#I've definitely missed some but these are just what came to the forefront of my mind
cameliawrites · 3 months
jealousy and kanej fic recs?<3 (although we know kaz and Inej would never be possessive of each other in the sense that they both know they don't own each other and are free persons with individual wants and needs, and they would never impose their insecurities on the other in the sense that-) (you get what i mean)
Hahaha I love the way you phrased this question. Here, have some jealous kanej fic recs, conveniently sorted into 3 categories for you: jealous Kaz, jealous Inej, and "everybody's fucking feral here."
Jealous Kaz:
1. turning saints into the sea by terribletruths (rated T, 10k words):
"You’re Kaz Brekker ?" He repeated with dawning horror. Brekker glanced at Inej, something faintly like amusement in his expression. “Oh, look, I must be famous in Ravka after all.” “No you’re not, shut up.” Inej said. "You're a monster!” Vanya protested. “Thank you.” Brekker said. 
2. have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways by redbrunja (rated T, 1k words):
He wrote his parents twice weekly, laughed often, and was utterly devoted to Inej. Kaz loathed the man.
3. someone to watch over me by @cameliawrites (rated T, 6.5k words) (it's shameless self-promo but it is literally tagged "jealous Kaz Brekker" ok???):
Inej frowned at him. “Did you threaten him with something?” “Why would I need to?” Kaz bit, gloved fist tightening around a dinner knife, but then seemed to collect himself, dropping the cutlery and clearing his throat. “Your roasted goose is getting cold, dearest Inej, and we wouldn’t want to appear anything less than the consummate guests, would we?”
4. Samples by @anonniemousefics (rated T, 3.5k words, modern AU):
Oh, God. Kaz was suddenly having a realization, right there in the middle of counting his cards. Oh, God.  He was jealous of Matthias Helvar. Oh, this sucked.
Jealous Inej:
1. duplicitous by @desidarling123 (rated G, 2k words):
“And he's keeping her at a firm distance.” Jesper counters, though he feels far less confident in that assertion than he ordinarily would. “Don’t worry. He knows how to do this.” Inej stills at that. Evidently, the wrong thing to say. “You mean, he did this to other people?”
2. The Cut of Her Jib by @teacup-tyrant (rated G, 7k words):
“Welcome to Zierfoort,” she said, stretching out a hand to shake Inej's and beginning to spew a well-rehearsed pitch. “I'm Imogen and I'll be taking care of your fees today. Can I get an overview of your cargo weight and value, and the length of stay you'll need at our harbor?”
everybody's fucking feral here:
1. come to me in red by @alltheworldsinmyhead, @whatanybodygets (rated M, 43k words):
Inej closes her eyes, grimacing as if in pain. “It seems that my parents have announced my intention to select a husband this midsummer.” Kaz blinks at her for one long, drawn out moment, head perfectly empty of thought, and then he says, “I beg your pardon?”
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miraiq · 3 months
repost, do not reblog this
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NAME: Prince/Jehr/PJ. PJ is just a combo of the two alias' first letters. Jehr was my original when I first started out using aliases ever, which was created for me by my best friend at the time. I slowly tried to make a new alias for other muses I wanted to write without having them be associated with me-- for some reason? Wanted to hide or start fresh or something I guess? Same friend also made me take a HomeStuck quiz to get my... uh... vibe? I don't recall what it was, but the answer was Prince of the Light and I used that as my personal url for years, so I actually took the newer alias from that.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is the fastest way to get responses from me, simply because the app is always logged in on my phone and pc, while tumblr is only logged in to my personal tumblr via my phone. Any mutuals that would like to add me on Discord: princem0n
NAME OF MUSE(s): For my sanity, google doc for full list. Otherwise, main/actively in use muses: Severa/Selena(FE), Caelus(HSR), Serval(HSR), Kyo(Fruits Basket)
BEST EXPERIENCE: To be perfectly honest shit-posting/memes are always a welcome relief and the best way to destress. I recall previously that myself and group of fellow hooligans would constantly make photoshop edits of stupid things that would go around on the dash. Example(s) of something(s) I made during that time:
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But I also really enjoyed being able to deep dive into characters relations and how they worked against or with each other. Especially when it came to characters who didn't have their entire story brought to the forefront, like most videogame characters. You don't get to see the behind the scenes stuff with them, most the time, so it's fun to see how they could have gone about or reacted to different situations/after the fact/how it affected them.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Lack of communication. Sometimes I forget things, so I'll typically come ask for an answer or reconfirming that I didn't miss something or misinterpret anything. If there is an issue, I am begging, please just approach me. I often will do this if I have a problem, all I ask is the same in return. I can't stand constantly being left on read, especially when trying to discuss stuff plot related. We can't be on the same page if we don't have conversations going BOTH WAYS.
