#I've never fallen in love with a plucky child sidekick so completely
adh-d2 · 6 months
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Can we take a moment to appreciate the outstanding work Michelle Ang is doing as Omega this season?
She's been knocking it out of the park every episode, but this scene in particular just floored me. The way she delivered "you've missed a lot". There's no accusation in it. No guilt or anger or bitterness. It's just...a morally neutral statement that somehow still carries the weight of how much it means that he was gone for so long. And how much it means that he's come back.
I like to think we got a glimpse here of what adult Omega will look like someday. All of that childlike optimism channeled into serenity.
I don't care exactly what her M-count status means, our girl would make a fantastic jedi.
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