#I've never seen two people so ready to bite each others heads off over a way that declares undying familial love for each other
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luna-loveboop · 6 months ago
I think maybe I'm should reblog a poll once it's finished? Idk, but I feel like it so. The current latest update is 'Entrance pt. 2' , and this poll was made right after 'Entrance'
Twilight leads! Which was not a surprise rn lol. We all know Time wants to protect him.
I was surprised so many voted for 'Time runs around/switches trying to keep his eye on everyone (dude chill)'. I put that mostly as a joke, I wanted to have an option for each of the whole chain XD
I see that I am totally in the minority with my vote- Time goes with Four. But consider this- Time could go with Four.
I'm also a believer that Time knows Four's secret with the four sword from doodles pt.3
Great poll! If Legend ends up with Time after no one voted for him I'm gonna laugh (I don't think that'll happen but who knows)
I can't wait to see what happens :D I hope we'll see who's splitting with who next update (time go with four time and four please time and four)
I've never done a poll before, so good luck
Who do y'all think Time'll handcuff to him be with for his group in the dungeon? I've seen a lot of people say he will try to control who goes with who since he's scared for their lives rn (valid)
The options are the individual boys, just go with who you think is most likely to be in his group I guess?
Anyways like I said I've never done a poll so it might be messed up or make no sense, should be fun :D
Let me know if this doesn't work. And yes I know it's not well organised.. it's ok. right?
I think that unlike when they split in the Divine Dark Reflections arc, they might try to stay in bigger groups, and I think Time would probably want to have as many close to him as possible (his group have three or four), but I uhh didn't know how to incorporate that.
It's silly, but right now I can't stop imagining a scene where they reach the central room and everyone sprints off into the groups they want before time can argue.
Anyone who goes with legend will survive physically and anyone who goes with four will survive mentally.
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sorryitsmyfirstdayonearth · 13 days ago
I don't know why I bite (Dean Winchester x female reader)
You and Dean can’t stop fighting, so Sam locks you in a room together, literally, to hash it out.
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Read it on AO3
Rated E, 18+. 6.9k words. Violence. Rough sex. Everyone's pretty dysfunctional. General hurt. Biting. Dean + dog metaphors because it just makes sense.
I don't really know how I feel about posting long fics like this here - it seems a little awkward to read, but I'm gonna let y'all decide whether you like this format.
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My friends think I like to fight, but it's just not true. Sometimes I lose my temper and blow off a little steam, but I've never enjoyed it.
I'm not a violent dog.
I don't know why I bite.
- Isle of Dogs
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Dean Winchester is driving you crazy.
From the first moment you mouth off to him when you first meet you know you found a good sparring partner.
He’s quick, you’re quicker. You’re clever, he’s more clever. He grins at your teasing and you laugh at some of the jabs he gets in.
It works, because you’re both intensely aware of your own roles, your own pitfalls – you can’t hurt him by making fun of something that’s part of the character he’s created, because it’s not really him you’re making fun of. It’s the same the other way around.
You make fun of how much sex he has with strangers, because it’s part of his bad boy glamour, just another coping mechanism.
He makes fun of your excessive violence towards the less humanoid monsters you fight, because he knows you don’t actually enjoy it, that you do it to look tough in this boy’s club that is hunting, that your hands shake when you wash them later.
You make fun of his love for his car, but never of the fact that it’s one of the few kindnesses his father’s ever given him, because the first is fair game but the second would be like pushing a knife between his ribs.
He makes fun of how jumpy and irritable you are sometimes, but never of how often you wake up screaming, because one has been weaved as a silly trait into your personality and the other he knows too well himself.
How well you have to know each other, how intimate the understanding of that line you don’t cross is, is something neither of you is willing to look at. It’s like surgery, sometimes, how close you have to cut to the line, to give the other one that thrill of being known, of being seen, but never of being known too well, of being watched. That would go too far.
If Dean or you were able to take that, you wouldn’t need those intrinsic personas to shield you from everything that could be painful.
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You’ve known each other for about a year when it takes a turn. It doesn’t happen on purpose and, looking back, it’s no one’s fault.
You’re attracted to Dean because, well, you have two eyes and a sex drive. You know he is attracted to you because he checks you out, which, well, Dean would probably check out a wall if it had a nice pair, but he does it with a look in his eyes that’s different, that’s not the mask he uses to bang waitresses and co-eds and unhappy wives, all non-descript shadow people passing through his life.
Potentially something could have come of it. Maybe, if one of you would have been lonely enough or horny enough, you could have let your personas, your life-long starring roles, play with each other. It probably would have been hot, but performative, both of you too busy to prove how much you don’t need to be there.
It doesn’t happen that way, though, because this happens:
Dean and you are hurt, which isn’t unusual. You can’t open your right eye so well and you hear a whistle every time you exhale. Dean’s got blood running down his face from a cut somewhere in his hair and the thing you were hunting speared him with a pen, a pen, because that’s what was in reach when Dean was standing over it, getting ready to beat its head in. It wanted to live, and you can’t think about that too much because if you do you think you’ll be sick.
Essentially, you both look like you’re on death’s door, so you don’t go back to Sam, because you know it will terrify him. Instead, you stop at a gas station, get everything you need to imitate a visit to the emergency room. The guy working at the gas station looks at you two and you must look like Natural Born Killers but neither of you cares. You get a bottle of shitty whiskey as well.
Then you hunker down, in the cheapest pay-by-the-hour motel you’ve ever seen. There’s red neon everywhere and you don’t even want to know what the room would look like under a black light.
“You first,” you say to Dean, and he complains, but you push him down on the chair you’ve moved to the middle of the room. “Stabbed beats carved-in lung,” you say, and Dean scoffs, which makes him cough.
“Anything to get to put your hands on me, huh?” he jokes when he’s recovered. You sort of chuckle, trying to find the cut on his head first. “Been a long time, has it?” he asks, flinching when you find it.
“Winchester,” you say, laying a cotton bud soaked in alcohol against the cut, making Dean buck under you, a deep groan leaving him. “You could be the last man on earth and I’d still prefer celibacy.” Dean chuckles.
“Don’t know what you’re missing out on,” he says. The cut’s mostly stopped bleeding, so you decide to leave it for now.
“Yeah, a bunch of STDs,” you mumble as you kneel down, suppressing a whine at something hurting, you don’t even know what.
The stab wound is next. Dean, in his infinite wisdom, pulled out the pen. It’s a natural instinct, to want something that is hurting you out of your body, but he still should know better.
You push up his shirt, look at the wound, ignore all that skin around it.
Cotton bud. Alcohol.
Dean hisses. “Whiskey?” he says, and you stop what you’re doing for a second to grab the bottle off the table near you, pass it to him. He opens it, takes a deep gulp, while you watch his throat work, swallowing. He drops his head, the bottle leaving his mouth, some of it running down his chin. It shouldn’t make you feel what it makes you feel. He’s a mess, and so are you, but getting to watch him like this is a privilege you know not many are afforded.
Stripped down, broken, fresh off a kill. It’s him at his best, in a way.
He passes the bottle to you, and you don’t wipe the rim. You set it down when you’re done.
“This is gonna need stitches,” you say, motioning to the wound. He nods. “What are you waiting for then?”
He barely makes any sounds while you do it, while you sew him back together. It’s over soon, since you’re quick and practiced and it’s not a huge wound. He sighs when he’s done.
“Good?” you ask.
“Magnificent,” he says, panting a little. You give him a second to recover, then push his arm for him to move. He gets up, and you take his place.
You’re not sure how much he can do for you but you’re not going to skip the chance to have him touch you, to have him try to fix you. He looks at your eye first, cleans it but it’s just a shiner, there’s not much to do. While he does it, his thumb rests on your cheek. You’re intensely aware of it, but you just look ahead.
“Saw you miss that one shot,” he says, when he’s done, and his hands leave your face. “The first one? At the big guy?” He shakes his head as he takes the whiskey and drinks again. “I’ve seen some bad shooting from you, but that was sad. Such a big target, too.”
You chuckle, but something pulls in you. No, you think, but you don’t know why. This should be save terrain.
You flinch when Dean lays his hand on your chest, above your breasts but the inside of his wrist is brushing against you. You think for a second that you can feel his heartbeat through it but then you’re not sure.
“Breathe in”, he says, and you do, while he concentrates on where the wheezing sound you make is coming from. “Throat?” he asks, then frowns. “You got choked? When?”
No, you think again, and this time you know why. You swallow, and it hurts.
“While you were hiding out downstairs,” you say, but your voice is missing the apathy required to deliver the jab, so it falls extra flat. Dean picks it up, though, but he misunderstands.
“Oh, you mean when the big guy decided to chase you after you didn’t shoot him?” He chuckles, his hand not leaving you, but then he stops, thinking. “No, no, he was already dead.”
You need him to stop. You need him to stop trying to figure this out. He’s doing it so he can make fun of you. If he knows which of the freaks hurt you, he can pick out specifically why that one getting to you is embarrassing. It’s fine, normally, but you don’t want him to know.
“Let’s see,” he says, his hand slipping off you. “There was the big guy, the squirrely asshole that stabbed me, and those two in the basement,” he counts off while he reaches for the whiskey again. He shakes his head, concentrating. “Who was upstairs?” he wonders.
He can never shut up. It’s like he was born without the skill, without the knowledge of how to ever just shut the fuck up.
He lowers the bottle, then holds it out for you but you don’t grab it. “Be honest,” he says. “Did you just run into a door at a funny angle and now you’re pretending there was a fifth?” He shakes the bottle a little, because he thinks you didn’t notice it.
You can’t reach for it. You don’t feel your hands.
“It was a child,” you say.
It wasn’t a child, of course, at least not a human one, for whatever that’s worth. It was something that was wearing a child, the kid itself burned out long ago. But it looked like one. It sounded like one. Not when it launched itself at you across the room or when it gave that godawful screech. But later, when it was lying there. That’s when.
You swallow again, and your throat hurts. Little chubby hands did that, the ones with the dimples. You feel a tear roll down your cheek. No no no. This isn’t supposed to happen.
You wipe at it, immediately, but you know Dean’s seen it. Seen you.
He lowers the bottle, slowly, like the strength is going out of his arm. He says your name, and you say: “Don’t.”
He says it again and before you know it you are standing up so quickly that the chair goes flying.
“I said fucking don’t!” you snap at him, because you just need him to stop. You need him to stop sounding like that and you need him to stop looking at you like that, his eyes all soft and his mouth in a straight line. This is worse than anything.
No, you need to get out. Your chest is constricting and you just need to not be here.
You stride towards the door and Dean is stupid enough to come after you, and he’s grabbing you, his hand like a vice around your upper arm. You turn so suddenly that he has to let go, the turning making pain flash through you, and you think good.
“Don’t ever touch me,” you grunt and Dean takes a step back. Then you’re out the door, no idea where you’re going.
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You don’t come back for three days.
You left your phone at the motel with Dean so there’s no way for him to contact you. You barely remember the days. You have your wallet on you, so there’s that.
You drink, you know that. You drink and you don’t stop drinking because it’s the only way you can sleep.
You pick someone up, at some point, hoping you can be fucked senseless but it’s disappointing, doesn’t get you anywhere, so you leave. You don’t dare touch yourself, your body and what it can do horrifying and disgusting to you.
It doesn’t feel like three days, but apparently that’s what it is.
When you return to the motel, the one you were originally staying at, not the one you and Dean went to, you expect the brothers to be gone.
You get a room, get cleaned up, sitting in the bath water while it goes from boiling hot to lukewarm. You walked past a second hand shop earlier, picked out some clothes, just jeans and a shirt, carrying them with you in a plastic bag. You also bought some other essentials, and you clean yourself as much as you can, make yourself as presentable as possible.
Not to look good. Just to look not broken. Just so you can pretend nothing happened.
Then you go to the room you shared with Sam and Dean. You knock. They’re probably long gone, but then you hear foot steps behind the door, familiar murmuring and the door opens and Sam’s there, all puppy dog eyes and awkward posture.
He looks immensely relieved when he sees you, and you think for a second that he’s about to pull you in for a hug but something on your face stops him.
“Jesus”, he says, as the door swings open to reveal Dean, farther back in the room, his phone in his hands. “We called every hospital around, we thought you were—”
“I’m fine,” you say, tearing your eyes from Dean. “Your brother didn’t tell you I was going out?”
“Going out?” Sam says, unbelieving and a little bit angry as you push your way past him into the room. “You were gone for three days!”
You ignore him, look at Dean, your eyes daring him. He’s looking at you like he’s expecting your head to explode, but then he says: “She said she was going out, Sammy, leave it alone.” Sam looks bewildered as you turn to him.
“But you said—” Sam starts, but Dean must throw him a look that shuts him up. You don’t turn back in time to see it.
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That is how the balance is thrown off. Once it is gone, you cannot reestablish it, no matter how hard you try.
The jokes you make at Dean’s expanse are all missed shots. They don’t cross that invisible line, but they’re… they’re mean. They’re nasty. They’re no fun. They come out of you that way and it makes you cringe at yourself, but you can’t stop.
Dean, on the other hand, overcompensates the other way. His jokes are soft, way too soft, and every single one of them makes your blood almost boil over. Reminds you that he thinks you’re something that needs to be spared, needs to be put in bubble wrap.
That you’re something he can look at the way he looked at you that night.
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You two become unbearable to be around, so you don’t really blame Sam for putting his foot down.
It’s another no-name town in another no-name county and you know, and Dean knows and Sam knows that the evening will drag on the way every other evening has dragged on in the last weeks – with tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife. With you being mean to Dean and Dean barely defending himself, barely hitting back.
You get to the room, put your bags down and Sam is already by the door again. You and Dean both look at him, wondering where he’s going.
“I’m getting another room,” he says, face serious. “And you two,” he continues, “you two will stay here and figure out what the hell it is that’s going on, because I’m not dealing with it anymore.”
You open your mouth to speak but Sam turns to you and says: “No, figure it out.” Your mouth closes. Who knew. The little guy could actually be imposing.
“Sammy, this is stupid,” Dean says, because of course Dean’s allowed to say something. “You’re grounding us?” Sam nods. “Yeah.”
“Or what?” you ask, before Sam can stop you. He looks at you both, then shrugs, and then he’s pulling the door closed behind him.
There’s silence, and then Dean says: “Well, that was ominous.” He looks at you, maybe hoping you’ll laugh or agree, maybe you can dogpile on Sam for a little while, but you don’t.
You feel terror sitting in your jaw and in your hands. You don’t want to talk to Dean. You don’t want to figure anything out. You want to shed your skin and start your life over and go to sleep and never wake up, but none of these seem to be realistic options.
So you sigh, instead, sitting on the bed nearest to you. There’s not even any alcohol in the room, since you’re in a dry county, and of course Dean’s thinking the same thing.
“He couldn’t have done this when we were in Vegas?” he mumbles. Still no reaction from you as you hear him sit down on the other bed behind you. You hate this. You feel like an animal in a cage. You feel itchy.
“Okay, should we do this?” you hear Dean behind you, and you think you hear him slap his thighs.
You finally turn around to him, slowly, your face unbelieving. He’s sitting there, looking prettier than ever.
“What?” he says.
“Just... you,” you reply. “I can’t believe you’re being so gung-ho about this.” Dean inclines his head. “If Sam thinks—”
“No offense,” you say, fully intending offense, “but screw your brother, okay? I’m not a child. I’m not getting sent to my room without dinner.”
And of course, at that you see it, that child, that child-thing, sprawled out, little eyes looking at the ceiling but seeing nothing. You almost shake yourself.
Unsure if Dean notices, you stand up, but instead of walking outside, you pace.
“He’s not wrong, you know?” Dean finally says, but you don’t stop moving.
“About what?” you ask, without looking at him.
“You’ve been a real asshole the last couple of weeks,” Dean answers.
And God, why does it feel so good that he calls you that?
You stop pacing, turn to him, a grin that’s probably a little psychotic-looking forming on your face.
“Now was that so hard?” you ask.
“What?” Dean asks.
“Not treating me like a little porcelain figure?” you say. “Calling me an asshole?” Dean shrugs. “Well, don’t act like one if you don’t wanna be called it.”
He doesn’t get it, doesn’t get that this is exactly what you want, but it doesn’t matter because even that little bit of disrespect makes the itch in your flesh feel a little less overwhelming.
“I know I have,” you say. You nod at him. “And you’ve been acting like a wuss.” Distantly you realize that you are actually doing what Sam told you to do. You’re talking about it, or at least you’re acknowledging that there is something to talk about, which is more than you’ve done in this whole time. So, good for Sam, you think. And you keep going.
“What happened, Dean?” you ask, your arms going wide. “You saw me upset once and now you’re too much of a bitch to joke around?” You feel yourself teetering at the edge. This could go so horribly wrong but you can’t stop tap-dancing at the edge of that volcano.
“You’re gonna protect my feelings?” you ask in a mocking tone, and you think your voice sounds shrill. “Dean Winchester always saving everyone but himself, huh?”
Dean’s looking down, his face tense and you can’t help but keep pushing.
“I’m an asshole?” you say, and for some reason there are tears burning in your eyes and you don’t know why. “Well, you’re a pussy,” you spit.
“That’s enough,” Dean says, and his voice is cold as steel. He looks up at you, still sitting on he bed, and he terrifies you for a second. But the terror is a thrill.
You scoff at him. “Fuck you if you think you can tell me what to do.”
He gets up faster than you can react. You gasp in fear when he’s suddenly in front of you and then he’s pushing you against the wall behind you. It’s only a foot or two, but the impact hurts beautifully, making clearness and focus rush through you for a second, but it’s over before you can even really enjoy it.
You want to whine at the loss of it, at the sudden lack, everything turmoil again, like a family of rats has nested in your chest. You need it back, that focus.
“Fuck you, Dean,” you say, too joyous by half about your words. “Gonna show me what a man you are? You’re pathetic.”
You see his hand raise and form a fist out of the corner of your eye, and something goes through you, something horrible and you think he’s going to hit you.
You look at his hand and something like a yes comes out of you. It sounds almost sexual, and maybe it is.
Dean’s threatening demeanor drops immediately. It takes him a second to understand what caused your outburst, and he looks at his own hand and then he looks at you.
He wasn’t going to hit you, you suddenly realize. He’s balling his fist because he’s mad, and you see it from the angle he’s holding it. You’ve seen Dean throw a million punches, and this isn’t how he would do it, even if he was mad with anger.
But Dean understands, understands that that’s what you thought he was doing and that that’s what you wanted him to do.
He takes a step away from you immediately and your stomach drops. His face is as open as it’s ever been. He finds your gaze and you’re not sure what he sees in yours but you know what you see in his.
You’ve gone too far, you can feel it in your blood. You can see it on his pretty features. This is his weak spot. The holy part you’re not allowed to touch just like there’s parts of you he’s not supposed to touch. His own fear of himself, of his clever and precise violence. The one that’s been cultivated in him from the time he was four to however old he is now. The one he keeps at bay, no matter what, for those he loves and wreaks on those he doesn’t.
There’s that clear line that neither you and Dean are supposed to cross, and everything beyond that is below the belt. And you just went for it.
He’s fought so hard to bury that part of himself, so that the people he cares about never need to be scared of him like he was scared of the people that were supposed to care about him. It’s cost him everything.  And you just came for his throat.
This is so far beyond your usual arguing. This just hurts.
“I’m—” you start, but Dean’s never been good at listening, so you falter immediately. You feel tears burning in your eyes. God, he looks so sad. You blink, run the back of your hand over your nose. It’s deadly silent in the room.
Dean looks, and you don’t know how else to describe it, like a dog whose owner is holding a news paper. He knows what’s coming and he can’t stop it. He’s fear and shame and disgust in himself. You don’t want to give a shit. He’s not your mess to clean up.
But you do. Of course you do. Just like he did. He cared enough to let you verbally pummel him for weeks, barely keeping his fists up to deflect.
You say his name, or you think you do, and then suddenly he’s moving. He’s walking towards the door and you don’t know why and you don’t know how but you know you need to stop him. If he walks out that door you don’t think you’ll ever see him again.
So you rush forward, manage to get yourself between him and the door.
“Dean, don’t,” you say and he says: “Get out of my way.” His voice is deep and he's not yelling and in a way that is way scarier. But you can’t move. You can’t let him leave.
“Please don’t go,” you say, hoping you can simply convince him. You lean your back against the door, and you’re pretty sure he won’t grab you and simply pull you out of the way, because you can see his hands are trembling.
“I’m sorry,” you say, because your stupid pride has been stopping you, but now it’s the least important thing in the world. “I shouldn’t have pushed you,” you say, but you’re not sure he can hear you. “I shouldn’t have said those things. I just wanted to make you mad.” His head shoots up.
“Why?” he pushes out through gritted teeth.
“Because I couldn’t stand that you pitied me,” you say. God, Sam would love this. A real heart-to-heart. How precious.
Dean frowns. “I don’t pity you,” he says, disdain in his voice.
“Yes, you do,” you insist. “You’ve been pulling your punches for weeks. And it made me… it just made me so angry.” Dean shakes his head.
“You’re insane,” he says, and then he goes for the door, reaching around you to open it.
“No!” you say, and you push him back. He stumbles, just a little bit, but it makes him look so angry that you press yourself harder against the door. Just like you thought, he’s not going to move you out of the way, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to get around you.
“Move,” he says, and then: “Get out of the fucking way.”
“Make me,” you bark back. Dean stands there for a second, and you think he will. You think you have completely misjudged the situation and he will make you move. But he just goes for the door knob again, reaching around you. You push your arms against him. Now that he knows you’ll try to shove him, he plants his feet and there is no way you can move him.
He’s so close to you and so angry and you don’t know what to do, you don’t know how to get yourself back and you don’t know how to get him back.