Other than that I'm pretty relaxed. I, as a slow writer, won't hound people practically ever for responses. We're adults, life happens, things come up, muses hide or aren't as strong as others. As long as you aren't actively ignoring me/our threads, there's no problem. If I don't see you posting at all then I know you just need a breather and that is A-OKAY. This is a hobby for fun. Why be fussy and cause problems due to impatience? I guess that is another pet peeve- impatience- lmao.
MUSE PREFERENCES: Bottoms. I notice myself writing of lot of "tsundere" types? Or redheads. I just love them. Misunderstood but fight against the world because they don't want anyone to know that they're broken.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both. Both is good. Everything in balance. I used to meme a lot, and I've definitely toned it down. But I don't know, sometimes getting too serious or having too many think-hard-about threads can be tiring, and lil shitposting is a good breather to be able to let you get back on with it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both are nice. I tend to overwrite, simply because my style will typically go into my muse's thought process(es), or if the thread is still being established, I try to set the scene or give background information. But, short replies are nice. Gives you a small thing to work on and take a rest between lengthier threads. That's also why I like random inbox prompts. Not all of them have to go anywhere- just gives you a space to do something else aside from your drafts.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I am absolutely not a morning person. Night owl to the max. You will see me up still at 3am more often than not. I typically wake up around 10am-1pm, so I'm usually writing right around dinner.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): In some aspects, sure. Not entirely like one-for-one with any muse, but there's always at least a piece of myself in each muses. Helps write them better, in my opinion. Only exceptions typically being any "self-insert" like characters. (ie. Robin/Avatar from Fire Emblem: Awakening). Most of those characters still have a base personality to them though, so unless you completely customize them, they're still pretty "how do YOU respond" choices change how they are.
Tagged by: Stealing dis from Rath Tagging: Yo who wants to let me know their lore?
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raayllum · 2 years
Thinking so much about the parallels between Callum and Viren, and seeing how big Callum's overprotectiveness of Ezran as his brother AND his king has become. I can't get it out of my head that the way Aaravos came to Callum is through Ez, just as Viren made decisions (according to him) to support Harrow. Something like "What are you willing to do to protect your king?"
I do think that'll be part of what could get Callum to go to Aaravos, as well as his own curiosity. After all in his mind, Harrow - his loving father - wouldn't have left Callum anything dangerous, right? And I do think similar to 2x07 now that they're in danger it'll be "I have to be mage again" --> "I have to grow more powerful." After all at the end of the last war, Callum almost lost Ezran to illusion Viren and the only reason Viren didn't win (or at least consume Zym) was because Rayla tackled him off and almost died.
I think Callum may be pursuing magic in the obsessive way he is as, in addition to his Fixer Tendencies / Solution orientated mindset, he wants to feel like he's powerful enough to be able to solve the conflict somewhat on his own - at least to protect Ezran, since again: up until she showed back up, he couldn't rely on Rayla, and it'll take time to feel like he can rely on her again. And even once he feels like he can, being scared maybe that he'll lose her again because of it.
