#I've always hated that Hollywood changed the ending of the original play
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ihaveonlymydreams · 11 months ago
Went to see the Broadway tour of My Fair Lady and you guys
They fixed the bad ending
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stilldancewithyou · 3 years ago
You explained it way better than I did in my original answer. That's everything I was trying to say but it was 1am and I could not articulate my thoughts right. And I am SO GLAD to know I am not the only who felt that exact way about TATBILB and its ending, you literally took the exact thoughts from my head on that.
And the body positivity thing, I believe, can go both ways. It's just so harmful to push down young girls' throats that if they're not having all kinds of sex when they're 15/16 there's something wrong with them. Or there's something wrong with the relationship. Or they're not confident enough. Choosing not to have sex doesn't mean you're not comfortable with your body. And honestly I have had that narrative pushed down my throat so much in every other series or movie I've watched in the last 10 years of my life, I was really looking forward to seeing the refreshing take that TSITP has brought to the screen. The way Jenny Han shows in her books that a person who loves you will not cross your boundaries, will be happy to be with you and wait for you to be ready and that you can still be seen and your feelings are still valid despite choosing to wait, is so important to show too. Choosing to have sex or not is not a decision anyone should ever have to feel forced or pushed into in anyway, or made to feel bad about. Media should be building all girls up and telling all stories (as they are always claiming they try to do in Hollywood).
My biggest problem with the boob grab scene, besides the fact that it's weird and out of place and totally took me out of the moment and the fact that the scene with girls was still in the back of Belly's mind and my mind watching it is the fact that this was Belly's first intimate moment of her life, ever. And that's how they chose to show it. That really put me off the episode and changed my feelings towards Jeremiah for the rest of the episodes. Like I just wanted to see him show a little bit of emotional awareness for her in that moment, for him to be like "i think emotions are little high rn and it might be better to slow down and not rush things" something to show that he sees and understands her, especially since it's her first intimate moment and YOU CAN TELL THAT HE IS ACUTELY AWARE OF THIS. It was honestly so disappointing. The things that I liked about her in the book, that made her so endearing and made the love the brothers have for her so special were not depicted well at all. But it was made worse by Belly's narration playing over it, the fact that she was still confused about Conrad (you're telling me this girl who values intimacy so much would choose to do it while she's not certain of her feelings for the person she's doing it with?????), and the fact that the show sm account and stuff keep trying to make me love that scene and shove it down my throat as a great Jelly moment. No hate or negativity towards Jenny Han or Gavin and Lola. They were great and I don't want to take away from the beauty of their performances. That particular scene just wasn't it.
heyy I've just read, well I actually have read a lot of your analysis about the summer I turned pretty and they are honestly so good, I'm in love with them. Anyway, I've just read the one about how Belly feels about sex and how it is played in the books and I must say you're so right about it, it is so necessary to show representation of this, I have always felt the same way as her about it, so it's really something to see this and and as you say it's so importnt to tell girls that it's okay to be like Belly (and as you say the media doesn't seem interested anymore in telling this experiences or when they do it's more treated as an embarassing thing or as you being a prude and a loser so yeah same thoughts as you on that matter) love your blog btw 🥰​
aww thank you so much, you’re too kind!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way! One of the things about the show that I disliked the most was how it covered this topic but to be fair they didn’t really cover it. First of all most of the girls besides Nicole are only 16! that’s soo young. they’re practically babies still.
The scene after the volleyball tournament, before the skinny dipping scene really annoyed me. I hated how every single girl made Belly feel so humiliated and awful about the fact that she had never done anything. It just felt kinda cringey to watch cause they could clearly tell she was uncomfortable and it made me feel secondhand embarrassment for her. At that point I was like these girls are bitch ass hoes! I don’t like them anymore! the deb scene is for sheep! and then of course when they left them naked and alone out there in the dark it just confirmed that. I really appreciated that Taylor noticed how Belly was feeling and like stood up for her though. Idk the whole scene was just kinda weird to me. I know it was supposed to be reminiscent of the scene in the 3rd book when Belly is at college and she plays “never have I ever” with her college friends but I almost wished they had left it out. and then the fact that Belly’s big car make out scene with Jeremiah happens almost directly after this also bothered me because I couldn’t even enjoy the moment between them cause I was too busy cringing. like the fact that she’s clearly feeling bad about being inexperienced and the girls made her feel like she needs to do stuff and now she’s all over Jere…I couldn’t properly enjoy it. I know those scenes happened in that order for a reason and all but I just…the way things happened there just had me:
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I just hope in season 2/3 they show some open and honest conversations between her and both guys about it. Netflix fucked it up in TATBILB so I’m really hoping Jenny Han will let TSITP unfold the way the book does. And let’s be honest. if belly fucks both brothers it will really not be a good look for her at all. And I really believe focusing on the emotional connections is what made the book so effective and is what made Belly and Conrad’s dynamic so effective. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing the physical connection scenes too. But building up the emotional connection and anticipation and makes the physical parts hit sooo much better.