Your mouth lands on his before you even know you’re going to do it. Dean flinches and immediately moves back. He looks shocked, and you try to congratulate yourself because it worked. Even though that wasn’t what you were doing. You weren’t trying to stop him, you were just trying to kiss him.
It’s fucked up to do it like this, in the situation you’re in. But then you’re both pretty fucked up.
Dean swallows, and looks unsure. Both of you are breathing hard and for a second he seems to just listen to that, so you do too. It’s erotic, and you don’t know how but you feel it do something to you. Dean’s gaze meets yours. He’s either about to kill you or fuck you.
He moves forward and presses you against the door. You think for a second that he’ll try for the door again, but he doesn’t. His lips find yours, but what you do can barely be called kissing. It’s a battle, like everything between you is, but you manage to get your hands into his hair, grabbing it, making him grunt. He pushes you harder against the door and you find it difficult to breathe and it’s perfect.
You lean your head back at the feeling of containment, and Dean goes for your throat. He runs his teeth over a sensitive spot, making you buck and then he’s sucking against the skin so much it hurts. Your grip tightens in his hair and he makes a noise.
Before you know it you’re pushing his jacket off his shoulders, his hands barely leaving you to let you, and then his flannel goes next. When he’s free of it, he grabs your wrists and pins them over your head, attacking your neck again. You moan, you can’t help it and he ruts himself against you.
You move your head to catch something of him, anything, and you manage to get at his jaw, nipping at him. Dean flinches, but he lets you do it. Then his hands let go of your wrists and travel down your arms, down and down, until they are at your chest and he roughly squeezes your breasts. Another moan escapes you and then you’re dropping your hands and he’s dropping your tits, moving on to your hips instead.
You find his crotch first, press your hand against it, agitating what you find there. Dean hisses, and his mouth slams against yours again, but this time you force your tongue past his lips, keeping him there as you battle again, open-mouthed and breathing hard.
Dean’s hands wander from your hips to your ass, squeezing and then he’s pushing one of his legs between yours. You grind yourself down on him, but it’s not enough, it’s not nearly enough to dispel any of the energy you need to dispel. He’s pushing you against his leg by grabbing your ass but again, it’s not enough.
You tear one of his hands from your ass and maneuver it to your front, push it between the waistband of your jeans and your skin, shove him down. Dean doesn’t stop mouthing at you when you do it, except to groan into your mouth when he fingers make contact with your underwear.
He takes control, shoving his hand deeper until he finds you there. Both you and him are surprised by how wet you are. You’re not sure when that started but neither of you cares for much longer, when you feel Dean push two fingers into you.
You almost sob and with just enough wherewithal you unbutton your jeans to give him room to move, before you grab his hair again and lean your head back against the door. He feels good, and even though his thrusts are rough, they hit the right spots within you, forcing you to close your eyes at what feels like electricity running through your body.
“Fuck, yes, just like that,” you pant and feel Dean’s plush lips against your jaw. He’s not kissing you, not exactly, just making contact, just getting as close to you as he can. You pull his hair a little and feel the air come out of him when he moans.
You don’t know how it’s possible, but he's getting you to the edge fast, and you have high-pitched, desperate moans leaving you soon. Then you’re pushing him away.
His head snaps up, and he looks worried for a second, but all you want is more of him. His hands leaves you, and you’re pulling at his t-shirt, trying to get it off him. You manage, and then he’s tugging at your shirt.
“Get that off,” he says, and his voice is rough and deep, the timber of it running through you. You do, pull it over your head and he goes for your bra before you have even pulled it off your arms. He nearly tears it off you, and then he reaches around you, bringing you close, as he pushes his hands into the back of your pants to push them down.
You use the closeness to open his jeans but then you have to step out of your pants and underwear and shoes as Dean makes them fall to the ground, to avoid stumbling.
Dean manages to turn the two of you, so that you are with your back to the bed and he pushes you towards it. When you get close you let go of him and crawl onto the bed, but you kneel on it, facing Dean. The two seconds it takes you are enough for him to unbuckle his jeans the rest of the way and drop them, along with his underwear, step out of them and his shoes and socks and kick them to the side.
He’s there in front of you, all glorious nakedness, but neither of you wants to lose a second to thinking, to wondering what it is you’re doing, so instead you collect some spit in your mouth, then run your hand along your tongue to collect the moisture and a moment later you have him in your hand.
Dean inhales sharply but you don’t hurt him, only stroke him until he’s fully standing. He’s beautiful, all of him, and if you took a second to admire him, you would see just how beautiful, but you can’t. You don’t want to break the spell.
He grabs you by the ass again, pulls you close to him, and you can hear him breathing hard, grunting at what you’re doing to him. One hand goes to the back of your head and he kisses you, really kisses you this time, roughly, yes, desperately, yes, but it’s still a kiss.
You stroke him faster until he grabs your shoulders and shoves you down on the bed. You land on your back, hair flying into your face and an insane chuckle leaves you. Maybe you’re losing your mind. Or maybe this is what you’ve been craving all along.
Then Dean’s over you, and he’s kissing you again, his hand running from your breast to your neck where he holds you tight, pulls you roughly against him. His erection is pressing against your stomach and you want him.
You get your mouth off his, and then you’re turning around under him. Dean barely leaves you room to do it, but you manage, and then you’re pushing your ass against him. He grabs your hip, strokes it.
And then he kisses your back and you freeze. He does it again, leaning over you, kisses, and then bites you there, but gently.
You gasp and you need him suddenly, need him so bad. Need him to make you feel anything else.
You push your ass up again and this time he does it, does what you want him to do. He lines himself up and then he’s pushing into you. A whine leaves you as you work yourself down on him and his hands are grabbing you everywhere, touching you everywhere and it makes you almost believe that you can be free of all this anger if only Dean keeps touching you.
He starts driving into you and for a second it’s overwhelming, so much, too much and too fast. Your breathing stutters and you need to concentrate on regulating it. But then Dean finds a rhythm and suddenly you can breathe. One hand of yours wanders back, grabs his underarm where he’s holding you and he grabs your elbow, holding onto you.
“Dean—” is all you can say, and his thumb strokes your arm.
“It’s okay,” he says and he’s driving into you, making you gasp again, which quickly turns into a moan.
“Yes,” you pant, “yes, don’t stop.” He doesn’t. He keeps up the pace, his thighs meeting the backs of yours with loud slaps until you think you're going to pass out.
“Fuck,” he mutters, and then suddenly he’s pulling out of you. You turn around to see what’s wrong but then he’s turning you around and your back meets the mattress again. Dean leans over you, pushing your leg higher.
“I want to see you,” he says, and your next inhale lets you feel the spiral again, brings tears into your eyes. Don’t be kind to me, you think, but at the same time you crave it. You want to see him gentle, want him to see his own gentleness.
He kisses you again, and you return it, wrap your arms around him and pull him close. He sighs against you, and then he’s pushing into you again. Your head falls back, you almost whimper and as Dean enters you, pushing your leg up against your torso, his hand cupping your cheek and his thumb running over your lips, you wonder when this turned from a hate fuck into whatever it is now. You find his thumb with your mouth, kiss it.
Dean leans closer to you and your hands go into his hair again. You still pull it, still make him grunt, but in response he lays his face against yours. What is this? you just have time to wonder when the movement of his hips makes you see starts.
He keeps going and going and going and you whimper and come and he holds you through it while tears run down the side of your face from the intensity, but still he keeps going.
“Fuck, I—” he mutters and you feel him throb inside of you, so you pull him close, bring your mouth to his shoulder and bite. Dean grunts, and then you kiss the place you just bit and he comes inside of you.
For a second you’re terrified he’ll roll off you immediately, so you wrap your arms around him. Dean moves into you once or twice more, but it’s just a reflex. His forehead is against your shoulder.
You find you’re stroking his back and just as you wonder if you should stop, Dean flexes his back, his shoulder blades moving under your fingers and he says: “Keep doing that.” So you do. Because you’re not ready to look at his face yet. You don’t know if you ever will be. But eventually you have to.
Eventually Dean needs to move, pulls out of you and rolls himself to the side. Your breathing has quieted down. For a moment, he’s not looking at you, but staring up at the ceiling.
Little eyes staring up at the ceiling.
A sob goes through you and Dean turns to you. He rolls himself towards you and then, after a moment of hesitation, pets your cheek.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks. You shake your head.
“No,” you say, your voice quiet. “You made it not hurt for a while though.”
He nods, and you’re pretty sure he understands exactly what you mean.
“I’m sorry,” you say then.
“You don’t have to—” Dean starts, but you interrupt him.
“I know what I made you feel. What I made you think. I’m sorry.” He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it. “I will never do it again,” you add. He runs his thumb over your chin.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like you needed to be pitied,” he says. “I’m sorry I…” he sighs. “I didn’t want to scare you.”
You nod. “I know,” and then: “I knew you weren’t going to hurt me. I knew but I wanted you to.” He nods again.
“Why? I mean why did you want me to?” You shake your head. “You know, Dean.”
And you see it in his eyes, because of course he knows. It’s the reason he sometimes drinks until he passes out. The reason he takes more punches than he needs to. Because it’s better than feeling the other thing.
He tugs some hair behind your ear and you lean into the touch. Suddenly the gentleness doesn’t hurt. Suddenly it’s everything you want.
You both lie like that for a while, just touching, just looking at each other.
“So what now?” you say. “We just go back to how it was before?” Dean thinks for a second.
“I don’t think that would work,” he says finally, and you have to agree. “Maybe,” he says, “we can both turn it down a few notches?”
You nod. “Probably a good idea.”
“And this,” he says motioning to nothing, but you know he’s talking about what you just did. “We can see where this leads?”
That one you have to think about for a moment. You feel that old thing roar its head in you, the one that wants to destroy any possibility of anything good possibly coming out of something gentle, something sweet. You fight it, and nod.
“That sounds good,” you say. Then you take a deep breath. “Do you think this is what Sam imagined when he told us to sort things out”
Dean huffs. “I really hope not.”
You smile a little, and then you do something daring.
Moving your shoulders, you scoot closer to Dean. He wraps his arm around you, holds you close.
You still look at each other, like two skittish animals but eventually, the warmth and comfort of another body so close overtakes you.
You can’t fight the need to be close so you stop, stop fighting it.
Dean’s hand rests on your chest and this time you’re sure you can feel his heartbeat. You listen to it, try to focus on it.
Ba-dum-dum, ba-dum-dum.
You’re too tired to fight. You always thought you’d need to be strong to stop, but it turns out tired works too.
Ba-dum-dum, ba-dum-dum.
You’ve never enjoyed it anyway.
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angel-eyes05 · 2 years ago
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known (part 4)
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pairing: spider-woman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: so much time has passed since you last saw each other. will old feelings come up again once you two find each other again?
warnings: HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, this is so against canon its insane, NSFW (we did it guys we're finally here), switch!reader and switch!miguel, blood mention, fang and claws play, p in v unprotected, cumplay, angsty (i couldnt help it), it goes, angst, smut, and then angsty fluff at the end youre welcome
word count: 3.2k
notes: for some reason, it didn't let me tag as many people who wanted to be on the taglist, so if i didn't end up tagging you for the final part, sorry idk what went wrong
also forgive me i was listening to boygenius while writing the parts leading up to the smut so it might get a little angsty there (i cant help it) (miguel and y/n are so bite the hand and cool about it core)
but then i balanced it out by listening to frank ocean (pyramids specifically) while writing the smut so you're welcome
Three years had passed. Three years since you finally found Miles, defeated The Spot, and caused the collapse of the Spider Society. Everyone had gone back to their separate dimensions, but were able to still visit each other with their still working portal watches. Miles and Gwen specifically were very happy. Peter B. went back home to live with MJ and Mayday, sending you frequent pictures of Mayday to keep you updates. You were different. You didn’t return to your home world. You didn’t necessarily have anyone to return to per se. Instead, you decided to hop between dimensions, seeing what crime there was to fight in cities that didn’t have anyone to protect it. It was enough to keep you occupied, and as long as your watch still worked, you had the option to stop if you wanted to. Life was nice. You finally had found peace.
But something felt off. Something thudding in the back of your head. Because even though you had been at peace for three years, it had also been three years since you saw him. You had seen him during the final showdown between all of Spider Society, but your team had managed to keep you two apart, due to fear for your safety. After the fight was over, you two had made eye contact with each other a couple of times, but never approached each other. If you were being honest, you were still scared of him at that point, even seeing him tied up there on the floor waiting for someone to deal with him. 
It took a while for your gashes to heal, the ones on your back taking much longer to turn into scars than the ones on your tricep and thigh. The marks on your body were frequent reminders of him and the damage he’s caused to your life. Part of you hated him for it. But most of you just missed him. Unlike Jess, who sent you pictures of her baby every now and then, neither of you had reached out to the other. It was crazy how five years of shared history can be thrown to the ground so quickly.
Right now, you were sitting on the railing of your apartment balcony. For the past month or so, you decided to park it in Earth-3819. There wasn’t much crime going on there, so it was a nice place to stop when you needed a break. Your feet dangled off the edge of the railing, as you looked out to see the sunset on the skyline. The wind blew faintly at your face, causing strands of hair to fall out of your high bun. You had been thinking more about him recently, wondering if he was feeling the same way you were. 
Almost as if you manifested it, you heard the sliding glass door from your bedroom slide open. Startled, you quickly turned around, ready just in case it was an attacker.
It was much worse than an attacker. 
You mouth laid agape as his massive shadow covered your smaller body. Feelings that laid dormant for the past three years suddenly erupting in your stomach. You looked up to the roof of your building as a signal to meet you up there, as you attached a web to the top and swung up there.
Once you were both at the top, you faced your back to him to take time to catch your breath. Your emotions were all over the place right now. “You’re really hard to find, you know,” he said trying to break the silence. You wanted to throw up. As much as you hoped this moment would come, you never realized how unprepared you would be if it ever did. You couldn’t bare to look at him right now, knowing you would lose control of yourself if you did. “You look…good.” How would he know, he only saw your face for a second before you bolted off. You both stood there, the wind growing louder and louder with each second you both stayed silent. 
All of your senses came to a freeze once you felt his hand place itself on your shoulder, causing a flinch from you. “I wanted to find you again, mi vida,” he said in that rich, deep, smooth tone of his that drives you crazy. You could tell he was getting closer when you felt the hairs on your neck stand up from him breathing on them. “I missed you, and I was hoping we could pick up where we left off,” he said into the crook of your neck and began to plant kisses there. You broke free from his grasp by the third kiss he left. “No no no no no, no we can’t. It’s not that simple Miguel,” you said, pinching your bridge and sighing. There's no way he could've thought it would be this easy. He's not this stupid….is he?
“Listen amor, I’m sorry for everything that happened. But the past is the past.” He walked closer to you. “And I want my future with you.” He was up against you again. This time instead of your shoulder, he dragged his finger up and down your back in an almost hypnotic motion. God, you wanted him so bad, you wanted it to be this simple. That he can just apologize and everything could be okay. But you were reminded it couldn't be that way once his finger hit a pressure point in your scar. You swatted your hands in the air and walked away from him again. “No Miguel, that's not how this works. You can just do the things you've done to me and just say sorry and expect it to fix everything. You're not a child.” 
Once you turned around to face him, you saw him standing there like a lost puppy. You just wish he could see what you were talking about. “Don't act like you didn't do horrible things then too. I saw what you did to Jess.” “Don't turn this onto me Miguel. This is about you.” You walked up to him and pressed your finger into his chest. ���This is about you, and the horrible things you've done to me! I can't even take a shower anymore without looking at myself in the mirror and seeing your damage!” You lifted up your shirt sleeve. “You did this! This was all you!” Miguel looks down at you with sympathetic eyes as your eyes began to well up. 
“And you can’t just barge in on this life I’ve made for myself and ask for me back because I won't go with you!” You were fully crying at this point, desperately trying to get your words out between sobs and lightly punching at Miguel's chest while he just stared at you. “Because I hate you Miguel! I hate you, okay!” You couldn't manage to talk anymore, overcome with the emotions he caused you to feel. You rested your head on his chest as you continued to sob. He wrapped his arms around you, causing you to do the same to him immediately. You sat there crying into his arms for about a minute, until he lifted up your chin with his finger.
“I’m so sorry I did this to you mi princesa. I’m so sorry. But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” Overtaken by emotion, you grab his face and crash your lips into his. Almost instinctively, his hands find a home onto your hips. You pull away for a second. “Just stop talking already,” you say breathlessly. He rushes to connect the two of your lips again, already going as far as to slip his tongue in between your lips. He’s so passionate about everything he does. His hands hold a tight grip on your body as his tongue explores your mouth. Almost like he’s hungry for you. No, not hungry. Starving. Famished. Three years apart was too much for him to stand without you by his side or in his bed. He needed you desperately. Like his life depended on if he was going to be able to fuck you into your bed tonight or not. 
He let out moans as your hands ran through and tugged on his hair. But as soon as his claws came out and dug into your hips, you pulled your mouth off of his, a string of saliva still connecting you two. “No claws Miguel. Bring them out again, and its over okay.” You still weren’t mentally over his attack against you. He nods. “Of course, baby.” With that said, you let go of him to walk over to the edge of the building. Once your at the edge, you signal him over. He follows, almost as if he’s under some spell. You attach one of your webs to your balcony railing below and use it as a guide to fall down to it. You land on your balcony, Miguel following close behind as you open the sliding door to your bedroom.
After you close the door and blinds, you turn to find Miguel almost hovering over you. He looked like some kind of lost dog the way he kept following you around, begging for more of you. You gently kiss him and guide him over to your bed. He sits down on the edge of the bed and begins to pull your hoodie off your head as you help him take off his suit. Once your sweatpants are off as well, you gently push him onto his back on your bed. Goosebumps form all over your body, partially from exposure to the cold air in your room, and partially from seeing him like this underneath you again. Finally, you take his already hard cock, and slide it into your hole, causing a rough groan out of him as you begin to rock on his hips.
You take things nice and slow while you’re in control, knowing the moment you get sloppy he’ll start to take over for you. You kissed down his neck and collarbone as you rode him, with him gripping hard at your back and your hips. “Nng, m-missed you s-so much amor,” he groaned out. “Tan hermosa.” You begin to speed your thrusting, tugging at his hair to get strained noises out of him. His hands make their way up to your back, digging into your skin. But your quick to rip his hands out of your back and pin them above his head once his talons come out again, into your back this time. You also take your lips off of his and stop your thrusting.
Miguel searched your face for some kind of explanation to the sudden stop, to find you panting and nearly frozen still. You’re taken back to that fight, a result from his claws finding a way into your scars. You’re pulled back to reality by Miguel’s voice. “Amor, que paso?” he asks with concern. You quickly wipe the sweat off your face and look into his beautiful crimson eyes. You wanted to forget the pain he caused you all those years ago, but unfortunately you couldn’t. But, you were willing to forgive him though. “Nothing Miggy,” you say gently, pressing a soft kiss onto his lips. He tries to move his hands back onto you, but finds his hands still trapped to the headboard. He looks at you confused. “What did I say about the claws, Miguel.” 
“Ay, baby you know its hard for me to control them around you,” he says, slightly annoyed, driven by the need to touch you again. “Well you’re going to need to try to okay? For now though, you’re going to stay like this.” His face drops, and he makes a sound almost like a whine. “Ay coño, lo siento péro you don’t need to punish me.” You felt powerful hearing him whine and beg like this. You were denying a starving man of his woman, his source of energy. 
Arms squirmed in your hand, as you began to rock on top of him again. You made sure to not kiss him either, moving away whenever he would try to place his mouth onto yours. He whined as you picked up your speed, desperate to feel you again. “P-please, let me go cariño.” You moved your mouth down and whispered in his ear, running your finger up and down his stomach, causing him to melt under you and whimper like a madman. “Not just yet,” you whispered seductively, sending extra chills down his spine and into his stomach when you bit into his ear lobe.
Overcome with your own urge to feel him, you accidentally let go of his hands and moved yours to grab hold of each of his pecs as you planted kisses over his sternum. Suddenly, you’re overswept as Miguel is freed and takes control over the situation. “I love you amor, but you have to let me touch your,” he says in that beautiful, rich tone of his before he goes at his own pace: slamming himself into you. 
He goes much faster than you did, and you almost come there on the spot as he nearly breaks your bed with his ferocity. You grip onto his enormous triceps for leverage as you let out a series of incoherent moans. “You like that, huh?” he pants out. You shove your lips onto his to get him to stop talking. “I-if you’re gonna do this, n-ngh, you’re gonna have to s-hh-ut up,” you manage to get out in between your almost inhumane sounds. He nods and shoves his tongue into your mouth, exploring the insides of your cheeks while his tip slams into your walls, causing that white heat to begin to build up in your stomach.
His hands swarm across your body, making up for lost time before, and eventually land on your breasts as he begins to palm at them. Just as you thought he couldn’t arouse you any more than he already has, he moves his mouth along your jawline, down to your neck, and begins to mark it with kisses and slight sucking. “I-I missed you too, Miggy.” 
That nickname you had for him drove him crazy. So crazy in fact, his next move was to drive his fangs into your neck, making sure to not let his poison seep into your neck. He presses his lips and sucks on the skin on your neck while sinking his fangs deeper into you. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, as you held onto his broad shoulders while he basically slammed you into the bed. “Oh Miguel,” you moaned out. He nodded, not able to speak, due to his fangs still being attached to your neck. You could tell he was getting close too with how sloppy his pace was getting. 
You’re washed over with bliss when the heat in your stomach finally takes over the rest of your body, almost clawing at Miguel while you come. His hands put more pressure on your breasts as he comes as well, moaning into the softness of your neck. Once you two have both finished, he slowly pulls his teeth out of your neck, and licks up the metallic liquid with his warm, delicate tongue. He slowly pulls his cock out of the sweetness of your cunt and rolls over to lay next to you on the bed, dragging his fingers across your pussy, taking the cum his fingers picked up and putting it in his mouth.
