#I've gotten too attached to this critter. he's a very fun one
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decided to use the beta event to make a mockup of Ruju's appearance as an actual Commander and snap some fun screens. there he's an elementalist (tempest) instead of a necromancer (reaper) and went to the College of Dynamics instead of Synergetics.
despite Ruju's arrogant beginnings, the Infinity Ball incident is a major wakeup call for him-- causing the reckless young asura to reflect on what he really wants out of life and what impact he wants to have on the world. Ruju might not be the ideal leader, fierce and headstrong with a fiery temper and frequently unstable magic, but he's determined to help build a better future than the one he saw.
someday he'll deserve the trust they've invested in him, and he's going to keep on working towards that goal until it's true.
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