#I've tried to draw Jelly digitally a few times but I never could get it right
therantingsage · 1 year
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Super old oc time!! Current Sage as an entity technically has no use for assassination, but these guys still exist and remain, in case the need ever returns. They're her cool secret task force, technically.
When I was a kid, I had this cringe thing where all of them except Pryomania had a crush on Jelly and were competing for her attention in a really healthy way (not even saying that ironically). But love triangles with the girl trapped in the middle are boring to me now, so now they are a cool polycule, though once again not including Pryomania. Murder polycule and Pryomania, who is also there platonically.
Individuals and info under the cut.
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Jelly is an ordinary rabbit, considered especially cute by her partners and most others. She has a pair of invisible claw weapons, and she combines them with her unassuming and disarming appearance to deadly effect. Personality-wise, she is slightly mischievous, and her adorable attitude that she uses on duty is not an act, she genuinely is just happy a lot of the time.
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X is the last surviving member of his species. Ink creatures were known to be particularly deadly and dangerous, and were thus targeted and nearly wiped out during the Era of War. X was born to the previous last member of the species, who died soon after. In a post-war world, his particular powerset has few outlets, so he was recruited by The Sage as protection (for him and for others both). The dark teal bulbs on his body can emit inky spores, which in addition to being toxic, grow entrapping vines that grow faster when broken.
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Aestheno-Snakes come in two varieties; the wired and the non-wired. Wired Aestheno-Snakes can manipulate solids of any density as if they were clay using the wires attached to their bodies, and use them to fashion false limbs they can control with their minds. Sleon is a non-wired Aestheno-Snake, which are far, far rarer. Non-wireds are actually much more powerful; they can only control one kind of solid that is determined at birth...but they turn anything they touch into that solid, midas style (including living things, thus his role as a Moon Assassin). Sleon's solid is a putty-like substance. It can be smelted into an indestructible ceramic material, and The Sage makes extensive use of this fact. She's also put a spell on him and the other Moon Assassins that renders them immune to his material conversion. His helmet is made from the putty-ceramic, but the serrated blade on his tail is natural.
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Pang is calm and chill, but was not in their childhood. Their lightbulb-like tail is not characteristic of Sky Deer, leading to Rudolf-adjacent treatment by their peers. Unfortunately, the tail gathers feelings of stress and agitation inside them and manifests them externally as powerful bolts of lightning that target the nearest living creature. If you're sensing a theme here, yes, it is incredibly deadly. Exiled from their home, they eventually were taken in by The Sage and given therapy to help control their emotions and powers. When not on duty, they wear a cap on their tail made from Sleon's ceramic, preventing any accidents.
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Pryomania, being the only one here not part of the polycule, is a bit of an odd one out. Fire Lights are a subspecies of Light Creatures, a subset that is rare and dangerous. Their fiery forms are untethered, so they must confine themselves in a vessel of their choosing. He'd been living in a vase before The Sage found him. She commissioned the ball he now uses, allowing him to both roll around in it and fly, as it is very light. He is mute, as are most Fire Lights, but he has figured out how to use his body to blow-torch words onto surfaces in order to communicate with the others.
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