He plants a kiss onto your forehead before saying, “One second, princesa, I’ll be right back,” as he got up to go to the bathroom. He must have been in there for about 10 minutes before coming back into your room and reaching out his hand for yours. You take his hand as he leads you out of bed, reminded of how naked you are when you reveal yourself from the sheets.
He leads you into the bathroom to see that hes drawn a bath for the two of you. You blush slightly at the gesture, as he gets in first and leads you in. The touch of the water numbs your body slightly with the mixture of the cold room to the hot bath water. You almost melt as you sink in, laying your back against Miguel’s chest as he wraps his arms around your body. You could fall asleep right here, mixed between the comfort of the bath water, and Miguel’s body finally against yours again. The bathtub was kind of small, so his body was taking up most of the space, causing him to basically engulf you. 
You were surrounded in him, his lips almost attached to the nape of your nack, his arms consuming your upper half, and his legs intwining with your lower half. He wiggles slightly to reach the soap, puts it in the water to wet it, and lathers it onto your body. First, he washes your arms, rubbing the soap back and forth over your arm hairs, and even under your armpits. Next, he moves to wash your chest. He takes the soap and moves it over your breasts and your underboob, causing you to move in closer to him. His response is to peck kisses into the crook of your neck, getting little giggles out of you. You stop giggling though after he stops kissing you and stays still for a second. 
You wait in silence for him to do something. “...Miggy…you okay?” you ask when he doesn’t say anything. You turn your head slightly to see him. Out of your peripherals, you see him staring solemnly at your back. He’s finally seen them. The four almost perfectly placed scars warping across your back. They were huge. And he knows they’re from him. You turned your head back to the front and dug it in between your knees, pushing out your back even more. Miguel delicately traced his fingers over them, as you waited curled up for him to say something. “I’m sorry,” is all he can manage to weakly push out. 
You decide to turn your body around to face him, splashing water around in the cramped bathtub while doing so. His eyes are down with sadness creeping over his face. You cup his cheek with your hand and press a loving, gentle kiss onto his lips. You bring his arms over your shoulders and wrap your legs around his hips. You wanted to be engulfed by him. You were so pressed on staying mad at him for so many years that you forgot how much you loved being this close to him. You could hear his heart softly beating as you pressed your head against his chest. He soon wrapped his arms around your body, taking you into him, and dug his head into the crook of your neck, almost as if he was hiding. 
You stayed there for a moment before eventually turning back around. You laid your head in a position so you could still see his face if you looked up. You could feel yourself slowly dozing off in his arms. Your last thoughts before you slipped out of consciousness was of how perfect this was. 
You had found your home again. Moreso, he found his way to you. And this time, you were never going to let go.
a/n: i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for sticking around during this series. i know it wasn't meant to be 4 parts and only 2 so i really appreciate everyone who stuck around for the whole thing. make sure to look out for my next thing cause i wanna start writing an enemies to lover oc x miguel thing so please go and support that once thats out. thanks guys!!!!
taglist: @jenniferdixon05207 @sweetanimebakery @azxulaa @daimiyu @vinkar345 @pinkninja200 @luvstich @rin-matsuoka345-blog @lillunna @konniebon @hwanunjin @simp-nerd-16 @chucklefuvk @elwyn7 @haileybxxr @ilovemymomscooking @lansy-4 @maxi-ride @d4rno @callsign-blue @obamnas-soda @sophipet @violentlyneon @d1lf-loverrr @afro-hispwriter @kirke-is-my-name @ilovemiguelohara @lavnderluv @konniebon @msecho19 @kiamewrites
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razornrosary · 2 years ago
Dad's Best Friend NSFW
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
TW: smut 18+, age gap
Summary: You and Frank have a magnetizing pull to each other. Who will crack first under pressure? Like the title says, you're fucking your dad's best friend. Will you get caught?
A/N: part two is posted pls check it out 🥹
My dads friend was special. I’d frequently stand propped up against the door frame exchanging stares between him and I. I’d wear a shorter skirt or dress that day just when he was around. I was a tease, I’ll admit. When I turned 18, now 19, I’d really never had sexual desire for men or boys my age. I had never thought about a man as much as I did Frank. I'd frequently write in my journal about him and write his name over and over again until my wrist would give out.
Luckily Frank was over all of the time which means I got to see him and watch him glare at me and my body. It was like a game to see who would crack first. One day my father, known as Gerard Way, came up to me and told me to get ready for dinner. “Are we going out?” I asked. “Yeah, get dressed please. We’re leaving in 20,” my father said, kissing me on the head. 
I stayed calmed on the outside but on the inside I squealed. I ran to my closet and picked out something simple but hot. Usually after we eat we go out to do something like an arcade. I remember one time we went and Frank won me a cute Hello Kitty plush.
I wore a System of a Down t-shirt, black jean skirt, converse, and silver chain necklace. For makeup all I did was tight line my eyes, added blush, highlight, mascara, and a lip gloss. Didn’t wanna go too heavy. I looked at myself one more time before I left my room and felt contempt with how I looked.
I walked out of my room and my dad saw my shirt, “Did you steal that out of my closet?” I frequently took things out of there because he had shirts of bands I really liked. He introduced me to them, “Possibly,” I said with a smile. 
We went to the car and headed to the food place to meet everyone there. I got out of the car and fixed up my appearance a bit, I saw that Ray and Mikey brought their kids who I was kinda friends with but they were a lot younger than me. Frank didn’t have kids, which sucked because I could’ve used them to my advantage to get closer to him but I’ll play the hard game.
“What’s up? Good to see you again Y/N,” Frank said to me. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks because he’s been touring a bit doing solo projects. His breath smelled of mint gum.
He hugged me for a little longer and squeezed tightly. Whenever he did those things it never came off strange or weird to the people around us. We were all very affectionate towards each other considering how close everyone was.
We walked into the restaurant and my dad and I sat at complete opposite ends of the table. Frank sat near the edge of the booth and I sat next to him with Ray next to me. Everyone talked amongst themselves and I sat quietly, I wasn’t much of a talker especially around a large group of people. Anxious people problems.
I think Frank noticed and whispered in my ear, “You alright?” He had a look of slight concern on his face. “Yeah,” I whispered back, nodding. "I've got ya," he said reassuringly. We both turned our attention back to the table when I felt something poke my thigh.
It was Frank's pinky finger gently rubbing my thigh and the edge of my skirt. Chills ran down my back and all over my arms. He slowly but surely worked his entire hand on my thigh, I could feel his cold rings rubbing against me which made my legs get chills.
He left his hand there and rubbed his thumb, it was driving me crazy. I was so desperate for him, in need of his touch. Oh how I’ve been waiting for this for so long and it is finally here.
We ate our food and I stole a few bites from both Ray and Frank's plate. After I finished I felt a bit tired and rested my head on Frank’s shoulder. I started to fall asleep and took a good 30 minute nap. God these people talk a lot. I woke up and yawned, “Someone’s tired,” Frank said teasingly. “Nah, just bored and ready to party,” I said jokingly. Which he chuckled at.
After that we drove to the arcade, this is my chance to get him alone. This place is dark and huge so I have plenty of places to hide both of us in.
We all kinda went our own way after getting cards to swipe on the machine. I told my dad I was gonna go to certain machines but I wanted to scope things out, but not too suspiciously. If I can’t find anything then to the bathroom it is!
I see Frank playing a game and I go to the one next to it, skeeball. I started playing and bent down to pick up the ball and made sure he could see under my skirt. I made sure to wear skimpy underwear for him. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
I finished playing and before I could leave I felt a body stand behind but next to me. I turn to see Frank and my cheeks turn red, “You think you can tease me like that?” he whispers in my ear. “N-no sir, I’m just playing the game,” I was so flustered. “Game my ass, come with me,” he said, pulling my hand.
He took me to the family bathroom and locked the door immediately. He pushed me against the wall and our lips met, I was hungry. Our tongues fought for dominance and I moaned into the kiss. “I’ve waited for you to make the first move, Y/N,” He said, pulling my skirt down.
He turned me around and pulled my underwear down sliding himself into me. He told me to keep my moans quiet so he covered my mouth. Frank took my virginity. I can't believe it. Something about it was so hot and risky.
“You’re mine, you’re fucking mine Y/N,” he said while pounding me until my legs were shaking profusely. I came all over him and he pulled out. We cleaned ourselves up and went to the pizza bar as a cover.
We got our pizza then went to sit down at a table, a part of me was scared to be alone with him but this is what I’ve wanted for so long. We sat at a table and I was way too nervous to talk, “Don’t be so shy baby,“ he winked. “Sorry, I can’t help it,” I smiled slightly. “I had fun,” I said.
He smiled, “Me too! We’ll do it more,” he said, winking at me. It kinda shocked me, does he want this as much as I do? I could only hope so. After that we went back to the arcade and finished playing games. Thankfully no one suspected us or where we went.
We walked to the car and my dad stopped to ask me something, I felt my stomach drop to my ass and I expected him to ask where we went. But instead he asked me if it was alright if Frank stayed a few nights with us in-between his tour. “Yeah I don’t see why not,” I said shrugging. Fuck yeah. But also huh??? 
Frank got in the car with us and I had to sit in the back now, mostly on my phone while they both talked. We got home and I went to my room immediately, I was ready to get out of these clothes! I changed into some fluffy skull pajamas pants and a black tank top. I was blessed with a bigger chest and I knew Frank wouldn’t resist me when I looked like this. I washed my makeup off and threw my hair up in low pigtails.
I went down stairs into the kitchen to get a drink and ran into Frank making coffee for him and my dad. “You tease,” he said, pushing me against the counter pressing his lips to mine. He twirled my pigtails in between his hands and fingers, then moved them around my face. 
He released and tapped me on the butt before grabbing the coffees and about to leave the room. He stood in the door frame and said, “I’ll see you tonight.” 
“See you tonight,” I said smiling.
It was around 12  am and Frank still hasn't come around. I sat there in bed and sighed heavily, I wasn’t tired any bit so I decided to play a bit of guitar by the window. I decided to play Cherry by Harry Styles. It was such a comforting song to play and listen to, I’d hum along.
It wasn’t until I heard my door crack open and saw a familiar face. I motioned my hand to invite him in and he closed the door behind him quietly. He sat next to me, “What’cha playing?” he asked. “Just Harry Styles, I’ve been waiting for you,”  I said, smiling at him, blushing. When he looked at me I felt my entire body glow with red and the warmth of a thousand suns.
“Oh really? I’m sorry it took so long, I’m here now sweetheart,” he said pushing my hair behind my ear. I sat my guitar down and he immediately grabbed my face with his tattooed hands. I grabbed his  hand and took him to my bed. We laid next to each other just cuddling for a while until we made out once again. 
It got heated pretty fast and next thing you knew all of my clothes were off and he was rubbing his warm, rough hands all over my body. He got down to my pussy, rubbing his fingers all around me, teasing me. “Frank please,” I begged. “Please what?” he smirked, inserting a finger. “Please sir, fuck me,” I said moaning quietly. He inserted another finger moving them quickly until I came everywhere on them.
“Open your mouth,” he said,  so  I did. He put both fingers in my mouth and told me to suck. I could see how hard he was under his pajama pants, he took them and told me to get on the floor on my knees. I opened my mouth for him, he took my hair in his fist and slowly inserted himself in my mouth. He pulled my face down on his cock, making me gag. I bobbed my head on his cock, making his head lean back in pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he said, which made me feel so giddy. I deepthroated his cock making him cum all down my throat. He tasted so sweet. I wish I could have this all of the time.
“Get back in bed,” he said, smacking my ass. As I was about to lay down he pulled my body into a doggy position. I shook my ass inticing him to fuck me, he inserted himself into me once again. Oh how I’ve been missing this feeling, I felt whole with him inside of me. “Fuck  Y/N,” he moaned moving faster and faster. He put my arms behind my back pushing my head into the pillows with his other hand.
I was moaning pretty loud, “Shut the fuck up you slut. Shut that pretty mouth,” he growled. I shut my mouth, moaning into the pillows and sheets which muffled them by a lot. I came again, he then flipped us to where I was now riding him. My boobs bounced up and down and he grabbed them gripping hard, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” Hearing those words made me go faster and harder on his cock. He was biting his fist, he smacked my boobs and played with my nipples which made me bite my lips. 
“I’m about to cum,” he said. I got off and started sucking him off again so he’d cum in my mouth. He came in my mouth and we both collapsed next to each other. He got up and put his clothes back on and so did I. We snuggled up against each other and fell asleep. What a night.
I groaned as the sun flashed in my eyes. I rolled over to see the other side of the bed empty and the sheets pulled back. A small frown appeared on my face knowing I wouldn’t be waking up with him. I reached for my phone on the nightstand but felt a piece of paper on it, it read;
I’m sorry I left you all alone this morning but I had to go. I got a call unexpectedly and I have silly tour stuff to do. I miss you already. Make sure not to tell anyone about our special night and our special relationship. ;)  I left you a few cigarettes too,  text me when you wake up. Frank xo
I folded the paper up and slid it into my journal.
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repentarium · 2 years ago
the truth is i've been dreaming of this tired, tranquil place tag 15/??
He hasn't seen Eddie much. 
The morning after Halloween, Eddie had made it so plainly clear the way he felt about everything. 'That was a lot of fun, but we can't do it again.' His face was drawn and his eyes had full baggage under them and he was shifty, like he couldn't look right at Steve. He'd left for work early and without coffee, even through what was most assuredly a hangover as bad as Steve's. He'd looked - well, honestly he'd looked terrible. He'd look like lost sleep, like the days after a particularly bad nightmare, back before they called each other to talk each other back to sleep. 
The worst part about it, maybe, was that Steve had woken up so warm and had even taken a minute to smile at Eddie's rumpled and sleeping form next to him, to think happy thoughts. Then he got up to start breakfast before work. He'd been fucking humming as he did it, even, felt like things had slipped right into place when they had pressed their smiling mouths together and like maybe this was the way things were meant to be, felt like it made so much sense actually. His head was pounding, sure, and there was a bruise on his neck that was tender when he pressed his fingertips into it, another one on his side from being pressed into the wall outside the bar, but maybe that was just proof he was alive, that everything had really happened.
Steve never spent a lot of time deliberating about things like this, not beforehand; his surety was a blessing and a curse, because it set him up for so much. Like as soon as he decided it was what he wanted, he was kissing Eddie or getting on the basketball team or landing a shitty job. People said it was his money or his family or his looks or whatever, and Steve said sometimes it was his charm, and probably that was all at least a little true but really it was his conviction. 
So when Eddie had drawn a very clear line and then left that morning, and Steve could only stand there with too much toast on a plate and too many eggs in a pan and his breath coming too quickly, he felt stalled. No, he felt totalled. Smashed into a wall as soon as he’d floored it, left bruised up and disoriented and looking at a flaming wreck.
He just wanted to talk to Robin. If he could talk to her he could fix things, at least fix his dizzy head, which feels like it's just gotten off of a carnival ride or climbed out of a burnt up skeleton of a totaled car at all hours of the day. 
He'd turned the stove off and tried to call her three times before her roommate picked up and screamed at him that she was in class and some people liked to sleep. 
He has missed her like air. Robin, who could help him talk things out, who could help him pinball around in his brain and come up with a plan or a solution or a way to let things go.
Keith at work noticed the 'love bite' (his words, not Steve's) and made such a big deal out of it and the eyeliner he couldn't scrub off of his eyes that Steve had raised his voice at him for the first time ever, just to plead with him to cut it out. Keith had gotten quiet and left early, and Steve felt bad about it as he closed. He felt bad about everything, bad in general. 
The next two and a half weeks were a quiet that rivaled the times he was at his parents', and if it wouldn’t have made it worse he would have called off of work and stayed in bed. 
They were both busy working, and Eddie's been getting ready for some whirlwind practices with Corroded Coffin when they're in town so they can play a few shows at the Hideout over the holidays. He’d told Steve before all this, with a laugh, that they had to stay relevant, keep from getting too rusty. 
Waking up quiet, work, working late if he could help it, sneaking home past the sticking door and having microwave dinners in bed, laying in the dark and maybe falling asleep but mostly listening for Eddie to get home just to make sure he was still alive, then doing it all over again the next day. A horrible and freezing cycle. 
It’s not like he hates Eddie. He’s not even mad at him, even though he knows he promised he’d stay; technically kind of he did, that night at least. He remembers how soft his hair was and how plush his lips were and how firm and right it all felt, he has dreamt about it all every time he does manage to drift off. He hopes he doesn’t call for him in his sleep, because if Eddie could hear nightmares through the paper-thin walls he could undoubtedly hear his own name. Embarrassing. 
He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about how he was always the lover, never the loved. Not really. This was just more of the same. He shouldn’t be surprised. He always fell too hard too fast and was too quick to attach, and on top of it all he was terrible at hiding it because why should he? Shouldn’t people want to know they’re loved? He would. He would want to know. 
Eddie hadn’t said it in so many words, but lurking in the ‘we can’t do it again’ was the ghost of Nancy telling him his love was bullshit, the ex-girlfriend calling him clingy, his dad telling him he was too soft and to stop crowding him. 
The problem with seeking home in other people is finding it, and the problem with finding it is that when they take it away you're left wandering again. That’s not really fair to Eddie, and Steve knows it as soon as he thinks it. Eddie didn’t ask for Steve to rely on him the way he does. Clingy and soft and crowding. 
The only thing helping to keep him sane the whole time was knowing Robin would be home soon for Thanksgiving, that she'd talk him through it and help him shake it off. He could tolerate anything for ten seconds at a time, and what’s a couple of weeks but a bunch of ten second blocks?
So he spends the time feeling cold and sad and melodramatic, and he spends the time counting the days. 
When it’s finally time, he drives the Beemer to Chicago to pick her up, thinks the time away will do just as much for him as seeing Robin so he takes off work and leaves a simple note for Eddie. He doesn't think about the whole 'staying alone in a car for eight hours' part of it, and he cycles through his tapes quickly. 
She greets him with a hug that makes both of their eyes water and he practically shoves her into the car to go somewhere they could actually talk, and she must have be able to tell through their weirdo wondertwin psychic bond that something is seriously wrong because she just rambles about her classes while he helps with her bags and the whole way to the first stop.
He pulls off the road and into one of those nondescript rest areas, a field and parking lot, a gas station and a forest of vending machines surrounded by actual trees. He parks in the back and turns the car off even though it's chilly. 
He hasn't been able to look at Robin much the whole time, and still fixes his eyes out the windshield at a hole in a nearby tree and while he gnaws on his lip and twists his fingers in his lap silently. Robin puts a hand on his arm and says his name. 
‘There’s something wrong, and I don’t know what could have happened but you know you can talk to me about it. I love you no matter what. Even if you're kind of a loser sometimes, you’re my loser.'
The carefully- but poorly-constructed dam breaks and Steve is suddenly crying, full-body and ugly in a way he doesn't remember ever crying, even in the midst of all the Upside Down or Nancy's 'bullshit' or his dad giving him his second or third concussion, and he's so fucking scared for no good reason because he knows of all people Robin is on his side. He’s not scared of Robin.
She just quietly says 'oh my god, Stevie,' and unbuckles both of their seatbelts, crawls as close to him as she can and pulls him into another firm hug that at least stops some of the shaking he hadn't realized he'd been doing. She pets at his hair (unstyled and flat-looking, at least to him) until he's calmed down a little bit. He matches his breath to hers and tries to let it ground him.
'Robs,' he still sounds like he's drowning and he kind of feels that way too, 'I don't even know where to start. I missed you so much.'
'Stevie, I am so sorry, I should have called you more, I was just so busy and-'
'No, Robin, I know-’
‘-I should have tried harder-’
‘Robs, I just missed you so much and I think if you'd been there you could have stopped all of this from happening or something. I think I messed up.' He's basically talking into her neck and he knows he's soaking the shoulder of her sweater, so he sniffles and pulls away but keeps his head down. 
Robin pushes his hair back out of his face and tucks what can fit behind his ears. 'You gotta talk to me here, man, what the fuck is going on?' She looks scared. She hasn’t ever seen him like this. He knows because he hasn’t seen himself like this. 
He finally meets her eyes and fights the tears back that try to push forward again, and he sees that her hair is longer than he remembers it, and that she's got these cool dangly earrings in and a little eye makeup that's smeared because of course she's crying too. He doesn't remember ever seeing the sweater she's wearing. It’s striped, and soft. 
'I know it's only been a few months but it feels like so much longer and all of this stuff is happening and I think you're right, I need to get glasses, because my headaches keep getting worse-'
'Well, I could have told you I was right about that.' She rolls her eyes but still has to dab at them with her sleeve.
'Please don't be upset with me when I tell you. I know you won't be, but I'm kind of freaking out.' He clenches his hands onto the bottom of the steering wheel until his knuckles cramp.
'Scout's honor, we will figure whatever it is out. It’s not an Upside Down thing, right? Or the twerps? Is it a girl thing?'
Steve fights off a hysterical giggle trying to force its way out of his throat and says 'It's actually. A guy thing?'
Robin stills and is completely silent and after a minute of it Steve has to know so he looks at her again.
'Steven Jacob Harrington-' 
'-you know that's not my middle name, Rob-'
'I know there's no way you think I'd be upset with you because you're having a gay crisis.'
'Well, half-gay? Maybe? That’s not what’s wrong.'
'Yeah, I mean I'm still into boobies-'
'Please do not say that-'
'But. I kissed a guy. And it was so good, Robin.' His head hits the headrest in frustration. 
'We're gonna come back to the fact that you kissed a guy and talk about it in detail, but first I need to know why you're upset if it was that good and it’s not a gay crisis.’