AKA Callum - again - being more like Rayla was in TTM, Rayla getting to see some of how destructive that mindset is on the person she loves the most, etc. And again, Callum has always wanted power - S4 is just bringing that to the forefront. And as Viren said: "I will do anything to protect the king. I hope you will understand"
Callum's side of Ezran and Callum's relationship was always very informed by the trauma Callum experienced in 1) losing their mother and 2) feeling out of place with Harrow, so I'm not surprised S4 is gearing up to show how the new phase of their relationship has been informed by 1) losing Harrow and 2) Rayla's absence.
Ezran is the #1 of the two people he fears losing the most and the only one for a while he's probably willing to admit he's scared of losing. So Aaravos using Callum's love for Ezran to lure the kid in only for Rayla to pull him back / for Callum to go too deep (per a perfect 1x04 inversion of Callum's magically fuelled recklessness) only to lose Rayla in some capacity.
I do feel like Callum will likely be lured in at first regarding Ezran and then when he actually does go too far it'll be less related and more due to his own just compounded trauma or Rayla specifically, bc I feel like that is the most effective route if that is going to play into him thinking he's lost her or losing her in some way, but we will have to see
I'm definitely majorly looking forward to all the broyals content this season, I've missed their bond so much
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I am not sure how to respond to your answer because a lot of the things you have said were kinda... irrelevant?
My main point was that I think there's more stuff to be addressed with Will's character. That is why I think he's going to be targeted first. I never said he'd be the sole main character of S5. I just think there's more stuff that is to be addressed with his character. Especially because we do not know a lot of mysteries about him. We still do not know why he got targeted in S1, his S1 and S2 supernatural stuff have yet to be addressed. We do not know if he has powers or not and if that's the reason why he got targeted. We do not know why he is connected to Vecna and that has to be addressed. We do not know why the Upside Down is stuck on the time he went missing. His parallels to Vecna are not addressed and if that plays a role in him being targeted back in S1 are not yet addressed. We do not know why Will is connected to UD and how to break off his connection to Vecna and UD, etc.
I've never even said that Noah would receive more cash or would have his name appear as the first name on the show. I do not even have any idea where that came from. I am just pointing out that there are more stuff to be addressed with Will's character, thus why it makes sense for him to get targeted first to address those questions and plot points. That's my main point... I have no idea what to answer to your other points because a lot of things you said were irrelevant. Thanks for the answer anyway!
I'm sorry if I rambled! I got the impression that you thought because Will was said to be central in s5 by the Duffer's, then that means he automatically is at the center related to the overall story, and I sort of attributed that to Vecna as well. And so I felt the need to get logistical and let you down easy bc I notice there are a lot of bylers taking that Duffer snippet and are using it to like blast milkvans and say Will is the main now and El isn't anymore, which... just isn't the case. And this is coming from a will has powers and byler endgame truther. If that's not you at all then I apologize for making that assumption and will drop that whole side of the argument entirely!
As I replied to another ask just previous, I do think that if Mike is targeted, the endgame goal would be for it to somehow be a step in the right direction for Vecna to get to Will.
I think s5 is going to involve Will at the forefront when it comes to a lot of these questions being answered related to him going missing. And I do think, assuming that the whole Mike being late thing was intentional, it's very likely the opening for s5 could again somehow involve Mike being late yet again. Seeing that trend come full circle in a way that is shocking and satisfying. It just so happens that Vecna is the big bad this time around, and Mike is long overdue for some self-reflection, and so I was speculating with a few others about that possibility, because it's there.
S5 has like 10 hours of running time to account for. And Will confronting Vecna is probably going to take up a good chunk of it. And even still, as Vecna has done in past seasons, he's going to continue to be calculated.
S5 is likely not going to start with Will and Vecna simply facing off with all their cards on the table, because that would be too easy? And a little boring?