The representation is so important for young girls, to show Belly the way book Belly is, and how sex is such a big deal to her, and also to show her having healthy conversations with the boys about it too and how they understand how she feels and respect it! Young girls really need to see it. there wasn’t even any of that when I was sixteen in shows. Idk why we have to be out here sexualizing 16 year olds all the time in this society but here we are.
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gigslist · 4 years ago
How Hollywood Killed the Oscars
Conceptual performance artists and the ethics of art and activism…
Foreword: I investigated and wrote this at the beginning of 2021, but had to wait until the pudding proof. I only sent it to those I knew personally who would think about it. I feared that rest of you would’ve castigated me. 
Traveling and working in the arts I've lived and worked with different cultures for years at a time. Arts and trades friends and I lobbied Australia gov to save an Aboriginal sacred site as a natural open-air arts venue in Byron Bay. I’ve lived in Haight Ashbury for the past 20 years. One of the reasons I like San Francisco is that all races get along here. That is until BLM. Then everybody was deer in the headlights afraid of each other. Now people are trying to shake off the whole BLM and other acronyms and get back to being nice to each other.
But it was scary-ass sh.t. A white chick was trying to gather people for a riot on Haight Street. I wiped the slogan, in big letters, off her van. She came out of her van swinging her baseball bat. I let my Outback Ozzie Battler come out and a tai chi maneuver to fend her off. Then let out my inner Haight Ashbury freak and screamed like a crazy psycho at her.
Then I told the huge black armed security guards on Haight Street if they see anybody with riot and its slogans to nip it in the bud. Anybody who’s worked with big crowds at concerts knows about crowd psychosis. A frot man or front woman on stage has two jobs. To entertain and to keep a crowd under control.
Then I did some research to see what the fuss is about...
The Black Lives Mater movement reclaims slavery as a 1960's protest. It so wasn’t about that! I live in a loft in Haight Asbury, which was the speakeasy for the Black Panther’s fundraisers in the 1960s. The original bar is still here. So are some interesting hidden cupboards. We assume they were stash boxes, because cannabis was illegal in the 1960s. But I digress from why BLM and associated acronyms are blowing smoke up your ass. In the 1960s the Black Power Movement was not about slavery. Black Panthers and associates couldn’t claim black slavery as a protest. Because their ancestors were slave traders. White slavery has been around for thousands of years and is still going. I’m not an expert on the subject, but you can look it up in a real history book. Some Hasidic Jewish men still sell their wives and daughters into sex slavery. There are non-profits in New York about it. If researching black and white slavery, try the non-USA versions for perspective. Below is a nutshell. The American black slave trade was self-defense. After thousands of white settlers kidnapped and sold into slavery in Africa. Such as the town called Roanoke. The whole town of settlers taken twice. Roanoke sits on the African slave traders’ route from South America. From their fleets of ships on the sea, African slavers could see the smoke of the settlers’ cooking fires. There were no US navy and Coast Guard to defend the coasts back then. The problem with studying history is that ancient aliens aren’t interesting anymore. Art history is the most nit picking. Why art gets created and destroyed. What’s the motivation? Wha’s in the artist’s head? The origin of their inspiration? Is their work really a protest, or art dressed up as activism? Are they creating the art for art, ego, madness or money? The founders of Black Lives Matter. Patrice Collors, and AOC, real jobs are trained performance artists, from Hollywood. There are years of LA arts industry press about them. Their act is public group performance. Getting crowds to gather to do something, including public agitation.
That act didn't sell enough books to pay for multimillion$ houses and $25,000 restaurant tabs. So they called themselves Marxists and touted black rights spiced with fake history. To get uneducated students riled to cause riots. Now Patrice Collors does red carpet at the Oscars. For hyping up people to hate each other and hurt each other and destroy businesses and lives. To young men angry and attack defenseless elderly people and other races. That’s not art, that’s a nasty ego with greed and madness. Yes?
If you work in the arts or media for a few years in California you see psycholical patterns in artists seeking fame in Hollywood. Red carpet at the Oscars and multimillion$ houses are their ultimate goal. Else they wouldn’t be in Hollywood. New York or San Francisco is where top art for art’s sake is at in the USA.  
Hollywood artists will do and say anything to get their time on the red carpet. A conceptual artist can tell themselves it is all art, no matter what it is, harmful or not. To them it is nothing but art and a form of madness, but the lure of money brings the ego, “fame”, into it.