Steve is feeling a little bit better, like he's let off some of the pressure, lanced some kind of horrible infection, but he doesn't know if telling Robin about Eddie is something he's really supposed to do. Like, it’s one of those things that could get people in real trouble. 
'He. Well. He's someone… or was someone, maybe?’ God. ‘That was really important to me. Like a best friend. And I think I ruined it.'
'Oh no, Stevie. Was he not into it? Did he do something?'
'I don't know, I thought he was, it was good I thought, he was, like, enthusiastic about it, and so nice, but then he said we could never do it again and he's been completely avoiding me and Robs I miss him so much, and we don't even have to keep kissing or anything, I just miss my friend.' 
'Steve, is this someone I know?'
He nods after a moment. 
'Is it Eddie?'
He can feel his chest get tight and his eyes widen and water and he knows he has a terrible poker face but he really does try, it’s just that even on a good day it’s so hard to hide his feelings, especially from Robin, and he's been through such an emotional rollercoaster and feels like such absolute shit that there wasn't really any chance. 
'Hey Steve, it's okay, you're okay. He's avoiding you? You live in the same house.'
'Yeah, no shit. He's trying really hard.’ He laughs, sniffles. ‘I don't know what to do, if I should move out? I don’t know where-' his breath is catching again. He scrubs his face, his itching eyes.
'Okay, slow down. You haven't talked to him since?'
'Not really.' he'd tried a little, tentatively and just at first. Asked how his day was, or if he wanted dinner. He'd just say 'good' or 'nah, not hungry Stevie' and smile sad and shower or go into his room and close his door with a soft click. 
'Stevie. I am going to tell you something but I need you to believe me because I can't tell you why I know this. This is like, damage control, like talking you off the ledge shit.' 
Steve looks at her and nods for her to continue.
‘Eddie doesn't hate you. You tend to have a hard time not believing this but I swear you're an amazing friend and all of your friends love you and you're handsome and cool and smart, even if you still won't wear glasses because you're stubborn and probably a little afraid to make the appointment, which we are absolutely going to do while I'm here by the way. Eddie cares about you, and I don't know what's going on with him right now but you have to know, and I mean this the kindest way possible and with all the love in my heart, it is not always about you.'
'Jeez, thanks, Rob.'
'No! I mean it! You haven't talked to him, so you don't know what's going on in his world, and projecting something onto him isn't fair for either of you so you need to like take a breath and not freak out about it anymore until you talk to him.'
Steve feels like his brain is untwisting a little. God, Robin is such a good friend. 
'If you want to use logic here, I guess that makes sense.'
'Exactly! And I'm not saying you're wrong for feeling emotions about it because this is all kind of a big deal. But please know that even if Eddie suddenly for some reason decided whatever happened was a bad idea-'
'-which he did say, with his actual mouth, verbatim-'
'-he wouldn't hate you or want you to be upset or anything because he is your friend.' Robin finally sits back into her seat, but keeps Steve's hands in hers. 'Now tell me everything about what happened. Don't skip anything.'
Things were easier when people were bleeding, in a way, that’s what Steve thinks. You can put the adrenaline to use when you're trying to save someone else's life, or save your own, but where is it supposed to go when you're in a car explaining your doomed love life and the most exciting first (and likely only) kiss you'll ever have to your platonic soulmate?
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garebearandnan · 1 year ago
LITG S2 EP15 Pt1 Love in the Air
POSTED on A03 and Wattpad.
NOTE: Some believe that if you and your significant other witness two dragonflies mating, it is a sign that your relationship has developed into something truly special. It could also be an indication that a relationship like this is in your future.
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SUMMARY: It’s Day 12 in the Villa. The place where Islanders who recouple stay together. Bobby and Ibrahim are scheming whilst Priya and Noah are having their own discussions.
CHAPTER TEXT: You settle into the dinghy next to Gary. “May not be a romantic gondola, but it’ll do.” Your legs brush against each other. The dinghy drifts gently across the water as you both enjoy the bright sunlight. “It's a good scene, isn't it?”
“It's unbelievable,” you replied, smiling, but the buzzing gets louder.
He strokes your cheek for just a second and then grins. “It is fucking beautiful.”
The cosy moment is abruptly interrupted. You scream, standing up, trying to get away from two flying insects. “Oh, my God, what was that?” While you are off balance, the dinghy almost tips over.
“Fuck,” he cries out, grabbing your legs and trying to keep you both from falling into the pool. You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. His muscles are strong and solid. “They're just dragonflies, Grace.”
“That one was massive. It was, like, buzzing right in my ear.”
As you settle back down his arm moves behind your shoulders. “It's fine! Relax, relax!”
“I've never seen that before!”
He questioned, “Never seen that?”
“What IS that?” You asked, pointing at the dragonflies.
“You’ve never seen two dragonflies fucking before? You blushed and he smiled. Damn, how can a pretty bird be so adorable and sexy at the same time.
“Oh.” You pause to look at him and bite your lip. The two of you watch as the dragonfly pair fly about connected tail-to-head.
Gary comments: “When the male is ready to mate, he will grab the female by the neck with his pincers or his genitalia. The female makes a bending motion, bringing her genital opening into contact with the male's organ. The couple forms a heart as they fly together. It can take them many hours to mate.”
Grace (thinking): Holy fuck.
You share a flirty smile with each other, chemistry in the air. “My nan says it’s good luck to see dragonflies mating.” Gary grins at you and tucks a loose strand behind your ear. 
Trending On Twitter:
@samberg1996. Good for Priya and Noah. I think they’d make a good couple.
@jlopez76. I am shook to my core about Noah and Priya! What happened to honesty? What happened to integrity? People …integrity, look it up.
@ Jens12018. Noah and Priya talking about him picking her? It's shady AF. This is the sneakiest thing she’s done even stealing Gary from Grace. Poor Ibrahim! I thought they were a good couple. I felt so bad for him because she mentioned several times that they were a strong couple and she was happy with him. Then all of a sudden, she says their relationship isn’t going anywhere.
@diehardLI. Lottie is irritating, but honestly, since the whole basis for her crush on Gary is one kiss and Gary says multiple times he isn’t even into Lottie.
@lindseyHun21. I really like Gary and Grace as a couple. They are so sweet together. He’s a melt around her.
@WoodandWife. Big agree. Love this crane obsessed man for her.
@geostyler009. This episode of Love Island was totally al dente!
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romanoffsbish · 3 years ago
You’re Mine…
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Scarlett's POV
We recently wrapped on Avengers Endgame, it's been a few months and I haven't seen anyone from the cast since; I've been so busy with other projects. Today there's a party at Evans's house for the cast and crew. So I'm obviously going, can't stand my bestfriend and 'family' up.
I also found out Y/N's coming. She's been in the films since Age of Ultron but has never agreed to go to any party that we've thrown without a contractual obligation. Her so called reason for going tonight is she knows it's most of the OG's last movie and she is possibly going to miss us.
I'm more than excited because she's genuinely my favorite person to be around. She'd always sit with me in my trailer and we'd watch stupid reality TV and eat whatever we could in between our scenes. We'd have sleepovers and we'd cuddle. We'd flirt, like a lot. It started off as harmless flirting, but over the years it's become complicated by feelings—at least for me.
The problem was one or both of us was usually taken when the other wasn't. So it could never go anywhere. I've been single since before we wrapped, and as of last week Y/N's free from her terrible on and off again girlfriend. I'm happy for her because she always deserved better.
So, I'm prepared to amp up the flirting today. She will be mine!
I woke up feeling great today! I finally dropped my now ex for good. She was controlling and mostly just using me for the clout and money. I'm honestly more excited because I finally 'agreed' to go to a cast thrown party. I always wanted to go but my ex wouldn't let me, so I pretended to be uninterested.
It'll be a great party because Scarlett's going to be there and I intend to flirt my ass off. There's nothing holding me back. My ex was always kind of jealous of Scar's & I's relationship. We've always been close, and we've always harmlessly flirted. A wolf whistle here or there. Eyeing the other up and down with a subtle lip bite. The comments in passing with winks and smirks. It never escalated due to both of us being coupled up when the other was single. That's no longer an issue and I intend to have fun tonight. Starting with the outfit I wear.
I know from premieres what outfit styles seem to drive her crazy. I settled on a tight fit, white button up shirt, making sure to leave the top two buttons undone. I then tuck it into a black above the knee pencil skirt. The skirt hugs my hips and butt nicely, one accidental pen drop and she'll be putty in my hands ...
*ETA* -Chris E texts me
*Who's asking ? 😉*
*uh.. me? Hence the text. 🤪*
*7:10PM. Fashionably late is what I do best Capsicle*
*oh, I so want to uninvite you... See you soon loser*
With that I finished getting ready. I spray myself down with *your fave scent*, and I apply just a bit of chapstick to my lips. I fluff up my naturally y/h/t hair. I slipped on my slides, grab my party favor, and head out the door.
Chris E's POV
I was texting Y/N to make sure she wouldn't flake. I have a feeling her newfound single state is why she's actually coming. Her ex was so controlling. Y/N thought we didn't know but we all did. Whenever we invited her she seemed sad to say no. This parties almost a secret celebration for us because she's single and so is Scar.
I've never seen two people more perfect for each other. I've also never seen Scar so interested in anyone like this before. The so called 'harmless' flirting usually ended in her looking sad when Y/N was out of sight.
Scar hasn't given up on the idea of Y/N and her. She got into relationships usually just to pass the time. Then Y/N and crazy pants would break up for a minute and Scar would be hopeful. Then they'd make up and the cycle continued.
*knock* Speak of the devil!
"Hello there Chrissy" Y/N greets me
"What happened to fashionably late?"
"I thought I'd surprise you and be early instead. I like to keep you on your toes." She playfully remarks while handing me a bottle of champagne
"I prefer early, it means I get you before everyone starts fighting over you" I say pulling her in for a hug
"Yeah, I'm a real hot shot aren't I?" She says, plopping on the couch making herself right at home.
"No, you're just a hermit crab and everyone's going to be in awe that you even leave your house." I playfully reply back, receiving a pillow hurdled at me in response
"You look lovely Y/N. I'm really glad you're here. I also know a certain someone else who's going to be thrilled." I say with a wink as she sends back a knowing smirk.
Scar's POV
I'm so nervous... I'm driving over to the party and I'm imagining how this night could go. Flirting is a lot easier when it's not meant to have a follow through. At the same time, flirting with Y/N's basically become second nature to me. I truly love the crap out of this girl and I'll be damned if when we're both finally single we don't reach our happy ending.
I parked my car, adjusted my outfit, and walked into the party in full swing. I try to not be obvious, but my eyes are searching all over for her. I was getting worried she didn't show, but then I saw her. She was seated at a table with Lizzie, Flo and Holland laughing her ass off at something Flo said. Her laugh just draws me in, it's music to my ears.
"You might want to wipe the drool off your lips" RDJ says pulling me out of my thoughts.
So much for not being obvious.
"Oh hush... I am hungry and the food looks great"
"I didn't realize we referred to our friends as food now." He retorted back receiving a punch to his arm
"Go away! Actually I need a drink so I'll go"
I'm sitting with some of my faves. Lizzie, Flo and Holland. I could feel someone staring but I refused to cave and look back. I'm playing the long game.
"She's totally staring at you" Lizzie whispers aloud
"Huh?" I say pretending I have no idea what she's talking about.
"Oh stop... Scarly hasn't stopped staring since she arrived and I know you know!" Flo pipes up
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I say smirking over my nearly empty glass
"Mate... I think you need a refill. Go get one!" Holland remarks
"You know, I think you're right. Anyone else need one?" I ask pretending to listen but really I'm preparing myself for what's about to happen
"Actually, I'd.." Holland starts before Flo slaps him to shut up and I walk off not hearing.
Scar's POV
As I turn around to order my drink I feel a slight hand ghosting over my hip.
"Hi, can I get a Sex on the Beach?" I hear HER order completely skipping over that it's my turn. Also... What's with that drink order?
I turn around and look her in the eyes, then my gaze drops to look her over.
"Eyes up Johansson" she says with a massive smirk on her face.
I know she knows what she's doing to me with this outfit.
"Here you go Ms. Y/L/N..." the bartender says
Before she can take it I take it instead while staring directly into her eyes and take the first sip.
"Mmm..." I moan out maintaining eye contact then leaving to take her seat at the table leaving her a flustered mess. This is gonna be fun.
That was hot, and a total power move, but now I'm flustered with a dry mouth and no drink. Before I can even speak the bartender smiles and slides me a fresh drink. As I am headed to the table I see Scar's stolen my seat. Not gonna stop me though! Then out of nowhere some man steps in front of me and lightly grabs onto my shoulder. He wreaks of whiskey and cheap cologne.
"Hello there gorgeous." He slurs and tightens his grip
"Goodbye, not my type" I try to push forward
Scar's POV
"No need to be a bitch!" I hear some guy slur out and I cringe
"Remove your hand from my waist and move out of my way!" I heard Y/N shout
Then I look up to see this guy with his hands on her. My bloods now boiling, he's not going to have a job in the morning, that's for sure. No one touches her! He pulls her in and then next thing I know I'm turning him around to punch him square in the nose.
"What's your name?!" I shout while holding him by the collar
"What's it to you bitch?" He slurs back
"Listen, don't make me lay you out! Answer me!" I growl out full of rage
"Jimmy..." he stuttered out. I snap a photo for reference later and throw him to the ground
"Back to the party!" I shout to avert everyone's gazes
Oh shit! I've never seen her look so angry.
This whole protective thing she has going on is so hot. After she's done with him she looks at me with a soft expression.
"Y/N... are you okay?" She asked so softly
"Yes... Thank you.. Are you??"
"I am if you are" she all but whispers back
I smile then realize her hands definitely bruising and I gently grab her other hand and pull her indoors.
"Sit!" I assert as I bring her to the couch and walk away leaving her confused.
I walk back in with a beer and an ice pack and the best smile I can offer.
"Thank you" she says with a sweet smile
"For what? This is for me, did you want something ?" I jokingly ask
"Yeah right! You hate beer" she laughs out
"You know me so well!" I sarcastically reply while opening her beer for her and putting the ice pack onto her knuckles.
We sit in a comfortable silence and I decide to place my hand on her thigh and my head onto her shoulder. Teasings fun but she's now injured because of me. As she finishes her beer I take the bottle and set it down on the table for her. As I sit back, replacing my head, she intertwines our fingers. There's a tension between us but it's comfortable
"Thank you so much Scar"... "you didn't have to do that"
I can feel her tense when I say that.
"Yes I did!! That creep had his hands all over you..." she growls out
"Scar, it's okay. I'm okay"
"It was not okay!" She whisper shouts
I turned my body to look at her better, then I turn her face to look at me.
"Look at me, see, I'm fine. I'm with my best girl. I couldn't be better!" I say squeezing her good hand in reassurance
Scar's POV
Fuck it! I reach my hands up and cup her cheeks, then I pull her in. I ghost my lips over hers and whisper: "Can I kiss you?"
"Please do!"
As soon as I get the go ahead I pull her into my lap then I smash our lips together. I've waited so damn long for this and the circumstances might've been less than ideal but the end results pure magic. Her lips feel so good against mine, like they were always meant to be together. She pulls away playfully gasping for air then she rests her forehead against mine.
"Wow..." she whispers causing me to quietly laugh in response.
"... that was everything" she continues causing me to smile in response, just happy that the feelings mutual.
We just sit in silence both processing what happened. She went to shift out of my lap but I just grip her tighter and whisper "mine!"
"What's that?" I question knowing exactly what she just said
She pulls my face to look at her, causing our eyes to lock and she ghosts my lips again.
"You're mine!" She says never once dropping eye contact
I move my face to whisper into her ear.
"I'm all yours baby!"
She pulls me in for a passionate yet gentle kiss. She then stands up extending her hand out to me. I take it and she pulls me up and into her.
"Let's go back to the party. I'd really like to show you off now that you're officially mine"
"I think we know I've always been yours!"
She smiles in response dragging me outside. She decided to take me back to our friends at the table. She sat in the only open seat, pulled me into her lap, and just gave off a smug smile back to the stares and rested her head on my shoulder.
2,222 words... Part 2 will be posted
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 08 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.5 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (07)
Next part (09)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Hearts Wide Open
Silently, you let Billy pull you inside. You can't help but give a quick look around as he closes the door. “Are you busy?” You ask, gesturing at the TV.
“I was going to work out but...” He walks over there and turns it off. “I–” Someone knocks, cutting him off. “Who's this?”
“Delivery for Susan Hargrove.” A male voice says, and Billy rolls his eyes.
“Give me a sec.” He mutters before heading to the door.
Nodding, you pace around the living room. There's a bench press in the middle of it, and the bellbar seems very heavy. Walking further inside, you give a glance at the door. Billy seems to be arguing with the guy, so you decide to explore, walking through a small hall. On the first door, you hear some music, so it's probably Max's room. You go for the next door, slowly opening it.
It doesn't take much time until you notice it's Billy's room. He doesn't seem like he's done arguing, so you walk in. The bed is messed up, and there are movie posters on the wall. Walking around, you notice a couple of pictures on the inside of his wardrobe door, which was left open. In one of them, a blonde woman is looking away, a hand keeping her hair away from her face. In the other, the same woman with a kid next to her, both smiling. It's Billy's mother, that's clear.
“Sneaky,” Billy says, startling you a little.
Stepping away from the wardrobe, you clear your throat. “Sorry, Mmm... She's beautiful.” You mutter, gesturing at the pictures. “And you seemed very happy.”
“I was.”
“Yeah...” Taking a deep breath, you cross your arms. “B, I...”
“I'm sorry, (Y/N).”
Shrugging your shoulders, you walk over to the bed, sitting on the edge, eyes locked on your hands. “Why did you... Why did you disappear like that?” You didn't plan on getting all sentimental, but it's just flowing out. “We were fine... Normal and then... You just left.”
“Stacy pushed you because of me. People are... People are starting to notice we're around each other a lot and they'll start calling you a slut. And... I already screwed up my life, I can't screw up yours.” Billy sits next to you, so you pull a leg up, folding it under you and turning your body towards him.
“First of all, I need to know if what you said at the mall still stands. Or else I'll sound like an idiot.” Keeping your voice low, you try not to sound too nervous.
“Every single word. That's why I decided to step away.”
Nodding, mostly to yourself, you sigh. “I... I was trying, you know? Trying to see if we would work out somehow.” You didn't want to admit it, but here you are. And if you don't speak your heart now, you never will. “We're extreme opposites but I do enjoy spending time with you. And the friendship we're creating is good so when you left, when you disappeared, skipped school... It upset me.” Looking down, you see his hand on the mattress. Shyly, and very slowly, you take it, your fingers caressing his. “If you're tired of me, of... Waiting to see how things play out, it's alright. But please, go back to school. Keep studying because I'll help you no matter what. Just... Just don't do this.”
Billy takes a deep breath before taking your hand in his and moving closer. “I disappeared because you're the only person whose life I can't ruin. I can't be the reason why you get hurt, or called mean names, or–”
“I don't care about what people think or say, Billy. I only care about what's real. What's happening here and...” Shrugging your shoulders, you pull his hand up with yours, just to make your point clear. “It's freaking good so far. At least to me.”
“A girl like you should stay away from guys like me.”
“I know.” Nodding, you bite your lip. “My mother and I spoke about it. About you. So did Nancy, and Steve... They warned me not to fall for your games.”
“There are no games, not with you.” The honesty hits you a different way, and you can't help but smile.
You're aware of what people say, and you know the things Billy did. But you can see the difference now. Billy never tried anything. No flirting, no cheesy pick-up lines, not calling you to a ‘more quiet place’. Nothing. He's being... A completely different person. He treats you nicely, a freaking gentleman, something you never expected of him. Mostly not after the way he approached you last year, all charming and wicked smiles. This is different. This is real.
“Billy... I called before coming and your sister answered the phone.” You start, wondering if you should really ask what you're about to ask. But still, you need to. You need to know if you can allow certain feelings to emerge. “She said something about a keychain and... She said that... That she thinks you're in love with me.” The last part is barely a whisper, and you wonder if he even heard you.
Billy doesn't answer, he just stands up, walking away.
“B, I'm–”
“It fell from your bag last year.” He says, and you turn around on the bed, finding him next to the nightstand, a metal daisy flower in his hand. “I was going to give it back but it was broken so... I don't know. I wanted to just throw it away but I ended up keeping it.”
“Why, B?”
“Because it reminded me of you.” Stretching out his arm, he passes it over to you. You remember it now, taking the cold metal in your hands. “I thought it was everything I would ever have. A broken keychain and those moments that I got to look at you from afar.”
After a while, you give it back to him. It takes a few seconds before he takes it, sighing. “I always noticed you staring. I just never knew why.”
“I may be.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side a little. “I don't get it.”
“I may be in love with you.” His voice is heavy, and you can see in his eyes that he feels vulnerable. Billy Hargrove admitting he's in love with a girl? This might be hard for him.
“I like you, B. So... Don't decide things for me.” Getting up from the bed, you walk over where he stands. “I don't care about mean names, or stupid girls pushing me. I can deal with that. And you can't ruin my life, I'm the only one who can do that.” Taking his hand, you look up into his eyes. “And I don't think you ruined yours. You can still fix things. You are fixing things.”
“With your help.”
“With my help.” You agree with a smile. “So what do you say? Can we please go back to normal, you and I?”
Billy's lips break into a smile, and he nods. “Is that what you want? To be seen with the bad boy? You, princess of Hawkins.”
“That's Nancy's nickname.” Stepping backward, you smirk at him.
“Oh, yeah. Yours is ‘pretty girl’.” He quickly ends the distance between you two, towering over you.
“Stacy wouldn't agree.”
