#I've been reminiscing a lot today and I just needed to get things out ahh
aoyama-division · 5 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Karada Kessaku
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~~ May 1st ~~
"Famous men have the whole earth as their memorial."
Login Lines:
"...99... 100! Woo! Man, working hard always makes me feel tired and good at the same time! ...Hmm? Oh hey, what's up? ...A gift? Thanks, but what's it for?"
"...My birthday? ...Oh crap, I totally forgot! That was today, wasn't it? Bad enough I forgot last year. I'd have been embarrassed if I forgot this year too. Thanks dude! I appreciate it!"
Voice Lines:
"A lot of my fans came and wished me a 'happy birthday' which was appreciated. Say what you want about Aoyama, but the people here, we look out for our own, yo!"
"Hey, Gramps. It's me again. Glad to see you're doing well. You probably already know this, but... yeah, today's my birthday. I know, I know. I forgot last year. My bad. But... well, you probably already know this, but... you're the reason that I can still celebrate them. If not for you, I'd... I probably wouldn't even be here right now. I know I say this all the time, but... I'm really grateful to you, Gramps."
"Man, 29 years old. Just one year shy of 30. I don't know exactly how to feel about that. I mean, I won't say I've wasted my life up until now, but... damn it, why am I thinking about depressing stuff like that? It's my birthday. I should be happy!"
"Hey Tomi! Thanks for taking time to visit me today! ...Ha, thanks man! That means a lot! You're one of my cherished friends too! Speaking of which, how long have we known each other? I mean, Lu and I have known each other since high school, but... the first time we met was at a party, right? ...Yup, that day was one of the best cause I met a guy who I could rely on!"
"So what did you happen to get me this year? ...What's this? A... ring? ...Dude, this is cool and all, but... you do know I'm straight, right? ...Oh! It's one of those A.I. rings that monitors your heartrate and helps with exercise? Oh! Oh man. Thanks Tomi! I'll be sure to utilize this, man! Thanks a lot! ...But for future reference, maybe don't tell your guy friends that you bought them a ring. They may take it the wrong way."
"Hey Lu! Thanks for taking the time out to visit me, man! I'm glad to see you made it out of the kitchen! Speaking of which, I hope you know that since its my birthday, that means you have to cook me up a full meal with all my favorite foods! And it has to be free! ...Hahaha! Relax, dude! I'm just kidding. ...Ahh! No, wait! I'm sorry! Don't ban me again, please! ...Sheesh, Lu. I love you, but you really need to learn to take a joke, man."
"So anyway, what did you get me for my birthday? ...A water bottle? ...No offense, but that seems kinda plain, even for you, Lu. ...Oh, wait. It's one of those self-cleaning water bottles? And it keeps my drink cold for a whole day?! Oh man! Thanks Lu! I really appreciate it! This is going to come in handy at the gym! Thanks man! ...Ha! Thanks man, I mean it!"
Tomi Lines:
"Happy birthday to you, Karada. ...And why would I not take time to visit you on your special day? Despite how I may normally feel, you are one of my most cherished friends. ...Yes, it was a soiree my parents were hosting, I believe. I must admit, I didn't expect to see you there that day, but... I don't regret conversing with you. ...Ha, thank you, Karada. The feeling is mutual, I assure you."
"Anyway, enough reminiscing. Here is your birthday gift. ...Yes, it is a ring. ...Karada, do not be foolish for once. Yes, it is a ring, but not the kind you're thinking of. It's one designed to monitor your heartrate, health and other such things needed for exercise. ...You're welcome, I'm glad you like it. ...Do not worry. You are probably the only male I'd ever buy a ring for."
Luis Lines:
"Hey Karada. Happy birthday to you. ...Well, lucky for you, today was a slow day at work, so I closed up early. . ...Only because it's your birthday, I'll let that one slide. Otherwise, I'd have banned you from my restaurant again for that comment. ...Whatever. You know me, Karada. I am who I am, regardless of what people think."
"Anyway, here's your birthday gift. ...Yes, it's a water bottle, genius, but not just any water bottle. I saw an ad for it on T.V. one day. It's a self-cleaning water bottle. It uses UV light to kill bacteria, and it cleans itself every two hours. And it even keeps your water hot or cold depending on how you want it. ...Yeah, no problem. Glad you like it. Again, happy birthday."
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polar-stars · 4 years
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Back in 2016, when I was in my last months of middle school, I decided to give an anime named “Shokugeki no Soma” a shot and I had not slightest idea just how much of an impact that decision would end up having on my life. 
Guys, I won’t lie...The anime ending just hit a lot different. While I switched to manga after having watched through Season 1...The anime was still what began this journey for me after all. 
Shokugeki no Soma is far from perfect but I still so very deeply love it in the end. People who have known me for a while also know that I’ve been ranting on and on about several things and that I’m not the biggest fan of the last arc, but ultimately...Despite all my complains and all of my sulking, I still hold this series very close to my heart. 
Shokugeki’s been with me for 4 years. That’s insane. 
I normally loose interest in things...rather quickly actually. Before Shokugeki, I fandom-hopped a lot and only lasted a few months or so maybe in different fandoms. I cannot exactly pinpoint what it is about this series that just got me so hooked and attached, but well. It happened. And now here we are. 
As I said, I began to watch Shokugeki just a couple for so months before my graduation from middle school. I was actually rather underwhelmed with it’s first episode and I didn’t really wanted to continue watching, until Soma served his Pork Roast! Just Kidding!, which looked so incredibly delicious to me that ultimately I decided to give Episode 2 a chance. The rest is history. 
The series sticked to my side throughout all of highschool. In one of these year something would happen that was incredibly hard for me to deal with and Shokugeki was what distracted me. The manga came to an end closely after I graduated from highschool and that time as quite frankly been one of the best of my life and just being a part of this community had a big play in that. 
This is also something I’d like to address: The community. Never ever have I felt to have a part in a fandom community, like I did in the Shokugeki Fandom. I gathered a following unlike any other before, I organized Fandom events and participated in some. I met some through and through amazing people within this fanbase, that I wouldn’t want missing from my life today. It’s the first time I feel seen in a fandom. I’ve also come across a variety of fantastic fan work and it’s all just so ah...Beautiful. 
Finally, there’s also my Next Gen Fanfiction, that’s been in writing for 4 years now and is ultimately still in the beginning. The characters I’ve crafted for this story have become very dear to me and I’ve been developing them for such a long time now. Never before have I been this dedicated to a story and it’s a good feeling. I truly feel like finishing this monstrous project I build in my head and telling the stories of the characters I came up with. If there has been one dream I’ve had for all my life, it’s to write a book someday. And seeing people enjoy this little fanfiction of mine makes me believe that my dream might become true someday! 
All in all, although Shokugeki made me unhappy from time to time....The positives I associate with this series do overweight. Massively. And I would not trade the enchantment and the memories I’ve gotten out of this series for anything.
With a redrawing of my first fan art I ever did for the series, I just want to say:
Thank you.
Thank you Shokugeki no Soma, for...just so much. There is no denying that you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. 
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