I'm an art historian. I research why art gets and destroyed. Including marxism. That Patrice Collors actually trained in marxism I find doubtful. African Americans are staunch Baptists. God bless them and their amazing music. Marxism doesn’t mix with freedom of art or religion. Follow the money and do the math. The total is an artist doing her “art” for money and ego’s sake for the red carpet and multimillion dollar real estate. Not for art’s sake, nor the people’s sake, and not for her people's sake.
I’ve not looked into AOC, because what I found of Patrice Collors was blowing my mind enough. I actually thought AOC was an organization. What made me notice AOC is a selfie video rant that youtube autoplayed. To jaded cynical me who's seen it too many times... AOC looked like she’d had a “bump”, roadie slang for a dose of heavy drugs. Even the freaks in Haight Ashbury said “… she looks like she’s on crack.” Their words, from hardened rock and rap concert roadies. Seen a lot of people on many kinds of drugs in San Francisco and Hollywood.
“Interventionalist History” What AOC seems to be accusing those who don’t disagree with her. 
“…a policy of interfering in another nation's affairs through coercion or threat of force. Intervention can be political, military, economic, cultural, or humanitarian, or often some combination of these...” study.com
“…an intervention is defined as a threatening act that is unwelcome by the target of one's intervention…” britannica.com 
“… practice of intervening specifically : governmental interference in economic affairs at home or in political affairs…” merriam-webster.com
“…coercion or threat of force… unwelcome by the target of one's intervention… specifically: governmental interference in economic affairs at home…” What is BLM and AOC and associated acronyms doing to everybody who doesn’t agree with them in their home, the USA? How can anybody truthfully agree with anything based on fake history or fake news? The reason why so many people publicly agree with this cr.p is fear of being threatened, bullied and Black List. Even if they don’t understand what the cr.p is about.  
The Hollywood Black List has turned USA screen offerings into unwatchable cr.p. Even on TV. It’s now rewriting history books into Ancient Aliens and winged beings with super powers. Instead of the truth. The truth that people from prehistory to the 21st century are smarter than Hollywood and media allows us to know. That’s the real reason why the Oscar ratings are at record lows.
Hollywood is writing for teenagers who want to know about sex and violence and ETs. They are not writing for jaded adults who want to relax with something think about. They watch the same English TV series over and over every night to avoid the Hollywood sex and violence. It’s also why youtube and social media are popular. Now I’m talking like an art historian.
I’m always surprised at how many USA citizens prefer English TV. Including hardened roadies and ICU nurses living in Haight Ashbury, San Francisco. They see violence and sex on the street and at work every day. They want to relax and think about something else on their time off. Once people are out of college, they are usually over the sex and violence. And kiddie lit is for baby bumps.
Pump sex and violence into kids’ heads whenever they can hack into it. Which is every night after the parents are asleep. And on their phones going to and from school. And accosted on social media by predators every 10 minutes. What will happen?
Remember that concentrated light, the screen, is the strongest hypnotic medium ever. Clinically tested and used by all the “secret agencies” and as medical therapy. Hypnotize sex and violence and UFO’s into impressionable minds for more than ten, 10, years on end. What will you get? Think about it.
Another thing that often surprises me is the politics of many people at the top of show biz. The producers behind the producers. They also don’t watch the sex and violence shows. They are progressive conservatives, not liberals, even in San Francisco. They feel safe talking to me, because I’m from Australia and an open minded neutral observer. And I'm too jaded to be bothered.
You could castigate me, but in show biz “The proof is in the ratings.” Hollywood created this big m…f… mess by indoctrinating hate and fear and greed! The Oscar ratings told you so. Hollywood is who can cleans the big m…f… mess up.
Make money from art yes, that’s why we are all here, we work in the arts industries. But don’t indoctrinate people to be hateful and fearful and greedy and call it art. Allow people to be adults. Allow people to be nice to each other.
In case you haven’t looked it up, all art and music originated out of spirituality and religion. Not out of politics.
The ancient Romans actually changed their laws to accommodate the Hebrew region. It was the Hebrews to wanted to fight anyway and destroyed all the art. Hollywood movies are not history. 
Grow up and play nice and allow your children to be children and allow them grow up in a safe world that plays nice. A dripping tap fills a bucket of hate or a bucket of nice the exact same way. You are a public mirror, will you mirror hate and fear and greed? Will you mirror a community of all races and cultures living in harmony?
That is what the Black Panthers were really about. That is likely why their fundraising speakeasy was in Haight Ashbury. Nobody hated anybody in Haight Ashbury in the 1960s. They wanted the freedom to be and do what you want to. 
And do no harm, because all lives fucking matter.
You all need a sense of something higher than yourselves to be humble to. It will enable you to stop being self-entitled assholes.
With Love
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