“Stacy is jealous.” Billy lightly touches your cheek, so softly you barely feel his fingers, like a ghost. “I'll say it a million times over, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen.”
“Am I?” You shyly ask, eyes focused on his. Billy was never this close, and it makes your stomach burn.
“You are.” Suddenly, he steps away, walking around you, straight to the door. “Your tits are fine by the way.” He says from the hall, when he's already out.
Your whole face burns, and you storm after him. “First of all, don't use that word.” You yell, walking fast to the living room. Billy is by the bench press, ready to lift the bellbar. “Second, drop that. We're going to study until you pass out.”
“I'm not asking.” Raising an eyebrow, you put both hands on your hips. “C'mon, Hargrove.”
It takes a while until he drops the bar, eyes rolling before he follows you.
The drive to your place is on separate cars. You'd stay at his house, but you were quick to get that his father is a problem, so it's just easier to do it at your place.
When you get there, you make a show opening the front door, gesturing for him to get inside.
“Mom, I got Billy back!” You shout.
“Good to know you're better from that cold, Billy.” She says from upstairs.
“A cold?”
“Yeah. It was that or tell Mrs. Martinez you were skipping class.” Shrugging your shoulders, you go to the dining room, settling down in your usual place. “So we're ok now? Friends again?”
“Friends again.” He agrees, searching for your hand under the table and grabbing it, thumb caressing the back of your hand. “As long as you want me around.”
Smiling, you nod. “As long as I want you around.” You snap back with a sassy tone. “Now, immunology.”
“Immunology it is.”
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack
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ichigoromi · 4 years ago
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐈𝐓 | 𝐌𝐒𝐁𝐘 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Okay, yeah, I just want to put that out because I've seen some of my acquaintances or heard stories going through some traumatic shit because they weren't ready but were forced to go through it.
Pairing (s): MSBY Four — Bokuto Koutarou, Hinata Shoyo, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem! reader, all characters are aged up!
Genre: romance, fluff
Warning (s): mentions of sex, pre-marital sex, suggestive themes, toxic friends, peer pressure, sexual assault not suitable for 18 and under. 18 and under DNI.
a/n - not going to lie; I always feel uncomfy while writing kissing or seggs scenes because I have no idea how it feels. Do people really suck their partner's tongue while making out? I have tons of questions, but my irl friends are like me, we have no knowledge abt kissing...
Bokuto Koutarou
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Bokuto is your first boyfriend, and he is your first for everything.
He is always patient and never rushes you.
You two always do things at your pace because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
But, you know that sooner or later, you two would have sex.
And the thought of it scares you.
You were brought up in a traditional and conservative family; sex was never really mentioned.
Most of your friends are experienced and often give you advice on how to do it.
Some of your 'friends' told you that he will leave you if you don't have sex with him soon.
You're an insecure individual, so hearing those, you can't help but feel obligated to have sex with him soon.
Bokuto has a high EQ, and he easily noticed that you were feeling upset.
Since you didn't want to worry him, you reassure him that you were okay.
After three years of dating, was he going to leave you because you two couldn't have sex because of you?
Bokuto pulls you onto his lap, and you gently loop your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you. You kissed him back with as much passion as he was, and he sneaks his hands underneath your shirt to massage your stomach gently.
You softly moaned when he slips his tongue into yours, and he playfully sucks on it.
He stops kissing your lips and slowly kisses his way down to your neck, and sucks on your collarbones, leaving light love bites on them. Your breath hitched when you felt him cupping your breast; you immediately pushed his hands away.
At first, Bokuto felt a bit taken back by your reaction, then he saw your glassy eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me." He tries to touch you, but you shook your head.
"I'm not ready...I don't want to do this, Kou. Are you going to leave me?" Bokuto was confused; why the hell would you come to a conclusion that ridiculous just because you didn't want to have sex with him?
He cups your face and makes you face him.
"Babe, it's okay if you're not ready. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can stop. I'll never leave you. Was it those friends of yours again? Dump them. If my baby doesn't want to have sex, then we shall not. We shall do it when you're ready, okay? Don't feel pressured by them; we do this at our pace. Now, do you want to watch a movie and cuddle?" You meekly nodded your head, and he kisses your forehead and on the lips.
Bokuto went back to the room and came back with a big fleece blanket.
"Virgin or not, I will always love you. Don't listen to the rubbish they are talking about. If you wanna have sex, we can do it. As long you are comfortable, that is all I want. Don't blame yourself, okay?" He flicked your forehead when he noticed your sad pout.
He set up the TV and dims the lights in the living room. You sat in his lap, and he wraps the blanket around the two of you as the movie starts playing.
"Kou, I love you. Thank you for being so understanding." You thanked him and kisses his cheek.
"I love you too." Bokuto pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head.
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Miya Atsumu
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Atsumu loves you a lot.
You were the first girlfriend he has brought home to his parents, and Osamu approves of you.
It seems like he has found his match. His fans were glad to see him in a relationship where he is genuinely happy.
Before Atsumu, you dated a couple of guys, and it was all bad experiences.
Your first boyfriend forced you to give your virginity to him, and he was older, so you thought that was what you're supposed to do in a relationship.
The second guy just took advantage of your vulnerability and exploit you in the worst possible ways.
You met Atsumu while working as a pilates instructor, and their's team trainer introduced you to him.
And you two have been dating for about two years after knowing for about a year.
Sex...you two did talk about it, but you were just not ready to do it after all the traumatic experiences.
And, he was okay with it.
You felt bad because sometimes you can hear him touching himself, yet you can't help him with his needs.
"Tsumu, let's do it." You climb into his lap and captures his lips into yours. He was surprised, but nonetheless, he loves kissing you. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
His hands crept up to your inner thighs, and he starts massaging your thighs.
You felt a bit squirmish and slight discomfort, but you ignored it and starts kissing down his neck, leaving love bites, and you helped him removed his shirt.
Atsumu knows you well, and he noticed your expression. Even though it was subtle, he noticed how you were slightly uncomfortable and when he touches you, you flinched by reflex.
All the small actions that you unconsciously do make him realised that you were forcing yourself to do.
"Hey, we don't have to do it if you're not ready. You don't have to force yourself." Hearing him say that, you broke down in tears.
He holds you securely and pats your back in a comforting manner as you cry.
Even though you wanted to do it, he sensed that you were uncomfortable and decided to stop you. He noticed that you were not ready and immediately stopped and comforted you; it made you realise that he is not like your exes.
"Babe, we can do it when you're ready to do it. No need to rush yourself; I can wait. I'm not going to leave just because we are not having sex." He comforted you and nodded your head.
You lifted up your head, and his heart ached at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks.
"I'm sorry for not being able to things like a normal couple. I just thought that you might leave me if we don't have sex..." He shook his head and cups your face in his hands.
"I can wait as long as you are ready to do it. I'm not going to leave you just because we can't have sex. If I have any urges, I'll just touch myself or something. I want you to feel that you are safe with me and under no pressure. If you don't want to have sex, we don't have to. Is that clear?" He stroke your cheeks gently.
"Thank you for being so patient. I just feel-" Atsumu shuts you up by kissing you on the lips.
"No more feeling bad in this house! Let's watch your favourite show and order takeout, okay?" He was desperately trying to comfort you.
"Okay, I'll stop feeling bad. I love you." You leaned in to kiss his lips.
"I love you too. Now, I'll go get you one of my hoodies and we can cuddle more after I go calm myself down. See you in a bit!" He pecks your lips and rushed off to the bathroom.
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Hinata Shōyō
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He may look innocent, but Hinata probably has more experience than you.
But this guy has tons of patience when it comes to you.
You knew him since young since he was a neighbour of yours.
After graduating high school, you two reconnected and started dating shortly.
So, you two have been dating for three years, and there has never been a dull moment with him.
However, your friends ask about your sex life, but the two of you literally did nothing. The most you guys did was make out.
It's not you guys are super pure or innocent; you two felt there wasn't a need to have sex.
But how long can he last without having sex?
So you decided to ask him directly about it.
The two of you were just chilling on the sofa after dinner. You snuggled against him, and he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him. When you two entered into the relationship, you guys promised each other to always be open.
Communication was the key to a stable relationship, and it was bugging you.
"Babe, are you okay without having sex? We've been going out for three years, and we never had sex. I just want to know your opinion about it." It was direct, and he never expects to have this kind of talk with you.
He thinks for a moment and hugs you tighter.
"Well, I am fine without it since I've been so busy training. I just want to spend time with you, sex or no sex; I love being around you. And, it's your body too. When you are ready, you can just tell me. No need to rush." He kisses your cheeks, and you nodded your head.
"Okay, I just want to know. You know, because my friends are talking about how sex is the one factor keeping their man. What about you?" You poked his cheeks, and he pouts.
"I'm not that horny! Anyways, I love coming home to your cooking and how you decorate our apartment and our dates! Not all relationships are like that...Or perhaps, you are the horny one in this relationship?" He scooted over from you and gasped.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic self.
"You are the horny one! I caught you doing it in the bathroom!"
"You did it too! You left your dildo by the bathroom counter!"
The two of you burst out laughing at each other.
"Alright, we can do it whenever you are ready. Wait, we are going to miss the show! Turn on the TV!"
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Both of you are pretty direct in your relationship since you guys prioritise communication.
The talk of sex never really come up in your conversation.
You two have not moved in together yet but are looking at potential places to move in together.
Your parents were happy to hear you two were finally getting your own place after dating for five years and are engaged now.
Both of you rarely have the time to meet since you both are busy, but Sundays are meant for dates.
Your friends are shocked to hear that you and Sakusa never have sex throughout your relationship, not even once.
Maybe you two could just keep in your pants 👀.
Obviously, you two almost did it, but both of you stopped each other before it went further.
Sakusa himself has a lot of restraint but sometimes, seeing you in his shirt and cooking in his kitchen really turns him on.
He stood up from the sofa and approached you from the back. You jumped slightly when he wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his chin on your shoulder.
"Wait a bit; good food takes time to cook. You can have some strawberries if you're hungry. My uncle sent some from his farm." He was not looking for some strawberries.
Sakusa softly kisses the nape of your neck; you accidentally let out a moan when he sucks on your sensitive spot. His naughty hands slyly sneak under your shirt and touch your stomach, leaving feathery touches below your bra.
He never stops kissing your neck, and you knew this might end up in the bedroom if you don't stop him and no dinner for you two.
"Kiyoomi, stop. I'm not ready yet." You told him firmly, and he stops immediately.
You turn down the stove and turns around to face him. He looked away, feeling guilty that he lost his rationality when he saw you in his shirt.
"Hey, don't feel bad. I stopped you, didn't I? That's all that matter." He lets out a deep sigh and pulls you into his embrace.
"I'm sorry. Seeing you in my shirt, I lost my rationality. You look so damn hot in it." He confessed, and you burst out laughing.
Sakusa frowned and cups your face to make you look at him.
"Fine, I won't laugh but get those strawberries and get out of the kitchen." You loop your arms around his neck to bring him down to your height for a kiss.
He lets you go and got the strawberries to the living room but his eyes were admiring your back as you return back to cooking.
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I'm so happy that I have finished writing this! Hope you all enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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cocosstories · 3 years ago
Henry Cavill One Shot
Hey! I had a request for henry cavill if that’s possible for you. I thought about something where reader is famous too and they are doing the game spill your guts together. They don’t really know each other but they kinda have a crush on each other. Can the reader be also younger than him like in her 20’s or something?
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You were in the guest dressing room, getting ready for your appearance on James Corden.
Despite your better judgement, you had agreed to play his infamous game of 'Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts', regretting the decision almost immediately when you hear that Henry Cavill will be playing with you.
For the last couple of years, you and Henry had crossed paths a few times, never really getting the chance to actually spend any sort of time together with your busy schedules.
If you had to be honest though, you always had somewhat of a crush on him and were a little bummed that you have never actually got the chance to meet him.
As the show began, more nerves crept up and before you knew it, you were being warned that it was almost time to join Henry and James on stage for the game.
"Welcome back everyone. Now Henry we are going to play a game but I think we need to bring a special guest out to make it a little more fun so ladies and gentlemen please welcome Y/F/N Y/L/N!"
James introduces you and you walk out, joining the two men at the table that has an interesting odor coming from it. 
You give James a quick hug before turning to Henry who is smiling brightly at you. 
He goes in for a hug as well and you take in his cologne for a second before you remember you are on national TV and back away a bit. 
"So Henry you will ask me questions, Y/N will ask Henry and I will ask Y/N. Lets see what foods we will have to eat if we choose not to answer."
James explains the rules as you stare down at the extremely unsatisfying looking 'food' in front of you. 
"We have bird saliva, cow tongue, bull penis, grasshoppers, salmon smoothie, 1000 year old egg, calf's brain and cod sperm."
You, Henry and the audience let out a collective, disgusted groan with each new food he says.
"Alright, Y/N, I am going to ask you the first question. So I am going to give you the bull penis."
James says, turning the table so the dish was in front of you. 
"I mean you could have given me worse I guess."
You say looking down at the bowl in front of you.
"Y/N, out of all of the movies you've done, which one was the worst?"
Laughs come from James as he asks the question while the audience lets out a chorus of 'oohhs'
You think about the question for a moment, trying to decide if it is worth risking your career to answer it so you don't have to chew on bull penis. 
"I have an answer but I don't want to ruin any chances of working with certain people again so..."
You pick up a piece of the bull penis and take a deep breath before taking a bite.
"Oh my god."
You say, quickly grabbing the spit bucket. 
"Its so chewy."
After taking a sip of water, you compose yourself and look at the table trying to decide what to give to Henry.
"So, Y/N, what will you be giving to Superman?"
James asks with a smirk. 
"Be nice, please."
Henry chuckles. 
"Well, I've seen your Instagram and you seem to like to eat healthy so you know what? I'm going to give you the Salmon smoothie."
The audience laughs as you turn the table so the pink sludge is in front of Henry who looks like he might want to kill you for it. 
You pick up the card and giggle a little bit. 
"Henry, rate your last three girlfriends from best to worst."
The audience laughs as Henry looks at you with a slight but joking glare. 
"Hey, this is James' show! I didn't write the questions!"
You say looking to James.
Henry takes the glass and closes his eyes before taking a big drink then almost immediately spits it into the bucket. 
After taking a few seconds to recover, Henry looks at James before choosing the worst possible choice on the table for him, finally deciding on the bird saliva. 
"James,  what celebrity have you turned down for carpool karaoke and why?"
Without even a thought, James picks up the martini glass and takes a swig of the cloudy liquid as you and Henry both gag for him.
James regains his composure once he spits into the bucket and takes multiple drinks of water and picks your next food. 
"Cod sperm, I think."
The grin on his face was almost devilish. 
"I mean you already gave me bull penis so why not keep the theme alive."
You shrug trying to play off how grossed out you were. 
"Ooohhh, Y/N, would you rather score a date with Captain America or Superman?"
He asks and you look at him shocked.
"You're really going to out me on the spot like that, James? I feel like since I am a part of Marvel, I have to pick Cap but I mean Henry is right here so that would be rude not to pick him."
You say, trying to figure out what to say. 
"It's ok love, you can pick Captain America. No hard feelings."
Henry says sweetly trying to help you make the choice as the audience swoons. 
"Well alright then. Cap is my man."
You laugh then begin looking at what was left on the table. 
"Ok Henry, I'm going to be nice and give you the crickets. I hear they are a delicacy in some parts of the world."
You give him a cute wink as you spin the table then pick up the next card. 
"Would you like to go on a da-"
You stop as you read the last part of the question to yourself then look up to James and shake your head.
"What? What does it say? Read the question."
James asks with a knowing smirk. 
"No, I can't read this!"
You refuse. 
"It's ok, you can read it. I don't mind."
Henry says, urging you on and you shake your head again. 
James finally reaches over and takes the card from you. 
"I'll read it. Henry, would you like to go out on a date with Y/N?"
The audience gasps as you look down at your hands. 
Henry blushes a bit and smiles. 
"I would love to."
You look up at him quickly, almost in shock at his answer. 
"Well, that was our first ever love connection on Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts! Stick around and we will be right back with Y/F/N Y/L/N after the break!"
The show goes to commercial and the stage hands begin to clear the set. 
"Why did you say yes?"
You ask Henry, thinking he was just trying to be a good sport for the game and play along with James' crazy antics. 
"Because, I've been wanting to ask you out for the longest time and never had the chance before."
He admits and you feel your heart begin to pound. 
Was all you could manage to get out and Henry chuckles.
"Really. So, after the show? Maybe we can grab a late dinner?"
Henry takes your hand in his with a hopeful smile. 
"That sounds great."
You reply just as you are told the commercial break was about to end and are led up on stage to join James for your segment while Henry heads backstage to figure out where to take you on your first date. 
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asmo-ds · 4 years ago
I've seen alot of headcanons about Simeon turning into a demon, but how would everyone react if Luke managed to turn himself into a demon 🤔 Like maybe he didn't amount up to Celestial Standards (I headcanon the Celestial realm is kinda weird due to the events of the anelic event) and then he made some type of minor violation and they kicked him out of heaven to avoid the possibility of him growing up to be undesirable in the Celestial Realm
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When a Child Falls
Luke-centric ANGST & FLUFF
Warnings: Pain, falling from heaven, Luke hurting :(
Summary: After failing to live up to the standards of his superiors Luke is kicked out of the Celestial Realm and becomes a demon. Luckily for him the exchange program had given him so many new and old friends who wanted nothing but to help the poor child despite any bitter past they may have had with him
a/n: i was gonna do headcanons but then i was like what if i make a whole one shot about him falling and everyone helping him adjust to his new life and uh yea <3
Also this didn’t come out as angsty as I wanted it to but demon brothers comforting a fallen Luke >>>>>>>
He tugged on his own arm, begging for the elder angel to release him and give him a second chance, his once hopeful blue eyes filled with tears and terror. 
“Stop, I swear I just need more time, PLEASE!” Luke cried, punching the elder’s arm and attempting to pry his wrinkly hands from Luke’s small forearm. The elder yanked Luke’s arm harder, resulting in a distressed cry from the short blond.
Luke tried to steady his breathing as they approached the boundaries of the Celestial realm, where he was to be pushed off for his failure to earn his wings in a timely manner. The Celestial realm saw him as useless and decided they would be better off discarding a weak angel like himself.
“LET HIM GO, PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS!” Luke could hear Simeon’s breaking voice screaming at the elders who held him back from Luke to prevent any interference, “JUST LET ME SAY GOODBYE PLEASE,” he begged to which the elder finally agreed and the two embraced tightly. “Luke you listen to me, you get to the Devildom you go STRAIGHT to Lucifer, he helped his brothers and himself through his fall he can help you, please, trust him with at least getting you through the transition then you can hate them again or whatever you want, pl-”
“I get it, Simeon, I promise I won’t let you down,” Luke interrupted, tears falling from his eyes onto Simeon’s broad shoulders. 
“Times up. Luke come to the edge, stand here,” an elder guides him into position. 
Luke’s hearing starts ringing as his adrenaline kicks in, the fear of death and disappearing from existing overwhelming him. His breathing grew fast, and before he knew it, he felt a push and wind pounding against his skin as he fell, and fell, and fell, until he saw the Devildom soil and he tensed, preparing for the worst.
Instead of hitting the ground he hears a fwoosh and finds himself caught in strong arms.
“Luke! What happened, where is Simeon? A young angel like you shouldn’t be down here all al-” Lucifer starts questioning the angel, concerned to see the small boy falling from so high. He was interrupted by a cry of agony, Luke pushed away from Lucifer, doubling over and screaming as the pain began to set in.
Lucifer recognized the transition immediately and how badly it hurt his brothers, so he gently approached the young boy, who glared at him with teary pained eyes, and he murmured a spell, before darkness washed over Luke.
His innocent blue eyes fluttered open, not recognizing his surroundings, he sat up quickly, wincing and hissing as his back was suddenly filled with unbearable pain. 
Oh that’s right, I fell. They pushed me and now…His eyes snap open, remembering the feeling of falling, but nothing that happened afterward.
“I have… to find… Lucifer..” Luke spoke to himself, taking short breaks between every few words to take a painful breath, feeling his ribcage expand and contract as his wheezing continued.
“I’ve already found you, Luke, you’re in one of the bedrooms of the Demon Lord’s Castle. Please lay back and take off your shirt, your back is bound to be in a lot of pain, this serum will help.” The blond flinches as Lucifer rises from a chair next to the bed where he laid. 
Luke raises his arms and let Lucifer take off the shirt before laying on his stomach.
He hears Lucifer’s breath catch in his throat as he stares in horror at Luke’s back, where wings were starting to form, dark and mangled with feathers tangled and in need of a cleaning.
So like that, Lucifer kept Luke safe and took care of him whilst the other brothers prepared a room at the House of Lamentation for him to stay.
“Luke, I’ve brought you some tea and cake,” Barbatos walks into the bedroom carrying some snacks and drinks for the injured boy.
“Thank you Barbatos, I missed your cooking,” Luke smiles slightly before taking a big bite of cake and groaning. “Like, I really missed it-”
“Yes, Barbatos makes splendid food, which is why I keep him around!” Diavolo winks, nudging Barbatos with his elbow a bit.
“Actually sir, you only keep me around because no other demon has been able to keep up with your antics-”
“ANYWAY, Luke your wings look like they’re growing in nicely, and so do your horns,” Diavolo walks over to examine Luke’s new form. “You’ll probably be in a lot of pain for at least a few more days, but if you want to get situated into your new home we can let you go and just check in on you everyday.”
“Uh… I don’t want to intrude at the House of Lamentation, if it’s going to be any sort of burden to them-”
“Nonsense, my brothers and I are glad to take care of you and take you in, you experienced the same fate as us, albeit for different reasons, but still, we know your pain and we want to guide you so please, Luke, let us help you,” Lucifer places a reassuring hand on Luke’s shoulder as he says this.
