study something new.
As for my AU, one night Sara was driving home after an exhausting surgery in a neighbour town when she got into a car crush - unconscious and bleeding, she was found by Bumblebee and delivered to the Autobot base where Ratchet took good care of her. Two doctors who had a lot in common got attached to each other sincerely and made strong friendship which later grew into love. Of course, Sara met other Team Prime's members as well; as soon as she recovered, the woman started helping new alien friends in their war, combining her rich experience with knowledges she could get, digging into unusual nature of strange metal creatures she was bound to co-work with. Although, she had never chosen a side; after everything Sara had seen in her life and everything she had discovered about the new battle she participated in, the woman only wanted peace and, while fighting with bots against 'cons, she did her best to fix the conflict. At last, she managed to return Starscream (he became her confidant) and Megatron on a bright side what ment the dissolution of his army - unfortunately, it led Sara to the end of her existence...
Ratchet was in pain; he didn't want to believe it was over for his human "wife". In order to that, he created a new metal body for Sara and succeeded to translate her personality in the electronic mind. The woman turned into a transformer; nevertheless she had never forgotten where she belonged and continued introducing herself as a human.
Some facts:
Favorite songs: "Black Velvet" Alannah Myles, "Ironic" Alanis Morissette
Favorite color: Brown
Languages: English, German
Hobbies: Singing, playing the guitar, cooking
Favorite clothes(when she was biologically a human): jeans + shirts/blouses/sweatshirts. (She loves earrings).
Alt-mode: Jet/Big Bot (Optimus Prime's size)/ Small Bot (human size)
Best friends: June Darby, Optimus Prime, Starscream.
Enemies: the American officer who is guilty for her first husband's death.
1) "It seems the old panther is in charge again!"
2) "If a life of a one human is enough to finish an entire war - I'm ready to give mine..."
3) (To Starscream) - "Thank you for teaching me to fly..."
Vore position: Always prey
P.S: On the second photo there is an Autobot symbol on Sara's shoulder; unfortunately, it was added by me long before I built the story completely, and such detail is inherently wrong. How I said, the character doesn't belong to any fraction - she is just a diplomat who tries to bring harmony to this world.
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16-tito-16 · 1 year
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Well, hardly anyone would be interested in Tiberian Sun (TS), it's a very cool RTS. In short, since I'm a fan, and everyone knows what fans are who can draw, create their characters in different universes.
Anyway, these are my TS characters. The plot isn't worked out yet, but the synopsis , crooked but there is :
CABAL is back, but he acts in the shadows gaining power after the battle with GDI and Nod. CABAL uses a cyborg (a man who realizes he's half robot) to manipulate the Brotherhood. But two humans, a mutant (Forgotten) and a Brotherhood officer Nod, want to stop him.
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Briefly about the characters
Faceless or Commander - a cyborg under the control of CABAL. even though most of his body is made up of iron and wires, he still thinks and acts like a human, so as not to stand out
Al - Scientist, works mostly with mutations , Bioengineering, very rich in emotion.
Wins - Mutant, worked for the Brotherhood of Nod not by choice
Ias - Officer of the Brotherhood of Nod, former officer since he escaped with a mutant
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There are also more characters
Mother and Daughter GDI researchers
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Knights and Priestess of the Black Hand
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druidx · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tag, @spacetimewraithwrites
Tagging back: @aalinaaaaaa @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior
Your words: Advice, Attitude, Article, Ability
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These are from The Flipside, part of my original series, The MOW Files.
“Ms Rackelle?” came a voice. She turned to see Teodore’s secretary, Jeffrey, standing behind her. “What a pleasure to see you again so soon-” he started, but Askua ignored him, pushing open the door to Teodore's office. “Teo, we have to talk. Now.”
“How do you know about that?” Tayla asked, voice hissing through her teeth. “Teo told me. So, what is it?” Asuka said. “You want to follow in Brianna's footsteps and turn the Organization over to MOW in exchange for citizenship too?” A pained expression flitted over Tayla’s face. “It's not like that,” she said, her voice gruff. “Tell me, what do you know about him and me?”
When she was close enough Teo grabbed her, swinging her hard against the tree, tucking them both out of sight and trapping her with his body. Asuka glared at him, but he raised his eyebrows. “Start talking,” he said. “Fine.” Asuka crossed her arms, wriggling to get comfortable against the tree. “Tana used her Hounds to round me up and called in a mark to get me to help. She thinks you’re doing something illegal, and she wants me to look into it. But I thought I would actually ask you about it first. You know, given that we were once an item, I thought it was only fair to give you the benefit of the doubt first.”