It could very likely happen where we see Vecna target Will right from the jump at the start of s5, but it's also more likely something would go wrong, leading to a delay of sorts. And I think it's going to lead to another confrontation later on, followed by several others until the final battle. But there is definitely more to it than just Vecna targeting Will, because after all that is presumably the end goal. And so it's a matter of what it takes to get to that point.
And I think just like in previous seasons, Vecna is going to use all of his moves possible if it means getting what he wants, and as far as we know, he likes tormenting people over their guilt and shame, often what he himself played a role in causing them in the first place. And he's done it with the most random of characters, even if it seemed insignificant at the time, it played it's part in his plan.
Tormenting the love of Will's life, who also happens to be the kid who has been thwarting his plans for a while now, seems like enough to at least not rule out Vecna targeting Mike, for calculated reasons.
I'm honestly not even as obsessed with the prospects of Vecna vs. Mike as I used to be post-s4. Like it was just such a concept back then bc there was so much unknown about Mike. I do think it's going to happen in s5, though I'm not as excited about it as I probably was back then, I think I'm more so just defensive at the argument that it's super unlikely and people are reaching for speculating, bc all any of us are doing is speculating based on what's been shown to us. For all we know we're all wrong.
But now with the whole twelvegate theory and Will has powers in general being a commonplace fan theory on here, I've come across so many unknowns about Will after rewatching over the last month doing my own research, and that has honestly been interesting me more than anything else as of late. It's even gotten to the point now where a lot of byler evidence appears to also be either/or willel wonder twin evidence... and so I am very excited to see how that could pan out!
Though this has also made me realize that 4 seasons of building up Will's sexuality out in the open, and with him being swamped with powers obligations next season, even more so confirms this concept of Mike being vecna'd bc... what else does he have going on? His best friend and ex gf are busy dealing with family drama, he's gonna need to get his own head together bc that doesn't really have anything to do with him. His arc is more so connected to his guilt and shame and him resolving that is going to be necessary for both Will and El to feel secure in their relationship with him in the end. I do think they all deserve that closure. Will and El will definitely get closure with one another, but I know that Will is going to be the hardest nut to crack. He is NOT going to believe Mike, unless it's clear to him what Mike has went through and is currently going through, and vice versa.
All of their arcs overlap, though I know everyone has favorites and yes some actors are billed more than others like i rambled about, but all the pieces matter in the grand scheme of things, even if it doesn't directly impact the endgame goal in the moment, otherwise there would be no story to sit here and obsess over until we get to the end.
I hope that cleared up some of my nonsense and hopefully I made a little more sense this time! Thanks for coming back to clarify!
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megurodivision · 2 years
Yeong's Thoughts on Koto Division
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Misa Arakawa
"Wow, Misa Arakawa, herself! One of the most famous CEO's of the known world today! Her brainchild, Arakawa Tech Industries, is one of the most well-known and most powerful companies in the world today! Even Chuohku, with Otome at the forefront, has to think carefully about how she proceeds when it comes to this woman. You know you're powerful when you can give the Prime Minister pause! I can just imagine Ichijiku Kadenokoji fuming at this!
"...I have to wonder though, why exactly is Arakawa-san entering this competition? It's no secret that she has no love for Chuohku or the Prime Minister. So why exactly is she entering the D.R.B.? Is it out of sheer boredom? ...No, that doesn't sound like her. ...Wait. ...Is it... is it possible that Otome may have something on her?! If so, then... what?"
Chizuru Tenjo
"Well, if it isn't the 'black sheep' (or swan, if you want to be corrective) of the family. I still have to wonder what the heck was going through this woman's mind. I mean, like I said, it's okay to be a bit envious of the talent that your sibling(s) may have. And I can definitely understand about feeling some type of way that your sister got picked over a role that you both worked equally hard for.