“...Okay, BUT no calling me a chihuahua- GOT IT?!” Luke pokes Lucifer’s chest aggressively and earns a hearty chuckle from him.
“I agree not to call you a dog anymore,” Lucifer laughs out, “though I cannot speak for my brothers.”
“I can’t believe the chihuahua of all people got kicked out…” Mammon says, still in shock that the angel who had been so determined to make people smile just a year before during the exchange program had somehow managed to get himself thrown out of heaven.
“I remember when I almost didn’t earn my wings in time,” Asmodeus shudders at the memories of being threatened with exile and constantly pushing himself way too hard, “I got so many wrinkles from the stress.”
“Luke makes good food, I’m glad he’s staying with us.” Beel’s mouth was watering as he and Mammon moved a dresser, finally finishing getting Luke’s new room in order.
“Oi, try to be sympathetic when he gets here Beel. He may be a little annoying kid but he’s going through what we went through,” Mammon scolded his younger brother, an uncomfortable silence taking over the room as each and every one of them remembers the pain they were in as their bodies morphed into those of demons.
“God is such an asshole…” Belphegor mutters, getting extremely angry the more he thinks about it.
Luke had done nothing wrong, Lilith had done nothing wrong, so why? Why would he keep getting rid of the most determined of his angels over such insignificant things?
Suddenly all their phones go off with a text from Lucifer saying he and the boy would be arriving soon. They all gathered in the entrance hall, waiting for Luke to arrive. The front door creaked open, all of the brothers standing up straighter and nervous as Lucifer stepped through the entrance with Luke just behind him. 
The brothers all gasped quietly in shock at the state of Luke. He was pale and thin and the look of complete and utter despair in his formerly innocent eyes filling the room with a depressing atmosphere.
“H-hey there Fido- I mean- Luke, how’re you feeling?” Mammon tries to start up a welcoming conversation, getting a nasty look from Lucifer, who Luke was clinging to for dear life.
“Luke! As soon as you’re feeling able to, what do you say we bake something together?” Beel smiles sweetly, most of them getting nothing but nervous looks from Luke in response to their questions.
“I’m just going to help him get settled in. Satan you’re in charge of everything else around the house while I take care of Luke and my own paperwork.” Lucifer guides Luke up the stairs.
Satan rolls his eyes but mutters a small “fine,” before the two head upstairs to the attic, where they’d set up the room to look just like the dorm he stayed in at Purgatory Hall.
“Oh wow, it feels like I’m back in the exchange program,” Luke chuckles a little, clearly faking any sort of joy.
“Luke,” Lucifer kneels down, “you are one of my brothers now, you have nothing to fear, and Simeon will be able to visit at some point-” His attempt to ease Luke’s worries is interrupted by a loud sob.
“Don’t you get it?! Michael and Simeon will never look at me the same, ever again!” Luke wails, using his sleeves to wipe the tears that streamed down his face. “All I ever wanted was to impress them! To impress God and make humans happy and protect them! But now my natural instinct to hurt humans ruins any chance of me becoming the person I’d always thought I’d be!” Luke falls to his knees, sobbing and wheezing, his vision becoming blurry as a panic attack hits him like a truck. He can barely hear anything except for Lucifer calling out a name, and all he could make out was that it wasn’t his own name. A dark figure walks into the room and Luke hears muffled voices for a minute before he is suddenly extremely calm, his eyelids growing a bit heavy and he feels exhausted.
He then realizes someone was holding him and murmuring some sort of spell, causing him to panic once more, but this time he was perfectly aware and just jumped up ready to fight.
“Hey you dirty demon! Don’t use your dark magic on me or else I’ll-”
“Pfft hahaha,” Belphegor laughs hard, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “you still look like a chihuahua when you get annoyed!” Belphie teases and Luke blushes, before running at Belphie and tackling him, leading to a wrestling match on the floor as Lucifer stands by and watches the two of them closely, to ensure nobody got hurt under his watch. 
Dinner was the worst, to be honest. Luke had asked Lucifer if he could cook to say thanks for taking him in, but now he sat awkwardly and all of the brothers remained quiet, watching his every move and watching him like he was an injured little puppy.
“I-is the food not good?” Luke questions looking around nervously.
“AH- no its great Fido- LUKE, ah jeez I’m getting a headache this is so hard to adjust to,” Mammon slams his head on the table, earning a glare from Asmo and Satan who he sat between.
“Anyways, I know you’ve been to the Devildom before and don’t really need a tour BUT you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more places to go!” Asmo smiles widely at Luke, “So let’s go together soon, okay?”
“Ooooh Luke, you have to tell me what Celestial Realm video games are like, GAH I wish we had waited to start a war until after the invention of video games. Anyway I got a new one so I can show you a Devildom game and-”
“Shut yer trap Levi,” Mammon leans over the table to attempt to cover Levi’s mouth.
“But let the GREAT Mammon show ya all the best spots in town~”
“NO-no do not take the child Gambling, Mammon,” Asmo smacks him.
“Asmo for all we know you’re gonna scar him and take him to a strip club,” Belphegor smirks, knowing he just started a war.
“I WOULD NEVER, COME HERE YOU BRAT,” both of them in demon forms chasing each other around the house and screaming.
Suddenly everyone hears a child’s laughter and looks at the blond who had barely even smiled since arriving.
“We can try to do everything you guys want to show me,” Luke smiles. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief seeing that Luke was feeling more comfortable around them. “Um, question though… how do I go in and out of my… demon form?” 
“HAH that’s easy, just relax and let the GREAT Mammon teach ya!”
“Mammon, not yet. Luke, I will teach you, but we need to wait a bit longer or else the pain of transforming will be unbearable for you,” Lucifer looked down at the disappointed boy.
“Oh, ok.”
“Don’t look so gloomy Fid-LUKE JEEZ LOUISE- there's a lot the GREAT Mammon can teach ya in the mean time!” Mammon stands up with a cocky smile, hands on his hips. “Think of me as ya new master and you are my apprentice!”
“NO do not think of him like that he will make you do his dirty work,” Satan says, hitting Mammon in the stomach.
“Thank you,” Luke looks at Lucifer, “thank you for taking me in, I-I know we don’t have the best past and I was super rude towards demons during the exchange program but-but I’m trying to change for you guys! Thank you!” Luke bows his head, tears falling down his cheeks. The knowledge that he can never go back to the way he was bringing on more tears, but they didn’t mind. They’d been through the same process. So silently they all comforted him and welcomed him into their home with  open arms.
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years ago
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 2
Race day. The whole track was buzzing with excitement. Over the last two weeks, Zemo had been working hard and improving his car. Between all that, he was thinking about you.
It was strange how someone you met once, and hardly knew, made such an impact on your life. He wondered if you got the ticket. Would you even come?
He stood by his car. People had come to see him, but his eyes were only looking for one person. You had yet to make an appearance. Disappointment hung heavy in his chest.
Tony Stark stood across the way from him. He was chatting to his fans, smiling smugly and relishing in all the attention he was receiving.
If Zemo knew one thing, he wasn't going to let Stark win today. He glares at him as he takes a seat. He sighs. He had hoped you would have come. The thought of you helps cool his thoughts of the other driver.
It won't be long until they are called to the starting lane.
Zemo gets up and grabs his helmet, thinking to make a few last minute checks before they're needed. He would deal with the fact you were a once in a lifetime meeting and get on with the day. The disappointed had settled hard.
He turns his back and was about to make his way to his crew when a voice stopped him.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
He turns around quickly, relieved at the sound of your voice. He grins when his eyes land on you.
"You did, but you're here now. Though, I think you owe me for keeping me waiting."
You smile. "I'm sorry. Getting here was a hassle. I was worried I was going miss the race entirely."
He couldn't stop smiling.
"I'm glad you made it."
The cheering behind you caught your attention. You turned to see Stark climbing into his car. The crowd around him was being asked to disperse.
"I won't let him win today."
You turn to see Zemo looking at you, completely ignoring what's happening behind you.
"He really riles you up, doesn't he?"
"How could you tell?" He asked, not meaning for a reply, but surprised by your response a the same.
"You're clenching your fists and jaw. Is he, like, your enemy?"
Zemo gives a heartless chuckle.
"Something like that."
You stepped closer to him and smiled softly. This closely, he could smell the fragrance you had put on today. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"A good luck charm. I'll be cheering for you."
You're not sure where your bravery had come from, but you wanted to do something to get his mind off Stark. He looked a little surprised, but he looked more smug than that.
"My own little good luck charm? Perhaps things will be different today."
You smile as you step back. The drivers are being called to the start line. Zemo doesn't quite want to leave you yet, but duty calls.
"That's your stand," he says, pointing to the seating area above him. "I'll be back here when the race ends, meet me."
Zemo has someone help you up to your seat in the stands. He gets into his car as you go, looking up once before driving his car over to the start.
You don't take your eyes off his car.
That tense atmosphere seems to fall over the whole racetrack. It was just like last time. Only there was something more here for you. You were here for Zemo this time, at his request.
The silence was thick. All you could hear was your breathing, and then that beautiful sound. Those engines revving. It was as if at that moment you forgot how to breathe.
They were off.
You were already clutching your seat.
You had a little bit of research on Helmut Zemo. He had won a couple of races before, but had never beaten Tony Stark. There was a rivalry there. This had been going on a few months. Zemo was insistent on beating him at least once.
Maybe, just maybe, today will be that day.
Your eyes flick to the screen where the cars will be picked up now they're out of sight. You can feel your stomach dropping as you watch eagerly. Zemo and Stark are once again locked in battle with each other. They are ready so far ahead of the others and you wonder how they do that so fast. You bite your lip as you watch the purple car.
This would mean so much to Zemo if he beat Stark. It would put Tony down a few notches, maybe then he wouldn't be so high and mighty.
You have no idea what happened. It was as if you suddenly zoned back in to the race. Attention brought back to the screen at the sound of screeching tyres.
You tense up.
Luckily no damage had been done, but both Stark and Zemo had spiralled out of control, both cars now facing the wrong way. You could see them on the screen.
The others will catch up soon. They don't have much time to keep their places if they're going to get back into the race.
Stark's car sparks to life. You feel your heart drop as he takes off again.
Zemo cannot get his car to start again.
Banging his hand against the steering wheel he glares after Stark. Another race he will not win. No doubt Tony will have something to say later.
You can only watch as Helmut climbs put of his car and walks off the tracks. All the other cars speed past him. His car won't be crossing the finishing line today.
You don't care about the rest of the race, you leave tour seat and hurry down to the barricade. You would wait for Zemo like you said you would.
He doesn't return to the stop until the race is over, Stark's name being hollered from every direction. He comes over with a hard look on his face, jaw clenched in anger. His helmet was in his hand, hair slightly messy from it's removal.
He stalks over to where you are waiting. He doesn't even look at you as he drops the helmet and sits down, head in his hands.
He doesn't say anything. He just sits there and sighs. Your lucky kiss didn't bring him much luck.
There was no way you could be impressed with his skills after that. He had wanted to impress you today. He had wanted to cross that finish line for you. He failed.
He swears it's Stark's fault they collided like that. Now his team had to go fetch the abandoned car and fix it.
One day. One day he would beat that man.
He lowers his hands and turns his head to the side, looking at you with gentle eyes. He has a little smile on his face, but you could tell he was utterly defeated.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?" You ask, confused by the sudden apology.
"For wasting my lucky charm."
You chuckle softly and sit down on the tarmac by his chair.
"It's not a big deal. I'm just glad you're alright. I know how dangerous this can be."
He nods. People can die in this job.
"You have been doing some research?"
"Yes. I wanted to understand your world better." You look down sheepishly. It felt strange confessing that to him.
"My world is fast," he says, voice dropping in volume.
You both ignore the cheering happening in the distance. Tony was receiving his reward as his team parks his car opposite you.
"I like the fast lane, I found out. I'd like to stay in it a little longer."
Zemo's gaze landed on you.
"Would you like to join me for a drink?" He asks, wanting to take his mind off the race.
"I would love to," you smile up at him.
"Wait for me by the gate, I'll pick you up once I've changed."
You nod and stand up. You make your way to the exit of the racetrack, waiting by the gate. Zemo goes to get out of his racing gear.
As you wait, Stark makes his exit. He spots you, grinning.
"Waiting for someone?"
"Yes," you reply curtly.
"You're wasting your time on him. You know that? Not only is he a danger on the track, but off it too." Tony peered at you over his shades, "consider that a warning."
"I think I can judge him for myself, but thank you."
Tony shrugs and drives off.
The nerve of that man! Granted, he didn't sound he meant ill feelings as he said it, but that fact he even felt the need to say that angered you. Sure, you hadn't known Zemo all that well, and everything you did know you got off the internet, but you felt more than capable to make a judgement yourself.
Tony was out of sight now.
You turned when you heard another car approach. It was a different one from the one he had two weeks ago. You smile as he pulls up in front of you. You climb in.
Zemo drives you both away from the track.
"What happened to the race car?"
"My crew will take it back and look at the damage. I'll check in with them tomorrow. I have some changes to make to it."
"What happens now? I mean, since you didn't cross the line," you ask, wanting to know more.
"I'll be set back a bit, but I'll overcome it. One day I will beat Stark. His winning streak will have to end at some point, and I would very much like to do it before the racing season ends."
"How long do you have?"
"There are three more races before the season ends."
"I believe in you."
For some reason those words set off something inside of him. He glances at you briefly as a smile spreads across his face. Perhaps it was fate that brought you to him. He would like to think that.
Zemo knee exactly where to take you. A good quiet place for drinks.
The bar was nice. Nothing flashy or loud, just a casual place for drinks. Zemo and yourself sat in the back, out of immediate eyesight of everyone else. He wanted to spend this time with you, and only you.
"What else did you learn in your research?" He asks, wanting to kick off the conversation.
"You've only been racing a handful of years, only being racing professional a few months, and yet you're super talented on the track. I had to look up some of the racers, most of which have been racing professionally for years. Yet, you're up there with them," you say, sounding impressed.
"I'm good at what I do, no doubt about that."
"How did you get into racing?"
"I love cars. Back home, I have a collection of classic models. You have only seen two of the cars I own. One day I decided to give racing a go. The thrill that runs through your veins when you're speeding around that track, it is unlike anything I've ever felt before. Adrenaline takes over once your foot is on the pedal. All you see is the track ahead."
You smile as you listen.
"I could get used to going to races."
Zemo looks at you with soft eyes, a smile tugging at his lips.
"I would very much like it if you would."
"I can't guarantee I can be at them all. I have to work too. My job isn't nearly as cool as yours though."
"How about this, for every race you come watch, I take you out for drinks after," he offered.
"Are you... asking me out?"
"Only if you attend the races," he states.
You look down at your drink.
"I'll see what I can do, I suppose."
He chuckles, "I'll take it."
"So, there's only three races left, right?"
"Yes," he confirms.
"You have to win all three to beat Stark this season?"
"Can you do it?"
Zemo looks at you with focused eyes. His lips pulled into a smug grin.
"I'm going to do it."
"When is the next race?"
"Two weeks. They are two weeks apart each."
"Right." You read that online. "What's the plan from here. How do you spend the time between races?"
"Improving. Tomorrow I will meet with my crew and see the damages done to my car. I will do whatever I have to do to get it back in top form. I will improve it and test it. Over and over if I have to. I will beat Stark."
You smile.
"I know you can do it. You can."
"Well, if you keep saying it, then I know I can too," he winks at you. You chuckle and try to hide your smile by sipping your drink.
This was nice. You would get to do this again as long as you attended the rest of the races. You made a silent promise to do whatever you could to attend the remaining races. Work be damned!
When you finished your drink, Zemo drove you back to your hotel. Much like last time, you both lingered in the car before you went inside.
"Would you like to come to the garage tomorrow? I could show you what we do behind the scenes," he offers. If he was being genuinely honest, be just wanted to spend more time with you.
"Sure. I'm free tomorrow, but then I'll have to catch the next train home."
"I'm honoured you went to all the trouble to come see me race again," he smiled.
"You invited me. I wasn't going to pass up the chance to see you again," you blurted out.
You sit there in shock. Zemo looks extremely proud and smug.
"I mean-"
"No, no. Don't say any more," he laughs.
You're a blushing mess as you climb put of his car.
"See you tomorrow then?"
You just nod and head inside, embarrassed beyond belief. You can't believe you said that.
Zemo drives away with a smile.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb
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chiliiscereal · 4 years ago
I hate you
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Daryl’s adopted daughter
Chapter 1
Summary: Diana is a girl on the run in the apocalypse. Her past chases her no matter where she goes. One day, by chance, she meets Daryl Dixon. Thinking she’s a walker, he shoots her and brings her back to their camp. Shane strikes a deal with her: she has to stay for two weeks before she can decide if she wants to stay. But Diana is determined to keep her past in the past, and never make the same mistake again
Season 1 - I’m not sure yet
Diana sat in a circle with her family. Blood dripped down her neck from her lips.
Everything was red.
How could everything have gone so wrong so quickly?
Her eyes never left the blond man she once knew. She watched him as her fury and fear grew louder and louder, echoing off her skull.
That was, until Negan stepped out of the van. He walked about the circle, until his eyes landed on her.
"Fancy seein' you again, Darlin'."
    Rick stumbled into the street, a hospital gown draping his skin. He knew there was something wrong. There was something off. Maybe it was intuition...
  Or maybe it was the woman, chopped in half, chomping her teeth to get at his ankles.
    He rubbed his eyes, the sun glaring right into his vision. It had been a week and a half since the start, and a day since his IV ran dry. It had been even longer since he last saw the sun.
   Where was everyone?
 Why hadn't he waken up to nurses and doctors?
  Or his family's familiar faces?
  He spotted bodies. Bodies walking. Maybe three.
  He couldn't understand... he couldn't understand any of it...
  The light off a gun reflected into his eyes. He blocked it and moved to see where it was coming from.
  The revolver was placed in the holster on the side of a walker. The man... or whatever he was now... shuffled toward Rick.
 He was deathly pale.
  "Sir," Rick's voice cracked, "sir, are you okay?" He held his hand out, trying to make it a comforting gesture to someone possibly in need.
  Edging closer, the man stared at him with hungry dead eyes. His clothes were torn and draped off his skinny frame, his eyes laid sunken in his face.
   "Sir?" He asked again, stumbling back.
   The man growled and advanced further.
   "Are you-?"
   With a blur, the man was down.
  Nearly tripping over his own feet, Rick let out a horrified gasp.
  On the ground was a little girl, around Carl's age, placing her knife in the mans forehead. Her light blond hair, tucked under her baseball cap, clung to her dirty face. The crunch echoed in Ricks head, reverberating off his skull.
 That was the first walker he had ever seen killed.
  She quickly wiped her knife on the walkers shirt and snatched his revolver. She opened the back to check how much ammo was left. Satisfied, she clicked it shut and began patting the double dead man down.
  "W-why did you do that?" Rick found his voice again.
  She leaped back, her bright blue eyes finding his.
   Quickly, she pulled herself up and began to dash away. If Rick hadn't lunged out and caught the back of her shirt she would have disappeared as soon as she apparated into his line of sight.
  "No. You can't leave yet." He spun her around to face him. It was evident how terrified she was. Especially with her eyes as wide as dinner plates and hands clawing at his arm. "Why did you kill that man?"
  She glared at him and wriggled harder. "Man?" She gasped, "that... that wasn't a man!" Her hands fought to unclamp Ricks grip. "That's a Walker! He would have eaten you if I hadn't stopped him!" She grunted with effort. "Didn't even see you. You already look dead."
  "What do you mean by dead?" Rick questioned, holding tighter.
  "Gone. Deceased. vamosed. Perished." With each word she struggled. "Now let me go!"
  Rick was about to question again, when he felt the stitches on his side rip. With a grunt, he let her go and fell to the ground. His hand cupped his side.
  "Please.." he stopped to breathe heavily as the girl watched him warily. "I don't know what's happening. I woke up in the- in the hospital." He glanced down at his side to eye the bleeding. "The sun will be setting soon... and I need help."
The girl glanced at the lowering sun. Tapping her foot, she glowered at the ground. "How can I trust you." It wasn't a question. It was as if she was challenging him to be wrong.
Rick attempted to stand, only to find himself back in the ground. "I was a cop. My job was to protect the people. ALL people. And I like to think I did a good job of that."
She stuck the revolver in her holster (which was clearly stolen based on how big it was). "Prove it."
"I don't have my badge or my hat. That's at my house. But I'm officer Rick Grimes. I've been on the force for seven years. My partner was Shane Walsh. I was in my car when we got a call about a run away car. I was shot in action and hospitalized." His eyes seemed to beg her to help him.
Diana tried to fight the raging war in her head.
She knew better.
She knew to trust no one.
Her father and mother both betrayed her trust.
Why trust again?
But... she could tell when people were lying. All people have tells. Her fathers tell was him avoiding eye contact. He always looked at the ground. For her mother, she always played with her wedding ring.
But this Cop... sheriff... man... was not lying.
He looked her dead in the eye.
"Fine. Come with me." She hadn't known that she was gripping her new revolver until she released it. "I have a place in the sewers. I know... in most movies that's where walkers would be. But how would someone get down there in the first place? You'd have to move the lid." She walked over to Rick and slung his arm over her shoulder to help him stand in any way. "And most walkers," she grunted "are pretty stupid."
"Thank you...for helping me." Rick stated gratefully.
"I have some house rules, you know."
"Name them." He said confidently as they shuffled down the street.
"One: you're gone when you can walk."
"You don't want someone to watch your back?" Rick was surprised. Usually, kids jumped at the chance for safety. The ones he has worked with in cases of violence had immediately decided he was trustworthy.