“Asuka,” Teodore said, gesturing for her to come closer. “Please have a seat. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Asuka took the offered seat, giving Teodore a genial smile. “Teo, it’s lovely to see you again.” Asuka crossed her hands on her lap. “I heard a disturbing rumour about you, and I felt compelled to find out if there was any truth to it.” “Oh?” Asuka saw his smile waver, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. “Mmm,” Asuka said. “I’m sure it's not true at all. But, just in case, would you like to discuss it out of the office? Presumably, you have to eat at some point. I thought I'd take you out for lunch.” She tittered, and Teo replied in kind, the false sincerity pooling between them like honey. “So what's this rumour?” he asked. “Oh, only that you're having illicit contact with Freelancer businesses. But I’m sure that can't be right?”
Tana cocked an eyebrow in inquiry at his previous statement, but since neither Asuka nor Gurn said anything in response, she gave a little shrug and continued. “Well, in the few years since we've been absent from each other, Teo has managed to climb from Eurasian manager in Internal Affairs, to the head of the IA Bureau, finally taking over the coveted position Asuka’s father left vacant. “But, I’ve been noticing inconsistencies with my patrol routes. You know I can’t sit on something like that, so I traced the orders back and found they originated within IA. Highly irregular, I’m sure you agree. So I dug deeper and found that all the patrols have been avoiding this particular sector for a while, and the orders have all originated from Teo’s workspace. “I decided to take a little jaunt out there in one of the newest Hounds which are fitted with displacer fields. There was nothing out there, which set more alarm bells wringing than if I had found something. So I left a traffic counting drone, an inconspicuous little thing. Since then there’s been two vessels making regular rendezvous at that spot – one a MOW registered ship, the other unregistered, and presumably a Freelancer.”
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Two Florida cops — a lieutenant and a detective sergeant — allegedly handcuffed and jailed their 3-year-old son to “discipline” him for having difficulties with potty training.
Daytona Beach Shores police Lt. Michael Schoenbrod told a Department of Children and Families caseworker that he took the boy to headquarters in October and put him behind bars, the News-Journal reported, citing body-cam video.
The child was jailed twice, the first time on Oct. 5 and again the following day, when he was also cuffed, according to the outlet.
“He was crying. I was getting the response I expected from him,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker, the footage from a Volusia County sheriff’s deputy reportedly shows.
He said his son promised to never poop in his pants again after his time in the slammer.
Schoenbrod admitted that he also had resorted to the jail tactic about nine years ago, when he disciplined his then-4-year-old son for hitting a girl in preschool, the newspaper said. Lt. Michael Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, of the Daytona Beach Shores Police Department in Florida, allegedly placed their 3-year-old son in jail twice after he had potty-training accidents.Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety
“I took him to the jail and he sat there. And I watched him … and he was crying and everything, and to this day, if you mention, like, that incident, he’s just like, ‘I would never do that again.’ It was effective,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker.
“So that’s why I did it with this. He didn’t hit anybody, but I figured the same thing, discipline. And he didn’t want to go back, so …,” the lieutenant added, according to the report.
It was not immediately clear whether Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long faced discipline, according to the News-Journal, which said it obtained copies of memos from Public Safety Director Michael Fowler informing the couple about a probe.
The top cop told the paper he would consult with the city attorney before commenting.
Schoenbrod and Long — who live together and have the child together — and their attorney, Michael Lambert, have not responded to the paper’s requests for comments. A Department of Children and Families rep acknowledged a request for comment but did not offer one.
“It’s just disgusting that somebody would drag our family through the mud like this,” Schoenbrod said in the video, while Long could be heard calling the investigation “insane,” the News-Journal reported. Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, the child’s mother, also reportedly faces a professional standards investigation.LinkedIn / Jessica Long
Meanwhile, City Clerk Cheri Schwab said a judge has sealed the records in a March 24 case that lists Schoenbrod “et al.” as plaintiffs and the State Attorney’s Office “et al.” as defendants.
The couple also filed a separate case against State Attorney R.J. Larizza on May 18, but the initial filing and several subsequent motions have been marked as confidential, according to the News-Journal.
Antonio Jaimes, an attorney with the Volusia County Clerk of Court’s Office, told the outlet that the cases “are confidential due to motions for confidentiality filed within the cases.”
But Michael Barfield, director of public access initiatives for the Florida Center for Government Accountability, argued that the internal-affairs documents should be made public.
“A pending motion to determine confidentiality of court records does not have any impact on the city’s IA (internal affairs) investigation,” Barfield told the News-Journal in an email.
“A party cannot make a record that is subject to production under Chapter 119 (of the state public records law) confidential by merely filing a lawsuit requesting confidentiality and then not setting a hearing on the motion,” he added.
A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokeswoman said she has forwarded a request from the paper about any completed investigation to the public records department for processing. The Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety building.City of Daytona Beach Shores
Former city attorney Lonnie Groot also has reportedly sought records about any officer placing a child in a jail cell, as well as investigations into “alleged child abuse by an officer.”