"But there were plenty of other ways you could have gotten your point across! I mean, seriously! Stabbing your own sister multiple times?! You're lucky you didn't kill her, for Pete's sake! And tell me this now, hun, was it really worth it in the end?"
Junko Tetsuya
"Like Saji mentioned, I've seen this little standing alongside Arakawa-san on almost interview or televised speech she's given, which are very rare, believe it or not. She seems... cold. Like not 'Saji cold', just... cold. I wonder who she is or where she came from...
"Well, whoever she is, she obviously means a lot to Arakawa-san. ...Which begs the question: if given the choice, which would she choose to save: Junko-san, or Arakawa Industries?"
Toxic Love
"'Toxic Love', huh? I can kinda see the correlation there with Chizuru-chan, but Arakawa-san and Junko-san? Not really seeing the correlation there. But hey, maybe there's some hidden there. Who knows? As far as this team goes, if we face them, I guess I'll take care of Miss Black Swan over there. But I'll let her sister finish her off. They obviously have some unfinished business to deal with between them.
"Not surprisingly, my superiors want me to make contact with Misa Arakawa, ASAP. Considering she's a powerful CEO, I'm not surprised. But what exactly do they hope to do? ...Oh well, it's none of my business. I'll extend the invite, but if she refuses, I've done all I can do."
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Woolfy & The Minx, Chapter I - Hidden Lust
It's the late afternoon. Today is not any different compared to any other. Since it's early December, the sun seems to drift away sooner, day after day. The chilly air is kept outside while it stays just warm enough here in my office. Today is just like any other, somewhat occupied with it's own concerned but not exactly edge of your seat type of things. I like it simple like this, my head in my work and my eyes on the computer monitor with the window behind it.
So there is a confession to be made here. I found her, she's online! Ask anyone and nobody would suspect who I would be referring to, and that's alright for me. This is because the nature of how I am treating my new finding and to what it is should definitely be considered as inappropriate by any rational human being. Finding her is not what I want to admit, rather it's the lust I have for her. It's my secretary, and she definitely has some interesting content that has kept my eyes glued to the screen since I've stumbled across it. Her name is Elena, very cute and sweet upon meeting her and frankly very amicable and professional. Our company is proud to have her on board. As these days go by, so many many days, my mind wanders and drifts into the unlikely possibilities of fulfilling that fantasy which most any guy can have.
Today, she is gracing my computer monitor in a way I've never seen her before, tiny white shirt and in her underwear, sitting barefoot on the floor with her soles and toes on the forefront of my screen. So there I am, captivated and intoxicated. I don't know what to think as I see this magnificent creature before me like this! No, it is not my nature to act so immaturely, I'm used to taking focus and moving on. I have several purchase orders sitting on my desk and usually I rush to have them fulfilled. Easy work, but not today. It's as if my arms are too heavy to lift and my eyes are so weightless to bring down from heaven. My mind battles within me, and at the same time so does my heart. "Go ask her out for a coffee or tea" my heart says "Don't fraternize where you work" my mind says. I'm feeling sick, though my body feels as great as ever.
My office is my hideaway in a sense. Nobody usually comes in until I request for someone to do so. It's always for some work duty related item, to bring in my coffee, or to have me review paperwork before it is faxed. This time I feel like this lust that lingers in my heart is pounding in it as much as the blood that flows through it. Today must also be the day where I ask her out to lunch, or coffee. Maybe tea? I'm not sure.
Before I ask her in, I let my heart do the leading just this once, and I look at her on my screen. "I want to have you" I tell myself "I want you near me, my sexy muse..." Am I taking this out of proportion? Am I going out of line by having such an interest with someone I work with, more so as someone who has the duty of giving my the early report every morning? These things have crossed my mind, but so has the possibility of doing nothing at all. To have a life without knowing her intimately is a life worth missing altogether.  So is it worth taking a risk, jut for a tiny bit of her company or just to be graced with a smile every now and then.