"the worlds changed. You can't trust people." He noted the grim expression on her face. He wanted to ask why, but he figured it was better to stay silent.
"I'd argue about that, but I'll hear out your other rules." He wrapped his arm around his side again, fingering the broken stitches.
"Two: you do as I say or you die."
"Yes ma'am."
Rick couldn't help but like her spunk. She was serious, but it wasn't much of a threat coming from an eleven year old girl.
"3: ..." she started only to trail off.
She cleared her throat and resituated Ricks arm. "You repay my kindness if we ever cross paths again. I don't care how."
"Was already planning on it." He grinned. He could feel the conversation beginning to die, so he started it back up again. "What's your name, kid?"
She hesitated, eyes staying on the road. "Diana." She spoke softly. "My mother named me after the Roman goddess of the night."
Rick smiled. "Pretty name."
Diana's thoughts drifted to her mother. Her mother with her honey brown hair and warm chocolate eyes. She stopped her thoughts there. "Well... what about you, officer friendly? You got a name?"
Rick laughed. "My names Rick Grimes. I ain't named after the moon goddess, but I think it has a nice ring to it. Don't you?"
She forced down a smile. "Pretty name."
He chuckled. "Well, Diana, I am glad I ran into you."
They arrived at the sewer lid.
"Here we are. I've been camped out here since early yesterday morning." She slipped under Ricks arm and got down to lift the lid. With a couple tries, and an offer from Rick for assistance, she lifted the lid.
She stood up and dusted off her hands. "I'll go down first and scope out the area. Need to make sure it's still clear. Then I'll help you down."
She began her descent.
Rick watched the top of her light haired head fade into the darkness with each step. He briefly thought she would try and make a run for it. Escape through the sewers.
He immediately dismissed it. Why would she waste daylight by helping him? The sound of her footsteps hitting the water at the bottom and echoing as she walked down the tunnels set him on edge.
Especially when they began to fade.
He sat patiently for over ten minutes, watching the sunlight tick by. He looked down into the darkness, listening for any sound. There was nothing... not even a whisper.
Maybe she did leave.
"Alright, Sheriff, get down here! It's clear!" Her voice reverberated loudly from the tunnels so suddenly, that Rick stumbled back.
"I don't have all day! Unless you wanted to be walker chow, get down here!"
Rick chuckled as he began to shuffle his way down the tunnel.
"Any day now, Deputy Fossil!" She shouted.
"Hold your horses, kid." He slowly lowered himself into the dark. He looked down to see where his feet were going to land, spotting the flashlight that Diana held. Her light hazel eyes reflected impatience.
"Nice place." He said, clearly biting back his truth.
"Don't be fake." She said as she kicked at the water. "It smells like a pig ate dirty gym socks, farted, and died."
"I was trying to spare your feelings."
"Don't bother. I'm leaving this place as soon as you're ready."
Rick finally landed on the bottom of the sewer. "You got a place you're headed to?"
Diana shook her head. "No. Just a place I never want to see again."
Rick stopped moving to look at her. "Troubled home life?"
She thought about it and shrugged. "I guess you could call it troubled home life. It was home once. But this apocalypse changes people."
"I'm sorry kid."
"Don't be. That's just life."
Rick opened his mouth to say more, but Diana beat him to it.  
  "Alright, lets move." She motioned for him to follow.
           The place she had holed up in was dryer than most spaces. There were a couple of dirty blankets placed on the ground and a first aid kit. Some batteries were sprinkled on top.
     "You can sit there. I can stitch you back up." Diana pointed at the wall. Their part of the sewer was a dead end so they wouldn't be surprised.
     "Thank you."
Diana hadn't stitched wounds before, but she did well enough.
 Rick tried starting a conversation again but she told him she needed silence to focus.
    "Are you sure you want to travel by yourself?"
  Diana nodded as she packed her things. "Very sure. You're nice and all, but you don't want to travel with me."
 The Georgia sun had risen already and they both were preparing for departure in the street
   "Do you have any family to find?" Rick questioned.
"I already know where they are. And they don't want me either." The girl looked down, avoiding eye contact.
"If we ever meet again, you better give me more details." Rick narrowed his eyes and pointed at her. "I deserve to know more about the little girl who saved me."
"Once a cop always a cop I guess." Diana said slyly. She looked back at him. "What about you? Any family?"
 She eyed a walker down the street but decided it was too far away to pursue.
"I got a son and a wife. My son's your age actually. 11." Rick looked through the neighborhoods. "I don't know where they are, but I'll protect them. They need me."
Diana squinted in the direction he was looking at, seeing nothing. "You'll find them, chief." She patted his shoulder, having to reach up very high.
"It was nice to meet you, Diana." Rick said, a little sad that they were parting. Possibly that he would no longer have company. Maybe that he didn't have enough time to get to know her well. "I don't know if I'll see you again, but you helped me without anything to gain."
Diana scoffed. "I'm not a good kid."
"You're right."
Diana looked up, confused.
"You're one of the best."
She wrinkled her nose at him. "Go. You have people to find."
"From the looks of thangs, so do you."
"I don't have people."
"You'll find them. Just a matter of where and when." He stuck his hand out for her to shake.
She placed a brown bag in his hand instead. "It's for the road. There's batteries, water, a flashlight, food, bandages, antibiotics, and one more thing..." she unbuckled her holster and handed it to him, along with the revolver. "You need these more than I do."
Rick tried to push it back to the little girl. "No I can't take this. You need it."
"No, you do. You're gonna help people, Rick. You're gonna help so many. You gotta find your people." She pushed it back to him. "I'm gonna be fine. I spotted a gun down the road that I'm gonna check out later."
Rick gave her a solemn look before accepting it. "If you can, head to Atlanta. The CDC is near there and there's bound to be survivors."
"I don't need survivors."she rolled her eyes.
"They may need you, kid. Ever think about that?"
She stayed silent for a moment. "Stay safe, sherif fun sponge." She shook his hand, even though he hadn't offered it yet. "I hope we meet again."
"We will." He smiled. "I don't know how or when, but we will. I have a debt to pay."
She wanted to return the smile but couldn't. "I hope you find them."
"You to."
With that, they went separate ways.
Next fifty chapters posted on noandisaidno on wattpad!
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sirenreading · 4 years ago
Paring: Vampire!Ezra x F!reader
Summary: Ezra spent years looking for his lost love whom the Gods promised would return to him.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Word count: 2.3k
Warning: mentions of : blood and death, PIV, unprotected sex, biting, age gap (obviously) , no use of y/n.
A/N: finally able to post this after writing it for a week, was on such a bad writers burn out ugh anyways enjoy! sorry for any mistakes if i missed them while editing! (creds to @/cinewhore for the idea of vampire!ezra) (creds to gif owner)
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You walked down the dark hallways of an unknown castle. Your black floor length dress dragging behind you as you finally see light coming from inside of a room, Quickly making your way in, Your met with a tall man, he's handsome with brown eyes; That stare right into your soul. And a smile showing you his white fangs. You begin to slowly back away as he slowly approaches you. “Don't be scared my love, I have finally found you. This will only hurt for a second.” As he grabs you by the arm, sinking his teeth into your neck.
You awake, Your whole body hot, Sweat coming down your forehead, You try to slow your breathing, throwing the blanket off of you to run to look into the mirror.
No bite marks.
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“Sir Ezra, all the invitations have been sent.” A small voice said, Ezra stood looking out the window of his castle; that sat at the tallest hill a little outside of the village. “Perfect.” He said ”Thank you.” slightly turning his head, waving the maid away. She quickly made her way out before Ezra could change his mind and have her as an evening snack.
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‘You are hereby invited to Sir Ezra’s Masquerade Ball’
You read the small note, Sent to you and every other woman in the town. Sir Ezra threw this party every 20 or so years, Some say out of pure fun, Some think he's searching for something, or someone.
You set the letter down and go hop in the bath to prepare to do your chores. Once you showered and done your hair, You put on a simple dress from your closet and made sure to pack your knife, That your late father gave you for safety.
On your way to the watering hole you saw women and girls of all ages making their way into dress and fabric stores, All getting ready for the ball. You didn't understand why everyone was so excited to meet this man.’ He stayed up in his castle looking down at all of us like ants.’ you thought
You looked up through the trees and could see the dark castle shrouded by fog, Shaking your head as you continued on.
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Ezra sat up in his bed, After dismissing another maid, He barely gave her time to recover before sending her back to her duties. She pulled back on her clothes and whipped the leftover blood on her neck, Before making her way out. Ezra let out a brief sigh, As he stood and retrieved his robe, Wrapping it around his naked body.
He heard three knocks to the door and told them to come in. “How are we this evening Sir?” His butler asked, Obviously asking about the sexual encounter. “She was like the rest of them, Beautiful but, Not her.” Ezra looked out at the midnight sky, looking up to see the stars and the full moon.
“Sir, Your reincarnated love will find her way to you soon, just as the Gods promised; I’m sure of it.” Ezra wasn't sure at this point living as long as he had, Having all the women he had, Throwing ball and the one with the face of his love nowhere to be found. “Sir, The ball is tomorrow, You never know. She may finally turn up.
Ezra turned to him, “I hope you're right.”
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That night you awake from your dream once again, You’d had this dream countless times, Never understanding why or what was happening. You would walk into a room, see the vampire and he would bite you, walking you up. You wanted to understand who this man was, And what he wanted with you.
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Ezra also awakens from a dream or i guess this is more of a nightmare, The same dream he had since his wife, Elizabeta died. He would go off to war not before giving his wife a tender kiss, Telling her he would return, Only to return to his home, With blood all over him, Finding his wife’s deceased body. Picking her up and holding her against his chest as his tears fell, Yelling to the Gods asking why.
Ezra walked into the bathroom running water over his breaded face. He would have to get one of the maids to save it for him later seeing he couldn't do it himself.
The ball a mere hours away, But all Ezra could think about is having to spend eternity without his soulmate, He’d lost her once, But his future foretold him that he would see her face, on another , again. So he was patient.
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You sat as your friend finished putting your hair up in a neat but tight updo. You looked in the mirror at your makeup, the curled lashes along with the dark red lip you had on felt out of place.
“You look perfect.” Your friend said as she finished with your hair. “Thank you.” You gave a small, fake smile. She sighed as she sat next to you. “Ever since I talked you into going to this ball you've been upset, What's wrong?”
“Nothing, I'm just nervous.” You looked down at your gloved hands. “Nervous of what? That Sir Ezra will take a look at you and Fuck you?” you both giggled.
“Of course not, But i've been having these weird dreams, I dont kn-'' Before you could finish you both looked to see her mother knocked at the door, Telling you both the ball begins soon and it was time to make your way up the hill. You both quickly put on your masks and run out the door.
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As you both sat in the carriage your friend arranged for you, You stared out the window, As you gained closer to the castle the fog became more intense, You couldn't barely see, the mask was no help. The carriage made a sudden stop, You both got out hand and hand making your way to the opened door of the castle, Maids in dresses greeted all the guests.
You walked into the open ballroom, The room was crowded with people from your town, and even some who didn't look familiar. Your friend whispered that she was going to find a dance partner and you waved her off trying to not show how nervous you were. Something about this castle felt familiar, you couldn't explain it.
You watched all the people in the ballroom as they began a slow song and slowly stepped away to the garden outside. You found the garden to be peaceful. Hopefully it will help calm your nerves. You walked towards a fountain with a dove on top, the only noise coming from the drips of water.
“It's a beautiful night isn't it.” I deep voice said behind you, You gasped quickly turning to see a man, very tall, you couldn't make out his face, due to the mask that covered his eyes, but he could see his deep brown eyes, and tan skin with a little bit of stubble around his chin and mouth.“I didn't mean to scare you Miss, My apologies.” He nodded, as he was about to walk away. You stopped him.
“It's fine, I j-just very nervous, I couldn't even tell you why, Thought i’d just catch some fresh air.” he nodded understanding “may i?”
He said sitting with you on the bench, The two of you staring up at the sky.
“I also needed a break from the party.” Ezra said, breaking the silence. “No nerves, just tired of waiting.” You looked over at him. Something about him felt so familiar. “Tired of waiting for wha-” Before you could finish, A butler holding a tray, called for the man sitting next to you. Sadly only calling him ‘Sir’ so you didn't catch his name, He politely dismissed himself, telling you to enjoy the party before disappearing back into the castle.
After a few more minutes alone you decided to make your way back into the party.
You felt a sudden shiver go up your spine and cold air went across the back of your neck, You turned to see a dark hallway. Just like the one in your dreams, You turned to see if any other guests were experiencing it too, Only to see everyone dancing, laughing, and getting drunk.
You slowly walk down the hall,’ This is stupid’ You think to yourself, ‘You know how this ends.’
You opened a room far from the party and came face to face with something you’d never seen in your dreams, a painting of a woman, she was wearing a dated dress with her hair down her back in a braid.
You and her were identical, You couldn't believe it. You began to breathe heavily and took steps back to leave the room, before you bumped into the hard chest of someone behind you.
“Hello, mi amor” He said into your ear, You turned to see the man who had been haunting your dreams for a year. You wanted to scream but could barely make one out.
“Mi amor, I've finally found you.” He said, grabbing your face between his cold hands. You tried pulling away but he was too strong.
“Don't be scared. I would never hurt you.” You turned your chin up forcing you to look into his eyes. You noticed the small blonde hair streak. “It’s you.” you said whispered.
“You are just as beautiful.” He was lost in your eyes, he couldn't believe he'd found you after all this time. “As all those years ago.” He leaned in kissing your plump lips, You immediately fell under his spell. His lips had a faint taste of blood, but it didn't bother you. A tear fell from Ezra’s eye, He finally found the woman he would spend eternity with, His soulmate.
Once you two finally broke the kiss, you stared at each other once more before Ezra picked you up, setting you on the bed.
“I'll be back mi amor.” He said giving you one more peck on the lips.
Ezra made his way to the ballroom, whispering to the butlers that everyone was to go home at once and all maids and butlers were dismissed for the night. They nodded and Ezra made his way back to you.
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While Ezra was away you looked around the room, seeing old photos, books all looked hundreds of years old.
You heard the door crick behind you and you slowly turned, Seeing Ezra put a smile on your face, You barely knew the man, But something about him brought you comfort. Ezra noticed you were lost in thought and asked what was on your mind.
“At first when I had all those dreams, I was scared, terrified of what they meant, I thought it was showing me my future… my death. But here with you, I feel safe.”
Ezra smiled down at you “It's because you are her” Pointing to the woman in the painting, “My wife, my soulmate , my Elizabeta. I searched for hundreds of years to find you, I almost gave up, I was told by the Gods, If I continued to search I would find you.” He stood looking at the painting.
“And I did.” He turned to you making his way towards you.
Taking your lips once more, Your hands tangled in his hair as he picked you up placing you on the edge of the bed. He began to unbutton his dress shirt, leaving him in only his dress pants.
He took in his chest, Everything about him was so familiar and perfect.
“Mi amor, May I?” Asking permission to remove your dress, You nodded eagerly. He unzipped the dress, letting it drop to your hips, before pulling it completely off, leaving you in a bralette and panties. He finished undressing himself , and crawled onto the bed to unhook your bra, throwing it across the room.
“May I taste you, mi amor?” He asked already sinking to his knees, you eagerly shook your head yes, He began trailing kissing from your foot all the way to you thighs, stopping before he got to your core, and slowly sank his fangs into them, you threw back your head in pleasure, you’d been nervous it would be painful but he’s taken all your worry away.
He licked the leaking  blood before moving onto your folds, he lapped at them, drinking your juices before taking his fingers and slowly fucking them into you, spreading your lips apart and attacking your clit as he did so. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you ran your fingers through his soft hair. You told him you were close, he immediately crawled up to meet you face to face, “We're going to come together.”
Ezra kissed you as he slowly sank himself into you, you moaned allowing him to sneak his tongue into your mouth--His hands grabbed at the flesh on your hips roughly. “I've waited a thousand years for this mi amor.” He said as his hips barred into you, With his precise movements he lifted your thighs, “I could show you so many things.” trying to get himself deeper. “Just one bite and we can have eternity.” he said into your ear, the heat from his voice attacking your neck.
You were writhing beneath him. You were so close. “Ezra” you barely made out, your breath shaky. He starts applying sloppy thrusts as he tries to ride out his orgasm , you could hear the moans slipping from his lips into your ear, his warm breath behind your neck. Your hands gripping the white stain sheets on the bed.
“Mark me , Ezra.” You finally make out with a shaky voice, Ezra takes a quick look deep into your eyes, still deep inside of you, asking once again for permission to bite you and make you one of him. You nodded as well as you could before he sunk his teeth into your neck, making you let out a moan as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “ Te quiero mi amor, now we have eternity.”
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miss-smutty · 4 years ago
Forbidden - Chapter 2
Summary- Jess couldn't stop thinking about the guy she'd met in the coffee shop, he was drop dead gorgeous, mature and everything she's always wanted but how would she find him again when she didn't even know his name?
Word count- 3.1K
Pairing- Prof!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, slight smut talk
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 13th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
Chapter 1
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The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again.
If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
"Morning, you feeling any better?" Ellie was awake before me as usual, she spent hours getting ready in the morning and was now sat at her desk finishing her make up.
"I suppose, can't beat myself up forever can I?" I was more the get up and go kind of girl, I could never understand why she'd take hours getting ready just to go to class but I suppose you never know who you're going to bump into.
"No you can not. Not when there's literally thousands of guys here to take your pick of." 
"Psh!" I finally pull myself out of bed after thinking about the thought of possibly bumping into my hunk again I changed my mind about making myself a little more presentable.
"What d'ya mean psh?" Ellie turns to look at you, her mascara wand in her hand and only one eye made up, she looked ridiculous. How could you take her seriously looking like that? 
"I mean I'm not interested in these childish boys anymore El, I want a man." 
"Fuck me, you spoke to the guy for two minutes and already you're acting like you've lost the love of your life." Wow, that hurt a little.
"I didn't say I was talking about him although it would be nice. I just meant I'm sick of playing all these childish games and never knowing where I stand. Don't you get sick of being the one who always falls deeper? Getting messed about and then being the one who's left hurt?" I joined her at the desk, putting on a little mascara and eyeliner. "I want a man who knows what he wants and treats me better. Don't you?"
"Well shit, when you put it like that I can't argue with you. It would be nice, hey I wonder if Mr Aussie has a brother?" She waggles her eyebrows at me, making me laugh. "I gotta go babe, what class you got?" 
"My first Comms class this morning." I did not sound excited at the prospect because I really wasn't. I'd put it off in freshman and sophomore years but thought I better get it over and done with before my senior year.
"Oh really? I didn't know you'd taken that class. I heard a load of seniors talking the other day and apparently the Professor is drop dead gorgeous. I was thinking about taking it up too just to see what all the fuss was about." 
"Well that should make the class a lot more interesting, maybe it isn't going to be as bad as I thought."
"See, every cloud and all that. See you tonight, fancy the bar?" She shouts over her shoulder as she walks towards the door.
"Sounds good, see you later."
I looked over my outfit I'd already chosen for the day, just some jeans and a plain t-shirt and realised it wouldn't do. Not when there's the prospect of a hot Professor to impress. My wardrobe desperately needed an update, especially now I was focused on finding myself a man and not one of these easily pleased college boys, that were happy with anything as long as I showed a bit of leg and tits. I settled with some tight black jeans with a black, lace-rimmed, cami body suit and a cute little cream, cropped blazer to finish it off. It made me feel confident when I checked myself out in the mirror and if I do say so myself I looked smoking hot. I checked the time on my phone, realising I was going to be late I quickly ran the curling tongs through the ends of my long blonde hair before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the door.
In the hopes of catching the eye of this new professor I'd completely forgotten about the hottie from the coffee shop, which was probably a good thing, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again. I kind of wished I would though, especially when I was looking and feeling this great but hey, on to bigger and better prospects.
I thought that being late would mean I'd be stuck with a lame choice of desk in class but luckily the back row was practically empty and I could hide in the corner of the lecture theatre. I laughed to myself when I realised that practically all the girls were occupying the front desks, obviously they'd heard the rumours too.
I pushed my hair behind my ears and fumbled in my bag for my pen and notepad, when I glanced to the door and caught the eyes of a student I hadn't seen before. I couldn't deny how attractive he was, with his bright blue eyes and floppy hair, oh and that smile. Wow! He smiled brightly at me as he made his way to the back of the class, his eyes glinting, shining like diamonds as he ignored the whispers from the girls at the front. The whole row of desks were free so when he chose the desk right next to me, my stomach fluttered.
I kept my eyes on my notepad, doodling on the front cover so as to avoid that eye contact with him again. I could see a cheeky glint in his eyes and I'd learnt from experience what that meant, trouble. I wasn't ready to get myself back into a situation like that again.
My eyes shot to the front as I heard the room erupt into wolf whistles, the girls at the front giggling and whispering to each other, I rolled my eyes at them, how embarrassing. 
Then I realised what all the fuss was about and my heart almost stopped beating, thudding against my chest at an alarming rate. How is this even possible? How the fuck could he be a professor? Surely he's not old enough. Oh fuck.
I sank lower in my chair, willing the ground to just swallow me up or maybe if I got low enough I would escape his notice. No such luck, his eyes scanned the class and when they fell on mine, his face lit up with anger? No not anger. A hunger. His eyes scanned my body, falling over my hair and down to my cleavage. I felt hot under his gaze, was I blushing? Sweating? Oh god, I've never wished for class to be over so much in my life.
My professor was the guy I'd been shamelessly flirting with in the coffee shop. I don't understand how this could be real, I know I wanted to bump into him again but this is such a cruel twist of fate. I'd never even suspected him to be a professor, he was so damn thick and muscly. The clothes he wore were so stylish and he looked way too young to be a professor. He must be so embarrassed that he'd been flirting with a student, I definitely was embarrassed that I'd been flirting with a professor.