“This whole matter just does not pass the basic smell test from a transparency and governmental openness perspective,” he wrote City Attorney Becky Vose, the outlet said.
And a former South Daytona police officer who describes himself as a civil-rights activist said that when he requested the findings of the professional standards probe, he was provided an estimate of $3,398.40 − about 40 hours of work at $84.96 per hour — to review and redact the documents. 
“It’s a severe matter of public interest when you have strong allegations of that kind,” Dickinson told the paper. “Rumors are being brought to you by fellow law enforcement … and you want to make sure the stuff they’re saying isn’t true.”
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Mr. December
Flufftober day 22 Have you heard? Garvez WC: 840
“Did you hear?!” Scurrying excitedly into the bullpen, Penelope glanced around expectantly at the familiar faces. When nearly everyone sat quietly in confusion, she went on. ”Theeeeeeey’re heeeeerre!” she squealed, “Or, they will be later.” The group of profilers looked to one another then back to her, blank expressions indicating she’d clarified nothing. 
“The Agents…Of The FBI Calendar…?” she went on.
“Oh-ohhhhhhh!” Prentiss exclaimed. While JJ, Spencer, and Rossi made sounds of understanding, Tara and Matt’s demeanors hadn’t changed much beyond amused smiles. Luke however looked…nervous? Concerned? Clearing his expression, he tried for a curious playful tone hoping he hadn’t given anything away, that these trained professionals hadn’t read him like a book. “What do you mean they, Garcia?” JJ jumped in explaining for the members who clearly had not been around for the experience in years past. “Penelope buys a case every year they produce it and passes them out because the profits go to charity, but the Bureau hasn’t done it in a few years, right, Pen?” “Correct my beautiful blonde friend, but it’s baaaack! Which means, all of you will once again be treated to the fine faces and -ahem- bodies of the Bureau.” As she said it, Luke would swear she winked at him. Going on, “And this year every agent selected to participate got to choose a charity where a portion of the profits would be donated to! They even asked them to write a little bit about why they chose it. How sweet is that?” He chuckled, tamping down the anxiety suddenly growing. Jesus, that was such a bad idea, why did he do it?! Why had he let them convince him to do it…Now everyone he currently works with was going to see…well quite a bit of him eventually. “Sounds like you know an awful lot about it Garcia…Now why would that be?” “…I’m friends with the Bureau’s digital artist who compiles it and has it sent out for print?” she answered immediately. “And it was my idea. I mean, after my second year here I figured we could be doing something really good for charity with the physically fine people we have around here, so I figured if New York’s fire fighters could do it, so could we.”  “Why are you so concerned? It’s not like you’d ever pose for something like that, Alvez.” Tara piped in. And she was right of course, except for the fact that he had, in fact posed. It seems he and Penelope had a friend in common… one who knew he’d do anything for retired working dogs, including posing nearly nude in a calendar to raise money for them.
“No, I just…I mean…isn’t it a little… a little objectifying?” He stammered out. “I wouldn’t say objectifying, more like… appreciative of people’s hard work and dedication. And everyone in it volunteered and the photo shoots are totally professional and we have broad representation and it’s all for good causes! Plus, I heard someone even brought their dog this year. I can’t wait to see that one.” Luke flushed, shit.  Looking around for support, “No one else is weirded out by this? Like you get a calendar and then Bob from IA is hanging in your office?” Crossing his arms, Matt mused “I think it’s great this year’s models got to select a charity to support, when I posed it was still down to a democratic vote and one lucky charity.” Luke laughed in disbelief, “You-” But Penelope cut him off, realization hitting her. “Ohh! That’s right! Aww, you were such a baby then, Matt Simmons!”  This revelation however did not help matters, Luke was only feeling more desperate at the anticipated endless hazing he’d be getting shortly, making it harder to disguise his emotions. “Well, it’s clear this conversation is making Alvez uncomfortable, so i’m shelving it for now and heading off, I suggest you all do the same.” Emily smirked sipping her coffee as she and Rossi headed up the stairs to their offices. With a few more comments everyone else followed suit, dispersing to retrieve their own caffeine fixes, turn on computers, or work on reports. Suddenly, it was just Luke, and Penelope who had taken up residence on his desk. Raising the ceramic unicorn mug to her lips, she spoke quietly, “If you feel that strongly about it, I can always have made a mistake or not received them at all…”   Luke sighed, visibly relaxing. He wouldn’t have to explain or tell her at all, she’d just back down. Very unGarcia-like, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Thanks Chica, as much fun as we have here, I don’t like the idea of seeing my co-workers hanging around half-naked at the office.” 
“Mmmm” Penelope’s mouth pursed, biting her cheek in thought as she stood to leave. Leaning in, breath tickling his ear she whispered, “I do have to say, Roxie as Rudolph was quite inspired…Very good photo set, Mister December. It’s a shame I’ll be the only one to see it.” 
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