I take one more sip of water and place the cup on my desk. I turn the monitor right off, pick up the phone and call her in. "Compose yourself" I said. Though however pathetic that was, it got my mind to think of a reason to bring her here in the first place. I can't just call her up for a date. I looked around for something, anything to give her so she can make copies of it for me. Faithfully though, she came right in, opened the door and walked in my office. Nothing unusual than any other day, but every instance as she does is as if time has stopped. I see her hand on the door handle first, then her face as she looks in. This happens every time, a few seconds go by before I react, one can not simply take in her presence in stride as those few seconds are my senses just taking her in. Her tiny stature, her creamy skin, those soft curves along her body that is emulated with her black dress. And those legs, highlighted by her red heels which I find barely present but very suggestive. I look back onto her eyes which are so gently framed by her blonde hair that turns into a gradient of brown that should be a staple in nature as God intended. Will I ever stop absorbing her beauty like a sponge, even while at work? Well I will have to at least just to talk rationally.
"May I help you Derek?" she says as she steps in while leaving the door opened. My mind is restored with a realization that I don't know what to say, or what to assign her with. My eyes widened and she notices, so I react accordingly. "Elena..." my tone of voice has faded. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, Derek. Do you have something for me?" I stand up and lean against my desk, "Can you close that door? It's getting cold in here, but I need to ask you something?" "Okay", she says as she turns and closes the door. This is when I lean backward and bump my hand against the cup of water. As it is weighed down it does not fall over but shifts against the monitor screen and bumps the on button.
I notice her noticing the screen. Her eyes open widely and her mouth drops open. I could just feel immense heat scorch my face in embarrassment, right before I lean back again to aim for that off button. My attempt to compensate for the predicament is not sufficient, "Oops, sorry. Just looking, umm." Turning the monitor off does not turn off the tension in the room. Not the best way to start off an invitation. She feels just as embarrassed as I was. "I'm sorry" she exclaimed as she puts her hands over her mouth. A gesture of shock always enables everyone else to become just as shocked, but for me her reaction was a direct result of my own, and I felt like I needed to compensate. I grabbed her shoulder to at least try to look like if I was understanding the position she was in. "Oh my god, what have you seen?" She asked me with her own voice changing unfavorably. "Are you going to tell anyone?"
"Umm no, I'm not going to say anything.." While I sought out a few words to comfort her, she continued to express her concern " I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for anyone to see that, I was just curious about doing that so I tried it and..."
I wanted to tell her that it was okay and that this would not affect our professional relationship, but for some reason those words didn't leave my lips. My mind wanted to patch up the situation but my heart wanted more, this was an exposition of something secret that I wanted to be a part of, I always did. This whole situation was happening so fast, where my mind usually takes control to assess and straighten any loose ends, my heart simply just wants to express what it always wanted.
"Okay, Elena, can I tell you something? " She had her gaze turned away but turns it back to me with watery eyes. Besides embarrassment of having her secret revealed, all the possible consequences were flashing in her head, and it showed that it affected her. My breath began to race, "It's totally fine to have those pictures, I've actually been looking at them for a few weeks, since I stumbled upon them..." Her watery gaze turned into more shock. She knew that I knew about her secret all along and even more possibilities flooded her mind. What if he told others? What if the others knew? Maybe he called her up to dismiss her from her job? Perhaps mustering those words were not a good idea. I tried to compensate for that again,  "It's totally fine, in fact I have something I wanted to tell you too..." My hands never left her shoulders, my grip tightened in such a manor which Elena know where this was going. She was curious and she knew this was going to happen eventually, but she was also weary about losing her job. "No, I don't think it's a good idea..." She said "You'll just have to forget about seeing my page because I will delete it as soon as I am able to..." It seemed as if every move I tried made for the worst result. More so as her thoughts of losing her job left her lips, she was turning around to leave and do what she felt she had to do.