I was so panicked, I didn't have a clue what to do in this situation. Squirming in my seat, trying to look anywhere but at the Professor but I could feel his eyes on me as he prepared for the class to start. People were still whispering amongst themselves and I risked a glance in his direction, that made me bite on to my lip to stop myself from screeching. His eyes were still on me, subtly glancing up from the pile of paper he'd just taken out of his bag, his eyebrows furrowed as he studied me. He certainly didn't look embarrassed infact he looked downright feral and the thought of it made my pussy clench, so much so I had to cross my legs under the table.
"I guess you're obsessed with this new Professor too, huh?" The guy next to me leant across his desk to whisper and fuck me if I wasn't imagining it but he was Australian too. Like have we just suddenly had a huge delivery of hot Australian guys arrive at the University? This was just downright unfair, how was I meant to cope?
"No, what makes you say that?" Why did I ask that question? Like it wasn't obvious how much I was sweating and squirming in my seat. Luckily he didn't have time to answer when my eyes were drawn back to the professor as he stood at the front of the class with his hands casually in his pockets and cleared his throat to get our attention.
If I wasn't mistaken, now he looked angry, the muscles in his neck more prominent as he glared between me and the guy next to me.
Was he angry that my attention had been taken away from him and was on another guy? Or because we were talking when we should've been paying attention?
"Now I've got your attention, we're going to use our first session to get to know each other a little better. You'll be doing quite a lot of speeches so it's best if you feel comfortable with one another. I'll start by introducing myself." That sexy accent makes me sweat even more, nevermind the fact that his eyes keep finding their way back to me. "So, I'm Professor Hemsworth and I'm originally from Melbourne in Australia." His eyes meet mine again, a knowing look in them.
"G'day mate." Some idiot from the back shouted, making everyone laugh and I couldn't help but join in a little. Professor Hemsworth smiled at the joke, his eyes creasing in the corners and his smile growing wider when he looked to me and saw me giggling.
"Yeah, very original. Alright, alight, settle down now." His voice is so commanding and authoritive, it's such a turn on. "So, I haven't been here for very long and I'm still getting used to how different things are here. The weather for one." He earned a couple of laughs from people. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he was so mesmerizing. The way his face animated as he spoke, his eyebrows raising and lips curling.
"I was going to ask you all to go easy on me but that's not going to happen is it?" He got a couple of head shakes and sympathetic looks from the girls. "No, I thought not. Well now it's my turn to torture you. I'll start alphabetically, stand up and tell everyone something about yourself." I swallowed back my fear, this is the reason I'd put off this class until now and as if it wasn't hard enough talking in front of a whole class I now had to do it in front of Professor Hemsworth too.
"Claire Abbott." Fuck. He'd started, at least my name would be one of the last ones.
"Hi I'm Claire." The tall blonde at the front stood up, twirling her hair around her finger and giggling like a child. I rolled my eyes at her and caught the Professor smirk in my direction. "I erm… I don't know what to say?" She looks up at the Professor questioningly.
"Just anything about yourself that we might find interesting, the first thing that comes to mind." He replied.
"Well I own four horses and I'm the cheer captain." I rolled my eyes again, scoffing quietly and Professor Hemsworth had to hold in a laugh as he looked in my direction.
"Talk about predictable." The guy next to me leaned over to whisper to me again.
"Totally." I laughed back at him and when I looked back at the Professor he was glaring straight at us again, his face set sternly.
"You two at the back, we'll wait for you shall we?" Professor Hemsworth said sternly, everyone turned around to look at us but I barely noticed, I was too focused on the way his stern voice made my cunt flutter when he called me out.
I didn't speak for the rest of the class, although I had the urge to, just to hear the way his voice sounded when he was angry. I couldn't concentrate on what the other students were saying, too focused on watching the way the Professor's face changed everytime he looked my way, which was pretty often, to my suprise.
"Jake Hudson." In my peripheral, I saw the guy next to me stand and when he did, Professor Hemsworth's eyes narrowed.
"Hi I'm Jake." He pushed his hands in to his pockets cooly, glancing at me as he did. "I'm also from Australia." He looked at the professor slyly, a smirk forming on his lips, laughing at the other students shouting G'day mate. "I was forced to move here but I'm glad I did because I've just met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The class burst into rounds of whistles and cheers as Jake sat down, smiling at me cockily. I could feel my cheeks blushing, I was flattered, he was absolutely gorgeous but hadn't I sworn of boys my own age?
Professor Hemsworth looked even more angry now as he loosened his tie a little, that black tie that draws my view down, like a arrow pointing straight to his cock. I tried to keep my eyes down on my desk, doodling in my notebook so I could avoid that hungry gaze, anxiously waiting for my turn. What the hell was I going to say?
"Jessica Watson." Shit. I stood slowly, trying to give myself more time to think, I couldn't stand everyone's eyes being on me especially the Professors and Jakes.
"Hey, I'm Jessica." I smiled nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear. "These last couple of days have been pretty eventful for me." I looked away from the chalk board so I could search Professor Hemsworth's face. "I'm living the life of a romance novels heroine and I'm excited to see what the next couple of days bring." I sat down keeping the gaze of the professor, I'd forgotten I was in a room full of people until I heard the ooh's and ahh's and my cheeks turned scarlet. The Professor's eyes glowed with heat as he watched me sit down before shaking his head and turning back to the class. Jake also caught my eye as I sat back at my desk, my cheeks still burning, he smiled at me, the kind of smile that crinkles your eyes. I felt kind of bad that he probably thought I was talking about him when in fact I was talking about our professor.
"I hope we all feel a bit more comfortable with each other now, some of you shared some pretty revealing things." He looked at me again. "Some of you, not so much." He raised his eyebrows at a group of guys. "I'll have a schedule for you all next time I see you, anybody that has any questions can see me after class, everyone else is free to leave." His eyes scanned me as he turned around to sit at his desk, I watched a couple of girls approach him predictably.
"Are you going to the party at our frat this weekend?" I had to reluctantly pull my eyes away from the Professor while Jake spoke, so he was a Alpha Kappa, not surprising really.
"Yeah, I think so. My roommate mentioned it."
"Oh good, I'll see you there then. Jessica." He smiled, standing from his seat.
"Jess." I corrected him. I hated being called Jessica, it was so formal.
"Well Jess, I'll see you around." He winked at me as he pulled his backpack on to his shoulder.
There were still a couple of girls taking up the Professor's attention and I wasn't sure yet whether I wanted to sneak past or wait to speak to him. I thought about it for a minute my fingertips drumming against my desk when the girls left and he was alone. As soon as the door closed, his gaze was on me and I could hear the silence in the room like a ringing in my ears. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, staring at each other, no one saying a word until her cleared his throat. I blinked a couple of times, realising how stupid I must look before getting up from my seat and packing my things away.
"Did you need to talk Miss Watson?" I could hear amusement in his voice as he sat back on his desk casually, his arms folded across his chest.
"I erm…" I walked towards him, my legs feeling like jelly all of sudden and trying not to fall down the stairs. "I wanted to apologise, I had no idea you were a Professor." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I didn't know what to do with myself but I was nervous about getting closer to him. He made the atmosphere feel tense, like if I was to reach out and touch him I would burn my fingers so I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the steps.
"There's no need to apologise Miss Watson, I also had no idea you were a student but I was hoping to bump into you again. Funny how things work out isn't it?" He cocked his eyebrow at me, still looking amused as he watched me squirm. When he said he'd been hoping to bump into me again it made me feel more confident, like I wasn't imagining the way he'd been looking at me for the last hour.
"I think fate can be rather cruel Professor Hemsworth." I smiled at him as I finally closed the distance between us, watching his eyes flare with hunger when I called him Professor.
"Oh really? Why is that Miss Watson?" His eyes narrowed, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as I got close enough to touch him, I didn't though. I didn't dare break that boundary, not yet.
I smiled at him through my lashes, biting on to my lip. "I was hoping to bump into you again too, only now the thought of what could've happened will have to remain a fantasy." Wow! I was not expecting that, did I sound like a slut? Shit. I looked back up at him and caught him gulp, that hunger in his eyes shining, his pupils blown with lust, he loosened his tie even more and I caught a glimpse of his smooth chest and chickened out. The tension was way too much and I was about to do something I was going to regret, I could live with being a huge tease instead.
"I better get to my next class, we can't have anyone thinking I'm your favourite now can we?" I smiled to myself when I noticed the muscles in his jaw tense as he ground his teeth together. Turning to leave I looked back over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my hips, watching them sway as I walked and I realised I had him exactly where I wanted him but was it worth the risk?
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aetheternity · 4 years ago
I'll admit it's exciting. (Armin x reader)
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Synopsis: Being your professor's dirty little secret. His pet.. Sounded too good to refuse.
Warning: Smut in the later chapters! 18+ only
"Good girl.." Your lip tucked itself beneath your tooth. Spine tingling at the intoxicating scent surrounding you.
You coaxed a breath off your lips as the almost inaudible creak of the desk under your professors weight made you sit up straight. His arms locking you in place.
You looked into his soft blue eyes feeling a tinge of entrapment at the way he had you locked in.
"Do you understand now?" His surprisingly large hands caressed your shoulder.
"Y-yeah." If you could see your own face you'd probably be embarrassed but you were currently helpless to the tiny bits of touch he allowed you.
Your elbows pushed you up just a little bit closer to his chest. His touch disappearing too soon.
"I think you'll be ready for the test in a couple days." And suddenly every bit of him was walking away and back to sit at his desk. "You should still study though. This stuff has been difficult for you."
The tip of your nail stayed fidgeting between your lips.
Words flew through your brain but it all continued to just be flushed straight out again.
"Y/N!" The book flew from your grasp landing with a clatter that attracted glances from all angles.
"Are you alright Y/N?" Eren asked, concern etched into his deep sapphire eyes.
You let out a harsh exhale. "I was, until Sasha stopped my heart." You held a palm up to your chest, glaring over at Sasha.
Mikasa blinked boredom sunk into her features. Her cheeks forced into the palms of her hands as her elbows stayed firmly planted into the table. "New class?"
You nodded, shutting your binder before promptly flipping it open again.
"You'll be fine." She muttered, staring at you with her own version of concern.
"How can you say that? I had to transfer from a different class a month after the semester already started. You know how much stuff I've already missed! Not to mention I had originally thought this class was gonna be next semester me's problem." With a groan you let your head flop harshly onto the mildly sticky table in front of you.
"I think what Mikasa was trying to suggest was that Mr. Arlert has always been said to be a very gentle and caring professor." Sasha said
"You can always take office hours if you really have a hard time." Eren suggested
"Thanks Eren, but I think you're forgetting that I hate doing anything outside of class that won't immediately get me a passing grade."
Eren just shrugged, moving to stuff his notebooks into his own bag. All of them genuinely looking as though he'd just reused them from high school. Each one with a rip in the first page or the spiral unraveling.
"Welp it's 2:00." Sasha reminded you. And you groaned so loud you could practically feel the stares from other tables touching your soul.
"Maybe I'll fall down the stairs and break my ankle before I get up there." You slung your bag onto your shoulder hanging your head as you walked off.
"I'll have your favorite donuts in my room after you get out!" Sasha called
"You should've started with that!"
You made the walk so much longer by dragging your feet up every stair individually and rubbing a finger to your temple. So much so that it surprised you when you walked into the classroom and no one was in there except..
"Oh hello."
So so very hot..
His smile sparkled only futher brightened by his deep blue eyes. His short blond hair parted slightly over his forehead. His blue button up was cuffed up against his forearms revealing a very slender but still fairly muscular set of hands. He probably had a nice chest too.
"You must be Y/N." He chuckled and before you could reassociate he was giving you a whole new list of things to think about as he bent over his desk to retrieve a piece of paper.
"Here's the syllabus. You're starting kinda late so it will be helpful to you to come to office hours. My office hours are at the bottom here." When he reached forward to point his scent caught you by surprise. A sweet almost fruit like smell wafted up your nose. "I hope you'll catch on quickly. Sit wherever you'd like."
His remark barely registered in your mind, your mouth hung open immediately slamming shut as the class quickly began to fill.
Before you could get swept up by the people flooding into the room you made your way to the front plopping down into the seat closest to the window. When you looked up again from where you'd yanked your binder almost haphazardly out of your bag, you caught the quickest wink you'd ever seen in your entire life.
Or maybe it was your imagination.
But the way he leaned a little closer when he approached you wasn't.
"Front row? Good choice."
Regardless of the heart problems he'd recently caused you he was moving on. Quickly silencing the class and starting the lesson.
The only thought racing through your head.
Hot. Hot. Hot..
He was pretty! When he turned off the light his eyes didn't dull in the almost blinding way in which they shone. His hair fluttered over his forehead and ears and his shirt seemed to hug his chest tighter every time he reached up to turn off the projector or even just to reach a high spot on the board.
You already knew everything from today was going in one ear and out the other but it was really hard to give a damn when your professor's pants cupped his ass they way they did. His dark shoes clicked across the floor and-
"Do you understand any of it? I know it's your first day."
You blinked up at him hoping your eyes weren't as wide as they felt or that you weren't popping your mouth open and close like a suffocating fish.
He smiled, flipping the paper on the desk around till it faced him. "Can I?" He reached for the tip of your pen and as you let it go your fingers brushed in probably the strongest current of static that had ever touched your body.
"Don't worry ok this is just a practice test I wanna see what you know." He said, leaving a couple marks on the paper. He then pointed to the two empty test questions. "Don't leave anything blank ok."
This time when he walked away you were without a doubt certain he'd winked. When you looked down at your paper again you could see 3 checks on the paper in the light blue ink you were using and a little smiley face in the corner.
Your chest honestly had no right fluttering the way it did over something so trivial.
The class was only an hour and forty minutes but when it was over you felt like you'd only been seated there for ten minutes. When you handed the test paper back he sent you one final wink that made your knees buckle.
"See you next time." He said and you had to forcibly stop yourself from shuttering.
You half speed walked half ran out of there as soon as his classroom door had shut behind you. All the way to Sasha's dorm room.
You slammed it open already knowing Sasha only kept it locked when she wasn't in there. Your chest was heaving and you held onto the door frame for support. Noticing the immediate and visible flinch from Eren and Sasha.
"He's. Hot!!" You gasped for air before walking in and sinking to the floor in front of Sasha. She didn't budge as you fell against her shoulder just wrapped an arm around your shoulders hugging your back. "Oh god he's so hot.." You breathed into Sasha's collarbone.
"Looks like she did learn something." Eren muttered
"No! You don't understand he's like so pretty!"
Mikasa didn't even try to hide the way she rolled her eyes and Eren just sighed.
"Aww you've got a crush on your professor that's adorable." Sasha said, reaching into the box next to her, grabbing your favorite donut she pushed it into your open mouth pulling it back slightly to allow you to chew.
You sobbed a little before sighing and falling back into Sasha's neck. "What the hell am I gonna do?" You sighed
"Focus on passing the class is probably the first step." Eren replied
"Now you're just being silly." You replied, rubbing your fingers into the floor.
Sasha brought the donut back up to your lips smiling as you took another bite. "I wanna see him now! Isn't he the really young professor? Like he's supposedly only twenty five as of recently and got hired less than a year ago."
"Yeah.." You quickly put your password into your phone, turning the screen so Sasha could see.
Mikasa and Eren scooted closer as Sasha took a closer look. "He is pretty." Mikasa was the first to speak.
"Why do you just have his picture pulled up? How're you already being creepy?" Eren questioned
You scoffed, "I just happened to be looking on Instagram during a quick bathroom trip.. and I just so happened to look for him.. it's his fault for making it easy." You snatched the donut from Sasha taking a bigger bite.
"Yeah no I agree with Eren this is cree- AW HE HAS A DOG!" Sasha snatched the phone zooming in on the puppy in his lap.
"Actually it's his family's dog. Her name's Pumpkin and he goes home as often as possible to see her. A small two hour train ride to be exact." You sigh briefly "I've never really liked Terriers as a dog breed but that one's so cute.."
"Is the dog cute or is it the guy holding her?" Mikasa questioned with a little smirk.
"Not helping Mikasa.." Eren interjected "What are you even thinking? No matter if you like professor Arlert or not he has to keep it professional and so do you."
"Eren, look at the puppy." You took your phone from Sasha turning the screen back to face him.
He glanced down at the image then back into your eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"Creepy!" He pressed the power button on your phone and you deflated against Sasha's legs letting your phone turn over onto its face.
"I'll never understand why you don't go for a degree in hacking or something the way you always manage to pull up information on people." Mikasa shook her head.
"Probably going to be stuck with more math classes for one and secondly when I become a supervillain I don't need everyone knowing it was apart of my major." You replied, with an exaggerated eye roll.
Sasha shrugged, "If it was your major I'm pretty sure everyone would understand your descent into madness."
"I can't believe you just said that.." Eren groaned, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
"Me or her?" You asked
Thursday came too soon. Or maybe you should say, finally Thursday is here! You jumped back and forth between the two but by the time you slid into the honestly uncomfortable classroom seat and placed your bag between your legs you knew exactly what you felt.
"Professor!" A female's voice caught your attention and you turned slightly to see a short brown haired girl running into the classroom.
"You were right about what I was missing! Once I applied what we talked about in office hours it became so simple."
"That's what I like to hear Petra." He winked as he flipped through a stack of papers on his desk.
Wait, had he always done that to all the students or had you just not noticed last time? You felt your shoulders hunch but they were instantly picking back up again as he slid a piece of paper onto your desk.
"You did pretty well on that practice test. Seems like you'll be up to speed in no time." He smiled, a deep warm smile that made your stomach squeeze.
Your lips curled upwards and you quickly moved to hide it behind your paper as he walked away.
"You too huh?"
You felt your skin practically vibrate but you hoped and prayed it wasn't too noticeable.
"Wh-what?" You glanced over at the girl Petra who sat only one desk away from you. Her features flat and her eyes dark in the middle an almost scary contrast from earlier.
"You're into him too?" She muttered
Was it that obvious? Stupid question. How could you be so obvious?
"I don't think you'll win out." She continued and before you could question it, she pointed to the back row.
It seemed almost like a tussle as Mr. Arlert was being held hostage by another young female holding his hand. He smiled mildly awkwardly as he spoke with her, nodding his head to everything her and the other girls surrounding her said. The first girl running a thumb over the back of his hand.
You felt your skin prickle and you exhaled loudly. "So.. I'm guessing you too.."
Petra blinked at you then quickly shifted around in her seat. Mr. Arlert quickly approached the front of the room clapping to get the classes attention. And with that the lesson was beginning.
You noticed from the clap at the beginning of class to the last word uttered that not one word in Mr. Arlert's lesson had actually registered in your mind. Your thoughts too full of Petra's words, her blank almost villainous expression as she'd talked.
And that girl's hand. That annoying girl in the back row. You peeked your head back there looking at the now empty chair. In fact the entire classroom was empty and had been for at least 15 minutes since you continued to struggle with stuffing your binder back into your apparently shrunken bag.
"Need help?"
You bit your lip and looked away as he came closer. You weren't really standing up straight but you immediately noticed the way he towered over you. His fingers so delicate in the way they brushed over yours sliding the irritating object into the confines of your bag.
"Thank you.." You whispered
He chuckled, "No problem, happy to help."
His eyes didn't leave yours for an almost uncomfortable amount of time so you shifted your feet backing away a little. He seemed to notice and placed a hand on the back of his neck, backing up himself.
Oh no. Now he was getting uncomfortable.
He made his way back over to his desk but not before you'd slipped in something to ease the tension. "Sorry for over staying my welcome.."
He let out a soft chuckle. "You're not bothering me plus there are no classes in here for two hours after mine on Thursday. You can stay as long as you'd like."
"O-oh." You face palmed internally at your stupid reply. "So.." You began again. "Do you mind if I asked you how you're such a young professor.."
His eyes flickered up from the work he'd been filling out. "Well, I skipped a couple grades and I was in college by 15. I'm actually still in college now but I was an assistant teacher at 18 for about three years for a high school a couple blocks from here before I became a full fledged teacher and then I worked at the same school as a teacher for three more years before I finally left and started teaching here."
It should've been obvious from the start that he'd worked tireless hours of school to get here at such a young age. Not to mention probably having worked just as hard in the gym. He'd only leaned back a little bit in his chair but it was enough for you to have a perfect mental image.
Your eyes flicked up to his much softer more.. Arlert like smile? Maybe? It just felt like the kind of smile he'd give a friend and less like the smile he used in the classroom. Not that that one felt fake, just.. different.
"Do you.. I mean.. have you always had girls?.." His eyebrows scrunched as you spoke. You pointed to the back of the classroom. "You're young I mean, do girls always touch you like that?"
He blinked up at the ceiling then back down to you. Your breath hitched as he pulled himself up from the desk walking closer to you.
"As soon as they find out I'm not that much older than them? Yeah."
You probably should've stopped but your brain was suddenly working independently. "Does it?.. Do you like that kind of attention?"
He sat down on the desk crossing his arms over his chest and his leg over his knee. He spoke his head. "Not normally no."
He stood again but this time he stopped directly in front of you. Sharp blue eyes cold and yet warm and vibrant. The desk creaked under your weight as you leaned back into it. His hands at your sides, his breath tickling your upper lip.
His thumb came up to graze your cheek but was quickly removed and planted back on the desk. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded way too eagerly and-
So so so much softer than you'd even thought imaginable. His nose rubbed against yours and he was pulling away. Too soon.
You grabbed the back of his neck, yanking him back to you. Immediately delighted by the warm touch of his pretty pink lips.
He pulled back and you yanked him forward. Over and over again with soft peppered kisses. And then one slightly longer one where he was comfortably mushing his lips against yours.
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