Time stopped for me yet again. Here we are at this fork on the road that can lead to may places, in one way I let her go as I apologize so she can delete her profile with her images and we forget everything that happened, but without looking at the other way or considering the consequences, i took that direction on the fork of that road. I grabbed her again to move her close her into my face and I kissed her. If time was already stopped then perhaps this time we fell into another dimension completely. There was no reason for me to do that, nothing foretold me to pull that move. Before that, we've spoken casually and amicably. Both of us are comparable of age, interests and mindset, but nothing closely indicating that a kiss was the right action for us to do. At the same time, such a moment felt so inevitable and just right. Feeling her lips pressed against mine and knowing that the thin moisture comes from her, this was already the gateway to my fulfillment. But of course such a moment had to stop.
I drew our lips apart and I stepped back. I looked at her as both our minds shut down completely. Nothing rational was happening between our heads, just shock and silence. She bit her lips as she gazed down while her eyes began to water again. She lifted the arm of her shoulder less dress even though it was not misplaced. She turned and started her way out the door.
"Elena..." I stood there, with a mind set to only mutter a single word...
She stopped. Arms beside her, ankle shaking on her red heels. It was such a quiet moment that both our breaths were the only audible presence in the room. She turned toward me and for the first time, she looked straight onto my eyes. She never stopped biting that lip, but as she stared upon me with those striking blue eyes, I immediately knew what was happening in her own heart: she shouldn't be here and she shouldn't be doing this, but she likes it. Elena stared back at me, and immediately she saw in me the same needy expression she had, stuck between obligation and passion.
Without saying another word, she approached me slowly, our eyes never drew apart. Our breath became louder and louder to each other and our steps drew closer and closer.
Inexplicable things have happened to me before, sometimes curious or whimsical, but this was something else. This was more than sudden but less than anticipated. She approached me, close enough to place her face right on my chest, so I place my face right where it seemed right. My arms immediately embraced the whole of her body while I planted my second kiss onto her head. It was gentle and with care. My hands pressed against her back while they moved along to wander along the edge of her black dress. I was becoming engulfed by my senses until I felt her pull back again. This time she did not go too far from me, Elena sniffed while taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes. This made me aware of what she was about to do. She proceeded to go ahead of me and approach the chair I had beside the office desk.  It was as if her body was preparing itself for what was to come, so she sat gently and with readiness that can only mean one thing, and stared up to gaze into my eyes once again.
I had no thought to it. Every move I did after transcending this state of shock was pure carnal. This moment felt right for me to kneel down before her and place my head on her lap. My hands landed beside her thighs and moved very slowly around the softness of her skin. She sat still and leaned slightly backward. She wanted to take in what she was about to receive and I wanted to give her everything that my heart wanted to expel. My face was surrounded in her warmth, so I blessed her in return by kissing her on her stomach. My hands continued touching her until they began to move lower onto her knees.
My kisses followed the direction of my hands and jumped onto her left leg. Soft kisses were leaving a trail coming downward onto her left foot. Here's when I sat on my lap and traced my hands from the sides of her knees and onto the ankle of her left foot. These touches, as attentive as they are, were a blessing for me as much as I intended them to be for her. I lifted her foot on my lap to proceed to remove her shoe. without hesitation she lifted her foot and pressed her heel on my chest. It was as if my instinct directed me to take the next step and to unbuckle that shoe to free her foot from the shoe.
I picked up that shoe with my left hand and held her foot with my right, every bit of my attention was drawn onto this moment and over the curves of her foot. So proportionate and soft, the only thing that was appropriate about all this was how well formed her foot was. So my lips approached it and kissed it, softly and gently. My carnal urges also have a duality just as my mind is separate from my heart. Sometimes I can not wait to take in as much of her as I can handle, but the other part of me knows how limited my time with her on Earth is, so I kiss her toes slowly but with keen intentions.
She lays back enough to close her eyes toward the sky, her own senses have taken over and hold her captive in this moment. Seeing this gives me no other pleasure but to continue on with her other foot. So i take the other foot while she presses it on my chest as she did the first. I loosened the buckle and removed it to kiss her on her toes just as I did before, with the same care and attention.
Are we still in my office? Are we even on Earth? It did not matter to us, before too much time passed, i placed her feet on the floor and I knelt upward to approach her mid section just as i did before, but this time I knelt with one knee so i can thrust my body over her. I kissed her stomach and felt her body over her black dress, by kisses went upward this time to the place between her chest, then moved further up onto her neck. She remained seated all the while, even as my hands moved onto her back and under her black dress. I pulled my hands away and back behind her but this time slowly moving onto her bum. Still caressing but also grabbing with intent with both hands. I lifted her as I kissed her neck. Her rearward gaze moved to me as she closed her eyes. Her legs wrapped around me as I lifted her further and turned around so that I was able to sit onto the chair. This was a good opportunity for me to loosen my grip on her bum and slip my fingers very easily underneath her dress. This warm feeling under and between her thighs, it's the sort of dream I never knew I had but always wanted. I felt her breath as she placed her ear on my chest. I kissed her head again while she felt my heart race under her. This pleased her so much, and more so as the rhythm of my heart went with the depth of my grip under her dress.
I had to have more of her. I cannot have enough of the flesh of her skin! In a singular motion, I turned her sideways and had her knees over mine. Her bum was nestled very nicely under my right hand while her arms were held firmly with my left hand. Not a single word was said nor did we express a slight noise of pleasure. We were too invested in the moment to care about any reactions we can give. My left hand let go just for a slight moment so it can roll over her head, turn under her jaw and slip inside her mouth. I pulled her head and mouth back as she suckled on my fingers. She finally did let out a soft moan that pleased me even further. When my right hand moved closer between her legs and slipped my fingers to feel her crotch, I became instantly delighted to find out that the absence of any undergarment made my pleasures this much more accessible.
My finger moved while my hand kept still. Soft circular motions surrounded the lips of her clitoris. "Am I really doing this?" I think to myself. This soft and moist sensation I felt between my fingers was just as arousing as her touching me. The sounds she proceeded to make were more so arousing. She began to moan slightly louder than before, at least she was somewhat aware of where she was. She knelt up and turned toward me. Still kneeling on my lap but with her hands on my face. She moved over me while coming down to kiss me. Her lips let go as she curved up like a Kitty to move her chest right against my face. Her dress was pulled a little lower to allow my lips to touch the pink of her nipples. I don't even know whether if it was I or her who adjusted that dress, but it did not matter. We were having our fill of our lusts, my hands pressed onto her back  to drive her chest closer onto my face while she placed her face on the top of my head. I moved my torso forward and back, pulsating with this intense warmth that needed to be freed.
As my hand drew under her bum again, she held my jaw against her so I could plant some heavy kisses onto her face. These were long and sloppy, as well as intense and hot. Our teeth clashed a few times, but again, we had not a single care in the world. We kissed deeply as her hands slipped on my back, clutching my shirt and pressing her nails onto my flesh. We kissed even more, then slower, and slower. Our lips let go and our foreheads met with a sound of more deep breathing. We didn't look at each other but instead our breaths mellowed out.
She stood up as well as I. She sat down so I knelt again to put her shoe back on one foot then the other. She traced her fingers along her hair and shook it to put it back in place. I stood up just as she did. While she re adjusted her black dress under her and over her shoulder, it seemed appropriate for me to ask at that point.
"Want to meet me for tea or coffee tomorrow? For lunch?"
"Sure, I'd love that!" she said.
So she looked at me, and I at her so I could kiss her on her forehead. She turned around and gave me one last look before she opened the door to leave.
I sat right down, grabbing a napkin to wipe the sweat off my face, even though this was just a regular cool day. Just like any other day.
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